Re: Simplest and safest way to activate external mail transfert

2009-08-04 Thread Jean-François SIMON
Would the use of mini_sendmail-chroot help in any way ?

2009/8/3 Jean-Frangois SIMON

 Many thanks.

 2009/8/3 Stuart Henderson

 On 2009-08-02, jean-francois wrote:
  What would be the simplest and safest way in order to give php the
  possibility to transfert mails via the php mail command ?

 Assuming you're using chroot: you need to install some things under
 some mail-relay program (I'd recommend femail), and /bin/sh (yes, really.
 uses popen for this).

 If you don't absolutely need the mail() command there are various PHP
 library functions to send mail by SMTP which don't need the shell.

Re: Simplest and safest way to activate external mail transfert

2009-08-04 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2009/08/04 10:47, Jean-Frangois SIMON wrote:
 Would the use of mini_sendmail-chroot help in any way ?

This does the same job as femail (which I prefer).

 2009/8/3 Jean-Frangois SIMON
  Many thanks.
  2009/8/3 Stuart Henderson
  On 2009-08-02, jean-francois wrote:
   What would be the simplest and safest way in order to give php the
   possibility to transfert mails via the php mail command ?
  Assuming you're using chroot: you need to install some things under
  some mail-relay program (I'd recommend femail), and /bin/sh (yes, really.
  uses popen for this).
  If you don't absolutely need the mail() command there are various PHP
  library functions to send mail by SMTP which don't need the shell.

Re: Urgent problem with an arc RAID controller

2009-08-04 Thread Federico Giannici

Chris Cappuccio wrote:

Assuming the Areca controller's virtual disk shows up as sd0, you can reinstall 
the MBR and boot blocks by:

1. Boot bsd.rd   (from CD perhaps?)
2. fdisk -i sd0  (MBR)
3. mount /dev/sd0a to /mnt
4. installboot /mnt/boot /usr/mdec/biosboot sd0  (Boot blocks)

I think that I already issued both the fdick -i and installboot 
commands. Anyway it could be that I did them in a wrong way because I 
was in panic...

Now I have attached another disk, were I dump/restore-ed a copy of the 
root partition (the other partitions with all the data are mounted from 
the original disk) and so the server is alive again, and now I can think 
more lucidly...

I think that at least part of the problem is in the fdisk partitioning, 
due to the great size of the disk.

The system is a RAID 0+1 with 6 1TB disks, so it appears as a 3TB disk. 
The last (and bigger) partition is formatted in FFS2.

First of all, here are the relevant parts of dmesg:

arc0 at pci3 dev 14 function 0 Areca ARC-1220 rev 0x00: apic 4 int 16 
(irq 7)

arc0: 8 ports, 256MB SDRAM, firmware V1.46 2009-01-06
scsibus0 at arc0: 16 targets, initiator 16
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: Areca, ARC-1220-VOL#00, R001 SCSI3 
0/direct fixed
sd0: 2861022MB, 44966 cyl, 511 head, 255 sec, 512 bytes/sec, 5859374592 
sec total

Here it is a copy of the fdisk sd0 command before the problem (after I 
installed the system):

Disk: sd0   geometry: 364729/255/63 [1564407296 Sectors]
Offset: 0   Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending LBA Info:
 #: id  C   H   S -  C   H   S [   start:size ]
 0: 00  0   0   0 -  0   0   0 [   0:   0 ] unused
 1: 00  0   0   0 -  0   0   0 [   0:   0 ] unused
 2: 00  0   0   0 -  0   0   0 [   0:   0 ] unused
*3: A6  0   1   1 -  97379 165  59 [  63:  1564404026 ] OpenBSD

And here it is how it appears now:

Disk: sd0   geometry: 26157922/7/32 [1564407296 Sectors]
Offset: 0   Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending LBA Info:
 #: id  C   H   S -  C   H   S [   start:size ]
 0: 00  0   0   0 -  0   0   0 [   0:   0 ] unused
 1: 00  0   0   0 -  0   0   0 [   0:   0 ] unused
 2: 00  0   0   0 -  0   0   0 [   0:   0 ] unused
*3: A6  0   1  32 - 6983946   5  25 [  63:  1564404026 ] OpenBSD

I don't remember if the LBA part was already this way or if I set it 
this way. I tried to set the CHS parameters but had a lot of problems, 
and even if fdisk get the parameters and said he wrote them to the disk, 
then they were still the same (or anyway different from the ones I set)!

Here it is the disklabel sd0 output:

# Inside MBR partition 3: type A6 start 63 size 1564404026
# /dev/rsd0c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: ARC-1220-VOL
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 364729
total sectors: 5859374592
rpm: 1
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0   # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
drivedata: 0

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
  a:104872257   63  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  b: 41945715104872320swap
  c:   58593745920  unused  0 0
  d:104872320146818035  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  e:104872320251690355  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  f:   5502811917356562675  4.2BSD   2048 163841

Now, what do you suggest to set the disk in a consistent way and make it 
correctly boot?


Of course, I'm assuming here that your DOS disk partition was created as 
default by the installer.  The disklabel should still show up in the same place 
this way.

Did you already reinstall the MBR with fdisk at some point? 

It sounds like the rebuild process changed the size of the virtual disk (which 
seems unlikely to me but I guess it's possible)

Federico Giannici [] wrote:
This night we had some problems with an Areca ARC-1220 RAID controller  
(arc driver) installed in an OpenBSD 4.4 amd64.

After the substitution of a couple of HDs the system restarted (in  
rebuilding mode), but there was a problem: the RAID disk no longer 

The system see the controller, it correctly boot and seems to work ok.  
The controller BIOS seems ok, apart from being in Rebuild state, but  
this already occurred another couple of times before with no particular  

But this time, after the controller starts up, when the PC BIOS should  
boot from the disk, the following message is written to video and  
nothing more happens:

Re: FTP public

2009-08-04 Thread Richard Toohey

On 4/08/2009, at 7:49 AM, Yamidt Henao wrote:


I cant publish a ftp server using the pf, my ftp server used  

have in pf:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port { ftp-data } -
serverftp port ftp-data
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port { ftp } -  

port ftp

but I cant connect ftp sesions.

Any idea.


Not sure what you are after, but this stuff worked when I tried it:


Offre temporaire : Inscrivez GRATUITEMENT votre commerce et ameacute;liorez votre promotion

2009-08-04 Thread Les

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Adding PHP module to httpd.conf

2009-08-04 Thread Chris
How do I add PHP module in httpd.conf?

I don't see any package name mod_php. I have already added the php-core package.


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2009-08-04 Thread Clinicas Praestigium
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Re: Mimi UM-740 touchscreen for OpenBSD

2009-08-04 Thread Edd Barrett
Hey Guys,

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:30 PM, William wrote:
 I have had a go at changing the code base you guys have already coded (big
 thanks by the way). Ive included my patch in this email and the output from
 usbdevs -v

If I remember correctly, your patch makes the screen show as
wsdisplay1, is that correct? I would not know how to get that to be
used as the console. Any ideas?

Best Regards

Edd Barrett
(Freelance software developer / technical writer / open-source developer)

Re: Adding PHP module to httpd.conf

2009-08-04 Thread Floor Terra
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:26 PM, wrote:
 How do I add PHP module in httpd.conf?

See: pkg_info -M php5-core

 I don't see any package name mod_php. I have already added the php-core 


Floor Terra

Re: Adding PHP module to httpd.conf

2009-08-04 Thread LEVAI Daniel
On Tuesday 04 August 2009 12.26.19 you wrote:
 How do I add PHP module in httpd.conf?

 I don't see any package name mod_php. I have already added the php-core

You should've got a php5.conf in your /var/www/conf/modules.sample/ directory.
Copy that over to the /var/www/conf/modules/ directory, and restart apache.
Further php5 extension tuning can be achieved by copying and maybe editing
the sample files from /var/www/conf/php5.sample to /var/www/conf/php5.


LC  VAI DC!niel
PGP key ID = 0x4AC0A4B1
Key fingerprint = D037 03B9 C12D D338 4412  2D83 1373 917A 4AC0 A4B1

Re: FTP public

2009-08-04 Thread Cristiano Deana

On 8/3/09 9:49 PM, Yamidt Henao wrote:

I cant publish a ftp server using the pf, my ftp server used autenticacion,I
have in pf:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port { ftp-data } -
serverftp  port ftp-data
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port { ftp } -  serverftp
port ftp

man ftp-proxy

Cristiano Deana - FreeCRIS
Ho iniziato a usare FreeBSD perche' m$ usava me. ed e' spiacevole

Re: FTP public

2009-08-04 Thread Chris Dukes
On Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 02:49:02PM -0500, Yamidt Henao wrote:
 I cant publish a ftp server using the pf, my ftp server used autenticacion,I
 have in pf:

Would you mind explaining why you think you need an FTP server, and 
why http, webdav, rsync, scp, and sftp are not options?

(Simple answers like Management told me to do so, or I would lose
my job do suffice.  But management tends to have more clue if they
are letting you run OpenBSD).

I ask because the answers I keep hearing lately involve legacy Windows
software or legacy procedures for end users.  As a result they also involve
cleartext passwords going across the network.

Chris Dukes

Re: FTP public

2009-08-04 Thread Daniel Gracia Garallar

Always read the FAQ first.

To support an active FTP server, you should allow traffic for ftp, 
ftp-data port and also all between net.inet.ip.porthifirst and 
net.inet.ip.porthilast ports, as configured by sysctl(8).



Yamidt Henao escribis:


I cant publish a ftp server using the pf, my ftp server used autenticacion,I
have in pf:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port { ftp-data } -
serverftp port ftp-data
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port { ftp } - serverftp
port ftp

but I cant connect ftp sesions.

Any idea.


Re: issues setting up OpenOSPFD between local and remote OpenBSD routers.

2009-08-04 Thread Matthew Haas

Matthew Haas wrote:

I'm exploring running OpenOSPFD only on the local networks (ie talking 
between my two local routers), but then talk amongst all the sites via 

We'll see how it turns out.

Good day everyone,

Just wanted to offer an update of where I stand-- thanks to all for 
your suggestions.

As it turns out, last night I sat down and banged out an OpenBGPD 
config on all affected routers (and there is an up-to-date FreeBSD port 
of OpenBGPD which also made some things nicer), and there was a clear 
difference in connectivity happiness. Peers came up and established each 
other's presence quite nicely. Watching new routes propagate was also 
rather impressive, not to mention seeing a distinct lack of 
communication errors I was regularly experiencing watching the OSPF 
peers try to negotiate with one another.

I was hoping to only run 1 BGP server at each geographic location (of 
which there are 3 involved), and then running an OSPF server between all 
local routers at each location, but I couldn't get BGP-acquired routes 
to be shared via OSPF.

It looks like some other implementations of OSPF have a redistribute 
ospf option, which doesn't look to be available in OpenOSPFD 4.4.1. 
Just trying it with redistribute connected and redistribute static 
didn't seem to have any effect.

So as a result, I'm currently running OpenBGPD on all routers (which I 
guess isn't a problem, as each router is uniquely responsible for 
serving its own subnet, regardless of whether the machines are located 
at the same geographic location or remotely over the VPN.

I'm not sure if I'm looking at this the wrong way (assuming I can have 
OSPFD extract acquired routes from BGPD and share them across the local 
network, just as I would expect BGPD to acquire OSPF-propagated routes 
from the local network and share them with the remote peers), but for 
the time being, I am pleased to have something working, so I can 
continue to whittle away at it with any further customizations I want to 

One thing I do know, is that OpenBSD consistently comes through for me 
when it comes to easily setting up and having access to somewhat more 
complex network communication facilities. pf-based firewalls, and now 
route management; I am now plotting the demise of the sole Linux router 
in my environment to replace it with OpenBSD just to have full and 
headache-free access to these capabilities.


Fırsat Köşesinde %40'a varan indirimler!

2009-08-04 Thread Quelle Türkiye
Bu maili gvr|nt|leyemiyorsan}z l|tfen t}klay}n}z.


  Topuklu Ayakkab}

  Moda grafik desenli babydoll. Asil hatl}, gvp|s alt} diki~li
ve bapc}kl}.
Hafif karpuz kollar, kare dekolte, her biri lastikli.

  Kapri Pantolon


Kollar}n} diledipiniz uzunlupa getirebilirsiniz: ister uzun, ister
k}sa. Gvp|s cebi k|g|k amblem nak}~l}, man~etleri bir d|pmeli.

Y.O.U Bikini


  Hem rahat hem ~}k! Zarafetinizi artt}racak yaz havas}nda
elbise.: Farbalal} etepi ve parlakl}p} ile gvz kama~t}r}c}

Spor S|tyen


  Spor etkinlikleri veya ev igerisinde
keyifli vakitligin ideal bir tak}m

* ]ndirim, f}rsat Kv~esi |r|nleri igindir, sonbahar/k}~
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a) Yukar}da gvr|nt|lenen t|m fiyatlarda KDV dahil olup, hizmet
ve kargo |creti harigtir.
b) L|tfen bu iletiyi elektronik posta program}n}z}n 'cevapla'
tu~unu kullanarak cevaplamay}n}z.
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d) Bilgi almak igin gizlilik politikam}z}, ~art ve
h|k|mlermizi okuyunuz.
e) Bu e-b|lten abonelipini iptal etmedipiniz takdirde, ileride
de Quelle'den |r|n bilgileri almay} kabul
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|yelikten g}kmak istiyorsan}z linkini kullan}n}z
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Quelle hakk}nda daha fazla bilgi igin l|tfen web sitemizi ziyaret ediniz.

Quelle T|rkiye : Kvyalt} Mevkii Cemal Ulusoy Caddesi
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CEO: Franz Janka, Ticaret Sicil Numaras} 694704

  (0216) 578 65 47

copy; Telif hakk} 2009 Quelle T|rkiye Tekstil ve
 Online Shop Limited ^irketi'ne aittir.

  \yelikten g}kmak istiyorsan}z t}klay}n}z

  Tasar}m : Kollektif

Re: 4.6: load balancing and active/active

2009-08-04 Thread Federico
Rosen Iliev wrote:
 Hi Federico,
 Did you try to change the balancing mode to ip-unicast or ip-stealth?
 from man carp(4)

I just tried with ip-unicast, but both machines stop working.
Do I have to think it's a switch related problem?

With ip-stealth, always only one machine replies (until I force the

I tried with Dell 2724 and Linksys SRW22G4.

Re: 4.6: load balancing and active/active

2009-08-04 Thread Marco Pfatschbacher
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 03:15:25PM +0200, Federico wrote:
 Rosen Iliev wrote:
  Hi Federico,
  Did you try to change the balancing mode to ip-unicast or ip-stealth?
  from man carp(4)
 I just tried with ip-unicast, but both machines stop working.
 Do I have to think it's a switch related problem?

ip-unicast needs special care:

citing carp(4):

 For scenarios where a hub is used it is not necessary to use
  a multicast MAC and it is safe to use
  the ip-unicast mode.  Managable switches can usually be tricked into
  forwarding unicast traffic to all cluster nodes ports by configuring
  them into some sort of monitoring mode.

As a basic test to see if your switch is playing along, you should
run tcpdump on both machines and verify that the traffic towards
the cluster is received on both sides.  It is essential.
The switch needs to send the traffic to all nodes in the cluster,
if it does not do that, IP balancing cannot work.


PF enabled - decreased performance

2009-08-04 Thread Ivo Chutkin

Hello misc,

I have strange problem when I use PF for traffic shaping.
No such problem with PF disabled.
It is OpenBSD 4.5 stable. Here is dmesg:

The problem is that the router start to generate losses.
It generates losses even to directly connected hosts. Here is an example:
~ # ping a.a.a.230
PING a.a.a.230 (a.a.a.230): 56 data bytes
ping: sendto: No route to host
ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: No route to host
ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: No route to host
ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: No route to host
ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.954 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=1.363 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=1.288 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=7 ttl=255 time=1.213 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=8 ttl=255 time=1.136 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=9 ttl=255 time=1.214 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=10 ttl=255 time=1.022 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=11 ttl=255 time=1.409 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=12 ttl=255 time=1.334 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=13 ttl=255 time=1.741 ms
64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=14 ttl=255 time=1.183 ms

a.a.a.230 is on the other and of vlan600, my ip is a.a.a.229
It just happens to all directly connected hosts.

And also mtr to

Firs packets get lost and then the losses disappear.
Next time I issue ping or mtr command it starts with losses.
It also happen to web traffic and it is annoying for the users.

It does not happen with pf disabled.

There is no more than 10 to 15 Mbit per second load and maximum total 
pps I have seen according to systat ifstat is 8000, average 4000.

Here is my pf.conf:

I really appreciate your help.
If you need more info I did not provide or explain correctly just let me 
know. If the links are broken I will paste the configs to the list.

Thank you,

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 4304 (20090804) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Re: PF enabled - decreased performance

2009-08-04 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2009-08-04, Ivo Chutkin wrote:
 Hello misc,

 I have strange problem when I use PF for traffic shaping.
 No such problem with PF disabled.
 It is OpenBSD 4.5 stable. Here is dmesg:

look for queue drops. pfctl -vvsq.

 The problem is that the router start to generate losses.
 It generates losses even to directly connected hosts. Here is an example:
 ~ # ping a.a.a.230
 PING a.a.a.230 (a.a.a.230): 56 data bytes
 ping: sendto: No route to host
 ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
 ping: sendto: No route to host
 ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
 ping: sendto: No route to host
 ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
 ping: sendto: No route to host
 ping: wrote a.a.a.230 64 chars, ret=-1
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.954 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=1.363 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=1.288 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=7 ttl=255 time=1.213 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=8 ttl=255 time=1.136 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=9 ttl=255 time=1.214 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=10 ttl=255 time=1.022 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=11 ttl=255 time=1.409 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=12 ttl=255 time=1.334 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=13 ttl=255 time=1.741 ms
 64 bytes from a.a.a.230: icmp_seq=14 ttl=255 time=1.183 ms

 a.a.a.230 is on the other and of vlan600, my ip is a.a.a.229
 It just happens to all directly connected hosts.

 And also mtr to

 Firs packets get lost and then the losses disappear.
 Next time I issue ping or mtr command it starts with losses.
 It also happen to web traffic and it is annoying for the users.

 It does not happen with pf disabled.

 There is no more than 10 to 15 Mbit per second load and maximum total 
 pps I have seen according to systat ifstat is 8000, average 4000.

 Here is my pf.conf:

 I really appreciate your help.
 If you need more info I did not provide or explain correctly just let me 
 know. If the links are broken I will paste the configs to the list.

 Thank you,

 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
 database 4304 (20090804) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Luis Useche
Hello Guys,

I was wondering if there is some tool that delete the packages
specified along with their deletable dependencies. Deletable means
packages that pkg_add added automatically (as dependencies of the
installed one) and are not dependency of another package. This will
ensure (in most of the cases) that you don't end up with a system with
unnecessary packages.

I couldn't find in pkg_delete(1) any option that implements the
previous semantic.

Luis Useche

Re: wpi and firmware error

2009-08-04 Thread Luis Useche
I downgraded the firmware to version 3.1 and so far the problem is gone.

Luis Useche

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Matthew
 On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 09:03:37PM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 From time to time my network card stop working and a error message

 wpi0: fatal firmware error

 I've been experiencing the same problem for about a year--ever since my
 university installed new access points.  The old access points worked
 fine with wpi, but the new access points cause frequent firmware errors.
 Some days I just give up on wireless and connect an ethernet cable...

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Bret S. Lambert
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:11:17AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 I was wondering if there is some tool that delete the packages
 specified along with their deletable dependencies. Deletable means
 packages that pkg_add added automatically (as dependencies of the
 installed one) and are not dependency of another package. This will
 ensure (in most of the cases) that you don't end up with a system with
 unnecessary packages.
 I couldn't find in pkg_delete(1) any option that implements the
 previous semantic.

pkg_delete `pkg_info -t` will almost do what you're looking for ;)

 Luis Useche

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread neal hogan
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:11:17AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 I was wondering if there is some tool that delete the packages
 specified along with their deletable dependencies. Deletable means
 packages that pkg_add added automatically (as dependencies of the
 installed one) and are not dependency of another package. This will
 ensure (in most of the cases) that you don't end up with a system with
 unnecessary packages.
 I couldn't find in pkg_delete(1) any option that implements the
 previous semantic.

I'm unclear as to why 'pkg_delete -F dependencies' doesn't do what you want?

from man pkg_delete:

-F  dependenciesalso delete the whole set of package
 that depends upon the requested packages.

 Luis Useche

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Luis Useche
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Bret S. wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:11:17AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 Hello Guys,

 I was wondering if there is some tool that delete the packages
 specified along with their deletable dependencies. Deletable means
 packages that pkg_add added automatically (as dependencies of the
 installed one) and are not dependency of another package. This will
 ensure (in most of the cases) that you don't end up with a system with
 unnecessary packages.

 I couldn't find in pkg_delete(1) any option that implements the
 previous semantic.

 pkg_delete `pkg_info -t` will almost do what you're looking for ;)

The problem with this command is that it will remove packages
installed for the end user. In my case, for instance, pkg_info -t
list zsh, vim, subversion and other.

Luis Useche

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread neal hogan
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:11:17AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 I was wondering if there is some tool that delete the packages
 specified along with their deletable dependencies. Deletable means
 packages that pkg_add added automatically (as dependencies of the
 installed one) and are not dependency of another package. This will
 ensure (in most of the cases) that you don't end up with a system with
 unnecessary packages.
 I couldn't find in pkg_delete(1) any option that implements the
 previous semantic.

also from man pkg_delete (in the TECHNICAL DETAILS section):

If a package is required by other installed packages not mentioned in thelist 
of packages to remove, pkg_delete will list those dependent packages and refuse 
to delete the package.

Perhaps I'm reading it wrong, but it looks to as though the pkgs you want to 
keep will have all of their dependencies when you done trimming.

 Luis Useche

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Luis Useche
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:32 AM, neal wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:11:17AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 Hello Guys,

 I was wondering if there is some tool that delete the packages
 specified along with their deletable dependencies. Deletable means
 packages that pkg_add added automatically (as dependencies of the
 installed one) and are not dependency of another package. This will
 ensure (in most of the cases) that you don't end up with a system with
 unnecessary packages.

 I couldn't find in pkg_delete(1) any option that implements the
 previous semantic.

 I'm unclear as to why 'pkg_delete -F dependencies' doesn't do what you

 from man pkg_delete:

 -F  dependenciesalso delete the whole set of package
that depends upon the requested packages.

From the -F dependencies option I understand that pkg_delete will
remove all the packages that depend on the listed package. For
instance, if you run: pkg_delete -F dependencies xpdf-utils, it will
remove xpdf as well.

Luis Useche

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread neal hogan
 From the -F dependencies option I understand that pkg_delete will
 remove all the packages that depend on the listed package. For
 instance, if you run: pkg_delete -F dependencies xpdf-utils, it will
 remove xpdf as well.

Ya, you're right. Sorrry for the noise.

 Luis Useche

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Darrin Chandler
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:30:44AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Bret S. 
  pkg_delete `pkg_info -t` will almost do what you're looking for ;)
 The problem with this command is that it will remove packages
 installed for the end user. In my case, for instance, pkg_info -t
 list zsh, vim, subversion and other.

Brett gave you the pieces and this is UNIX, so it's just a tiny bit more

# pkg_info -t | cut -d' ' -f1  pkgs.before
# pkg_delete whatever
# pkg_info -t | cut -d' ' -f1  pkgs.after
# pkg_delete $(comm -13 pkgs.before pkgs.after)

Darrin Chandler|  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG   |  |  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

Re: man pages conflict or clarification for mount_vnd, newfs and man 5 disklabel

2009-08-04 Thread leon zadorin
On 8/4/09, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 03:26:08PM +1000, leon zadorin wrote:

 That's all I am saying. Feel free to ignore or make blah blah blah
 noises :-)

 So now we can, perhaps, get back (if at all) to the man pages and what
 they are implying wrt original question.


Hello Otto,

Firstly I'd like to thank you for replying with actually interesting
and constructive comments.

Secondly, I hope you don't mind, I'd like to address your post in an
out of order fashion. So... starting from the source-code of the

 You might want to check the source of fsck_ffs. It contains code to
 locate alternate superblocks, and that code will not work for the 'c'

I'm starting by looking in setup.c (in sbin/fsck_ffs). Namely the
implementation of 'calcsb' call, and it appears to work fine even if
'c' partition is passed to it, e.g. /dev/rsvnd3c

the line
'lp = getdisklabel(dev, devfd)'
produces disklabel fine even if there is no disk-label installed (in
coherence with man 5 disklabel)...

the line
'pp = lp-d_partitions[*cp - 'a'];'
evaluates to 2 ('c' - 'a') and indeed the default disklabel has no
less than value of 3 for 'd_npartitions' so accessing the 3rd array
element for (c) partition info appears to be ok...

the above observations have been tested with a minor program (see
attachment or at the end of message).

Perhaps, *indeed*, I am not looking in *all* of the right places and
so in the meantime (as I will be looking more into the rest of the
fsck_ffs code when I get more time), I thought I'd hack up a quick
empirical scenario: svnd an image, plonk newfs on c partition then
clobber the starting 16k and see if fsck firstly detects bad
superblock and then recovers ok...

... and the tests appear to indicate that it does actually work.

I have attached the relevant files as a .tar attachment as well as
pasting at the end of the email (in case of attachments being stripped
at your end -- but mail agent may wrap badly...).

 I'm just back from vacation, so I'm late to jump in. The answer krw@
 has given is right. We (and as a consequence the kernel) take the
 liberty to change fields in disklabel, especially the entry for the
 'c' partition.

If the above paragraph appears to relate to future code behavior --
then I'm fine with this as I have no expectations (nor requirements)
for future-compatibility w.r.t. disklabel (at least w.r.t. the context
of my original post). In other words, I was only interested on knowing
what happened on that particular version/release of the code and how
it correlated with the assertions/explanations in man pages (e.g.
vnconfig, caveats section)

 As for the slighly off-topic part of the thread: if we write a
 guideline into our manual page, it has a good reason to be there.
 Consider the man page to be your much needed authorative source of

Sure, but if there are multiple sources of information (multiple man
pages, code itself) then all should be in coherence w.r.t. each other.

So if man vnconfig (caveats section) gives certain
explanations/examples (e.g. implying the need for disklabel being
present on disk) then such should be reproducible and in accord with
other man pages (e.g. man 5 disklabel).

Otherwise (e.g. in case whet/if a normative point of reference for
behavior is not supported by other docs) there is not only a case for
starting ambiguity but also for a misleading conclusion.

I guess, if one definitively decided to reserve the 'c' partition for
special purposes, then instead of vnconfig caveat's section going into
detailed explanations/assertions as to why a given use of 'c'
partition would *not* work point blank (w/o testing such assertions)
it would rather be more succinct to state something like: The 'c'
partition is reserved for non file-system use only. Consequently the
results of applying a file-system directly onto 'c' partition are
undefined. ... the 'undefined' being the keyword here (as opposed to
stating that it will *not* work, when in some cases it appears to work
just fine) -- thus allowing for practical observations to vary w/o any
point of contention w.r.t. man pages assertions.

It'd be, possibly, also a good idea to reduce the duplication of such
info and move the whole section into a disklabel man page.

Of course, it'd be even a finer point to exemplify elsewhere (not man
pages even) the examples of why/when the 'c' partition is practically
(or theoretically) likely to change on-the-fly (i.e. compare how the
entire *physical* disk representation may change arbitrarily)... but
that is more of a wish-list.

Anyway, here are the quick test hacks/files:

the practical test (done on OpenBSD zion 4.5 GENERIC#1749 i386,
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz)

the shell script:


function bail
echo Colud not ${*}.
exit 1

echo Setting up the test scenario before corrupting

dd if=/dev/zero of=./image bs=1m count=77 || bail dd initial image

tcp proxy

2009-08-04 Thread irix
Hello Misc,

Maybe something to meet a simple tcp proxy with the function of bandwidth 
limiting the possibility of job parameters for each individual ip to work well 
on OpenBSD?

Best regards,

Re: man pages conflict or clarification for mount_vnd, newfs and man 5 disklabel

2009-08-04 Thread Ted Unangst
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:17 PM, leon wrote:
 Perhaps, *indeed*, I am not looking in *all* of the right places and
 so in the meantime (as I will be looking more into the rest of the
 fsck_ffs code when I get more time), I thought I'd hack up a quick
 empirical scenario: svnd an image, plonk newfs on c partition then
 clobber the starting 16k and see if fsck firstly detects bad
 superblock and then recovers ok...

 ... and the tests appear to indicate that it does actually work.

If you had done this with non-default values for newfs and superblock
locations you would not be so lucky.

 I guess, if one definitively decided to reserve the 'c' partition for
 special purposes, then instead of vnconfig caveat's section going into
 detailed explanations/assertions as to why a given use of 'c'
 partition would *not* work point blank (w/o testing such assertions)
 it would rather be more succinct to state something like: The 'c'
 partition is reserved for non file-system use only. Consequently the
 results of applying a file-system directly onto 'c' partition are
 undefined. ... the 'undefined' being the keyword here (as opposed to
 stating that it will *not* work, when in some cases it appears to work
 just fine) -- thus allowing for practical observations to vary w/o any
 point of contention w.r.t. man pages assertions.

appearing to work sometimes is a special case of not working.  it
doesn't mean it is working.

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Luis Useche
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Darrin wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:30:44AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Bret S. 
  pkg_delete `pkg_info -t` will almost do what you're looking for ;)

 The problem with this command is that it will remove packages
 installed for the end user. In my case, for instance, pkg_info -t
 list zsh, vim, subversion and other.

 Brett gave you the pieces and this is UNIX, so it's just a tiny bit more

 # pkg_info -t | cut -d' ' -f1  pkgs.before
 # pkg_delete whatever
 # pkg_info -t | cut -d' ' -f1  pkgs.after
 # pkg_delete $(comm -13 pkgs.before pkgs.after)

I guess your idea with this script is to find the differences between
the lists of packages with no dependents before and after deleting the
package whatever.

This is really close but it is not there quite yet. Even with this
script, there could be situations where you end up deleting things you
don't want. For instance, let say you install xfce. After some time,
you decided to install some package X that depend on xfce and other
library L used only by X. When using your script, it will remove not
only L but also xfce (which you did not want to remove because you
installed it manually).

Besides, there is another problem with the script. If you imagine the
packages installed in the system as a tree of dependencies, you can
see that your script will only remove two levels of the branch you
want to delete. Example: X depends on Y that depends on Z: X - Y -
Z. In your script, X and Y will be removed but Z will not.

It seems like an additional information should be added to the package
database. A bit indicating if the package was installed manually by
the user (admin?) or not. Then, the package can only be deleted if the
the user explicitly say so as oppose to automatic deletion as

Any other suggestion?

Luis Useche


2009-08-04 Thread Marcos Laufer

Hello, has anyone had any experience with LaCie Raid and Storage

For example this beautiful Raid boxes:


Re: man pages conflict or clarification for mount_vnd, newfs and man 5 disklabel

2009-08-04 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 02:17:14AM +1000, leon zadorin wrote:

 On 8/4/09, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 03:26:08PM +1000, leon zadorin wrote:
  That's all I am saying. Feel free to ignore or make blah blah blah
  noises :-)
  So now we can, perhaps, get back (if at all) to the man pages and what
  they are implying wrt original question.
 Hello Otto,
 Firstly I'd like to thank you for replying with actually interesting
 and constructive comments.
 Secondly, I hope you don't mind, I'd like to address your post in an
 out of order fashion. So... starting from the source-code of the
  You might want to check the source of fsck_ffs. It contains code to
  locate alternate superblocks, and that code will not work for the 'c'
 I'm starting by looking in setup.c (in sbin/fsck_ffs). Namely the
 implementation of 'calcsb' call, and it appears to work fine even if
 'c' partition is passed to it, e.g. /dev/rsvnd3c
 the line
 'lp = getdisklabel(dev, devfd)'
 produces disklabel fine even if there is no disk-label installed (in
 coherence with man 5 disklabel)...
 the line
 'pp = lp-d_partitions[*cp - 'a'];'
 evaluates to 2 ('c' - 'a') and indeed the default disklabel has no
 less than value of 3 for 'd_npartitions' so accessing the 3rd array
 element for (c) partition info appears to be ok...

But the next test (pp-p_fstype != FS_BSDFFS) will abort.

 the above observations have been tested with a minor program (see
 attachment or at the end of message).
 Perhaps, *indeed*, I am not looking in *all* of the right places and
 so in the meantime (as I will be looking more into the rest of the
 fsck_ffs code when I get more time), I thought I'd hack up a quick
 empirical scenario: svnd an image, plonk newfs on c partition then
 clobber the starting 16k and see if fsck firstly detects bad
 superblock and then recovers ok...
 ... and the tests appear to indicate that it does actually work.

I don't have time now to test your scenario. But I'm pretty sure your
test will fail the moment non-default fragment or blocksizes are used
in such a way that the first alternate superblock does not end up at
it's usual place. Or maybe another scenario where the first alternate
is corrupted too, who knows?  Also, disklabel test should preferable
include reboots to force the on-disk label to be read or spoofed

Showing that a single scenario works for you doesn't show any validity
in the general sense.  

Once again: the manual pages give guidance to maximize your chances of
recovering a filesystem in case of damage AND allow the implementation
certain freedom. Not following the advice will put your data at risk
in case of disaster. A new version of OpenBSD might even be that
disaster (for you). 


Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Ted Unangst
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Luis wrote:
 This is really close but it is not there quite yet. Even with this
 script, there could be situations where you end up deleting things you
 don't want. For instance, let say you install xfce. After some time,
 you decided to install some package X that depend on xfce and other
 library L used only by X. When using your script, it will remove not
 only L but also xfce (which you did not want to remove because you
 installed it manually).

 Besides, there is another problem with the script. If you imagine the
 packages installed in the system as a tree of dependencies, you can
 see that your script will only remove two levels of the branch you
 want to delete. Example: X depends on Y that depends on Z: X - Y -
 Z. In your script, X and Y will be removed but Z will not.

 It seems like an additional information should be added to the package
 database. A bit indicating if the package was installed manually by
 the user (admin?) or not. Then, the package can only be deleted if the
 the user explicitly say so as oppose to automatic deletion as

This still doesn't work.  If I pkg_add eclipse, then later decide I'm
going back to vim, that doesn't mean I want all my java programs to
suddenly stop working.  What's installed manually vs not is not
reliable.  I don't think I've ever actually requested installing
unzip, but it's on every computer I use and I use it all the time.

The tools are provided to identify possibly orphaned packages.  What
to do about them should (and can) only be the user's decision.

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Darrin Chandler
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 12:47:49PM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Darrin wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:30:44AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Bret S. 
   pkg_delete `pkg_info -t` will almost do what you're looking for ;)
  The problem with this command is that it will remove packages
  installed for the end user. In my case, for instance, pkg_info -t
  list zsh, vim, subversion and other.
  Brett gave you the pieces and this is UNIX, so it's just a tiny bit more
  # pkg_info -t | cut -d' ' -f1  pkgs.before
  # pkg_delete whatever
  # pkg_info -t | cut -d' ' -f1  pkgs.after
  # pkg_delete $(comm -13 pkgs.before pkgs.after)
 I guess your idea with this script is to find the differences between
 the lists of packages with no dependents before and after deleting the
 package whatever.
 This is really close but it is not there quite yet. Even with this
 script, there could be situations where you end up deleting things you
 don't want. For instance, let say you install xfce. After some time,
 you decided to install some package X that depend on xfce and other
 library L used only by X. When using your script, it will remove not
 only L but also xfce (which you did not want to remove because you
 installed it manually).


 Besides, there is another problem with the script. If you imagine the
 packages installed in the system as a tree of dependencies, you can
 see that your script will only remove two levels of the branch you
 want to delete. Example: X depends on Y that depends on Z: X - Y -
 Z. In your script, X and Y will be removed but Z will not.


I was not thinking to solve the general case, but more to help with an
immeditate need.

 It seems like an additional information should be added to the package
 database. A bit indicating if the package was installed manually by
 the user (admin?) or not. Then, the package can only be deleted if the
 the user explicitly say so as oppose to automatic deletion as

This has been brought up many times before and a lot of people would
like to see it (me too). I know some work has been done and some info is
now kept, but this functionality isn't there yet.

Darrin Chandler|  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG   |  |  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Luis Useche
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Ted wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Luis wrote:
 This is really close but it is not there quite yet. Even with this
 script, there could be situations where you end up deleting things you
 don't want. For instance, let say you install xfce. After some time,
 you decided to install some package X that depend on xfce and other
 library L used only by X. When using your script, it will remove not
 only L but also xfce (which you did not want to remove because you
 installed it manually).

 Besides, there is another problem with the script. If you imagine the
 packages installed in the system as a tree of dependencies, you can
 see that your script will only remove two levels of the branch you
 want to delete. Example: X depends on Y that depends on Z: X - Y -
 Z. In your script, X and Y will be removed but Z will not.

 It seems like an additional information should be added to the package
 database. A bit indicating if the package was installed manually by
 the user (admin?) or not. Then, the package can only be deleted if the
 the user explicitly say so as oppose to automatic deletion as

 This still doesn't work.  If I pkg_add eclipse, then later decide I'm
 going back to vim, that doesn't mean I want all my java programs to
 suddenly stop working.  What's installed manually vs not is not
 reliable.  I don't think I've ever actually requested installing
 unzip, but it's on every computer I use and I use it all the time.

True. However this situation is easily solvable by installing the jvm
manually and you are done. Instead, removing the deletable
dependencies is a harder problem to solve. Moreover, I am uncertain if
the problem can be solved with the tools that exist at this point in

For the unzip case, I think it is a base application. The unzip
problem can be easily solvable by marking all the base packages as
manually installed.

Luis Useche

Re: Delete packages with dependencies

2009-08-04 Thread Luis Useche
 Besides, there is another problem with the script. If you imagine the
 packages installed in the system as a tree of dependencies, you can
 see that your script will only remove two levels of the branch you
 want to delete. Example: X depends on Y that depends on Z: X - Y -
 Z. In your script, X and Y will be removed but Z will not.


 I was not thinking to solve the general case, but more to help with an
 immeditate need.

I agree. This can solve some of the situations.

 It seems like an additional information should be added to the package
 database. A bit indicating if the package was installed manually by
 the user (admin?) or not. Then, the package can only be deleted if the
 the user explicitly say so as oppose to automatic deletion as

 This has been brought up many times before and a lot of people would
 like to see it (me too). I know some work has been done and some info is
 now kept, but this functionality isn't there yet.

Can you point me to documentation about this?

Luis Useche

Re: wpi and firmware error

2009-08-04 Thread Matthew Szudzik
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 11:13:04AM -0400, Luis Useche wrote:
 I downgraded the firmware to version 3.1 and so far the problem is gone.

Whether I'm using firmware version 3.1 with OpenBSD 4.5 (or
with OpenBSD 4.3 and 4.4), I get the firmware errors when I'm connected
to the wireless access points at my university.  But with the access
points that I've tried at home and at airports, wpi appears to work

For me, the errors appear to be specific to certain access points, but
independent of the firmware version.

cvs rdiff error

2009-08-04 Thread Daniel Bolgheroni

I'm trying to use cvs rdiff command in some files but I'm getting error:

As an example:

$ pwd
$ sudo cvs rdiff -u -t intr.c
cvs [server aborted]: cvs_server_rdiff: Bad address
cvs [rdiff aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if 

My ~/.ssh/config is configured as explained in FAQ:

  Compression no
  Port 2022

This server supports connection on port 2022. Also tried different 
servers. No firewalls.

Any hints?

Thank you.

Daniel Bolgheroni
FEI - Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial

ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
 against HTML e-mail   X
  / \

ypldap, NULL domain !

2009-08-04 Thread Wijnand Wiersma


I am trying to get ypldap working on a very recent snapshot and I  
can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

It seems ypldap is working just fine:
# ypldap -dv
startup [debug mode]
configuration starting
applying configuration
connecting to directories
starting directory update
updates are over, cleaning up trees now
flattening trees

The domainname is set at startup, portmap runs,  ypbind has run (/var/ 
yp/binding/`domainname`.2 is there).

When doing a query:
# ypcat passwd
No such map passwd.byname. Reason: YP server error

the ypldap server says:
NULL domain !

Why does it think the domainname isn't set?
Did I completely forget to enable something or is this a bug?

Kind regards,

OT: Free ride to Slackathon 2009

2009-08-04 Thread Johan Torin
There will be a minibus going from the south of Sweden (namely Malmv) to the 
Slackathon 2009 event in Stockholm August 15, with return trip the day after.

The ride itself is free (as in beer) with the requirement that some donation 
(after ability) is made under the Slackathon donation race.

The seats are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications 
are not binding, but we would very much like to know as soon as possible if 
you are not using your place so it can be given to someone else.

It may be possible to pickup people along the way: the requirement is that you 
should more or less be standing on the road side of E4 when we pass as the 
schedule will be very tight.

We are in the process of organising (almost) free sleeping quarters as well, 
but the details are not yet formalised, and in any case there *might* not be 
room for everyone on the bus. Just saying.

Anwers to me and not the list. Thanks.

/Johan - unofficial busride organiser

Problems using SUNIX 8 serial port card

2009-08-04 Thread Laurent Salle
I'm having problems using a Sunix PCI card with 8 serial port on a 
Soekris board. This hardware will be used as a console server: each of 
the 8 serial ports will be attached  to the console of other Soekris box 
to provide out of band management.

When I attach the console port of a managed box to any port from 2 to 8 
of the 8x serial card, I get garbage.

If I attach the same hardware (cable and managed box) to the first port 
of the 8x serial card, I get clear text.

The command I use for the firs port is :

# cu -l cua03 -s 19200

and everything works fine.

To use the 8th port, I use:

# cu -l cua0a -s 19200

and I get garbled text, almost like when the baudrate is not correctly set.

This drive me to thing that my problem comes from the way I create the 
missing /dev/ files. Right after the install, the /dev/ folder contains 
only files for 4 ports:

# cd /dev
# ls cua0* tty0*  
cua00 cua01 cua02 cua03 tty00 tty01 tty02 tty03


I'm creating the missing dev files with the following commands:

# cd /dev/
# /dev/MAKEDEV tty04
# /dev/MAKEDEV tty05
# /dev/MAKEDEV tty06
# /dev/MAKEDEV tty07
# /dev/MAKEDEV tty08
# /dev/MAKEDEV tty09
# /dev/MAKEDEV tty0a
# ls -l cua0* tty0*
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 128 Aug  4 22:35 cua00
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 129 Aug  4 22:35 cua01
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 130 Aug  4 22:35 cua02
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 131 Aug  4 22:35 cua03
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 132 Aug  4 22:43 cua04
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 133 Aug  4 22:43 cua05
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 134 Aug  4 22:43 cua06
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 135 Aug  4 22:43 cua07
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 136 Aug  4 22:43 cua08
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 137 Aug  4 22:43 cua09
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 138 Aug  4 22:43 cua0a
crw---  1 root  tty   8,   0 Aug  4 22:44 tty00
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   1 Aug  4 22:35 tty01
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   2 Aug  4 22:35 tty02
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   3 Aug  4 22:35 tty03
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   4 Aug  4 22:43 tty04
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   5 Aug  4 22:43 tty05
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   6 Aug  4 22:43 tty06
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   7 Aug  4 22:43 tty07
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   8 Aug  4 22:43 tty08
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   9 Aug  4 22:43 tty09
crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,  10 Aug  4 22:43 tty0a

All hardware is new, and I've tried with two different cards of the same 

I'm runing OpenBSD 4.5 stable, but I get identical results with OpenBSD 
4.4 stable (26/04/2009).

I've tried using directly mknod instead of using MAKEDEV.

Do I have anything to do to use this card excepted the creation of the 
/dev/ttyOx and /dev/cua0x files ?

Does any modification has to be done to the kernel with a config -e /bsd 
command ?

More details about the card:

The dmesg is below:

OpenBSD 4.5-stable (GENERIC) #5: Tue Aug  4 20:39:46 CEST 2009
cpu0: Geode(TM) Integrated Processor by AMD PCS (AuthenticAMD 
586-class) 500 MHz

real mem  = 536440832 (511MB)
avail mem = 510427136 (486MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 20/80/01, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xfac40
pcibios0 at bios0: rev 2.0 @ 0xf/0x1
pcibios0: pcibios_get_intr_routing - function not supported
pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing information unavailable.
pcibios0: PCI bus #0 is the last bus
bios0: ROM list: 0xc8000/0xa800
cpu0 at mainbus0: (uniprocessor)
amdmsr0 at mainbus0
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 AMD Geode LX rev 0x33
glxsb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 2 AMD Geode LX Crypto rev 0x00: RNG AES
vr0 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 VIA VT6105M RhineIII rev 0x96: irq 11, 
address 00:00:24:cb:a1:08
ukphy0 at vr0 phy 1: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface, rev. 3: OUI 
0x004063, model 0x0034
vr1 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 VIA VT6105M RhineIII rev 0x96: irq 5, 
address 00:00:24:cb:a1:09
ukphy1 at vr1 phy 1: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface, rev. 3: OUI 
0x004063, model 0x0034
vr2 at pci0 dev 8 function 0 VIA VT6105M RhineIII rev 0x96: irq 9, 
address 00:00:24:cb:a1:0a
ukphy2 at vr2 phy 1: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface, rev. 3: OUI 
0x004063, model 0x0034
vr3 at pci0 dev 9 function 0 VIA VT6105M RhineIII rev 0x96: irq 12, 
address 00:00:24:cb:a1:0b
ukphy3 at vr3 phy 1: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface, rev. 3: OUI 
0x004063, model 0x0034

puc0 at pci0 dev 14 function 0 Sunix 40XX rev 0x01: ports: 8 com
com3 at puc0 port 0 irq 10: ti16750, 64 byte fifo
com4 at puc0 port 1 irq 10: ti16750, 64 byte fifo
com5 at puc0 port 2 irq 10: ti16750, 64 byte fifo
com6 at puc0 port 3 irq 10: ti16750, 64 byte fifo
com7 at puc0 port 4 irq 10: ti16750, 64 byte fifo
com8 at puc0 port 5 irq 10: ti16750, 64 byte fifo
com9 at puc0 port 6 

ThinkPad X301 / OpenBSD

2009-08-04 Thread Nick Humphrey
Has anyone had experience of running OpenBSD on a Lenovo ThinkPad
X301? Thoughts, caveats, quirks?

Thanks all.

Re: Problems using SUNIX 8 serial port card

2009-08-04 Thread Fred Crowson
On 8/4/09, Laurent Salle wrote:
 I'm having problems using a Sunix PCI card with 8 serial port on a
 Soekris board. This hardware will be used as a console server: each of
 the 8 serial ports will be attached  to the console of other Soekris box
 to provide out of band management.

 When I attach the console port of a managed box to any port from 2 to 8
 of the 8x serial card, I get garbage.

 If I attach the same hardware (cable and managed box) to the first port
 of the 8x serial card, I get clear text.

 The command I use for the firs port is :

 # cu -l cua03 -s 19200

 and everything works fine.

 To use the 8th port, I use:

 # cu -l cua0a -s 19200

 and I get garbled text, almost like when the baudrate is not correctly set.

 This drive me to thing that my problem comes from the way I create the
 missing /dev/ files. Right after the install, the /dev/ folder contains
 only files for 4 ports:

 # cd /dev
 # ls cua0* tty0*
 cua00 cua01 cua02 cua03 tty00 tty01 tty02 tty03

 I'm creating the missing dev files with the following commands:

 # cd /dev/
 # /dev/MAKEDEV tty04
 # /dev/MAKEDEV tty05
 # /dev/MAKEDEV tty06
 # /dev/MAKEDEV tty07
 # /dev/MAKEDEV tty08
 # /dev/MAKEDEV tty09
 # /dev/MAKEDEV tty0a
 # ls -l cua0* tty0*
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 128 Aug  4 22:35 cua00
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 129 Aug  4 22:35 cua01
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 130 Aug  4 22:35 cua02
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 131 Aug  4 22:35 cua03
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 132 Aug  4 22:43 cua04
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 133 Aug  4 22:43 cua05
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 134 Aug  4 22:43 cua06
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 135 Aug  4 22:43 cua07
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 136 Aug  4 22:43 cua08
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 137 Aug  4 22:43 cua09
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8, 138 Aug  4 22:43 cua0a
 crw---  1 root  tty   8,   0 Aug  4 22:44 tty00
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   1 Aug  4 22:35 tty01
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   2 Aug  4 22:35 tty02
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   3 Aug  4 22:35 tty03
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   4 Aug  4 22:43 tty04
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   5 Aug  4 22:43 tty05
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   6 Aug  4 22:43 tty06
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   7 Aug  4 22:43 tty07
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   8 Aug  4 22:43 tty08
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,   9 Aug  4 22:43 tty09
 crw-rw  1 uucp  dialer8,  10 Aug  4 22:43 tty0a

 All hardware is new, and I've tried with two different cards of the same

 I'm runing OpenBSD 4.5 stable, but I get identical results with OpenBSD
 4.4 stable (26/04/2009).

 I've tried using directly mknod instead of using MAKEDEV.

 Do I have anything to do to use this card excepted the creation of the
 /dev/ttyOx and /dev/cua0x files ?

 Does any modification has to be done to the kernel with a config -e /bsd
 command ?

 More details about the card:
 MN: SER4066RM

 The dmesg is below:

Thanks for the dmesg.

What's the output from: grep tty00 /etc/ttys on the soekris boxes that
you are connecting to the card?

For my PCEngines alix board I needed to change the baud rate from the
standard 9600:

alix:fred ~ grep tty00 /etc/ttys
tty00   /usr/libexec/getty std.38400  vt220   on  secure
alix:fred ~



Re: ifstated with multiple CARP interfaces

2009-08-04 Thread Pascal Lalonde
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 01:20:17AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
 I don't understand what you mean by VLAN on carp1, can you explain it
 a bit more please?

My bad. I confused things a little.

It's as you say, carpdevs set to vlan interfaces. In this case, carp1010
and carp1011 have vlan1010 and vlan1011 respectively as carpdevs, and
those vlans both have em3 as their parent interface. There is also
carp3 that has em3 as its carpdev.

carp0 (index 11) carpdev em0
carp1 (index 12) carpdev em1
carp1010 (index 13) carpdev vlan1010 (which is a vlan on em3)
carp1011 (index 14) carpdev vlan1011 (which is another vlan on em3)
carp2 (index 15) carpdev em2
carp3 (index 16) carpdev em3

 Do you see the same result from other software e.g. route -n monitor?
 (use recent -current [or, if your dns is ok, remove the -n option] to
 display interface names rather than index numbers) 

Neat. I didn't know about route monitor. So I tried again with route -n
monitor, with 4.5 GENERIC.MP.

Here's the output after setting it to master:

got message of size 208 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_IFINFO: iface status change: len 208, if# 12, link: master, 
got message of size 104 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_DELETE: Delete Route: len 104, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 3
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST
got message of size 120 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_ADD: Add Route: len 120, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 0
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST,GATEWAY
got message of size 100 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_NEWADDR: address being added to iface: len 100, metric 0, flags:
sockaddrs: NETMASK,IFP,IFA
 ::::: 00:00:5e:00:01:78 fe80::200:5eff:fe00:178%carp1
got message of size 136 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_ADD: Add Route: len 136, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 0
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST,GATEWAY
 fe80::200:5eff:fe00:178%carp1 00:00:5e:00:01:78
got message of size 104 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_DELETE: Delete Route: len 104, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 3
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST
got message of size 132 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_ADD: Add Route: len 132, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 17
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST,GATEWAY,NETMASK,LABEL default
got message of size 208 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_IFINFO: iface status change: len 208, if# 13, link: master, 
got message of size 104 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_DELETE: Delete Route: len 104, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 3
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST
got message of size 120 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_ADD: Add Route: len 120, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 0
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST,GATEWAY
got message of size 104 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_NEWADDR: address being added to iface: len 104, metric 0, flags:
sockaddrs: NETMASK,IFP,IFA
 ::::: 00:00:5e:00:01:6e fe80::200:5eff:fe00:16e%carp1010
got message of size 136 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_ADD: Add Route: len 136, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 0
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST,GATEWAY
 fe80::200:5eff:fe00:16e%carp1010 00:00:5e:00:01:6e
got message of size 208 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_IFINFO: iface status change: len 208, if# 11, link: master, 
got message of size 104 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_DELETE: Delete Route: len 104, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 3
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST
got message of size 120 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_ADD: Add Route: len 120, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 0
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST,GATEWAY
got message of size 100 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_NEWADDR: address being added to iface: len 100, metric 0, flags:
sockaddrs: NETMASK,IFP,IFA
 ::::: 00:00:5e:00:01:6e fe80::200:5eff:fe00:16e%carp0
got message of size 136 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_ADD: Add Route: len 136, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, errno 0
locks:  inits: 
sockaddrs: DST,GATEWAY
 fe80::200:5eff:fe00:16e%carp0 00:00:5e:00:01:6e
got message of size 208 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:06 2009
RTM_IFINFO: iface status change: len 208, if# 14, link: master, 

And back to slave:

got message of size 208 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:32 2009
RTM_IFINFO: iface status change: len 208, if# 11, link: backup, 
got message of size 104 on Tue Aug  4 19:45:32 2009
RTM_DELETE: Delete Route: len 104, priority 0, table 0, pid: 0, seq 0, 

Re: FTP public

2009-08-04 Thread Brynet
Yamidt Henao wrote:

 I cant publish a ftp server using the pf, my ftp server used autenticacion, I
 have in pf:

With respect to everyone else's advice, you'll also most likely need
companion pass rules.. redirecting is not enough.

* Use SFTP instead.
* Add pass rules so that passive mode FTP will work.
* Setup ftp-proxy for active mode FTP as well.



Re: man pages conflict or clarification for mount_vnd, newfs and man 5 disklabel

2009-08-04 Thread leon zadorin
On 8/5/09, Ted Unangst wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:17 PM, leon wrote:
 Perhaps, *indeed*, I am not looking in *all* of the right places and
 so in the meantime (as I will be looking more into the rest of the
 fsck_ffs code when I get more time), I thought I'd hack up a quick
 empirical scenario: svnd an image, plonk newfs on c partition then
 clobber the starting 16k and see if fsck firstly detects bad
 superblock and then recovers ok...

 ... and the tests appear to indicate that it does actually work.

 If you had done this with non-default values for newfs and superblock
 locations you would not be so lucky.

Sure, but that is not the point. In fact, if you want to talk about
non-default values for newfs, then I think 'c' partition or not,
disklabel or not -- you could always generate a non-recoverable
scenario as per man newfs:

 -S sector-size
 created (for example on a write-once disk).  Note that chang-
 ing this from its default will make it impossible for fsck(8)
 to find the alternate superblocks if the standard superblock
 is lost.

... and this is so way outside the context of my question.

 I guess, if one definitively decided to reserve the 'c' partition for
 special purposes, then instead of vnconfig caveat's section going into
 detailed explanations/assertions as to why a given use of 'c'
 partition would *not* work point blank (w/o testing such assertions)
 it would rather be more succinct to state something like: The 'c'
 partition is reserved for non file-system use only. Consequently the
 results of applying a file-system directly onto 'c' partition are
 undefined. ... the 'undefined' being the keyword here (as opposed to
 stating that it will *not* work, when in some cases it appears to work
 just fine) -- thus allowing for practical observations to vary w/o any
 point of contention w.r.t. man pages assertions.

 appearing to work sometimes is a special case of not working.  it
 doesn't mean it is working.

I didn't say this. I was saying: ultimately stating that it *won't*
work (when it sometimes does) is not correct; but saying that it is
*undefined* to work would be more correct -- see man 5 vnconfig,
caveats section.


Re: man pages conflict or clarification for mount_vnd, newfs and man 5 disklabel

2009-08-04 Thread leon zadorin
On 8/5/09, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 02:17:14AM +1000, leon zadorin wrote:

 On 8/4/09, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 03:26:08PM +1000, leon zadorin wrote:
  That's all I am saying. Feel free to ignore or make blah blah blah
  noises :-)
  So now we can, perhaps, get back (if at all) to the man pages and what
  they are implying wrt original question.

 Hello Otto,

 Firstly I'd like to thank you for replying with actually interesting
 and constructive comments.

 Secondly, I hope you don't mind, I'd like to address your post in an
 out of order fashion. So... starting from the source-code of the

  You might want to check the source of fsck_ffs. It contains code to
  locate alternate superblocks, and that code will not work for the 'c'

 I'm starting by looking in setup.c (in sbin/fsck_ffs). Namely the
 implementation of 'calcsb' call, and it appears to work fine even if
 'c' partition is passed to it, e.g. /dev/rsvnd3c

 the line
 'lp = getdisklabel(dev, devfd)'
 produces disklabel fine even if there is no disk-label installed (in
 coherence with man 5 disklabel)...

 the line
 'pp = lp-d_partitions[*cp - 'a'];'
 evaluates to 2 ('c' - 'a') and indeed the default disklabel has no
 less than value of 3 for 'd_npartitions' so accessing the 3rd array
 element for (c) partition info appears to be ok...

 But the next test (pp-p_fstype != FS_BSDFFS) will abort.

Not at all. Of course, I was *not* expecting to see FFS on 'c'
partition without first plonking newfs on it. Besides the attached
code (c++) includes this test and it is not tripped by this condition
(so yeah -- if I had simply 'vnconfig svnd3 ./image' then, naturally,
no FFS on it; but the test/questions obviously were related to putting
an fs on 'c' partition ('newfs svnd3c') vs the writing disklabel and
newfs on 'a' for example).

 the above observations have been tested with a minor program (see
 attachment or at the end of message).

 Perhaps, *indeed*, I am not looking in *all* of the right places and
 so in the meantime (as I will be looking more into the rest of the
 fsck_ffs code when I get more time), I thought I'd hack up a quick
 empirical scenario: svnd an image, plonk newfs on c partition then
 clobber the starting 16k and see if fsck firstly detects bad
 superblock and then recovers ok...

 ... and the tests appear to indicate that it does actually work.

 I don't have time now to test your scenario. But I'm pretty sure your
 test will fail the moment non-default fragment or blocksizes are used
 in such a way that the first alternate superblock does not end up at
 it's usual place. Or maybe another scenario where the first alternate
 is corrupted too, who knows?  Also, disklabel test should preferable
 include reboots to force the on-disk label to be read or spoofed

Ok sweet -- thanks for this. I'll try these cases as well (w/o
non-default settings -- as I'd replied to an earlier email, I don't
consider such to be within the context of the discussion).

 Showing that a single scenario works for you doesn't show any validity
 in the general sense.

I wasn't trying to show validity of the general sense here. I was
trying to show invalidity of categorical statements made in vnconfig
man page... but I will test with a reboot as well...

 in case of disaster. A new version of OpenBSD might even be that
 disaster (for you).

Once again -- forward-compatibilty is not my requirement (a new
version may have lots of different non backwards-compatible changes,
who knows?)


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