Re: Ratgod leadership?

2018-07-11 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

And dommmainname shop reply is, to remove them from your argumentation!

And I see no more point in talking on this list either. This was truly a 
worst case scenario, of talking about something as good as what I am 
working on. These people are ofcourse completely excluded, from any such 
understanding of any such grace.

Re: Ratgod leadership?

2018-07-11 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Well that just takes the cake on this argument. Lol.

Re: Ratgod leadership?

2018-07-11 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
Oh yes, maximal psychopathy. While I on the other hand, request a 
drugtest on both you and Theo De Raadt, probably other involved, and a 
childporn investigation on difficult parties should also be done.  Linus 
Diving is indeed a paedophile metaphor. GNU hides theft. Theo is a junkie.

Who do you think you´re fooling? You are obviously in a very intense 
fantasyworld, where your reply is thought ok. How much of a fairyworld 
is a pedophiles?
Not just pedophiles. Junkie Pedophiles. Who moralize, and even claim to 
be gods. GNU indeed is from the use of psychedelics where God includes 
pedophile sex with Richard Stallman. He dances around, in his own world 
still, believing it is a god. How many psychiatric diagnosises does he 
have? And how much drugs does he use? Just testing him alone, would say 
a lot.

Don´t you just wish you just shut up now, Joseph. Because reality 
called, where you are shit looser.

And your pedophile GNU god is shit looser:

And your ratgod is shit looser.

You should truly take a good shitting on, in the pits of hell.


Den 7/10/2018 21:42, skrev Joseph Mayer:

"Ywe"/ owner,

I have filed an abuse complaint at asking them to
discontinue your domain/email/hosting deal with them, and filed a request for
your domain name at .

I have also asked them to not serve you personally in the future as you can be
expected to fall back into harassing open source emailing lists using the
services they provide you.

Your unsolicited emails irritate me immensely and I ask you again to withdraw
from this emailing list. I hope you save community participants the effort of
needing to phone every single emailing host abuse line on this planet to have
you dropped out of here.

I find your actions toxic and shameful. Please choose another outlet than this
emailing list, your spam is not welcome here.


On July 10, 2018 6:57 PM, Email  wrote:

What does Theo De Raadt mean anyway? God Is The Rat? Ratgod leadership
may indeed take the side of junkie pedophiles.

And we will do with available source regardless of fairyworld ideas of

%ÿ4 Coding OS, Vanity gods, LKML/GNU Attiude Problems, Problematic Netelements in general.

2018-07-09 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Slight retweak, to %ÿ4 Coding OS.

Having had a bit of feel with the namechange I think I can do even 
better. Looking at what really needs to be fixed with the internet, 
starting with Fair Pay, getting rid of poor and thieving GNU, and 
warezpups in general, LKML/GNU Attitude problems, and problematic 
netelements in general, slight final finish with retweak to %ÿ4 coding OS.

A pop-culture threeletter concept, free of as much vains gods as possible.

I hope you will enjoy. I already am.

Our research and vision for computing forward:

Ywe Cærlyn
%ÿ4 Coding

Re: %#ẍ Dev OS

2018-07-08 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Den 7/8/2018 17:27, skrev Rudy Baker:
I have a suggestion for when you change the name of your OS again next 

π√¶:*!!!flïbbīnflùbêñ OS;;;!?***

It just rolls right off the tongue

Rudy charming as usual ;)

%#ẍ Dev OS (was: Fair Pay In Cyberspace)

2018-07-08 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
We are now %#ẍ Dev,  a short form of the same intent, since so many 
already like three-letter concepts.

This is all going to be about the percentages people, and that is all an 
OS needs to be about.

With such a driving factor, in the business oriented computer world, we 
will have the "good os", the low jitter, and the smooth graphics.

Because it is all part of the same mindset.

Jinn and Hūman. Those of you who desire a good OS, our research is still 

Now also with a suggestion for replacement of mp3. GNU does indeed not 
hide anything from The Gôdh.

Peace (Go With Théé),
Ywe Cærlyn.
%#ẍ Dev

A little video of me, and summary of research, computing part: What should be the way forward for OS's

2018-06-30 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
A complete and coherent philosophy is needed, that is compatible with 
the level of intelligence needed in the computing space, that will 
ofcourse affect society in general.

Chaos theory, dictates that the wings of a butterfly may cause a storm 

Zén buddhism will add, did the ego of the butterfly indeed cause so much 

We choose a transcendental angle on life, for high accuracy of 
philosophical impact, without associations to vain gods, for ego.

Our website is:

Peace (Go With Théé)
Ywe Cærlyn
0‐ṅīt Ž - 'A Transcendental Angle On Life'

Video Of Me:

Re: Full Summary Of Research, Computer Sector Part. Now with Nyt Cloud BBS Intro oldskool style.

2018-06-21 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Den 6/19/2018 19:34, skrev Rudy Baker:

*grabs popcorn*

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018, 1:08 PM Ywe Cærlyn  wrote:

As mentioned earlier, I did 15 years of research on religion, that
gained me top 1% research on <>.

The computer part is now also ready, and available on BBS,
where we suggest what do to further, with the computer OS. Particulary
addressing the economic part, with monotheistic philosophy, and labour
party and work union politics, of fair pay.

Now also with oldskool intro:

Peace (Go With Théé)
Your Top Academic.
    Ywe Cærlyn.

The greater research project, actually culiminated in a new word for 
God, Düüdh, which also the word deity, is related to, divinity, and theos.

There is no Iüdhü but Düüdh. And this is Enligthenment.
"Düüdh Is Bôss Of Heavwens And Ard. The Benign, The Gréat". (artist 
dialect), as I say on my artist page, testing philosophical principles 
in pop-culture, and a whole videoseries about realizing Düüdh.


After all, all noble principles are borrowed from monotheism.
Be enligthened, and worship Düüdh without giving him partners.

Peace (Go With Théé)
Ywe Cærlyn.

Full Summary Of Research, Computer Sector Part. Now with Nyt Cloud BBS Intro oldskool style.

2018-06-19 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
As mentioned earlier, I did 15 years of research on religion, that 
gained me top 1% research on

The computer part is now also ready, and available on BBS,
where we suggest what do to further, with the computer OS. Particulary 
addressing the economic part, with monotheistic philosophy, and labour 
party and work union politics, of fair pay.

Now also with oldskool intro:

Peace (Go With Théé)
Your Top Academic.
Ywe Cærlyn.

Re: Fair Pay In Cyberspace! Addendum.

2018-05-25 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

And regarding earlier statements:

Indeed, printers should have good drivers.

Best Regards,
Fair Pay In Cyberspace

Fair Pay In Cyberspace!

2018-05-18 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

The Fair Pay In Cyberspace is nearing completion of philosophy.


Background and Points So Far:

I believe that the ultimate iteration of the computational mindset, will 
be "Fair Pay In Cyberspace".

Homecomputers started with Eniac-1. It seems to embody monotheistic 
principles. And as such drives ofcourse later developments, as a kind of 
"forefather" of computers.
I/O seems an early OS, that high-levels input and output, for 
easier interaction with hardware.
Unix is a complete high-level OS that generalizes things to 
virtualized input/output.
The Amiga is the first affordable homecomputer, with multimedia 
possibilties, that gains a large independent user group.
Available source becomes a decentralized operating systems 
development paradigm.

I have designed Racoh Computer. as an ultimate iteration of this. A 
complete and coherent philosophy for Fair Pay In Cyberspace, that is 
monotheistic. that I believe is the only needed philosophy in 
cyberspace. And so enjoinably religious. Turning everyone from 
independent creators into profitmakers, to big businesses, maximizing 
income potential, and on a larger scale, maximal global net income for 
all countries, for digital goods.

Fair Pay In Cyberspace should be your monotheistic principle for this.

The design is coherent down to the whole computer design.


An optimal screenmode would use 128x antialiasing, as this is maximal 
pixel information, pr resolution. Best with an 8K render to quadratic 
subpixel precise 4K surface (8K grid), where ofcourse the subpixel 
intensities represents the colordepth optimally. Earlier one has also 
determined 72hz to be the minimal psychovisual noise refresh rate 
aswell. I also found the 72.734hz refresh rate to be minimal 
psychovisual noise, higher will only give more noise.

Since such 4K screens does not exist yet, I haven´t been able to test 
that on 4K, but with the amount of information in such a mode, 30hz also 
works very well. Here, the undocumented 3x3 Supersampling + 4x SGSS -no 
MSAA- Nvidia mode Anisotropic optimizations must be off, and filtering 
set to 2x, and LOD Bias -0.5.

A standardization around this mode for Fair Pay In Cyberspace, is what 
we want.

A fast pseudo 4K Upscale mode for fantasygames:

Fantasygames has a tendency of getting too graphic on 4K. I suggest 
dividing games into two main groups: Fantasy and Simulator. The 
helicopter simulator may use The Mode as told about earlier, 
fantasygames, may use a 1920x1080 faster fantasymode, where realism is 
not so important, and masks unwanted things, such as impressions of 
"gore" and exagarrated fantasyelements, "clan" secterism, and regressive 
elements in the way of Fair Pay In Cyberspace, and such states it is 
only a game.

For this I used a render resolution of 1920x1080, 2x multisampling 
antialiasing only (transparency multisampling also on) for smoothing the 
edges just a bit, more gets blurry, and 2x anistotropic filtering, for 
round edges on zoomed textures and "game profile", and also -0.1250 lod 
bias, for "game profile". Negative lod bias allowed, high quality 
filtering, and no trilinear optimization.  Then we upscale this 3x by 
NN, and use a median filter, for extrapolating a pseudo 3x res, and 
resample it to 4K,  with a bicubic (a=75) filter. This gives a fast, 
(pseudo) 4K "game profile" mode for fantasy games, that indeed is what 
they want, combining Fair Pay In Cyberspace philosophy, with gamers wishes.

Sound: 1-bit Diode converter.

The audiobusiness has definately become about the 1-bit converter. We 
try to do this in the best way, with using a 1-bit converter, with 
diodes on the output, and shifting the bitstream up in frequency, so 
that one only needs a minimal of analog components on the output, here 
just a one pole filter, where theoretically a 3.6mhz stream will give 
-110dB nosefloor, as a professional converter.


As a font, we use a script-perfect variant, the Lucida Console Font, 
respecting the past masters. Also used on this website.


An OS is I/O via virtualized nodes, signal routing (scheduling etc) and 
usually a visual user interface. Programmed with a code-sequence of a 
certain dialect, usually Esthetic C. Peak jitter below 200μs converges 
to optimal. Streaming conventions could be implemented in a new 
standard, and protocol aswell, Could even be a whole new language with 
bytecode directly transported to CPU, combining scripting, interpreted, 
and native speed, by adding more instructions, possibly 3 clocks in 1 
(particulary since a lot of C is just assembly macros anyway), where 
instead of HTML commands, this for swiftness and low-latency, and with 
all digital distribution goods marked with 

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-12-09 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Den 12/9/2017 05:21, skrev gwes:

On 12/07/17 07:31, Ywe Cærlyn wrote:
I saw AMDs "semi-custom" CPU email form and told them that I wanted a 
CPU, that is clockspeed oriented, not cores (might aswell be 
singlecore with high HZ), that could be using several instruction 
macros (combining two or three), for max virtual clockspeed, and an 
optimizing compiler for this. And wondered if an additional poweroff 
mode could be added to the binary stream of 1 0, so that bitwise i/o 
and cpu scheduling could be done.

If one could get the virtual clockspeed up to 12ghz, I think no 
regular user would ever use more than a single core. And it´d be a 

Fixing all inefficiency hardware wise. Philosophically aswell.

Peaceful Salutations.

CPU clock speed != performance.

Factor in:
    main memory: latency, bus width, and access/cycle time.
    caches: levels, speeds, sizes, widths
    CPU access patterns interacting with the above
    clocks per instruction: average, best case, worst case
    cost or even feasibility of super high CPU clocks
    propagation time of signals across chips

A very fast CPU clock on a CPU with very low clocks-per-instruction
a small die and a huge memory matching speed == the RISC ideal

Even RISC with floating point hardware, for instance, often takes
many cycles.

Adding cores is often seen as the best way of increasing
>system< performance significantly at the lowest cost.

geoff steckel

Risc = reduced instruction set. This would be the other way I guess... 
:) And really keeping a whole bunch of compatibility. To not speak of 
even windows running near hardware realtime.

Peaceful Salutations.

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-12-07 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
I saw AMDs "semi-custom" CPU email form and told them that I wanted a 
CPU, that is clockspeed oriented, not cores (might aswell be singlecore 
with high HZ), that could be using several instruction macros (combining 
two or three), for max virtual clockspeed, and an optimizing compiler 
for this. And wondered if an additional poweroff mode could be added to 
the binary stream of 1 0, so that bitwise i/o and cpu scheduling could 
be done.

If one could get the virtual clockspeed up to 12ghz, I think no regular 
user would ever use more than a single core. And it´d be a megahit.

Fixing all inefficiency hardware wise. Philosophically aswell.

Peaceful Salutations.

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-25 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Den 11/26/2017 06:27, skrev

"Sterling Archer"  wrote:

P-p-palmleaf schaafuit?

A-a-ask the Catholic church.

Ok I am just going to ignore this thread now. If anyone wants to talk to 
me, maybe better you email me personally.

And again my channel is here:

"Nodemeister Of Ukkus". And I am working on "commercial sobriety", for 
"available source". And doing related philosophical work.

Peaceful Saluations.

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-25 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Den 11/26/2017 06:18, skrev

"Ywe Cærlyn" <> wrote:

Palmleaf, schaafuit?

Ask the Catholic church.

P-p-palmleaf schaafuit?

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-25 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Den 11/26/2017 00:20, skrev

"Ywe Cærlyn" <> wrote:

Are you deaf and mute, boy? Enigmatic knowledge of backwardness? Fires?
Keep talking and you´ll have that.

At least he won't have hairy palms and baldness.

Unlike you.

Try cabbage leaves for the latter.


Palmleaf, schaafuit?

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-25 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
Are you deaf and mute, boy? Enigmatic knowledge of backwardness? Fires? 
Keep talking and you´ll have that.

Den 11/26/2017 00:10, skrev flipchan:

Be fkn simple
1:what do you want
2: why is it openbsd related ?

On November 25, 2017 5:51:45 PM GMT+01:00, "Ywe Cærlyn" 
<> wrote:

The thread descends into Querulus Paranoid state after a simple
introduction? Not good.

My profile on my youtube channel is about me, for those wanting to know
me, and there will be more content there, full audio/video media wise,
since I am indeed trying to do what I am saying. And which also says "No

I changed name from the amigamusician-bit related name to "Nodemeister
Of Üccüg" aswell.

Particulary something I am thinking about ATM, is optimal
respresentation of pixels, pr pixel, thinking of screen rendering and
things like that, and using graphics hardware for something useful. Not

So if anyone wants to do some benignant hacking, my suggestion is to
implement a mode like this, in the relelvant area of work:

Peaceful Salutations.

Take Care Sincerely flipchan layerprox dev 

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-25 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
The thread descends into Querulus Paranoid state after a simple 
introduction? Not good.

My profile on my youtube channel is about me, for those wanting to know 
me, and there will be more content there, full audio/video media wise, 
since I am indeed trying to do what I am saying. And which also says "No 

I changed name from the amigamusician-bit related name to "Nodemeister 
Of Üccüg" aswell.

Particulary something I am thinking about ATM, is optimal 
respresentation of pixels, pr pixel, thinking of screen rendering and 
things like that, and using graphics hardware for something useful. Not 

So if anyone wants to do some benignant hacking, my suggestion is to 
implement a mode like this, in the relelvant area of work:

Peaceful Salutations.

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-07 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

Well I have introduced myself then.

Maybe I will write some more posts at a later time.

Peaceful Salutations.

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-06 Thread Ywe Cærlyn

So archaically speaking, that is your biggest security issue right there.
For instance, if you eat much kebabs, your stomach sings The Quran, and 
unfortunately "Mohammed and the companions".

If you eat much pizza, it sings The Bible, and "Jesus died for your sins".
Now to equalize this, and get Transcendent Truth, for each 3 pizzas, eat 
1 kebab.
And you are archaically correct. - There is just one deity, as all 
original monotheism teaches. Then you should be at security with The 
Chief, justice prevail, and obtuseness conquered.


Den 11/7/2017 05:10, skrev Ywe Cærlyn:
As opposed to say, if you have ever had a moment of Mindful Zen, and 
thought of Transcendent Trueness. It is a "song" a bit more like 
"OpenBSD" and "3-clause licence". In other words, 1:1 reality. ;) That 
is why I got interested in OpenBSD instead.


Den 11/7/2017 04:49, skrev Ywe Cærlyn:
Yes. I actually had a look a linux earlier. And found for instance a 
10ms filter in cpu measurement. I mean, then you haven´t really 
understood what available resources in a computer is.. And in for 
instance the LADSPA plugins, is tons of pointer variables. The real 
song of the GNU licence is this. And "thou shall make no money". That 
is why it is really going nowhere. WIth the 2 clause licence, you 
hear a little bit of that song.. Just a warning, from someone who has 
seen real obtusity in code.

Den 11/7/2017 02:57, skrev Eric Furman:

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017, at 03:28 PM, Ywe Cærlyn wrote:

First contribution: You should focus on the 3-clause licence. The two
2-clause tries to be GNU, and that is a mistake I think.

OK, you had me up till here and then this 'Contribution".
Is this an attempt at humor? Last time I checked all of the
GNU licenses were about 14 pages long of legalese.
How is the simpler shorter 2 clause license more like GNU?
Sounds like a troll...

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-06 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
As opposed to say, if you have ever had a moment of Mindful Zen, and 
thought of Transcendent Trueness. It is a "song" a bit more like 
"OpenBSD" and "3-clause licence". In other words, 1:1 reality. ;) That 
is why I got interested in OpenBSD instead.


Den 11/7/2017 04:49, skrev Ywe Cærlyn:
Yes. I actually had a look a linux earlier. And found for instance a 
10ms filter in cpu measurement. I mean, then you haven´t really 
understood what available resources in a computer is.. And in for 
instance the LADSPA plugins, is tons of pointer variables. The real 
song of the GNU licence is this. And "thou shall make no money". That 
is why it is really going nowhere. WIth the 2 clause licence, you hear 
a little bit of that song.. Just a warning, from someone who has seen 
real obtusity in code.

Den 11/7/2017 02:57, skrev Eric Furman:

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017, at 03:28 PM, Ywe Cærlyn wrote:

First contribution: You should focus on the 3-clause licence. The two
2-clause tries to be GNU, and that is a mistake I think.

OK, you had me up till here and then this 'Contribution".
Is this an attempt at humor? Last time I checked all of the
GNU licenses were about 14 pages long of legalese.
How is the simpler shorter 2 clause license more like GNU?
Sounds like a troll...

Re: Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-06 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
Yes. I actually had a look a linux earlier. And found for instance a 
10ms filter in cpu measurement. I mean, then you haven´t really 
understood what available resources in a computer is.. And in for 
instance the LADSPA plugins, is tons of pointer variables. The real song 
of the GNU licence is this. And "thou shall make no money". That is why 
it is really going nowhere. WIth the 2 clause licence, you hear a little 
bit of that song.. Just a warning, from someone who has seen real 
obtusity in code.

Den 11/7/2017 02:57, skrev Eric Furman:

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017, at 03:28 PM, Ywe Cærlyn wrote:

First contribution: You should focus on the 3-clause licence. The two
2-clause tries to be GNU, and that is a mistake I think.

OK, you had me up till here and then this 'Contribution".
Is this an attempt at humor? Last time I checked all of the
GNU licenses were about 14 pages long of legalese.
How is the simpler shorter 2 clause license more like GNU?
Sounds like a troll...

Hellos from the Lands of Norway.

2017-11-06 Thread Ywe Cærlyn
Hello. I am Ywe Cærlyn, also known as Biit. Previously also Bit in 
Norway, and added an i to the nick for international long i, as in Norway.

I have a youtube channel here, where I do related videos:

I am a new user of OpenBSD, and like minimal jitter kernel 
configs/programming, and Sensible Themes. I have already done a theme 
for Milkytracker:

And I also do DSP programming, and ultimately will port these. See also 
my channel for remasters and remixes with these. And also plan to do, when I get the time.

First contribution: You should focus on the 3-clause licence. The two 
2-clause tries to be GNU, and that is a mistake I think.

I also am fond of the emerging fine granulated internet economics, which 
I think comes from a similar mindset.

Any questions comments, send away. (Please CC me for fastest reply).
