[mochikit] Re: problem with getElementPosition

2007-12-02 Thread Beau Hartshorne


getElementPosition works for most simple cases. In general, the more  
complicated the CSS is, the less reliable it is. We'd need to see a  
very simple test to see what the problem is, and even then, I'm not  
sure if we could work around it.


On 1-Dec-07, at 7:11 PM, Felipe Alcacibar B wrote:

 I'm creating a dinamic menu Object with MochiKit all works fine, but
 in getElementPostition i got some troubles with the position that it
 gives to me.

 i'm using the follow html structure to cerate the menu.

  li style=float: left !-- to use a horizontal menu  --
menu 1
div style=position:absolute
 li menu 1-1/li

 But getElementPosition gives me a position like the childs divs is not
 hided, and like a vertical list (without the float: left option).

 it is a bug or a bad use of the function?

 i got some example  in http://devel.tryer.cl/fullplanet/ab/ 
 i explain it.

 the a alerts, it is to stop a compiler to see how is the position of
 the li curernt element.
 the red divs, are appedned to the body with de x and y coordinates
 gived from geElementPosition.

 acknowledged greetings.

 Felipe Alcacibar.
 Development of systems and solutions.


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[mochikit] Re: setOpacity, MSIE and tr

2007-11-08 Thread Beau Hartshorne


Thanks for this -- would you mind creating a ticket in trac with your  


On 8-Nov-07, at 7:39 AM, Felipe Alcacibar B wrote:

 Hi, i am a happy user of MochiKit, well, i need to apply opacity
 filter to a tr element, (table row) but it works in firefox and do not
 work on MSIE, i cannot understand why, then when i read the msfn, i
 got it, the problem is the opacity filter does not work on tr
 elements, and then i made some modifications to a setOpacity function,
 i post it, maybe can be useful.

setOpacity: function (elem, o) {
elem = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem);
var self = MochiKit.Style;

 == tr) {
   var cellTags = ['TD', 'td', 'th', 'TH'];
   while( cellTag = cellTags.shift()) {
   if(cellsList = 
 elem.getElementsByTagName(cellTag)) {
   } else {
   if (o == 1) {
   var toSet = /Gecko/.test(navigator.userAgent) 
   elem.style[opacity] = toSet ? 0.99 : 1.0;
   if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
   elem.style['filter'] =
 'filter').replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi, '');
   } else {
   if (o  0.1) {
   o = 0;
   elem.style[opacity] = o;
   if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
   elem.style['filter'] =
 'filter').replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi, '') +
 'alpha(opacity=' + o * 100 + ')';



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[mochikit] Re: Mochikit preventDefault() example don't work

2007-11-05 Thread Beau Hartshorne

That sounds like a browser problem. Some keyboard event's can't be  


On 5-Nov-07, at 10:27 AM, Rodrigo Avila wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to use the Mochikit example (http://www.mochikit.com/doc/
 html/MochiKit/Signal.html) in 4 browsers: Safari, Opera, Firefox e IE
 (all in Windows Vista). But the Check this box to test
 preventDefault() in your browser checkbox don't work for F1 key in IE
 and Safari (when I hit F1 with the checkbox checked, the help screen
 appears). Someone can talk me how I can make this work?


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[mochikit] Re: window onclick doesn't work in IE

2007-10-19 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 19-Oct-07, at 2:30 AM, Olli Wang wrote:

 Hi, I just tried:

 connect(window, 'onclick', function () {alert('test')})

 When I click on the window I should get an alert message. But it works
 fine on Fx, Safari and Opera, but not in IE 6 and IE 7. What's wrong
 about this function for IE? Any help would be appreciated.

Olli, try connecting to the document object. That might do what you  
want. So:

connect(document, 'onclick', function () {alert('test')})


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[mochikit] Re: event.target missing

2007-09-27 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 26-Sep-07, at 10:59 PM, hzlabs wrote:

 But what i did expect was, that when i send a signal to the target via
 signal function - myImg in your example - the event object e
 contain both e.target() (myImg) and e.src() (myP). The later as
 DOM element the function is connected to the event, target as the
 element the signal was sent to..


This looks useful. I'd encourage you to try to modify Signal to make  
it work the way you'd like, and submit a code patch to http:// 
trac.mochikit.com/. If it looks OK, I'll commit the change to MochiKit.

Thank you!

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[mochikit] Re: Where to start with google-map like thing

2007-09-13 Thread Beau Hartshorne

 I'm really new to javascript and Mochikit, but with python
 experience.  I have been playing a bit with Mochikit, but I haven't
 quite gotten the knack of it yet.

 I would like to display a relatively large image in pieces with user
 interaction (simple scrolling of the image).  I can leave the AJAX
 stuff out for now.  I just want to load the image and be able to grab
 is and move it up and down in a window.  Any suggestions about what
 pieces I should look at to accomplish the task?


Have a look at MochiKit.Signal and MochiKit.Style. When you're ready
for the AJAX, look at MochiKit.Async. The doc index is here:


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[mochikit] Re: Activity

2007-08-18 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 18-Aug-07, at 8:44 AM, Lee Connell wrote:

 Mochikit hasn't seen any activity in the revision history at least
 since 06, is mochikit fading?

We're pretty busy with our own projects, and haven't had much time to  
tag a release. /trunk is very stable, and is updated with features  
and bugfixes regularly:


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[mochikit] Re: signals, onload, maybe too late?

2007-08-17 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 14-Aug-07, at 8:34 AM, csnyder wrote:

 The standard way to solve this problem seems to be implementing your
 own ondomload event. Perhaps this is something to be included in
 future versions of MochiKit (I'm using 1.3) as it would certainly make
 JavaScript suck less.

 Here's my hack implementation as a basic example. It requires a p
 class=bottom/p at the end of the document, right before

 // signal ondomload when body element has loaded
 // loosely based on http://brothercake.com/site/resources/scripts/ 
 ondomloadTries = 0;
 ondomloadDelay = 500;
 ondomloadInterval = setInterval( function() {
   if ( ondomloadTries = 12) {
 log(Too many ondomload tries, something went wrong.);
 clearInterval( ondomloadInterval );
   bodies = getElementsByTagAndClassName('p', 'bottom');
   log(Looking for body,ondomloadTries,bodies);
   if ( bodies.length  0 ) {
 log(signal ondomload!);
 try {
 catch ( e ) {
 clearInterval( ondomloadInterval );
 }, ondomloadDelay );

I haven't looked into this recently, but I was never happy with the  
way the ondomload stuff was implemented. In my code, I tend to do  
just add a script tag just before /body. So in this case, you'd  
do something like:

script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8



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[mochikit] Re: Intercept Form Submit

2007-08-03 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 27-Jul-07, at 9:45 AM, Karl Guertin wrote:

 What is the most efficient way to intercept a form submit event?
 onsubmit in the form tag?  onclick on the submit button?  Make  
 of the connect function?  Something else?  Additionally, I would
 prefer that this method fail in a way that allowed for a normal  
 to occur if JavaScript were disabled.

  console.log(e); //see what's in the Signal event if you don't know
  return false; //prevent form submission

return false; doesn't do anything here, this should look like:

 console.log(e); // see what's in the Signal event if you don't know
 e.stop(); // prevent form submission


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[mochikit] Re: MochiKit Development

2007-07-18 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 18-Jul-07, at 1:42 PM, machineghost wrote:

 But Mochikit is a WONDERFUL library.  It's better than any other JS
 library I've worked with, and I've tried a few.  So I (and I imagine,
 many others in the Mochikit community) would like to be able to user
 the library with confidence that doing so will not screw me in the
 end.  This is why I believe active development is important for
 Mochikit (as it is for any non-for-profit software library).

I think you can rely on us to fix MochiKit problems we experience  
with our commercial software. There's not much overhead for you to  
isolate and fix problems in JavaScript. I don't think it's  
unreasonable to ask that you just submit a patch if you find  
something broken or lacking. If the patch is good, it's likely we'll  
apply it to MochiKit pretty quickly.


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[mochikit] Re: __disconnect__ (analog to __connect__)

2007-05-25 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Hi Lalo,

Could you submit this as a trac ticket with the patch?


On 20-May-07, at 1:11 PM, Lalo Martins wrote:


 Straight to the point: I'd like to make a case for a __disconnect__
 interface, like __connect__.

 My use case is: I have a small library that wraps Google, Yahoo, etc
 maps.  I'm very happy that I don't need to listen for events I don't
 need; I can call GEvent.bind() or its analogue on the __connect__
 method.  But I never unlisten, since there is no __disconnect__.
 (Actually, I did an ugly hack on the event handler to check if the  
 is disconnected, but that's not quite ideal.)

 Patch follows:
 --- MochiKit/Signal.js  (revision 1292)
 +++ MochiKit/Signal.js  (working copy)
 @@ -695,11 +695,14 @@
  ident.connected = false;
 +var src = ident.source;
  // check isDOM
  if (!ident.isDOM) {
 +if(typeof(src.__disconnect__) == 'function') {
 -var src = ident.source;
  var sig = ident.signal;
  var listener = ident.listener;

Lalo Martins
   So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
then they seem improbable, and then, when we
summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
 GNU: never give up freedom http://www.gnu.org/


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[mochikit] Re: Disabling the tab Key

2007-05-09 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 9-May-07, at 12:13 PM, MikeC wrote:

 I'm starting to think Opera has a bug that prevents you from disabling
 the default action of the tab key. I found the following excerpt in an
 Opera-related forum called Dev Opera which seems to agree with my

This makes sense. Thank you for looking into this. If this is a  
critical feature and Opera is a critical browser, I'd suggest you  
look at another way to address your use case.

Good luck!


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[mochikit] Re: Disabling the tab Key

2007-05-08 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 8-May-07, at 11:47 AM, MikeC wrote:

 The following script disables the tab key (and all other keys for that
 matter) in Firefox, but doesn't disable the tab key in Opera 9.2 nor
 in IE 6.0. Can someone explain to me how to write javascript that
 would disable the tab key in all three browsers? Thanks in advance.


 script type='text/javascript' src='MochiKit.js'

 form name=TheForm
   input type='text' name='text1'/
   input type='text' name='text2'/


 script type='text/javascript'
   function MisterKeyPress(e)
   connect(self.document.TheForm.text1,  'onkeypress',
   connect(self.document.TheForm.text2,  'onkeypress',


Have you tried 'onkeydown' instead of 'onkeypress'?


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[mochikit] Re: Disabling the tab Key

2007-05-08 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 8-May-07, at 3:15 PM, MikeC wrote:

 Your suggestion produced the following results.

 - Firefox and IE 6.0 - all key presses seem to be DISabled
 -Opera 9.2 - all key presses seem to be ENabled

 So you seem to have discovered the secret for handling two of my three
 browsers. But how do I disable the tab key in Opera 9.2?

 This is interesting because my boss who is also our system architect
 suggested to use Mochikit because a major design point is that you
 don't really have to struggle very much with differences among the
 many available browsers. But I can see that although this is a goal in
 Mochikit, I can also see that it must be a constant uphill battle to
 achieve this.

In general, use 'onkeypress' handlers for keys that generate visible  
characters, and 'onkeydown' handlers for  invisible characters.

I don't know why Opera won't let you disable the tab key. It'll take  
some trial and error to figure it out. (Have you tried listening on  
window or document instead of on the form field? Have you tried doing  
something like input type=text onkeydown=return false; /?)  
Please let us know what you discover.


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[mochikit] Re: Captuing Key Events

2007-04-15 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 15-Apr-07, at 6:20 PM, briandichiara wrote:

 var actions = Mochikit.connect($('directory'), 'onkeydown',

This should be:
connect('directory', 'onkeydown',

MochiKit.Signal.connect('directory', 'onkeydown',

Signal does the $('directory') for you. You don't need to return  
false from the function. To stop the default behavior, use  
e.preventDefault() instead. If you're just learning MochiKit, it  
might make sense to try something a b


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[mochikit] Re: Captuing Key Events

2007-04-15 Thread Beau Hartshorne

(Resent with the rest of the email...)

On 15-Apr-07, at 6:20 PM, briandichiara wrote:

 var actions = Mochikit.connect($('directory'), 'onkeydown',

This should be:
connect('directory', 'onkeydown',

MochiKit.Signal.connect('directory', 'onkeydown',

Signal does the $('directory') for you. You don't need to return  
false from the function. To stop the default behavior, use  
e.preventDefault() instead. If you're just learning MochiKit, it  
might make sense to try something a bit simpler. Try playing with the  
Signal key examples:


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[mochikit] Re: Captuing Key Events

2007-04-15 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Use e.preventDefault(), like I described in an earlier reply:



On 15-Apr-07, at 8:27 PM, briandichiara wrote:

 Ok, this is now working (sort of), and I think I kinda get it.

 How do I tell this connect to return true of false for the onkeydown
 event? I want to disable some keys in a field. Is this possible?

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[mochikit] Re: MochiKit.Signal and YUI

2007-03-12 Thread Beau Hartshorne

The Signal, native, and YUI APIs should be independent, though I've  
never made time to testing this. Problems might bubble around  
onunload because of MK and YUI's efforts to plug IE memory leaks.

Let us know what problems you run into.


On 12-Mar-07, at 8:16 AM, mills wrote:

 I have been using MochiKit  for short time now, but I'm considering
 using YUI for some of its widgets. Searching this group suggest this
 should not be a problem. However, in the documentation for
 MochiKit.Signal it states: When using MochiKit.Signal, do not use the
 browser's native event API.
 - Why is this constraint there?
 - Given this constraint, is it safe to use both YUI's event handling
 system and MochiKit's?

 Any other comments about successfully using Mochikit and YUI together
 are appreciated.

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[mochikit] Re: What is the mochikit way ?

2007-02-19 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 18-Feb-07, at 9:08 PM, Pearl wrote:

 I am calling a python function in regular intervals repeatedly. For
 this purpose I am using the javascript function

 = setInterval(function, interval)
 To stop this I used
 = clearInterval(function)

 What is the mochikit way of doing the same?

I think this is closest to what you're describing:

var d = null;
someFunction() {
 if (condition) {
 d = callLater(seconds, someFunction[, args]);
d = callLater(seconds, someFunction[, args]);


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[mochikit] Re: Signal Error

2007-02-15 Thread Beau Hartshorne

This should be fixed now. Please try the latest version in trunk.

On 14-Feb-07, at 4:34 AM, Pearl wrote:

 Why is observers not defined runtime error coming? The following is
 the error. How this can be avoided ?

 A runtime error has occurred.

 Line: 4206
 Error: 'length' is null or not an object

 return [+this.NAME+ +this.VERSION+];
 return this.__repr__();
 var self=MochiKit.Signal;
 var _548=self._observers;
 for(var i=0;i_548.length;i++){= error is in this line
 delete self._observers;

 Thanks and Regards


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[mochikit] Re: Combining Dimensions and Coordinates?

2007-02-04 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 3-Feb-07, at 7:20 AM, Arnar Birgisson wrote:

 Yes, I was thinking of something along those lines yesterday. I  
 called it Box.

 I'm attaching a concept patch - that just adds the Box class and a
 few utility functions. Am I on the right track here?

 We could then add convenience stuff for aligning and/or centering
 boxes within other boxes, getting the viewport box etc.

I like Bob's suggestion to make Box a container for Point and  
Coordinates objects. And Rect might be a better name, Box should  
probably be tied to the DOM.


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[mochikit] Re: Combining Dimensions and Coordinates?

2007-02-04 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 4-Feb-07, at 1:38 PM, Arnar Birgisson wrote:

 Ok, I'm fine with Rect. I did put in getDimensions and
 getCoordinates f - do you think that the Rect should have those two
 as attributes directly instead of t, l, h and w?

Yes. The centering and other prototypes are what makes this useful.


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[mochikit] Re: Combining Dimensions and Coordinates?

2007-02-02 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 26-Jan-07, at 5:04 PM, Arnar Birgisson wrote:

 Why two different classes? Why not just use a point to represent size?

 That way, point could have useful prototype methods for some  

I don't know any definitions of the word point that imply a  
dimension. Box might be the right word, but do you have any other ideas?

Anyway, if you create a ticket and submit a patch, this will make it  
into MochiKit.

Thank you,

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[mochikit] Re: Combining Dimensions and Coordinates?

2007-01-26 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 26-Jan-07, at 12:24 AM, Arnar Birgisson wrote:

 Ok, sounds good. Is there any way in js to enforce things like
 b-t=h and r-l=w

 I.e. if the user changes any of these attributes, the others would
 need to be updated to.

 I was actually thinking more in the line of a generic two-dimensional
 vector prototype with attrs {x, y}.

 I think the Box idea is good though, but maybe Box should be {t,r,b,l}
 and have methods like getWidth, getHeight and getSize (which would
 return an instance of the vector thing)?

We can do the b-t = h calculations in the getSize method. So a  
{t,r,b,l} Box with a couple useful prototypes.

Do Coordinates and Dimensions and Box belong in Base? Or is Style OK?  
And why don't we update the names, so Coordinates = Point, and  
Dimensions = Size?


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[mochikit] Re: Combining Dimensions and Coordinates?

2007-01-25 Thread Beau Hartshorne

I'm open to this. We could call it Box. Check here for some  
thoughts on this:

So a Box will define {t, r, b, l, w, h}. Thoughts?


On 25-Jan-07, at 5:18 PM, Arnar Birgisson wrote:

 Hi all,

 I don't know if this has been discussed before, but here goes anyways.

 I was looking to implement some vector operations on the Coordinates
 prototype, such as add/subtract, multiply by factor. If these were to
 be used more in, say, code that generates SVG graphics and canvas
 stuff - I would think adding rotate and a generat matrix
 transformation would be appropriate.

 The thing is that much of this would apply to Dimension objects as
 well. Take the example of centering something. The object's and
 container's size would be dimensions, but we need a Coordinates object
 calculated like this: (containerSize - objSize)/2

 Shouldn't these two really be just a single prototype? Currently
 theire just holders for x,y and w,h properties - but adding some
 methods would certainly in most cases apply to both classes. However,
 since js doesn't have a __getattr__ I can't see a way to do this while
 being backwards compatible.

 Or maybe I'm the only one who sees a need to add any operations on
 those classes?



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[mochikit] Re: Safari 1.3 - 2.0.3 link events

2006-12-05 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Doing a return false; shouldn't hurt anything. Not everyone wants  
to stop onclick events on a tags, so it doesn't make sense to add  
that to Signal. I've added a note about this bug to the docs:


On 5-Dec-06, at 5:37 AM, Juergen Schreck wrote:

 Ok, I've done some more testing with the simplified script:

 a id=one href=#oneone/a
 a id=two href=#twotwo/a

 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
  $('one').onclick=function(){ return false; };

  connect('one', 'onclick', function(e) {

  connect('two', 'onclick', function(e) {

 Basically, rather than adding the onlick attribute in the markup, I
 added it in code. And it works properly with Safari 1.3+ and still
 works with others. The question now becomes if this is some MochiKit
 could/should handle transparently? There's a lot of pre-2.0.4
 Safari's out there...

 I guess it would be an exception in connect for Safari if the source-
 element is an a and the event is 'onclick'.

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[mochikit] Re: Safari 1.3 - 2.0.3 link events

2006-12-04 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 4-Dec-06, at 9:55 PM, Juergen Schreck wrote:

 Found some more info here.


 Given the date of those posts, and the fact that one of my clients
 was running 2.0.3 (the latest official version being 2.0.4) it
 probably was only recently fixed.

 I don't know if this is some MochiKit can/should work around.

Here's a reduced test you can try:

a id=one href=#one onclick=return false;one/a
a id=two href=#twotwo/a

script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
 connect('one', 'onclick', function(e) {

 connect('two', 'onclick', function(e) {

You don't need to return false from the event handlers you call with  
connect, that doesn't do anything. Adding onclick=return false; to  
the a tags shouldn't cause any problems.


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[mochikit] Re: Mochikit.connect memory leak

2006-11-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 29-Nov-06, at 8:50 PM, DJK wrote:

 According to this thread:


 The memory leak in the connect function was fixed in the trunk.  Was
 1.3.1 supposed to include this fix.  I just wrote a simple connect  
 and the memory leak still occurs?  Should connect work in 1.3.1?  Is
 there a patch available?

This is news to me. Can you post a trac ticket with a full example so  
we can reproduce the problem?


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[mochikit] Re: EventMap for Signal?

2006-10-11 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 11-Oct-06, at 3:20 AM, Pablo Montilla wrote:

 Well, its not beautiful but it works.

 It would be better if the selection of elements to be connected were
 done using a function as parameter (so its decoupled, and extensible):

I like the interface. Could you please submit a ticket, and attach  
your code so far?


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[mochikit] Re: Safari key signals

2006-09-18 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 18-Sep-06, at 8:39 AM, koorb wrote:

 It seems that Safari is signalling some onkeydown/up events twice. As
 far as I can tell it's arrow keys, function keys and home/end,  
 delete but not keypad numbers. I hope this is a bug that can be
 resolved quickly too.

 I have tried to connect to currentWindow(), currentDocument(),  
 and window and they are all behaving the same. I don't think it's my
 code as it only happens with certain keys as I said and only in  

Can you please post a minimal example that demonstrates the problem?


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[mochikit] Re: Safari and preventDefault on a tag with href

2006-09-17 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 17-Sep-06, at 7:52 AM, Godefroid Chapelle wrote:

 I want to setup a click event on an a tag where href has a value.

 With Safari, when the click event is added as a listener, even if
 preventDefault is called, the link is followed : this is a  
 documented bug.

 Now there is a workaround for this bug.

 I'd like to submit the patch we have.

 Before proposing the patch, I'd like to know what the practice is in
 Mochikit code to setup this type of workaround that needs to detect
 which browser is running the code.

We try to avoid browser detection if at all possible, but it's been  
easing its way in lately. We don't have a standard set for this yet.  
What's the workaround for this problem?


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[mochikit] Re: Edit in Place with Mochikit

2006-09-06 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 6-Sep-06, at 6:23 AM, andrei wrote:

 Is there a possibility to achieve the same edit in place functionality
 as in http://tool-man.org/examples/edit-in-place.html
 with Mochikit?

Yes, though we don't have any examples that demonstrate something  
like this.


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[mochikit] Re: add JSONP to Async

2006-09-06 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Hey, thanks for sending this in! Could you please attach your code to  
the ticket for this feature request:

Even more helpful would be a SVN diff against the trunk. Bob and  
Thomas know Async much better than I do, and I think it's best to  
keep everyone's comments together in the ticket.


On 5-Sep-06, at 10:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wrote code for JSONP to Async.

 http://rails2u.com/misc/MochiKitAsyncJSONP/ (DEMO)

 DEMO is able to get JSON from del.icio.us by JSONP.

 DEMO's Implementation example code is like this.
 var d = sendJSONPRequest('http://del.icio.us/feeds/json/' +
 $('uid').value, 'callback');
 d.addCallback(function(json) {
 replaceChildNodes($('result'), UL(null, map(function(data) {
 return UL(null, A({href: data.u}, data.d));
 }, json)));
 // --

 sendJSONPrequest is MochiKit.Async's function.
 - sendJSONPRequest(url, callback_query, timeout/* = 30 */, _options/*
 optional */)

 sendJSONPRequest's first arguments is JSON url.
  example: http://del.icio.us/feeds/json/gorou

 second arguments is query callback params name.
 If del.icio.us's API callback name is 'callback'.

 third arguments is request timeout second.
 If over timeout second. call errback. But don't work opera...
 Opera's element.appendChild(script) don't ASYNC.

 forth arguments is script element attributes.
 sendJSONPRequest(url, callback_query, timeout, {
   charset: 'utf-8'

 If you like AsynJSON.js, please Fetch in AsyncJSON.js's code to

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[mochikit] Re: API extension for setElementPosition and setElementDimensions

2006-09-06 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 5-Sep-06, at 4:31 AM, Marc Boeren wrote:

 If I just want to change the x-position or the height of an element, I
 can't use the setElementPosition/Dimensions function. How about an API
 extension where you can pass null for an argument and that argument
 will not be updated? (another option would be to add setElementHeight
 and setElementWidth).

 Simple usage example in an onresize handler:

{w:null, h: getViewportDimensions().h});

 Implementation (based on current setElementPosition):

 setElementPosition = function (elem, newPos/* optional */, units) {
 elem = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem);
 if (typeof(units) == 'undefined') {
 units = 'px';
 var style = {};
 if (newPos.x!==null) style.left = newPos.x + units;
 if (newPos.y!==null) style.top = newPos.y + units;
 MochiKit.DOM.updateNodeAttributes(elem, {'style': style});

 Same for setElementDimension.

 I can supply a patch if anyone is interested.

What about sending objects with just one or the other dimension, like  

 setElementDimensions(elem, {h: 123});

instead of:

 setElementDimensions(elem, {w: null, h: 123});


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[mochikit] Re: API extension for setElementPosition and setElementDimensions

2006-09-06 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 6-Sep-06, at 1:55 AM, Arnar Birgisson wrote:

 I'd also like to see relative versions of those functions, would help
 with custom dragging and resizing. I.e. adjustElementPosition(el, {x:
 0, y: -10}) would move the element 10pxls up.

 Not to be pushy, but I'd also like to see add and subtract member
 functions on the dimension and coordinates objects.

 Now, this:
 var delta = new MochiKit.DOM.Coordinates(e.mouse().page.x - lastpos.x,
  e.mouse().page.y -  
 lastpos = e.mouse().page;
 currelpos = elementPosition(pi.firstChild);
 var newpos = new MochiKit.DOM.Coordinates(currelpos.x + delta.x,
   currelpos.y + delta.y);
 setElementPosition(pi.firstChild, newpos);

 would be reduced to this:
 var delta = e.mouse().page.subtract(lastpos);
 lastpos = e.mouse().page;
 adjustElementPosition(pi.firstChild, delta);

 I'd be happy to provide patches for this if anyone else has use for  

Sounds reasonable, if you have a patch please do it against trunk and  
attach it to a trac ticket:


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[mochikit] Re: Instant Modifiers?

2006-09-06 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 6-Sep-06, at 1:43 PM, Juergen Schreck wrote:

 Is there a [crossbrowser (FF,IE,Safari) ] way to capture modifiers
 instantly, rather than via onkeypress? In my application I'd like to
 capture when alt was pressed during a mousedrag. This works of course
 as soon as the mouse is moved 'after' the key was pressed. But assume
 the mouse was not moving and the alt key was pressed. Is there a way
 to capture that?

Could you set up a separate onkeydown handler that looks for the alt  


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[mochikit] Re: Instant Modifiers?

2006-09-06 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 6-Sep-06, at 4:28 PM, Juergen Schreck wrote:

 I could, if it made a difference. 'onkeydown' doesn't fire if only a
 modfier key is pressed. This is exactly my problem.

I understand how what you're looking for would be useful, but I don't  
know how to coerce a browser to do this, and MochiKit does not try to  
solve this problem. Please let us know what you find!


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[mochikit] Re: Bug in MochiKit.DOM ???

2006-08-30 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 30-Aug-06, at 6:10 AM, Zachery Bir wrote:

 Maybe, *shrug*, every Javascript reference I've seen points out that
 css style attributes need to be camel cased. Just because they're in
 quotes here doesn't strike me as obviating that. It's still in
 Javascript source. :^)

computedStyle('background-color', 'red') is valid in MochiKit 1.4.  
computedStyle('backgroundColor', 'red') works too, but I like the  
first form. It makes sense for us to note the discrepancy or adjust  
other MochiKit functions to accept either. backgroundColor is an  
artifact of the native DOM API, not JavaScript.


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[mochikit] Re: disconnecting all signals to an object

2006-08-30 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 29-Aug-06, at 4:25 PM, Jaime Cham wrote:

 It seems that it's a useful usage to disconnect all signals going  
 TO an
 object. For example, when the an object that connects itself to  
 signals or events is destroyed, in order to ensure correct recovery of
 the memory it would want to disconnect itself.

 I use the following extra code for MochiKit.Async:

 MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Async, {
   disconnectAllTo: function (objOrFunc, funcOrStr /* optional */) {
   if (typeof(objOrFunc) != 'object') {
   throw new Error(need to specify a receving object);
 var self = MochiKit.Signal;
 var observers = self._observers;
   var i = 0;
   while (i  observers.length) {
   var ident = observers[i];
   if (ident[4] == objOrFunc
(typeof(funcOrStr) == 'undefined'
   || ident[5] == funcOrStr)
   ) {
   observers.splice(i, 1);
 disconnectAllTo = MochiKit.Async.disconnectAllTo;

 Is there already a different way of doing this? or am I violating some
 signal/slot design principle?

I can see how this would be useful. It probably belongs to Signal,  
not Async. Could you please submit a ticket asking to include this,  
and attach your code as a .js file?


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[mochikit] Re: .Cookie or .Storage?

2006-08-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 28-Aug-06, at 11:49 AM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

 Sounds like a good idea. Generalized storage would be fine by me, but
 only if the representation is JSON. It would be nice if the cookie
 storage could tell you (by exception or true/false return value) if
 said data didn't fit in a cookie for whatever reason.

How does this API look:


   key, value
   or {key: value, key1: value1, ...}
   or [[key, value], [key1, value1]]
) - throws when full or unavailable

MochiKit.Storage.destroy(key) - delete()s the key.

MochiKit.Storage.expires(date) - defaults to discard when browser  
session is over. Makes sense for Cookies, but what about FormStorage  
or some other technique?

MochiKit.Storage.setProvider(string) - defaults to Cookie.




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[mochikit] Re: Bug in MochiKit.DOM ???

2006-08-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 29-Aug-06, at 2:07 PM, Zachery Bir wrote:

 I just figured it out. One must use the camel case notation for the
 attribute lists. It would perhaps help to mention that in the  
 doco. :p

 You're in Javascript, not CSS. Put it in a .css file, or use
 Javascript notation for style declarations.

I don't think it's necessarily clear that you should use camelCase  
there. mirage, what should the docs say? Could you open a ticket with  
your suggested clarification? Just an example using {'style':  
{'backgroundColor': 'red'}} might be enough.


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[mochikit] Re: Queue, AsyncQueue, and Stack

2006-08-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 29-Aug-06, at 3:42 PM, paul wrote:

 Sure- ticket #170.

Browsers are all over the place, I don't know if it's worth re- 
implementing this. The numbers don't seem to be as good on Mac and  
Windows (ran several times each, took the median time):

  q = new Queue(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ q.put(i); q.get(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1
  a = new Array(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ a.push(i); a.shift(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1

FF Mac:
  q = new Queue(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ q.put(i); q.get(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1
  a = new Array(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ a.push(i); a.shift(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1

IE 6:
  q = new Queue(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ q.put(i); q.get(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1
  a = new Array(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ a.push(i); a.shift(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1

FF Win:
  q = new Queue(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ q.put(i); q.get(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1
  a = new Array(); t1 = new Date(); for (i = 0; i  1; i++)  
{ a.push(i); a.shift(); }; t2 = new Date(); t2 - t1

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[mochikit] .Cookie or .Storage?

2006-08-28 Thread Beau Hartshorne

I'd like to add a nice Cookie interface to MochiKit. Working with  
them manually sucks, but they're important for Ajax applications.  
Should we make it a submodule of some kind of Storage component that  
may or may not grow other persistence options?


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[mochikit] Re: playing with canvas and mochikit

2006-08-15 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 15-Aug-06, at 2:15 AM, Lawrence Oluyede wrote:

 What do you mean by... then it works! ? You get the actual drawing
 at the exact point you start the onmousedown event and to the exact
 point you stop with onmouseup event?

 Which Firefox version are you using? I tried with Firefox 1.5 on
 Ubuntu and MacOSX, with Opera9 on Ubuntu and with Camino on MacOSX.
 Only Safari seems to handle it correctly.

I think the problem isn't the JavaScript code, it's the HTML that  
includes the JavaScript. Instead of:

 script type=text/javascript src=MochiKit.js /


 script type=text/javascript src=MochiKit.js/script


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[mochikit] Re: Signal connecting to multiple elements

2006-08-02 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 2-Aug-06, at 1:38 PM, Eoghan Murray wrote:

 Yes, you are right, this is the most elegant and efficient way of  
 doing it.
 There's some cases where it can't be used though, such as focus and  
 blur events which don't bubble.
 I suppose this doesn't constitute a big enough use case to  
 implement it.
 I wonder if the general pattern would be a good one for MochiKit  
 though (of mapping/expanding lists when single elements are expected).
 I suspect the answer is a swift 'no'!

I think most functions do something smart with lists, and connect/ 
disconnect would probably benefit from this. If you think they should  
support this, please submit a feature request in trac:

Anyone else need this functionality?


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[mochikit] Re: MochiKit.Signal and Notification Center API

2006-08-02 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 24-Jul-06, at 3:09 PM, Giulio Cesare Solaroli wrote:

 I have start using the MochiKit.Signal module and I have really  
 liked it.

 With Signal it is very easy to decouple the caller code from the  
 called code.

 But I really miss an option available under (MacOSX's) Foundation
 NSNotificationCenter: the ability to listen ('connect' in the
 MochiKit.Signal lessic) to a given event, whatever object may notify
 (aka 'signal') it.

 This will allow an even greater flexibility in how you can arrange the
 code, as it will be possible to bind a listener to a notifier even
 before having created the later.

 Is there any obvious reason this extended semantic has not been
 implemented that I am missing? If no special complains are raised, I
 would like to try to extend the Signal module in order to accept a
 null src parameter in the connect method.

I think this is a good idea. Please give it a shot, and attach your  
code to a new trac ticket. We'll review it and get it in there if it  
looks good.


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[mochikit] Re: Is anyone working on autocomplete for MochiKit?

2006-08-01 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 1-Aug-06, at 7:07 AM, Thomas Hervé wrote:

 As you seem to have spotted, Controls.js is not supported at all. It's
 here by accident, and there're very few chances that it'll be in the
 next MochiKit release, or even in a release one day.

 Bob would be a better judge, but I don't think autocomplete/ajax  
 is a feature suited for MochiKit.

 For now, there are no docs, no examples, and no maintainer for this
 file. There's a lot of work needed for removing Prototype stuff and
 using MochiKit instead. Every volunteer are welcome, though :).

I agree with Thomas, I don't think widgets of any sort belong in  
MochiKit itself.


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[mochikit] Re: packing mochikit

2006-08-01 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 1-Aug-06, at 5:41 PM, Tim Stebbing wrote:

 Just after some thoughts about more compact mochikit.js building. I
 had a vague idea that if we could write a script that would generate a
 dependency graph for all functions
 in mochikit, then you could specify the functions your application
 uses, and generate a packed mochikit.js with only the modules and
 functions + dependencies your application requires.. about as small as
 you could possibly get.


Dojo is working on something like this. They've got a JavaScript  
linker in the works via Google's Summer of Code:

If you'd like to help out, try getting in touch with Satish. I'm  
looking forward to the results of this work.


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[mochikit] Re: Is anyone working on autocomplete for MochiKit?

2006-07-31 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 31-Jul-06, at 8:27 AM, GHUM wrote:

 (event handling onkeypress is not working with MochiKit.Signal,  
 attribute-Access to event-object)

Signal should work. What's wrong with it? Can you post a complete  


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[mochikit] Re: Is anyone working on autocomplete for MochiKit?

2006-07-31 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 31-Jul-06, at 10:04 AM, Harald Armin Massa wrote:

 Signal works beautifully. The problem sits within the Controls.js:


 There is no event.keyString within MochiKit.Signal, that should  
 be event.key().string; and there is also no KEY_RETURN, that is  
 called KEY_ENTER .

 So I started debugging Controls.js from the SVN Head, which is  
 there by Error as I found from this group. :)

I'm not too familiar with that code, but keyString is definitely  
wrong. I've committed a fix:

If you find any other problems like this, please submit a bug or let  
us know on the list.


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[mochikit] Re: Is there any problem with having many connects on a page?

2006-07-31 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 31-Jul-06, at 10:53 AM, Jorge Godoy wrote:

 Could you take a look at it?  Is my code wrong?  Should I adopt a  
 approach to the problem? :-)

 I'm really willing to go on with this part of the code (even though  
 working on different parts simultaneously, this is pending on my  

Hi Jorge,

If you used native browser events to connect to a lot of elements,  
your page would probably slow to a crawl as well. I don't think your  
code or Signal are introducing any other problems on top of this one.

A solution to your problem might be to connect() at a higher level  
for an event, say on document or window. From there, you can see  
where it came from (http://mochikit.com/doc/html/MochiKit/ 
Signal.html#fn-target). Something like this *should* work in your  
situation, but you'll need to write and test the code to be sure.


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[mochikit] Re: Is anyone working on autocomplete for MochiKit?

2006-07-31 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 31-Jul-06, at 1:04 PM, Harald Armin Massa wrote:

 thank you very much! The other bug in those lines ist:

 KEY_RETURN should be KEY_ENTER, because Return and Enter both  
 create KEY_ENTER events.

Hmm, I'd need to take a closer look at that one. Some browsers do  
make the distinction. When I get some more time, I'll take a close  
look at all of that code.


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[mochikit] Re: Favorite JavaScript books?

2006-07-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 29-Jul-06, at 12:35 PM, Kevin Dangoor wrote:

 I've just finished my first draft chapter about MochiKit for the
 TurboGears book. The book seeks to give a Python programmer enough
 grounding to use JavaScript and MochiKit effectively but leaves out
 *lots* of detail about JavaScript that people might be interested in.
 I like to suggest a JavaScript book or two for people who want more

 Are there any favorite books that you've read?

I read most of the 4th edition of the rhino book to learn JS. It was  
very good. The updated 5th edition will be released next month:


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[mochikit] Re: Trapping Safari's ENTER key

2006-07-27 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 26-Jul-06, at 11:04 PM, chris feldmann wrote:

 Pigmeu, I thank you for your report.

 Beau, do you concur?

I'd like to check Safari's bugzilla to see if this has been reported  
there. If it is, I'd like to refer to it from MochiKit's docs. If  
it's not, I'll need to make a reduced test case and then refer to it  
from MochiKit's docs. Has anyone found this in bugzilla?


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[mochikit] Re: Trapping Safari's ENTER key

2006-07-25 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 25-Jul-06, at 10:35 AM, chris feldmann wrote:

 I am trying to disable form submission on enter keydown. This snippet
 works on every platform except safai, which even does the visual
 submit press animation cue and then submits. Is there some secret
 sauce for safari's enter key?

 connect( window, onload, function(){
 connect( document, onkeydown, function( e ){
 var key = e.key();
 for( p in key ){
 logDebug( p +  :  + key[p] );
 if( key.code == 13 || key.code == 3 ){

 return false;

 } );

Hi Chris,

Try looking for key.string == 'KEY_ENTER'. If that doesn't work,  
please post a full example for me to play with.


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[mochikit] Re: Is there any problem with having many connects on a page?

2006-07-25 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 25-Jul-06, at 5:30 PM, Jorge Godoy wrote:

 Here it is.  You'll just have to fix the path to the packed version of
 MochiKit.  This is just multiplying each numeric value by 3.

 I've just made a few simplifications from my real case (where my  
 for loop
 iterates of a JSON result containing data that will be turned into  
 table rows
 instead of generating a loop with known indexes), but kept the  
 structure of
 everything else.

I don't think you can attach anything to list posts. Could you please  
submit a trac ticket with an attachment?


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[mochikit] Re: Event propagation question

2006-07-19 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 19-Jul-06, at 7:26 AM, Chris Nokleberg wrote:

 In this particular case there is grandparent-parent-child. The child
 and the grandparent both need to handle the event, but because the
 child is handling it the parent should ignore it. There's no way to
 make the event skip over the parent so the current hack is to just
 set a property and have code in the parent to ignore it. The
 grandparent is in a completely separate library/module so a custom
 event wouldn't work (unless I constructed an event object that looked
 just like a normal mousedown).


How would you handle this with native browser events?


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[mochikit] Re: Is there any problem with having many connects on a page?

2006-07-19 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 19-Jul-06, at 7:02 AM, Jorge Godoy wrote:

 I'm generating some tables for data input and I'd like to perform one
 calculation automatically, so I'd connect all inputs from one  
 column to an
 onchange event (using MochiKit.Signal, of course).

 If I have something like 1000 rows on this table, would having 1000  
 be too much?  Is there a better way to make this automatic?  (I'd  
 like to
 avoid having to press a button to perform the calculation, but if  
 there's no
 way this is what I'll implement...)

 This will be running mainly on Firefox (Linux and Windows) and  
 Explorer (Windows).  Machines are reasonably fine and running  
 Windows XP
 (there's one with an updated version of IE running Windows 98, but  
 because of other software, I believe it would run XP just fine.).

You should probably be fine. That said, test it with say 5,000 rows  
and see what happens, especially in IE. Firefox is not immune though,  
you should test it thoroughly too. If this breaks somehow, please  
open a new Trac ticket and attach your test case.

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[mochikit] Re: Back, Forward best practice

2006-07-05 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 5-Jul-06, at 2:37 AM, elio wrote:

 I would like start to add the  management  of back, forward keys after
 looking few  ways, (may be in the next week/s).
 Is there any intenction to make a Mochikit module or to follow a  
 way for all people that made Mochikit choice?

Signal will help with arrow keys (see http://mochikit.com/examples/ 
key_events/index.html), but MochiKit doesn't have any modules that  
interact with browser history.

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[mochikit] Re: Input Mask

2006-07-05 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 5-Jul-06, at 3:48 AM, Jorge Godoy wrote:

 Is there some easy way to implement an input mask with MochiKit  
 or is there
 some other library around that plays nice with MochiKit and adds this
 functionality?  Restricting what chars may be input would be nice,  
 but I'm
 more concerned with formatting the input field.

No, there's no input mask abstraction in MochiKit. You could easily  
write one with Signal's key support:

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[mochikit] Re: new design of site is cool

2006-06-21 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 21-Jun-06, at 7:03 AM, troels knak-nielsen wrote:

 [loading index…] stays. As does [...]
 I admit it - I'm using IE, but still don't think I deserved that.

I think this might be an older bug. Do you remember IE working  
before? (I reverted on a local copy, and IE was still broken.)

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[mochikit] Re: new design of site is cool

2006-06-21 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 21-Jun-06, at 7:49 AM, chris feldmann wrote:

 [loading index…] stays. As does [...]
 I admit it - I'm using IE, but still don't think I deserved that.

 Verified, win2k, ie 6.0.

Alright, here's the ticket:
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[mochikit] Re: window.onunload

2006-06-21 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 21-Jun-06, at 12:45 AM, Mc wrote:

 confirmUnload is better indeed.

 I assume you added the elseif in preventDefault for people that first
 call confirmUnload and then e.stop or e.preventDefault in the
 onbeforeunload handler?

 And can I ask you to have a look at another onunload issue please?

elseif: Yes, exactly. IE would have replaced the message with false  

#113: That's on my radar, but it's important to get right, and will  
require a lot of testing. It'll be fixed before 1.4 is released.

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[mochikit] Re: median() and mean()

2006-06-21 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 21-Jun-06, at 5:30 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

 I needed median and mean functions for something I'm working on.
 Should they go into MochiKit somewhere? Are they correct? Fast  

 /* http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/mean.html */
 var mean = function() {
  var data = flattenArguments(arguments);
  return sum(data) / data.length;

 /* http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/median.html */
 var median = function() {
  var data = flattenArguments(arguments);
  if (data.length % 2 == 0) {
  var upper = data.length / 2;
  return (data[upper] + data[upper - 1]) / 2;
  } else {
  return data[(data.length - 1) / 2];

 These look correct and fast enough. I might've written mean such  
 that it inlined more or less what flattenArguments does and  
 calculated the sum and length at the same time without building an  
 intermediate Array at all. median could be similarly special cased  
 but that would be a pain in the ass to do faster and it isn't  
 really very commonly used anyway. Note that using sum() currently  
 introduces a dependency on MochiKit.Iter, but I'd be open to moving  
 it to MochiKit.Base and specialize based upon the input type and  
 iter availability like map() does.

 The empty list cases should be handled somehow.. mean obviously  
 returns NaN because it's doing divide by zero, but median much less  
 obviously returns NaN: (undefined + undefined)/2. I'm not sure if  
 people would expect 0.0 or an error to be thrown, I doubt NaN is  
 desired though.

 Renaming mean to average or avg might make sense. I think more  
 people are familiar with the term average.

I'll work on mean. Moving sum seems like way more work than just  
writing a loop. Instead of renaming mean, what about aliasing it (and  
note that in the docs)? Here's what JavaScript does with similar  
functions that expect arguments:


And MochiKit:

TypeError: Undefined value [...]
TypeError: Undefined value [...]

I think listMin and listMax follow Math.min and .max. mean and median  
should probably return NaN.

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[mochikit] Re: why the interpreter demo can't use help()

2006-06-20 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 20-Jun-06, at 2:33 AM, Wei Litao wrote:

 I use firefox. I tested dev version and local version and the link  
 from your mail. The result is the same:

 blocking on Deferred(2, unfired)...

 Then no document whould be shown no metter how long I am waitting for.

 BTW, I have tested in IE, in my IE the result is

 documentation for MochiKit.Base.map not found

Alright, I can reproduce this in Firefox Mac/Win, Opera Mac/Win, IE,  
but it works in Safari. Thanks for reporting this.

Trac: http://trac.mochikit.com/ticket/134

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[mochikit] Re: download version 1.3 not 1.3.1?

2006-06-19 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 19-Jun-06, at 10:56 AM, petersabaini wrote:

 http://mochikit.com/download.html still references 1.3 as the current
 stable version -- is that in fact version 1.3.1? or is 1.3.1 still
 considered unstable?

 please forgive me if this is a FAQ...

Thanks for reporting this. Bob's updated the download page.

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[mochikit] Re: window.onunload

2006-06-15 Thread Beau Hartshorne

 How about e.returnValue(Are you sure?); instead?

 That would probably be easier to implement than the property, but if
 the implementation of the property is doable, I'ld rather have  
 that, as
 that is the way it works on native events for both IE and Firefox.

Right, but for other reasons we'd already converted everything to a  
method access on the normalized MochiKit API. This returnValue would  
be the only departure from this.

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[mochikit] Re: Dragging DIV and positioning

2006-06-15 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 14-Jun-06, at 3:18 PM, david wrote:

 I'm working with the Drag  Drop example on the website, using the
 draggable.js script. I've got a function on my page that creates new
 DIV elements and then connects them to the Draggable functions so that
 the user can move them around the page.

 Everything works great to this point.

 The problem is that when I create the new DIV elements (using  
 or standard Javascript functions), they are created and placed on a
 (seemingly) random position on the page.

 I want all new elements to start at position 0,0. Unfortunately,  
 when I
 create the element and place it at 0,0, the dragging no longer  
 works. I
 have tried explicitly setting the style.top/left properties on the new
 element as well as the setElementPosition() function. Both of these
 methods break the drag-ability of the new element.

 I'm guessing it is because the following is set on the element:
 style=top:0; left:0 which overrides the function in draggable.js
 which sets the location of the element. So I tried clearing the
 style.top and style.left properties of the element (after moving it to
 0,0), but this moved the new element back to its initial starting

 Here's an code snippet:

 //Get reference to form
 var f = $(form1);

 //Create new DIV to hold text
 var textElement = createDOM(DIV);
 textElement.id=element_ + m_ElementCount;
 textElement.className=draggable red text;

 //Add text element to form

 //Move element to 0,0
 setElementPosition(textElement,{x:0, y:0});

 //Make text element draggable
 connect(textElement, 'onmousedown', Drag.start);

David, could you please post a complete example (with HTML)?

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[mochikit] Re: window.onunload

2006-06-14 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 14-Jun-06, at 11:10 AM, Mc wrote:



 When a string is assigned to the returnValue property of window.event,
 a dialog box appears that gives users the option to stay on the  
 page and retain the string that was assigned to it. The default
 statement that appears in the dialog box, Are you sure you want to
 navigate away from this page? ... Press OK to continue, or Cancel to
 stay on the current page., cannot be removed or altered.

 The string you provide is shown first, followed by the specified

 I've tested it on Firefox as well and I think it gives a slightly
 different text but works as advertised :-)

 Ciao, Mc.

Do you think it belongs on the Signal.Event object? Could you whip up  
an implementation?

Mozilla notes:


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[mochikit] Re: Rounded Corners Demo fails

2006-06-13 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 13-Jun-06, at 1:07 PM, Clifford Snow wrote:

 I just learned of MochiKit by looking through the available software
 for Fedora Core 5.  It looks very useful.  However, the rounded  
 demo fails in Firefox 1.5.03.  The following error message is
 Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... Could not convert JavaScript
 argument arg 0 [nsIDOMViewCSS.getComputedStyle]  nsresult:  
 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)  location: JS frame ::
 http://mochikit.com/MochiKit/Style.js :: anonymous :: line 140  data:

 Clifford Snow

Thanks for reporting this. I've fixed it in trunk and on mochikit.com:

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[mochikit] Re: A Designer Lost In Programming

2006-06-10 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 10-Jun-06, at 2:37 PM, Jon wrote:

 Ok, I removed that. And I've uploaded everything.

 The html file is here:
 http://utvikling.atspredelse.com/no-subs/index.html (sorry for all the
 Norwegian stuff)
 and the javascript file is here:

 (It takes some time to load now, I don't know why, so if anyone could
 tell me, I would be really happy)


Try fixing the HTML errors, especially the /scritp typo:

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[mochikit] Re: computedStyle

2006-06-09 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 7-Jun-06, at 7:13 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

 Base seems like a good enough place for it. Ignoring performance,  
 is backwards compatibility even an issue? I don't think it would  
 break anything to camelize everywhere appropriate.

I don't really know. I replaced computedStyle entirely, and added a  
test for it. From what I understand, this could break old code that  
did something like computedStyle(elem, 'backgroundColor') instead of  
computedStyle(elem, 'background-color'). This isn't a big deal in  
MochiKit code because it never queries on properties longer than one  

I'd like to get more feedback on these changes. Here's the ticket:

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[mochikit] Re: computedStyle

2006-06-09 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 9-Jun-06, at 6:54 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

 On Jun 9, 2006, at 6:15 PM, Beau Hartshorne wrote:

 On 7-Jun-06, at 7:13 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

 Base seems like a good enough place for it. Ignoring performance,
 is backwards compatibility even an issue? I don't think it would
 break anything to camelize everywhere appropriate.

 I don't really know. I replaced computedStyle entirely, and added a
 test for it. From what I understand, this could break old code that
 did something like computedStyle(elem, 'backgroundColor') instead of
 computedStyle(elem, 'background-color'). This isn't a big deal in
 MochiKit code because it never queries on properties longer than one

 I'd like to get more feedback on these changes. Here's the ticket:

 I don't see how it would change behavior, since camelize is going  
 to be a no-op for already camelized names...


The problem was that one branch in computedStyle expects hyphen case.  
We can convert the camel case to hyphen case in just that branch. The  
function should work either way now:

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[mochikit] computedStyle

2006-06-07 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Someone submitted a ticket asking for some clarification in the docs:

Why we shouldn't just normalize (camelize, from New.js) the  
behavior for IE?

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[mochikit] Re: computedStyle

2006-06-07 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 7-Jun-06, at 6:26 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

 On Jun 7, 2006, at 4:49 PM, Beau Hartshorne wrote:

 Someone submitted a ticket asking for some clarification in the docs:

 Why we shouldn't just normalize (camelize, from New.js) the
 behavior for IE?

 Let's go ahead and camelize in the place(s) where it would make a  
 difference. The only reason not to is potential difference in  
 performance, but that'd be a very premature optimization.

For backwards compatibility and performance, we can camelize the two  
argument version, and leave the three argument version alone. Should  
we move camelize to Base?

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[mochikit] Re: Element position and borders

2006-06-02 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Good question. I remember looking into this, and I think we lose a  
*lot* of performance if we normalize the behavior when we do a style  
lookup. It might be best to note the problem in the documentation.

Either way, please add a new trac ticket after you check this.


On 2-Jun-06, at 10:11 AM, Arnar Birgisson wrote:

 Hi there,

 Seems that getElementPosition differs between browsers if the element
 has borders. Haven't checked this thorough (don't have time until
 after the weekend) - but it seems IE, Safari and Opera return the
 coordinates inside the border, but Firefox at the outside. I.e.
 coordinates for an element with 1px border will be (-1,-1) off in FF
 (maybe it's opposite, just took a quick look).

 Is this something that MochiKit should account for?


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[mochikit] Re: Bug in getElementPosition

2006-05-31 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 27-May-06, at 12:46 AM, Hamish Friedlander wrote:

 Whoops. Not sure why the partial send. Apologies to group. Lets try  

 There appears to be a bug in getElementPosition. At the top of the  
 function is

 if (elem.x  elem.y) {
 /* it's just a MochiKit.Style.Coordinates object */

 It seems like ( in Firefox at any rate ) several normal DOM  
 elements have x and y attributes. At least one of these is  
 generally set to 0, so the  test fails and there aren't any  
 problems. However on some floating elements this is not true and  
 the wrong result is returned.

 My poor workaround is to add isUndefinedOrNull(elem.nodeType) to  
 the test to try and eliminate the false matches. I'm not sure what  
 the original intent of supporting arbitrary positioning using x and  
 y attributes was though - is there a better way to detect this?


Do you remember which DOM elements had nonzero x and y attributes?  
The problem should be fixed in trunk, but I'd like to add a test case  
for this.


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[mochikit] Re: Bug in getElementPosition

2006-05-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 27-May-06, at 12:46 AM, Hamish Friedlander wrote:

 Whoops. Not sure why the partial send. Apologies to group. Lets try  

 There appears to be a bug in getElementPosition. At the top of the  
 function is

 if (elem.x  elem.y) {
 /* it's just a MochiKit.Style.Coordinates object */

 It seems like ( in Firefox at any rate ) several normal DOM  
 elements have x and y attributes. At least one of these is  
 generally set to 0, so the  test fails and there aren't any  
 problems. However on some floating elements this is not true and  
 the wrong result is returned.

 My poor workaround is to add isUndefinedOrNull(elem.nodeType) to  
 the test to try and eliminate the false matches. I'm not sure what  
 the original intent of supporting arbitrary positioning using x and  
 y attributes was though - is there a better way to detect this?


Could you please do me a favor and add your report to the bug tracker:

Thanks for reporting this!

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[mochikit] Re: MochiKit.DOM class* functions not working in this situation.

2006-05-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 26-May-06, at 4:52 PM, Samuel Webster wrote:

 Hi guys, I'm having some difficulty getting the following code snippit
 to work:

 map(function (element) {
 connect(element, 'onmouseover', function (event) {
 toggleElementClass('tabHover', element);
 connect(element, 'onmouseout', function (event) {
 toggleElementClass('tabHover', element);
 }, getElementsByTagAndClassName('li', 'tab', 'tab-list'));

 When I hover over the elements, it does not toggle that class. Now,
 this might not be the right function to use, but I've tried a
 combination of addElementClass(element, 'tabHover') and
 removeElementClass(element, 'tabHover') and that hasn't worked either.
 I'm not sure exactly what I'm missing and can't wait 'till I hear back
 from you guys!

In addition to a full example, please tell us which browser/platform  
you're using.

Thank you,

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[mochikit] Re: Super-newbie question

2006-05-26 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 26-May-06, at 4:56 PM, Jay Parlar wrote:

 I'm just starting to learn MochiKit (actually, I'm just starting to
 learn JavaScript as well), but I'm a long time Python guy, so I  
 felt it
 would be a good fit.

 Anyway, I'm trying to do a very simple 'connect', and I'm seeing some
 strange behaviour.

 I have the following in my script:

 connect('tester', 'onclick', requestTags);

 where 'tester' is the id of a link on the page, and requestTags is a
 very simple function. If this is the only connect call I have, then
 nothing happens when I click on the link. However, if I do this

 var con = function() {
 connect('tester', 'onclick', requestTags);
 connect(window, 'onload', con);

 then everything works perfectly.

 Why is it that I first have to do a connection with the window? The
 documents don't seem to mention anything about that (and I only got  
 idea from another post on this group).

 Thanks in advance, and sorry if this is a really stupid question,
 Jay P.

Hi Jay,

The reason you need to do this is the JavaScript in the head is  
being executed before the rest of the page -- including your 'tester'  
-- is loaded.


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[mochikit] Uncheck

2006-05-19 Thread Beau Hartshorne

What's the best way to do the equivalent of element.checked = false;  
with DOM/MochiKit?


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[mochikit] Re: MOCHIKIT VISUAL

2006-05-17 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 17-May-06, at 10:42 AM, Jose R wrote:

 Please could you or some one provides me with an example? i dont know
 why this doesnt works... im trying to use:
 slideDown(element [, options]) function but i dont get it... i get
 errors on internet explorer... this is what im doing with another
 function with the same result:

 Move(banner, {x: 500});

 is this correct?
 do i need to include also DOM.js or Visual.js? im including just
 Mochikit.js to html page.


We're still working on the Visual stuff. It may still be buggy and  


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[mochikit] Re: window.onunload

2006-05-17 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 17-May-06, at 12:05 PM, Doug Crawford wrote:

 I ran into the same problem.  If you use connect(window,
 'onbeforeunload', ...) it should work on all browsers.

 On this same subject I noticed that MochiKit.Signal is disconnecting
 all of the DOM connections when the page unloads and it is doing this
 by registering on window.onunload which does not work in firefox.   
 might be intentional.  I believe only IE has the memory leak bug
 related to circular DOM references  So perhaps in firefox it is
 unnecessary to explicitly disconnect all DOM events when a page is

No, we weren't being that clever. If this helps Firefox or Safari  
clean up the page, we should probably switch to the onbeforeunload  
event in Signal. I'll think of a way to add test coverage for this.  
(Do iframes fire onbeforeunload events?)

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[mochikit] Re: window.onunload

2006-05-17 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Thanks Doug, I'll check into all of this when I get time for the ticket.

On 17-May-06, at 1:31 PM, Doug Crawford wrote:

 I am not sure about iframes and actually the only browsers I have
 tested this with are IE and Firefox.  I am guessing it will work with
 iframes and with other browsers.

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[mochikit] Re: Mochikit Vs Prototype - For begginers

2006-05-17 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 17-May-06, at 2:34 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

 I'm not going to have several versions of the docs on the site as
 that does all sorts of bad things for search engines. For example, if
 you search for PostgreSQL documentation you'll probably end up
 finding something in the old versions of the docs and that annoys the
 hell out of me.

 I'll accept patches if someone wants to go through the docs and come
 up with a clever and concise way to mark when a function was made
 available, but I am not going to have more than one version of the
 docs on the site. I like having the trunk version of docs and tests
 available on the site because if I didn't nobody would look at them
 until it's too late.

 Note that every version of MochiKit has always shipped with a full
 and identical copy of exactly the correct documentation for that

robots.txt and a meta tag would fix that. The major search engines  
respect it. Let the search engines index /trunk, but keep them out of  
the release branches. I think it would cut down on some list and  
tracker noise.


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[mochikit] Re: Bad link to Dojo on About page

2006-05-13 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 13-May-06, at 8:35 AM, Gary wrote:

 I'm just surveying JavaScript libraries and resources right now, and
 discovered that the link to Dogo on http://www.mochikit.com/about.html
 is wrong.  It links to dojotoolkit.com, but it should be

 Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I didn't see any link
 for web site feedback, and submitting an issue in the tracker seemed


Hi Gary,

Thanks for reporting this, it's fixed:

We keep a close eye on trac's timeline, so even typos like this  
should probably go into the tracker.


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[mochikit] Re: Signal: Retrieving arguments

2006-05-03 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 3-May-06, at 9:52 AM, François wrote:


 When signal() is called, one can pass an argument to the slot.  Am I
 right to use e.event() to retrieve this argument from within the slot?
 I discovered this haphazardly, and wanted to confirm it's the regular
 way.  The docs do not specify any way to do this, as far as I can  
  In fact, it is stated that You should not need to use the event()
 property of e.



 By the way: incredibly easy to use event management library.  Hats  
 to the team.

There are two systems for handling events. The browser event system  
will pass one argument to the slot, and that argument has an e.event 
() method that returns the native browser event. You should never  
need to access the browser event, instead use the other methods  
described in the docs to get mouse position, etc.

The custom event system lets you create your own events by signaling  
them. When you do this, you can pass your own arguments through to  
your slots. When you use the custom event system, no browser event is  

If this doesn't clear things up, please post some code with your  
actual/expected results to the list.

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[mochikit] Re: Signal: Retrieving arguments

2006-05-03 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Hi François,

var someObject = {}
function func(obj, str){

connect(someObject, 'pouf', myObject.func);
signal(someObject, 'pouf', {abc:'yes', def:'no'}, 'last');

Notice that the extra parameters passed in signal() are passed onto  
the function. The e.event() method is only available on the single  
parameter passed when a native browser event is executed. I think  
this is the source of your misunderstanding.

As for a good example of custom events, I haven't had the time to  
cook one up. Does anyone have a good example?

On 3-May-06, at 11:04 AM, François wrote:

 Beau Hartshorne wrote:

 If this doesn't clear things up, please post some code with your
 actual/expected results to the list.

 Thanks for the quick answer.  Some code to clear things up for me:


 var ident1, ident2, ident3, ident4;

 var myObject = {};

 myObject.func = function(e){

   alert(e.event().abc); // Want to get to the object passed as the
 argument with //signal()


 var pack = {};

 pack.aler = function(e){

   signal('someEnclosingDiv','pouf', {abc:'yes', def:'no'});


 function setup(){

 ident1 = connect(discon, onclick, discon);
 ident2 = connect(alink, onclick, pack, 'aler');
 englob = connect(someEnclosingDiv, 'pouf', myObject.func);

 ident3 = connect(window, onload, setup);

 function discon (){

 ident4 = connect(con, onclick, con);


 function con (){

 ident1 = connect(discon, onclick, discon);
 ident2 = connect(alink, onclick, pack, 'aler');



 This bit of code basically sets three links to use the connection,
 disconnect all signals, and a third one to reconnect them.

 I do get the alert no from the argument passed with signal(), but I
 was just wondering, in my first post, if this was the proper way to  
 to it from within the slot.  Is there any other way to retrieve the
 argument when using, as I did here, a custom event?

 Can I bother you with this other question?  Please ignore it if it's
 too general.

 What I want to accomplish here is a 'chain' of events that will
 trigger, at the upper level of my DOM tree (someEnclosingDiv), a
 specific reaction, related to a specific event lower down the tree (a
 link in this case, enclosed in the former).

 What is the proper or more common structure to accomplish this?
 Basically, I want the upper level div to react, say, to a 'close'
 signal from a button, or to some other event from another button, and
 keep all the parts involved as loosely coupled as possible.

 I've searched for patterns, or some indication, but found nothing
 satisfying.  I haven't programmed much with QT, so lack the experience
 in GUI programming that would be handy in this situation.




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[mochikit] Re: partial.apply

2006-04-30 Thread Beau Hartshorne

On 30-Apr-06, at 4:50 AM, venk wrote:

   i am new to the mochikit world. and my stumbling block at the moment
 is partial.apply.
   i am able to understand that partial creates a partial function.  
 what is apply? if i type, partial.apply in the interpreter, it  
   function apply() { [native code] }
  but, i was not able to find any documentation for this function (or
 did i miss it?).
  can someone help me out?

Apply is implemented by the browser, not by MochiKit. Here are some  
docs for it:

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[mochikit] Re: question about signals on DOM elements

2006-04-07 Thread Beau Hartshorne

If the name doesn't work, it's easy to fix. Pick something short, and  
see if there's a standard you can follow. Just attach something to  
trac, and if it fits, I'll merge it into Signal.

Thank you!

On 6-Apr-06, at 5:13 PM, Doug Crawford wrote:

 I could try.  I have never submitted anything before.  I was just
 planning to use nodeWalk in Mochkit.Base to walk the subtree to call
 disconnectAll() if that function is present.  What should this  
 be named?

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[mochikit] Re: question about signals on DOM elements

2006-04-05 Thread Beau Hartshorne


Would you mind taking a shot at this and submitting a patch for  
Signal to trac?


On 5-Apr-06, at 10:05 AM, Doug Crawford wrote:

 I would like to see a new function in MochiKit.Signal that explicitly
 calls disconnectAll recursively throughout the subtree.  It would be
 easy to implement this myself, but it sounds like everyone will need
 the same functionality when working with DOM signals and thick clients
 in IE.

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[mochikit] Re: Signal connection status

2006-04-04 Thread Beau Hartshorne

No, but we should be able to add something like this.

On 4-Apr-06, at 7:31 AM, Melkor wrote:

 For testing pourposes I would like to have a method to check the
 connection status of a signal associated with a DOM object.

 Is there a method so I can at least write:

 assert(isConnected(domElement, 'onclick');

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[mochikit] Re: Signals status?

2006-03-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Right, but I should handle this a bit more elegantly than returning a  
't' for F5. I'll rework key().string to return undefined to  
onkeypress listeners when someone types a character code.

On 29-Mar-06, at 12:54 PM, Thomas Hervé wrote:

 I think Beau makes it this way for compatibility purpose (keypress
 works very bad on Safari; actually some like prototype refuse to
 register keypress events on it). It's actually well documented in
 Signal : if you want to filter Special Keys, use keydown.

 This said, you have access to everything you might need with the
 event() method, so I don't think it's a Signal problem

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[mochikit] Re: Signals status?

2006-03-29 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Thank you Dethe, I'll look into this.

On 28-Mar-06, at 1:35 PM, Dethe Elza wrote:

 Well, I'm trying real hard *not* to look for control codes in
 keypress, but when I press F5 then keypress is firing and the
 evt.key().string is t, while the evt.key().code is 116.  If I press
 the t key I get the exact same results.  Now, if I dive down to the
 native event, the evt.event().keyCode is 0 for t and the
 evt.event().charCode is 0 for F5, but that's the only way I can tell
 them apart right now.  I'm trying to filter non-printing keys out, so
 I need some way to detect F5 in keypress so I can ignore it.

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[mochikit] Re: Disconnect All?

2006-03-28 Thread Beau Hartshorne

I think I like disconnectAll(elem) and disconnectAll(elem,  
['onmousedown', 'customSignal']) best. Other thoughts?

On 27-Mar-06, at 5:03 PM, troels knak-nielsen wrote:

 Very good idea - I remember looking for exactly that the other
 day.Useful for putting in the destructor/teardown of a
 controller-object (widget).
 For the sake of interoperability, I think it's better with a separate
 method, rather than extending the signature of disconnect. Better to
 stay close to the standard removeEventListener.
 disconnectAll(elem); or disconnectAll(elem, onmousedown);
 perhaps even disconnectAll(elem, onmousedown, onmouseup); or
 disconnectAll(elem, [onmousedown, onmouseup]);

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[mochikit] Signal Example

2006-03-27 Thread Beau Hartshorne

I just added an example that shows how you could implement a simple  
drag handler with Signal:

Any comments? How can it be better?


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[mochikit] Re: Signal Example

2006-03-27 Thread Beau Hartshorne

 I just added an example that shows how you could implement a  
 simple drag handler with Signal:

 Any comments? How can it be better?

 Looks great!  The only comment I have is that normally I will use  
 the exported names in the examples rather than the fully-qualified  
 names.  In the majority of use cases (well, mine anyway) the  
 developer has enough control to assume that these symbols aren't  
 randomly overwritten by something else, and the code feels a lot  
 simpler without fully qualified names.

 Now that an example is in place, what are your thoughts on the  
 general stability/completeness of Signal?  Can we wrap this up for  
 release this weekend perhaps?

Great, I  exported now. I'm happy with all of the DOM stuff, but I'm  
actually not a big user of the slots mechanism. I'm just starting to  
look at it now, and one thing I don't like is the requirement to  
registerSignals before connecting them. Dojo doesn't require this,  
but I haven't used this part of Signal enough to develop a strong  
feeling for or against registerSignals. I think some of the variable  
naming need to be cleaned up as well -- aren't slots, observers, and  
listeners the same thing?

I'm working on a button example that should make use of other parts  
of the Signal API. It'll be a bit more complicated than draggable,  
but should show off some nice features.

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[mochikit] elementPosition Tests

2006-03-27 Thread Beau Hartshorne

I'd like to write some tests for elementPosition, setElementPosition,  
and setOpacity. How should I do this? Should I just create a few  
absolutely positioned elements on the DOM tests page, move them  
around, and then inspect?

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[mochikit] MochiKit.Signal.registerSignals

2006-03-25 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Jonathan, I think I asked you about this before, but I can't find the  
thread. Why does Signal require us to registerSignals before we use  
them? Can't we do this out in connect()? Dojo's implementation seems  

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[mochikit] Re: Request: MochiKit.Signals event().currentTarget()

2006-03-21 Thread Beau Hartshorne

Signal should not leak no matter what you do. That said, please do  
test your code with Drip and let me know if you find any problems.

On 21-Mar-06, at 7:36 AM, Doug Crawford wrote:

 Typically, if you pass an element to an event handler via partial that
 references the element that is registering the handler it will cause a
 memory leak in IE.  But I assume this will not happen with
 MochiKit.Signal since DOM handlers are unregistered during the window
 unload event.  Is this correct?

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