Hello. I am Ywe Cærlyn, also known as Biit. Previously also Bit in Norway, and added an i to the nick for international long i, as in Norway.

I have a youtube channel here, where I do related videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OHkbQM5GKQ

I am a new user of OpenBSD, and like minimal jitter kernel configs/programming, and Sensible Themes. I have already done a theme for Milkytracker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMfWsx3JBUg

And I also do DSP programming, and ultimately will port these. See also my channel for remasters and remixes with these. And also plan to do ultranet.life, when I get the time.

First contribution: You should focus on the 3-clause licence. The two 2-clause tries to be GNU, and that is a mistake I think.

I also am fond of the emerging fine granulated internet economics, which I think comes from a similar mindset.

Any questions comments, send away. (Please CC me for fastest reply).


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