Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Farmer
anonymous scientists and recently retired meteoriticists are really not the 
last word on facebook:)

Michael Farmer

Sent from my iPad

 On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:
 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently retired) 
 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands
 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).
 Anne M. Black
 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?
 Thanks Mike,
 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.
 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,
 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.
 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.
 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :
 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.
 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.
 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.
 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)
 Best regards,
 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -
 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.
 Does it work for you? Why?
 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?
 If you have suggestions please let me know.
 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)
 Here is my link
 Rock On!
 Ruben Garcia
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 Rock On!
 Ruben Garcia
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Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-13 Thread Mark Ford
Problem is fragmentation. There are already many meteorite groups on facebook, 
twitter, et al. If everybody keeps creating new ones eventually they [will] all 
be more or less empty like so many other forums.

 The beauty of the Met-list is it's simplicity, and the fact that its actually 
quite busy (compared to 99.9% of other forums inc some on FB), Not sure I agree 
with the concept of paying for Ads, that's just bound to drive away people, but 
I can understand funds need to be raised.

 Fact is in the meteorite collecting world and 'ads' go hand in hand, for most 
people dealers are the only source of rocks, I for one got much of my 
collections over the years due to ads on the met list. 

I for one am staying put, even if I end up talking to myself ! :)



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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-13 Thread Michael Farmer
I have sold hundreds of thousands on Facebook. Ignore at your own peril and 
Michael Farmer

Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:
 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently retired) 
 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands
 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).
 Anne M. Black
 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?
 Thanks Mike,
 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.
 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,
 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.
 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.
 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :
 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.
 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.
 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.
 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)
 Best regards,
 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -
 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.
 Does it work for you? Why?
 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?
 If you have suggestions please let me know.
 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)
 Here is my link
 Rock On!
 Ruben Garcia
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 Meteorite-list mailing list
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 Rock On!
 Ruben Garcia
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Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-13 Thread Jim Wooddell

Hi all!

FaceBook (FB) is one of the greatest communications tools of our time.  
Like it or not.

No matter what your opinion is of it, the facts back up what I just typed.

If one takes the time to learn how to actually use it, managing all the 
control features it

has, it works very good.  I'd bet most people do little to manage FB.

There are a few groups there that are about pictures and
dealers, mostly, as Mendy pointed out.  However, the best of the best 
are on the personal

pages and the groups or pages of individuals of those that I follow.
You do not have to be a groupy to use FaceBook.the best feature 
about it.  You can do
your own thing and if people like it they follow you and it they don't, 
they don't

follow youit's that simple.

For the dealers, you can have your own page.  On that page, you can list 
meteorites for
sale until you can't stand it.  You won't bother anyone that doesn't 
want to see them

(a professional ethics issue).
Even though I don't buy much in regards to meteorites, I follow
two or three dealers on their pages (because they don't bomb anyone with 
their ads) and

I don't need to see a million freaking ads from those I will never buy from
or have no interest in.
I should not say this but what the heck...Personally, posting ads here 
or in groups just reminds
me of desperation...I meangeese...if you have a real businessget 
your own webpage already (JMHO)!
Isn't that what the big boys do??  Oh wait...get your own FB page!  BTW, 
I have yet to see a
meteorite dealer paid ad there on the ads that do pop up on the right 
that target millions of

people...kinda makes one wonder!

For Science, you can have your own page.  And with that, you can share 
your science stuff
and if people like your page, they will follow you, etc.  Melinda Hutson 
started a page for
PSU CML last year and she posts stuff on there related to what she and 
CML is doing, etc.
great to see and read this stuff.  Arizona Geological Survey has a page 
and they post stuff

about what they are up to.  It's a great tool.
I would follow all the meteorite related science pages if they had them 
and I know about them.

For individuals, FB personal pages let the egotists (i.e. childhood 
development issues)
go wild about themselves.  Just look around at the pages and you can see 
them and
it's clear who they are!  Their page is all about them...full of selfies 
their private

victories and such to feed their ego's  (Hey look at me! I am god like!)
Or the more balanced people with pages about what they are doing or 
learning or

sharing some fun or interest, rant about politics, etc.
Or, they share everyone's stuff other than their own stuff (indication 
they don't have a life of their own).

And best of all, a little of everything!  Something for everyone!

Then there are the groups.which many are drawn to because of like 
interests.  There are several
groups for meteorite interests and because of the ads, I only follow the 
one Mendy and Ben have and
the ads there are excessive too! At least there are come good 
conversations there once in a while.

There is a learning curve on how to use FB.
There are Groups
There are Lists
There are Pages
There are Messages  (with that crazy Other Folder)
...and a bunch of other stuff.

Best I can tell, 75% of the folks do not know how to take advantage of them.
I love the lists because I can control who see's my posts which focuses 
subject matter to the
people that have the same interests (most of the time).  For example, I 
don't send my meteorite related

posts to my other lists which could careless about meteorites.

Off my soapbox now.


On 3/12/2014 6:42 PM, Tom Randall wrote:

   Hi all,
  I tried out Facebook about 3-4 years ago and got bored stiff 
after 3 months and deleted the account. Unless you're a business or 
have relatives in far away places I feel it's a huge waste of time.

Just my 2 sense.




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Jim Wooddell


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Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-13 Thread Mendy Ouzillou
Discussing whether Facebook is a viable forum versus the MetList is not really 
the issue. Anyone who has spent time recently on the established meteorite 
pages on Facebook knows that they are not just viable but thriving. The 
Met-List is also important as a complementary source of information, discussion 
and, yes sales and exchanges. Anything that impedes any of these activities 
will lead to poor participation and flight to explore other more friendly 

So, what makes for a viable forum? The answer is good administration. The most 
successful pages on FB have clearly stated rules that are enforced. Being an 
admin on two pages, Meteorites and Is it a meteorite?, and the creator of 
the rules I can tell you that both of these have grown dramatically over just 
one year. I've had to deal with all kinds of nasty issues because people are 
people, but we have learned from these issues and kept things fun for our 
members. Too much regulations drives people away and too little does too (for 
different reasons). 

Our community is very small and we can't afford to alienate people regardless 
of whether they are old curmudgeons or young neophytes especially when the 
learning curve is so steep. 

Having said this, being an admin is not a small investment in time, so if Art 
needs to be compensated, I have no issue with a yearly fee or some other 
payment model. However, please do not penalize dealers with having to pay for 
ads. As stated previously, defining what is an ad will be hard enough, but 
these ads are really an important way for collectors to get material. I sit on 
both sides as a dealer and collector. Stating the obvious, you can't have 
dealers without collectors and vice-versa (unless all collectors start to hunt 
in the field). 

Mendy Ouzillou
IMCA 8395

- Original Message -
 From: Mark Ford
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 4:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?
 Problem is fragmentation. There are already many meteorite groups on 
 twitter, et al. If everybody keeps creating new ones eventually they [will] 
 be more or less empty like so many other forums.
 The beauty of the Met-list is it's simplicity, and the fact that its 
 actually quite busy (compared to 99.9% of other forums inc some on FB), Not 
 I agree with the concept of paying for Ads, that's just bound to drive away 
 people, but I can understand funds need to be raised.
 Fact is in the meteorite collecting world and 'ads' go hand in hand, for 
 most people dealers are the only source of rocks, I for one got much of my 
 collections over the years due to ads on the met list. 
 I for one am staying put, even if I end up talking to myself ! :)
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 Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-13 Thread Ruben Garcia
Couldn't have said it better myself Mendy!

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Mendy Ouzillou wrote:
 Discussing whether Facebook is a viable forum versus the MetList is not 
 really the issue. Anyone who has spent time recently on the established 
 meteorite pages on Facebook knows that they are not just viable but thriving. 
 The Met-List is also important as a complementary source of information, 
 discussion and, yes sales and exchanges. Anything that impedes any of these 
 activities will lead to poor participation and flight to explore other more 
 friendly venues.

 So, what makes for a viable forum? The answer is good administration. The 
 most successful pages on FB have clearly stated rules that are enforced. 
 Being an admin on two pages, Meteorites and Is it a meteorite?, and the 
 creator of the rules I can tell you that both of these have grown 
 dramatically over just one year. I've had to deal with all kinds of nasty 
 issues because people are people, but we have learned from these issues and 
 kept things fun for our members. Too much regulations drives people away and 
 too little does too (for different reasons).

 Our community is very small and we can't afford to alienate people regardless 
 of whether they are old curmudgeons or young neophytes especially when the 
 learning curve is so steep.

 Having said this, being an admin is not a small investment in time, so if Art 
 needs to be compensated, I have no issue with a yearly fee or some other 
 payment model. However, please do not penalize dealers with having to pay for 
 ads. As stated previously, defining what is an ad will be hard enough, but 
 these ads are really an important way for collectors to get material. I sit 
 on both sides as a dealer and collector. Stating the obvious, you can't have 
 dealers without collectors and vice-versa (unless all collectors start to 
 hunt in the field).


 Mendy Ouzillou
 IMCA 8395

 - Original Message -
 From: Mark Ford
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 4:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Problem is fragmentation. There are already many meteorite groups on 
 twitter, et al. If everybody keeps creating new ones eventually they [will] 
 be more or less empty like so many other forums.

 The beauty of the Met-list is it's simplicity, and the fact that its
 actually quite busy (compared to 99.9% of other forums inc some on FB), Not 
 I agree with the concept of paying for Ads, that's just bound to drive away
 people, but I can understand funds need to be raised.

 Fact is in the meteorite collecting world and 'ads' go hand in hand, for
 most people dealers are the only source of rocks, I for one got much of my
 collections over the years due to ads on the met list.

 I for one am staying put, even if I end up talking to myself ! :)



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Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Galactic Stone Ironworks
Hi Ruben,

I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
and trivial.

However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
and/or sales.

2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
(non-commercial) posts.

Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

Best regards,

Web -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Pinterest -

On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off within
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you have suggestions please let me know.

 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)

 Here is my link

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

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 Meteorite-list mailing list


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Ruben Garcia
Thanks Mike,

Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,

 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.

 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.

 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.

 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

 Best regards,

 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off within
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you have suggestions please let me know.

 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)

 Here is my link

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list


 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Anne Black
Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently 
retired) meteoriticist:

Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

(Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

Anne M. Black

-Original Message-
From: Ruben Garcia
To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
Cc: Meteorite-list
Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

Thanks Mike,

Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:

Hi Ruben,

I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
and trivial.

However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
and/or sales.

2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
(non-commercial) posts.

Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

Best regards,

Web -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Pinterest -

On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:

Hi all,

I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off 


weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

Does it work for you? Why?

Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
the action is, what choice is there?

If you have suggestions please let me know.

BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
set up my page, but I'm working on it now)

Here is my link

Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Ruben Garcia
Hi Anne,

I forgot to mention that I'll be 50 in less than a month.  I have
several grand children.  I guess I fit the demographic.

(LIKE)  -   Just trying to get used to the FB terminology.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:
 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently retired)

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

 Anne M. Black

 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Thanks Mike,

 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:

 Hi Ruben,

 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.

 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.

 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.

 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

 Best regards,

 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off


 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you have suggestions please let me know.

 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)

 Here is my link

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list


 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Luther Jackson
Try it. All people of all ages are welcome.


 On 12 Mar 2014, at 23:28, Anne Black wrote:
 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently retired) 
 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands
 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).
 Anne M. Black
 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?
 Thanks Mike,
 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.
 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,
 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.
 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.
 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :
 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.
 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.
 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.
 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)
 Best regards,
 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -
 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.
 Does it work for you? Why?
 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?
 If you have suggestions please let me know.
 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)
 Here is my link
 Rock On!
 Ruben Garcia
 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Rock On!
 Ruben Garcia
 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Luther Jackson
I 'like' this...

 On 12 Mar 2014, at 23:49, Bernd V. Pauli wrote:
 Hi All,
 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands
 My version (and my wife's) is almost identical:
 = Facebook is for [old] people with way too much time on their hands.
 I'll be 69 in about two months, which means that I fit the demographic
 even better than you do, Ruben ;-)Hi, old chum!
 - not twittering
 - not Facebooking
 - and not yet Linkedin either
 ... but still around and alive with two great grandchildren!
 Best from post-midnight Germany,
 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Anne Black

Thank you Bernd.

But Ruben is a youngster. And I am older than you.
But I certainly don't have too much time on my hands, quite the 

Now, if you'll excuse me but I have business to attend to.

Anne M. Black

-Original Message-
From: Bernd V. Pauli
To: meteorite-list
Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 5:49 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

Hi All,

Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

My version (and my wife's) is almost identical:

= Facebook is for [old] people with way too much time on their hands.

I'll be 69 in about two months, which means that I fit the demographic
even better than you do, Ruben ;-)Hi, old chum!

- not twittering
- not Facebooking
- and not yet Linkedin either

... but still around and alive with two great grandchildren!

Best from post-midnight Germany,



Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list


Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum? (word of CAUTION)

2014-03-12 Thread Galactic Stone Ironworks
There are numerous meteorite groups, including one moderated by our
own Mendy Ouzillou.  No less than 3 or 4 are home to some very good
discussions and photos.

One note of caution - once you make your interest in meteorites known
on FB, you will get flooded with friend requests from Moroccans.  Many
are good honest folk.  A few are shady.  Some will continue to bombard
you with offers even if you ask them not to.  I think some of it is a
language barrier issue.

Meteorite Times FB page -

Meteorite Magazine FB page -

Meteorite Central FB page -

My FB profile (send me a friend request) -

Best regards,

Web -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Pinterest -

On 3/12/14, Michael Farmer wrote:
 I have sold hundreds of thousands on Facebook. Ignore at your own peril and
 Michael Farmer

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:

 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently
 retired) meteoriticist:

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

 Anne M. Black

 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Thanks Mike,

 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,

 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.

 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.

 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.

 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

 Best regards,

 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you have suggestions please let me know.

 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)

 Here is my link

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Visit the Archives at

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Galactic Stone Ironworks
I am a 75-yo man trapped in the body of a 43-yo.  Does that count as old ???

I don't get the kids these days.  LOL.

On 3/12/14, Anne Black wrote:
 Thank you Bernd.

 But Ruben is a youngster. And I am older than you.
 But I certainly don't have too much time on my hands, quite the

 Now, if you'll excuse me but I have business to attend to.

 Anne M. Black

 -Original Message-
 From: Bernd V. Pauli
 To: meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 5:49 pm
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Hi All,

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 My version (and my wife's) is almost identical:

 = Facebook is for [old] people with way too much time on their hands.

 I'll be 69 in about two months, which means that I fit the demographic
 even better than you do, Ruben ;-)Hi, old chum!

 - not twittering
 - not Facebooking
 - and not yet Linkedin either

 ... but still around and alive with two great grandchildren!

 Best from post-midnight Germany,



 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list


 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Web -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Pinterest -

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum? (word of CAUTION)

2014-03-12 Thread Mendy Ouzillou

The other admin of the Meteorites page is Ben de la Vega who provides excellent 

Mendy Ouzillou

 From: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
To: Michael Farmer 
Anne Black 
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum? (word of CAUTION)

There are numerous meteorite groups, including one moderated by our
own Mendy Ouzillou.  No less than 3 or 4 are home to some very good
discussions and photos.

One note of caution - once you make your interest in meteorites known
on FB, you will get flooded with friend requests from Moroccans.  Many
are good honest folk.  A few are shady.  Some will continue to bombard
you with offers even if you ask them not to.  I think some of it is a
language barrier issue.

Meteorite Times FB page -

Meteorite Magazine FB page -

Meteorite Central FB page -

My FB profile (send me a friend request) -

Best regards,

Web -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Pinterest -

On 3/12/14, Michael Farmer wrote:
 I have sold hundreds of thousands on Facebook. Ignore at your own peril and
 Michael Farmer

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:

 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently
 retired) meteoriticist:

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

 Anne M. Black

 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Thanks Mike,

 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,

 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.

 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.

 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.

 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

 Best regards,

 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you have suggestions please let me know.

 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum? (word of CAUTION)

2014-03-12 Thread Galactic Stone Ironworks
My apologies to Ben.  He's a great guy.  :)

On 3/12/14, Mendy Ouzillou wrote:

 The other admin of the Meteorites page is Ben de la Vega who provides
 excellent services.

 Mendy Ouzillou

 From: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
To: Michael Farmer
Cc:;; Anne Black
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum? (word of

There are numerous meteorite groups, including one moderated by our
own Mendy Ouzillou.  No less than 3 or 4 are home to some very good
discussions and photos.

One note of caution - once you make your interest in meteorites known
on FB, you will get flooded with friend requests from Moroccans.  Many
are good honest folk.  A few are shady.  Some will continue to bombard
you with offers even if you ask them not to.  I think some of it is a
language barrier issue.

Meteorite Times FB page -

Meteorite Magazine FB page -

Meteorite Central FB page -

My FB profile (send me a friend request) -

Best regards,

Web -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Pinterest -

On 3/12/14, Michael Farmer wrote:
 I have sold hundreds of thousands on Facebook. Ignore at your own peril
 Michael Farmer

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:

 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently
 retired) meteoriticist:

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

 Anne M. Black

 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Thanks Mike,

 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,

 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.

 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.

 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.

 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

 Best regards,

 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Graham Ensor
Great way of keeping in touch with the world of metsbut can be
very time consuming.

Difficult at times to weed out the dross from the useful worthwhile
stuff...but worth persisting.

Good luck Ruben...hope to speak to you on there soon.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Luther Jackson wrote:
 Try it. All people of all ages are welcome.


 On 12 Mar 2014, at 23:28, Anne Black wrote:

 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently retired) 

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

 Anne M. Black

 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Thanks Mike,

 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,

 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.

 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.

 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.

 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

 Best regards,

 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you have suggestions please let me know.

 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)

 Here is my link

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list


 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Graham Ensor
Not got time to be old Bernd ;-)

Cheers,  Graham

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:49 PM, Bernd V. Pauli wrote:
 Hi All,

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 My version (and my wife's) is almost identical:

 = Facebook is for [old] people with way too much time on their hands.

 I'll be 69 in about two months, which means that I fit the demographic
 even better than you do, Ruben ;-)Hi, old chum!

 - not twittering
 - not Facebooking
 - and not yet Linkedin either

 ... but still around and alive with two great grandchildren!

 Best from post-midnight Germany,



 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Jim Wooddell

And this person would be soo wrong!


On 3/12/2014 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:
Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently 
retired) meteoriticist:

Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

(Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

Anne M. Black

Jim Wooddell


Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Ruben Garcia
 Hi Mike and all,

The Truth is that Art's new Charge per AD program (likely effective
April 1st) together with dwindling participation on the Met-List has
made me look at other avenues like FB. Please don't misunderstand I'm
not saying I blame Art for trying to raise a little cash to cover
expenses. Heck, I may even participate.just not sure right now.

It's just that the Met-list isn't as user friendly as other forums
that allow photos to be posted. Not to mention my last few ADS posted
here didn't seem to attract many buyers. So why not look elsewhere

As you've eluded to - Facebook is the obvious choice.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Michael Farmer wrote:
 I have sold hundreds of thousands on Facebook. Ignore at your own peril and 
 Michael Farmer

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Anne Black wrote:

 Private comment from one of the most highly regarded (and recently retired) 

 Facebook is for old people with way too much time on their hands

 (Yes, he allowed me to repeat it).

 Anne M. Black

 -Original Message-
 From: Ruben Garcia
 To: Galactic Stone  Ironworks
 Cc: Meteorite-list
 Sent: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook a viable forum?

 Thanks Mike,

 Good to read what works for you.I appreciate it!  Just in the last
 few minutes since this post I've had 10 emails singing the praises of
 FB and also people sending friend requests. I'll post articles,
 photos, hunting videos and commentary but YES I will also post ADS.

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Galactic Stone  Ironworks wrote:
 Hi Ruben,

 I also resisted FB and Twitter for a long time.  It just seemed silly
 and trivial.

 However, I have since become a big fan of both, especially FB.  It is
 great for networking.  I have met some good people who I now consider
 friends, and I have also met some new sources of material.  A few of
 my FB friends are traders and we swap material.  It's been a boon for
 business as well because it is a great promotional tool.

 A couple of tips for new meteorite people on FB :

 1) search the groups for meteorite-related groups.   There are many,
 and some are not so good, but others are very good for discussions
 and/or sales.

 2) find a few meteorite people who have large friend lists that are
 visible.  You can farm those lists for new contacts and send friend
 requests to them.  Many dealers, including myself, keep the visibility
 of their friends list on private to prevent this.  But if you look
 around, you can find the meteorite dealers and collectors this way.

 3) If you intend on selling on FB, be very up-front about that fact to
 people who friend you.  Many people do not want to see ads.  I
 oblige those people by removing them from my friend's list, or warning
 them up front that I do post ads in addition to other normal
 (non-commercial) posts.

 Send me a request - FB name (galacticstone)

 Best regards,

 Web -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

 On 3/12/14, Ruben Garcia wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just re-signed up on Facebook (I was on years ago but got off
 weeks of signing up) and was wondering how you like it as a forum for
 meteorite chat/news and also an advertising medium.

 Does it work for you? Why?

 Honestly, I've been resisting the move to FB -  but if that's where
 the action is, what choice is there?

 If you have suggestions please let me know.

 BTW -  Feel free to send me a friend request (although I've not even
 set up my page, but I'm working on it now)

 Here is my link

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

 Rock On!

 Ruben Garcia

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-12 Thread Tom Randall

   Hi all,
  I tried out Facebook about 3-4 years ago and got bored stiff 
after 3 months and deleted the account. Unless you're a business or have 
relatives in far away places I feel it's a huge waste of time.

Just my 2 sense.




Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list