[MMouse]: califone

2000-05-23 Thread Angela Mitchell

oh yeah...i forgot to mention it, but califone is GREAT.

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Re: [MMouse]: philly rawwwwwk

2000-05-23 Thread Angela Mitchell

   If I had heard your shrill femme-chords shrieking out "talking shit"
one more time I'd have had an aneurysm.

   - Matt

i was about to have an aneurysm, too.  that screaming was really obnoxious 
and it was obvious isaac was at least somewhat pissed about it.  i've seen 
him make asses out of people like that before, so i guess he was just being 
nice that night.  as far as pretty sunset is concerned, you can cry and 
scream all you want, but isaac said in early 1997 that he would never play 
it because he doesn't know it anymore.  he said in lancaster that he's 
halfway through re-learning it, but until then, people don't have to be rude 
about it.

the philly show was amazing...the longest set i've ever seen them play.  mr. 
ferrari was a nice touch.

i know some people on this list were talking about ticketmaster being a 
rip-off...i had a ticket that i got through ticketmaster that i ended up not 
needing for the show.  the ticket was $11 and i sold it to a guy on the 
street who didn't believe that i paid $18.80 for it.  so he only gave me 15. 
  whatever, i took what i could get, but i was mad that he was so bitchy to 
me when i was doing him a favor by giving him a ticket.

that's all for now,

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[MMouse]: encores and tundra/desert

2000-05-15 Thread Angela Mitchell

I have gone to many shows where there is no encore, and i found it a 
surprise that they were going to have one...

yeah!!   pretty surprising...9 out of the 10 modest mouse shows i've been 
to, they didn't do an encore.  but people definitely screamed their brains 
out expecting one.  but alas, never an encore.  that one time that they did 
one was at princeton over my spring break last year.  everyone yelled and 
screamed and they didnt come back out.  so most of the people left the club. 
  then like 10 minutes later, they came back out and did another song or two 
for like the 11 people who were still standing around.  pretty cool.

also, in response to the tundra/desert thing...9 out of the 10 shows i've 
been to they've played t/d...last.  the other time they did styrofoam 
boots/it's all nice on ice.  that was at the pontiac grille the last time 
they played there.  i think it was the over 21 show. isaac was playing by 
himself for the styrofoam boots part, and jeremy was turning this light bulb 
on and off for atmosphere.  then he and eric joined in for it's all nice... 
damn, that really rawked.


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[MMouse]: pretty sunset

2000-05-12 Thread Angela Mitchell

just got back from elliott smith at the 9:30 club.  reeeally good show.  
they played some good music before and between bands...including "talking 
shit about a pretty sunset."  .  just in case anyone cares...

taking the easy way out,

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[MMouse]: 9:30 club...e. smith

2000-05-10 Thread Angela Mitchell

First, is anyone on here from or around Virginia?

i'm from DC.  no, i'm from PA.  but i go to school in dc.  hence, "around 

is anyone going to the shows at the Black Cat in DC on May =
23rd and 24th?  My friend and I are skipping school for two days to see them 
both nights.

i'm def. going to the lancaster and philly shows, and if all goes well, i'll 
also be at the black cat shows.  and you rock for missing school to see 
modest mouse.  when i was in high school, my best friend and i missed school 
every single time modest mouse came to the east coast.  a few of my "college 
visits" were actually mm shows.

  Is anyone going to Elliott Smith at the 9:30 club on the 12th? =
Who is Whiskey Biscuit? 

BIG TIME! i just saw him at the black cat a couple months ago, and he was 
awesome.  i can't wait.  and i've definitely heard of whiskey biscuit, but 
i'm not sure where...maybe they're local?


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[MMouse]: tshirts and cowboy dan

2000-04-24 Thread Angela Mitchell

i hadn't checked my mail for a few days, so my mailbox was bombarded with 
everyone's t-shirt ideas. i just wanna say YAY!!  YES TO TSHIRTS!  i think 
the idea of everyone buying their own is probably a good way to go about it, 

also...on the subject of the whole cowboy dan/pearl jam thing, i dont know 
what the original comment meant, but i do think people were right to assume 
that cowboy dan=isaac brock.  there are several lines in the song which lead 
me to this conclusion, but the main one is "i didnt move to the city, the 
city moved to me."   think about all the songs and lyrics (and interviews) 
that have made reference to buildings going up all over the place...for 

Remember the towns
With fear and fascination
On what was here
And what's replacing them now
Interchange causes a mall
And crowded chain restaurants
More housing developements go up
Remember the things you replace
So welcome to Minnow Brook
And welcome to Shady Space
But ultimely abrupt
No I don't like this change of pace

i think he once called it the "concreting over of america"?...or something 
like that.  anyway, now you have my 2 cents.


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[MMouse]: question for philly kids...

2000-04-19 Thread Angela Mitchell

i'm going to the built to spill show on saturday but i havent been to the 
troc since the beck show in 96, so i cant remember if they let you bring 
cameras in...does anyone know?

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[MMouse]: pointless

2000-04-08 Thread Angela Mitchell

dude, Seth's point was that people on this list talk TOO much about modest 
mouse and NOT ENOUGH about other things.  didn't you read it?  and for the 
record, i totally disagree with him.

(who hates stupid arguments and thinks that if certain persons don't like 
the list, they should leave and not make a big deal about it.)

I must agree with Seth i believe his name it.  This is one of the 4 lists
I've been subscribed to over the years and this one has gotta be the worse
with off topic stuff.  I dunno isn't there supposed to a  moderator? If i
wanted to talk about a million different bands or what movie i just saw I'd
talk to my friends or go somewhere else where it was appropriate. 
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[MMouse]: positive negative

2000-01-28 Thread Angela Mitchell

theres two versions of whenever i breathe out. one comes from interstate
8 (prolly the version on building nothing) and the other comes from the
7". youre prolly hearing the interstate 8 version.

i don't know...i haven't listened to the actual 7" in a very long time, but 
if you look at the cd insert, it implies that they used the version of 
whenever you breathe out from the broke 7".


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[MMouse]: nicole and calvin

2000-01-28 Thread Angela Mitchell

she's absolutely no relation to him.


i once asked isaac brock if nicole johnson and calvin johnson were related, 
and he told me no, they're not related at all...and neither is polly johnson 
from 764 hero.

i know we've had this discussion before, and last time someone told me i was 
wrong about them not being related.  so i guess i don't know who to 


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[MMouse]: new cd

2000-01-26 Thread Angela Mitchell

no no n, the new cd they're talking about is the one released on up 
records...it's a compilation of mostly stuff that already came out on vinyl. 
  mine hasn't arrived in the mail yet, but i'm sure you don't have to wait 
till april for it.  the totally new cd on the totally new label is the one 
we have to wait until spring for.


i just wanted to cry and whine about the fact that some
of you out there already have the new mouse cd while
the majority of us modest, mouse like people have to wait
until april or whenever the release date is.
ok. i'm feeling better now.

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[MMouse]: 3rd planet

2000-01-21 Thread Angela Mitchell

 my boss just quit her job
says hes going out to find blind spots and hell do it 

my version:

my boss just quit her job
says she's gotta sell some banks to rob

my version is:  my boss just quit her job...says she's got herself some 
banks to rob...

just a guess,

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[MMouse]: offensive words...

1999-10-19 Thread Angela Mitchell

oh god...faggot is probably the worst.  i shudder when i hear it.  the 
reason it's so offensive is because its use is an indirect attack on 

back in the days of witch trials and whatnot, they would burn the "witches" 
at the stake, and the bundles of wood that they used as fuel for the fire 
were called faggots.  but homosexuals were also perscuted heavily during 
this time period.  during the burnings, they would use those accused of 
homosexuality as additional fuel for the fires.  the homosexuals were used 
as firewood, or faggots.  so today, the word faggot has an extreme 
connotation of hatred and persecution.  in other words, it's a pretty 
painful word

hoping she enlightened someone out there,

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[MMouse]: russ is my new hero

1999-10-13 Thread Angela Mitchell

im listening to "might"
and he actually says "i broke every bone in my goddamn jaw"
does this seem ironic to any of the rest of you?


GO RUSS!  i love irony.  i also love refreshing emails that don't involve 
animosity toward bands and other people on this list.  that's all for 


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[MMouse]: wooder ice, YING-LING, and favorite shows

1999-09-18 Thread Angela Mitchell

god bless cheesesteaks, yuengling, water ice (pronounced wooder ice) and 

hell yeah!!  i'm originally from the philly area but years ago moved to 
pottsville, home of the aforementioned yuengling.  i'm now at school in dc.

best showsi have to agree with the modest mouse shows at the pontiac 
summer '98. (the over 21 show was the best.)  and #1 for me will always be 
money mark/modest mouse/beck at the troc a few years ago.  also: 
764-hero/built to spill at the black cat last fall, the make up at the black 
cat, and modest mouse/764 hero at fletcher's...mainly because they did the 
cool jam thing that eventually turned into whenever you see fit.


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[MMouse]: conan/blair witch

1999-08-06 Thread Angela Mitchell

modest mouse on conan.  the ONE night that i don't watch late night tv.  
that just figures.

i saw blair witch tonight.  i thought it was really good and i was pretty 
freaked out, but then i came home and heather was on the tonight show.  i 
thought with all the hype of it being "real" and stuff that they would at 
least keep the actors out of the public eye for a while.  apparently not.

sort of off the subject, i HATE this whole uptight thing that the movie 
theaters have going on now.  i tried to take my 15 yr old sister to blair 
witch, and they weren't going to let me in.  i figured an almost 20 yr old 
person is adult enough to "accompany" an under 17 person to an R rated 
movie.  but i found out that in movie world, adult equals 21.  i did get us 
in, but only after a bunch of talking/lying/sucking up to the manager of the 
theater.  i thought the whole thing was pretty ridiculous.


p.s.  modest mouse in chicago!! i'll be there the 15-17th...too bad i won't 
be there for the show.

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[MMouse]: beer, pizza, mm, etc.

1999-07-16 Thread Angela Mitchell

There is no one who carries, or has even heard of, yuengling here in 
Whenever I even mention the name people look at me like I'm crazy.

Most people at my school in DC have no clue.  But people who know the area 
get very excited when you tell them you're from pottsville.

They think
the word is funny I guess. That and "wawa." They don't believe me when I 
them it is the greatest convenience store in the world. ha.

Oh god.  I almost ran a kid over on my way into the parking lot 
yesterday...I went down the shore for the day, and I was on my way into wawa 
and this kid got in my way and wasnt paying attention.  So i honked the horn 
at him.  I scared the poor boy to death.  I'm feeling pretty bad about that. 

  And cheesesteaks...forget about it.  Call it silly pride, but ordering a
steak and cheese grinder isnt the same as going to Jim's on south street or
Pat's and ordering a "whiz wit'".

I haven't had a cheesesteak since i used to live closer to philly (years 
ago) but i do know that I LOVE lorenzo's pizza on south street.  mm.  
though the guy there is definitely the closest thing to any sort of 
seinfeld-type food nazi that i've ever encountered.  but the pizza is worth 
the pizza nazi experience.

ok, this DEFINITELY isnt mouse-related.  so um...um, lorenzo's is across the 
street from the pontiac grille, where i have seen modest mouse play several 
times.  there you go.  oh, and isaac once told me (after coming out of 
lorenzo's) that he went in, asked what kind of pizza they had, and the guy 
said, "we have cheese, plain, and regular" so isaac was all " i'll have  a 
regular and a cheese" or whatever and then realized and was like what the 
fuck.  ok, you're all really bored with this story now, but i swear it was a 
funny anecdote when isaac told it.  whatever. good night all.


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[MMouse]: different people

1999-07-14 Thread Angela Mitchell

Hm... I read each and every one and found a clear identity of each that was
different from each and every one. You're all quite neat.

i agree...i found some similarities between some people and myself, but 
individually each profile is different.  and it's cool finding out who all 
of you are!


p.s.  to the guy from new freedom, pawhere the hell in pa is that?

p.p.s.  whoever mentioned yuengling black and tan: i live in pottsville, 
home of yuengling brewery.  lucky me, right?

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[MMouse]: Re: 3rd planet

1999-06-30 Thread Angela Mitchell

its called "third planet from the sun"
i can hook you guys up with a crazy version he played at the coney island
high show once i get around to ripping it.


yes! please please hook us up!  i first heard them do third planet last 
summer, and i fell in love with it.  it's definitely on my list of 
favorites.  and i was also at that coney island high show. (did you see the 
fingernails on the coat/bag check guy? very interesting.)


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[MMouse]: Re: jerx..........no way!!!

1999-06-13 Thread Angela Mitchell

dear list,
i was chit-chatting with some people in irc yesterday, and when modest 
mouse came up one person said that he liked them until he saw them live, 
and the other said they gave a show where he was and they were womanizing 

does anyone who's seen them live have any perspective on this?

hmmm.  let's see what i can say about this.  i can't say that i've ever seen 
a member of modest mouse act like a womanizing dick. isaac is a friend of 
mine, and i've only ever seen him be a good-hearted guy.  he can definitely 
be a smart-ass at times...but that's just the way he is.  eric and jeremy 
are quiet, but also very nice guys.  as for live shows, the ones i've seen 
have been great.  sound has been pretty shitty in some cases, but this was 
really the fault of the venues...not because modest mouse didn't play well 
or anything like that.


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[MMouse]: guilty pleasures

1999-05-10 Thread Angela Mitchell

now everyone has mentioned cheese 80's bands. now these are all good. but 
guilty pleasure would have to be britney spear's "baby one more time". you
cant beat that song.

ok, i'm not familiar w/ anything by britney spears, but there's a rumor 
going around that she'll be attending my school (george washington in dc) in 
the fall.  i haven't seen any concrete evidence, so i dont know if this is 
official or not...just thought you might be interested since you're a closet 

btw: weezer are one of the sweetest bands! dont be ashamed of the
amazing-ness that is weezer

this is so true!! weezer is most excellent.  though i have to confess my own 
guilty pleasures...i have madonna and cyndi lauper cravings once in a while. 
  don't laugh!!


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[MMouse]: tundra/desert

1999-04-15 Thread Angela Mitchell

I was wondering about this -- the two times I've had the opportunity 
to see
'em play, they ended with tundra/desert. So I wondered if they 
always did
that. Guess not. Thanks for answering a question of mine without me 
to ask it.

ok, i know i sort of already answered yr question, but i just wanted 
to add that i've seen them play 10 shows, and they ended with 
tundra/desert at exactly 9 of them.  the other one was, of course, 
styrofoam boots/it's all nice. 


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