[MMouse]: possible.

1999-02-19 Thread Magicbeetl

okay.  so far...i have heard from two people that wanna contribute to the
tape...the songs being *bankrupt on selling* and *grey icewater*...and one boy
who has kindly offered to convert the tape onto cds with a cd burner.  we need
more. more. more. if this thing is gonna get anywhere...


Re: [MMouse]: indie rock

1999-02-19 Thread Sam Leininger

Brandon Seaton wrote:

  i have a problem.  the whole 'indie
 rock' concept is super fuzzy to me... does that make me
 an indie rocker?  If someone could give me a clear definition, i'd be
 super grateful.

Actually, Brandon, nobody knows how to define indie rock. Not because of the
new marketability of power-punk-pop, not because of the fact that WB owns 49%
of subpop, but because all decisions are made by a senile -- yet wise -- old
man, who happens to be my grandfather.  People always bitch about 'labels'
and what have you because the truth is too chaotic and confusing to accept.
My grandfather determines the fate of the indie rock world, and there's
nothing anyone can do about it.

And I asked my grandfather about you, and he said you sound like an indie
rocker, but he wants you to post your drug habits to the modest mouse list
before he makes his final decision.  Apparently, this has something to do
with it.

good luck,


Sam Leininger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

""We control our thoughts which mean nothing, and not our emotions which
mean everything."  -- _Masculin, feminin_

Re: [MMouse]: indie rock

1999-02-19 Thread Two-Headed Boy

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Brandon Seaton wrote:

 also, in baby blue sedan- what goes in the blank?  "and henry you danced
 like a ___ Indian"   

im pretty sure he says "warm wooden indian".. you know like wooden indians
they have in bars. only stiff dancing people have blood in their veins. so
henry dances like a warm wooden indian.. yah


[MMouse]: frying on the symptom

1999-02-19 Thread Jacob Parker

hmmm... as far as smoking pot, i greatly enjoy listening to music, much 
more actually than when sober. favorites being halobenders, stereolab, 
and, oh, the pixies (but them moreso when i'm drunk). however, it's odd 
really that such a question should come into my life. I hate returning 
home to my surburbanite hometown, meeting up with friends who either 
dropped out of college or didn't make it, for varied reasons 
nonetheless. they can praise issac's lyrics, but i mainly look back on 
them in retrospect, more of a lesson than a more-than-life rut.

It's sad really to see all those people i love, more when i saw them 
everyday in high school, resort to constant, excessive pot-smoking, 
speed, crank, 'shrooms, drinking (which i condone, but responsibly [i.e. 
rule out the chances of a DUI)... and all the like. i can't relate, 
having chosen life (yes, to take cliche to heart)... they're all such 
wonderful people... but FUCK IT!

not to be selfish, just to figure what i want out of life than to 
intoxicate it all away,


p.s. i wrote this awhile back, but it never seemed to get through. i'm 
sorry to continue the thread.
also, it's nice to go home (my sarcasm)to see one of my friends (from 
high school) get a DUI, and another to have his parents discover pics of 
him and friends snorting all sorts of shit and drop acid... especially 
when they went to the police.
and then being drug around by my merry pot-smoking friends through the 
shittiest parts of tulsa, ok to get high and eventually end up at 
denny's on the other side of town bahhh

and this never seems to make it to the correct address... maybe now

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[MMouse]: Fwd: [mmouse] Virus Alert

1999-02-19 Thread Torin Macbeth

I thought everyone should be clued in on what this "happy99.exe" biz is 
all about. hopefully this'll help to kill the damn thing.

From: ONElist Tech Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recently there have been several reports of a virus being passed through 
lists in attachments. The virus, called Happy99, modifies infected 
computers so that they spread the virus to other computers through email 

For more information on this particular virus, and how to remove it, 
visit the following web page:


This is a good time to remind people that, in general, they should not 
open email attachments or run programs from people they do not know. 
That is how this and other viruses are spread.
The ONElist Team

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


1999-02-19 Thread Brandon Seaton

" I guess if you wanna label, you're not indie. hehe.

Hope you're still confused."   

Obviously i am confused, i thought i asked what indie rock was, not "can i
be an indie rocker too?"  I also thought this list was for modest mouse
fans to share info, but maybe that was just a silly label.  

other than that, grandpa sounds like quite a guy, and you can tell him
that i don't do drugs and i used to drink but i stopped.  i just decided
it wasn't for me.  i have nothing against people who do, as long as they
don't rely on it to have a good time.  


"Do not go gently into that good night.
 Rage, rage against the dying of the light."Dylan Thomas

[MMouse]: indie rock.

1999-02-19 Thread ben fish

now, does being an indie rocker have anything to do w/ the way you dress. If
so, anyone can be an indie rocker. 
do you have to be devoted to indie rock to be an indie rocker?  what if i
like prince and michael jackson?

Maybe more or less it is a being. A state of mind. The music inspires you to
be and act a certain way.
I guess if you are in an indie rock band you are automatically one step up
on the indie rock ladder. but what if you don't consider your band indie
rock? Do you have to have certain urges as an indie
rocker? Like to go to the salvation army and to be into the arts of some form.
are you automatically restricted from being an indie rocker if you are the
vp of some company or like a car salesman or something.  can michael eisner
be indie rock?
what if i'm into the music, but i love to dress like a super slut or
what makes indie rock "indie"?
Maybe it will be coined indie, but indie no longer represents the word
Kind of like with Modern art. The art is no longer modern. but this whole
time frame is represented as modern. and what about post-modern art? by
definition post-modern art would be ANY art afterwards forever
i'm confused.
oh well

[MMouse]: mm contributions

1999-02-19 Thread jayne 666

okay.  so far...i have heard from two people that wanna contribute to 
tape...the songs being *bankrupt on selling* and *grey icewater*...and 
one boy
who has kindly offered to convert the tape onto cds with a cd burner.  
we need
more. more. more. if this thing is gonna get anywhere...

okay, i'll do "dukes up" acoustic stylze.
it won't be 'all that' so if someone else wants to show me up-go for it!

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[MMouse]: Drugs

1999-02-19 Thread Loomr21

I haven't done any drug, besides alcohol in 5 years.  I used to do a lot of
drugs, shrooms, acid, speed, pot.etc.but I had a very bad experience
about 5 years ago, and quit everything, but the occasional drink.  I have
tried to smoke pot, and for some reason it has an adverse affect on me.
Instead of feeling mellow and good, it makes me feel jumpy and a bit paranoid.
Although,  I really wouldn't mind doing an hallucinogenic again. :) 


[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n277

1999-02-19 Thread WedrenStar

I believe the Happy99 worm virus thingy attacked my computer from this list,
so to anybody else that got it, go here:
This site will tell you how to remove it.

ps i have to agree one who ponders what exactly an "indie rocker" is misses
the point entirely.  why is there such a need for labels?  it's all so silly.
and pointless.

Re: [MMouse]: mm contributions

1999-02-19 Thread Robin Hood

ok i couldn't tell who the original person who's settin this up is
so e*mail me privately please w/info like where to send to..i'm not
sure what i'd cover but i'm thinking about doing a piano based 


okay.  so far...i have heard from two people that wanna contribute to 
tape...the songs being *bankrupt on selling* and *grey icewater*...and 
one boy
who has kindly offered to convert the tape onto cds with a cd burner.  
we need
more. more. more. if this thing is gonna get anywhere...

okay, i'll do "dukes up" acoustic stylze.
it won't be 'all that' so if someone else wants to show me up-go for 

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]: mm contributions

1999-02-19 Thread Novocain Stain

i claim Cowboy Dan (totally minimalized version) for my contribution to
the modest mouse tape. 
