[MMouse]: current events

2000-05-03 Thread Dave Edwards

If i could run a goddamned quarter mile without puking, i would be into it. (smoke up, 
johnny.) The only time i've even ran in the recent past was from blood-thirsty cops in 
riot gear, dousing everyone with pepper spray like confetti on New Year's,  at the WTO 
protests in Seattle last year. 
I had a history teacher in high school who would swear that the "runner's high" was 
better than opium laced crack. I'd be driving around after school all stoned and 
everything and i'd see him burning shoe rubber on the back-roads every fucking day. 
And his favorite music to listen to on the walkman was "bleach"  You gotta admire that.

I'd like to see what everybodies definition of "emo" is, anyway. That's like trying to 
define "indie rock". I dunno about Jade tree in general, but Pedro the Lion is fucking 
beautiful. If you ever have the chance to see David Bazan live, you won't regret it. 
Simple folk-indie-whatever with no pretense at all. Even better if it's just him, 
without the band.

Hey, Kevin, whassup? Did the shirt thing die? Let's get this going. I don't wanna 
scrounge value village for the perfect blank T for nuthin'.

I've been wanting to listen to Metallica for a few months now, especially whan i'm 
trying to clean my apartment. But i don't, because THEY ARE BEING WHINEY LITTLE 

Just some kitten opinions...



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[MMouse]: the moon and indiana jones

2000-04-25 Thread Dave Edwards

i just did the same search.
The moon and antarcica IS a headline that harrison ford reads in "Blade Runner"
Fawkin weird.
Pop culture, can't live with it, can't live without it.


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[MMouse]: (No Subject)

2000-04-25 Thread Dave Edwards

Oh, man. if this is true, nice detective work. I dunno about anybody else, but i love 
this revealing-the-mystery-shit. And i thought "the moon and antarcica" was pure 
isaac. Damn.

>  From a summation page on the film "Blade Runner":
>In contrast to the film's opening panoramic level, the >camera now descends
>down to the street level. It zooms through the crowd >to the title
>character - a retired, burnt-out Rick Deckard >(Harrison Ford), who is
>leaning against a store display window, filled with >television sets with
>awful reception. He looks up toward the blimp, >flashing graphic catchphrases
>to highlight life on the Off-World colonies. Deckard >is reading a newspaper,
>headlined: "Farming the Oceans, the Moon and >Antarctica.

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[MMouse]: modest dreams

2000-04-24 Thread Dave Edwards

This has never happened to me, but my roomate has drreams about various rock stars and 
stuff all the time. He had a dream where he was hanging out with Lou Barlow a few 
years back when he was really into sebadoh, and now he has dreams about Isaac showing 
him new modest mouse songs and stuff, and Isaac was talking shit about songs my 
roomate wrote. And he had another one where he was hanging out with Eric for a day. 
These are really frustrating for him cause it seems to be damn near impossible to 
remember a song from a dream when you wake up, and he'll pick up his guitar and try to 
play them and get nowhere.

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[MMouse]: Modest Mouse School of Fashion Design

2000-04-24 Thread Dave Edwards

OK, it would be goddamned impossible to come to a concensus on one lyric for a shirt. 
(but then again, a shirt that said "the world is my ashtray" would be kool cause it's 
right out of "Tiny cities made of ashes":
"I made myself a t-shirt, it said the world is my ashtray..."

> 'modest mouse' somewhere on it, and maybe a lyric we all know
>and love too, like the buffalo shirt if it had a >lyric. but then i'm
>not 100% sure if i like the lyric idea or not.

This idea makes it easier and cheaper for Kevin the shirt guy. This way you send the $ 
with the shirt of y'r choice/style/color. This is what democracy looks like.

>everyone go out and BUY YOUR OWN shirt, send it >to the guy, and he'll
>screen the logo for ya. instead of us all>deciding we want ringers, pinks,
>jerseys etc, you can go get your own and have a >logo on whatever color ya
>damn well choose. seems like a logical solution >to all these "i want x
color" emails.

_dave davedavedavedave

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[MMouse]: shirts/M&A cover

2000-04-23 Thread Dave Edwards

i'd vote for shirts w/ the collar and cuff thing as opoosed to the 3/4 length sleeve 
baseball style shirts. I've always hated those things. 
That M&A album cover sucks, epecially the "modest mouse" font, all 3-D and swooshed 
back. yuck.
hungover and negative,
"all this talkin' all the time and the air fills up, up , up until there's nothin' 
left to breathe"

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[MMouse]: mouse jam

2000-04-19 Thread Dave Edwards

Has anyone looked into the truth of this MM/PJ
I don't really have anything against PJ, but i haven't been into them for years, so i 
wouldn't buy the their albums or tickets to their shows.
Putting them on the same bill will expose more people to MM (good), but most likly 
drive the ticket prices up (bad) and also make it much harder for folks who only wanna 
see MM to get into those shows (bad). I think that MM can do just fine on their own, 
without a boost from PJ.
MM is too good to be an opening band. I'd rather hear the bands that they choose to 
open for them.

"autobots wage their battles to destroy the evil forces of the decepticons" 

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[MMouse]: Mouse jam

2000-04-18 Thread Dave Edwards

Say it ain't so. please, lord.
MM cannot go on tour with MF'in Pearl Jam.
Like it isn't hard enuf to get into a mouse show. Especially when you live in the 
seattle area.
This sounds like a evil rumor to me. *evil*
Mouse doesn't need to be stuck in some lame opening slot. 

If i hear that goddamned "last kiss" song one more fucking time, I'm gonna run over 
everybodies girlfriend/boyfriend so the fucking song will REALLY make them cry.


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[MMouse]: drinky crow

2000-04-11 Thread Dave Edwards

I knew i was gonna catch shit for that beer thing.
Listen, i did not mean to imply that 
MM fan = drinker. All i was saying was that
the straight edge type people I KNOW are really rightious about how they avoid 
substances of any kind; i mean like really stuck-up about it, and they do not SEEM 
like the type of people who would enjoy modest mouse. (unless they are indie scene 
rightious, which is much worse) Pedro the lion maybe, but not MM.(I AM NOT IMPLYING 

I just thought it was a little strange that so many stright edgers are MM fans. That's 
it. It just made me pause for a second, and ask if anybody else felt the same way. 

I also did not imply that you should be the same type of person as the people in the 
band/movie/ athletic team are. I love Kurt Cobain and his music, but i hate pathetic 
junkies. They steal your shit all the time.

My personal experiences and opionions are not to be taken as generalizations about the 
everyone, everywhere, because sometimes, i don't have a fucking clue. (especially when 
i'm drunk.)

"i had a drink the other day, opinions were like kittens i was givin' em away"

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[MMouse]: drinky crow

2000-04-11 Thread Dave Edwards

I doubt that anybody reads the profiles as much as i do (i like e-mail, don't ask.) 
but, has anyone noticed the amount of people on this list that answer the favorite 
beer question with " i don't drink" or some similar response. Not that i want to get 
down on people who don't drink, but isn't it kind of a strange anomoly for a modest 
mouse list? I mean, Isaac is one drunk-ass mf. And there's lots of alcohol references 
in the songs. 
Just thought it was kind of strange.

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2000-04-10 Thread Dave Edwards

I got this copy of the Moon & Antartica from a friend who's roommate got it from Isaac 
awhile back. It sounds really different from standard mouse stuff. At first it kind of 
turned me off, but i'm warming up to it. I think this is a really early cut of the 
album. The track list is different than the ones that have been posted so far. Lots of 
vocal tracks on most of the songs, including some stuff i cringed at. Over all, it's 
much less "groovy", more layered and complex, more up-front vocals, and alot less 
bass. It's much more "epic" (bad pun totally intended) The new songs sound much 
different from the live versions i've heard. I'm hoping the actual realese sounds 

Songs on my version:
1) Third Planet
2)Gravity Rides Everything (ilove this song)
3)Life Like Weeds
5)Dark Center of the Universe (not the best version)
6)Perfect Disguise
8)Stars are Projectors (damn good version)
9)Paper Thin Walls
11)Cities Made of Ashes
12)I came as a Rat (a bad title for a bad song)
14)Different City
15)The Cold Part
16)Alone Down There (cheesy/creepy voice effects)
17)Suspention of Disbelief?(Everywhere)

I could use some help with the titles i don't know...
Song four-"You're the good things, yeah, thats you, yeah that's you, yeah, you're the 
icing on the cake on the table at my wake"

Song seven-"And down at the bottom of the ocean where the dead do rise" "You need 
proof, I got proof..."

Song 13-(back country porch sound) repeats the "Never die, never grow old" line from 
"i came as a rat" -isn't that a tom petty lyric?-

Song 17- i'm calling it "suspention of disbelief, but thats my own title. "everywhere, 
everywhere, everywhere..."

any help out there?

"if you could be anything you want, i'd bet you'd be dissapointed, am i right?"


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[MMouse]: mememememe

2000-04-10 Thread Dave Edwards

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

Dave, Bellingham,WA 21

2.What is your favorite mouse song?

Dramamine, Broke, I-8, Heart cooks brain..(like i can fucking pick ONE)
3.What are five records you couldn't live without

Modest Mouse-Long Drive
Sonic Youth-Sister
(i can hear my indie cred plummeting downward...)

4. Putting records on the internet for free download: 
bad or good?

My computer sucks too much for me to care.

5.  Ebay, bad or good?

Capitalism sucks.

6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
voting for himself or what?

I actually voted for Russ like 412 times a day, but what would you not do for such a 

7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?

yes, but not the real thing, but not downloaded either. 
8.  First live show?

Hammerbox at Bumbershoot in Seattle like 6 or 7 years ago or something

9.  Worst live show?
This band that opened for MM last year in Seattle called the Bali Girls. Absolute 

10.  Favorite sound?
Maybe the way Isaac and Nicole Johnson's voices go together. 

11.  least favorite sound?

The sound my roomate makes when he brushes the back of his tongue

12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
on the internet bad/good?

It's not like you'll ever really meet them or anything...

13.  What book should every person in america read?

Catcher in the Rye, until Isaac writes a book.

14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

Bad, but only because major labels are owned by evil corporations. Musically, it 
depends on the band.

15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to

I'd like to know who decided this was so un-hip in the first place.

16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

Fine, as long as i know what the hell people are talking about. (Waffle houses?)

17.  Favorite beer?

Grolsh when i'm rich, Rolling Rock when i'm poor.

18.  Favorite color?


19.  What are you going to name your first born child?

No. 1

20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells tons about a person)?

THX 1138
Bros. Quay- Street of Crocodiles
The Shining

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2000-04-07 Thread Dave Edwards

i jst got a new album bootleg.
i'ts not very good.
maybe i'm not cool enuf or something


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[MMouse]: e-mail of silence for Kurt.

2000-04-06 Thread Dave Edwards

And now, an e-mail of silence for Kurdt
 that's enough. 
Informal poll: Will Issac... 
1)burn out, 
2)fade away, or
4)kill himself.

or feel free to make up other options, of course.

)fade away, or kill himself?

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[MMouse]: Wset Coast Modest Mouse Road Trip

2000-03-28 Thread Dave Edwards

Hey anybody on the West coast:

Me and my friends have this plan to go to San Fran in early June and follow the mouse 
tour all the way back to Seattle. Hit every show just to hear Issac lisp off. It's 
awhile off, but if anyone wants to hook up and caravan, let me know. I think it would 
be a goddamned beautiful way to start the summer. What else have you got going, your 
shitty job? Fuck it. 

I'm fully aware that this is a really cheesy, groupie, GD/Phish thing to do. Yes, I am 
a geek, thank you for asking. So what; it'll be fun.

Fuck WTO/World Bank/IMF

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[MMouse]: modest mystery tour

2000-03-17 Thread Dave Edwards

As far as i know, the touring MM is doing right now is the pre-album hype thing and 
after the album comes out the "official U.S Tour" will start. whatevr that means. My 
guess is that it will be possible to get a full tour schedule then. 
Anybody on this list a B'hamster? I'm going to see My Little Brother and Rat Cat Hogan 
tonite. I heard that the Humdinger is going to quit doing "rock" shows cause of cop or 
landlord trouble or something.

"i've got this thing that i consider my only art of fucking people over"

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[MMouse]: big business

2000-03-11 Thread Dave Edwards

yeah, i know that nike drake and john lennon are long gone. That makes it all the 
worse. they aren't here to even sell it themselves. somebody sold it for them. yet 
another way for someone to profit. and buy a brand new VW.  

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[MMouse]: Commercial rock

2000-03-09 Thread Dave Edwards

As much as i hate to get all preachy to people i don't even know, i gotta say that 
whenever a musician sells their song to a goddamn corporation like VW, then they suck 
for supporting big business. I don't care how long they've been around or if their on 
a major label or they're the best little unknown band in the universe and they need a 
little boost, bands should not SELL their music in order to SELL another product. Talk 
about fucking selling out...
Wasn't anyone else pissed to hear John Lennon's music on a fucking Nike ad a few years 

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[MMouse]: Commercial rock

2000-03-09 Thread Dave Edwards

As much as i hate to get all preachy to people i don't even know, i gotta say that 
whenever a musician sells their song to a goddamn corporation like VW, then they suck 
for supporting big business. I don't care how long they've been around or if their on 
a major label or they're the best little unknown band in the universe and they need a 
little boost, bands should not SELL their music in order to SELL another product. Talk 
about fucking selling out...
Wasn't anyone else pissed to hear John Lennon's music on a fucking Nike ad a few years 

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[MMouse]: (No Subject)

2000-03-08 Thread Dave Edwards

The bestest live show i ever did see would have to be my very first one. It was 
Hammerbox at the Mercer arena in Seattle during Bumbershoot like seven years ago or 
something. Back when crowd-surfing was kool, and everybody wanted to stage-dive. 
Carrie Akre's voice totally blew me away.

Another great show was Jane's Addiction last year in Seattle, but i imagine every show 
on the tour was the same. I was way up in nose-bleed seats and it still rawked. 

And last but not least, 764-HERO and Modest Mouse at the UW HUB ballroom a few months 
back. Holy shit. I've never heard MM play so well. 

Any other Hammerbox fans out there? 


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[MMouse]: who's guilty?

2000-01-29 Thread dave edwards

Ok, i know that somebody out there has the new album. (no, not the 7" comp, but the 
NEW ALBUM.) I keep hearing rumors that it's out there. If any of y'all are hip enuf to 
get y'r hands on it, or know somebody who knows somebody who is hip enuf, GET IT AND 
MP3 IT.(or get it to russ and let him do his beautiful work {rah, rah, russ!} This is 
the awkward stage inbetween the "reminder" album and the "major label debut". Epic 
will put out advance copies in strategic locations to boost the hype. It's all part of 
the corprate marketing strategy. So keep an ear open. All it takes is one modest 
mouser to get it up and we'll all be happy as drunken monkeys at McDonalds. Ok? Ok.

[MMouse]: lucky me...

2000-01-18 Thread dave edwards

hi everyone i'm new to the list. i have a friend of a friend who has the new
album cause he's hip as shit or something, but anyway, i get to hear it this
weekend and i'll tell y'all bout it.