Re: ntpd could not parse ""

2005-08-16 Thread Nick Ryan
The static route you'll need to add will be for your internal lan eg: netmask gateway
This'll tell your adsl router that to get to the 192.168.1. network it 
needs to go through the interface of your openbsd box. Note 
this is outside interface IP address. A quick basic networking 
explanation - routers aren't too intelligent. They cannot find devices 
with IP addresses outside their ip and subnet mask range - eg your adsl 
router will automatically find devices with IP addresses to 
254 but to find any other devices with an IP address outside this range 
it needs help - this is where static routes and gateways come in. The 
gateway address is effectively a default place that the router can go to 
to find other IP addresses & devices, but it can be overridden by a 
static route. In your case the router doesn't know where the network is so it goes to your ISP's router but as it's an 
reserved internal range, plus the fact that your ISP doesn't know your 
lan - the packets just get timed/dropped out as the ISP's router doesn't 
know what to do with them. The static route will point the adsl router 
to your openbsd box which as the internal interface is on the network it knows where to route the packets.

(Hopefully that makes sense - for a proper in depth explanation, google 
terms like mac addresses, arp packets, broadcasts) If it doesn't make 
sense let me know and I'll explain it again.

This should allow your adsl router to return packets destined for your 
internal lan to the right place.

I've just seen your reply to Diana so we know that pf isn't used. Once 
you add this static route to your adsl router your internal PC's should 
be able to access the internet.

We've still got the dns resolving issue though. It's all a bit odd and 
I'm a bit stumped.

Try the static route on the adsl router & test with a machine on your 
internal lan while I try to think what to do next.

Your internal lan pc will need to have a gateway of the 
address of your openbsd box. Note this is the internal ip address. The 
PC will need the DNS addresses from your ISP.

This is how I understand it should be:

ADSL Router subnet 
Static route gateway
  |   DMZ

OpenBSD box
external interface subnet
Default gateway in /etc/mygate of
DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf of and
internal interface subnet
Your PC's 192.168.1.x addresses subnet
DNS servers of and
Default gateway of


Mike Henker wrote:

Answering all the points:
> Just type "nslookup" and see what response you get.

connection timed out; no servers could be reached

> One of google's IPs is if you want to test a traceroute.

Traceroute works fine with google's IPs ( but if I do a 
"traceroute" says connection timed out; no servers 
could be reached

> Just type "nslookup" and see what response you get.
says: "connection timed out; no servers could be reached"

> Can you see if you can add static routes on your adsl router?

Yes I can add static routes, I suppose then I must to add

>Your internal PC's will need to be configured with a 192.168.1.x 
>address ( subnet) and a gateway of, and dns 
>server IP's of and

>They should then be able to connect to the internet.

Actually doesn t work I suppose when I add the static route to the 
router ( will work right?


Nick escribis:

That all looks fine.

Ping isn't really a great test of network connectivity outside of 
your own lan anymore. Most sites tend to block ping nowadays as a 
matter of course.
What you can do is usually ping your ISP's router and you can find 
this from a "traceroute" command - the first hop past 
your adsl router will tend to be your isps router. You can then use 
this as a ping test.

One of google's IPs is if you want to test a traceroute.

Can you test your dns lookups now from your openbsd box please? I 
think it'll work as you're not getting the ntpd errors any longer.

Just type "nslookup" and see what response you get.

To get your machines behind the openbsd box routing through it we'll 
either need to use nat'ing or get your adsl router to static route 
all 192.168.1.x traffic through the openbsd server.

Can you see if you can add static routes on your adsl router? There's 
usually a configuration page somewhere. This is ideally what you 
should do as if you can't we'll be adding in more nat'ing( ie your 
openbsd box will nat once, then your adsl router will nat again - 
it'll work but it's not very 

Re: ntpd could not parse ""

2005-08-17 Thread Nick Ryan


I don't know what else we can try with getting dns lookups to work on 
your openbsd box.


Checked /etc/resolv.conf   <--this should have been the likely cause
Checked /etc/hostname.rl1 and rl0   <--subnets are ok
Checked /etc/mygate   <--this is the adsl router IP
Checked that pf isn't running  <--proved by running pfctl -vvsall

We've not looked in /etc/hosts but its really unlikely this'd be a 
problem as we've been testing with different hosts.

Is there anyone else on the mailing list with any suggestions?

We know that the network is routing properly and that the dnsservers 
work as other machines are working both through the openbsd and without it.

Cheers - Nick

Mike Henker wrote:

Something begin to work! Nick after add the static route:
> netmask gateway

And put my wife PC with the config you said:
> Your PC's 192.168.1.x addresses subnet
> DNS servers of and
> Default gateway of

It works!!

I m trying what Steve Williams said about to try nslookup from the 
firewall but doesn t work. I had an idea, I have a linux machine and 
used 2 different IPs and the nslookup works without probs, for this 
reason I suppose must to be a  problem from the firewall, exactly what 
I did was:

With the PC with Linux installed:

- I used the IP  (conecting the PC directly to the router)
- I used the IP (conecting the PC directly to the hub 
-the internal LAN where is also connected my wife's PC)

And with both IP the nslookup works correctly, I can t understand why 
if I do the nslookup from the firewall says all the time "connection 
timed out; no servers could be reached".


Nick Ryan escribis:

The static route you'll need to add will be for your internal lan eg: netmask gateway
This'll tell your adsl router that to get to the 192.168.1. network 
it needs to go through the interface of your openbsd box. 
Note this is outside interface IP address. A quick basic networking 
explanation - routers aren't too intelligent. They cannot find 
devices with IP addresses outside their ip and subnet mask range - eg 
your adsl router will automatically find devices with IP addresses to 254 but to find any other devices with an IP address 
outside this range it needs help - this is where static routes and 
gateways come in. The gateway address is effectively a default place 
that the router can go to to find other IP addresses & devices, but 
it can be overridden by a static route. In your case the router 
doesn't know where the network is so it goes to your 
ISP's router but as it's an reserved internal range, plus the fact 
that your ISP doesn't know your lan - the packets just get 
timed/dropped out as the ISP's router doesn't know what to do with 
them. The static route will point the adsl router to your openbsd box 
which as the internal interface is on the network it 
knows where to route the packets.

(Hopefully that makes sense - for a proper in depth explanation, 
google terms like mac addresses, arp packets, broadcasts) If it 
doesn't make sense let me know and I'll explain it again.

This should allow your adsl router to return packets destined for 
your internal lan to the right place.

I've just seen your reply to Diana so we know that pf isn't used. 
Once you add this static route to your adsl router your internal PC's 
should be able to access the internet.

We've still got the dns resolving issue though. It's all a bit odd 
and I'm a bit stumped.

Try the static route on the adsl router & test with a machine on your 
internal lan while I try to think what to do next.

Your internal lan pc will need to have a gateway of the 
address of your openbsd box. Note this is the internal ip address. 
The PC will need the DNS addresses from your ISP.

This is how I understand it should be:

ADSL Router subnet Static route gateway

  |  |   DMZ
OpenBSD box
external interface subnet
Default gateway in /etc/mygate of
DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf of and
internal interface subnet
Your PC's 192.168.1.x addresses subnet
DNS servers of and
Default gateway of


Mike Henker wrote:

Answering all the points:
> Just type "nslookup" and see what response you get.

connection timed out; no servers could be reached

> One of google's IPs is if you want to tes

Re: is there a way to block sshd trolling?

2005-09-23 Thread Nick Ryan

You could use pf to block linux ssh access.

block in log quick on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from any os "Linux" to port 
22 label "Blocked Linux ssh access: "

That'll reduce it quite a lot.

John Marten wrote:

You know what i mean? Every day I get some script kiddie, or adult
trying to guess usernames or passwords.
I've installed the newest version of SSH, so i'm covered there. But I
still get a dozen or 2 of the
"sshd Invalid user somename from ###.##.##.###"
"input_userauth_request: ivalid user somename"
"Failed password for invalid user somename"
"Recieved disconnect from ###.##.##.###"
Someone told me to add a 'block in quick on $net inet proto {tcp,udp}
from ###.##.##.### to any flags S/SA'
entry in my pf.conf file. But if I had do that for every hacker my
pf.conf would be huge!
There's got to be a better way, and I'm open to suggestions.

John F. Marten III

Information Technology Specialist

Re: is there a way to block sshd trolling?

2005-09-28 Thread Nick Ryan
What you could also do is install swatch from ports or packages and have 
a table in your pf.conf like this:

table  persist

and a rule

#stop ssh trolls
block in log quick on $EXT_IF inet proto {tcp,udp} from  to 
$EXT_IF port ssh label "SSHDTrolls"

A swatchrc file of:

watchfor /Failed password for invalid user/
   exec /sbin/pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T add $13
   [EMAIL PROTECTED], --subject=woo. we have a troll
   throttle 02:00
   exec echo $13 >> /root/swatchlog

Then run swatch with:

/usr/local/bin/swatch -c /root/swatchrc -t /var/log/authlog &

(Note file locations and settings might need to be changed depending on 
your config)

I also have the AllowUsers and use PubKeyAuthentication and 
PasswordAuthentication No settings enabled in sshd_config. This means 
that for a normal login the error "Failed password for invalid user" 
won't come up as it'll never get that far as it's expecting a key.

If a troll tries to log in, they get one chance before the swatch picks 
it up and adds it to the block table.

Re: is there a way to block sshd trolling?

2005-09-28 Thread Nick Ryan
Strange. It's working for me - I've just tested my own setup again and 
it blocks me. Although the file logging isn't working though - not sure 
why that is...

Can you confirm that your pf rules have the block line in before the 
permit rule and that it's correct for your firewall rules - ie. no other 
rule is overriding it and that you're testing it on the interface the 
rule is on - ie the external interface.

You could change your permit ssh line to be something like this:

pass in   log  quick inet proto tcp  from !  to $EXT_IF port 
22 modulate state  label "ssh in"  flags S/SA

Change that line for whatever suits your rules - it's just an example of 
the ! bit. You probably don't even need the block rule in 
with this.

Also check the IP address in the table with pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T show 
and make sure it's correct.

The reason I think it's a firewall rule is that you said it said 1/1 
address added which means that it's picking it up from the logs and 
adding it to the table - the only other place it can go wrong is in the 
block rule.

Let me know how you get on.

Cheers - Nick

Rico wrote:

Dear Nick

I have tried your setup below. I too have the setup and file placement 
as you, but I am not using keys.

When I try to log on as an illegal user, the atempt is logged by 
authlog, and having swatch runing from the console it says:

1/1 addresses added.

I am using this 'table  persist file "/root/pf/sshdhackers"'

I don't get any entries in the sshdhackers file and I don't get 
blocked from the system.

I also use AllowUsers

Would you mind explaining a bit more about your setup?


Nick Ryan wrote:

What you could also do is install swatch from ports or packages and 
have a table in your pf.conf like this:

table  persist

and a rule

#stop ssh trolls
block in log quick on $EXT_IF inet proto {tcp,udp} from  
to $EXT_IF port ssh label "SSHDTrolls"

A swatchrc file of:

watchfor /Failed password for invalid user/
   exec /sbin/pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T add $13
   [EMAIL PROTECTED], --subject=woo. we have a troll
   throttle 02:00
   exec echo $13 >> /root/swatchlog

Then run swatch with:

/usr/local/bin/swatch -c /root/swatchrc -t /var/log/authlog &

(Note file locations and settings might need to be changed depending 
on your config)

I also have the AllowUsers and use PubKeyAuthentication and 
PasswordAuthentication No settings enabled in sshd_config. This means 
that for a normal login the error "Failed password for invalid user" 
won't come up as it'll never get that far as it's expecting a key.

If a troll tries to log in, they get one chance before the swatch 
picks it up and adds it to the block table.


Re: is there a way to block sshd trolling?

2005-09-28 Thread Nick Ryan

Hi Rico,

I'd probably do that the other way - get rid of the log file bit out of 
the swatch config and let that update the pf table. Set up a separate 
cronjob to dump the table contents to a file every hour or so with a

pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T show > LOGFILENAME

This way the pf table is instantly updated as the person is scanning and 
the logfile is created later on. If you do it the other way you're back 
with the problem of how to import the logfile into the table quickly 
enough to stop the scanning.

Cheers. Nick

Rico wrote:

Hi Nick

Nick Ryan wrote:

Strange. It's working for me - I've just tested my own setup again 
and it blocks me. Although the file logging isn't working though - 
not sure why that is...

This, I think, is the interresting part because I want that very log 
file to be the "blacklist" file and then to have Swatch make pf grap 
that file.

That way each time there is an "Illegal user" the log file is extended 
with the IP and pf add's that IP to the block rule.

I will try to work on this before working more on the missing block 
part :-)

Thanks for your reply!


Can you confirm that your pf rules have the block line in before the 
permit rule and that it's correct for your firewall rules - ie. no 
other rule is overriding it and that you're testing it on the 
interface the rule is on - ie the external interface.

You could change your permit ssh line to be something like this:

pass in   log  quick inet proto tcp  from !  to $EXT_IF 
port 22 modulate state  label "ssh in"  flags S/SA

Change that line for whatever suits your rules - it's just an example 
of the ! bit. You probably don't even need the block rule 
in with this.

Also check the IP address in the table with pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T 
show and make sure it's correct.

The reason I think it's a firewall rule is that you said it said 1/1 
address added which means that it's picking it up from the logs and 
adding it to the table - the only other place it can go wrong is in 
the block rule.

Let me know how you get on.

Cheers - Nick

Rico wrote:

Dear Nick

I have tried your setup below. I too have the setup and file 
placement as you, but I am not using keys.

When I try to log on as an illegal user, the atempt is logged by 
authlog, and having swatch runing from the console it says:

1/1 addresses added.

I am using this 'table  persist file 

I don't get any entries in the sshdhackers file and I don't get 
blocked from the system.

I also use AllowUsers

Would you mind explaining a bit more about your setup?


Nick Ryan wrote:

What you could also do is install swatch from ports or packages and 
have a table in your pf.conf like this:

table  persist

and a rule

#stop ssh trolls
block in log quick on $EXT_IF inet proto {tcp,udp} from 
 to $EXT_IF port ssh label "SSHDTrolls"

A swatchrc file of:

watchfor /Failed password for invalid user/
   exec /sbin/pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T add $13
   [EMAIL PROTECTED], --subject=woo. we have a troll
   throttle 02:00
   exec echo $13 >> /root/swatchlog

Then run swatch with:

/usr/local/bin/swatch -c /root/swatchrc -t /var/log/authlog &

(Note file locations and settings might need to be changed 
depending on your config)

I also have the AllowUsers and use PubKeyAuthentication and 
PasswordAuthentication No settings enabled in sshd_config. This 
means that for a normal login the error "Failed password for 
invalid user" won't come up as it'll never get that far as it's 
expecting a key.

If a troll tries to log in, they get one chance before the swatch 
picks it up and adds it to the block table.



Re: Blocking web content

2007-04-18 Thread Nick Ryan
I second using PF and transparent squid. It works extremely well and  
is pretty much foolproof.

This is what I use at work and it's blocking sites by domain name,  
regex matching, flash videos,  mp3 sites and also limiting filetype  

The interesting bit of squid.conf is here:

acl adclick  
dstdomain .yieldmanager 
.com .intellitxt.c 
om .serving- 
m .

http_access deny adclick

acl adminpc1 src
acl adminpc2 src
acl adminwsus src
acl blockfiles urlpath_regex \.flv(\?.*)?$ \.mp3(\?.*)?$ \.wmv(\?.*)? 
$ \.avi(\?.*)?$ \.mov(\?.*)?$ \.zip(\?.*)?$ \.exe(\?.*)?$ \.cab(\?.*)? 
$ \.vbs(\?.*)?$
http_access deny blockfiles !adminpc1 !adminpc2 !adminwsus

acl adregex dstdom_regex -i (^)ads\. (^)ad1. (^)ad2. (^)adserver. (^) 
ad\.  (^)ads1\. (^)ads2\.
http_access deny adregex

acl afterwork time MTWHF 18:00-22:10
acl streaming rep_mime_type -i ^video/x-ms-asf ^video/x-ms-sf ^audio/ 
mpeg ^audio/x-mpeg ^application/x-mms-framed ^application/ 
hdr.asfv1 ^video/x-flv ^video/flv ^video/mpeg ^video/x-ms-wvx ^video/ 
x-ms-wmv ^video/vnd.divx ^video/quicktime

http_reply_access deny streaming !afterwork !adminpc1  !adminpc2

It pretty much stops all streaming video. The only hole that there is  
is due to the transparent proxy and the fact that it has to let  
through https unfiltered. Luckily I've not found any sites that use  
https yet that I want to block... It doesn't block all ads either but  
it does get most of the ones from the sites I look at ;)

These rules have changed my bandwidth usage from nearly 100%  
saturation to a much more reasonable 25-40%.

Hope this might be of interest to someone.

Oh yeah, one last thing. To stop IE6/IE7 from throwing a strop and  
putting stupid errors in pages, replace the file: /usr/local/share/ 


I think I might have gone a bit overboard with this reply ah  
well. To answer the original email you could also just us a standard  
pf block command.

Cheers - Nick

On 18 Apr 2007, at 08:13, Siju George wrote:

> On 4/18/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I run an openbsd firewall.  I want to block certain sites either  
>> by IP
>> address or by domain name.  How do I get more information on how  
>> to set
>> this up?
> I use Squid Cache proxy because you can Block by URLs URL regular
> expression, users , computers etc. thesre are lots of Re-director
> Programs that provide more functionality if you are looking for more
> than blocking By IP or Domain name
> Squid is available both in packages and ports :-)
> kind Regards
> Siju

Re: PF rules2

2007-05-04 Thread Nick Ryan
err. Maybe it's me but to answer his original question - it's more  
than likely a DNS lookup issue.

Have a look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add in:

UseDNS no

restart the sshd daemon with a kill -HUP command and you should have  
no problems.

Alternatively, you could fix your dns lookup issues..

Cheers - nick

On 4 May 2007, at 14:06, Fred Crowson wrote:

Tang Tse wrote:

Thanks for the answear,
Is it secure to open DNS ports to outside world? Or you mean to  
open open
outgoing DNS conections? If i want to redirect incomming ssh  

from internet  to some inside server, should  i open DNS incoming?

Not necessarily - but how about a rule like:

pass out on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } from any to $my_nameserver \
port 53 keep state


PS is well worth reading

Re: Redundant web servers

2007-01-18 Thread Nick Ryan
If you haven't already seen it on this might be what  
you're after:


On 18 Jan 2007, at 18:08, Jeff Simmons wrote:

I'm setting up some auto-failover web servers (load balancing isn't  
CARP would seem ideal for the case where a machine fails, but I'd  
also like
to failover if httpd stops responding for some reason. Some  
research has

shown a couple of possible solutions, but there doesn't seem to be a
'standard' way of doing this. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Jeff Simmons

Simmons Consulting - Network Engineering, Administration, Security
Delirium:  There must be a word for it ... the thing that lets you  
know that

   time is happening.  Is there a word?
Sandman:   Change.
Delirium:  Oh.  I was afraid of that.
--  Neil Gaiman, "Brief Lives"

Re: Greylisting google's gmail servers

2005-12-21 Thread Nick Ryan
> We have a problem getting mail from gmail through spamd. Google's gmail
> public mail service use a large number of smtp servers. The first time
> gmail tries to contact our smtp, it is being greylisted on our spamd
> server. The problem is the next time it tries to repeat the
> transmission, it appears trying it from different IP and is greylisted
> again. So the mail may get through after a very long time.
> I understand this is not problem of spamd. However, is there any
> solution for accepting mail from gmail? Eg. is there any list of IP
> addresses they are using?
> Thank you.
> Lukas Kubin

What I do is have a separate whitelist file that has exceptions in it for

Add these two rules to your pf.conf and add a line to the whitelist.txt
file that has the ip range of googles servers in it.

pf.conf snippet:
table  persist
table  persist
table  persist file "/root/white.txt"  <==add this line
rdr pass on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from  to any port 25 -> port smtp <== add this line
rdr pass on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from  to any port 25 -> port 8025
rdr pass on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from ! to any port smtp -> port 8025

/root/whitelist.txt:  #gmail servers

It's a bit of an extreme allowance really... is good for
looking up allocated IP ranges by the way.

You should probably have the whitelist somewhere better than the root
homedir although it works for me though as I only want root to access and
update it.

If you make a change to the whitelist file, update the table with:
pfctl -t spamd-mywhite -T add -f /root/white.txt

Cheers - Nick

Re: Erratic NAT behaviour

2008-10-09 Thread Nick Ryan
man 4 pppoe - you're missing part of the pf.conf file:

 Problems can arise on machines with private IPs connecting to the
 net via a machine running both Network Address Translation (NAT) and
 pppoe.  Standard Ethernet uses a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of
 bytes, whereas PPPoE mechanisms need a further 8 bytes of overhead. 
 leaves a maximum MTU of 1492.  pppoe sets the MTU on its interface to
 1492 as a matter of course.  However, machines connecting on a private
 LAN will still have their MTUs set to 1500, causing conflict.

 While pppoe(8) has an internal option, ``mssfixup'', which is enabled
 default and takes care of this, pppoe users have to rely on other
 ods.  Using a packet filter, the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) can be set
 (clamped) to the required value.  The following rule in pf.conf(5)
 set the MSS to 1440:

   scrub out on pppoe0 max-mss 1440

 Although in theory the maximum MSS over a PPPoE interface is 1452
 1440 appears to be a safer bet.  Note that setting the MSS this way
 have undesirable effects, such as interfering with the OS detection
 tures of pf(4).

On Thu, 9 Oct 2008 10:11:38 +0100, gm_sjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am testing my new OpenBSD router in a simple NAT configuration but I
> am getting some strange results. The client machine is a Windows XP
> laptop and the behaviour is that only a handful of websites render
> (google, for example), 99% that i've tried do not. FTP appears to be
> working fine. It doesn't appear to be a local client configuration
> issue as when I point to an alternate NAT gateway, there are no
> problems.
> Here is my configuration :-
> -bash-3.2# ifconfig -A (stripped slightly)
> pppoe1: flags=8851 mtu 1492
> dev: fxp2 state: session
> sid: 0x6 PADI retries: 0 PADR retries: 0 time: 12:00:53
> sppp: phase network authproto chap authname "x"
> groups: pppoe egress
> inet6 fe80::204:23ff:fecb:1cde%pppoe1 ->  prefixlen 64 scopeid
> inet --> netmask 0x
> fxp2: flags=8843 mtu 1500
> lladdr 00:02:b3:13:fc:0d
> media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX full-duplex)
> status: active
> inet6 fe80::202:b3ff:fe13:fc0d%fxp2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
> em0: flags=8943 mtu 1500
> lladdr 00:04:23:cb:1c:de
> trunk: trunkdev trunk0
> media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex)
> status: active
> inet6 fe80::204:23ff:fecb:1cde%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
> em1: flags=8943 mtu 1500
> lladdr 00:04:23:cb:1c:de
> trunk: trunkdev trunk0
> media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex)
> status: active
> inet6 fe80::204:23ff:fecb:1c7d%em1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
> trunk0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
> lladdr 00:04:23:cb:1c:de
> trunk: trunkproto loadbalance
> trunkport em1 active
> trunkport em0 master,active
> groups: trunk
> media: Ethernet autoselect
> status: active
> inet6 fe80::204:23ff:fecb:1cde%trunk0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xb
> vlan1020: flags=8843 mtu 1500
> lladdr 00:04:23:cb:1c:de
> vlan: 1020 priority: 0 parent interface: trunk0
> groups: vlan
> inet6 fe80::204:23ff:fecb:1cde%vlan1020 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xe
> inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
> -bash-3.2# route show -inet (stripped)
> Routing tables
> Internet:
> DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  UseMtu 
> Interface
> UGS 1 8539  -  
> pppoe1
>  00  -  
> pppoe0
>   UH  12  -  
> pppoe1
> (pppoe0 is not currently in-use)
> -bash-3.2# cat /etc/pf.conf
> nat-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
> rdr-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
> nat on pppoe1 from vlan1020:network to any -> (pppoe1)
> rdr pass on vlan1020 proto tcp from any to any port ftp -> port
> 8021
> anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
> Scenario:-
> - Windows client sitting on a 802.1q tagged network.
> - Vlan ID is 1020 and is set to be the default vlan on the switch port
> its attached to.
> - Default gw on client is
> - trunk0 on firewall is configured as a trunk on the switch (em0/em1),
> albeit not 802.3ad (not sure on standard)
> - Client can ping any host on the internet
> - Client appears to be able to connect to any internet host on port
> 80, and a 'GET /' works (albeit often to a http 1.1 error as you'd
> expect)
> - Only a couple of the website i've tried actually render in a
> browser, google does for example.
> - I can grab small text files (<1KB) from a site, but larger ones
> don't work. Looks like size is relevant.

Re: PPTP vpn with OBSD gateway (outgoing)

2009-05-30 Thread Nick Ryan

There's a tickbox on the windows vpn client to tick.

It's quite well hidden.

To get to it, do properties on your VPN connection, then click the  
networking tab. Then do properties on the TCPIP protocol, then click  
advanced and select the Use Default Gateway On Remote Network Option.

It's handy to not have this ticked if you want all your non work  
traffic to go out via your normal connection, but in this case you  
want it ticked.

Cheers - Nick

On 29 May 2009, at 22:08, Juan Miscaro wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to set up a PPTP tunnel for a Windows machine lying
behind my OBSD 4.0 internet gateway.  I can establish the tunnel but
I'm missing the last piece in the puzzle.  This is the routing of the
RFC 1918 addresses.  Locally I have addresses and the
windows machine wants to connect to a web server on the remote side
that is using

I'm not familiar enough with Windows to say if there is some checkbox
to fill in to make this work but the Firefox browser complains:

Connection interrupted.
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection.
Please try again.

Is there some particular route that needs to be set up for this to  

Thank you,


Re: PPTP vpn with OBSD gateway (outgoing)

2009-05-30 Thread Nick Ryan
I've had a quick look at a virtual winxp I've got and it does seem to  
be the default unfortunately. I'd recommend quickly checking what the  
vpn client has selected and at the same time check that the routing  
from your web server can actually get back to the ip address that your  
vpn client is given. It's also worth checking if there's any firewall  
rules the other side has that could be interfering.

Once you've got a vpn tunnel established through your openbsd firewall  
the openbsd firewall has no control over what is happening within the  
tunnel. The error is then either on your machine or on the thing  
you're trying to connect to the other side. It might be worth (and I  
will wash my mouth out with soap) trying using Internet Explorer  
instead of Firefox just in case it's your firefox browser having the  
problem. ( a quick telnet to port 80 on the webserver would also prove  

I have assumed that you're doing a pptp tunnel to a windows server and  
only going through the firewall - not starting or terminating the  
tunnel on the firewall. If you are then the issue is with your openbsd  
firewall and you'd need to add routes and rules into that.

Hope some of this helps.

On 30 May 2009, at 21:19, patrick keshishian wrote:

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Nick Ryan  wrote:

There's a tickbox on the windows vpn client to tick.

It's quite well hidden.

To get to it, do properties on your VPN connection, then click the
networking tab. Then do properties on the TCPIP protocol, then click
advanced and select the Use Default Gateway On Remote Network Option.

It's handy to not have this ticked if you want all your non work  
traffic to
go out via your normal connection, but in this case you want it  

do you know if the Windows VPN client sets up a route for the remote
network if this checkbox is not checked? Meaning, if the user does not
select this option, is s/he required to set up the route manually?


Cheers - Nick

On 29 May 2009, at 22:08, Juan Miscaro wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to set up a PPTP tunnel for a Windows machine lying
behind my OBSD 4.0 internet gateway.  I can establish the tunnel but
I'm missing the last piece in the puzzle.  This is the routing of  

RFC 1918 addresses.  Locally I have addresses and the
windows machine wants to connect to a web server on the remote side
that is using

I'm not familiar enough with Windows to say if there is some  

to fill in to make this work but the Firefox browser complains:

Connection interrupted.
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection.
Please try again.

Is there some particular route that needs to be set up for this to  

Thank you,


Re: OpenBSD 5.5 on mSATA SSD unit in PC Engines APU.1C - "bad dir ino 2 at offset 0: mangled entry" kernel panic

2014-06-08 Thread Nick Ryan
On 7 Jun 2014, at 23:35, Mattieu Baptiste  wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 8:51 PM, JB M  wrote:
>> I'm having troubles installing OpenBSD 5.5 (amd64) on a mSATA SSD card (
>> PC Engines APU.1C device (
>> with the most recent BIOS version.
>> I've made several attempts, using install55.fs copied to an SD card, with
>> both 5.5-release and 5.5-current (June 6th snapshot).
>> Most attempts have failed, either during the install (filesystem creation
>> phase or during the sets extraction phase) or during the first boot after
>> the initial install (case reported in this message).
> Same thing for me with :
> sd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0:  SCSI3 0/direct
> fixed t10.ATA_SuperSSpeed_mSATA_SSD_16GB_YTAF140500376_
> sd0: 15258MB, 512 bytes/sector, 31248704 sectors
> Installing on a USB drive solved the problem.

I know it’s no consolation to you but using a Kingston 30 GB mSATA from amazon 
works perfectly. The APU is on the May bios and I’ve had no issues.

Didn’t the PCEngines mSATA drive have problems in general? There’s a mention on 
here about issues with the a version - is that yours?

Regards - Nick

OpenBSD 5.5-current (GENERIC.MP) #150: Mon May 26 11:50:31 MDT 2014
real mem = 2098520064 (2001MB)
avail mem = 2033942528 (1939MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.7 @ 0x7e16d820 (6 entries)
bios0: vendor coreboot version "SageBios_PCEngines_APU-45" date 04/05/2014
bios0: PC Engines APU
acpi0 at bios0: rev 0
acpi0: sleep states S0 S1 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices AGPB(S4) HDMI(S4) PBR4(S4) PBR5(S4) PBR6(S4) PBR7(S4) 
PE20(S4) PE21(S4) PE22(S4) PE23(S4) PIBR(S4) UOH1(S3) UOH2(S3) UOH3(S3) 
UOH4(S3) UOH5(S3) [...]
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 32 bits
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318180 Hz
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: AMD G-T40E Processor, 1000.13 MHz
cpu0: 32KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
16-way L2 cache
cpu0: 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: DTLB 40 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 199MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: AMD G-T40E Processor, 1000.00 MHz
cpu1: 32KB 64b/line 2-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
16-way L2 cache
cpu1: 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu1: DTLB 40 4KB entries fully associative, 8 4MB entries fully associative
cpu1: smt 0, core 1, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 2 pa 0xfec0, version 21, 24 pins
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus -1 (AGPB)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus -1 (HDMI)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 1 (PBR4)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus 2 (PBR5)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus 3 (PBR6)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (PBR7)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 5 (PE20)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus -1 (PE21)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus -1 (PE22)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus -1 (PE23)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt11 at acpi0: bus 4 (PIBR)
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C2, PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C2, PSS
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
cpu0: 1000 MHz: speeds: 1000 800 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "AMD AMD64 14h Host" rev 0x00
ppb0 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "AMD AMD64 14h PCIE" rev 0x00: msi
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
re0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Realtek 8168" rev 0x06: RTL8168E/8111E (0x2c00), 
msi, address 00:0d:b9:33:06:c8
rgephy0 at re0 phy 7: RTL8169S/8110S PHY, rev. 4
ppb1 at pci0 dev 5 function 0 "AMD AMD64 14h PCIE" rev 0x00: msi
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
re1 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Realtek 8168" rev 0x06: RTL8168E/8111E (0x2c00), 
msi, address 00:0d:b9:33:06:c9
rgephy1 at re1 phy 7: RTL8169S/8110S PHY, rev. 4
ppb2 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 "AMD AMD64 14h PCIE" rev 0x00: msi
pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
re2 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "Realtek 8168" rev 0x06: RTL8168E/8111E (0x2c00), 
msi, address 00:0d:b9:33:06:ca
rgephy2 at re2 phy 7: RTL8169S/8110S PHY, rev. 4
ahci0 at pci0 dev 17 function 0 "ATI SBx00 SATA" rev 0x40: apic 2 int 19, AHCI 
scsibus1 at ahci0: 32 targets
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0:  SCSI3 0/direct 
fixed naa.50026b724116179f
sd0: 28626MB, 512 bytes/sector, 58626288 sectors, thin
ohci0 at pci0 dev 18 function 

Re: OpenBSD 5.5 on mSATA SSD unit in PC Engines APU.1C - "bad dir ino 2 at offset 0: mangled entry" kernel panic

2014-06-20 Thread Nick Ryan
That seems to be normal. Mine is currently 61.5 degrees and it's 
currently not under any load.

Mine runs cooler if it's standing on its edge vertically, it just seems 
to help the airflow around the case at the expense of looking a bit odd.

Regards - Nick

On 20/06/2014 10:40, Roger Wiklund wrote:

No problems so far with Intel mSATA 525 30GB.

On a side note I'm a bit worried about the CPU temperate, almost 70
degrees C during normal load.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Chris Cappuccio  

Happy to report that Plextor M6M (msata) passes all the tests so far, 
unlike msata Sandisk X110.

Re: Apache box behind Openbsd

2008-01-08 Thread Nick Ryan
Make sure that the windows 2003 firewall isn't set up to block web  
access. It's caught me out before in the past, although that was on  

See if you can telnet to port 80 from the OpenBSD firewall to the  
external interface on the windows box.

On 8 Jan 2008, at 17:04, Sewan wrote:

i have

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp to port 80 ->

rule for this operation, if i use same rdr rule with changing  
destination ip
to an iis web server inside LAN, it works, but when i change to this  

server (2003-apache-php one) it don't work

Johan Beisser wrote:

On Jan 8, 2008, at 8:05 AM, Sewan wrote:


I have an apache-php website running on windows server 2003 port 80,
i have
correct rdr rules that pointing my web server, i can view website
inside my
LAN, but i can't view page outside of my network. I've checked all
dns- ip
settings, everything's fine but problem continues. I've read at some
that apache doesn't recognize rdr rules from openbsd, so how can i
my site ? Thanks...

You could give us more information. Perhaps a copy of your pf.conf.

I'd also, if I were you, look at your pflog output. either "live" on
pflog0, or through the logs in /var/log.

View this message in context:
Sent from the openbsd user - misc mailing list archive at

Re: smtpd.conf new grammar

2018-05-28 Thread Nick Ryan

Hi Mark, viq, did either of you get it to work with the virtual table?

Mine mostly works with:
action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d 
unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} %{rcpt}" virtual 

but it ignores the virtual table completely.

If I miss out the ${rcpt}, I get a no recipient specified and if I have 
the {user.username} it gives a similar error.

Did your virtual work or am I doing something daft?

Regards - Nick

On 27/05/2018 08:51, viq wrote:

On 18-05-27 09:34:10, Mark Patruck wrote:

For me it works with %{user.username} as mail.lmtp(8) user.

See "FORMAT SPECIFIERS" in smtpd.conf(5) for details.

Shows how well I read the man page With this it works, thank you!

On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 09:04:56AM +0200, viq wrote:
> On 18-05-26 19:18:56, Edgar Pettijohn III wrote:
> >
> > > Sorry, I've read the announcements, looked at man pages and examples,
> > > but still didn't manage to figure out how to translate "deliver via 
> > > lmtp"
> > > (to have sieve working) into the new syntax. So far my config was:
> > >
> > > table vusers ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > > table vdomains ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > > table passwd ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > >
> > > accept from local for local virtual  deliver to lmtp
> > > "/var/dovecot/lmtp"
> > > accept from any for domain  virtual  deliver to lmtp
> > > "/var/dovecot/lmtp"
> > >
> > >
> > > I tried changing those into:
> > >
> > > action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d /var/dovecot/lmtp"
> >
> > try:
> > action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f
> > %{sender}"
> Well, this time I'm getting
> result=TempFail stat=Error ("mail.lmtp: no recipient was specified")
> so there's difference. So I tried
> action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} 
%{recipient}" virtual 
> but that resulted in
> result=TempFail stat=Error ("smtpd: mda command line could not be expanded: 
Interrupted system call")
> same with %{rcpt-to}
> Where did you get the %{} syntax? I haven't seen it anywhere when
> reading about this.
> > However, this does feel odd. I need to switch over as well, but still trying
> > to wrap my brain around the new config.
> > > virtual 
> > > action "relay" relay
> > > match from local for local action "lmtp-local"
> > > match from any for domain  action "lmtp-local"
> > > match from local for any action "relay"
> > >
> > >
> > > but delivery attempts fail with Error ("mail.lmtp: sender must be 
> > > with -f")
> > >
> > > What would be the proper config for this?
> > >   --
> > > viq
> >

Mark Patruck ( mark at )
GPG key 0xF2865E51 / 187F F6D3 EE04 1DCE 1C74  F644 0D3C F66F F286 

Re: smtpd.conf new grammar

2018-05-28 Thread Nick Ryan

Hi Edgar, this is the format:  vmail

Is this where it's pulling the %{user.username} being vmail from?

Dovecot is expecting u...@domain.tld

Regards - Nick

On 28/05/2018 18:28, Edgar Pettijohn III wrote:

On 05/28/18 10:48, Nick Ryan wrote:

Hi Mark, viq, did either of you get it to work with the virtual table?

Mine mostly works with:
action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d 
unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} %{rcpt}" virtual 

but it ignores the virtual table completely.

If I miss out the ${rcpt}, I get a no recipient specified and if I 
have the {user.username} it gives a similar error.

Did your virtual work or am I doing something daft?

Regards - Nick

It really depends on how your dovecot is set up.

Is it expecting a `u...@domain.tld' for the username or just the user 

How is your  set up?

Personally, I think its easier in the long run to either use a
passwd-file from extras or an sql table of some sort. That way smtpd
and dovecot can share more easily.


On 27/05/2018 08:51, viq wrote:

On 18-05-27 09:34:10, Mark Patruck wrote:

For me it works with %{user.username} as mail.lmtp(8) user.

See "FORMAT SPECIFIERS" in smtpd.conf(5) for details.

Shows how well I read the man page With this it works, thank you!

On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 09:04:56AM +0200, viq wrote:
> On 18-05-26 19:18:56, Edgar Pettijohn III wrote:
> >
> > > Sorry, I've read the announcements, looked at man pages and examples,
> > > but still didn't manage to figure out how to translate "deliver via 
> > > lmtp"
> > > (to have sieve working) into the new syntax. So far my config was:
> > >
> > > table vusers ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > > table vdomains ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > > table passwd ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > >
> > > accept from local for local virtual  deliver to lmtp
> > > "/var/dovecot/lmtp"
> > > accept from any for domain  virtual  deliver to lmtp
> > > "/var/dovecot/lmtp"
> > >
> > >
> > > I tried changing those into:
> > >
> > > action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d /var/dovecot/lmtp"
> >
> > try:
> > action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f
> > %{sender}"
> Well, this time I'm getting
> result=TempFail stat=Error ("mail.lmtp: no recipient was specified")
> so there's difference. So I tried
> action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} 
%{recipient}" virtual 
> but that resulted in
> result=TempFail stat=Error ("smtpd: mda command line could not be expanded: 
Interrupted system call")
> same with %{rcpt-to}
> Where did you get the %{} syntax? I haven't seen it anywhere when
> reading about this.
> > However, this does feel odd. I need to switch over as well, but still trying
> > to wrap my brain around the new config.
> > > virtual 
> > > action "relay" relay
> > > match from local for local action "lmtp-local"
> > > match from any for domain  action "lmtp-local"
> > > match from local for any action "relay"
> > >
> > >
> > > but delivery attempts fail with Error ("mail.lmtp: sender must be 
> > > with -f")
> > >
> > > What would be the proper config for this?
> > >   --
> > > viq
> >

-- Mark Patruck ( mark at )
GPG key 0xF2865E51 / 187F F6D3 EE04 1DCE 1C74  F644 0D3C F66F F286 

Re: smtpd.conf new grammar

2018-05-28 Thread Nick Ryan

Final update.

I've been working with Edgar who has helped no end and I now have a 
working config.

For me the working line is actually:

action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d 
unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} %{dest}" virtual 

and the corresponding match is:
match tag "SPAM_IN" from any for domain  action "lmtp-local"

Hopefully this might help someone in the future.

Regards - Nick

On 28/05/2018 16:48, Nick Ryan wrote:

Hi Mark, viq, did either of you get it to work with the virtual table?

Mine mostly works with:
action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d
unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} %{rcpt}" virtual 
but it ignores the virtual table completely.

If I miss out the ${rcpt}, I get a no recipient specified and if I
have the {user.username} it gives a similar error.

Did your virtual work or am I doing something daft?

Regards - Nick

On 27/05/2018 08:51, viq wrote:

On 18-05-27 09:34:10, Mark Patruck wrote:

For me it works with %{user.username} as mail.lmtp(8) user.

See "FORMAT SPECIFIERS" in smtpd.conf(5) for details.

Shows how well I read the man page With this it works, thank you!

On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 09:04:56AM +0200, viq wrote:
> On 18-05-26 19:18:56, Edgar Pettijohn III wrote:
> >
> > > Sorry, I've read the announcements, looked at man pages and examples,
> > > but still didn't manage to figure out how to translate "deliver via 
> > > lmtp"
> > > (to have sieve working) into the new syntax. So far my config was:
> > >
> > > table vusers ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > > table vdomains ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > > table passwd ldap:/etc/mail/ldap.conf
> > >
> > > accept from local for local virtual  deliver to lmtp
> > > "/var/dovecot/lmtp"
> > > accept from any for domain  virtual  deliver to lmtp
> > > "/var/dovecot/lmtp"
> > >
> > >
> > > I tried changing those into:
> > >
> > > action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d /var/dovecot/lmtp"
> >
> > try:
> > action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f
> > %{sender}"
> Well, this time I'm getting
> result=TempFail stat=Error ("mail.lmtp: no recipient was specified")
> so there's difference. So I tried
> action "lmtp-local" mda "/usr/libexec/mail.lmtp -d unix:/var/dovecot/lmtp -f %{sender} 
%{recipient}" virtual 
> but that resulted in
> result=TempFail stat=Error ("smtpd: mda command line could not be expanded: 
Interrupted system call")
> same with %{rcpt-to}
> Where did you get the %{} syntax? I haven't seen it anywhere when
> reading about this.
> > However, this does feel odd. I need to switch over as well, but still trying
> > to wrap my brain around the new config.
> > > virtual 
> > > action "relay" relay
> > > match from local for local action "lmtp-local"
> > > match from any for domain  action "lmtp-local"
> > > match from local for any action "relay"
> > >
> > >
> > > but delivery attempts fail with Error ("mail.lmtp: sender must be 
> > > with -f")
> > >
> > > What would be the proper config for this?
> > >   --
> > > viq
> >

Mark Patruck ( mark at )
GPG key 0xF2865E51 / 187F F6D3 EE04 1DCE 1C74  F644 0D3C F66F F286 

Re: smptd - sslv3 alert handshake failure

2021-05-13 Thread Nick Ryan

Bjorn, have a look at this from the opensmtpd mailling list.

The message from Eric has how to downgrade the smtpd listener to use all 
TLS and compatible ciphers.


On 13/05/2021 07:31, Bjorn Ketelaars wrote:

I have a smtpd config, which has been running for >1 year without a
hitch until now. All outgoing mail is forwarded to a remote SMTP server
using a config similar to an example in smtpd.conf(5).

Forwarding is failing because of "handshake failed: error:1404B410:SSL
routines:ST_CONNECT:sslv3 alert handshake failure" (see below for more
information). I'm running current (amd64) with an update frequency of
~twice a week. This error started popping up this weekend - before the
libssl/libtls/libcrypto bump. Error remains after the bump.

$ cat /etc/mail/smtpd.conf
table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table secrets file:/etc/mail/secrets

listen on lo0

action "local" mbox alias 
action "relay" relay host smtp+tls:// auth 

match from local for local action "local"
match from local for any action "relay"

I bisected libssl/libtls/libcrypto (checked all changes of the last 2
months) without solving my issue. I also checked smtpd, and found that
eric@'s work on moving smtpd to libtls [0] is related to my issue.
Reverting smtpd to a version prior to March 5 fixes it for me. Best
guess - probably a stupid one - is that the remote host changed
something causing SNI related issues.

Hints on how to further investigate the above are appreciated!


debug: scheduler: scheduling evp:2b97a598686ca143
debug: scheduler: evp:2b97a598686ca143 scheduled (mta)
debug: mta: querying smarthost for relay:...
debug: mta: querying smarthost
debug: mta: ... got smarthost for 2b97a598686ca143:
debug: mta: received evp:2b97a598686ca143 for 

debug: mta: draining
refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta: querying secret for
debug: mta: querying MX for
debug: mta:
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] waiting
for MX secret
debug: control -> client: pipe closed
debug: clearing p=client, fd=11, pid=0
debug: mta: ... got secret for
debug: mta: draining
refcount=2, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta:
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] waiting
for MX
debug: MXs for domain preference -1
debug: mta: ... got mx (0x4c260099920,,
debug: mta: draining
refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta: querying source for
debug: mta: ... got source for
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx]: []
debug: mta: new
debug: mta: connecting with
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for
debug: mta-routing: selecting candidate route [] <->
debug: mta-routing: spawning new connection on [] <->
debug: mta: 0x4c2600b96d0: spawned for relay
debug: mta: connecting with
debug: mta: cannot use
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] before 2s
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
must wait a bit
debug: mta: retrying to connect on
in 2s...
debug: mta: draining
refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1, nconn=1
debug: mta: scheduling relay
[relay:smtp.ziggo.nlort=587,smtp+tls,auth=secrets:ziggo,mx] in 1s...
9483c6637b224554 mta connecting address=smtp+tls://
9483c6637b224554 mta connected
debug: mta: 0x4c2600b96d0: IO error: handshake failed:
error:1404B410:SSL routines:ST_CONNECT:sslv3 alert handshake failure
9483c6637b224554 mta error reason=IO Error: handshake failed:
error:1404B410:SSL routines:ST_CONNECT:sslv3 alert handshake failure
debug: mta: 0x4c2600b96d0: session done

Re: Failure to NAT

2008-12-02 Thread Nick Ryan
is pf enabled? sounds like it's just acting as a router at the mo to  

pf -ef /etc/pf.conf

On 2 Dec 2008, at 15:10, - Tethys wrote:


The hard drive on my firewall machine died overnight, so I rebuilt
it with a new hard drive this morning. I grabbed the most recent
OpenBSD CD I had to hand (which was 3.8 -- yes, I know, and the
order for 4.4 followed as soon as I got to work and had net access

The problem is that while I have net access from the firewall itself,
I don't from any of the machines on my internal network. After playing
with tcpdump, it seems that packets are coming in fine on the internal
interface, and are leaving on the external interface, but are not  

NATed on the way through. Nothing is being logged on pflog0.

My internal interface is, and the external interface is My minimal pf.conf[1] looks like:

int = "fxp0"
ext = "rl0"

nat on rl0 from to any ->

block in log
pass in log quick on $int
pass out log on $ext keep state is the test machine I'm using on the internal network.
Yet packets from that machine are leaving rl0 with a source IP of, not as the NAT rule implies they should be.

Obviously I'll reinstall with 4.4 when it arrives, but in the mean
time, I'm stuck without net access for most of the machines in the
house, and urgently need to sort this out.

Any ideas on where I might be going wrong, and what I can do to fix  



[1] Obviously the real one will be somewhat more complex, but I need
   to get something working first, and then I'll build a pf.conf
   that does what I need.

Perl is like vise grips. You can do anything with it but it is the
wrong tool for every job. -- Bruce Eckel

Re: Firewall 4.3 is limiting bandwidth

2009-01-29 Thread Nick Ryan
I'd try manually changing the interface media type just in case it's  
that. I've seen odd things happen if you have it autodetect compared  
to manually setting it to 100mbTX full duplex... (and vice versa)

Then I'd look at cables, try switching out the network card for  
another, that sort of thing.

ifconfig vr0 media 100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex

Change vr0 to whatever your network card is.

Also I'm assuming you're not using PPPOE - if you are try setting the  
maximum mtu size in your pf.conf file...

scrub out on pppoe0 max-mss 1440

anyway - if it's neither of these then we'll need more info on what  
your set up is. A dmesg would also help.

On 29 Jan 2009, at 05:21, numb3rs1x wrote:

I've aalso tried the sysctl adjustment listed in the man pages.

net.inet.tcp.sendspace: 65536

That seemed to make it worse if anything.
View this message in context:
Sent from the openbsd user - misc mailing list archive at

Re: Firewall 4.3 is limiting bandwidth

2009-01-29 Thread Nick Ryan
Sorry pppoe in that example should have been $pppoe and it should  
correspond to the interface you're using for pppoe and declared in the  
pf.conf file. It's in the man pages anyway.

On 29 Jan 2009, at 10:06, Nick Ryan wrote:

I'd try manually changing the interface media type just in case it's  
that. I've seen odd things happen if you have it autodetect compared  
to manually setting it to 100mbTX full duplex... (and vice versa)

Then I'd look at cables, try switching out the network card for  
another, that sort of thing.

ifconfig vr0 media 100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex

Change vr0 to whatever your network card is.

Also I'm assuming you're not using PPPOE - if you are try setting  
the maximum mtu size in your pf.conf file...

scrub out on pppoe0 max-mss 1440

anyway - if it's neither of these then we'll need more info on what  
your set up is. A dmesg would also help.

On 29 Jan 2009, at 05:21, numb3rs1x wrote:

I've aalso tried the sysctl adjustment listed in the man pages.

net.inet.tcp.sendspace: 65536

That seemed to make it worse if anything.
View this message in context:
Sent from the openbsd user - misc mailing list archive at

Re: roundcubemail on openbsd 5.0

2011-12-14 Thread Nick Ryan
Apologies, I wasn't trying to be funny. There's a few bits of
troubleshooting at
where it looks like they describe a similar issue to the one you're

Can't help any more than that though. 

On 14/12/2011 10:20,
Wesley M. wrote: 

> Hi,
> Very funny, i already know this tips.
> But
when i add a new user and try to connect on, i always have @localhost.
At Roundcube login prompt : type username@specificdomainuser doesn't
> And type just the username work, try to send a mail, it sends
> @localhost
> I know i can modify manually this. But the goal is
to have this
> automatically
> for new users.
> Wesley
> On Wed,
14 Dec 2011 08:38:18 +, nick wrote:
>> Wesley, I think once
you've logged in with a user, you're stuck with whatever was in the
config file as has been previously said as it's created the roundcube
entries in the database. What you'll need to do now for that user is to
log into roundcube, click Personal Settings at the top, then click
identities and change the email address manually for them. If you've a
lot of users you could probably open up the database manually and change
the records directly. Regards. On 14/12/2011 06:33, Wesley M. wrote: 

>>> Hi, I use sendmail 8.14.15 with
>> virtusertable and procmail for
>>> domains and dovecot 2.0; and
>> Apache (chrooted in
/var/www) I just want : At the Roundcube login page, type user1@domain1
and user1@localhost I tried this : $rcmail_config['virtuser_
>> ckquote>
'/roundcubemail/virtusertable'; ages, a lot of
>> n Intern
yle="padding-left:5px; border-lef
>> solid; margin-left:5px;
width:100%">replies, your helps. Wesley. [3][1] 2011
20:48:16 +, Stuart
>> son wrote: 3 15:28, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
>> ff 2px solid; margin-left:5px; width:100%">I have
Roundcube elsewhere. It basically runs like any other n't actually on my
mail server. This leads m
>> at copying system files into the chroot
isn't going to help.It has some special support for looking up usernames
from a file in virtusertable format. Can't say I've used it myself
>>> m user@domain?
>> tyle="padding-left:5px;
border-left:#1010ff 2px solid; margin-left:5px; width:100%"> See the
>>> ; existing users will need to be changed in the
database. Links: -- [1] [1] [2] [2]



Re: Remotely installing OpenBSD on dedicated server

2011-04-27 Thread Nick Ryan
I've a VPS OpenBSD server at [1] - they're a
good price and I've had no problems with them if it helps. 

I know it's
a VPS rather than a dedicated server but it might be worth a look.

Regards - Nick 

On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 07:20:26 +, Nigel Horne

> Hello the list.
> My company manages a few servers in
behalf of client companies that don't want to do it themselves.
> We
have specific appliances that run on OpenBSD and it is our intention to
keep it that way because of the reliability of the platform.
However, we want to move some of the services to remote dedicated
servers (as can be hired at several places on internet).
> I have been
making a quick survey and it appears that OpenBSD is not widely offered
as an operating system by such services.
> Actually, I haven't found a
single dedicated host provider that offers OpenBSD as a possible choice
by default, event if a few mails
> directed to support "suggest" that it
might be possible to get a custom install (but no definitive answer on
the matter...) .
> Has any of you ever tried to hire a dedicated
server with OpenBSD installed on it?
> If so, where did you hire your
OpenBSD box?
> If not, has any of you found a good way to install
OpenBSD over a preinstalled OS remotely reliably (meaning that I don't
> to get the server reinstalled 10 times before getting OpenBSD up
and running)?
> I hope I am posting to the right list.
> Thank you
for the help to come.
> Nigel.

