Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread Joakim Aronius
* L. V. Lammert ( wrote:
 Have you ever tried to read the TOS? Any such organization with unlimited
 legal resources can do whatever the wish - as long as it's not contrary to
 the current legal winds, they will get away with it.

In a legal sense yes. In a business sense, hopefully not, if enough people take 
their money elsewhere. I terminated my PP account yesterday.


Re: ``login(1) -f'' usage

2010-12-06 Thread MERIGHI Marcus
Hello Otto, all, (Otto Moerbeek), 2010.12.05 (Sun) 22:56 (CET):
 On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 07:58:34PM +0100, MERIGHI Marcus wrote:
  When I use ``login -f $USER'' in default shell I am prompted for
  ``Password:''. What am I getting wrong about login(1) saying:
  -f  The -f option is used when a user name is specified to indicate
  that proper authentication has already been done and that no
  password need be requested.  This option may only be used by the
  superuser or when an already logged in user is logging in as
  (It works as expected when run as root or with sudo, though)
 You fall into the Note that if login is invoked by a non-root user,
 it will execute su(1) in login emulation mode instead. case.

my reading capabilities again. Thanks for pointing that out. 

 I believe this is a documentation error.

Since su(1) does not provide the equivalent functionality (hoping my
reading was better this time) I suggest the following diff:

Index: login.1
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/login/login.1,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28 login.1
--- login.1 16 Oct 2009 12:29:37 -  1.28
+++ login.1 6 Dec 2010 09:12:42 -
@@ -70,8 +70,7 @@
 option is used when a user name is specified to indicate that proper
 authentication has already been done and that no password need be
-This option may only be used by the superuser or when an already
-logged in user is logging in as themselves.
+This option may only be used by the superuser.
 .It Fl h Ar hostname
 Specifies the host from which the connection was received.
 This option may only be used by the superuser.

Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Joachim Schipper
On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 06:28:04PM -0700, Clint Pachl wrote:
 When I open [the UPS developer's guide] with xpdf(1) I get a [message]
 to download the the latest Adobe crapware to view it.

This is cheating, but have you tried throwing it into Google docs?


Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread Sevan / Venture37

Produse sanatate Nikken

2010-12-06 Thread eurom
Dati atentie aspectelor de baza ale vietii ? 

*Nikken,concept japonez.*

Ce beti si ce mCncati. Cum dormiti. Aerul pe care C.l inspirati. Cum
aveti grija de voi si de familia voastra. 

Cn mod natural presupuneti ca cel putin C.n casa voastra, toate
aceste aspecte vitale ale vietii pot fi controlabile si nu ar trebui
sa va C.ngrijorati. 

Dar stiti cu adevarat ce contine apa pe care o beti? 

Va amintiti ca apa patrunde C.n casa dvs. printr-o serie de tevib? 

Sunteti siguri ca primiti toti nutrientii de care aveti nevoie? 

CCt timp a trecut de cCnd v-ati simtit odihniti si energizati , dupa
un somn bun?

Suntem siguri ca v-ati bucura sa beneficiati de efectul produselor
reconfortante (tehnologii magnetice EQL ,Infra rosu,Confort Ionic) ,
acasa sau la birou !...,in orice moment va simtiti stresati, obositi,
incarcati cu energii negative , afectati de poluarea de toate tipurile
, etcb.

Poate sunteti linistiti crezCnd ca aerul pe care C.l inspirati cCnd
ajungeti acasa este mai bun decCt cel poluat de afara , nu-i asa? 

Gresit. EPA (Agentia de Protectie a Mediului SUA) spune ca aerul din
casa poate de fapt sa fie mai poluat decCt cel de afara. De trei ori
mai mult, ca sa fim mai exacti. 

Cn plus, exista motive intemeiate pentru care atCt de multi oameni
cauta alternative pentru apa de la robinet , se intampla deoarece
C.nteleg faptul ca aceasta contine nivele crescute de clor, sediment,
metale grele si pesticide !. 

Stiati ca filtrandu-ne singuri apa de la robinet putem beneficia de
apa alcalina Pi, la noi acasa ? ...,iar costurile , raportate la
investitia initiala , sunt mai mici decat ale apei plate , din
magazine ?. 

De peste 30 de ani folosirea tehnologiilor de varf Nikken Japonia
reprezinta certitudinea ca aerul inspirat si apa consumata sunt curate
si pure asa cum a intentionat natura. 

Air Wellnessb Power5 Prov
 (beneficiaza de sistemul de filtrare HEPA , folosit in toate salile
de operatie) si Sistemele de apa PiMagB.
 (beneficiaza de o filtrare similara aparatelor de dializa) sunt
produsele de baza ale bunastarii, impreuna cu sistemele de somn
,produsele de nutritie si reconfortare NIKKEN ,toate prezentate in
site-ul nostru :

Eurom General Service srl 

Consultant autorizat Nikken - Gabriel Stanciulescu : 0722.257.646 /
0765.55.44.35 / 

E-mail :

website :

E-mailul dvs.:
Daca nu doriti sa mai primiti newsletter-ele dati click


2010-12-06 Thread caroline trembley (via Multiply)
This is a MIME-encoded message that carolinetrembleyye sent through Multiply.
To read it, you need a HTML-capable mail client.

Re: RSS/Atom feed reader

2010-12-06 Thread Patrick YU
Predrag Punosevac punosevac72 at writes:

 The same question. Has anybody being able to use it on OpenBSD? What 
 people use to read RSS/Atom feeds? 

Take a look at  where you can use a NNTP newsreader !

Patrick -

Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread Eric Furman
This is Theo's list so he can say anything he likes,
but like any thread like this just stop feeding it.
This thread benefits no one. Not Theo. Not Wikileaks

On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 18:42 -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
  PayPal's terms of use do not permit soliciting crime.
 Paypal's terms of use are just that; terms of use.  The account was
 being run by the German charity WHS.
 Noone has said that wikileaks has commited a crime.  What statute
 are you talking about?
  solicits the
  holders of US security clearances to violate their
  non-disclosure agreements. 
  That is a crime.
 I hereby ask anyone who holds secrets that the world should know
 of, which may contain indications of real crimes having been commited
 should send them to wikileaks.
 Did I just commit a crime?  Oh, remember I do not live in the US.
  Some people think it should not be a crime. But it is.  Some people
  think that it matters that WIkileaks says that they do not ask for
  submissions.  That matters about as much as a mob boss saying that he
  didn't ask anyone to shoot so-and-so, just that wouldn't it be
  fortunate if someone
  did?  Wikileaks model is predicated on breaking
  NDAs, and based on what their
  cite on their front pages, breaking NDAs
  on US classified information is their
  biggest product center.
 You think it should be a crime.  You just justified skipping due process.
 I hope that one day due process is denied you.

Re: qemu core dumped

2010-12-06 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2010-12-05, Frank Bax wrote:
 After my cdrom arrived; I upgraded to 4.8 -release soon after packages 
 became available online.  I don't use qemu often; but when I tried to 
 run it after upgrade; I get core dump.  I don't use kqemu.
 I invoke qemu using same options (saved in file) as worked in 4.7:

 $ pkg_info | grep qemu
 qemu-0.12.4p0   multi system emulator
 $ export ETHER=em0 ; sudo -E qemu -m 440 -net nic,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0 
 -localtime -monitor stdio /home/fbax/qemu/Win98C.cow -hdb 
   {tun0 (bridge0 - em0)}
 Abort trap (core dumped)

 Did something change that I might be unaware of?
 What is the next step in resolving this problem?

Use qemu-0.9 instead. Unfortunately there is no amd64 package for it
with 4.8 (there's a conflict between gcc 3.4 and 4.2 packages which
needs handling manually), but you can build it from ports

Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread Joe Barnett
On 12/5/10 5:11 PM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
 if nothing else think about the charges they put on every transaction: you 
 sell something on ebay, they charge you; you process their payment through 
 paypal (ebay) they charge you again. they're clearly ripping us all us all 
 off - fact! and to top it all of the charges have become extortionate.

Perhaps everything should just be (lowercase) free?  No charge ever
for anything.  Heck, if that is how it worked, then this entire
discussion would not be taking place as OpenBSD would not need funds
to continue its operations (and in that sense I would be greatly
relieved, since I would likely have to hear less about Theo's
selective outrage.  Speaking of that outrage, I think it would be
great if he put his money where his mouth is and not accept US
dollars in support of OpenBSD... but I am not holding my breath).

But things are not free.  It takes commerce to produce nearly every
material good, as distasteful as that might be to some people.  It
is called business.  No one is forcing anyone to use ebay or paypal.
 If anyone wants to play in their marketplace, however, they must
play by the established rules.

Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread Jamie Paul Griffin
snip pointless rant
 But things are not free.  It takes commerce to produce nearly every
 material good, as distasteful as that might be to some people.  It
 is called business.  No one is forcing anyone to use ebay or paypal.
  If anyone wants to play in their marketplace, however, they must
 play by the established rules.
of course all things are not free, we're not bloody idiots. the point is their 
charges, in my opion, are excessive. 

Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread SJP Lists
On 7 December 2010 02:42, Joe Barnett wrote:
 On 12/5/10 5:11 PM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:

 if nothing else think about the charges they put on every transaction: you
sell something on ebay, they charge you; you process their payment through
paypal (ebay) they charge you again. they're clearly ripping us all us all off
- fact! and to top it all of the charges have become extortionate.

 Perhaps everything should just be (lowercase) free?  No charge ever
 for anything.  Heck, if that is how it worked, then this entire

I think the main point was the double charging.  eBay owns PayPal.

 selective outrage.  Speaking of that outrage, I think it would be
 great if he put his money where his mouth is and not accept US
 dollars in support of OpenBSD... but I am not holding my breath).

From what has been said in the past, most donation money comes from
end user pockets and not big business or governments.  So the project
should snub US citizen donations because their government is corrupt?
All peoples under an unethical government should be treated as if
their governments secretive actions are all their fault?  I'd view
many US citizens as victims of that same government and given their
liberties deprived since 9/11, those who might get most benefit from
OpenBSD ought to be able to give back.

Theo did however protest US aggression, even while $2M of US fund
money was feeding the project.  Thankfully most of that cruise
missiles worth got used before it could be taken back.


Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread ropers
This thread is a great shibboleth, because it brings out the douchebags.
I have bookmarked this page, for
future reference, for the purposes of douchebag identification.



Colocation: (Off Topic: don't open if you don't like)

2010-12-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i am planning to setup a shell/web/mail hosting service and, of
course, i will run OpenBSD as my OS of choice.
I am live in Brazil and would like to host my server outside Brazil.

My initial ideia is to buy the server (on the country i would like to
host my server(s)) and send it to the company that will handle my
Is that possible? Would you mind suggesting company(ies) i could contract ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.

Best regards.

Re: Colocation: (Off Topic: don't open if you don't like)

2010-12-06 Thread roberth
On Mon, 6 Dec 2010 14:52:52 -0200
Friedrich Locke wrote:

 Hi folks,
 i am planning to setup a shell/web/mail hosting service and, of
 course, i will run OpenBSD as my OS of choice.
 I am live in Brazil and would like to host my server outside Brazil.
 My initial ideia is to buy the server (on the country i would like to
 host my server(s)) and send it to the company that will handle my
 Is that possible? Would you mind suggesting company(ies) i could
 contract ?
 Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.
 Best regards.


colocating your own hardware is usually not the way to go anymore.
renting a dedicated server somewhere is in most cases the better
choice. much less hassle with defective hardware and lots cheaper.

in that area what to check for is
- serial console, nice but not absolutly nessasary
- some kind of rescue-boot enviroment, mostly linux based, to install
  openbsd (yaifo) and dd the disks in case of norecoverable failures
- 2 disks, will minimize your downtime (softraid) (if they replace the
  disk you tell them to and not the wrong one...)
- oh supported hardware is nice to have, you can ask them for a dmesg
  in advance, wouldn't be so good to commit to a 12 month plan
  otherwise, but there are monthly billing contracts available.

OT: WikiLeaks mirroring [WAS: Donations]]

2010-12-06 Thread Jordi Espasa Clofent

I really love the motto Shut Up and Hack!.

Well, I'm not a hacker nor even a good coder. But I'm a sysadmin, so 
I've decided to shut up and do something about:

Note than is one of my servers.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death
that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it
to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn
the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be
nothing. Only I will remain.

-- Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

Planos de Saúde SulAmerica

2010-12-06 Thread SulAmerica Saúde

Um pequeno
investimento com
um stimo resultado!





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Disable USB Support i

2010-12-06 Thread Orestes Leal R.


Re: qemu core dumped

2010-12-06 Thread Frank Bax

On 12/06/10 10:40, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2010-12-05, Frank  wrote:

After my cdrom arrived; I upgraded to 4.8 -release soon after packages
became available online.  I don't use qemu often; but when I tried to
run it after upgrade; I get core dump.  I don't use kqemu.
I invoke qemu using same options (saved in file) as worked in 4.7:

$ pkg_info | grep qemu
qemu-0.12.4p0   multi system emulator
$ export ETHER=em0 ; sudo -E qemu -m 440 -net nic,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0
-localtime -monitor stdio /home/fbax/qemu/Win98C.cow -hdb
   {tun0 (bridge0-  em0)}
Abort trap (core dumped)

Did something change that I might be unaware of?
What is the next step in resolving this problem?

Use qemu-0.9 instead. Unfortunately there is no amd64 package for it
with 4.8 (there's a conflict between gcc 3.4 and 4.2 packages which
needs handling manually), but you can build it from ports

Thanks!  Things got a little tight with /usr only 4G; but after removing 
some stuff that did not belong there; qemu now working!

Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0e  3.9G3.6G106M97%/usr

Re: Disable USB Support i

2010-12-06 Thread Orestes Leal R.

just disable when I need to, unloading modules, etc.

Disable it from BIOS.

On 12/06/10 17:49, Orestes Leal R. wrote:


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Clint Pachl

Joachim Schipper wrote:

On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 06:28:04PM -0700, Clint Pachl wrote:

When I open [the UPS developer's guide] with xpdf(1) I get a [message]
to download the the latest Adobe crapware to view it.

This is cheating, but have you tried throwing it into Google docs?


Damn Joachim, nice cheat! I can't believe I didn't think of giving this 
a try.

I was hopeful it would work. Unfortunately, I get the same error:

For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat 9 or Adobe 
Reader 9, or later.

I'd also like to mention I tried the pdftops and pdf2ps commands without 
success. Still get a single page PDF stating the above message.

I guess it has to do with this PDF being a portfolio, like Anthony 
Bentley mentioned.


Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Joel Wiramu Pauling
I would be surprised if okular didn't open it. (okular being the KDE viewer)

On 7 December 2010 10:42, Clint Pachl wrote:
 Joachim Schipper wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 06:28:04PM -0700, Clint Pachl wrote:

 When I open [the UPS developer's guide] with xpdf(1) I get a [message]
 to download the the latest Adobe crapware to view it.

 This is cheating, but have you tried throwing it into Google docs?

 B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B Joachim

 Damn Joachim, nice cheat! I can't believe I didn't think of giving this a

 I was hopeful it would work. Unfortunately, I get the same error:

 For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat 9 or Adobe
 Reader 9, or later.

 I'd also like to mention I tried the pdftops and pdf2ps commands without
 success. Still get a single page PDF stating the above message.

 I guess it has to do with this PDF being a portfolio, like Anthony Bentley


Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Anthony Bentley
 This happens when there are multiple PDFs embedded in a single PDF file.
 I remember reading a Ghostscript bug about this (could probably find it
 again if I had the exact error message), but unfortunately Mupdf still
 doesn't support it.

Here is the Ghostscript bug:

From here it looks like you might be able to get it with gs after all.

This forum thread claims that Okular can view PDF portfolios as well:

Anthony J. Bentley

Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Clint Pachl

Joel Wiramu Pauling wrote:

I would be surprised if okular didn't open it. (okular being the KDE viewer)

I don't have KDE so I can't test. But I did find this link:

It looks like portfolio PDFs are not supported, although someone there 
mentions a possible hack. okular apparently uses poppler as the backend. 
Poppler is a fork of xpdf-3.0, so we're back to square one.

Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread Dmitrij D. Czarkoff
 PayPal's terms of use do not permit soliciting crime.  Wikileaks
 solicits the
 holders of US security clearances to violate their
 non-disclosure agreements. 
 That is a crime.

Soliciting crimes is criminal activity, and therefor to be acted upon needs to
be proved in court.

Untill one is found guilty by court, any public occusations against him are
considered defamation (criminal activity on it's own).

So, according to legal regulations PayPal's activity towards Wikileaks account
should be brought to court as a defamation case.

Again: if PayPal things Wikileaks to be engaged in criminal activity, it
should report such an activity (but not the details of such activity that
became known to PayPal dew to it's contract with Wikileaks) to entitled public
bodies and sit back waiting for a court's descision.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Martin Schröder
2010/12/6 Clint Pachl
 mentions a possible hack. okular apparently uses poppler as the backend.
 Poppler is a fork of xpdf-3.0, so we're back to square one.

To quote the mailing list motto: Stop whining. Where's the patch? ;-}

I can find no bug report in the podofo bugzilla.


Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread Theo de Raadt
  PayPal's terms of use do not permit soliciting crime.  Wikileaks
  solicits the
  holders of US security clearances to violate their
  non-disclosure agreements. 
  That is a crime.
 Soliciting crimes is criminal activity, and therefor to be acted upon needs to
 be proved in court.

Moreso, Wikileaks does not solicit.  Essentially they accept brown
envelopes and then work with reporters are multiple newspapers.  For
a very long time our media has worked this way: Investigative
reporters who break stories can build up street cred, and then they
start getting more brown envelopes.  Over decades this practice has
slowly been beaten into the ground by editorial standards built into
the modern US-based media's control structures -- especially as we now
see with AP and Reuters.  The idea has been to (a) kill the story, if
not possible then (b) interpret it so vaguely as to make it a
non-story, and finally (c) provide enough pablum for the masses to
keep them distracted.  Wikileaks could be considered a partial reset
of that control mechanism.

 Untill one is found guilty by court, any public occusations against him are
 considered defamation (criminal activity on it's own).

So you have to pay for due process?

 So, according to legal regulations PayPal's activity towards Wikileaks account
 should be brought to court as a defamation case.

So you have to pay for due process?

 Again: if PayPal things Wikileaks to be engaged in criminal activity, it
 should report such an activity (but not the details of such activity that
 became known to PayPal dew to it's contract with Wikileaks) to entitled public
 bodies and sit back waiting for a court's descision.

If you search around you'll find stories of how paypal in effect
seizes the money; or at least, holds it, and creates a lot of
trouble for people who rightfully own it.

In contrast to this, the Swiss bank has made it
abundantly clear in the media that they are trying to get the money
from his closed Swiss account to him some other way as soon as
possible.  Their decision to close is also shameful, but at least they
immediately hand the money back as required by law.

The US has no rule of law or due process, and most people won't care
until it bites them.

Anyways, this is way off topic now..

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2010-12-06 Thread VENTO







Re: Disable USB Support i

2010-12-06 Thread Jacob Meuser
just curious, but why would you need to disable USB sometimes and
not always?

the answer is: you can't disable it in a running kernel.  the OpenBSD
kernel doesn't use modules.

On Mon, Dec 06, 2010 at 03:13:42PM -0600, Orestes Leal R. wrote:
 just disable when I need to, unloading modules, etc.
 Disable it from BIOS.
 On 12/06/10 17:49, Orestes Leal R. wrote:
 Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

SDF Public Access UNIX System -

OpenBSD in Rock Band 3

2010-12-06 Thread Doug Clements
   I sat through the ending credits of Rock Band 3 for the PS3
tonight, and I saw a license inclusion from OpenBSD. I'm guessing they
lifted some bit of code and used it in the game. Does anyone have any
idea what portion it might have been?

There were also license notifications for AES, MD5, and RSA. I'm
guessing these were probably for making sure online play integrity is
assured, but I'm curious of those as well.


Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread ropers
On 6 December 2010 22:42, Clint Pachl wrote:
 Still get a single page PDF stating the above message.

 I guess it has to do with this PDF being a portfolio, like Anthony Bentley

How are the constituent PDFs stored in the portfolio PDF? Unencrypted?
Would it be possible to simply use file carving to extract them?
There are unix file carving programs such as scalpel or foremost, but
I don't think there is an OpenBSD port. One can try to do things
manually with a hex editor of course. Does anyone have a link to a
copy of the OP's original offending PDF, so I could try to poke it in
this way? (I'm not gonna register w/ UPS just to see that guide.)

NB: When googling for the guide, I found this: Not sure if
it still applies.

PS I just did some groping around inside some other portfolio PDF
file, but it doesn't seem to be just simple concatenation.

seeking SQLite on OpenBSD stories

2010-12-06 Thread Edwin Eyan Moragas
Hi Misc,

i'm looking for experience of using SQLite on OpenBSD.

if anybody in the list can share

1) how SQLite is being used
2) size of the database
3) performance metrics (if you have them)

anything about SQLite on OpenBSD. link would be appreciated too.



BSDCan 2011 - call for papers

2010-12-06 Thread Dan Langille

BSDCan 2011 will be held 13-14 May, 2011 in Ottawa at the University of
Ottawa. It will be preceded by two days of tutorials on 11-12 May.

NOTE: This will be Fri/Sat with tutorials on Wed/Thu.

We are now accepting proposals for talks.

The talks should be designed with a very strong technical content bias.
Proposals of a business development or marketing nature are not
appropriate for this venue.

If you are doing something interesting with a BSD operating system,
please submit a proposal. Whether you are developing a very complex
system using BSD as the foundation, or helping others and have a story
to tell about how BSD played a role, we want to hear about your
experience.  People using BSD as a platform for research are also
encouraged to submit a proposal. Possible topics include:

* How we manage a giant installation with respect to handling spam.
* and/or sysadmin.
* and/or networking.

From the BSDCan website, the Archives section will allow you to review
the wide variety of past BSDCan presentations as further examples.

Both users and developers are encouraged to share their experiences.

The schedule is:

 1 Dec 2010 Proposal acceptance begins
19 Jan 2011 Proposal acceptance ends
19 Feb 2011 Confirmation of accepted proposals

See also

Instructions for submitting a proposal to BSDCan 2011 are available

Dan Langille -

Customer Service Excellence

2010-12-06 Thread binson
GreenpeaceCustomer Service Excellence (adv)

Dear friends
Why Put Customers First? Why Listen to them? Why are Customers Difficult? How
do I 'Handle' them? How To React to Complain? What does Customer Service
Comprise? Why Internal Customers important?. How do I Deal with Office
Politics? How do I Create a Customer Focused Culture?
The LCCI Certificate in Customer Service program is designed to help you
handle difficult customers and situations, and to make the most of every
customer contact.
It will prepare you for team leading and management, and  to plan and
implement an effective service management program designed to deliver service

Course Objectives :
Understand the Importance of Customer Service
Achieving Real Excellence in Customer Service
Understand the Basic Principles of Managing Customer Service
Prepare for Team Leading and Management
Plan and Implement an Effective Service Management Program designed to Deliver
Customer Service Excellence.
Course Outlines
b Managers and Customer Service Excellence b Setting and Communicating
Objectivesb Putting the Customer First b Getting the Right People and
Resources b Creating the Customer Focused Culture b Dealing with Difficult
Situations b Making it Happen  b Embedding Innovation in Your Team  b
Continuous Professional Development
For Whom
Customer Services, Sales and Marketing, Administrative staff, Front Line Staff
and those who have direct or indirect contact with customers
Course Fees
Only $63 or $266 with SDF funding*   ( SDF  SRP funding )
Administrative Details
Start Date-  20.12.10
End Date-28.03.11
Day/Time-   Monday / 7pm to 10pm
Duration-15 sessions / 3 hours per session)
Training Venue-19 Carpenter Street
Course Fee :
**with Enhanced SDF Funding : $63 nett ( for S'porean  PR aged above 40, and
education level of GCE 'A' and below )  **with Normal SDF Funding
: $266 nett ( for all S'porean and PR not under Enhanced SDF Scheme )
Without SDF Funding : $630 nett
Other Fees   : $135 nett (examination fee ),
$25 nett (course book), $10 nett (administrative fee)
Call Binson @ 91783929 for registration
Email : .

Best regards,
 Binson Lim

( if you do not wish to receive our mail, please email unsubscribe to us

40C Hong Kong Street
phone number: 91783929
fax number:  63476186

Dubai Order

2010-12-06 Thread Mrs Asia Dasilva
Hi Sales,

Am Mrs Asia Dasilva from Dubai . I want to place an order from you. I know the 
difficulties encountered when shipping internationally, But that will not be a 
problem because i am registered with a shipping company whom i have used 
severally without any delay nor problems with my goods. Before i place these 
order, i want you to notify me if i am able to place the order and most 
important: If i can make payment with my credit cards Visa/Mc because that is 
the only way we are set for payment now without no delay. I don't place online 
orders can i e-mail my ORDER needed then you can give me a quote here and make 
charges to my cards manually on your end ? Pls Clarify.

Looking forward to your swift response then we can proceed further as soon as 

Warmest Regards.
Mrs Asia Dasilva

Shipping Address:
15th Floor, Al Owais Business Tower Baniyas Road
Al Sabkha Deira
Dubai 116264. U.A.E

Registered in UAE, Reg. No. 1457528

Re: OpenBSD in Rock Band 3

2010-12-06 Thread Jeffrey 'jf' Lim
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Doug Clements wrote:

   I sat through the ending credits of Rock Band 3 for the PS3
 tonight, and I saw a license inclusion from OpenBSD. I'm guessing they
 lifted some bit of code and used it in the game. Does anyone have any
 idea what portion it might have been?

:) well, possible to sit through those again? This time, prepare your
camera. :)


 There were also license notifications for AES, MD5, and RSA. I'm
 guessing these were probably for making sure online play integrity is
 assured, but I'm curious of those as well.


Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Clint Pachl

ropers wrote:

On 6 December 2010 22:42, Clint  wrote:

Still get a single page PDF stating the above message.

I guess it has to do with this PDF being a portfolio, like Anthony Bentley

How are the constituent PDFs stored in the portfolio PDF? Unencrypted?

pdfinfo says they are encrypted, although it is probably only reporting 
on the container file.

Does anyone have a link to a
copy of the OP's original offending PDF, so I could try to poke it in
this way? (I'm not gonna register w/ UPS just to see that guide.)

I posted one here for you to play with:


Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread fqui nonez
2010/12/5 Adam M. Dutko
  Are you planning on having the OpenBSD development team perform some
  sort of illegal activity soon?
  If not, you shouldn't be worried about Paypal.

 You're discussing intent.  Intent is a tricky thing that in the past
 had to jump through hoops to prove in the (fed)nited States.  Now with the
 (un)Patriot Act and other legislation they can rely on the whole notion of

 Seems like most of America is happy with point and click hegemony and I'm
 glad the Internet is trying to block the interrupts.

No, i think only US, because the most of the other countries have had
really bad experience under the external US politics. Among US, peple
could forgotten the McCarthyism.

In fact, the people in El Salvador who were responsible to assassinate
80,000 persons; were trained at La escuela de las Americas in US. ;
the rest of other Hispanic countries have had the same experience

In Canada, we can see the effect of insanity coming from US; bands and crime.

   Agr. francisco Quinonez.
  Our mission, feed the World
   notre mission, nourrir au monde
 Nuestra mision, alimentar al mundo

Le BCC offrono un'operativita bancaria completa:

2010-12-06 Thread Gruppo BCC
Gentile Cliente, 

Nell'ambito delle misure di sicurezza da noi adottate, controlliamo 
le attivita del sistema. Durante una recente verifica, abbiamo rilevato un 
riguardante il tuo conto. 
Abbiamo deciso di limitare l'accesso al tuo conto fino a quando non verra 
completata l'implementazione di misure di sicurezza aggiuntive. 

Per controllare il tuo conto e le informazioni che Gruppo BCC
ha utilizzato per decretare di limitare l'accesso al conto, visita il 
seguente sito: 

Prego di cliccare qui per confermare.

Se, dopo aver controllato le informazioni sul conto, desideri ulteriori 
riguardo all'accesso al conto, contatta il modulo Contattaci nell'Aiuto. 
Nel ringraziarti per la collaborazione, ti ricordiamo che questa e una misura 
sicurezza il cui scopo e quello di garantire la tutela degli utenti e dei 
Ci scusiamo per gli eventuali disagi.
Scarica il documento

Cordiali saluti, 
Gruppo BCC 2010

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type APPLICATION/DEFANGED which had a 
name of Servizio Clienti.5543DEFANGED-html]

Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread fqui nonez
2010/12/5 L. V. Lammert
 On Sun, 5 Dec 2010, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:

  On Sun, 5 Dec 2010, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
  I agree totally that there are a lot of idiots running parts of the US
  system, but at least they ARE predictable.

 Being predictable is just not enough. Hardly You would enjoy predictibility
 You being put to prison on suspection of possibility of You commiting some

 Actually, being predictable ALLOWS planning to avoid such problems!

 Ever head of Don Quixote? THe moral of the storey - pick the battles you
 have a chance of winning and avoid the rest.


It looks, like if the proper name of it is cowardice, but Don
Quijote de La Mancha, shows how to distinguish reality!

   Agr. francisco Quinonez.
  Our mission, feed the World
   notre mission, nourrir au monde
 Nuestra mision, alimentar al mundo

Re: Donations

2010-12-06 Thread fqui nonez
2010/12/5 Theo de Raadt
 Ever head of Don Quixote? THe moral of the storey - pick the battles you
 have a chance of winning and avoid the rest.

 Such an American viewpoint.

Well, revising old documents, the word America was not used by the
Government of US;  but after I and II world war; when Europeans
properly used America to refer to the continent or its troops from
Canada, US and maybe others countries this word was taken as if it
were referring to US; i do not know if it is by ignorance or by

 It didn't work out for Don Quixote either.

   Agr. francisco Quinonez.
  Our mission, feed the World
   notre mission, nourrir au monde
 Nuestra mision, alimentar al mundo

[no subject]

2010-12-06 Thread Steve

Re: How to open PDF that requires Adobe 9

2010-12-06 Thread Clint Pachl

Anthony Bentley wrote:

This happens when there are multiple PDFs embedded in a single PDF file.
I remember reading a Ghostscript bug about this (could probably find it
again if I had the exact error message), but unfortunately Mupdf still
doesn't support it.

Here is the Ghostscript bug:

 From here it looks like you might be able to get it with gs after all.

Good research Anthony. That bug describes my situation exactly. The only 
thing is that I didn't know what the hell a portfolio PDF was until now.

Unfortunately, the gs ports is version 8.63 (released 2008-08-01). This 
bug report/fix happened in April 2009.

Shit, now Mr. Schroder is going to be on my ass about patches again. :-P