[meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-28 Thread geoking
Dear Steve and List:

Excellent question Steve; look at the interesting discussion you started!

I would like to mention something specific to this matter: Steve was 
offering some of the best Park Forest stones available, and probably 
*the* best small, complete individuals. I know this for a fact 
because I watched him find most of them (read all about it in the 
upcoming issue of "Meteorite").

When there is a limited amount of an exciting new meteorite available 
-- or in this case an exciting, new, unique, American-major-city 
witnessed fall meteorite, with fireball videos, busted cars and 
houses, and the whole works to accompany it, collectors are 
understandably very keen to get some. Those that *must* have a piece, 
or want to pick from the cream of the crop, will buy early and 
perhaps pay a premium. Those that gamble and wait may get a lower 
price later on eBay, when the initial demand has been met (and may be 
picking from lesser quality specimens as a result), or they could 
discover that there is none left at all. If you buy early on to 
ensure that you get a good specimen, there's no use griping later 
because the price has dropped.

Steve, your customer's request is nothing but sour grapes. He was 
complaining about the price back then, but bought from you anyway. 
He's still complaining about the price, and now hoping to get a hand 
out. Don't even think about it. He's lucky to have those stones -- 
which you found through hard work and skillful strewn field mapping 
-- and I happen to know that the price he paid was very fair. Similar 
stones have sold elsewhere for more.

BTW, by posting your ethics question to the List, you have covered 
yourself in the event that this character does have the poor taste to 
complain about you in public (not that anyone would take him 

Your hunting pal,

Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: dealer refunds

2003-06-29 Thread Dave Harris
Blimey! What chutzpah!!
Of course he can't have his money back!

IMCA #0092 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-28 Thread John Gwilliam
Hello Steve, Geoff et al,
Anyone that has been in the meteorite business, whether a buyer or seller, 
knows that a price correction almost always follows the initial offering of 
a new meteorite.  A few days after the Park Forest fall when someone was 
complaining about what they perceived as inflated prices, several list 
members, including myself predicted there would be a reduction in price 
within a month or so.  My prediction was really just preaching to a well 
informed choir - after all, everyone SHOULD know about price changes on a 
new meteorite.  Any dealer (or non-rookie collector) that doesn't have a 
good grip on this concept is going to have a rocky ride through life.

Remember the Christmas season a few years back that some folks just "had to 
have" the "Tickle me Elmo" doll?  They were selling for upwards of 
$500.00.  Six months later they were back at the original retail price of 
about $30.00.

 Thank goodness that the majority of people in this business are easy to 
deal with and are people of integrity. You don't have to be a rocket 
scientist (or a meteorite scientist) to understand this very elementary 
business rule.

Anyone want my $8.00 per gram Brahin?



At 11:41 AM 6/28/03 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Steve and List:

Excellent question Steve; look at the interesting discussion you started!

I would like to mention something specific to this matter: Steve was 
offering some of the best Park Forest stones available, and probably *the* 
best small, complete individuals. I know this for a fact because I watched 
him find most of them (read all about it in the upcoming issue of "Meteorite").

When there is a limited amount of an exciting new meteorite available -- 
or in this case an exciting, new, unique, American-major-city witnessed 
fall meteorite, with fireball videos, busted cars and houses, and the 
whole works to accompany it, collectors are understandably very keen to 
get some. Those that *must* have a piece, or want to pick from the cream 
of the crop, will buy early and perhaps pay a premium. Those that gamble 
and wait may get a lower price later on eBay, when the initial demand has 
been met (and may be picking from lesser quality specimens as a result), 
or they could discover that there is none left at all. If you buy early on 
to ensure that you get a good specimen, there's no use griping later 
because the price has dropped.

Steve, your customer's request is nothing but sour grapes. He was 
complaining about the price back then, but bought from you anyway. He's 
still complaining about the price, and now hoping to get a hand out. Don't 
even think about it. He's lucky to have those stones -- which you found 
through hard work and skillful strewn field mapping -- and I happen to 
know that the price he paid was very fair. Similar stones have sold 
elsewhere for more.

BTW, by posting your ethics question to the List, you have covered 
yourself in the event that this character does have the poor taste to 
complain about you in public (not that anyone would take him seriously).

Your hunting pal,

Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-28 Thread Sharkkb8

Taking a slightly different tack, how about proposing this to the refund-seeking customer:

"OK, you're unhappy that the price of this meteorite has fallen since your purchase, so you expect me to financially compensate you.  Tell you what.I'll agree to do that.  But only if YOU agree to send ME money for any meteorite you bought from me that went UP in value."

I'll bet he won't think that to be "fair", although I can't think why not.


Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-28 Thread Sharkkb8

So, Steve.the question we're ALL naturally wondering about:

>From the extant pieces of this jigsaw puzzle, we know that the customer in question is a "pseudo-dealer", and is always complaining when/if the price of meteorites fall.   I suspect most listees might be able to think of someone on the list who qualifies on both counts.  Despite the lack of class evident from the original refund request, it would also probably be problematic for you to deliberately compromise this person's anonymity.so if you don't post something to tell us we're wrong, we'll assume we're right.    ;-)


Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-28 Thread gle
If this "buyer" is a member of the list (A reasonable assumption), I
believe he/she should submit a post as to the validity of his/her
request. I suspect,though, this person is laying very low- 

> So, Steve.the question we're ALL naturally wondering about:
> >From the extant pieces of this jigsaw puzzle, we know that the
> customer in question is a "pseudo-dealer", and is always complaining
> when/if the price of meteorites fall.   I suspect most listees might
> be able to think of someone on the list who qualifies on both counts.
> Despite the lack of class evident from the original refund request, it
> would also probably be problematic for you to deliberately compromise
> this person's anonymity.so if you don't post something to tell us
> we're wrong, we'll assume we're right.;-)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-28 Thread SSachs9056
In a message dated 6/28/2003 12:36:37 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< aking a slightly different tack, how about proposing this to the 
 refund-seeking customer:
 "OK, you're unhappy that the price of this meteorite has fallen since your 
 purchase, so you expect me to financially compensate you.  Tell you 
 what.I'll agree to do that.  But only if YOU agree to send ME money for 
any meteorite 
 you bought from me that went UP in value."
 I'll bet he won't think that to be "fair", although I can't think why not. >>


So, so,  true. It really is the resposibility of the buyer to assume some of 
the responsibility in these transactions. For example, I bought 35grams of 
Camel Donga from David New about 8 years ago--for about $6.00 a gram. It has 
appreciated in price and value. Would it be fair for me to send him additional 
money because it has increased in value? Whether it's coin collecting, purchases 
in antiques, stamps, etc; sometimes it's just the way of the market. Buy 
low--sell high. Buy high--sell higher. Buy high--the bottom drops out---that's the 

No one forced this individual to make the purchase. I have found that 
meteorites can have a large flux in pricing--which (has been mentioned) seems to be 
dictated year in and year out. Steve...it's my opinion that a refund is not 
due, and would possibly be setting a dangerous precedent in meteorite sales. 

My two grams worth.

Steven L. Sachs /  IMCA# 9210

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-29 Thread Steve Schoner

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> No one forced this individual to make the purchase.
> I have found that 
> meteorites can have a large flux in pricing--which
> (has been mentioned) seems to be 
> dictated year in and year out. Steve...it's my
> opinion that a refund is not 
> due, and would possibly be setting a dangerous
> precedent in meteorite sales. 
> My two grams worth.
> Steven L. Sachs /  IMCA# 9210


Like those lawyer commercials.

"If you have suffered significant losses in the stock
market... (another says mesothelioma )... call the
law offices of James L. Sokolove"

We don't need that kind of precedent.

Steve Schoner/ams

> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds - Conclusion

2003-06-29 Thread MeteorHntr
Hello List,

I suppose it is time to put an end to this thread.

Let me do it by offering a little bit of a deeper explanation as to what happened.  Before I started the thread, I reluctantly agreed to give my customer his refund, but I warned him that if he accepted a refund from me, under what I told him I thought was unreasonable circumstances, that I would no longer do any business with him in the future.  

Not that I like to cut off any customer's money or any upward pressure in future ebay biddings they might give, I felt that I did not want to do business with someone that I felt would change the rules in the middle of transactions in the future.  However, I was completely comfortable in making the refund if he was comfortable in not being able to buy from me in the future.  (I feel that many times I offer very good deals, even below current market values at times, and that missing out on them in the future, was punishment enough for him recouping a couple of dollars with this current deal.)

After informing him of that (but before he could reply to me if he indeed wanted to take the money back in exchange for the specimen) I made the first post to the list.  I did so after thinking about the situation and actually second guessing whether I had a right to think his request was unreasonable in the first place.

Well, it seems that the response was about 25 people agreeing with me and 0 agreeing with my customer.  Fortunately for me, my customer is a member of the list and he was able to read these posts.  Not that my intention was to change his mind, or to embarrass him, I really wanted to keep the discussion of the facts on the list to the moral dilemma.  However, the customer wrote me stating that he realized he was wrong (or at least I think that is what he said, I sometimes have a hard time understanding his broken English). [oops, did that give him away?]

I have communicated with my customer, and we have reached an agreement in the ordeal where he is making his acquisition upon our previously agreed to circumstances.  

While I was content to give the refund, I am happy that the deal is going through as originally agreed upon.  

While this topic involved a Park Forest specimen, and partially was brought about by a fluctuation in perceived retail prices of Park Forest specimens, that really didn't have a bearing on the moral question involved.  

However I do want to toss in my opinion on the values and prices of Park Forest specimens.  As Jim Strope (I think) mentioned, I too really think there is just a temporary dip in the prices on the Park Forest specimens.  There are some events and dynamics at work that I sincerely believe will cause a spike in demand and thus a spike in the values of Park Forest Specimens the next couple of months, especially with the small individuals that I have found.  There are quite a few different factors that may or may not effect the values in the near future, and we will have to see how it all plays out.  

But I do not agree with the opinion (stated as fact by some) that the values of Park Forest are continuing to drop.  I agree that much of the established meteorite market have had their needs filled by now, and fewer of them are competing for remaining specimens for sale, but there is really very little left to be sold.  I know quite a few dealers that have been sold out for some time.  

Yes, there are two big stones whose final destination is not yet determined.  If these end up in institutions, or remain with their finders for a long time or in private hands and not end up being cut and distributed, there will be BIG shortage in a few months time. If they end up being cut and brought to the retail market, it will have an effect on the values of slices and to a lesser degree small whole stones.  More small stones might be able to be found, but I have struck out the last 12 days in the strewnfield, so I am pessimistic too many more will be found.  Besides, anyone who goes up there to hunt and finds one or two is not likely to want to sell them.  Those will probably be held onto forever.  

Anything, from unusual research findings, to more nationwide or worldwide publicity, to new collectors joining the hobby (as they occasionally do) even over the short run will put extra demand on these unspoken for specimen that I don't think there is supply enough to fill at current prices.  This gives me optimism that the prices could and probably will go up.  

Let's revisit this issue in 6 months or so from now and see what happens.

Steve Arnold

Subj:   Dealer Refunds  
Date:   6/27/2003 9:59:40 PM Central Daylight Time  
From:   MeteorHntr  

Hello List,

I have an ethical question I would like to get some feedback on.

I just got a request from a customer that I give him a refund for a specimen he purchased a month or so ago from me that he wants to return now.  His request was not based on the fact tha

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds

2003-06-30 Thread tracy latimer
Does the person in question (buyer) wish to present his side of the case on 
the List?  If you can make a compelling case, you may be able to swing 
opinion, which presently seems to be running strongly against a refund.  
Myself, I understand that prices fluctuate, and a better (or worse) price 
may come along at any time.  I have overpaid for some of my meteorites, but 
I still love 'em all, and accept the occasional inflation/deflation as part 
of the price of this hobby.

BTW, 'twarn't me!  Are we at #495 or #494 now? :-)

Tracy Latimer

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds - Conclusion

2003-06-29 Thread Tim Heitz



-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 1:02
Subject: [meteorite-list] Re:
Dealer Refunds - Conclusion


Hello List,

I suppose it is time to put an end to this thread.

Let me do it by offering a little bit of a deeper explanation as to what
happened.  Before I started the thread, I reluctantly agreed to give my
customer his refund, but I warned him that if he accepted a refund from me,
under what I told him I thought was unreasonable circumstances, that I would no
longer do any business with him in the future.  

Not that I like to cut off any customer's money or any upward pressure in
future ebay biddings they might give, I felt that I did not want to do business
with someone that I felt would change the rules in the middle of transactions
in the future.  However, I was completely comfortable in making the refund
if he was comfortable in not being able to buy from me in the future.  (I
feel that many times I offer very good deals, even below current market values
at times, and that missing out on them in the future, was punishment enough for
him recouping a couple of dollars with this current deal.)

After informing him of that (but before he could reply to me if he indeed
wanted to take the money back in exchange for the specimen) I made the first
post to the list.  I did so after thinking about the situation and
actually second guessing whether I had a right to think his request was
unreasonable in the first place.

Well, it seems that the response was about 25 people agreeing with me and 0
agreeing with my customer.  Fortunately for me, my customer is a member of
the list and he was able to read these posts.  Not that my intention was
to change his mind, or to embarrass him, I really wanted to keep the discussion
of the facts on the list to the moral dilemma.  However, the customer
wrote me stating that he realized he was wrong (or at least I think that is what
he said, I sometimes have a hard time understanding his broken English). [oops,
did that give him away?]

I have communicated with my customer, and we have reached an agreement in the
ordeal where he is making his acquisition upon our previously agreed to

While I was content to give the refund, I am happy that the deal is going
through as originally agreed upon.  

While this topic involved a Park Forest specimen, and partially was brought
about by a fluctuation in perceived retail prices of Park Forest specimens,
that really didn't have a bearing on the moral question involved.  

However I do want to toss in my opinion on the values and prices of Park Forest
specimens.  As Jim Strope (I think) mentioned, I too really think there is
just a temporary dip in the prices on the Park Forest specimens.  There
are some events and dynamics at work that I sincerely believe will cause a
spike in demand and thus a spike in the values of Park Forest Specimens the
next couple of months, especially with the small individuals that I have
found.  There are quite a few different factors that may or may not effect
the values in the near future, and we will have to see how it all plays

But I do not agree with the opinion (stated as fact by some) that the values of
Park Forest are continuing to drop.  I agree that much of the established
meteorite market have had their needs filled by now, and fewer of them are
competing for remaining specimens for sale, but there is really very little
left to be sold.  I know quite a few dealers that have been sold out for
some time.  

Yes, there are two big stones whose final destination is not yet
determined.  If these end up in institutions, or remain with their finders
for a long time or in private hands and not end up being cut and distributed,
there will be BIG shortage in a few months time. If they end up being cut and
brought to the retail market, it will have an effect on the values of slices
and to a lesser degree small whole stones.  More small stones might be
able to be found, but I have struck out the last 12 days in the strewnfield, so
I am pessimistic too many more will be found.  Besides, anyone who goes up
there to hunt and finds one or two is not likely to want to sell them. 
Those will probably be held onto forever.  

Anything, from unusual research findings, to more nationwide or worldwide
publicity, to new collectors joining the hobby (as they occasionally do) even
over the short run will put extra demand on these unspoken for specimen that I
don't think there is supply enough to fill at current prices.  This gives
me optimism that the prices could and probably will go up.  

Let's revisit this issue in 6 months or so from now and see what happens.

Steve Arnold

Subj: Dealer Refunds 
Date: 6/27/2003 9:59:40 PM Central Daylight Time 
From: MeteorHntr 

Hello List

RE: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds - Conclusion

2003-06-29 Thread Tim Heitz



-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 1:02
Subject: [meteorite-list] Re:
Dealer Refunds - Conclusion


Hello List,

I suppose it is time to put an end to this thread.

Let me do it by offering a little bit of a deeper explanation as to what
happened.  Before I started the thread, I reluctantly agreed to give my
customer his refund, but I warned him that if he accepted a refund from me,
under what I told him I thought was unreasonable circumstances, that I would no
longer do any business with him in the future.  

Not that I like to cut off any customer's money or any upward pressure in
future ebay biddings they might give, I felt that I did not want to do business
with someone that I felt would change the rules in the middle of transactions
in the future.  However, I was completely comfortable in making the refund
if he was comfortable in not being able to buy from me in the future.  (I
feel that many times I offer very good deals, even below current market values
at times, and that missing out on them in the future, was punishment enough for
him recouping a couple of dollars with this current deal.)

After informing him of that (but before he could reply to me if he indeed
wanted to take the money back in exchange for the specimen) I made the first
post to the list.  I did so after thinking about the situation and
actually second guessing whether I had a right to think his request was
unreasonable in the first place.

Well, it seems that the response was about 25 people agreeing with me and 0
agreeing with my customer.  Fortunately for me, my customer is a member of
the list and he was able to read these posts.  Not that my intention was
to change his mind, or to embarrass him, I really wanted to keep the discussion
of the facts on the list to the moral dilemma.  However, the customer
wrote me stating that he realized he was wrong (or at least I think that is what
he said, I sometimes have a hard time understanding his broken English). [oops,
did that give him away?]

I have communicated with my customer, and we have reached an agreement in the
ordeal where he is making his acquisition upon our previously agreed to

While I was content to give the refund, I am happy that the deal is going
through as originally agreed upon.  

While this topic involved a Park Forest specimen, and partially was brought
about by a fluctuation in perceived retail prices of Park Forest specimens,
that really didn't have a bearing on the moral question involved.  

However I do want to toss in my opinion on the values and prices of Park Forest
specimens.  As Jim Strope (I think) mentioned, I too really think there is
just a temporary dip in the prices on the Park Forest specimens.  There
are some events and dynamics at work that I sincerely believe will cause a
spike in demand and thus a spike in the values of Park Forest Specimens the
next couple of months, especially with the small individuals that I have
found.  There are quite a few different factors that may or may not effect
the values in the near future, and we will have to see how it all plays

But I do not agree with the opinion (stated as fact by some) that the values of
Park Forest are continuing to drop.  I agree that much of the established
meteorite market have had their needs filled by now, and fewer of them are
competing for remaining specimens for sale, but there is really very little
left to be sold.  I know quite a few dealers that have been sold out for
some time.  

Yes, there are two big stones whose final destination is not yet
determined.  If these end up in institutions, or remain with their finders
for a long time or in private hands and not end up being cut and distributed,
there will be BIG shortage in a few months time. If they end up being cut and
brought to the retail market, it will have an effect on the values of slices
and to a lesser degree small whole stones.  More small stones might be
able to be found, but I have struck out the last 12 days in the strewnfield, so
I am pessimistic too many more will be found.  Besides, anyone who goes up
there to hunt and finds one or two is not likely to want to sell them. 
Those will probably be held onto forever.  

Anything, from unusual research findings, to more nationwide or worldwide
publicity, to new collectors joining the hobby (as they occasionally do) even
over the short run will put extra demand on these unspoken for specimen that I
don't think there is supply enough to fill at current prices.  This gives
me optimism that the prices could and probably will go up.  

Let's revisit this issue in 6 months or so from now and see what happens.

Steve Arnold

Subj: Dealer Refunds 
Date: 6/27/2003 9:59:40 PM Central Daylight Time 
From: MeteorHntr 

Hello List

RE: [meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds - Conclusion

2003-06-29 Thread Tim Heitz



-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 1:02
Subject: [meteorite-list] Re:
Dealer Refunds - Conclusion


Hello List,

I suppose it is time to put an end to this thread.

Let me do it by offering a little bit of a deeper explanation as to what
happened.  Before I started the thread, I reluctantly agreed to give my
customer his refund, but I warned him that if he accepted a refund from me,
under what I told him I thought was unreasonable circumstances, that I would no
longer do any business with him in the future.  

Not that I like to cut off any customer's money or any upward pressure in
future ebay biddings they might give, I felt that I did not want to do business
with someone that I felt would change the rules in the middle of transactions
in the future.  However, I was completely comfortable in making the refund
if he was comfortable in not being able to buy from me in the future.  (I
feel that many times I offer very good deals, even below current market values
at times, and that missing out on them in the future, was punishment enough for
him recouping a couple of dollars with this current deal.)

After informing him of that (but before he could reply to me if he indeed
wanted to take the money back in exchange for the specimen) I made the first
post to the list.  I did so after thinking about the situation and
actually second guessing whether I had a right to think his request was
unreasonable in the first place.

Well, it seems that the response was about 25 people agreeing with me and 0
agreeing with my customer.  Fortunately for me, my customer is a member of
the list and he was able to read these posts.  Not that my intention was
to change his mind, or to embarrass him, I really wanted to keep the discussion
of the facts on the list to the moral dilemma.  However, the customer
wrote me stating that he realized he was wrong (or at least I think that is what
he said, I sometimes have a hard time understanding his broken English). [oops,
did that give him away?]

I have communicated with my customer, and we have reached an agreement in the
ordeal where he is making his acquisition upon our previously agreed to

While I was content to give the refund, I am happy that the deal is going
through as originally agreed upon.  

While this topic involved a Park Forest specimen, and partially was brought
about by a fluctuation in perceived retail prices of Park Forest specimens,
that really didn't have a bearing on the moral question involved.  

However I do want to toss in my opinion on the values and prices of Park Forest
specimens.  As Jim Strope (I think) mentioned, I too really think there is
just a temporary dip in the prices on the Park Forest specimens.  There
are some events and dynamics at work that I sincerely believe will cause a
spike in demand and thus a spike in the values of Park Forest Specimens the
next couple of months, especially with the small individuals that I have
found.  There are quite a few different factors that may or may not effect
the values in the near future, and we will have to see how it all plays

But I do not agree with the opinion (stated as fact by some) that the values of
Park Forest are continuing to drop.  I agree that much of the established
meteorite market have had their needs filled by now, and fewer of them are
competing for remaining specimens for sale, but there is really very little
left to be sold.  I know quite a few dealers that have been sold out for
some time.  

Yes, there are two big stones whose final destination is not yet
determined.  If these end up in institutions, or remain with their finders
for a long time or in private hands and not end up being cut and distributed,
there will be BIG shortage in a few months time. If they end up being cut and
brought to the retail market, it will have an effect on the values of slices
and to a lesser degree small whole stones.  More small stones might be
able to be found, but I have struck out the last 12 days in the strewnfield, so
I am pessimistic too many more will be found.  Besides, anyone who goes up
there to hunt and finds one or two is not likely to want to sell them. 
Those will probably be held onto forever.  

Anything, from unusual research findings, to more nationwide or worldwide
publicity, to new collectors joining the hobby (as they occasionally do) even
over the short run will put extra demand on these unspoken for specimen that I
don't think there is supply enough to fill at current prices.  This gives
me optimism that the prices could and probably will go up.  

Let's revisit this issue in 6 months or so from now and see what happens.

Steve Arnold

Subj: Dealer Refunds 
Date: 6/27/2003 9:59:40 PM Central Daylight Time 
From: MeteorHntr 

Hello List

[meteorite-list] Re: Dealer Refunds IDENTITY AND DOUBLE GAUL

2003-06-28 Thread M come Meteorite Meteorites

I have write to this person of the mistake and I have
write if no want no pay me the auction and I put the
auction on ebay for another time, and I have put, but
he have want the same buy the piece and have sent the
payment to me. I have take off the piece from ebay and
sent to the person.I have not no excuse for this
person, I had said him that if did not want did not
pay the auction, he wanted the same to pay when was
able to refuse itself, ruining the series of positive
feedback on my account ebay, I find it extremely
inaccurate. I have stop the ID in my bidders on ebay.


--- Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken, Tom, Matteo & all,
> Let me put a bloody end to all this
> nonsense, right now.
> Matteo, if you hadn't had the GAUL to slam a
> good person
> yesterday, as per below, I would have kept my bloody
> mouth
> shut. I quote you as follows from yesterday's post
> to the list:
> --
> Hello all
> I addvise all to stop this ID in your ebay spam
> list,
> the person in matter buy from me a slice of PF that
> came from the close pavement of the fire station in
> park forest.  By mistake I had written that it came
> from the roof of the station, but I said him that it
> was able not to buy it and I I replaced it in sale.
> The person instead buy the same the piece and put a
> negative feedback to me, a behavior from idiotic
> truth.  Block this person if do not want to have
> surprised.  
> ID: shawomet
> --
> Now, as for this buyer whom you claim did
> you wrong:
> This is a customer of mine, Matteo. He saw the same
> post
> from me off of which you bought the Park Forrest (at
> $25/g,
> which is $5/g more than you paid Steve Arnold - it
> is
> OBVIOUS you are the person who wanted him to refund
> your $)
> So, this customer contacts me and asks if I
> miswrote
> in my ad that it fell ACCROSS THE STREET from the
> Fire
> Station, or did it actually hit the fire station. I
> explained it
> fell accross the street and that you had a hard time
> with
> English and perhaps missworded your statement, AS I
> PARTICULAR SPECIMEN, as we exchanged emails until
> there
> could be NO DOUBT in your mind.
> Now, Matteo, you are claiming a VERY
> different story
> than this customer, who said in attempts to clarify
> with
> you, you were emphatic about this stone hitting the
> fire
> station. 
> Now you email the list bad mouthing him
> because he filed
> a negative eBay feedback on you.
> And you have the astonishingly poor taste to
> do this while
> the whole list is up in arms about you mewling about
> a deal
> with Steve Arnold (go ahead, I double dog dare you
> to deny
> I have long suspected your understanding is
> greater than you
> let on.  I will no longer give you the benefit of
> the doubt. Your
> credibility is out the window with me.
> Like I said, I wouldn't even have commented
> on this thread
> if you hadn't audaciously bad mouthed "showamet" to
> this
> list yesterday. When I have something to say to
> people, I say it
> to their face, but your public slander of this
> person's good name
> is absolutely amazing and has pushed me over the
> edge.
> Sincerely, Michael L. Blood
> on 6/28/03 2:30 PM, Tom aka James Knudson at
> wrote:
> > Hello List, Ken wrote;
> > "we still haven't heard both sides."
> > 
> > That is because there is not an "other side". The
> guy is wrong and has no
> > leg to stand on!
> > Thanks, Tom
> > The proudest member of the IMCA 6168
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Ken O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Meteorite-List (E-mail)
> > Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 2:26 PM
> > Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Dealer Refunds
> > 
> > 
> >> Hi All,
> >> 
> >> I was of the opinion tending towards a refund. I
> must now admit that in
> > this
> >> particular case this would not now be my
> decision.
> >> A dealer should really be "on the ball" with
> regards to pricing.
> >> Each case must be judged on it's merits, we still
> haven't heard both
> > sides.
> >> Has the other side any merit ?
> >> 
> >> A very interesting thread.
> >> 
> >> Regards
> >> 
> >> Ken O'Neill
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> __
> >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >>
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >

M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.com Collection Site: 
International Meteorite Collectors