Re: How can I mount a HDD with full encryption on another system?

2018-08-03 Thread
It should work as otherwise outlined in the FAQ. The softraid partition is 
marked as RAID when you check with disklabel. Let's say that patrtition is 
sd2a. In that case run

# bioctl -c C -l /dev/sd2a softraid0

It will ask you for the encryption password and then tell you what device it 
assigned it to, for example sd3.

Then just mount whatever you need on sd3

On August 2, 2018 10:06:41 PM UTC, Felix Maschek  wrote:
>I've used a full encrypted HDD (created as described in the OpenBSD
>on a broken system and want to backup some data from it.
>I've assembled this HDD into an external USB case and want to mount the
>HDD on another system. How can I mount this HDD? Needless to say that I
>know the passphrase...
>Kind regards

Re: DRM without X

2018-09-04 Thread

On September 4, 2018 2:11:11 PM UTC, Maurice McCarthy  
>On 03/09/2018, Thomas de Grivel  wrote:
>> Is there any way to use the DRM drivers without X11 ?
>Probably not. The X sets in base are an integral part of the whole
>operating system. You install them whether or not you use X.

Well, there are other display servers like Wayland, or projects like Arcan 
( Haven't heard of any of them running 
outside X11 on OpenBSD though.

Re: 6.4 doas gives "command not found" if no #!/bin/sh up top

2018-10-21 Thread

>Adding a "#!/bin/sh" at the top of the scripts made them all work

Sounds like now the behavior is as it should be. If you really need the old 
behavior back you could try running the scripts with the dot command.

Re: undefined symbol tgetent

2018-11-11 Thread
On November 12, 2018 3:35:10 AM UTC, Michael Steeves  
>I'd e-mailed about the list about getting this error when trying to
>launch R:
>22:29 steevmi1@pattern:~$ R
>R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) -- "Feather Spray"
>Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
>Platform: x86_64-unknown-openbsd6.4 (64-bit)
>R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
>You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
>Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
>  Natural language support but running in an English locale
>  R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
>  Type 'contributors()' for more information and
>  'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
>  Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
>  'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
>  Type 'q()' to quit R.
>  R:/usr/lib/ undefined symbol 'tgetent'
> R: lazy binding failed!
>  Killed 
>I'm also seeing this with gpg2:
>22:30 steevmi1@pattern:~$ gpg2 --full-generate-key  
>gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.10; Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
>There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
>Please select what kind of key you want:
>   (1) RSA and RSA (default)
>   (2) DSA and Elgamal
>   (3) DSA (sign only)
>   (4) RSA (sign only)
>gpg2:/usr/lib/ undefined symbol 'tgetent'
> gpg2: lazy binding failed!
>I've updated my system to the latest snapshot, and then upgraded all
>packages (and rebooted for good measure), but I still see these errors.
>assume there's no simple fix for this, and I'd need to either file bugs
>wait until they're fixed), or else build the ports myself?

This is an issue with readline with several ports that's fallout from the 
switch to ld.lld as far as I understand.

I learned today that you can preload libncurses for the moment as a workaround 
until this is fixed. It works at least with gpg2 for me:

$ LD_PRELOAD="" gpg2 -e

May also work with R...

(sent from my phone)

Re: radeon driver bug?

2018-12-05 Thread
On December 5, 2018 9:41:44 AM UTC, "岡本健二"  wrote:
>This errors come from
>The mesa version of OpenBSD6.4 is 13.0.6.
>I'm running this Jahshaka on Ubutu 18.04, where the mesa version is
>So, it may be the mesa problem...
>2018年12月4日(火) 16:19 岡本健二 :
>> I'm using AMD HD6450 graphic card which I reported before, and faced
>> curious thing
>> during running Jahshaka Studio (dev version 7.03a).
>> To run Jahshaka on OpenBSD 6.4 I needed to delete google breakpad
>> temporally, which
>> is not the problem now.
>> After start to run 'Jahshaka Studio', I got start 3D animation sample
>> 'Skeletal Animation' data to load, then
>> I got many errors included below which seems to come from radeon drm
>> driver's bug to me.
>> If you interested please check it.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Kenji

There's a known bug where the shader on r600 uses too many registers:

I encountered this bug with godot on a Radeon HD 7570, too, and it went away 
with the updated mesa that's in -current.

Re: radeon driver bug?

2018-12-09 Thread
On December 9, 2018 1:22:42 AM UTC, "岡本健二"  wrote:
>I found mesa-libs-18.1.9 for FreeBSD ports.
>How can I get it without FreeBSD system?
>2018年12月8日(土) 14:48 岡本健二 :
>> I installed Ubuntu 18.04 to a AMD 6450 graphic card, and played
>> Jahshaka.  It has mesa version 18.2, and runs Jahshaka very
>> smoothly.
>> The colors I reported before are same in this machine, so that
>> report was not correct.
>> Kenji
>> 2018年12月7日(金) 11:09 岡本健二 :
>>> I checked mesa-18.3.0 sources under src/gallium/drivers/r600 and
>>> with those
>>> of xenocara.  File names are all same, however, individual sizes are
>>> different for
>>> most of those, which would not permit me to copy those to
>>> Kenji
>>> 2018年12月6日(木) 15:14 岡本健二 :
>>>> also, it stull has some bugs, because the colors of some
>>>> parts are different from those of original ones.
>>>> Kenji
>>>> 2018年12月6日(木) 15:10 岡本健二 :
>>>>> Sorry, I'm a novice to OpenBSD.
>>>>> Yes, it's current branch of xenocara.
>>>>> I updated my xenocara (stable) to that current, and build new
>>>>> here.
>>>>> Wow, it makes the Jahshaka works!
>>>>> However, it still has some bugs, because it moves and stop
>suddenly and
>>>>> then
>>>>> move again.  Whine the animation stops, the system seems to
>>>>> Anyway it makes much advance, I included the screenshot of it.
>>>>> Kenji
>>>>> PS: sorry tfrohwein, this is doubled to you
>>>>> 2018年12月6日(木) 13:26 岡本健二 :
>>>>>> in-current means stable 6.4?
>>>>>> Kenji
>>>>>> 2018年12月5日(水) 23:58
>>>>>>> On December 5, 2018 9:41:44 AM UTC, "岡本健二" 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> >This errors come from
>>>>>>> >The mesa version of OpenBSD6.4 is 13.0.6.
>>>>>>> >I'm running this Jahshaka on Ubutu 18.04, where the mesa
>version is
>>>>>>> >18.x.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >So, it may be the mesa problem...
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >Kenji
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >2018年12月4日(火) 16:19 岡本健二 :
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >> I'm using AMD HD6450 graphic card which I reported before,
>>>>>>> faced
>>>>>>> >a
>>>>>>> >> curious thing
>>>>>>> >> during running Jahshaka Studio (dev version 7.03a).
>>>>>>> >> To run Jahshaka on OpenBSD 6.4 I needed to delete google
>>>>>>> >> temporally, which
>>>>>>> >> is not the problem now.
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> After start to run 'Jahshaka Studio', I got start 3D
>>>>>>> sample
>>>>>>> >> 'Skeletal Animation' data to load, then
>>>>>>> >> I got many errors included below which seems to come from
>>>>>>> drm
>>>>>>> >> driver's bug to me.
>>>>>>> >> If you interested please check it.
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> Thanks in advance
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> Kenji
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> There's a known bug where the shader on r600 uses too many
>>>>>>> I encountered this bug with godot on a Radeon HD 7570, too, and
>>>>>>> went away with the updated mesa that's in -current.

I think you are asking for way more than you (or most misc@ readers) can 
handle. Porting low-level libraries from FreeBSD is far from trivial.

My advice remains: if you want working graphics, you should run 
OpenBSD-current, not 6.4-release. What you did is try to plug in stuff from 
-current into 6.4 which is huge gamble and I'm not surprised if the result is 

Just read the OpenBSD FAQ again for how to install -current. I would stop 
experimenting like you've one until you understand the system much better than 

Re: ssd drive disappears when booting

2019-02-16 Thread
On February 16, 2019 6:41:49 PM UTC, Jason McIntyre  wrote:
>hi. hoping someone knows what's happening here...
>i installed -current amd64 on an old dell latitude e6320 laptop.
>it ran fine for a few hours, but on a subsequent reboot the disk (an
>seemed to disappear:
>   ...
>   softraid0 at root
>   scsibus2 at softraid0: 256 targets
>   root device:<- hit 
>   use one of: exit em0 iwn0
>   root device:
>i.e. it fails to find sd0. i thought it was a hardware issue.
>i don;t want to open this thing up. but i thought initially the drive
>either dead or somehow disconnected. but at the bios level, the machine
>reports the disk is ok (i ran some bios diagnostics on it).
>so what i tried:
>   boot>
>   boot hd0a:/bsd
>that just fails in the same way.
>   boot> machine diskinfo
>   DiskBIOS#   TypeCylsHeads   SecsFlags   Checksum
>   hd0 0x80label   1023255 63  0x2 0xd53d9ad8
>that looks ok.
>   boot> ls
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  . 
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  ..
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  home
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  tmp
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  usr
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  var
>   -rwx-- 0,0 15696910 bsd
>   -rw--- 0,0 15696910 bsd.rd
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  altroot
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 1024 bin 
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 19456dev
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 1536 etc
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  mnt
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 512  root
>   drwxr-xr-x 0,0 1536 sbin
>   -rw-r--r-- 0,0 578  .cshrc
>   -rw-r--r-- 0,0 468  .profile
>   stat(hda0/./sys): No such file or directory
>   -rw-r--r-- 0,0 82320boot
>   -rw--- 0,0 15579327 bsd.sp
>   -rw--- 0,0 15714870 bsd.booted
>so at this level i can see the disk. but when i boot it's not found.
>trying fresh installs just end the same way - it fails to locate the
>disk. so i can;t use anything like fdisk to dig around.
>any opinions on whether the issue is with the disk, or whether there's
>anything else i can try?
>sorry i have no up to date dmesg for this machine ;(

This sounds like the problem that I (and others) have seen when the hard drive 
is set to RAID in the Bios/firmware. Try setting it to AHCI if your bios lets 

Re: wscons API question: input handling?

2019-02-19 Thread
On February 19, 2019 2:16:04 PM UTC, Leonid Bobrov  wrote:
>I want to write a program that executes a particular code at key press,
>where can I find documentation about that? I have example program which
>doesn't work:
>int kbdfd = open("/dev/wskbd", O_RDWR, 0);
>if (errno != 0) {
>printf("%s\n", strerror(errno));
>return 1;
>int key;
>while(ioctl(kbdfd, WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_UP, &key) != -1) {
>if (key == KS_k)
>printf("You pressed k!");
>else if (key == KS_q)
>printf("You pressed %d!", key);
>if (errno != 0) {
>printf("%s\n", strerror(errno));
>return 1;
>return 0;

Is the package x11/xbindkeys what you are looking for?

Re: OpenBSD 6.5 on Clevo W840SU: BIOS hangs when booted via (m)SATA

2019-03-19 Thread
On March 19, 2019 7:59:49 PM UTC, wrote:
>Dear Community.
>I'm trying to run OpenBSD on a Clevo W840SU laptop. After a successful
>and starting the machine the BIOS hangs. That is, when the booting
>drive is 
>connected via SATA/mSATA. When connected via USB, it works just fine.
>The identical laptop model is mentioned as a working one 
>in Peter Hansteen's blog (including a dmesg log) [1].  
>A detailed documentation of the issue is given in the plain text
>So is this a broken BIOS issue?
>What else could I try to get this to work?
>How to debug this issue further?   
>I've been using GNU/Linux before and have had not problem with a
>hanging BIOS
>whatsoever. In fact it's still working without a problem on this
>Thank you very much for your attention and help.   

Is your BIOS set to RAID for the HDD? If so try setting it to AHCI in the BIOS.

Re: Troubleshooting FDE with SD Card Reader

2019-03-30 Thread
On March 29, 2019 9:42:44 PM UTC, Normen Wohner  wrote:
>I cannot use my SD Reader for keydisk purposes.
>It does show up in dmesg and should be there on boot.
>Since my SD reader is bundled with a 
>Sony MemoryStick reader I see them both coming up
>when I plug in the SD Card.
>The MS umass shows first on sd0 even if empty so the
>SD gets pushed to sd1.
>Should I somehow MAKEDEV sd1?
>I presumed it to be there?
>Is this maybe a different issue all together?
>Thanks for all the help!

I'm not sure about the exact problem that you are trying to solve. Are you 
trying to boot the SD card with FDE on it? Do you get to the first boot prompt? 
Some output would be helpful to get a better understanding, ideally a dmesg. In 
my eperience, the bootloader can communicate with sd1 and higher numbers, and 
the install should come with device files for /dev/sd1 and a little higher.

If additional device entries are needed, just do:

# cd /dev && sh MAKEDEV 

... but I doubt that's your problem.

Re: Troubleshooting FDE with SD Card Reader

2019-03-30 Thread
On March 30, 2019 3:58:34 PM UTC, Normen Wohner  wrote:
>No I have the Full Disk Encryption on the internal Harddrive.
>Keydisk is on an SD card.
>When I try to boot with it being in the 
>internal reader it says keydrive not found.
>I can boot with the same SD inside a USB Adapter.
>That MAKEDEV solution would not be permanent,
>maybe I should try to see what devices the
>System has when nothing is inserted.
>> On Mar 30, 2019, at 16:19, ""
> wrote:
>>> On March 29, 2019 9:42:44 PM UTC, Normen Wohner 
>>> I cannot use my SD Reader for keydisk purposes.
>>> It does show up in dmesg and should be there on boot.
>>> Since my SD reader is bundled with a 
>>> Sony MemoryStick reader I see them both coming up
>>> when I plug in the SD Card.
>>> The MS umass shows first on sd0 even if empty so the
>>> SD gets pushed to sd1.
>>> Should I somehow MAKEDEV sd1?
>>> I presumed it to be there?
>>> Is this maybe a different issue all together?
>>> Thanks for all the help!
>> I'm not sure about the exact problem that you are trying to solve.
>Are you trying to boot the SD card with FDE on it? Do you get to the
>first boot prompt? Some output would be helpful to get a better
>understanding, ideally a dmesg. In my eperience, the bootloader can
>communicate with sd1 and higher numbers, and the install should come
>with device files for /dev/sd1 and a little higher.
>> If additional device entries are needed, just do:
>> # cd /dev && sh MAKEDEV 
>> ... but I doubt that's your problem.

That makes sense - I missed the part in your initial email about it being the 
keydisk. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with how bootloader/bioctl access a 
keydisk. Does the SD card reader work otherwise?

It's a hardware question, so your chances for someone recognizing a solution 
still increase dramatically if you share a dmesg...

Re: [PATCH] Remove "Multibooting" in FAQ

2019-04-06 Thread
On April 6, 2019 5:01:17 PM UTC, Leonid Bobrov  wrote:
>Here's a small story: my boyfriend temporary has a laptop and he's not
>allowed to prune Windows 8.1 from it, so he has to setup dualboot. Also
>he wants OpenBSD part of the disk to be encrypted. And one more thing:
>this laptop doesn't support EFI at all, otherwise dualboot would be
>easy. He did everything according to FAQ both full disk encryption and
>multibooting, but that didn't work, installboot refused to install at
>/dev/sda4 with error "no OpenBSD partition found", he quickly fixed
>issue, but then when he gave PBR, OpenBSD refused to boot, then he
>to give PBR of softraid0 and that lead to a new error after reboot:
>"No active partition", that can't be helped, so he wiped everything
>now thanks to your FAQ he has to reinstall Windows 8.1 which is tedious
>with his slow ISP.
>Conclusion: OpenBSD is not designed to be multibooted, so this section
>of FAQ is obsolete.
>Index: index.html
>RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/index.html,v
>retrieving revision 1.538
>diff -u -p -r1.538 index.html
>--- index.html 26 Feb 2019 23:53:55 -  1.538
>+++ index.html 6 Apr 2019 16:36:14 -
>@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ that are not covered in the FAQ.
> Disk Partitioning
>Sending Your dmesg After the
>Customizing the Install
> System Management
>Index: faq4.html
>RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/faq4.html,v
>retrieving revision 1.527
>diff -u -p -r1.527 faq4.html
>--- faq4.html  26 Feb 2019 23:53:55 -  1.527
>+++ faq4.html  6 Apr 2019 16:36:14 -
>@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ FAQ - Installation Guide
>   Disk Partitioning
>   Sending Your dmesg After the Install
>   Customizing the Install Process
>-  Multibooting
>@@ -517,96 +516,3 @@ Example usage:
> write to this file).
> At boot time, rc.firsttime is executed once then deleted.
>-Multibooting is having several operating systems on one computer, with
>-means of selecting which OS is to boot.
>-You may want to familiarize yourself with the
>-OpenBSD boot process before you
>-A brief introduction to href="";>fdisk(8)
>-is in the section on using OpenBSD's
>-If you are adding OpenBSD to an existing system, you will probably
>need to
>-create some free space before installing OpenBSD.
>-In addition to your existing system's native tools,
>-may be useful for deleting or resizing existing partitions.
>-Preferably use one of the four primary MBR partitions for booting
>-Extended partitions may not work.
>-Boot Loaders
>-On Macs,";>rEFInd should
>work out
>-of the box.
>-You can set up dual booting with
>-";>GRUB 2 as follows.
>-Assuming OpenBSD is installed on the fourth MBR partition (fdisk
>partition 3) of
>-the first hard disk hd0, append the following to
>-menuentry "OpenBSD" {
>-  set root=(hd0,4)
>-  chainloader +1
>-Then regenerate the GRUB 2 configuration file,
>-On Debian-based distros, you should run update-grub.
>-Otherwise, do
>-# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>-See the
>-GRUB 2 manual or
>-for more information.
>-The Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store allows multiple versions of
>-to be booted through bcdedit.
>-A good introduction can be found in
>-this article.
>-If you want a GUI alternative, you may want to try
>-You will need a copy of your OpenBSD install's
>-Partition Boot Record (PBR).
>-You can copy it to a file using a process similar to:
>-# dd if=/dev/rsd0a of=openbsd.pbr bs=512 count=1
>-where sd0a is your boot device, and you will need to get
>-file openbsd.pbr to your Windows system partition.
>-Once OpenBSD's PBR is copied to the Windows system partition, you need
>a shell
>-with administrative privileges to run the following commands:
>-C:\Windows\system32> bcdedit /create /d "OpenBSD/i386" /application
>-The entry {0154a872-3d41-11de-bd67-a7060316bbb1} was successfully
>-C:\Windows\system32> bcdedit /set
>{0154a872-3d41-11de-bd67-a7060316bbb1} device boot
>-The operation completed successfully.
>-C:\Windows\system32> bcdedit /set
>{0154a872-3d41-11de-bd67-a7060316bbb1} path \openbsd.pbr
>-The operation completed successfully.
>-C:\Windows\system32> bcdedit /set
>{0154a872-3d41-11de-bd67-a7060316bbb1} device partition=c:
>-The o

Re: Code of Conduct location

2019-04-28 Thread
On April 28, 2019 10:47:25 AM UTC, Strahil Nikolov  
>Well, the link gives enough info.
>Did anyone test the html to plaintext reformat option?
>Sadly my phone apps do not support plain text (maybe someone can
>recoomend one for Android).

K9 mail on Android supports plaintext (account settings -> message format). 
This is how I'm typing this email.

You can also run most of the usual Unix tools like mutt via termux if that 
happens to be your thing.

Re: Xorg splitting physical output into halves

2019-05-01 Thread
On April 29, 2019 6:51:30 PM UTC, Benny  wrote:
>I am planning an openbsd arm AR glasses setup. Is it possible for Xorg
>to split an output into two, which I can use xrandr to mirror them?
>I have tried fakeXrandr which creates virtual monitors that can't be
>mirrored. Xephyr is not accelerated and I can't see a way to setup two
>ouput with it.

I'm not sure why use the whole of Xorg, rather than a window/fullscreen with 
what you actually would want to display.

VR applications may or may not be useful for your genus. The Arcan project may 
interest you, as it has both some VR components, and the developer has tested 
and documented setup on OpenBSD (
The most promising open-source VR framework is OpenHMD. It runs on OpenBSD, but 
currently requires disabling the uhid driver of the VR headset in order to work 
with Oculus, Vive, WMR etc. You could try it out with the port draft here:

Re: xbox 360 wireless controller on amd64 working?

2019-05-06 Thread
On May 6, 2019 8:55:41 PM UTC, Wolfgang Pfeiffer  wrote:
>Hi all
>  Has anyone actually tried to use that controller on a fresh or older
>OpenBSD? If yes: successful?
>  I found hints in the 6.5 ports tree relating to that controller (and
>the sdl2 package seems to be part of the regular packages tree, too)
>Strongest hints at:
>.. ports/devel/sdl2/pkg/README:
>$OpenBSD: README,v 1.2 2018/09/04 12:46:11 espie Exp $
>| Customizing ${PKGSTEM} gamecontroller layout on OpenBSD
>The mapping for SDL2's gamecontroller API is currently based on a
>It defaults to:
>"none,X360 Wireless
>A custom mapping can be used via the SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG env var.
>that the first value (for guid) should be 'none' and the second one can
>be any
>name under which SDL2 will list the gamecontroller device.
>Example mapping (for Logitech Dual Action gamepad):
>$ export
>Thanks in anticipation,
>  Wolfgang

Sorry, wireless won't work without a Bluetooth implementation.

The reason why this admittedly misleading gamepad name is in the sdl2 README is 
that this is what was in the example for the SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG 
environment variable that I found elsewhere at the time.

A _wired_ XBox 360 gamepad works, however.