Re: Automated setup file uploaded

2007-07-15 Thread Chipp Walters

Wow Jacque, Great program. Can't be any more painless than that!
Worked great here on XP.

Thanks, :-)
metacard mailing list

Re: IsAstack ( )

2007-07-12 Thread Chipp Walters

I'm all for checking to see if a stack exists. Here's why.

Many times a stack can be downloaded incompletely by a user for a
variety of reasons. If you just check the filename, or the first 8
bytes, you may not know the stack is corrupted or incomplete.

So, what to do if there already is a stack with the same name open?
Just curious, would this work?

lock messages
if there is a stack tStackPath then
 put true into tExists
 delete stack tStackPath
 put false into tExists
end if
unlock messages

I would think this would work even with namespace collisions, as the
delete stack explicitly names the stacks filepath.

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard IDE devotees

2007-07-12 Thread Chipp Walters


 I am also cultivating my "curmudgeonly grumpy old man" side, and with
some considerable success I might add.

Well, just turned 51 and now available to join AARP, and was wondering at
what age one can apply for the basic curmudgeon license? Course I'm here in
the States, but Hugh, I'm thinking you should be able to at least get me
started with some tips?

metacard mailing list

Re: Debugger

2007-02-08 Thread Chipp Walters

Well, it only takes a second to run this stack:

Execute from the msg box:

go URL "";

I think this is an IDE problem, as Jerry's Galaxy seems to work correctly.
metacard mailing list

Re: Vanishing substacks

2007-01-19 Thread Chipp Walters

All I can think of is you're using 'delete stack' somewhere. As you know, it
closes a mainstack, but really deletes substacks.

metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] "Imagedata Toolkit 2" released.

2006-12-22 Thread Chipp Walters

Thanks Wilhelm for this fine toolset! I'll be sure and take a long look.

metacard mailing list

Altuit sale of altBrowser, altSQLite and altFont to RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Chipp Walters
Well, most of you probably have already read the latest news, but I thought I could add our take on things.Today we announced the imminent sale of three of our best selling add-ons to Runtime Revolution. The
three products are altBrowser, altSQLite, and altFont. All are
externals which enhance the capabilities of the RunRev development
platform and standalones. For more information on what they do, please
visit our website at Here are some answers to some obvious questions:So why did Chris and I do this? 
have felt for sometime now, Chris has pushed the external architecture
to it's limits with altBrowser. With RunRev now becoming the owner,
there are many things they can do to even make it better, as well as
integrate it more thoroughly with the IDE. altSQLite is the only
single-user DB available for RR which runs on all 3 platforms-- plus the
footprint is considerably smaller than all others. It's a natural fit
for RunRev, especially for users of other databases like FileMaker who
wish to jump out from under restrictive licensing terms. And altFont
was thrown in for 'good measure!'
When does the sale take place?Starting December 1, you can no longer purchase any of the 3 from Altuit.What about support?We
will continue to support versions purchased from us up until Dec 1. We
are not obligated to support any of the products after Dec 1. If you
ask nicely, we will probably help out. ;-)
Do existing users get free or discounted upgrades?This has not yet been determined. Purchasing a new version today does not allow you a free upgrade when
RR's version comes out in Q1, so unless you really need the
functionality now, you may wish to wait.What if I need to buy altBrowser, altSQLite or altFont between Dec 1 and when RR ships the new version in Q1 2007?You'll need to discuss it directly with the Runtime Revolution folks.
Does this mean Altuit will no longer be making externals or other products for Rev users?Nope,
we still may release some external products in the future. We currently
still have a free grouping of plugins available for developers along
with MagicCarpet, InterfaceDesigner, and ButtonGadget available for all
you guys and gals.
Does this mean Altuit is leaving the RunRev platform?Not anytime soon. Unless someone can point us to a product which allows us to develop client apps like ChartWizard <>IN
A SINGLE DAY, I seriously doubt it. Plus, we have many many clients who
depend on RunRev applications built by us for them who all need support
and next generation products.
Did you guys make a boatload of money from this?We wish.
Actually the terms are a big trade secret, but needless to say, Chris
and I won't be making any unscheduled stops in Vegas anytime soon. The
primary incentive for doing this was not money. A real bonus is, we
believe it helps to make RR a stronger and more viable platform.
Discussions with Kevin over the past month have been very positive
regarding the future of quality control for our beloved development
platform, as evidenced by the public beta announcement made today.
Thanks to all for the great support of our products. We hope to onetime again amaze you guys with some newer, neater stuff!best, Chipp and Chris
metacard mailing list

Re: Another MC-Rev anomaly: "text of image" property

2006-11-07 Thread Chipp Walters
For those of you interested, here's a test stack which I've created which should demonstrate the anomally I previously mentioned regarding PNG gamma and the other formats.go URL ""I haven't tested it on a Mac yet, but the PNG image should be a different color than the JPG and GIF images on Macs. On PC's they should all look alike.
Let me know if this isn't the case.thanks,Chipp
metacard mailing list

Re: Another MC-Rev anomaly: "text of image" property

2006-11-07 Thread Chipp Walters
On 11/7/06, Tereza Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
BUT colors in images fail to match the backcolors of objects that they did match on the Mac.)Exactly the problem. The images, while the same colors when created, do not translate to the same colors on theĀ  'other' platform. The GIF and JPG images, AFAIK, have no gamma setting and thus are not 'corrected' by Rev for the platform. The PNG's on the other hand, are corrected. This subtle effect can (and has) caused havok for me in interface design, where one would like to be able to mix PNG, JPG and GIF.

metacard mailing list

Re: Another MC-Rev anomaly: "text of image" property

2006-11-07 Thread Chipp Walters
Tereza,Even though Fireworks can create images in native Window Gamma, does it really pass the test I outlined above? I would be very surprised if it,Chipp
metacard mailing list

Re: Another MC-Rev anomaly: "text of image" property

2006-11-07 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Wilhelm,Then, if I am correct, setting the global paintcompression to RLE then 'touching' a PNG image (getting and setting both the imageData and alphaData) will now set the image to RLE instead of the original PNG. Is this your understanding as well?
I suppose I could just test this. If it does work, I will need to create a 'touchImage' plugin :-)Thanks for your hard work on this,Chipp
metacard mailing list

Re: Another MC-Rev anomaly: "text of image" property

2006-11-05 Thread Chipp Walters
Very interesting thread.I'm wondering if paintCompression should be set to RLE in Rev as well? The reason I ask is because JPG, RLE and GIF do not have gamma settings, but PNG does. In other words, a PNG graphic will look different on Mac than on PC's. Try this easy test:
create a gray 128,128,128 square image in Photoshop.Save it as JPG, GIF and PNGImport them all into Rev on a PC. They all look the same. Then view the same stack on a Mac. The PNG image looks considerably lighter. This continues to be a problem when designing interfaces between the 2 platforms. Perhaps if I tweak the imageData on the PNG with paintCompression set to RLE, it will keep it from showing the gamma change?

metacard mailing list

Re: Plugin Immunity

2006-10-16 Thread Chipp Walters

How about just making the stack a palette...then Rev can't add
controls to it because they always get added to the topStack (assuming
a topStack is open).
metacard mailing list

Re: Speed differences between MC and Rev (problem area nearly found)

2006-10-13 Thread Chipp Walters

I still think it could be some sort of memory management error inside
the engine. Not necessarily a memory leak (which would show up inside
Richard's test), but other problem. Else, why would Constellation work
for  a little bit, then quit working?

In anycase, great work Wilhelm!

metacard mailing list

Re: Speed differences between MC and Rev (problem area nearly found)

2006-10-13 Thread Chipp Walters


Your guess about memory just might be a good one.

I had to quit using Constellation when building ButtonGadget2 because
it was clear there were memory errors involved after compositing,
which also used imagedata and alphadata calls quite a lot. After a few
composites with Constellation open, things just got weird and the
compositing sooner or later quit working. As soon as I closed
Constellation and removed from memory, things started working again.
Jerry assured me he did nothing with imagedata calls or traps.

One of the reasons to this day I try and keep all plugins (including
my own) closed unless I have to use them.

My guess is there is a memory issue at play here, which is always
difficult to diagnose.
Wilhelm, your tests are great! Please if you haven't already, test in
standalones as well. Just create a standalone launcher app, which
auto-launches the stack in the same folder. One for Rev and one for MC
and see if the speed differences occur in standalones as well. Perhaps
you've already done this and I've missed it somewhere?

Good stuff.  -Chipp
metacard mailing list

Re: Speed differences between MC and Rev

2006-10-11 Thread Chipp Walters


Just wondering, did you 'lock messages' before and 'unlock messages'
after when running the script? If not, you might want to try it and
see if it doesn't speed things up.

Also, you probably want to make sure 'Variable Checking by Default" is
turned OFF in the prefs pane for RR.

best, Chipp
metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard on Windows

2006-09-24 Thread Chipp Walters

Hi Shari,

If you have Photoshop, then check out my icon tutorial at:

It should help you create the appropriate icons for Windows standalone.
metacard mailing list

Re: Sending E-mail

2006-04-30 Thread Chipp Walters

Hi Ray,

I have a nice 'slimmed down' version of Shao Sean's libSMTP with a nice 
wrapper and test harness called altEmailHarness at the bottom of page:

I believe it should work with MC.



Ray Horsley wrote:

Anybody know of a way to send an E-mail from Metacard?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: ColorizeScript challenge (Counter)

2006-04-28 Thread Chipp Walters
I use it all the time. I guess it's what you're used to. For me, it's 
great for typos..if the word doesn't colorize, I typed it wrong. I'm 
used to it now and it's second nature to look for the colorization as 
I'm typing.


 >>> And I don't colorize my scripts. How pathetic are we? Make sure 
 >>> Richard buys you a nice meal.

 >> I don't colorize either. What a couple of saps.

 >> That makes three of us. :)

 > four!
tCount + me = Five

metacard mailing list

Chipp Walters

metacard mailing list

Re: Rev licensing - post factum rulings ???

2006-02-27 Thread Chipp Walters


Thanks for your clarification! I can breathe easier now. I assume below 
you're not referring to either MC or Constellation regarding IDE's as 
they both require a licensed Revolution engine to run. Also, the 'single 
app' you're referring to of course is StackRunner?


J. Landman Gay wrote:
In reality, 
Runtime only wants to protect its own software; thus, no competing IDEs, 
and no competing Player. "Player" in this sense means only those apps, 
like StackRunner, that have little function of their own except to open 
other stacks and, in particular, to run them as though they were 

In the entire history of Revolution, 
there has been only a single app produced that would cross the licensing 

Chipp Walters

metacard mailing list

Re: Rev licensing - post factum rulings ???

2006-02-26 Thread Chipp Walters
Not sure why this is a problem. I thought it's always been the case. 
Lots of products have a 'parts created by' segment in their copyright 

It sure beats MM Director's insistence the Director logo be part of the 
startup/quit screen.



Thomas McGrath III wrote:

Also, it seems the copyright notice is now required:

"You must include the following copyright notice where other such  
notices appear. In the event that such other notices do not appear in  
the Created Software, this notice must be placed in a reasonable  

This will severely affect my software and what I plan on doing.

metacard mailing list

Re: Rev licensing - post factum rulings ???

2006-02-26 Thread Chipp Walters


You seem to be the person who best understands this. Can you answer me 
the questions below (as two emails to Kevin at RunRev are still awaiting 
an answer)?

We all know that the new Rev Media app is supposed to work with 
templated solutions. I believe one of them is a slideshow presentation. 
From the front page of RR's website:

"Right out of the box it includes templates for creating kiosks, 
presentations, adventure games, portfolios and more."

So, can I legally create an application, say a presentation application, 
which generates my own slideshow stacks, and I bundle it with a very 
simple player so my users can run their saved slideshow stacks and the 
whole thing is built so the user never directly enters any Transcript? 
It would seem to me, this app I described above is in direct competiton 
with Rev Media.

Furthermore, can I legally create a Home stack application, kinda like 
HyperCard, where users can build very simple apps like an address book 
or recipe database, all w/out scripting (like HC)? Each stack they save 
can be opened and edited in my original HClike application. This is the 
HyperStudio scenario of which I imagine Marielle may have been planning 
on building.

Now with DreamCard becoming discontinued, it appears that my 'Home stack 
app' described above, no longer represents competition for RunRev, as 
it's specifically targeted at those who are NOT scriptors.

So, what is RR's license policy on both of these? This whole licensing 
issue is of great interest to me and I'm hoping to better understand the 
boundries. I'm sorry you feel much of this is 'misconstrued', but I 
think it's a very important subject for now and future RR developers.



J. Landman Gay wrote:

It is hard for me to believe how misconstrued this licensing discussion 
has become. It seems so very simple to me. The rules are straightforward:

1. You can't create a competing IDE. This has always been the case.
2. You can't create a generic, public "player" application.

Everything you describe in your situation is perfectly fine. RR does not 
require a customized splash screen on any app you create. RR does not 
require anything at all different than what you have been doing all along.

The only change -- which isn't really a change, but is now being 
enforced -- is that you cannot create a generic player app that is 
distributed for the sole purpose of providing "player" capabilities for 
stacks unrelated to your own software.

Aside from StackRunner (which is Ken Ray's product, not Richard's) no 
one else in the history of Revolution has ever created such an animal 
and no one else is affected.

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.7 building standalone

2006-02-18 Thread Chipp Walters

Kevin says this about StackRunner on the Improve List:

"We have turned a blind
eye to this in 2.6 because our player had a number of known issues which we
didn't have the time to correct."

A very slippery slope for RunRev indeed.


Ken Ray wrote:

I have an email into Kevin to talk to him about this and the upcoming
Revolution Player to see what's on the horizon for StackRunner. When I know
more, I'll post it.
Well, if they do the new Player correctly, I'd be glad to put StackRunner
aside. We'll have to wait and see, though...

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.7 building standalone

2006-02-18 Thread Chipp Walters

So, does this mean Ken cannot compile a 2.7 version of StackRunner?

You think there would be some mention of this very substantial license 
change somewhere else other than the license text. Perhaps there was and 
I just missed it.

I hope this doesn't affect the splashscreen stack approach! All my apps 
use it.



J. Landman Gay wrote:

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

 The updated Player for 2.7 stacks was compiled succesfully and works.

I will add it to my website.

The licensing agreement for 2.7 has now changed, and custom Players are 
no longer allowed. :(

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.7 building standalone

2006-02-17 Thread Chipp Walters

OK, Now I'm confused.

Jacque and Wilhelm, are you saying one can't create an app like Ken 
Ray's StackRunner in 2.7? Surely not. Perhaps a little more elaboration 
on what it is you mean by:

 "Conversely, you can't run any external stacks using a standalone as a
>> "player"


metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.7

2006-02-16 Thread Chipp Walters


Why couldn't you release an MC app to any of your 3000 users? I don't 
understand. Are you saying it must be a Rev app?

It's also not clear from your message whether or not you ARE an 
Enterprise user. As Richard stated earlier, only Enterprise users can 
upgrade with MC or have access to the Improve List where beta testing 
takes place.




If i update to Rev enterprise (peanuts money for my company - not for my 
personal license though), i still have 1 case that is since 1999 blamed 
on windows drivers when the fault is clearly in rev/mc engine.
That was later posted as bugzilla 1076... For the life of me, i couldn't 
release a metacard based software to any of our 3000 users in the 
company since we all use terminal services or metaframe servers...

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.7

2006-02-15 Thread Chipp Walters
Yeah, I agree. I tend to be more 'free' on this list than use-rev. And 
count me to blame a bit for the Windows testing, but frankly, sometimes 
I have time for testing, and other times I just don't.

The testing process is a difficult one, but there are convential 
practices for doing it-- many take lots of time and money.

When we used to develop CD-ROMs for big customers like Disney, we HAD to 
get it right the first time, as you can't recall 150,000 SKU's at XMAS 
time. We ended up paying big dollars to have testing labs do round the 
clock testing of beta and golden master versions.

One of the great things (which I've been preaching for awhile) is the 
new updatability of 2.7. This enables Rev to go to market and then fix 
any anomalies easily at a later date. I hope Rev uses this to it's 
advantage. I mean, look how many releases WinXP has! It's constantly 
updating itself.



Richard Gaskin wrote:

I'll have to be extra careful, since I tend to feel a bit more free on 
this smaller MC list, and try to exercise a little more careful 
judgement on the much bigger Rev list.

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.7

2006-02-15 Thread Chipp Walters
I should correct myself, Mark has directed me to the correct method of 
installing database drivers in order for them to be incorporated into 
the build process.

He's a wonderful asset to both the company and community. His work is 
certainly split among most various and important tasks, and he still 
finds time to help us out individually.

Thanks Mark!


Chipp Walters wrote:
With all due respect to MW, I've found problems with the Standalone 
Builder in Rev (not MC) which he originally claimed weren't there.

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.7

2006-02-15 Thread Chipp Walters
With all due respect to MW, I've found problems with the Standalone 
Builder in Rev (not MC) which he originally claimed weren't there. I 
assume he's got so much on his plate that it's difficult to catch every 
issue. And of course, many of us had chances to test this as well during 
beta cycle. Just like him, I ended up with too much on my plate to 
effectively beta test different scenarios prone to errors.

Rev needs to market products...that's how they make money. 
Unfortunately, an architectural change of this magnitude will take a 
long time to ferret out all possible combination of problems.

I'm planning on sticking with 2.6.1 until at least a version or two of 
upgrades are announced.


Richard Gaskin wrote:

Mark W sez that all we need to do is point to the new engines for 
building standalones in the Rev install.

I haven't had a chance to check this out yet, but MW seemed confident 
enough that I'm not too worried about it.

metacard mailing list

Re: backgroundgroup get changed when I place it on a card (Now in TEXT format)

2006-01-17 Thread Chipp Walters

Here's a couple of ideas...

Try checking to see if the sharedText of the field of the group in 
question is true or not. Try setting it to true and see if it doesn't 
change then. If it doesn't, then I'm guessing the textFont of that field 
or one of the other properties, is reverting to a default property and 
that may be screwing you up.

I guess if all else fails, Try Richard Gaskin's UmbreallaMan plugin 
which can trap the messages being sent during this whole process.

You could have some name space collisions which are going undetected, or 
the names are explicit enough or any of another bunch of things. 
Including, perhaps you have 2 copies of grp "BgWorSat"!



Reinhold Venzl-Schubert wrote:


I found the button to switch of the html-code.

Here is my question again:

I have a stack with three different backgrounds. To create a new card
the program ask for the desired background.
Then it goes to the last card, and creates a new one. The new card
gets the background of the formerly last card.
Then the program asks for the background of the new card. When it is
different to the desired one, it removes the wrong background and
replaces the desired one onto the card.

The available backgrounds are "BgKonjug", "BgWorSat" and "BgInfPar"
When it replaces the background "BgWorSat" then "BgWorSat" changed:
One field of if gets a little bit bigger then before. All cards with
this background are concerned.
The normal field-size is height/width 24/584 and afterward it is
28/588. 4 point larger in each direction.

  The program memorize the desired background in the variable "BgWhl"

This is my script to change the backgrounds:

   if BgWhl = "BgKonjug" then
 repeat for each item k in "BgWorSat,BgInfPar"
   if there is a grp k then
 remove grp k from this cd
 place bg "BgKonJug" onto this cd
   end if
 end repeat
 if BgWhl = "BgWorSat" then
   repeat for each item k in "BgKonJug,BgInfPar"
 if there is a grp k then
   remove grp k from this cd
   place bg "BgWorSat" onto this cd
 end if
   end repeat
   if BgWhl = "BgInfPar" then
 repeat for each item k in "BgWorSat,BgKonJug"
   if there is a grp k then
 remove grp k from this cd
 place bg "BgInfPar" onto this cd
   end if
 end repeat
   end if
 end if
   end if

All fields in the backgroundgroups has the same fieldproperties and
the "Lock Location" is selected.

What can I do to fix this mistake?


Am 17.01.2006 um 19:00 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I suppose there is a error in your email-software.


I mean: I'm reading all the messages from the the list in TEXT format.
So I get lot of garbage when reading HTML messages ;-)

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

MC notes...

2006-01-17 Thread Chipp Walters


Ended up installing MC on a machine to create some custom standalones. 
Thanks to Ken Ray for help in discovering the MC IDE v2.5.1 didn't work 
with my .ico files (icons). He told me to download the 'Latest Test 
Version.' You might want to change the 'Latest Test Version' to the 
'Latest Version that Works;-)'

Also, the words 'run off' the dropdown menus on my version (XP). I 
suspect it's because the new effective font in Verdana? I would change 
it to Tahoma 11 on PC.



metacard mailing list

Re: MC IDE v2.6b12 posted

2005-12-29 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks Richard for keeping track of all of this. It's a thankless job 
with few rewards, but many of us do notice. :-)


Richard Gaskin wrote:

The latest build of the MC IDE is now available at:

Among other enhancements, this build include an updated Variable Watcher 
from Ken Ray, and the latest libURL from Dave Cragg.

Thanks to all for their contributions to this build.

metacard mailing list

Re: Printing PDF Files

2005-09-29 Thread Chipp Walters

Currently it's not supported. Seems like it may be difficult to add.


Alejandro Tejada wrote:

on Wed, 28 Sep 2005
Chipp Walters wrote:

While altBrowser does now have printing support, it
only prints webpages, not PDF acrobat documents.

Hi Chipp,

The adobe pdf plug-in inside a browser displays
a series of buttons in the top of the pdf area.

Will be possible in the future to send
clicks to buttons or controls inside an
altbrowser window or fill forms within a
webpage with data filled in RR/DC/MC?


Visit my site:

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Printing PDF Files

2005-09-28 Thread Chipp Walters


While altBrowser does now have printing support, it only prints 
webpages, not PDF acrobat documents. Sorry.


Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Ken, would a pdf file displayed inside MC using
altbrowser, printed in this way, via script?

metacard mailing list

Re: drag and drop image import?

2005-09-06 Thread Chipp Walters

Try this:

Create a blank image object on your stack. Set the lockLoc of it to 
true. Set it's script:

on dragenter
  set the acceptdrop to true
end dragenter

on dragDrop
  get the dragdata
  if it is not empty then
put it into tFile
if char -4 to -1 it is ".jpg" then
  set the filename of me to it
end if  
  end if
end dragDrop

That should get you started :-)



Eric Engle wrote:

I would like to be able to drag an image to a metacard stack, drop the image,
and have the stack recognize it as an image and import it. 

I have no idea the properties if that is even possible, I sort of doubt it. I
could script opening a directory and importing the image no problem, or even a
whole folder of images. But what I've not yet figured out is whether there is
any way to poll the cursor for dragged images (on any platform).


Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Houston, We Have A Problem

2005-07-13 Thread Chipp Walters

Alejandro and Geoff,

I was working on this with Scott last nite. We both now about imageData 
and how it can do this for us, but the question still remains: Why does 
Scott's script work in RR and not in MC? I tried it on RR on both Mac 
and PC and it works just fine, but Scott couldn't get it to work in the 
MC IDE. Hmmm.

metacard mailing list

Re: Houston, We Have A Problem

2005-07-13 Thread Chipp Walters

I think for MC you need to add the following right after 'create img'

choose browse tool


Scott Rossi wrote:

On MacOSX, this script fails in MC:

on mouseUp
  go stack test1
  import snapshot from rect (rect of grc 1) of window (windowID of stack
  go stack test2
  create img
  put last img of stack test1 into last img of stack test2
end mouseUp

...but works in Rev.


metacard mailing list

Just like Scott, I'm testing.

2005-06-28 Thread Chipp Walters

Go about your business.
Yesterday I couldn't post on this list, just checking to see if I can today.


metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] revJournal is back!

2005-06-19 Thread Chipp Walters
Congratulations on your launch Richard! RevJournal has been sorely 
missed, and here's hoping it will flourish even more with you guiding it.



Richard Gaskin wrote:

It seems the press release originally scheduled to go out today is a bit
late getting circulated, so let me be the first to share the news:

revJournal is back!

The press release copied below.

Many thanks to revJournal founder Alan Golub for making it all happen!

metacard mailing list

[OT]: MC IDE b9

2005-06-10 Thread Chipp Walters


Im so tired of repeating it...


It's obvious you're a very smart guy, and have a wealth of knowledge in 
many technical areas. But frankly, everytime I download one of your 
stacks, invariably it doesn't work, or I can't figure out what you're 
trying to do, or there's no documentation. I've subsequently quit trying.

You typically reply with a note, "it's still in beta." I certainly 
understand. It takes a lot to 'finish and deliver' software. If I may be 
so bold as to recommend a good marketing technique: Only 'announce' 
finished, documented, and as close to bug-free software as possible. In 
this way you'll gain many more users and supporters of your software.

I know you're excited about TAOO and other plugins and libraries you've 
created. But, if you try only announcing and supporting a simple great 
product, like your 'breakpoint killer,' IMO, you would gain lots of 
credibility with potential users. Then, later you'll be able to command 
attention and respect and most importantly CUSTOMERS when you announce 
newly finished products. This is how you can build a customer base you 
can market to.

I hope you take this as well intended advice and not admonition.

best regards,

metacard mailing list

Re: Pasting images: purity or usability?

2005-05-17 Thread Chipp Walters

Richard Gaskin wrote:
And Klaus, relax.  If you let other people's performance affect yours 
you'll become grouchier than a barking Texan. :)
Hey, be nice to your brethren in the south. Some of us have an even 
worse bite than bark!

-Cowboy Chipp
metacard mailing list

Re: image compress

2005-03-23 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Rick,
Try this (not tested but I think it should work)
on mouseUp
  answer file "image to compress"
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put it into tFileName1
  put tFileName1 & ".gz" into tFileName2
  put compress(URL ("binfile:" & tFileName1)) into \
URL ("binfile:" & tFileName2)
end mouseUp
on mouseUp
  answer file "image to decompress"
  if it is empty then exit to top
  set the filename of img 2 to \
decompress(URL("binfile:" & it))
end mouseUp
Or if you want to actually put the file INTO the image:
put decompress(URL("binfile:" & it)) into img 2
hope that helps,
Rick Rice wrote:
I've been trying to compress images
When I use the following to compress I do get a file.
on mouseUp
  answer file "image to compress:"
  if it is empty then exit mouseup
  put it into timage
  put compress(timage) into URL "binfile:/CSMLS Moncton/DATA/AREA"
end mouseUp
But when I decompress with the following, the display (card image 2) is 

put url ("binfile:" & tPath) into encryptedImage
put decompress(encryptedImage) into pictData
put pictData into card image 2 of cd "display"
metacard mailing list

Re: Animated GIFS

2005-03-18 Thread Chipp Walters
Oops, sorry. Of course -1 repeats forever.
I generally 'reset' my animated gif's to frame 1 when I'm finished with 
them, then hide them.

That way when they get shown again, and the repeatCount is -1, they 
start from the first frame.

I'm pretty sure there's no 'overhead' in either approach.
Scott Rossi wrote:
Recently, Chipp Walters  wrote:

Set the repeatcount of img "test.gif" to -1
Will keep it from repeating

Actually, a repeatCount of -1 will make it repeat forever. :-)
metacard mailing list

Re: Animated GIFS

2005-03-18 Thread Chipp Walters
Set the repeatcount of img "test.gif" to -1
Will keep it from repeating
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 10:58 am, Shari wrote:
I'm experimenting with animated GIFS in MC and have a question.
I created the frames as layers in Photoshop, opened ImageReady, and 
saved all the frames as an animated GIF.  This seems to work fairly 
well.  I can import the GIF.  Even though it is supposed to play only 
once (no looping), it loops over and over again.  But searching the 
archives offered a solution for that.

on mouseUp
  set the repeatcount of image  "kittycat.gif" to 0
  set the currentFrame of image "kittycat.gif" to 1
  wait 1 second
  show img "kittycat.gif"
exit mouseUp
on setTheFrame
  put "kittycat.gif" into MyGif
  set the currentFrame of image MyGIF to (the currentFrame of image 
MyGIF + 1)
  if the currentFrame of image MyGIF =  the frameCount of image MyGIF 
hide img "kittycat.gif"
exit setTheFrame
  else send setTheFrame to me in 50 milliseconds
end setTheFrame

This still leaves a question regarding the repeat looping:  If the GIF 
is hidden, it won't keep looping "behind the scenes" and hogging memory 
will it?

Mac and Windows shareware games
metacard mailing list
Chipp Walters,
Sent from my Sidekick
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Re: MC IDE problem (ex-problem)

2005-01-22 Thread Chipp Walters
Any idea on when we will see 'flip IDE' ?
We are just patiently wait for fixes and for flip ID plug in :)
metacard mailing list

Re: Saving SA settings (was: Planned changes for b9)

2005-01-22 Thread Chipp Walters

Klaus Major wrote:
Whether settings are stored as a customproperty or as a series of 
cards, I don't mind, so long as I can choose
past settings without having to re-type the all each time!

But that would require that the "Version Info" (and thus "mctools") 
stack would have to be
saved every time, something i woul like to avoid...

Would someone mind if i create a "MCIDE" folder in the prefs folder on 
your HD and save all infos there
in a text file or stack?

specialfolderpath("preferences") -> Mac
specialfolderpath("35") -> Win 2000/XP
specialfolderpath("system") -> Win 95-99
$HOME -> *NIX ?
Please advice if there is a better place on *NIX"!
Then i could provide some menus/buttons in the "Version Info" stack...
What do you all think?
Your proposal is definitely the way to go. Saving as an extra card is 
never a good idea unless the card is used only as a storage file and is 
seperate from the business end of the prefs. That way, you can throw 
away the prefs stack file and the 'business-end' will create a new one 
and save it.

Storing the standalone prefs as XML soundls like a pretty good idea.
metacard mailing list

Re: function to calculate string length...

2005-01-03 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks. Got it. Different strategy, but nice:-)
Wouter wrote:
Chipp, sorry for the delayed response due to festivities.
My other handler is using the difference in number of lines of a field 
and the number of lines of the formattedtext of the same field if the 
text is "wrapped". And it is useless if the words in the list field are 
very long and the width of the field is very small (as it uses the word 
wrap done by the engine).
Hugh also pointed out that the character used for the ellipsis is 
differently mapped in windows and mac.
Mac uses the numtochar(201) while windows uses numtochar(133) (according 
to Hugh).
So back to the use of the normal 3 points and optimizing your original 

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metacard mailing list

Re: function to calculate string length...

2004-12-28 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks for this, would you mind explaining what it does?
Thanks again
Wouter wrote:
Re: function to calculate string length...
Chipp Walters
Sun, 26 Dec 2004 04:21:44 -0800
Well, I cobbled this together from some of the archives...
Anyone see an obvious place to optimize?
on formatFld pFldName, pTxt
  lock screen
  put the width of fld pFldName into tW
  set the width of fld "formatCheck" to tW
  repeat for each line L in pTxt
put L into fld "formatCheck"
put false into tIsTooLong
repeat while the formattedwidth of fld "formatCheck" > tW
  delete last char of fld "formatCheck"
  put true into tIsTooLong
end repeat
if tIsTooLong is true then
  put fld "formatCheck" after tList
  delete char -5 to -1 of tList
  put "..." & cr after tList
  put L & cr after tList
end if
  end repeat
  delete last char of tList
  put tList into fld pFldName
  unlock screen
end formatFld
Chipp Walters wrote:
Looking for some help.
 I have a list field and want to add an elipsis (...) at the end of 
lines which are truncated and won't fit in the field. I was wondering 
if anyone out there may have a function to do this quickly?

Sorry for posting this on the metacard list, because for the moment I 
cannot post to the use-rev list.
But as this can be used in both IDE, I hope you don't mind.
Here is a different approach to the problem (further adaptation may be 

Use a temporary field with the same props as the listfield except for 
the dontwrap property (which should be false).
Instead of the name of the field use the short id of the field to call 
this handler.

on formatFld pFldID
  put fld id pFldID into y
  put y into fld "temp"
  put the formattedtext of fld "temp" into x
  put "" into fld "temp"
  repeat for each line i in y
put 1 into tC
repeat for each line h in x
  if tC = 1 then
put h into tTemp
put h into tRetain
  else put space & h after tTemp
  if tTemp = i then
if tC = 1 then put i & cr after tList
else put tRetain & numtoChar(201)  & cr after tList
delete line 1 to tC of x
exit repeat
  else add 1 to tC
end repeat
  end repeat
  put word 1 to -1 of tList into fld id pFldID
end formatFld
Greetings and best wishes to everybody,
metacard mailing list

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2004-12-24 Thread Chipp Walters
Currently neither MC nor RR support FTP. There were some rumblings about 
Dar creating an external for it, but I'm not sure if that ever came about.

Simon Lord wrote:
Does MetaCard/Rev support SFTP as well as FTP?  I'm running the MC IDE 
with the rev engine and was curious.  My provider doesn't allow FTP, 
only SFTP so I before I test something senseless I wanted to ask the list.

metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

Re: Fld image

2004-12-08 Thread Chipp Walters
Of course the imgsource prop works, but I prefer using HTMLtext
try setting the htmltext of a fld to:
You should have an img "fred.png" on your card somewhere
then in the field script put:
on linkClicked pWhich
  switch pWhich
  case "doThis"
end linkClicked
Now when you click the image in the field, it fires off the 'doThis' 
case statement.

Simon Lord wrote:
I have seen a few posts about embedding images into a text fld, but now 
that I need to actually do this myself I'd like to know if any samples 
or articles exist on the topic.

I need to embed an image into a fld and have 2 or 3 lines of text 
aligned to the right side of it (may need to place two flds side by 
side?).  The crux here though is to make the images clickable.

metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

Re: Security schemes for Players

2004-10-02 Thread Chipp Walters

Alejandro Tejada wrote:
I have a player which downloads stacks from a web 
page. Here's how I do it:
I password protect my stacks
I create a custom control (btn,fld,img,etc..) 
and set the script to a secret word only I know.

Could this be used when several teachers are able 
to edit the stacks?
Interesting requirement. I suppose I would create a standalone which 
would 'bless' stacks. Here's how it would work. When a teacher finishes 
editing a stack, they drag/drop it on the 'Blesser.exe' standalone and 
it would:

1) ask for a username/pass combo so we know it's a 'good' teacher
2) lock messages and looks for the custom object
3) if the custom object is there, then it would calculate a checksum for 
the new stack and put the value of it somewhere in the script. You would 
then use this checksum later on when trying to open the stack using your 
player stack. This way a teacher couldn't make modifications to your 
stack w/out having to 'reBless' it-- because any modification would 
change the checkSum and then the player wouldn't recognize it as a good 
4) save the stack and quit 'Blesser.exe'

function getChecksum pFilePath
  return URLencode(md5digest(URL ("binfile:" & pFilePath)))
end getChecksum

Just one question.
To read the script you have to unlock the stack 
script everytime you open the stack.

When do you set the password again, so scripts
are encoded again? Or is this not necessary?
In runtime mode, I wouldn't worry too much about this. In development 
mode it's not a big problem either as the Blesser app described above 
wouldn't let anyone change the stack and run it w/out being blessed.

You could also do something fancy with a 
checksum function if you wanted.

Like MD5digest, right?
How fast is MD5digest in diverse machines?
See above. It's real fast for regular size stacks.
If a file is too large, consider breaking it up, or using external 
reference paths to content (like movies, images, sounds).
Getting the md5digest of a 545 mb iso cd
takes almost 30 seconds in a fast machine
using a small DOS program. 
metacard mailing list

Re: Security schemes for Players

2004-10-01 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Alejandro.
I have a player which downloads stacks from a web page. Here's how I do it:
I password protect my stacks
I create a custom control (btn,fld,img,etc..) and set the script to a 
secret word only I know.
When I try and launch one of my stacks I do the following:

1. lock messages (preOpenCard handler won't run)
2. check for the existence of the control
3. get the script of the control and compare it to the string I know
4. if all is OK, then I open the stack and unlock messages.
Don't put the password in a custom prop as it isn't encoded when the 
stack is password protected. You could also do something fancy with a 
checksum function if you wanted.

hope this helps,
Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Did anyone devised a safe and sound
method to ensure that only your authorized
stacks were able to open and play in your 
custom players?

I've thought about reading some custom
properties (wrote while developing the stacks)
before opening the stacks, but i'm not sure
if this will prevent that not authorized
stacks will run offensive code within a 
preopenstack handler.

Could you share experiences on this topic? 
metacard mailing list

Re: easy externals question

2004-09-25 Thread Chipp Walters
You can set a stacks externals and it will be saved with the stack. 
Externals are a property of the stack, so you only need set them once 
and they will load each and every subsequent time the stack is launched.

If you want to dynamically set the externals of a stack, you can do this 
too, by having a main stack set the externals of 'otherStack', save 
'otherStack', then close and remove from memory otherStack (delete stack 
'otherStack'), then open otherStack and the externals will now work with 

Hope this helps.
metacard mailing list

Re: Internet communication through a Firewall

2004-09-24 Thread Chipp Walters
Firewalls and proxies can be a big problem for software developers. 
There is a setting called "the httpProxy" you might want to take a look 
at in Rev (don't know if it exists in MC).

Also, the latest version of libURL supports Basic Authentication and 
NTLM authentication (PC only, using our NTLM.dll). You need to find out 
from your sysAdmin what type of authentication you are using and then 
see if you can authenticate against it.

Alejandro Tejada wrote:
I've been busy working in courseware for my classes,
but the internet communication of the courseware
stacks are stopped by the firewall in the computer
metacard mailing list

Re: easy externals question

2004-09-23 Thread Chipp Walters
Just use relative paths to externals.
What's the procedure to dynamically make the externals of  a stack 
readily available?
Stack with externals is copied to a new machine. Stack opens, externals 
filepaths are re-set, so ask user to quit and try again??

metacard mailing list

Re: How to do clean install of MetaCard?

2004-09-10 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks Jacque,
This should probably be included in the installation instructions at the 
 MC IDE group front page.

J. Landman Gay wrote:
Go here:
Download the last available version of MC for OS X. Decompress. 
Substitute the Rev app inside its bundle for the MetaCard app inside its 
bundle. Rename the MC one to "MetaCard." Now you have an old IDE with a 
new engine.

Download the newer MC IDE. Substitute the 2 or 3 stacks in there for 
your existing ones. Done.> 
metacard mailing list

Re: How to do clean install of MetaCard?

2004-09-10 Thread Chipp Walters
Sorry Klaus, that didn't work either.
I've created a folder in the same directory at the,, 
and and named it "". Of course the extension went 
away because the Mac now thinks it a bundle.

Next I opened the bundle and created a new folder named "Contents", then 
opened it and created a new folder named "MacOS" and then opened it and 
copied the Revolution 2.5 executable from the Revolution bundle at

Now, I double click on the bundle and nothing happens. Any 
other suggestions?

Klaus Major wrote:
Hi Chipp,
I need to run MC on a new Mac (Panther). From the MC IDE User Group:
" The engine that drives the MC IDE is Runtime Revolution. The latest 
version is available at
After downloading, you'll need to place the engine into the MetaCard 
folder, renaming it to "mc.exe" on Windows, "MetaCard" on Mac Classic, 
and "mc" on Linux. On OS X you need to copy the executable from the 
the Revolution bundle in to"

1) The MC IDE of course doesn't contain a

2) If I copy the and rename it and then 
change the executable name inside the bundle to MetaCard, it won't 
launch at all (using RR 2.5)

Copy only the executable from the the Revolution bundle in 
"" to 
and not the complete application package.

Help anyone?

No, thanks ;-)

Klaus Major
metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

How to do clean install of MetaCard?

2004-09-10 Thread Chipp Walters
I need to run MC on a new Mac (Panther). From the MC IDE User Group:
" The engine that drives the MC IDE is Runtime Revolution. The latest 
version is available at
After downloading, you'll need to place the engine into the MetaCard 
folder, renaming it to "mc.exe" on Windows, "MetaCard" on Mac Classic, 
and "mc" on Linux. On OS X you need to copy the executable from the the 
Revolution bundle in to"

1) The MC IDE of course doesn't contain a
2) If I copy the and rename it and then 
change the executable name inside the bundle to MetaCard, it won't 
launch at all (using RR 2.5)

Help anyone?
metacard mailing list

Re: IDE and libUrl

2004-09-08 Thread Chipp Walters
Let me know if you need a place to host libURL. I've got plenty of 
server space.

Dave Cragg wrote:
On 8 Sep 2004, at 03:17, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Some time ago Dave Cragg wrote:
>> The version of libUrl (1.1a3) currently being distributed with
>> the Rev 2.5 beta (engine 2.6.1) is not backwards compatible with
>> earlier engines. This is because of syntax added to support
>> secure sockets in https URLs.
Can older versions of libURL be used with newer engines (without 
support for new features, of course)?

I'd propose that we do with libURL what we did with the Standalone 
Builder:  have two versions included in the IDE, and use the version 
appropriate to the engine being used in that session.

Can anyone think of a downside to that?

For the sake of simplicity I like being able to use one IDE build 
across all versions of the engine from the time the IDE went open 
source going forward.  There may be a time when that goal is no longer 
supportable, but as long as it is I think it's worth doing.

Any downsides to the approach for libURL proposed here?
I guess there will be a naming issue with the stack. (start using )
The other issue I'm not so sure about is the potential syntax error when 
using the newer libUrl with an older engine. (The problem syntax is 
"open secure socket ...") I'm not sure exactly when/if the engine tries 
to compile loaded stacks. If compiling is only done when a stack is 
actually called (e.g. after a "start using") then it may be OK. But if 
all substacks in memory are subject to script compilation, then there 
may be a problem. (I guess I could check this out. :))

A thought. (Apologies if this is what you had in mind.) One approach 
might be to make the libUrl stack simply a "loader" stack, with a single 
"libraryStack" handler. The two "functional" versions of libUrl  would 
be held in custom properties. The libraryStack handler would unpackage 
the appropriate custom property and start using that stack. I just 
checked if this is feasible, and it seems to be. Although it seems you 
can't use "start using" directly on a custom property, you can "go" to a 
custom property. So something like this might work:

on libraryStack
  if "libUrl_" is not in the stacksInUse then
if versionLessThan("2.6.1") then
  go invisible stack (the cLibUrl1_0_15 of me) ##contains stack 
  start using "libUrl_1_0_15"
  close stack  "libUrl_1_0_15"
  go invisible stack (the cLibUrl1_1 of me)
  start using "libUrl_1_1"
  close stack  "libUrl_1_1"
end if
  end if
end libraryStack

function versionLessThan pTarget
  put the version into tCurV
  set the itemDel to "."
  put 0 into tCount
  repeat for each item tNum in pTarget
add 1 to tCount
if item tCount of tCurV < tNum then return true
  end repeat
  return false
end versionLessThan
A problem here might be the size of the libUrl stack that has to be 
carried around, but I guess the custom properties could be compressed.

Too complicated??
By the way, I just noticed that the libUrl pages on the new Rev website 
are incomplete (no links to documentation or downloads). I'll check with 
RunRev what they plan for this. However, it may be a good idea to have 
the latest updaters posted elsewhere. On the Yahoo site perhaps, along 
with the IDE. Or should I put together a separate download site? (or 

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metacard mailing list

Re: URL to libURL?

2004-09-07 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Richard,
I believe you *can* use earlier versions of libURL, though they won't 
support the SSL features. Contact me offlist if you need the latest beta 
sans SSL.

Richard Gaskin wrote:
Where can I download the latest version of libURL for use in MC?
Can I use earlier versions of libURL with the Rev 2.5 engine?
metacard mailing list

Re: 2lz3

2004-08-05 Thread Chipp Walters
You may want to try out Thunderbird, the Mozilla Open Source mail 
client. I like it much more than the Apple client, it's free and 
cross-platform as well. Also, like Apple's client, it has built in SPAM fact, it looks a lot like Apple's client.

And, all your emails came through just fine on my Mac version of 

metacard mailing list

Re: feature request for IDE

2004-08-01 Thread Chipp Walters
Klaus Major wrote:

Chipp, if you really feel an EXTREME INNER URGE to do it by yourself,
just drop a line, i won't mind :-D

Klaus, let me check...just a sec.
No inner urge felt. Bummer.
Seriously, I still don't find my way around MC well enough. It's 
difficult to navigate successfully, though I am in the process of 
finalizing my plugins to run inside MC. I'd like to get more 
'comfortable' with MC before contributing to it's source.

metacard mailing list

Re: feature request for IDE

2004-08-01 Thread Chipp Walters
I'd vote YES for this as well.
Klaus Major wrote:
Hi folks,
i would like to vote for a nice (Windoze only) feature in the MC IDE:
Is it possible to make the "MetaCard Menu Bar" stack behave like the
I mean make it "iconify-able" (?) ;-)
With the appropriate scripts in the stack?
It is really annoying NOT to be able to hide ALL MC windows at once on 
you have to iconify EVERY single window by itself...

metacard mailing list

Re: Placeable answer and ask dialogs?

2004-07-25 Thread Chipp Walters
I must be missing is this different from setting the loc 
of stack xyz to the screenloc?

Ray Horsley wrote:
Here's a short script I use to center any window before showing it:
on placeWindow win
  put the screenRect into scrRct
  put (item 3 of scrRct - width of window win)/2 into tmpNum
  put round(tmpNum) into myTopLeft
  put (item 4 of scrRct - height of window win)/2 into tmpNum
  put round(tmpNum) into item 2 of myTopLeft
  set topLeft of window win to myTopLeft
end placeWindow
On Saturday, July 24, 2004, at 04:05 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 7/24/04 12:45 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
I wonder whether you list members would be interested to have 
slightly modified ask- and answer-dialogs with the new version of 
the IDE that allow placing these dialogs anywhere on the screen or 
relative to the stack they are launched from.
Such a minor change would add flexibility to the dialogs, and it is 
a feature some Metacard and Revolution users had asked for in the past.

See my stack "Place Dialogs" on <> , English 
version, page "Tools and Samples for Development"; the stack 
contains examples and information.

All that is needed are two script lines added before the end of the 
preopenstack handlers:

" if the NewLoc of this stack is not empty then set the loc of this 
stack to the NewLoc of this stack
set the NewLoc of this stack to empty "

The stacks can be used as usual if no NewLoc property is set.
Line 2 of the script makes sure to restore the default behavior of 
the dialogs the next time they are opened without a specified  
Thank you for your willingness to contribute.  Scott Rossi has 
already offered to work on the Ask and Answer dialogs -- maybe the 
two of you could work out those enhancements?
Doesn't Rev provide support for specifying the loc of those dialogs?  
If so, can we use their syntax?

I have no objection to this change. But I am not clear why we need it; 
doesn't this do the same thing:

 set the loc of stack "answer dialog" to myloc
It is only a single line, which is the same amount of space it would 
take to set a stack property. Am I missing something?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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metacard mailing list

Re: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free

2004-07-25 Thread Chipp Walters
Klaus Major wrote:
What the heck is "ollie ollie oxen free"??? :-D
It's what kids say at the end of the 'hide and seek' game to indicate 
they're tired of playing and everyone still hiding should come on in.

Scott was referring to the icons 'hiding.'
Who knows where it came from?
(rhetorical question, no need for Scott to run it down. Wouldn't want 
another unexplained astronomical event. Hmmm, would it be called a 'UHS' 
-- unidentified head slap?)

metacard mailing list

Re: Placeable answer and ask dialogs?

2004-07-24 Thread Chipp Walters
Scott and Wilhelm,
As long as you're adding features...
I like Wilhelm's idea and think it's good for a couple of reasons:
1) It doesn't change the existing vernacular...IOW, old scripts will 
work with it just fine

2) It works great with stacks on the 'edge' of the screen where the 
dialog box comes up 'half off.'

I would also like to propose the following 'compatible' behavior. I 
would like the answer dialog box to be able to display htmlText as well. 
In RR, this is the default behavior. So, if there is htmlText 
(identified by a  around the line) it will 'set the htmlText 
prop' instead of 'putting into'. I find I use this quite a lot to help 
format my dialogs, especially to add color to  specific words in them.

Richard Gaskin wrote:
Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
I wonder whether you list members would be interested to have slightly 
modified ask- and answer-dialogs with the new version of the IDE that 
allow placing these dialogs anywhere on the screen or relative to the 
stack they are launched from.
Such a minor change would add flexibility to the dialogs, and it is a 
feature some Metacard and Revolution users had asked for in the past.

See my stack "Place Dialogs" on <> , English 
version, page "Tools and Samples for Development"; the stack contains 
examples and information.

All that is needed are two script lines added before the end of the 
preopenstack handlers:

" if the NewLoc of this stack is not empty then set the loc of this 
stack to the NewLoc of this stack
set the NewLoc of this stack to empty "

The stacks can be used as usual if no NewLoc property is set.
Line 2 of the script makes sure to restore the default behavior of the 
dialogs the next time they are opened without a specified  "NewLoc".

Thank you for your willingness to contribute.  Scott Rossi has already 
offered to work on the Ask and Answer dialogs -- maybe the two of you 
could work out those enhancements?

Doesn't Rev provide support for specifying the loc of those dialogs?  If 
so, can we use their syntax?

metacard mailing list

Re: proposal: revAppVersion = 0

2004-07-20 Thread Chipp Walters
for what it's worth,
I'm doing the following:
if there is a stack "revMenuBar" then
  --IN REV
  --IN MC
end if
also, I notice libURL doesn't start automatically, but my 
altPluginsToolbar (and MagicCarpet and other plugins) need it. So, in MC 
I use in my altPlugin toolbar initMe routine the following:

  get libURLVersion()
catch tErr
  start using stack libURL
end try
Any ideas why this isn't a good thing to do in MC? IOW, would 
auto-starting libURL affect others? Perhaps I should "ask" for permission?

metacard mailing list

Re: alwaysBuffer not set...

2004-07-20 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Richard et al...
I agree with Richard, in fact, his often well-thought expression of 
MetaCard's strict compliance to the vanilla is the primary reason why 
I'm 'attempting' to switch to MC (I'm sure a first, going back to MC 
from one who has started with RR:-)

I believe the alwaysBuffer should be set true for the IDE to display 
properly (else it's a bug in the IDE?). I also agree, we should not 
'pre-modify' any default behaviors of the engine. That is, IMHO, why the 
default for stacks should be 'true' for alwaysbuffer AND set by the 
engine, not the IDE.

Rev has indeed already moved quite a ways down the slippery slope. I've 
spend a few hours lately converting my altPlugins for use in MC, and 
have already discovered a couple of such anomolies-- things I never knew 
Rev did until trying them in the MC IDE.

Of course, it's super easy to add a MC plugin (I have one) which can 
create a new stack and set the alwaysBuffer to true.

best to you all,
metacard mailing list

alwaysBuffer not set...

2004-07-20 Thread Chipp Walters
I noticed in the latest DL of MetaCard, the alwaysBuffer of most IDE 
stacks is not set. While this was not necessary in previous versions of 
the engine, it is now used to disable the 'flashing' effect around 
windowsXP look and feel.

I recommend setting the alwaysBuffer of all IDE stacks to true.
metacard mailing list

RE: "active" plugins

2004-07-18 Thread Chipp Walters
I must admit, I really don't understand the need for a 3rd 'active'  mode either.  As 
one who has already built quite a few plugins, I neve never seen a reason for an 
'active mode as you describe. One of the best features of Metacard is it's simplicity. 
My vote is to keep it that way.


metacard mailing list

Re: Problem with DontWrap plus announcement

2004-06-23 Thread Chipp Walters
The dontWrap property when set to false still won't wrap text which has 
no spaces in it. Try inserting a space in your string and see if it 
doesn't work correctly. I suppose this could be considered a bug.

Alain Farmer wrote:

No, I have never had these problems, but I do have a
similar probleme though. The DontWrap property does
NOT seem to work. Getting the DontWrap property does
indeed return the expected true/false value, but the
property does NOT take effect. It's as-if the property
was permanently set ('frozen') to true. The lines of
my fields will NOT wrap, even when I insist that they
do by setting the property to false.
Does anyone else have this problem ?
metacard mailing list

Re: dammit

2004-06-08 Thread Chipp Walters
I, too am a bit disappointed with the engine debug messages in engine 
2.6. Many times my scripts don't seem to want to compile on the first 
try, and issue a 'bad factor' error, but do alright on the next try.

If this is supposed to be fixed in the 2.3 engine, has anyone yet checked?
I also lose complete use of the ctrl key in the IDE at times as well. 
And sometimes Ctrl-A (Select All) when in browser mode and focus in a 
text fld selects all the controls on the card instead of the text in the 
fld. Hoping this will all be worked out in 2.3. (I use XP)

Like many of you, IMO, some of this stuff is should be obvious to anyone 
using the IDE to write the IDE, I would expect it to be fixed in the 
next version --bug report or not. Unfortunately, tracking it down to a 
recipe, for me, can take quite a bit of time. Though, if it's not fixed 
in the beta version of 2.3, I'll certainly do so :-)

I thought Ben had a sensible post recently. In it, he expressed a view 
for RR to concentrate on fixing bugs and tweaking the IDE, rather than 
adding features. I agree. It's a great product as it stands currently, 
and a round or two of fine tuning would certainly go a long way!

In fact, Jim Lyons post regarding his disappointing demo is a reminder 
to just how fragile the 'buy' decision is for many. Fixing the existing 
code base IMO must take priority over new features.

To that end, I would like to see (like Scott did) a stable version of RR 
IDE which is changed ever so rarely, and a more user-friendly, 
feature-rich version of the IDE which can be used for newbies. By 
separating the two, it seems the Pros aren't saddled with the overhead 
of testing and working through new IDE feature sets, and can easily get 
on with the business at hand...creating great software with RR!

I know the guys at RR are overworked, understaffed, and sometimes 
underappreciated. And, they are trying their best, which is important. 
Let's hope 2.3 goes a long way to helping us all out :-)!

metacard mailing list

Re: MC IDE 2.6 - next steps

2004-05-28 Thread Chipp Walters
Perhaps a better question is:
Are there any other tools which can uncompress .sit files? And are they 
easy to use?

Or, can one just .gz the whole thing? (I imagine gzip doesn't retain 
resources either..)

btw, what's so important about the resource fork for Rev stacks? Can't 
you just open and save and you've created a resource fork?

Richard Gaskin wrote:
Chipp Walters wrote:

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Of the available compression methods I'm not aware of any that retain 
Mac metadata (Finder info).  Given that Stuffit is freely available 
for both Mac and Win it seemed a decent solution.

While I'm not a big MC user (but plan to be some day when I grow up), 
I pretty much HATE Stuffit. It commandiers all of the compression 
format types, is impossible to uninstall properly and generally 
doesn't play nice on XP. Kinda reminds me of RealAudio (I wonder if 
they use the same development teams;-)

If there a format you don't hate that retains Mac metadata?
metacard mailing list

Re: MC IDE 2.6 - next steps

2004-05-27 Thread Chipp Walters

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Of the available compression methods I'm not aware of any that retain 
Mac metadata (Finder info).  Given that Stuffit is freely available for 
both Mac and Win it seemed a decent solution.

While I'm not a big MC user (but plan to be some day when I grow up), I 
pretty much HATE Stuffit. It commandiers all of the compression format 
types, is impossible to uninstall properly and generally doesn't play 
nice on XP. Kinda reminds me of RealAudio (I wonder if they use the same 
development teams;-)

metacard mailing list

Re: MC IDE 2.6b1 released

2004-04-18 Thread Chipp Walters
H, good questions Richard.

I might be interested in working with a group on a new look'n feel for 
the MC IDE. I'd certainly rather go at this with a spec than just a 


Richard Gaskin wrote:
Ken Ray wrote:

Thanks for releasing this Richard!

One thing, though... now that the 2.6 engne has XP look and feel, the IDE
looks kind of strange in Windows XP (menus and buttons are too big or 
to hilite "wierdly"). I'm not sure what to do about this (since we don't
want to affect the other platforms), but just thought you should know.

The IDE always looked weird on anything but XWindows. ;)

I wouldn't mind an initiative to give it a minor facelift -- who's up 
for that?

Ideally it would be:

- cosmetic only, at least in a first pass, maintaining the
  mandate to keep behaviorial changes minimal
- use the same layout on all platforms

- Could set the textFont and textSize of the mainstack, but
  preferably not individual controls (to make it easy to
  change later if desired)
What meaningful things could be addressed within those params?
And who wants to do it?
metacard mailing list

Re: MC IDE - developer tool additions - sugggestion

2004-03-31 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Scott, Richard,

My altPluginsToolbar
could be easily modified to support plugin management, along with 
self-updating plugins. I believe Richard said something about waiting 
for the next rev of the engine to start 'pluging-in' the MC IDE.

I'd be more than happy to contribute.

Currently, I don't use MC at all (though I am/was a licensee). But, 
after talking a bunch w/ Richard, Jacque and Ken, I'm thinking once the 
new engine licensing is in place, I would consider moving over. 
Especially now that there are going to be plugins available for it.

In fact, been talking w/ Jerry Daniels about perhaps coming out west for 
a revDevCon at FourthWorld this summer. Maybe we can get a bunch of us 
to meet in LA for a weekend of trick swapping! Anyone else interested?



Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, "Richard Gaskin"  wrote:

Another option would be to provide this functionality in plugin, which
could use a frontScript to appear and hide as needed when a script
editor is open.
The advantage of putting those controls into a plugin is that it would
then be universal:  with only modest effort it could work equally well
in conjunction with Rev's script editor in addition to MC's.

Richard, I may have missed some past discussion: have you or anyone else
set up a plugin handling architecture in MC yet?  I have several pieces of
code related to layout that might be useful additions to the MC IDE at some

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

RE: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks both Pierre and Alain!


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Chipp Walters

I have a HyperCard-based example of a forward-chaining
rule-based inference engine. It's very very simple to
understand and to use; so much so that you may not see
how ths is different from traditional scripting. Here
is the URL just in case your interested :

Alain, any chance your stack (and/or the accompanying stack on Neural 
Nets) be converted to RR? I'm mostly on PC and don't have HC. I don't 
know how much trouble it would be, but if it's easy...

Are we having fun yet ?  ;-))
--> I am.
I'm too.


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Alain,

Thanks for the synopsis. How would you see a very basic agent as being 
able to accomplish all of what you said, in RunRev?

Do you typically need self-modifying code? If so, aren't RR's script 
limits somewhat of a problem. Also, how do IA's differ with Neural 
Nets? Expert Systems? Genetic Algorithms?

I'd be interested in seeing a very simple IA implemented to do 
something (find the best price online for a product) using RR. Do you 
know of such an example?



metacard mailing list

RE: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-12 Thread Chipp Walters

w/out going too much into it, can you explain what an Intelligent Agent does
in MC? Perhaps an example? I'm interested in learning more:-)


metacard mailing list

RE: Apache settings for MC CGI (urgent)

2004-01-26 Thread Chipp Walters
Oh, just received this... hope it helps, too.


Hi Chipp,

I used to use the Linux CGI engine in RH 7 but for some reason it stopped
working in RH 9 (can't remember what the error message was). Now I am using
the Linux engine which can be downloaded at:

Just use wget to retrieve the file and unzip it in the server.

If you happen to test revxml and MySQL at your side, let me know whether
it's working or not at your side.


On 23/1/04 1:30 PM, "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ShiShi,
> My partner Chris was attempting to install the linux version of the MC CGI
> engine today and ran into some problems which I thought you might be able
> shed some light on.
> 1) Where did you get your linux mc cgi engine? What URL?
> 2) After we installed the version we got from:
> We get the error message
> Incorrectly built binary which accesses errno, h_errno or _res directly
> Turns out there was a change in glibc 2.3 and binaries compiled on prior
> machines won't work in rh9. So, how do you get yours to work?
> Thanks for any help :-)
> Please copy all of us on your reply,
> Chipp Walters

metacard mailing list

RE: Apache settings for MC CGI (urgent)

2004-01-26 Thread Chipp Walters

Check out Ken Ray's article in the Developer Resources Section at:



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sjoerd Op 't Land
> Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 4:45 PM
> To: MetaCard Mailing- List
> Cc: Martin Op 't Land
> Subject: Apache settings for MC CGI (urgent)
> Hello all,
> It's been a while since I last posted here, but I still dare to pose my
> question ;) (Hope you forgive the lurking...)
> Does anyone of you have installed cmc.exe as CGI interpreter for MetaTalk
> scripts with Apache? Could you please post some essential details
> on setting
> up the server?
> I pose this question as urgent because the previous webhoster of some
> scripts went bankrupt, and we now have 'till end of January to
> move to a new
> one. The problem is that he isn't able to set up Apache correctly... so if
> you could post some details on setting up Apache for that... that'd be
> really great.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sjoerd Op 't Land
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: SoCal RevDevCon: August 26

2003-08-14 Thread Chipp Walters

> If you set up a video stream - I can toast you from here (London)! Monte
> can join us for breakfast (Australia) and Chipp - how about some live
> action footage from the ranche ?

Sure, but there's not much live action here considering it was 106 degrees F
outside. Even the horses were looking for shade ;-)

metacard mailing list

RE: SoCal RevDevCon: August 26

2003-08-14 Thread Chipp Walters
Lemme know when ya'll be in Austin :-)!!!

Wish I could be there :-(


> The next Southern California RevDevCon will be on Tuesday, August
> 26, at 7pm
> here at the Fourth World Embassy in downtown Los Angeles.
> These RevDevCons are small informal gatherings of Revolution and MetaCard
> developers in which we talk code, solve problems, and enjoy the rare treat
> of seeing listees in person.
> The agenda for the meeting:
> 7:00 - 7:30:  Introductions, gab about code.
> 7:30 - 8:30:  We'll walk 50 yards to the restaurant in this
>   complex, Barabara's (which has an excellent
>   wine list) for dinner and more gabbing.
> 8:30 - ?: We return to the Embassy where Geoff Canyon will
>   give a presentation about some cool new stuff
>   he's been working on, after which we'll gab some
>   more and eventually call it a night.
> If you'd like to attend just show up.  If you need directions drop me an
> email and I'll send 'em to you.  At the moment I know Ken Ray
> will be there,
> as well as Geoff and myself of course.  With any luck we'll have at least
> our half-dozen regulars and hopefully a few newcomers as well.
> See ya' then
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  Software Design and Development for Mac, Windows, Linux, and the Web
>  Tel: 323-225-3717AIM: FourthWorldInc   Fax: 323-225-0716
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: SoCal RevDevCon: August 26

2003-08-14 Thread Chipp Walters
Good idea.. I can round up Jerry Daniels and Mark Leutzelshwaub, and a
webcam. Pop a couple bottle caps with some chips -- and we'll have an online


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Richard Gaskin
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:11 AM
> Subject: Re: SoCal RevDevCon: August 26
> Chipp Walters wrote:
> > Lemme know when ya'll be in Austin :-)!!!
> >
> > Wish I could be there :-(
> Maybe we should hook up videoconferencing some time and have a distributed
> worldwide RevDevCon
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
>  ___
>  Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: Script Limits

2003-08-08 Thread Chipp Walters

to play the devils advocate here.

What IF (I have no such knowledge of this) Kevin and Scott said something

In order to create the next generation: a new and much faster version of RR,
we're going to have to remove the 'set the script' command and treat
Transcript just as other compilers-- like C++, etc..

Would this make a difference? IOW, if instead of removing features for no
customer gain (IMHO always a bad idea) they were removing features for
customer gain.

Just a thought experiment,


metacard mailing list

RE: imageSource syntax

2003-07-29 Thread Chipp Walters
If you are using RunRev, you can click on the icon marked Documentation on
the toolbar. Then click on Transcript Language Dictionary. Type
"imageSource" in the Search field, then click on the imageSource link. There
it will tell you the proper syntax.

set the imageSource of char 1 of line 2 of field "This" to 2533
set the imageSource of char thisChar of field 1 to "Arrow"
set the imageSource of last char of me to "binfile:My Image"


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gregory Lypny
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 1:33 PM
> Subject: imageSource syntax
> Hello everyone,
>   What is the correct syntax of the image source property?  Suppose I
> want an image, "x.jpg" to appear in a field wherever the letter "z"
> appears.
>   set the imageSource of ??? to ??? in fld ???
>   Regards,
>   Greg
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list


2003-07-09 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Dan!

> > 1) Companies aren't in the mad acquistion mode in this economy -- and I
> > doubt this will turn around very soon;
> >
> That's not how I read things right now, Chipp. Oracle is
> certainly in acquisition mode. Always is. They're trying a
> hostile takeover of PeopleSoft as we speak. There seems to me to
> be a LOT of consolidation and acquisition going on at the moment.

Yes, you are correct about Oracle. But, as you know, Oracle is purchasing
Peoplesoft as a preemptive measure, not as part of a tool collecting
strategy. Oracle wants Peoplesoft's customers. Also, Oracle (as you know)
would probably be the last company to purchase RR based upon the disaster
they had with OMO. What I'm talking about is the nonsensical 'rollup'
strategy which was so popular in the dotcom boom days, where the goal was to
grow a company by purchasing many other companies (business sense or not).
Because of the inflated stock prices, the market cap of these companies was
*HUGE* (I remember here in Austin, Vignette corp had a larger market cap
than Disney!). This huge valuation enabled companies to acquire other
companies, regardless of business fit, for a simple stock's how
AOL got so big. This isn't happening any more. I doubt we'll ever see this
type of mass acquisition again in our lifetime.
> > 2) Scotland is far far away;
> >
> Not in a networked world.

Perhaps, but in the fast moving networked world of VC's and Enterprise
Corporations, Scotland is probably not on the radar. Many years ago, I
bought a medium sized company in Tokyo. My Board fought the acquisition the
whole way -- partly based on the fact the company was outside the legal
juristiction of the US. Unless RR is actively pursuing a merger strategy,
they may go unnoticed for quite some time...

> 1. Failure to own your core technology is often fatal, either
> because investors won't give you money or because you bet your
> company on someone else's business plan. Those of us who choose
> to use RR (or MC for that matter) as a development platform run a
> HUGE risk and we shouldn't minimize that risk. If Oracle or
> Macromedia or Microsoft or anyone else came along and dangled
> enough dollars in front of the RR owners, they would be forced to
> sell; their shareholders wouldn't allow them to do any less.
> Similarly, if we choose to use not RR but, say, Python (still my
> favorite development language, suffering from all-but-nonexistent
> IDE), we still face a risk. The risk is arguably smaller because
> there are a lot of people who can maintain Python and keep it
> going. But there is always a risk that the core team will decide
> to retire and abandon the project. Its continuation then is tenuous.

Dan, most excellent point! This is and should be a huge concern for those of
us out there using RR technology as a basis for our products. And,
subsequently one of the main reasons I decided to invest in RR. In fact, I
encourage others to do the same, because being a shareholder does give you a
level of access to the management team. Not that I'm involved in any
decision making, but it's nice to know where things are heading ;-)

> 2. When big companies acquire small ones for their technology,
> they most often botch it up or bury it. OracleCard, which is what
> Oracle turned PLUS into, was a fantastic, dynamite product. But
> its price tag was necessarily low, profit margins modest, and
> demand for it anemic. Eventually, Oracle cut it loose. I spent a
> lot of time developing OracleCard apps and writing about it. All
> that time went down the toilet except for what I learned that
> turns out to be useful elsewhere.

Yes, agreed. My hope is that such a deal would involve creating some support
for legacy users. In fact, I would hope RR makes some sort of public
statement about the future of the technology 'just in case.'

> Besides, no *serious* programmer has only one tool in his or her
> kit because no one tool is a panacea.

Yep, that's the *best* insurance!

metacard mailing list


2003-07-09 Thread Chipp Walters
I've been listening to this very interesting conversation. After thinking a
bit, I've decided this is a good thing...I've chronicled my journey with
Xtalk in order to prove a point. Sorry so long...

First my concerns...
When Charlie Jackson sold Silicon Beach (and SuperCard) to Aldus, I remember
talking to him and he assured me it was a good thing.. Bigger company, more
resources, better product. I took the bait. Course, don't blame Charlie - he
made a buttload(US term for much dinero;-). As someone said, "Aldus didn't
do SuperCard any favors."

When Aldus sold to Allegiant Technologies, I met with Joel Staadecker (the
primary investor) to discuss the product and his opportunity. I knew the
team well, and believed Aldus had really dropped the ball. Joel seemed to
understand the risks going in. Lots of promises later and there still wasn't
the 'Windows version' which most had been waiting for. Allegiant ended up
failing and SC was picked up by new owners (by this time Bill Appleton the
inventor of SC had departed).

SuperCard ended up floating around for awhile. If you were a SC developer,
you ended up suffering with them as well. Thankfully, they are now up and
running and prospering (I hope:-)

So, this seems like a pretty scary moment right now.


When Jerry Daniels (just a couple of years ago) told me about this new
company RR, I was skeptical, especially seeing how young and inexperienced
they were at that time. I contacted Scott Raney, learned about MC and
decided to use RR (for IDE) because after all, there is always the fallback
position of MC if RR craters.

Later, after using RR and realizing the tremendous power the IDE + MC engine
created, I became more interested in the company. Kevin and I discussed the
future of the company, and I decided to invest in the company. The reason
for this is, I was (and am still) *very* impressed with the business acumen
of Kevin and the team. They have a great business plan and are committed to
following it. (That being said, I'm offering only *my opinions* and not
those of RR or MC.)

It turns out, getting investors is difficult if you don't own the underlying
technology --the MC engine. Investment dollars are necessary for marketing
and future R&D. It's a chicken and the egg thing. Now, with ownership of MC,
RR can attract the kind of investment opportunites much easier.

Now, Scott Raney has always struck me as a conservative businessman, not
likely to take major risks. So I think Scott must also be impressed, to turn
over his life's work to them. Now, I don't think RR will mind me saying they
are not the richest company in the world, and I doubt they made Scott an
instant multi-millionaire, so in my mind, it appears Scott didn't sellout.

But, the question is, will RR sellout? Meaning, what if Oracle or Adobe or
someone decides they need a next-generation cross-platform app? They could
certainly afford to purchase a company like RR - then what happens. This is
(to me) a bigger potential issue than the one before us now. My best
thinking tells me Kevin and the team will do nothing but create a better
product. Here's why I don't think an aquistion like this is likely short

1) Companies aren't in the mad acquistion mode in this economy -- and I
doubt this will turn around very soon;

2) Scotland is far far away;

3) At this time, RR and MC aren't a big enough *dot* on the radar screen --
though I expect that will change.

But, eventually, an acquisition could take place. In this event, RR and MC
must be packaged as a single product.

By creating an OpenSource front end, Scott has assured the future of this
product, regardless of what happens. This is enough insurance for me.


metacard mailing list


2003-07-09 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Shari,

> Kinda reminds me of Apple/Windows.  Apple had the better product, but
> Billy was the marketing genius, and so snatched up the majority of
> marketshare.

As someone who tried awfully hard to get Macs into Fortune 500 companies (I
carried a Mac Plus into TI and Compaq each day), it wasn't that M$ was a
better marketing firm, but rather no one wanted to deal with a
single-sourced computer product. The same issues today keep Mac from
garnering marketshare.

As I was growing a company in the mid 90's, based completely on Apple
products, we got bit by the single source issue and I found out the hard
way-- Apple couldn't deliver new Powerbooks for close to a year. I switched
the whole company to Windowshad to, a Board decision. Been there ever
since. Not because I like M$ (far from it), but because it makes more sense
for me to have as many options as possible when building a business based on
technology (not to mention it is the industry standard at this time).

Small companies and individual entrepreneurs seem to enjoy the benefits of
using Apple products, because 1) they can afford ($$$) it; 2) they don't
*want* to switch and; 3) typically don't mind Apple defining the technology
'roadmap' for their company.

I tend to think of Macs as a BMW or Lexus type product. Smooth ride,
luxurious yet not 'for everyone.' I think Steve Jobs thinks of his product
this way also. Just as BMW doesn't have a model for certain demographics,
Apple doesn't seriously target Enterprise users.

Undoubtably, ones options are narrowed once you choose the Mac platform. 3
to 4 laptop designs versus 50 to 100, one server. Now, granted, the designs
are wonderful, but not varied enough. For instance, I have a svelte Centrino
powered laptop with over 4 hours of battery life and a 1400x1050 display.
Apple doesn't offer a product which competes in this form factor - though
IBM and Dell do.

I like OSX and the new faster processors. I certainly like Apple more than
M$, but until they get serious about Enterprise and expanding to 3rd party
hardware, I feel they are destined to stay a 'niche' market.


metacard mailing list

RE: [ANN] libSMTP v1.5.0

2003-07-07 Thread Chipp Walters

I look forward to playing around with it. HTML messages are great as well as
SMTP authentication.

Now even newbies can build a stack to SPAM everyone with a beautiful HTML
page and include a virus file;-)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Shao Sean
> Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 6:49 PM
> Subject: [ANN] libSMTP v1.5.0
> well, i finally got around to getting it finished and
> released, so here it is.. libSMTP v1.5.0
> - plain text messages
> - html messages (with inline/embedded images)
> - file attachments
> - smtp authentication
> have fun
> -Sean
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: [ANN] Game Available for Test

2003-07-02 Thread Chipp Walters

Very Cool! Works great on XP.

2nd time thru, used only 5 slotsmust admit to being a bit lucky! ;-)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Scott Rossi
> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 7:04 PM
> Subject: [ANN] Game Available for Test
> Greetings List:
> I've recently been working on a small game called KodeKraker, a 
> variation of
> the classic logic game Mastermind.  I'd like to invite folks with a few
> spare moments (!) to take it for a test run.
> What started out a programming exercise turned into a fairly 
> involved little
> project.  The game features audio feedback, a custom UI (typical Tactile
> Media eye candy), and a fun little custom dialog system (note: no 
> Flash was
> used in the making of this game).
> To grab the game, type the following in your message box:
>go stack url "";
> The stack runs 285K (folks with slower connections please be patient).
> Thanks for reporting any problems or otherwise.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
> -
> W:
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: "Put URL" Progress?

2003-06-26 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Scott,

It seems to me that the PUT URL is by nature a blocking command, and
therefore not able to be 'multi-tasked'. In otherwords, the handler stops
and waits for a result before proceeding. You might check with Dave on this,
but my thinking is 'not possible in libURL' -- course I could be wrong.

Of course, you could 'roll your own' if you wanted to.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Scott Rossi
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:30 PM
> Subject: "Put URL" Progress?
> Is there a way to get/monitor the K downloaded when using the method "put
> url DATA1 into url DATA2"?
> I know this possible using libURL and libUrlFtpUpload, but how about "put
> url"?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
> -
> W:
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

OT RE: resolution stats

2003-06-25 Thread Chipp Walters

I remember having a 128 Mac upgraded to 2 Mb with a mono 19" MegaScreen
(1024x768) -- the *second best* computer I ever had! (First best being the
first Mac 140 laptop - man I loved that machine!)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Shao Sean
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:11 PM
> Subject: RE: resolution stats
> > Yep, remember those days...640x480 8 bit color..
> i prefer the 2-bit 9" monitor (mac classic ;-).. those were
> the best days programming in hypercard and then supercard..
> blew my mind back then =)
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: resolution stats

2003-06-25 Thread Chipp Walters
Yep, remember those days...640x480 8 bit color..

Funny, the last PC laptop I purchased only goes down to 800x600. It is 1400
x 1050 native -- all in only 14.1 inches. Funny, I design a web page on it
and it look HUGE on other systems! Perhaps too large is too bad;-)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Shao Sean
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:07 PM
> Subject: Re: resolution stats
> > I'm wondering when it will become a good idea to start
> > optimizing screen layouts for larger resolutions, when the
> > majority will move past 800x600. Of course it would still
> > be desirable to suport 800x600 for the next few years,
> i still build everything i do to look good in 640x480 ;-)
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: [OT] Info about MS dropping IE development

2003-06-18 Thread Chipp Walters

My understanding of it: MS is saying they're planning on 'embedding' the
browser into the next operating system "Longhorn" available sometime in
2005-6 and they're not doing any major upgrades to IE until that time when
of course it will be named something else.

(personal opinion) I think it's amazing MS got away from the Justice Dept so
easily (nice to have so many Congressmen in your pocket) -- this 'embedded
browser' was part of what they were originally being sued for. I have to
say, this and the SCO business really show MS for what a diabolical company
it really is. I personally hope it backfires on them, and Mozilla and other
browsers end up being de facto.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Shao Sean
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:42 PM
> Subject: [OT] Info about MS dropping IE development
> > to become an even more significant trend now that MS has
> > dropped IE development.
> this has been mentioned a few times on this list and i tried
> finding information regarding it on microsoft's website but
> to no avail.. anyone have any URL's they can email me
> offlist
> -Sean
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: Fwd: altBrowser Question and MAC version of altBrowser...

2003-06-16 Thread Chipp Walters

> I think.
> There are so many free products based on Mozilla that I think this one 
> should be free too. 

If you like free stuff you can visit our other free offerings at:


metacard mailing list

RE: Players, playing data from RAM

2003-06-12 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Dave,

My best thinking on this subject would be to try and discover what's
happening on the other machines. If you can't reproduce the errors, perhaps
you can write a utility to see (some things to possibly check for):

1) What version of the OS they are using
2) If QT is installed or not
3) logs the time it takes to 'rename' the files and other
4) other hardware considerations (cpu speed, drive space, etc)
5) Is a virus checker involved

I've found sometimes the hardest part of debugging is trying to reproduce
the error!



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dave Cragg
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:39 AM
> Subject: Players, playing data from RAM
> Hi
> My main question is whether there is a way to play audio data through
> a Player object without linking the Player to an external file or url.
> I think the answer is no, but I'm really hoping I've missed something.
> Some background:
> I developed a language learning application that plays a conversation
> as a series of audio clips. Originally the clips were in au format
> and were played with the "play audioclip" command. When one clip
> ended, the next was played. All the clips for a single conversation
> were imported to a single stack. Open the stack (downloaded from an
> ftp or http server) and the clips are all in RAM. This worked fine,
> and the playback was seamless.
> I've recently had to change the audio format to mp3. Unfortunately,
> you can't play mp3 with the "play" command and have to use a Player
> object. This means linking to a file (set the filename). I tried to
> keep to a similar strategy. The mp3 clips for a single conversation
> are stored as custom properties of a stack. The stack is downloaded
> from the web. The clips are written as temporary files on the local
> drive. The  clips are played back through a player in sequence.
> On my machines (and most others it seems) this gives acceptable
> performance. But I've had reports of long pauses (up to 5 seconds)
> between clips from one group of users. These users are far away, so I
> can't see eactly what is happening. But even if I find out they have
> some anti-virus software or something else that is delaying the
> setting of filenames, I prefer to avoid the problem happening
> elsewhere.
> The solutions I've tried so far:
> -- use a single player, change the filename after each clip (works
> fine here, gives the longest pauses on the problem machines)
> -- use multiple players (one per clip), set the filenames when the
> lesson opens. This gives better performance, but when the Players are
> unbuffered, the pauses are still too long. When the Players are
> buffered, the pauses are acceptable, but there is a long delay (up to
> 15 seconds) on the problem machines while the filenames are set for
> each player.
> Solutions I want to avoid:
> I could join all the clips into a single audio file. But as each clip
> plays, some corresponding text is hilited in a field. I'd have to
> completely redo how the text segments are linked to the playing audio
> -- work I'd prefer to avoid.
> Linking to a url instead of a file offers a partial solution. You can
> load the url first, and then the Player will play the sound from the
> cached url. However, after the audio is first downloaded from the
> web, it has to be stored locally (a custom cache) to avoid further
> downloads, which means the Player then has to deal with files, not
> http/ftp urls. (As far as I can determine, you can't load
> "file/binfile" urls.)
> What I really want is something like "set the data of player 1 to
> .
> Any ideas anyone?
> Cheers
> Dave
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: [ANN] alwaysOnTop v1.0.1, setDesktop v1.0.0

2003-06-05 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks Sean,

I've been keeping my eye on the alwaysOnTop.dll and thinking about how to
use it. I'll let you know when I've got something!



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Shao Sean
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 10:29 PM
> Subject: [ANN] alwaysOnTop v1.0.1, setDesktop v1.0.0
> i've updated the "alwaysOnTop.dll" plugin, so it should work
> now ;-)
> created a new plugin "setDesktop.dll" which allows you to
> change the windows desktop image from within
> runrev/metacard..
> both plugins are windows only, and were tested in windows95C
> and windowsXP home edition, runrev 1.1.1 and runrev 2.0
> -Sean
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: Bug confirmation

2003-03-26 Thread Chipp Walters

Nvidia has all new drivers...and there's a new DirectX version (9?)
might try upgrading.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ken Ray
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:39 PM
> Subject: RE: Bug confirmation
> Perhaps. I'm using a PCI Nvidia GeForce2 MX 100/200 display adapter, if
> that helps at all...
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web Site:
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Monte Goulding
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:30 PM
> > Subject: RE: Bug confirmation
> >
> >
> >
> > > Sorry, Monte, it's not hardware acceleration (or at least,
> > not on my
> > > XP machine). I tried all of the settings and it was still
> > exhibiting
> > > the same bug you originally reported.
> >
> > Hmm... it did fix it on mine??? Perhaps it also depends on
> > your graphics card/driver?
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Ken Ray
> > > Sons of Thunder Software
> > > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Web Site:
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> > Monte Goulding
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 10:58 PM
> > > > Subject: RE: Bug confirmation
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Looks like it's that hardware acceleration again. That thing does
> > > > nothing but cause problems. Do you know if OS X has a simmilar
> > > > acceleration dialog that I can play with becuase I've found the
> > > > problem there too.
> > > >
> > > > Monte
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Yes, I get that too. I've included Scott on the "to" list
> > > > so he knows
> > > > > of my confirmation. I tested it in Win XP with Rev 1.1.1.
> > > > >
> > > > > Ken Ray
> > > > > Sons of Thunder Software
> > > > > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Web Site:
> > > > >
> > > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> > > > Monte Goulding
> > > > > > Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 7:38 PM
> > > > > > To: MetaCard List; Rev List
> > > > > > Subject: Bug confirmation
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Hi All
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I've been discussing a possible bug with Scott and as I'm
> > > > the only
> > > > > > one to report it and he hasn't been able to reproduce it he
> > > > > > can't fix it.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The problem is that under certain conditions the engine
> > > > seems not to
> > > > > > update a stacks location when you move it. I noticed it in MC
> > > > > > 2.5 but I have since found it in Rev 1.1.1. I get it
> > every time
> > > > > > if I follow the following recipe with Rev 1.1.1 on Windows XP:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Launch Rev
> > > > > > Move the menubar
> > > > > > Click on a menu
> > > > > > It can now be seen as the menu displays in the worng position
> > > > > > (or the right position for where the stack used to be)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Moving the menubar again fixes the problem.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > You can also look in the properties dialog and see
> > the incorrect
> > > > > > location.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > This bug also thows the mouseLoc out
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If anyone else can replicate this or has ever seen it
> > could you
> > > > > > please email Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Monte 

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