[MMouse]: re: burkittsville

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Bradshaw

 The only reason I say 
Burkitsville is hard to get into is because when I was driving home to Richmond 
from State College, Pa, I decided to check out the town, but the one road 
goinginto the town was heavily detoured, and in no way let you get within 
a mile of the place. It took me a good 40 minutes to get anywhere near the 
town limits.  It felt like some government-sponsored, 
Burkittsvillian-requested attempt at keeping gawkers out. 


[MMouse]: promise ring

2000-08-10 Thread Ben Bradshaw

 Maybe because this chick who 
ended up fucking me over triedgetting me into the Promise ring, or perhaps 
because emo bands who "don't deserve to be labeled as emo" are nonetheless emo 
and just little too whiney for me, I can't stand the Promise ring. So 
basically having added nothing to this discussion, can someone tell me why 
Burkittsville, Maryland is harder to get into than Fort Knox?


[MMouse]: weezer

2000-08-07 Thread Ben Bradshaw

 If anyone has an extra ticket to 
the weezer show in DC please contact me. If no one does, I'm interested in 
finding alternate means of entering the 9:30 club.


[MMouse]: pittsburgh

2000-08-04 Thread Ben Bradshaw

What can you guys tell me about Pittsburgh? 
I'm going there for the 8th and quite possibly the 9th. Thanks a lot.


[MMouse]: Favorite Mouse lines!

2000-07-23 Thread BeN

Hey everyone, I was just wondering what everyone's favorite lines from
Modest Mouse songs are. No limit
to the number, just interested in what people think. My personal favs

"A third had just been made and we were swimmin in the water, didn't
know it then was it a son, was it a
daughter? and it occured to me that the animals were swimming, around in
the water in the oceans in our
bodies, and another had been found, another ocean on the planet, given
that our blood is just like the
atlantic, and how..."
-Third planet

and also:

"More housing developments go up, named after the things they replace,
so welcome to minnow brook, and
welcome to shady space"
-Novicain Stain.

Looking forward to reading some responses,
Ciao everyone!

Re: [MMouse]: Beatles on the Pavement

2000-07-19 Thread Ben Bradshaw

 I was just wondering. How 
would the amount of hooks in GbV's catalogue compare to the 


[MMouse]: DC and lyrics

2000-05-08 Thread Ben Bradshaw

 This is my first post to this 
list, but I've been on it a while. I've only got a few things to say 
and/or ask.
 First, is anyone on here from or 
around Virginia? Apparently a lot of you are from just North of here, but 
I haven't seen any representation from the Confederacy except for maybe Texas 
and North Carolina. 
 Secondly, is anyone going to the 
shows at the Black Cat in DC on May 23rd and 24th? My friend and I are 
skipping school for two days to see them both nights.
 C) Is anyone going to 
Elliott Smith at the 9:30 club on the 12th? Who is Whiskey Biscuit? 
I've never heard of them nor can I find any information regarding them 
 IV-- Going back a few days to a 
topic that almost came up on here, what is everyone's favorite song lyrically by 
Modest Mouse? I love the first third of Styrofoam Boots. I read it 
for my English class for poetry month. It did not go over too well with 
the southern baptists, but it still was golden. 
 Finally, I read somewhere (most 
likely on here, but I swear I cannot remember) that one of the big differences 
between Built to Spill and Modest Mouse is how Doug Martsch writes lyrics 
despite the music while Isaac Brock writes in concert with the music. This 
seems to be true. I can identify with entire songs by MM, while BTS is 
more like Emerson...their aphorisms are great, but taken together they border on 

  Well that's 


2000-04-20 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

I don't think teenyboppers like pearl jam. i doubt 12 yearold girls will
to their show just to hear last kiss. pearl jam are decent. their first
albums suck, and i havent heard their last one, but based on the songs by
them that i do like, they've shown me, at least, that they can be

are you fucking kidding me? "their first 2 albums suck" what the shit is
that?  their first 2 albums are the only good shit they have done.  their
first one "ten" was one of the reasons i came to like good music so
much.  it was so original and unlike the rest of the stuff i was hearing
on the radio.  i have since quit listening to the radio unless its a good
classic rock station, but compare smashmouth and matchbox20 to early
pearljam, and you have a blowout.  there is no comparison. 
oh yeah, not liking a band's best material, and not hearing the rest of it
doesnt really mean you know what you are talking about. 

ben A. of the 21st century
"im trying to drink away the part of the day that i cannot sleep away"


2000-04-12 Thread Ben Bradshaw

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are 
you?Ben/Richmond, Va/So close, yet so far to 18

2.What is your favorite mouse song?Doin' The 

3.What are five records you couldn't live 
Modest Mouse-Lonesome Crowded West
Pavement-Brighten the Corners
Black Crowes-The Southern Harmony and Musical 
Built to Spill-There's Nothing Wrong with 

4. Putting records on the internet for free 
download bad or good?

5. Ebay, bad or 

6. Russ winning the hottest male contest, is 
he voting for himself or what?Not a clue.

7. Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?just 
on mp3

8. First live show?Some festival here in 
Richmond. I think it was They Might Be Giants, Agents of Good Roots, Bio 
Ritmo, Jimmies Chicken Shack, and Everything.

9. Worst live show?Smashing 

10. Favorite sound?
An acoustic guitar played over an electric 

11. least favorite sound?The printer at 
work. When it starts up, I have to wake up and do stuff.

12. girls posting their pictures and email 
addresses on the internet bad/good?

13. What book should every person in america 

14. Signing to a major bad/good?
Good, unless the music is affected too much. 
Then again, it has nothing to do with my personal survival like it does with the 

15. Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are 
going to see?
not my bag

16. Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic 
bad/good?Good if not excessive.

17. Favorite beer?
It all tastes like shit to me.

18. Favorite color?

19. What are you going to name your first 
born child?
Boy: Allah
Girl: Yahweh

20. Five favorite movies (the question that 
tells tons about a person)?
American Beauty
Back To the Future
Shawshank Redemption

[MMouse]: beer me!

2000-04-11 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

hey, i like beer and i like mouse music, i also like morrissey music and
dance around the house to it in my tighty whities with the windows
open. (on occasion i do this while drinking myself into oblivion.)
im not saying that drinking is good, (i am), but i like it and that is
what i will do.  you can watch. have fun.

ben A. of the 21st century
"i'm trying to/ drink away the part of the day that i cannot sleep away"

"17.  Favorite beer?
the best beer is NO BEER!!! drinking is for jack asses."

how can you like modest mouse then?

...i know i'm gonnna get it for this.


1999-12-02 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

with carbon dating.  it is only accurate if the object is less than 1
years old, i think.  when its older than that, the measurements that have
to be made are too small and therefore, creat a lot of error in the
readings.  or something like that.  

ben A. of the 21st century  "do me"


1999-12-01 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

hey, i am tired of school too.  just didnt want you to feel alone. 
has anyone here seen "dogma"?  its great stuff.  makes you think about
religion.  also in the beginning it talks about the poem in through the
looking glass about the walrus and the carpenter and how they represent
christianity (the carpenter) and the eastern religions (the walrus) they
then proceed to fool the oysters into following them and then eat them.
i will have to read it for myself though.  

ben A. of the 21st century
dont go home tonight, go out and find the one that you love and who loves


1999-12-01 Thread ben A. of the 21st century

there is this thing called a fossil record.  its where you can take a
bunch of fossils and look at them, and tell that each one is an evolved
version of the last.  that's how we got here now, and johnny, you can't
physically evolve as a person.  it takes thousands of years and
thank you for your cooperation and concern. 

ben A. of the 21st century

[MMouse]: biting off the skin that hangs off the blister, on the helpin hand

1999-10-29 Thread ben A.

arent the 'push kings' from new haven CT?  they fucking rule!! 
if you have never heard them, go get "far places" today.   its pop-tastic
stuff that makes you unable to sit still.  

ben A.

"h i know a girl and all she loves is candy candy. oooh if she dont
watch out she's gonna get to sweet to soon."


1999-10-12 Thread ben A.

i confess.  i dont like sonic youth either.  i kind of like that one song,
"compilation blues" from the DGC rarities comp., but besides that, its
just a bunch of noise to me.  that's all. 

ben A.


1999-09-21 Thread ben A.

i was watching the outdoor life network a while ago, and they played the
first 30 seconds of the mouse's "shit luck" 
it was some public service commercial and they showed a bunch of bad guys
cutting down giant trees while isaac yelled "this plane is definitely


ben A.


1999-09-20 Thread ben A.

loring, *J*,

i too am in colorado.  are there any good shows coming here soon?  i
havent been to any in quite a while.

ben A.

[MMouse]: indie rock.

1999-02-19 Thread ben fish

now, does being an indie rocker have anything to do w/ the way you dress. If
so, anyone can be an indie rocker. 
do you have to be devoted to indie rock to be an indie rocker?  what if i
like prince and michael jackson?

Maybe more or less it is a being. A state of mind. The music inspires you to
be and act a certain way.
I guess if you are in an indie rock band you are automatically one step up
on the indie rock ladder. but what if you don't consider your band indie
rock? Do you have to have certain urges as an indie
rocker? Like to go to the salvation army and to be into the arts of some form.
are you automatically restricted from being an indie rocker if you are the
vp of some company or like a car salesman or something.  can michael eisner
be indie rock?
what if i'm into the music, but i love to dress like a super slut or
what makes indie rock "indie"?
Maybe it will be coined indie, but indie no longer represents the word
Kind of like with Modern art. The art is no longer modern. but this whole
time frame is represented as modern. and what about post-modern art? by
definition post-modern art would be ANY art afterwards forever
i'm confused.
oh well


1999-01-02 Thread ben A.

i too am a GbV fan.  i saw them in august in Boulder. it was rad.  
i will be at the Denver show on monday if i get my car running. 
 oh yeah, the new album rocks!!

ben A.