[meteorite-list] Ebay Etc...

2002-12-29 Thread M come Meteorite Meteorites
Hello all

At 22 hours ended may acapulcoites auctions, the last
with this low prices, is the time to return to normaly
prices and no ruin the meteorite market, remember new
year new prices, if interested

I have update my sale site with new material

For the moment this is all.


M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.com Collection Site: 
International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140

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[meteorite-list] Newspaper article, 07-02 1922 Life in Meteorites

2002-12-29 Thread MARK BOSTICK
 Paper: THE CHARLESTON DAILY MAIL  City: CHARLESTON  Date: Sunday, July 2, 1922  Amazing Proof From the Sky of Life on Other Planets The Astounding Discovery by French Scientist of Animal and Vegetable Forms Preserved in the Meteorites Which Fall to the Earth Fossilized Crinoids, Small Forms of Animal Life Imbedded in a Meteorte By Dr. W. H. Ballou Does life exist on other planets? This fascinating problem of the universe, which has intrigued the mind of man for thousands of years, has at last been answered definitely in the affimative, according to the belief of leading scientists. The astonishing discovery has just been communicated to the world by Dr. Galippe, the distinguished laureate of the French Academy of Science and Academy of Medicine. Aided by his famous colleague, Dr. Soufflaud, has has completed a series of experiments which he believes yield convincing proof of the existence of fossil forms - of both animal and vegetable life - imbedded in certain meteorites which have fallen to earth from the sky. All children know what a meteorite is. They have a more picturesque name for it. They call it a "shooting star." Dozens of times you have seen one of them shooting earthward through the Summer night. Of course, it isn't really a shooting star. It isn't a star at all. It is a chunk of black rock which ahs been flung off from some celestial body and which comes hurtling through space for millions of miles. During the first part of its journey it would be invisible, even if you were close enough to think you might catch a glimpse of it - for it is cold and dead. It is only when it enters the earth's atmosphere - composed of oxygen and hydrogen - that it takes fire from the friction caused by its ummense speed and blazed into view as a ball of fire.  Friction ceases when it strikes the earth and it becomes black and cold again. While it is falling it is called a meteor. After it has hit the earth it is called a meteorite. There are thousands of them. You can see them in any natural history museum. When meteors first began to be examined scientifically, observers were content to discover that they were composed of "igneous rock" - that is, mineral matter which had been fused by subjection to intense heat. But meteors were too interesting for observers to be long content with that simple fact. they were - and still are - the only "messages" which the earth receives from the other stars or planets (with the exception of light waves), and for several generations the best scientific minds have been engaged in the fascinating pursuit of further desciphering these "letters" from other worlds. For a long time the subject of just how much could be learned from these meteorites have been controversial - and to some extent is still so - but the latest discoveres by Galippe and Soffland are, in the writer's opinion convincing proof that life acutally exists, or did exist, somewhere out there in illimitable space. The experiments have involved the most exacting microscopic and chemical analyses. Under these the meteorites have revealed not only the mineralized forms of such lower animals as the crinoids - to which the star-fish and sea-urchin belong - corals and sponges, but peat and coal, as well. Peat and coal, as you know, are of vegetable origin. Furthermore, in some of these meteorites traces of water have been found and in others oxygen. These discoveries imbedded in the stony masss form a message compact, unequivocal and startling. They show not only that life exists somewhere "out there" in the world they have been torn from, but also that the world "out there" must have been, in some respects, like our own. The crinoids, spongers and corals, much like the same formations we still have on this earth to-day, prove that this other world possessd an ocean; the peat and coak, that it had vegetation and probably forests; the water and oxygen, that it possed an atmosphere. Where rolled the world of which the meteorite was a part? What ruled it - creatures comparable to man, lower forms, higher forms, or strange shaped produced by processes of evolution unknown to us here? And what happened to that world?  Such things can be guessed at only. As to what its life forms were, two things seem reasonably sure. One is that they resembled in some degree those we know on earth. This is indicated by the similarity of the criniold fossils to our own crinoid forms, and by the presence of water and oxygen showing that the conditions were to some extent like our own. The other thing we can believe with reasonable certainty is that while they differed widely in others, for the conditions in which they underwent their long evolutionary processes much have been alike in some ways, different in others. The artist who has made the large drawlings on this page gives you an idea of what you might expect if you visited another of these inhabited planets. You would probley see forms which reminded you of things you had seen on earth, 

[meteorite-list] Gold Basin group hunt?

2002-12-29 Thread Tom aka james Knudson
Hello List, Would any one going to the G.B group hunt on Jan 11th and 12th 
please let me know your plans, ie, coming in friday night or driving in 
saturday morning to help figure out a good meeting time. We don't want to 
leave any one who might be running a few minutes late, behind. : ) For the  
benifit of the people who have never been to G.B. before, it might be a good 
idea to meet at the corner of Gregs hide out Rd. and Pierce ferry rd.
And for those who have not been out there before, the only bathrooms have 
thorns or leaves and there's no Mc Donalds either! : )

Thanks, Tom
The proudest member of the I.M.C.A. #6168

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 3 months FREE*. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tucson Show 2003 - Video

2002-12-29 Thread John Gwilliam
Hello List Members,
Over the past year, Bob Holmes (a fellow list member) and I have been 
preparing to produce a video at the Tucson Gem  Mineral Show 2003 with the 
focus on meteorites, the meteorite people and related events.

We think this video will be of interest to all meteorite enthusiasts.  It 
will also be a good way for those of you who cannot attend the show 
personally to see and hear some members of the meteorite community and  see 
some fantastic meteorites as well.

This will not be a home video project - we will be using professional 
grade equipment to help us produce a top quality product with an 
anticipated running time of 45 - 50 minutes.

Any of you that will be attending the Tucson Show and would like to appear 
in this video, please contact me and let me know what days you will be 
attending. Our plan right now is for the majority of the video to be shot 
February 7-9, 2003 which is the weekend that most of the meteorite related 
events will be happening.

For more information, please contact me ASAP.  We haven't set a deadline 
yet, but we would like to get our schedule lined out well in advance.  If 
more folks respond than we can fit into the video, we will be using the 
first-come-first-servedconcept as one of the methods of choosing our 
final list.  We also reserve the right to include only those people that we 
feel properly represent the science and hobby of meteorites and the 
meteorite community in general.

Best Regards,

John Gwilliam and Bob Holmes

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Remove me from list

2002-12-29 Thread Pat and Charlie Jocelyn

Re: [meteorite-list] Gold Basin group hunt?

2002-12-29 Thread Rosemary Hackney
utoh.. Tom.. ya mean it is bring your own toilet paper???
Gonna try to make it.. but do not know as of yet.


- Original Message -
From: Tom aka james Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Gold Basin group hunt?

 Hello List, Would any one going to the G.B group hunt on Jan 11th and 12th
 please let me know your plans, ie, coming in friday night or driving in
 saturday morning to help figure out a good meeting time. We don't want to
 leave any one who might be running a few minutes late, behind. : ) For the
 benifit of the people who have never been to G.B. before, it might be a
 idea to meet at the corner of Gregs hide out Rd. and Pierce ferry rd.
 And for those who have not been out there before, the only bathrooms have
 thorns or leaves and there's no Mc Donalds either! : )

 Thanks, Tom
 The proudest member of the I.M.C.A. #6168

 MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 3 months FREE*.



 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson Show 2003 - Video

2002-12-29 Thread Allen Emer
John  Bob,

Now I wish I was going to be in Tucson for the show!...looks like you have 
a great project going on and I wish I had the chance to be involved. I 
light and shoot video for a living and love collecting meteorites. Was 
wondering what format you're going to shoot on  and edit.
 I shoot mostly with my broadcast Betacam camera package but have been 
doing some HDTV stuff lately. My son Sean (also a collector) has a Cannon 
xl1s DV 

Keep us informed on your progress, if there is any thing we can do to help, 
let us know.

Al  Sean Emer
Holmdel NJ

At 12:06 PM 12/29/2002 -0700, you wrote:

This will not be a home video project - we will be using professional 
grade equipment to help us produce a top quality product with an 
anticipated running time of 45 - 50 minutes.

John Gwilliam and Bob Holmes

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tucson and Michael Blood's Auction

2002-12-29 Thread MARK BOSTICK
 Hello Everybody, I just took a look at Michael Blood's auction page and am looking foward to an entertaining night. Michael Blood was the first to run an all meteorite auction and it is nice to see that he has continued to make efforts to bring us more meteorites and to make sure that everyone can be a part of the event. It truely is The People's Auction. I think it was Mike Martinez that commented last year to me, "These auction are worth going to just for the humor." Add a chance to see that awesome Gujba slice in person, the rare African meteorite slices provided by the Hupes, along with a keg of beer and it makes the trip to Tucson seem a little more worth it. All the auction details and some photos can be veiwed at the following address: http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/Tucson%20Auction.html As plans are now, I will arrive sometime on Wendsday and leave out sometime on Sunday during the week of the meteorite events. If I have not had the pleasure of talking and meeting any of the list members that will be there, PLEASE come up to me and introduce yourself. In a side note Dean Bessey will not be attending this year. I think his trouble on crossing the Canada-USA border last year has him still a little upset. Dean was the one person of the thousand of foreign sellers that made the show that was not going to be let into the country because he does not have a US work permit. Looking foward to seeing everyone is Tucson. Let's hope we do not get a late snow like we did last year. Tucson didn't seem right with a snow blanket. Warm thoughts from Kansas where snow has been on the ground for over a week and I am tired of it. Mark Bostick

[meteorite-list] prices or free

2002-12-29 Thread STEVE ARNOLD
Hi list. I just got back from wisconsin for the holidays. I want to know if the gem and mineral part of the show, do you have to pay to get in or is it free to the public? Also is the meteorite portion pretty close to the convention center?
 steve arnoldSteve r. Arnold, Chicago, il, 60107
The midwest meteorite collector!
I.M.C.A. member #6728
Website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.comDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now

[meteorite-list] remove me from list

2002-12-29 Thread RODNEY AHLGREN

[meteorite-list] Mystery Object Seen Streaking Through The Sky Near Scotland

2002-12-29 Thread Ron Baalke


24 December 2002 

A mystery object was seen streaking through the sky near a North-east 

A comet-like ball was seen plunging towards the sea off Cammachmore, near

The bizarre X-files-style sighting left residents baffled - but 
skywatchers believe it may have been a piece of space junk.

The Cammachmore comet was spotted in unseasonably clear skies at around 
10 in the morning.

Myself and my husband were having a cup of coffee when something caught 
my eye out of the kitchen window, said the woman, whose home overlooks 
the coast.

We both stared out at the sky and could not believe what we were seeing. 
The object was heading straight down from the sky and was travelling at 
some speed.

The couple, who did not want to be named, then grabbed binoculars to get 
a better view.

I can only describe it as looking like a ball - with a small comet-like 
tail behind it, she said.

My husband is a bit of a plane buff and we both agreed this definitely 
was not any kind of aircraft.

The object then silently vanished from view within minutes.

Aberdeen Coastguard were unaware of it.

My guess is that people were confused by the sight of the sun for the 
first time in months, joked a spokesman.

A Met Office spokesman said: From the description it sound like it may 
well have been space debris.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Workshop: The Planet Mars

2002-12-29 Thread Ron Baalke


Workshop: The Planet Mars
Physics School of Les Houches, France
April 28 - May 9, 2003


Scope of the Workshop 

In June 2003, the launch of the Mars Express mission will be a major 
event for the European community involved in planetary science. This mission 
is part of an international programme devoted to the exploration of Mars, 
including orbital science, in-situ measurements and return of Martian samples. 
This programme requires close cooperation between astronomers, geophysicists, 
chemists and biologists. Furthermore, the two Mars Exploration Rovers of 
NASA/JPL that will explore two different sites over a period of three months, 
will also be launched, in 2004. 

The aim of the present workshop is to bring young scientists from France and 
Europe together, with recognised leading scientists in all fields of Mars 
exploration.  Courses will be given on our present knowledge of the planet 
Mars (interior, surface, atmosphere and ionosphere, interaction with the 
solar wind, Martian meteorites).  Seminars will be also devoted to forthcoming 
space missions and the preparation of their scientific exploitation, including 
the analysis of Martian samples.

General informations


Les Houches is a resort village in the Chamonix valley in the French Alps. 
Established in 1951, the Physics School is located in a group of chalets 
surrounded by meadows and woods, at an altitude of 1150m facing the Mont 
Blanc range.

Sponsoring Agencies 

The workshop will be funded by CNES (Centre National d?Etudes Spatiales), 
with participation from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 
(CNRS), the European Training Network MAGE (Mars Geophysical Experiment), 
the European Space Agency (ESA) and Paris-Meudon Observatory.

The Physics School of Les Houches is affiliated with the Université 
Joseph Fourier of Grenoble and the Institut National Polytechnique de 
Grenoble. It is supported by the Ministère de l?Education Nationale et de 
la Recherche, by CNRS, and by the Direction des Sciences de la Matière 
of the Commissariat à l?Energie Atomique (CEA/DSM). 


The workshop will consist of 2 courses of 1h30 in the morning and 2 seminars 
of 1 hour in the late afternoon. Special sessions will be organised to 
present dedicated software developed for the Mars Express mission. 

Poster Session 

A poster exhibition will allow all participants to present their contributions. 
Participants wishing to present a poster should send the title of their 
presentation on the application form when registering for the workshop.

More details at:


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