[MMouse]: MANG!!!!!!

2000-02-16 Thread amyo

i cannot believe you are on the list!
you have all just witnessed a most beautiful reunion between two mangs after a long 
get on icq sometime!  i hardly see you and that's for certain turbo gay :/
xoxo i love you to pieces,
amy, watching 'who wants to marry a multi-millionaire'

Download ICQ at http://www.icq.com

Re: [MMouse]:

2000-02-16 Thread Slackathon

Ya know, I (who's also been up since the beginning and have thirty-something votes 
even though her boyfriend voted at least twice) have noticed a pattern between the 
girl's page and the boy's page.
Blake was one of the first up on the boy's page, and he was kicking ass right from the 
start. Two weeks later, he still has like fifty more votes than everyone else. And of 
all the rest of them, thee are no clear winners or losers. I voted for, like, 12 
different guys. I guess everybody else did too. 
But on the girls page
The day a picture goes up, it gets all the votes its gonna get. Its Flavor of the 
Month Syndrome. T hen, the next day, when Hotties C  D are posted, they get 60 votes 
each and everyone stops voting for Hotties A  B. The only accurate way to do this 
would be to erase all record of votes, declare a deadline for entry, and have everyone 
voted on all at once. But that would be work, and this whole thing was suppossed to be 
 Although, I have to say, the pictures seem to be getting progressively better lit. 
maybe we should have all thought about the implications of this early on and just 
taken our photos in Photoshop before we sent them to Russ...


Re: [MMouse]: HotMouseKids

2000-02-16 Thread KneeXsocks

i thought the whole point of this thing was to see what the people who we 
talk to so often look like

everyone seems so involved with who gets the most or fewest votes. Maybe I'm 
crazy, but why does it matter? It was fun, we all have our own opinion on who 
is the best looking, and thats it. 

it's like homecoming queen all over again. hah.
np: braid-frame and canvas

Re: [MMouse]: re: mp3s

2000-02-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

man this kid stands up for what he believes in, talks good shit, loves
ponyoak AND incorporates his name into a halo benders reference. 
what more could we ask for. 

russ (totally not sarcastic)
ponyoak. best album ever fucking made. 

 this entire mp3 arguement is making me sick. i didn't want to post to the
 list because i don't want to piss things off more than they already are but
 this whole fiasco is just bullshit. It makes me wonder why i'm on the 
 worlds too big to fight about petty things like this. lets please just let it
 go so i can actually anjoy this list again.
 rick reel around the fountain
 p.s. anyone who doesn't have Ponyoak by the band Kleenex Girl Wonder should
 rush out and buy it right now. one of the best pop albums ever

[MMouse]: list

2000-02-16 Thread Aaron

hi all

i hate to be annoying but i need to switch my subscription to
this list over to another email address as this one will soon go
away, but i'm having a hard time finding the page with the
subscription info.  i usually keep that kind of thing but must
not have this time.  will somebody please help me out?  thanks


Re: [MMouse]: MANG!!!!!!

2000-02-16 Thread Heartcooksbrain6


oh mang, how i have missed your touch.  your longing gazes.  your megagay wit.

i do get on icq all the time, but you are always away, my darling luscious 

but mang, how could you have watched that show?  have you no soul?

that's ok, i was busy watching who wants to be a millionaire and psyching 
myself up to call in and try to get on.  i could whip so much ass.  and i 
promise you all that if i actually get on you will see me be the first person 
to freak out at the reeg screaming at him to shut his meth snorting mouth if 
he breaks my concentration.

jessica, listening to "to sir with love" by lulu.  fucking A, i love mp3's.

i dreamed i was holding my breath...i'll go down again 'til i am breathing in 
water and breaking like the waves

Re: [MMouse]: HotMouseKids

2000-02-16 Thread Bill, Wright

I think we should add a talent contest to the hotpeople voting,as well as 
evening wear and swimsuit competitions.

  The winner gets to marry a multi-millionaire. (anyone else think the idea 
for that show is just  plain sick  yet at the same time funnier than most 
comedy? )

if we really wanted to take this thing seriously:
maybe all the pics should be collected (like have an entry date set) and
restart the voting. then have perimeters set so you can only vote once
or something.

[MMouse]: talking loud, ain't saying nothing.

2000-02-16 Thread jsl04

I wish I knew how to make a paragraph.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n683

2000-02-16 Thread WedrenStar

in re: this whole voting thing up, i put up my best pic, and i only got one 
vote.  sure, it's a little dated, and i don't look too much like that 
anymore, and i'm kicking myself for having gotten rid of that cool crue shirt 
in the 7-8 years since the picture was taken, but hey, i thought that maybe 
the girls (and the boys, whatever) could see past that tough exterior into 
the yummy sensitive interior that is me.


Re: [MMouse]: HotMouseKids

2000-02-16 Thread amy wolf

 i thought the whole point of this thing was to see what the people who we

 talk to so often look like
 everyone seems so involved with who gets the most or fewest votes. Maybe
 crazy, but why does it matter? It was fun, we all have our own opinion on
 is the best looking, and thats it. 
 it's like homecoming queen all over again. hah.

uhm i dunno, a lot of my email was sarcasm on my part.  i don't really care
if people are prettier than me, i was just adding fake-bitter stuff to k8's
email which apparently is causing mass-destruction ;)  nah, i dunno,
whether people are cheating or not, it is kind of like a "woah" experience
to see all of these people that are one minute WAY fucking hotter than you.
i don't quite understand why that's even happening.  i'm like flabbergasted
that even 36 people think i'm hot.  to me it's like "woah what the hell is
wrong with this picture?"  ah well, but the cheating thing is getting a
little tiresome..at first it was funny (i'm pretty sure i was laughing on
the floor, almost in tears when i suddenly had 120 votes) but now it is
starting to remind me of homecoming :P  and mind you, i do not vote for the
pretty ladies in my high school at homecoming ;)
- amy

[MMouse]: dropping it

2000-02-16 Thread Philip Smoker

Rick Reel said:
"i think that in this case his arguements are totally
stupid, biased and oblivious (no offense meant phil)."

Gee, none taken.  But meet me by the monkey bars at
recess for a clock-cleaning.  

"phil, i'm sorry i think you're in the wrong on this
one ...this time i think you need to calm down, reread
everything and have a nice soothing cup of tea before
responding to this arguement. don't be confident of
your answer before you've thought about it some."

And you, my friend, are entitled to yr opinion as
surely as I am entitled to mine.  Listen, I'm not
afraid to step down when I feel I am incorrect about
something.  But what we are discussing is a matter of
opinion, not cold hard concrete fact.  You could say,
"the song 'Dramamine' appears on the Modest Mouse LP
'The Lonesome Crowded West,'" and that would be
factually inaccurate and wrong.  However, you could
say, "downloading mp3's from the internet and burning
them to cd-r is wrong," and that would be a matter of
moral and ethical opinion, which no one could claim is
ultimately wrong or right (unless you want to weigh in
the possible judicial implications of duplicating
copyrighted material, and whether or not the cd-r
would be for personal use or re-sale, and so forth). 
I am as guilty as anybody of slapping on the war paint
and tossing accusations like a salad, but I also
realize in retrospect that it would always be more
appropriate for me to say, "I *disagree* with you on
this or that subject."  I have no problem admitting
when I'm wrong, and I've been a part of mailing list
discussions before where I have reevaluated my
position and taken the appropriate action.  But this
particular discussion is not one of those instances in
my mind, and just because *YOU* happen to think I'm
wrong doesn't mean that *I* need to drink tea and
change my mind, ya dig?.  Can't we just agree to
disagree?  It takes all kinds to make up a world.

spitting pits in my bowl of cherries,

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [MMouse]: talking loud, ain't saying nothing.

2000-02-16 Thread jsl04

Oops, that wasn't meant for the list. How embarassing. 


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wish I knew how to make a paragraph.

[MMouse]: the modest mouse chat room

2000-02-16 Thread Russ Sweetser

thats right gang! i made a modest mouse chat room. heres how it works
for you computer savvy people:

get on undernet using your favorite IRC client. valid undernet servers


the chan is #modestmouse


point your web browser to:


theres an applet there. i hope it holds its own. youll have to clikc
"grant"  when the little window comes up, and youll have to use a good
browser that can handle this kind of thing. pick a rad nickname and
choose a server and click connect. if i am online i will help you learn
the ropes. 
uh. sometimes undernet servers can be real bitches and not let you on.
try a couple different ones if you must, be persistant. 
rick? rock!


[MMouse]: Diga

2000-02-16 Thread JSayre

For anyone interested...'Insound.com' has a swell assortment of
indie-MP3's in their catalog for free download! Excellent CD selection 
prices too. I like 'em!

Thanks to whoever mentioned 'mulletsgalore'...it may be my favorite site.


2000-02-16 Thread Andrew Hager

dear god has anyone seen this movie before?? i saw it like 3-4 years ago and it left 
some what of an impression..so a few years later i see BUFFALO 66 and im amazed by 
vincent galloso it takes a week or two but i remember that he was also in ARIZONA 
DREAM...and i thus starts my search for this movie...and goddamn...i cant find it to 
save my life...UNTIL today..i TOTALLY RANDOMLY wlak into a video store i had never 
been in
before and i found itso i just got done watching it..and god..it all came back to 
me. this movie has a lot of bullshit in it..a lot of pointless crap...but on an 
overall level its a terrific movie...with some great lessons and a good cast (johnny 
depp, vincent gallo, JERRY LEWIS, faye dunaway and lili taylor) and its got some great 
camera work. so yeah..if you are a johnny depp fan (who the fuck isnt?) or if you 
liked buffalo
66 watch it for vincent gallo...also search out THE FUNERAL and PALOOKAVILLE...he was 
also in truth or consequence NM, and he house of the spririts i think.
much love,