Re: [MMouse]: favorite words

2000-08-30 Thread FritzCat8

how about samoan?

-benecio del toro

Re: [MMouse]: how to know who you should vote for

2000-08-29 Thread FritzCat8


 I would just hate to see people vote
  for Gore because Bush is "Yucky!"

i feel the same way...butthe thought of another president bush makes me 
pee my best, bush would just be aroused all day and get some 
play from liddy worst, he'd come to my house and shoot me

-vince carter

Re: [MMouse]: how to know who you should vote for

2000-08-28 Thread FritzCat8

 Or, if you are pro Nader, vote Nader no matter what cuz Bush AND Gore suck!
except bush isnt harmless the way dole was...he's really really really scary

Re: [MMouse]: don't make me show you

2000-08-05 Thread FritzCat8

 Are you aware of the suicide?

are we talking about the infamous "fuck kraftwerk" suicide? If we are, I'll 
soil myself I'd be that happy

Re: [MMouse]: bush, dicks, and MM

2000-08-05 Thread FritzCat8

In a message dated 8/5/00 5:27:30 AM Mid-Atlantic Daylight Time, 

  I will be voting republican. Seriously.
  Don't kill me. I just will. My opinions won't change or change you so let's
  not fight about it huh honey? I just wanna go to bed.

just watch who you call honey

Re: [MMouse]: bush, dicks, and MM

2000-08-04 Thread FritzCat8

I have a silly anyone on the list for Bush? I'm sure as hell 
not, but if anyone is, they sure have low testicular fortitude...
If anyone saw the daily show last night, they had a clip of Bush getting 
aroused after Wyoming announced its could have been his pants 
bunching up, but it's a lot funnier to think of good ole' GWB getting off on 
those hot Wyomingians

[MMouse]: Re: Stuff

2000-08-02 Thread FritzCat8

I'm not really going to take a yiggidy side on this...but I have a very close 
relative who's gay, and I've known it all my life, since I was little...and 
it really didn't screw me up or anything, I just knew that people were gay 
before all my friends did...I actually think it was a good thing, because I 
was too little too care about someone being gay, all I did was love them, and 
it didn't matter what was put whereso I guess I'm saying that everyone 
should have a gay relative!

-Still wondering if I'll be traded from Philadelphia,
Allen Iverson

Re: [MMouse]: socialism isn't all that horrible/drilling holes in alaska

2000-08-01 Thread FritzCat8

In a message dated 8/1/00 9:01:19 PM Mid-Atlantic Daylight Time, 

 my theory is that we're coming to the end of our evolution. 

actually, i've think we're de-evolving...we probably reached our peak years everyone sits inside in the air conditioning and gets used to the 
cold, while it just gets warmer outside...

air condition free and evolving,
allen iverson

Re: [MMouse]: OT: a vote that counts

2000-07-28 Thread FritzCat8

In a message dated 7/28/00 1:25:14 PM Mid-Atlantic Daylight Time, 

 this is for all of you who are worried you would be throwing your vote
  away by voting for nader (written by Xander Patterson, a leader in the
  portland pacific green party)

i agreed with everything in this letter
but you have to ask, is it worth letting bush run the country for four years?

[MMouse]: Ralph Nader is sexy

2000-07-27 Thread FritzCat8

Here's my two cents:

Even though I'd love to see Ralph Nader make it to the top, he won't, which 
sucks, but you shouldn't feel like a sell out if you vote Gore to screw Bush. 
 Nominating Supreme Court Justices is too damn important to fall into Bush's 
hands (being as half the court is pushing/past 60) and I don't think anyone 
wants to see Mr. Clarence Thomas repeated 9 times over.  Plus, regardless of 
who controls the Congress, a Green President won't be able to get past a 
two-part Senate or House.  Instead of arguing between Gore and Nader, we 
should just convince conservatives to vote for Buchanan to mess up the Bush 
vote.  We live in the real world.  There's something to be said for ideals, 
but there's also something to be said for the fact that Bush is the bigger 
fuck up.  Nader won't win.  And I sure as hell don't want another 
Reagan-wannabe Bush in office.

PS. Reagan is evil

Re: [MMouse]: RE: Led Zeppelin

2000-07-18 Thread FritzCat8

 issac brock writes better lyrics than lou reed.
 pavement writes better hooks than the beatles. 
 doug martsch is a better guitarist than jimi hendrix 

good god 
who wrote this junk? is he/she human?
i'm sorry, none of these guys hold a candle to reed/beatles/hendrix
i think there needs to be a head hunting

Re: [MMouse]: RE: Led Zeppelin

2000-07-18 Thread FritzCat8

in the same respect, i think the beatles/rollingstones/whatever are better 
than the pavement/builttospill/modestmouse  but i guess you win.  i took the 

In a message dated 7/18/00 7:45:55 PM Mid-Atlantic Daylight Time, 

 I wrote that. 
 I think it's funny that people have such a knee-jerk reaction to 
 someone saying "__ is better than the beatles/rolling 
 stones/velvet underground". It's like, as a music fan, you're required 
 to accept as fact "the The Beatles will never be topped". I'm not 
 going to buy into that crap: can anyone fathom that maybe - just 
 maybe - I REALLY do think that Pavement is a better band than 
 the Beatles? Musical taste is so personal; importance, influence... 
 these words mean nothing to mean. I don't care about those 
 qualities. Is Bob Dylan more influential than Stephen Malkmus. 
 Yes. Absolutely. No question. But is he better? No. I don't think he 
 is. That's my opinion, and so in my little sphere of reality, it's fact.
 Really, I just feel sorry for people who would respond to my original 
 post with a comment like "are you human?". That's fucked up.

[MMouse]: ?

2000-07-12 Thread FritzCat8

does anybody listen to primal scream? or the manic street preachers? and what 
do they sound like?

Re: [MMouse]: questions

2000-07-03 Thread FritzCat8

1.why do you like modest mouse?
I like a tribe called quest because they're smooth like butter
2.where does everyone live?

Houston, Delaware, DC, Dallas old are you?
Get yourself some toilet paper cause your lyrics is butt
4.are you male or female?
Bitties in the bk lounge...

[MMouse]: Re: Books

2000-06-27 Thread FritzCat8

Was reading Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk
Hey, that book was groovy...
I would suggest anything by Gore Vidal...him and Vonnegut, they have lots of 
fun end of the world scenarios...
Anybody ever read Voltaire?  Candide is just about the most un-1700s book 
ever copy even has little porno cartoons in it...its pretty 
-Ali Shaheed Muhammed

[MMouse]: Re: Laughing

2000-06-22 Thread FritzCat8

Okay, I'm not saying this to be a bitch, but who the hell cares what kind of 
music other people listen to?  I'm not even saying this in an anti-elitist, 
lynch mob the indie snobs deal, I'm just saying, why does everyone care if 
someone likes N Sync or whatever?  Does that hurt anyone?  Pre-fab music is 
not a new thing.  Who gives a shit if they don't play their own instruments 
or write their own songs?  Guess what?  Neither did Sinatra...and I'm not 
saying that he's the greatest musician either, but what's the big deal?  I'd 
rather listen to a Britney Spears song then listen to most of the junk that 
people these days call indie rock.  And I know this is an old arguement, but 
come on, does N Sync hurt anyone?  I can remember being ten and thinking that 
all the early 90's alterna-rock was the greatest thing in the 
world...although my tastes may have changed, I'm not going to dump on people 
for liking what's on the radio.  That's just stupid.

-Allen Iverson

Re: [MMouse]: Abercrombie/

2000-06-15 Thread FritzCat8

 I wouldn't mind if I could turn on the radio again. 

you should listen to all the jamming gold stations know the disco, 
the diana ross, the marvin gaye, the jackson five...that's where it's at
i'm sick to death of all these crappy college stations...all they do is 
comment on how eclectic they are by saying they have radiohead AND elliot 
and they need to speak up and stop mumbling
when i have a station, it'll be barry white, all day, every day

Re: [MMouse]: another poll:

2000-06-09 Thread FritzCat8

my current five (i'm a sucker for lists)

A Tribe Called Quest-The Low End Theory (perpetually in my top five)
Horace Andy- 16 Massive Cuts from the 70s
Some Marvin Gaye Collection
KRS 1- Return of the Boom Bap
Oh yeah, and watching the Pacers getting beat bad.  Real bad.

Re: [MMouse]: fucking hockey

2000-06-06 Thread FritzCat8

all this talk about hockey...
does anybody else like basketball? i hope the lakers win in four...damn 
pacers knocking off both the knicks and the sixers

Re: [MMouse]: Rescue me!

2000-05-27 Thread FritzCat8

Miles Davis-A Tribute to Jack Johnson
A Tribe Called Quest-The Low End Theory
oh and the new common album
sorry folks, i think i just blew whatever indie rock status i had
but these are good buys anyway

Re: [MMouse]: offtopic/fbi

2000-04-27 Thread FritzCat8

dont go to this, its one of those fucked up things were they show a picture 
of an ape and they say thats your file
whoever sent this should be ashamed
since the federal government has passed a new law making the files of the
federal bureau of investigation and the central intelligence agency
available to the public, you can now search the internet to determine if
either, or both, agencies has a file on you. a lot of people that think 
they won't have files on themselves actually do. some even have pictures.


[MMouse]: Handsome boy modeling school

2000-04-18 Thread FritzCat8

for once i have a meaningful post
I'm sure people have heard of Handsome Boy Modeling School-but to see them is 
way better than to just hear them...Last night I saw them at the Theater of 
the Living Arts in philly, and they didnt just put on a show, they put on a 
circus...Prince Paul and Dan the Automator came out, and they said hi to the 
crowd, and Dan played a few things, and then Paul had a modeling contest on 
stage, with three girls and three guys.  He alternately praised the girls 
(except one who he kept making fun of because she was piss drunk) and dissed 
the guys (in a friendly way), but with good reason, because they all kept 
hitting on him.  The winner (one of the girls) got a box of wheat thins, and 
the other contestants got grapes and cheese.  Then Paul spun, while Dan 
passed out cookies, and since we were in the front row, we managed to snag a 
few.  Then my brother, he gave Dan a sign that read "Prince Paul and the 
Automator and El Supero Bombastico Magnifico."  Dan was pretty impressed, 
gave my brother two cookies, and then hung the sign off the speakers for the 
rest of the show.  Then he made sandwiches, and gave them to people, and my 
brother passed him a button that said "It's ok not to drink," which impressed 
Dan more, so he put the button on and wore it for the rest of the show.  
Later on they passed out CDs, and my friend got a norieaga cd.  All in all, 
the music was great, and these two were some of the greatest entertainers i 
have ever seen.

[MMouse]: (no subject)

2000-04-09 Thread FritzCat8

on a totally unrelated, junk mail note
I've finally decided to unload my CD collection.
With the money I get from it, I'm going to spend it all on Tribe Called Quest 
Multiples of them
So I can play them on separate stereos
And get the real experience
Does anyone else think this is a good idea?
Oh, and I have nothing negative to say

[MMouse]: (no subject)

2000-03-30 Thread FritzCat8

I once saw some bullshit
It smelled
Does anyone else like Barry White?
Or A Tribe Called Quest?


2000-03-28 Thread FritzCat8

Am I the only one here who doesn't really care if people burn cds?
I'm not talking 60,000 at once, that's just silly, but if someone wants to 
buy just one a couple months in advance, I don't really think that it's an 
"engine of destruction"
George W. Bush is the engine of destruction
If anyone likes Public Enemy, check out amazon's bio on Flavor Flav's new 
They say it's not due out until 2010

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n603

1999-12-09 Thread FritzCat8

hey fucko
i can still like the music
im not saying i promote heroin use

A junk habit? What do you call a career, wife and, especially, children?!
 On Wed, 8 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  why the hell do you give a shit
  i think your opinions are wrong too
24.Sublime-40 oz. to Freedom
   sorry to sound insensitive, but i had had the misfortune of hearing mr. 
   nowell's music before he died, and heard when he died, and i thought, 
   at least i won't have to hear him all over the radio.  87 posthumous 
   later, it is a cruel world indeed.   (and, in my defense, i can't feel 
   for someone who puts a junk habit before his career, wife, and 
   his daughter). 

[MMouse]: (no subject)

1999-12-08 Thread FritzCat8

well it was my list
i disagree 
oh well
 OK..S+E is a great album and whatnot and I know "rock critics" are all ooh 
 ahh about it but there is no way in hell that is a better album than Crooked 
 Rain Crooked Rain.  I listen to that album hundred million more than S+E  
 It's so much better.  The music is so much better.  The lyrics are better.  
 The artwork is better.  Jesus it just kicks the shit out of other Pavement 
 shit.  I'm listening to this fucking album right now and I'm rocking out.  
 if someone wants to enlighten me or whatever go ahead but I just have to say 
 what the fuck.  

[MMouse]: 25 of the decade

1999-12-07 Thread FritzCat8

this is more my style:  my top 25 of the decade

 25.Wyclef Jean-The Carnival
 24.Sublime-40 oz. to Freedom
 23.Neutral Milk Hotel-In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
 22.Modest Mouse-This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About
 20.Beastie Boys-Hello Nasty
 18.Mad Professor-No Protection
 17.Nirvana-MTV Unplugged in New York
 15.John Coltrane-The Ultimate Blue Train (reissue, would have been higher)
 14.Beck-Mellow Gold
 13.Public Enemy-Fear of a Black Plane 
 12.Sonic Youth-Daydream Nation
 11.Radiohead-The Bends
 10.Pulp-Different Class
 9.Beastie Boys-Check Your Head
 8.Pavement-Slanted and Enchanted
 7.Miles Davis-A Tribute to Jack Johnson (reissue, would have been higher)
 6. Tricky-Maxinquaye
 5.My Blood Valentine-Loveless 
 3.Radiohead-OK Computer
 2.A Tribe Called Quest-The Low End Theory
 1.Massive Attack-Blue Lines 

[MMouse]: that crazy john popper

1999-11-22 Thread FritzCat8

i've got this friend who knew john poppper with a kid
he was friends with one of her sons
he once came over her house, wearing all camoflauge, riding a moped, and 
threated her kids with a knife 
and he sat on her sofa and broke it
and he sat on a cupholder in her van and broke it
i wish i knew some crappy celebrities

Re: [MMouse]: a few thoughts on people who think they're coolbecause they ow...

1999-11-03 Thread FritzCat8

oh damn, i thought it was the sat lookalike
i took the ACT
it's my favorite standardized test
 Now we're going to second-guess a band's ability to act, eh?  If the
 sincerity of the band members concerns you, then let me assure you that
 Superdrag only ACT sincere.  Personally, I like music if it makes a
 joyous noise unto my ears, not if the band is "sincere" or "fake as

[MMouse]: (no subject)

1999-10-30 Thread FritzCat8

now that we're on politics, let me say something
i think that we should make clones 
and that they should all be gay
and then we should abort them
i like mumia

[MMouse]: another pointless sonic youth mail

1999-10-13 Thread FritzCat8

for anyone whos counting, thats 5 and a half (one of them didnt completely 
admit it)
to conclude my pointless tally, i pose a question
how is it that sonic youth sucks, but weezer is apparently great?
some people just smoke too much crack

Re: [MMouse]: burning

1999-10-11 Thread FritzCat8

In a message dated 10/10/99 11:38:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

thats sonic youth crack number keeping a tally

 Good heavens!
 Is there any band inside the 'indie realm' you folks don't like?! 
 Is there anyone out there who thinks the only decent Sonic Youth song is 
 their cover of the Carpenter's Superstar?  (Maybe I'm just missing a cd of 
 theirs. That's a probable explanation as to why I *cannot* come across 
 someone who doesn't care for them).
 I apologize for calling the airlines a sucky band.  Perhaps when I heard 
 I was at a point of fed-up-ness with predictability.  When I develop a 
 tolerance for music I've heard a hundred times 
 but-they-must-be-good-cause-they-have-a-big-name-connection, I'll give them 
 another try.
 I like the Promise Ring 

Re: [MMouse]: sonic youth non-fans coming out

1999-10-11 Thread FritzCat8

thats tally mark number 3...i hope it doesnt reach 4...
 i'm coming out as a non-sonic youth fan for ya...i love "teenage riot" and 
 "100%" but beyond that i find them overrated and irritating...i dont' like 
 noise for the sake of noise, personally.  

Re: [MMouse]: Queens

1999-09-01 Thread FritzCat8

queens of the stone age...i know that rolling stone gave them a "hard rock 
rating of 5 out of 10"...i guess they didnt rock as hard as the illustrious 
"soilent green"

for whatever thats worth, i dont really put much stock into what rolling 
stone says anymore

Re: [MMouse]: Better off Dead?!?!?!?!

1999-08-02 Thread FritzCat8

i like the mouse and all, but i think it'll be a cold day in hell when they 
break the billboard 200

Re: [MMouse]: RE: Digest modestmouse.v001.n412

1999-07-15 Thread FritzCat8

  if you wanna complain about them signing to epic listen to the above songs
 try to tell me they're not worthy of all the success in the world!  almost
 all "indie" labels get major label distribution when it comes to getting on
 the shelves of yr local record store... if you like it...listen.
 modest mouse is not yours to hide
 BULLFUCKINGSHIT.  I listen to indie music because it lets me connect with
 the artist in a way that is IMPOSSIBLE when every single person knows every
 single line of every single song they've ever written.  I think it rocks
 when i find someone who listens to modest mouse and get in a great
 conversation about how much theyve changed my life because of that
 connection.  When its not indie, it loses its gravity, loses the very stuff
 that makes it worth my time to listen to.  There are a billion bands out
 there, all playing and saying basically the same thing, what makes one
 different from the other is YOUR perception of them based on factors which
 are both superfluous to the music and not normally based on any type of
 reason.  Whatever you want to call it, Modest mouse is and always will be a
 thousand times better when that connection is a personal one.  Dont forget
 why they started going underground in the first place.

im really not sure if you meant it to sound this way, but you give the 
impression that modest mouse is yours, and yours alone.  you also seem to 
imply that if music doesnt fall under your "indie" category, its 
automatically crap.  i'd rethink that, because your statemeny on "indie" 
doesn't make it sound like you connect with the bands, it just makes you 
sound pretentious

Re: [MMouse]: A Thought on Indie Snobbery

1999-06-09 Thread FritzCat8

i was going to flame you, but i burnt myself

[MMouse]: (no subject)

1999-01-02 Thread FritzCat8

who the hell started this damn thing about gulf storm?