Dear Steve and List:

Excellent question Steve; look at the interesting discussion you started!

I would like to mention something specific to this matter: Steve was offering some of the best Park Forest stones available, and probably *the* best small, complete individuals. I know this for a fact because I watched him find most of them (read all about it in the upcoming issue of "Meteorite").

When there is a limited amount of an exciting new meteorite available -- or in this case an exciting, new, unique, American-major-city witnessed fall meteorite, with fireball videos, busted cars and houses, and the whole works to accompany it, collectors are understandably very keen to get some. Those that *must* have a piece, or want to pick from the cream of the crop, will buy early and perhaps pay a premium. Those that gamble and wait may get a lower price later on eBay, when the initial demand has been met (and may be picking from lesser quality specimens as a result), or they could discover that there is none left at all. If you buy early on to ensure that you get a good specimen, there's no use griping later because the price has dropped.

Steve, your customer's request is nothing but sour grapes. He was complaining about the price back then, but bought from you anyway. He's still complaining about the price, and now hoping to get a hand out. Don't even think about it. He's lucky to have those stones -- which you found through hard work and skillful strewn field mapping -- and I happen to know that the price he paid was very fair. Similar stones have sold elsewhere for more.

BTW, by posting your ethics question to the List, you have covered yourself in the event that this character does have the poor taste to complain about you in public (not that anyone would take him seriously).

Your hunting pal,

Geoff N.

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