Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Ken Ray


In the example you give, I would bet the repeat with is faster, since it
only has to do 128 replace statements, whereas the repeat for each would
have to adjust each character one at a time. It probably depends on the size
of what's being converted - if it's small, repeat for each, if it's large,
repeat with (in *this* example).

Just my thoughts without benchmarking it...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

- Original Message -
To: Mail-List MetaCard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Mail-List MetaCard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 1:13 AM
Subject: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

 repeat with i = 127 to 255
replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) in
 end repeat
 return inputData

 repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData
   if (charToNum(inputDataChar) = 127) then
 put =  toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) after
 put inputDataChar after outputData
   end if
 end repeat
 return outputData

 is repeat for each really that much quicker?  i realize that the amount
 data being converted is a major factor, but the first one only needs to
 128 times whereas the second one has to loop for each char, which could be
 well more than 128 chars..

 TIA - Sean

 metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Shao Sean

 In the example you give, I would bet the repeat with is faster, since it
it's my actual code, i used to use the repeat for but switched that chunk
to the repeat with as it seemed to be easier to just replace all of the
instances at once...

 It probably depends on the size of what's being converted
that's the unknown variable.. i don't assume too many people write 10,000
word essays for email messages (well, i do know one lady who does, but she's
cool ;-)

 Just my thoughts without benchmarking it...
thanks for sharing, but you can have them back now (they're getting soggy
down here in the gutter =)~

metacard mailing list

Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Richard Gaskin

Shao Sean wrote:

 repeat with i = 127 to 255
 replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) in
 end repeat
 return inputData
 repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData
 if (charToNum(inputDataChar) = 127) then
 put =  toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) after
 put inputDataChar after outputData
 end if
 end repeat
 return outputData
 is repeat for each really that much quicker?  i realize that the amount of
 data being converted is a major factor, but the first one only needs to loop
 128 times whereas the second one has to loop for each char, which could be
 well more than 128 chars..

Try this:

on mouseUp
  answer file Select a file:
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put url(file:it) into inputData
  put len(inputData) into tLen
  set the cursor to watch
  -- TEST 1
  put the milliseconds into tStart
  repeat with i = 127 to 255
replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) \
in inputData
  end repeat
  put the milliseconds - tStart into tTime1
  put inputData into tOut1
  -- TEST 2
  put the milliseconds into tStart
  repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData
if (charToNum(inputDataChar) = 127) then
  put =  toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) \
  after outputData
  put inputDataChar after outputData
end if
  end repeat
  put the milliseconds - tStart into tTime2
  put outputData into tOut2
  if tOut1  tOut2 then put error on one of the algorithms
  else  put Length: tLen  replace: tTime1 \
repeat for each:  tTime2
end mouseUp

I got these results testing on three different files:

   Length:   2566replace:   22repeat for each: 5
   Length:  16167replace:   99repeat for each: 35

   Length: 204152replace: 1726repeat for each: 684

Perhaps on really large files the first method might be faster.

It takes only a moment to verify questions of relative performance, well
worth doing when you're looking for ways to optimize performance.

To see other performance comparisons and conveniently run your own try
MetaBench, a benchmarking tool for comparing script snippets:

If you wanna see some really scary results, run the same test on equivalent
Mac and PC machines

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 2.0: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Shao Sean

   put url(file:it) into inputData
you store the data

 replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) \
 in inputData
you convert the data

   -- TEST 2
but for test2 the data is still converted..

   put the milliseconds into tStart
   repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData
 if (charToNum(inputDataChar) = 127) then
   put =  toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) \
   after outputData
   put inputDataChar after outputData
 end if
   end repeat

metacard mailing list

Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Shao Sean

how about a cross between the two?

constant charsToReplace = 127,128,129,130,...,255  -- you get the idea

repeat for each item i in charsToReplace
  replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) in
end repeat

test1 for me was _wy_ slow even at files of just a few hundred k (of
course it's not meant to encode files, just text typed, but some people can
be wordy ;-)

test2 was much quicker..

i split the two tests into 2 seperate buttons to make both identical in
their behaviour

metacard mailing list

Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Richard Gaskin

Shao Sean wrote:

 put url(file:it) into inputData
 you store the data
 replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) \
 in inputData
 you convert the data
 -- TEST 2
 but for test2 the data is still converted..

Good catch.  I revised it as shown below and still get similar results.

Oddly enough, on files containg binary data the outputs do not match.
Should they?

on mouseUp
  answer file Select a file:
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put url(file:it) into inputData1
  put inputData1 into inputData2
  put len(inputData1) into tLen
  set the cursor to watch
  -- TEST 1
  put the milliseconds into tStart
  repeat with i = 127 to 255
replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) \
in inputData1
  end repeat
  put the milliseconds - tStart into tTime1
  put inputData1 into tOut1
  -- TEST 2
  put the milliseconds into tStart
  repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData2
if (charToNum(inputDataChar) = 127) then
  put =  toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) \
  after outputData
  put inputDataChar after outputData
end if
  end repeat
  put the milliseconds - tStart into tTime2
  put outputData into tOut2
  if tOut1  tOut2 then put error in one of the algorithms
  else  put Length: tLen  replace: tTime1 \
repeat for each:  tTime2
end mouseUp

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 2.0: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Shao Sean

file size: 1.61KB
test1: 46
test2: 2
test3: 46

file size: 978KB
test1: 47102
test2: 7444
test3: 46913

test3 is the other method i mentioned.. perhaps it's not the repeat that's
slowing it down, but the actually replacing?  for now it looks like i'll
switch my code back to the slightly faster method 2..

all my tests were done through a windows compiled app (p3 800)

metacard mailing list

Re: which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-26 Thread Shari

test3 is the other method i mentioned.. perhaps it's not the repeat that's
slowing it down, but the actually replacing?  for now it looks like i'll
switch my code back to the slightly faster method 2..

I have a save handler that saves data changed in a standalone, and 
stores it in a stack, user preferences and the like.

The handler works very quickly except for one part...

There are about 30 fields in the standalone, with equivalent fields 
in the stack, and the save handler just put fld x of cd 1 of stack 
theStandalone into fld x of cd 1 of stack theStack.  This handler 
was so slow, that instead of calling it every time there's a save, it 
only gets called when there's a change to those particular fields.

(All the other data is one word or phrase, so one field could hold 
many pieces of data.  All the globals that are one line are stored in 
the same field.  The 30 fields handle a big chunk of data each, so 
they need to be stored separately from each other.)

I toyed with the idea of creating 30 globals, putting the fields into 
the globals, and then putting the globals into the stack.

We'll see how it performs on my testers machines as it is, and if 
changes are needed, will diddle some more.
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

which is faster (a repeat structure question)

2002-09-25 Thread Shao Sean

repeat with i = 127 to 255
   replace numToChar(i) with (=  toUpper(baseConvert(i,10,16))) in
end repeat
return inputData

repeat for each char inputDataChar in inputData
  if (charToNum(inputDataChar) = 127) then
put =  toUpper(baseConvert(charToNum(inputDataChar),10,16)) after
put inputDataChar after outputData
  end if
end repeat
return outputData

is repeat for each really that much quicker?  i realize that the amount of
data being converted is a major factor, but the first one only needs to loop
128 times whereas the second one has to loop for each char, which could be
well more than 128 chars..

TIA - Sean

metacard mailing list