Re: dmesg for notebooks useful?

2011-04-27 Thread a . velichinsky
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:25:20AM -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:
> I'm working on buying a notebook which will run OpenBSD, and have been
> grabbing the dmesg from whatever I find in stores to look at hardware
> compatibility (I've got a 4.9-current snapshot from 2011/4/13 on a USB
> stick which I boot on them).
> Would it be useful to also send what I collect to

It will also help if you send the dmesgs to misc@ too or put them on some
publicly accessible place.

The are fine people outside the circle of blessed Developers who may be
interested in that info.

Re: For me, OpenBSD is the operating system that "just works".

2011-04-27 Thread Mehma Sarja

On 4/27/11 6:43 PM, Amit Kulkarni wrote:

So it turns out I had this spyware. None of the AVs detected it.


I tried a Mac, but ultimately had the same problem, without all the crashing.
Just removed 11 viruses, that I know of, from my mac laptop. That's 
called a Mac attack.


Re: irc

2011-04-27 Thread Ted Unangst
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 6:57 PM, David Steiner

>  cinch: what i'm trying to say is stop your flooding of boring
> irrelevant shit on this channel

David: what i'm trying to say is stop your flooding of boring
irrelevant shit on this list

Re: For me, OpenBSD is the operating system that "just works".

2011-04-27 Thread Amit Kulkarni
> So it turns out I had this spyware. None of the AVs detected it.
> However, I did see a suspicious process running, looked it up, and
> found out what it was online. I had to boot into Safe Mode to remove
> it. Then there was another one. Keylogger, screenshot-taker... a nasty
> piece of work. Kept crashing my computer. None of the major AVs I
> tried detected it. I couldn't find anything suspicious on the list of
> running processes. Eventually, I detected it with one of the really
> obscure independent malware scanners. Even then, it could only tell me
> it was, not actually remove it. Nothing seemed able to remove.
> Couldn't remove it from Safe Mode, either. Couldn't find directions to
> remove it. Re-installing removed it, but like the cat, it just kept
> coming back.
> I tried a Mac, but ultimately had the same problem, without all the crashing.

And Macs are very very pricey.

> Now, all operating systems have their uses, but I don't fully
> understand what people mean when they say Windows "just works". Sure,
> it "just works" when you first boot it up. But if you just rely on AVs
> and Windows Updates to protect you, and often even if you take
> stronger security measures, sooner or later, it has a tendency of not
> working any more. They say Windows 7 is more secure than previous
> versions, but even if that's so, that hasn't stopped my friends from
> asking me to fix their not working Windows 7 computers. Which I do,
> even though I think the best way to secure a Windows box is to
> disconnect it from the internet and encrypt it, because even though I
> think it's silly of them to expect Windows 7 to "just work", and then,
> rather than replace it when it proves otherwise, insist that I restore
> it to a working state, they're my friends and I care about them. And
> then I try to lock it down as best I can without making things too
> user unfriendly for them, which might delay the inevitable moment when
> they come and ask me to fix it again. Consequently, much of what I
> know about Windows security comes from trying to find the Windows
> equivalents of BSD features. The Windows equivalents are never as
> good.

It is so insane to get Windows 7 to work nowadays. I just can't get it 
working. I am a normal locked down user but it freezes from time to time. 
Just like you said, you have to fiddle with safe mode, remove trojans, 
remove malware and still they keep coming back. A few months ago, Windows 
networking was working, now it doesn't. I quit. I am not interested in 
fixing those problems anymore. Its much easier to work in non-Windows 
environment. The learning curve is not that steep and it is rewarding.

> So, I think OpenBSD tops the list of operating systems that "just
> work". The only thing I really wish for is more encryption options for
> softraid.

all this to request softraid encryption? :-)

Sonido y Vida en el VII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu

2011-04-27 Thread Ciencia y Espiritu
VII Congreso Ciencia y EspC-ritu

Ciencias y sonidos que nos recuerdan y sanan nuestro cuerpo holC-stico.

El gran cientC-fico turco Ayhan Doyuk vuelve a EspaC1a para ofrecernos su "Agua 
de la Vida" con la que se podrC-an
evitar todos los incendios y descontaminar las aguas de rC-os, pantanos, lagos 
y costas en todo el mundo. Manuel Galiana, autor del libro bEl Nuevo Orden
Mundialb nos hablarC! de la influencia que tiene en el mundo la masonerC-a, el 
sionismo y el Club Bilderberg. Jaume GermC!, ingeniero, Diplomado en FC-sica 
TeC3rica y profesor de Mercados Financieros nos explicarC! las estrategias 
ocultas de los grandes temas
econC3micos y polC-ticos. MC3nica
Risquez, Presidenta de la AssociaciC3 Equilibri Vital nos hablarC! de la 
bFalacia de la Libertadb e Ivan Arjona, Presidente de la Iglesia de la 
Scientology de EspaC1a, expondrC! los conceptos de su religiC3n y el por quC) 
de los ataques que han sufrido desde su nacimiento, a la vez que abrirC! un 
debate con los asistentes.
Y quien mejor para explicarnos los problemas de educaciC3n que se sufren en las
escuelas que una persona en su propia experiencia, Gerard tiene 13 aC1os y nos 
sorprenderC! con su gran madurez. 
Alessandro Di Masi, creador de la filosofC-a de curaciC3n denominada Sanergia, 
con mC!s de 750
sanergistas, darC! nuevas esperanzas y soluciones a los que puedan sufrir 
fC-sica o psicolC3gicamente. TambiC)n entraremos a conocer el mundo del Reiki y 
las posibilidades que nos ofrece de la mano de la profesora de la Universidad 
de Barcelona Anna Diez.
Mientras, Lurdes Reina nos hablarC! de aquellas corazas que nosotros mismos nos 
hemos impuesto por experiencias desagradables en nuestra niC1ez y como
desbloquearlas.La terapeuta Suzanne
Powell nos darC! la charla: "La Multi-Dimensionalidad del Ser Humano y la 
Consciencia necesaria para los tiempos actuales y venideros.". Pepon
Jover, MC!ster en Conciencia y PsicologC-a Transpersonal en la Universidad John 
Moores de Liverpool nos hablarC! de bEl viaje del hC)roeb: recuperando un 
mito para guiarnos ante los retos
de hoyb. Y Roy Littlesun, hijo adoptivo de los Indios Hopi nos dara la
ponencia titulada: "VEAMOS con los ojos del EspC-ritu con "El Regreso de la 
Alquimia".Y para el gran protagonista del Congreso, el sonido,
contaremos con Rosa Puerto, autora del libro bTerapia de Sonidob sobre 
sonido y curaciC3n. Jean-Louis Fargier nos explicarC! su sistema "Bio MC:sica 6 
en 1", utilizado por mC!s de 125.000 personas, entre
ellos, muchos mC)dicos, terapeutas y organizaciones de bienestar. Y Eva JuliC!n,
mC:sica, compositora, etnomusicC3loga e investigadora en bioacC:stica nos 
hablarC! de la bMedicina de la Naturalezab o como una nueva "medicina" 
vibratoria emerge de bosques, valles, rC-os y
mares para ayudarnos a sintonizar y unificar nuestros estados de conciencia con 
el de la naturaleza.Y como cierre del Congreso la periodista
y ufC3loga Marisol Roldan nos hablarC! de "Los impactantes nuevos fenC3menos de 
los cielos en el siglo XXI". Y el contactado australiano George Kavassilas, de 
vuelta en EspaC1a tras el gran C)xito conseguido en su anterior visita, 
iniciarC! desde aquC- su gira europea explicC!ndonos
sus viajes reales y experiencias por el Multiverso. 
Nuestro objetivo es que este sC)ptimo Congreso de Ciencia y EspC-ritu supere a 
todos los anteriores y le aporte conocimientos
que le permitan mejorar su cuerpo, su mente y su espC-ritu.

- 7 y 8 de Mayo en Barcelona -
Hotel BarcelC3 Sants - Sants EstaciC3 - Barcelona -

InformaciC3n al telC)fono: (00 34) 93 362 37 00
email: (

Precio inscripciones: 50 Euros los dos dC-as y 35 Euros un solo dC-aAforo: 400 


Y si no puedes venir pero ya te has dado cuenta de que el mundo no es lo que 
parece, no dejes de informarte de la Verdad en nuestros

Tenemos su email de algC:n contacto previo mantenido con Ud. o bien recogido
de fuentes pC:blicas. Nunca vamos a enviarle mC!s de un email por semana y 
siempre tratando de temas que, a priori, puedan interesarle. No obstante si no 
desea recibir mC!s comunicados nuestros tan solo tiene que reenviarnos este 
mismo correo con la
palabra BAJA en el "asunto" o "subject" y le daremos de baja a la mayor 
brevedad. En cualquier caso muchC-simas gracias por su tiempo.

Re: use DUIDs rather than device names in fstab?

2011-04-27 Thread David Gwynne

anything that helps us get away from the kernels arbitrary numbering of
devices to identify disks is a good thing.


On 28/04/2011, at 10:20 AM, Nick Holland wrote:

> On 04/27/11 08:27, Kent Watsen wrote:
>>> Maybe you should tell us what happened and what you were expecting.
>> I saw the check-in which stated that it was being turned on to see what
>> response there is, which is all I'm doing...
>> When installing on a system only having IDE-based drives, I was
>> expecting to not be prompted, since I don't believe it's easy for the
>> boot drive change location.  But I realize now that some flash card
>> adapters present themselves as an IDE device, which makes them as
>> portable as my USB pen drive.
> Your imagination doesn't go very far :)
> ever add an IDE or SATA card to a machine that was working Just Fine
> before?  It could be a lot of "fun".  Even with DUIDs, it will take a
> bit of adjusting of drives and/or boot ROMs sometimes.
> I used to manage a machine which archived e-mail, it would fill its
> available disk space every few months, and we'd take one (of many) sets
> of disks out and put another in.  While superficially an easy task, the
> shuffling of cables for the three PCI SATA cards to the six drive packs
> was annoying and time consuming to get right...and we did it that way
> because it was a LOT easier than using the two onboard SATA ports plus
> two off-board, since nothing numbered the way we wished.  Would have
> been nice to have had this feature then.
> Nick.

Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Thomas de Grivel

On 04/27/11 09:30, David Coppa wrote:

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Nigel Horne  wrote:

  If not, has any of you found a good way to install OpenBSD over a

preinstalled OS remotely reliably (meaning that I don't have

  to get the server reinstalled 10 times before getting OpenBSD up and



works even without KVM.

It builds an install image like the one on the OpenBSD CD, except that 
it has an sshd and your public key. Then you just put it on the boot 
drive using `dd` from a rescue system.

Thomas de Grivel

"I must plunge into the water of doubt again and again."

Re: PowerEdge R310 Rack Server

2011-04-27 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2011-04-27, Friedrich Locke  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> did someone already install openbsd on this server ?
> Is it 100% supported by openbsd ?
> Did you run i386 or amd64 openbsd version?
> It (the server) is 64 bit, isn't it ?
> Thanks in advance.

Basically works, though I just upgraded it from a month old kernel
to a -current snap to grab a dmesg for you and noticed this

usb1 at ehci1: USB revision 2.0
Data modified on freelist: word 4 of object 0x8012dc00 size 0x70 
previous type ACPI (0xd != 0xdeadbeef)
uhub1 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1

>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.15
booting hd0a:/bsd: 5611768+1596364+945032+0+628256 [89+496608+320053]=0xd27fd8
entry point at 0x1001e0 [7205c766, 3404, 24448b12, 7c58a304]
[ using 817592 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2011 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.

OpenBSD 4.9-current (GENERIC.MP) #98: Tue Apr 26 13:01:30 MDT 2011
real mem = 4284059648 (4085MB)
avail mem = 4155973632 (3963MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.6 @ 0xbf79c000 (66 entries)
bios0: vendor Dell Inc. version "1.5.2" date 10/15/2010
bios0: Dell Inc. PowerEdge R310
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices PCI0(S5) USBA(S0) USBB(S0)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz, 2394.29 MHz
cpu0: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu0: apic clock running at 132MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz, 2393.99 MHz
cpu1: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 4 (application processor)
cpu2: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz, 2393.99 MHz
cpu2: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 6 (application processor)
cpu3: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz, 2393.99 MHz
cpu3: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 0 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 24 pins
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpimcfg0 at acpi0 addr 0xe000, bus 0-255
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 4 (LYD0)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 5 (LYD2)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (HVD0)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (HVD2)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus 3 (PEX0)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEX2)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEX3)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus 2 (PEX4)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus 1 (COMP)
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C3, C1
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C3, C1
acpicpu2 at acpi0: C3, C1
acpicpu3 at acpi0: C3, C1
ipmi at mainbus0 not configured
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Core DMI" rev 0x11
ppb0 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "Intel Core PCIE" rev 0x11: apic 0 int 16
pci1 at ppb0 bus 4
ppb1 at pci0 dev 5 function 0 "Intel Core PCIE" rev 0x11: apic 0 int 16
pci2 at ppb1 bus 5
mpii0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Symbios Logic SAS2008" rev 0x03: apic 0 int 16
scsibus0 at mpii0: 42 targets
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 1 lun 0:  SCSI4 0/direct fixed 
sd0: 476416MB, 512 bytes/sec, 975699968 sec total
ses0 at scsibus0 targ 10 lun 0:  SCSI3 13/enclosure 
services fixed t10.DP__BACKPLANE00
"Intel Core Management" rev 0x11 at pci0 dev 8 function 0 not configured
"Intel Core Scratch" rev 0x11 at pci0 dev 8 function 1 not configured
"Intel Core Control" rev 0x11 at pci0 dev 8 function 2 not configured
"Intel Core Misc" rev 0x11 at pci0 dev 8 function 3 not configured
"Intel Core QPI Link" rev 0x11 at pci0 dev 16 function 0 not configured
"Intel Core QPI Routing" rev 0x11 at pci0 dev 16 function 1 not configured
ehci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 0 "Intel 3400 USB" rev 0x05: apic 0 int 22
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
ppb2 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 3400 PCIE" rev 0x05
pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
ppb3 at pci0 dev 28 function 4 "

Re: use DUIDs rather than device names in fstab?

2011-04-27 Thread Nick Holland
On 04/27/11 08:27, Kent Watsen wrote:
>> Maybe you should tell us what happened and what you were expecting.
> I saw the check-in which stated that it was being turned on to see what 
> response there is, which is all I'm doing...
> When installing on a system only having IDE-based drives, I was 
> expecting to not be prompted, since I don't believe it's easy for the 
> boot drive change location.  But I realize now that some flash card 
> adapters present themselves as an IDE device, which makes them as 
> portable as my USB pen drive.

Your imagination doesn't go very far :)

ever add an IDE or SATA card to a machine that was working Just Fine
before?  It could be a lot of "fun".  Even with DUIDs, it will take a
bit of adjusting of drives and/or boot ROMs sometimes.

I used to manage a machine which archived e-mail, it would fill its
available disk space every few months, and we'd take one (of many) sets
of disks out and put another in.  While superficially an easy task, the
shuffling of cables for the three PCI SATA cards to the six drive packs
was annoying and time consuming to get right...and we did it that way
because it was a LOT easier than using the two onboard SATA ports plus
two off-board, since nothing numbered the way we wished.  Would have
been nice to have had this feature then.


Re: Flash Video in Firefox

2011-04-27 Thread David Steiner
On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 22:50:31 -0400
Nicholas Schmidt  wrote:

> Works like a champ for me on Youtube and a Intel ULV Core2 processor
> running -current. The video performance on the Intel DRM x3100
> chipset isn't fluid on anything 720p, but is fine in SD. Great find
> that will make the significant other happy to watch cat and fail
> videos again.

glade it works! it's all about cat and fail videos!


2011-04-27 Thread David Steiner
 A true lurker would have seen the unwritten rule
 "Shut up.  If someone starts speaking, complain."


Re: Flash Video in Firefox

2011-04-27 Thread David Steiner
On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:23:49 -0500
Ed Ahlsen-Girard  wrote:

> On 2011-04-26 13:19:53 David Steiner 
> wrote:
> > 
> > 1) pkg_add gecko-mediaplayer
> > 2)
> >
> > 
> > works here on -current amd64. i tested youtube and sofar
> > without any trouble.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > David
> Which Firefox?  It's not working on i386 for me.

firefox 4.0.

what doesn't work? try to change the preferences, it should work. email
me if you have any quuestions. 

Re: cpu performance counters (cache hit/miss etc)

2011-04-27 Thread Philip Guenther
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 12:28 PM, David Steiner
> thank you philip guenther. just what i was looking for. are there more
> examples how to use pctr? not so easy to interpret what's going on.

I don't know of anything relevant that isn't already referenced from
the manpage.  Good luck!

Philip Guenther

Cursos privados - incompany - in house en su empresa

2011-04-27 Thread simca capacitacion
 Cursos privados - incompany - in house - SIMCA CAPACITACION

  Impartimos CURSOS de forma PRIVADA en su empresa, contamos con
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Re: FYI: OpenBSD 4.9 CDs arriving

2011-04-27 Thread Rafael Sadowski
On Mon Apr 25, 2011 at 10:39:49AM -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:
> My set just showed up (near Boston, Mass.)
>   Dave

My OpenBSD 4.9 CD-Set arrived too, Hannover Germany, pictures on:

Many thanks goes to OpenBSD Europe - OpenBSD Europe CD Set Distributor,
great and fast work guys (and [maybe] ladies)!

Best regards

Rafael Sadowski

-- -
Key fingerprint: BDDD 91E9 28CB 3A52 3E99  61B0 C359 2691 BAC6 A3B1

PowerEdge R310 Rack Server

2011-04-27 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

did someone already install openbsd on this server ?
Is it 100% supported by openbsd ?
Did you run i386 or amd64 openbsd version?
It (the server) is 64 bit, isn't it ?

Thanks in advance.

Re: cpu performance counters (cache hit/miss etc)

2011-04-27 Thread David Steiner
On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 14:02:09 -0400
Luis Useche  wrote:

> > Did you try searching for the subject of your message?
> >
> > $ apropos 'cpu performance counters'
> > pctr (1) - display CPU performance counters
> > pctr (4/AMD64) - driver for CPU performance counters
> > pctr (4/i386) - driver for CPU performance counters
> > $
> >
> >
> > Philip Guenther

thank you philip guenther. just what i was looking for. are there more
examples how to use pctr? not so easy to interpret what's going on.

Tenha acesso a conteúdos esotéricos internacionais

2011-04-27 Thread Alice Kennedy

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Comprensión de Finanzas para NO Financieros, Conózca de un experto!

2011-04-27 Thread Ing. Manuel Ruelas

Pms Capacitacisn Efectiva de Mixico presenta:

Taller de Finanzas para NO Financieros

17 de Mayo Ciudad de Mixico.

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

Re: dmesg for notebooks useful?

2011-04-27 Thread David Vasek

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, Jonathan Gray wrote:

Yes, this would help.  Though a bunch of things affecting recent
laptops have gone in during the last few weeks so you should update to
a newer snapshot if possible.

Btw, is the dmesg enough as a general survey, or is the sendbug(1) output 
more desired by the devs?


On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:25:20AM -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:

I'm working on buying a notebook which will run OpenBSD, and have been
grabbing the dmesg from whatever I find in stores to look at hardware
compatibility (I've got a 4.9-current snapshot from 2011/4/13 on a USB
stick which I boot on them).

Would it be useful to also send what I collect to


Dave Anderson

Re: cpu performance counters (cache hit/miss etc)

2011-04-27 Thread Luis Useche
Unless already fixed, I remember this didn't work very well with SMP
kernels. If you have problems try to use bsd.sp.


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Philip Guenther  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 5:00 PM, David Steiner
>  wrote:
>> is there a convenient way to display CPU cache statistics in openbsd?
>> like the amount of L1/L2 hits/misses? there's OProfile for linux, Vtune
>> for Linux/Windows, cachekit for Solaris, but what's available for the
>> best OS out there?
>> sure i could read the intel manuals on accessing the special
>> performance registers to find out. but time is limited. i've searched
>> manpages and on the web without any "cache hits" so to speak.
> Did you try searching for the subject of your message?
> $ apropos 'cpu performance counters'
> pctr (1) - display CPU performance counters
> pctr (4/AMD64) - driver for CPU performance counters
> pctr (4/i386) - driver for CPU performance counters
> $
> Philip Guenther

cansado de fracasar esta es la solucion

2011-04-27 Thread oportunidad de negocio
Hola es un gusto saludarte

Si estas cansado de fracasar en ganar dinero por internet o multiniveles

esta es la gran oportunidad

unete a los mas de 21000 socios de

a partir de hoy y  hasta el 30 de abril, si te unes a esta oportunidad estaras
votando por la oportunidad de negocio
a la cual nos uniremos los socios para empezar a ganar dinero de inmediato

? por que ?

muy simple hemos construido una mega red en la cual los socios votaremos y nos
iscribiremos todos a la oprtunidad
lo que te garantiza si te unes ya que empezaras a ganar dinero de inmediato  LA INSCRIPCION ES GRATIS

Eduardo Moral

Re: dmesg for notebooks useful?

2011-04-27 Thread Dave Anderson
On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, Jonathan Gray wrote:

>Yes, this would help.  Though a bunch of things affecting recent
>laptops have gone in during the last few weeks so you should update to
>a newer snapshot if possible.

OK, I'll send along what I've got and more as I get them.  I should be
able to move to a newer snapshot soon.


>On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:25:20AM -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:
>> I'm working on buying a notebook which will run OpenBSD, and have been
>> grabbing the dmesg from whatever I find in stores to look at hardware
>> compatibility (I've got a 4.9-current snapshot from 2011/4/13 on a USB
>> stick which I boot on them).
>> Would it be useful to also send what I collect to

Dave Anderson

Re: dmesg for notebooks useful?

2011-04-27 Thread Jonathan Gray
Yes, this would help.  Though a bunch of things affecting recent
laptops have gone in during the last few weeks so you should update to
a newer snapshot if possible.

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:25:20AM -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:
> I'm working on buying a notebook which will run OpenBSD, and have been
> grabbing the dmesg from whatever I find in stores to look at hardware
> compatibility (I've got a 4.9-current snapshot from 2011/4/13 on a USB
> stick which I boot on them).
> Would it be useful to also send what I collect to
>   Dave
> -- 
> Dave Anderson

OpenBSD CD Order

2011-04-27 Thread Gianluca D'Auri Muscelli
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 09:33:01 -0600
Subject: OpenBSD Order 2011/4/27-9:33:0-4175

Thank you for your OpenBSD Order!
In case of problems or questions about this order,
please contact

[ ... ]
Your order currently is:
-> 1 [CDA1] OpenBSD Audio CD @ CDN $15.00
-> 1 [CD49] OpenBSD 4.9 CD @ CDN $50.00
-> 1 [T11] The Blue Polo Shirt (L)  @ CDN $15.00
-> 1 [CD27] OpenBSD 2.7 CD @ CDN $ 5.00
-> 1 [T2] Wireframe Daemon Shirt (L, Black but no Small or XXL left)  @ CDN
-> 1 [T23] Wireframe Blowfish Shirt (L)  @ CDN $20.00
-> Total: CDN $115.00 + Shipping.

[ ... ]
OpenBSD 4.9 Ordered, and other just for fun!
Thanks OpenBSD, your work is great!

Gianluca DM
Key fingerprint = C34D BC87 E2BC CE80 3837  9591 3CE1 79FF 8312 649E

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

dmesg for notebooks useful?

2011-04-27 Thread Dave Anderson
I'm working on buying a notebook which will run OpenBSD, and have been
grabbing the dmesg from whatever I find in stores to look at hardware
compatibility (I've got a 4.9-current snapshot from 2011/4/13 on a USB
stick which I boot on them).

Would it be useful to also send what I collect to


Dave Anderson


2011-04-27 Thread lik
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Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Jason Dixon
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 05:20:35AM -0500, C. Bensend wrote:
> > I've a VPS OpenBSD server at [1] - they're a
> > good price and I've had no problems with them if it helps.
> >
> > I know it's
> > a VPS rather than a dedicated server but it might be worth a look.
> I'll second that, I also have a VPS at ARP.  Just need to remember
> to disable mpbios on the host.


Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Chris Bennett
I use
They offer OpenBSD as an option, including installation.
They also offer IP KVM so that you can do the install yourself if you want to. 
Only requires a browser with Java (firefox35)

Chris Bennett

Re: use DUIDs rather than device names in fstab?

2011-04-27 Thread Kent Watsen

Maybe you should tell us what happened and what you were expecting.

I saw the check-in which stated that it was being turned on to see what 
response there is, which is all I'm doing...

When installing on a system only having IDE-based drives, I was 
expecting to not be prompted, since I don't believe it's easy for the 
boot drive change location.  But I realize now that some flash card 
adapters present themselves as an IDE device, which makes them as 
portable as my USB pen drive.

I withdraw my comment, all is good here.

Supresor de Picos e-CLAMPER TEL

2011-04-27 Thread CJP
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Re: Flash Video in Firefox

2011-04-27 Thread David Coppa
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 3:19 PM, David Steiner
> 1) pkg_add gecko-mediaplayer
> 2)
> works here on -current amd64. i tested youtube and sofar
> without any trouble.

As reported by Antti Harri, flashvideoreplacer works better with
gecko-mediaplayer if you bump the delay switch to ~1500.

Thanks to Antti.



2011-04-27 Thread GRUPO CALINTER







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Re: pptpd reload config

2011-04-27 Thread lilit-aibolit

Gregory Edigarov P?P8QP5Q:

On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 22:02:19 +0300
lilit-aibolit  wrote:


I made changes in /etc/pptpd.conf and do
kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
but pptpd isn't reload their config, it die:(
I start again
and nothing change for remote client - they are still receive
old IP settings from /etc/pptpd.conf
what is wrong?

Perhaps you send wrong signal.
AFAIR, poptop react on SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2. So, see manual page for pptpd.


in pptpd man page is nothig say about react on signal.
I found solution in this simple way:
/usr/local/sbin/pptpd reload

Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread C. Bensend
> I've a VPS OpenBSD server at [1] - they're a
> good price and I've had no problems with them if it helps.
> I know it's
> a VPS rather than a dedicated server but it might be worth a look.

I'll second that, I also have a VPS at ARP.  Just need to remember
to disable mpbios on the host.

If it's dedicated hosts you're looking for, M5 Hosting has been
excellent.  Their prices are very reasonable, and their service
has been great.


"You were doing well until everyone died."
-- "God", Futurama

Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Nick Ryan
I've a VPS OpenBSD server at [1] - they're a
good price and I've had no problems with them if it helps. 

I know it's
a VPS rather than a dedicated server but it might be worth a look.

Regards - Nick 

On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 07:20:26 +, Nigel Horne

> Hello the list.
> My company manages a few servers in
behalf of client companies that don't want to do it themselves.
> We
have specific appliances that run on OpenBSD and it is our intention to
keep it that way because of the reliability of the platform.
However, we want to move some of the services to remote dedicated
servers (as can be hired at several places on internet).
> I have been
making a quick survey and it appears that OpenBSD is not widely offered
as an operating system by such services.
> Actually, I haven't found a
single dedicated host provider that offers OpenBSD as a possible choice
by default, event if a few mails
> directed to support "suggest" that it
might be possible to get a custom install (but no definitive answer on
the matter...) .
> Has any of you ever tried to hire a dedicated
server with OpenBSD installed on it?
> If so, where did you hire your
OpenBSD box?
> If not, has any of you found a good way to install
OpenBSD over a preinstalled OS remotely reliably (meaning that I don't
> to get the server reinstalled 10 times before getting OpenBSD up
and running)?
> I hope I am posting to the right list.
> Thank you
for the help to come.
> Nigel.



Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread David Coppa
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Nigel Horne  wrote:

>  If not, has any of you found a good way to install OpenBSD over a
preinstalled OS remotely reliably (meaning that I don't have
>  to get the server reinstalled 10 times before getting OpenBSD up and


Re: use DUIDs rather than device names in fstab?

2011-04-27 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2011 Apr 26 (Tue) at 23:50:23 -0400 (-0400), Kent Watsen wrote:
:My first install was onto a USB pen drive and I thought this was brilliant.
:My second install was onto a fusion-based virtual machine and I was
:like WTF?
:I suppose that the installer can't tell if a sd root disk is
:swappable or not, but certainly it should know that wd is not -
:right?  - or maybe my premise is off, aren't DUIDs only useful for
:jump drives?
:~ Kent

I've had many scsi systems where the built-in boot drive was attached
after any PCI cards, so if I added a drive array, then my boot drives
would be moved to a different sdX location.  DUIDs allows me to not worry
about this at all.

(this is also super usable in the case where my laptop decides to reset
the bios to factory defaults, disabling ahci.  normally, this is an
sd -> wd change.  it is debatable whether or not handling this "failure
mode" is acceptable ;) )

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
-- Henry Spencer

Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Daniel Gracia
Here in Europe I found 1and1 to be an easy going plaform to install 
OpenBSD painlessly, as they offer full online reset and serial console 

The trickiest part is getting along with their exotic network routes... 
but there's a nice get-along guide Googling around.

I would do it again :)

El 27/04/2011 9:20, Nigel Horne escribis:

Hello the list.

  My company manages a few servers in behalf of client companies that don't 
want to do it themselves.

  We have specific appliances that run on OpenBSD and it is our intention to 
keep it that way because of the reliability of the platform.

  However, we want to move some of the services to remote dedicated servers (as 
can be hired at several places on internet).
  I have been making a quick survey and it appears that OpenBSD is not widely 
offered as an operating system by such services.
  Actually, I haven't found a single dedicated host provider that offers 
OpenBSD as a possible choice by default, event if a few mails
  directed to support "suggest" that it might be possible to get a custom 
install (but no definitive answer on the matter...) .

  Has any of you ever tried to hire a dedicated server with OpenBSD installed 
on it?
  If so, where did you hire your OpenBSD box?
  If not, has any of you found a good way to install OpenBSD over a 
preinstalled OS remotely reliably (meaning that I don't have
  to get the server reinstalled 10 times before getting OpenBSD up and running)?

  I hope I am posting to the right list.

  Thank you for the help to come.

Re: use DUIDs rather than device names in fstab?

2011-04-27 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2011-04-27, Kent Watsen  wrote:
> My first install was onto a USB pen drive and I thought this was brilliant.
> My second install was onto a fusion-based virtual machine and I was like 
> WTF?
> I suppose that the installer can't tell if a sd root disk is swappable 
> or not, but certainly it should know that wd is not - right?  - or maybe 
> my premise is off, aren't DUIDs only useful for jump drives?
> ~ Kent

duids are useful any time the drive names might change:
- when you add a drive and the system renumbers existing drives
- when the disk controller changes to being supported by a
different driver
- when you move the hd to another machine
- for removable drives

to be useful, you need to be using duids in fstab _before_
these changes are made. 

Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Gregory Edigarov
On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 07:20:26 +
"Nigel Horne"  wrote:

> Hello the list.
>  My company manages a few servers in behalf of client companies that
> don't want to do it themselves.
>  We have specific appliances that run on OpenBSD and it is our
> intention to keep it that way because of the reliability of the
> platform.
>  However, we want to move some of the services to remote dedicated
> servers (as can be hired at several places on internet). I have been
> making a quick survey and it appears that OpenBSD is not widely
> offered as an operating system by such services. Actually, I haven't
> found a single dedicated host provider that offers OpenBSD as a
> possible choice by default, event if a few mails directed to support
> "suggest" that it might be possible to get a custom install (but no
> definitive answer on the matter...) .
>  Has any of you ever tried to hire a dedicated server with OpenBSD
> installed on it? If so, where did you hire your OpenBSD box?
>  If not, has any of you found a good way to install OpenBSD over a
> preinstalled OS remotely reliably (meaning that I don't have to get
> the server reinstalled 10 times before getting OpenBSD up and
> running)?

well, have your DC tech to connect a cdrom & kvm to your server, 
ask him to download, burn, and put a cd into a drive, and then follow
your install in the same way as you usually do.  
With best regards,
Gregory Edigarov

Re: hi / installer / sound SPDIF

2011-04-27 Thread Alexandre Ratchov
On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 03:20:32PM +0200, David Steiner wrote:
> i'm trying to get sound working now. i like high definition sound. sofar
> been using a M-Audio Revolution 7.1 under linux for SPDIF output.
> under OpenBSD the sound however is horribly distorted (with analog
> out, SPDIF isn't supported according to envy(4)). 
> i'm assuming it's a driver issue and am wondering if this card is even
> supported. below is the relevant dmesg, pcidump etc output. 

Support for s/pdif in envy is not planned, but the revo 7.1 should not
be too hard to make work (it's almost the same as the revo 5.1 which
is supported), could you try the diff below?

> i've tried playing WAV and FLAC files, but it sounds
> really distorted, almost speaker damaging. i tried aucat, VLC,
> mplayer and MPD with "aucat -r 44100 -l" running in the background.

the sound is distorted because the hardware is not properly
initilized. If the card is not known by the driver default settings
are used, and they seem to not be good enough for revo cards.

> in case the card isn't supported, which soundcard (PCI, USB or
> Firewire) can be recommended for "Bitperfect" SPDIF output? the
> cmpci(4) is found a cheap soundcards and looks like the ideal solution,
> but is it "Bitperfect?" [1]. don't want to spend a fortune to get this
> working. 

well, the revo 7.1 should work. Most pci c-media cards also work but I
bet they don't sound as good as the revo. I've never heared a revo
card, but they have nice DACs and if DACs are properly wired (i
believe they are), the sound should be very good.

If you plan to use s/pdif only, then you probably don't care about
quality of analog parts, and you could get a cheap c-media based card
and use it as a simple s/pdif transmitter.

Firewire is not supported and probably will not be supported soon.

-- Alexandre

Index: envy.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/envy.c,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -p -r1.50 envy.c
--- envy.c  27 Apr 2011 07:01:33 -  1.50
+++ envy.c  27 Apr 2011 07:07:54 -
@@ -333,6 +333,12 @@ struct envy_card envy_cards[] = {
}, {
+   PCI_ID_CODE(0x1412, 0x3630),
+   "M-Audio Revolution 7.1",
+   2, &ak5365_adc, 8, &ak4358_dac,
+   revo51_init,
+   revo51_codec_write
+   }, {
PCI_ID_CODE(0x1412, 0x2403),
"VIA Tremor 5.1",
2, &unkenvy_codec, 6, &unkenvy_codec,

Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Nigel Horne
Hello the list.

 My company manages a few servers in behalf of client companies that don't want 
to do it themselves.

 We have specific appliances that run on OpenBSD and it is our intention to 
keep it that way because of the reliability of the platform.

 However, we want to move some of the services to remote dedicated servers (as 
can be hired at several places on internet).
 I have been making a quick survey and it appears that OpenBSD is not widely 
offered as an operating system by such services.
 Actually, I haven't found a single dedicated host provider that offers OpenBSD 
as a possible choice by default, event if a few mails
 directed to support "suggest" that it might be possible to get a custom 
install (but no definitive answer on the matter...) .

 Has any of you ever tried to hire a dedicated server with OpenBSD installed on 
 If so, where did you hire your OpenBSD box?
 If not, has any of you found a good way to install OpenBSD over a preinstalled 
OS remotely reliably (meaning that I don't have
 to get the server reinstalled 10 times before getting OpenBSD up and running)?

 I hope I am posting to the right list.

 Thank you for the help to come.