Re: [MMouse]: Influences

2000-06-21 Thread KrazyLitts

Wow, y'know what's even sadder?  i was in an indie record store here in 
seattle and some little girl, couldn't've been more than 10, came in and 
walked around for a few minutes before coming up to the counter, where i was 
chatting with the clerk, and asking where the insync cds were.

we busted up laughing before we tryed to sell her on death cab for cutie and 
modest mouse.  she insisted that we point her to the instink so i pointed her 
to the door, telling her that she'd have to go to sam crappy or came-a-lot to 
buy that junk.

if you aren't laughing, then its never happened to you...

ps: if anybody was that clerk, could you tell me what store it was?  i forgot.

In a message dated 2000-06-21 6:04:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 yeah, take it from me, i worked at Camelot Music (a mall music store like 
  Goody) for 6 months and had to sell albums like N'sync to 12 year olds and 
  dixie chicks to middle aged texas hicks - when we finally did get Modest 
  Mouse in, they placed it in the "local" section (i live in dallas) i tried 
  get people to buy indie instead and told them to go to cooler, cheaper 
  stores =)

Re: [MMouse]: Ms. Love's Manifesto

2000-06-16 Thread KrazyLitts

I do, Nevermind sold something like 15 million copies i think, and i read 
that he signed up for royalties instead of flat fee in his record contract, 
so even at $2 an album, which was what courtney put out in her speech, that's 
enough to live till the end of a long life with out working while supporting 
a pretty good heroin habit.

he sure as hell wasn't poor...

In a message dated 2000-06-16 9:57:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 I don't think Kurt Cobain is rich, per-se... I mean, he IS dead.
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 7:53 AM
  Subject: RE: [MMouse]: Ms. Love's Manifesto
  2. Courtney Love has a rich, famous, dead ex-husband.

Re: [MMouse]: Ms. Love's Manifesto

2000-06-15 Thread KrazyLitts

In a message dated 2000-06-15 8:29:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Okay, she was saying that she is NOT making any money working for the 
  she's working  for. And I don't really have any reason to doubt her,
  considering she's signed  to Polygram, and Seagrams owned companys are
  notorious for fucking over thier artists (note the lack of quote marks).
  Isn't it fair to pay someone a livable wage for creating a product which 
  sell? Whether you like Courtney Love or not?
  Oh, heart-string our poor waitress isn't too bad off! I mean, she 
  has a house in Santa Monica, CA. , the last I heard anyway, is you had
  to be pulling in a little more than "a livable wage" to have a house
  there. She must know how to really work those tippers. 

for some reason i don't think she'd have to be making much of anything 
considering the fact that she was heir to the all of Mr. Cobain's cash.  not 
to mention all of the royalties that they are still pulling n off of 
nevermind and in utero


Re: [MMouse]: Seattle MM List Meet?

2000-06-14 Thread KrazyLitts

In a message dated 6/13/2000 10:38:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well the Seattle show is fast upon us. I'll be going to the show on
Saturday. I'm really down for meeting some MM fans. I'm not a huge fan
downtown though so where is a good place to meet up? Southcenter maybe?
Someone mentioned a burger place in an earlier reply?

Adam Kind

NOT southcenter, i live in shoreline (just north of seattle) so southcenter 
would completely preclude me from taking part in any activities.

somewhere in seatle, i reiterate my votes for fremont or the U-District.

in other news...
i MIGHT have any extra ticket, stress might, but the guy i was gonna go with 
might not be able to because it is his birthday and for some reason he 
thought the concert was a day later.  it is a very big might, and i don't 
even think that its sold out yet (anyone?) so you could always try that...

dunno why i am posting this, it adds nothing new to the discussion, but i am 
stalling the inevitable... STUDYING FOR FINALS *enter horror movie scream 


[MMouse]: Seattle Meeting

2000-06-14 Thread KrazyLitts

I am going to be at Westlake Center.  I will be wearing green cargo pants and 
a black sweatshirt and will be with either a medium sized dark haired guy or 
a short blond girl.

Oh... i am a blond and about 6'0" and 150 lbs.

this is only for Saturday mind you.

 It SUCKs to be a mi-nor in Se--ttle
Sing it with me now...

[MMouse]: Re: SEATTLE SHOW on 6/17

2000-06-06 Thread KrazyLitts

There's a bus.  I dunno which one, that goes from fremont to very close 
to the showbox.  we could meet there, but i dunno anyplace.  Or we could meet 
in the U-District, Pagaliacci's Pizza and the Mix Ice Cream are both good 


 OK, for listers going to the Seattle show on the 17th, i think it would be 
best tomeet on Capitol Hill somewheres, probably a little down the 
hill from Broadway. I   dunno exactly where. I would say we should be real 
indie fucks and meet at the   Cha-Cha, but i don't think y'all are 21 yet.
 Then again it's kinda far to walk downtown, but not really, i'm pretty used 
to it. Idunno. Umm...Hamburger Mary's has beer an' stuff, near the 
corner of Olive and   Summit, i think. That could be a good place to meet.
 Anybody got any ideas?
 I'm kinda opposed to Gameworks. That whole section of town pisses me off.

"all this talkin' all the time and the air fills 
up, up, up till there's nothing left to breathe." -MM


Re: [MMouse]: OT: I don't mean to start anything, but...

2000-06-06 Thread KrazyLitts

LOL  You're right, that is fucking hilarious.  I wonder if there's a 
response out there, if anyone can find it, send it to me.  if not somebody 
should call her up and read it to her to get her response.


In a message dated 2000-06-05 10:37:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

  ...this is fucking hilarious, no matter what yr blind acceptance may
  be. (If not, you are surely already dead. Please check yr pulse.)
  [Notice: I didn't mention anything about those Dallas Stars  the
  hicks in the crowd. Who says there is no such thing as gracious
  Keep reading,
   Dear Dr. Laura,
   Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's law. I have
   learned a great deal from you, and I try to share that knowledge with as
   many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual
   lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly
   states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from
   you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow
   When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a 
   odor for the Lord (Lev. 1:9). The problem is my
   neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. How should I deal
   with this?
   I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as it suggests in Exodus
   21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for 
   I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her 
   of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev. 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I 
   I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
   Lev. 25:44 states that I may buy slaves from the nations that are around
   us. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans but not
   Canadians. Can you clarify?
   I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2
   clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill
   him myself?
   A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an 
   (Lev. 10:10), it is a lesser abomination than
   homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
   Lev. 20:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a
   defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear prescription glasses. 
   my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
   I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you 
   help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and

Re: [MMouse]: (No Subject)

2000-06-05 Thread KrazyLitts

I'm goin on Sat. too we should meet up...  I dunno where though, gameworks 
might be good, but i really don't like the place, we could try The Mix in the 
U-District, although that's nowhere near the showbox...

Just a thought...

In a message dated 2000-06-05 1:58:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

  I'm down for meeting up for the Sat. MM show. Maybe we should have a group
  get together before the show or something? I'm sure there has to be quite a
  few MM fans in the Seattle area. I'm thinking gameworks or something.. they
  have a nice restraunt / bar so all ages would be satisfied...
  Adam Kind
  The copy of the MA i have has "good things" on it and "willful 
  and some other country-ish song i call "roof of my mouth".
   "I came as a rat" is the same of both records.
  Pissin my pants to see the mouse next weekend.
  "all this talkin' all the time and the air fills
  up till there's nothing left to breathe." -MM
  On Sun, 04 Jun 2000 14:19:28   jsl04 wrote:
  The new album will have You're the Good Things on it? The copy I--umm--
  heard doesn't have that song on it! Hmm. Also, ( I've asked this once
  before, but) is the I Came as a Rat the same version on the new album?
  Wondering when I'll get my 12" to spit shine,
  On Sun, 4 Jun 2000, Dave wrote:
   I got my Night on the Sun 12" the other day. It's kool that "Willful
  Suspenion of Disbelief" is on it, cause that song is so beautiful/creepy.
  The part that sounds kinda like horns makes me shiver. But i don't
  understand why "You're the Good Things" and "I Came as a Rat" are on the
  record, cause the album which has both those songs on it is coming out 
  I sure that the boys had some other b-sides that would be more interesting.
  The cover art is pretty good, and the insert has lyrics. The alternate 
  for "i came as i rat" is "long walk off a short dock"
   Northwest people- i'm going to both shows in Seattle; i'll be the 
  drunk short guy who's not Isaac.
   "the sky, it doesn't ever end, the air just gets much thinner further

Re: [MMouse]: hiphop (OT, BABY)

2000-05-30 Thread KrazyLitts

In a message dated 2000-05-30 7:35:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Amen to that. Saw Chuck D on Charlie Rose debating Lars (of Metallica fame)
  over Napster (among other things). He made Lars look/sound pretty damn
  foolish on many occasions. 

this needs to get onto napster!  nothing like hearing lars being an ass on 
the service that he is bitching about.

wow, the irony is killing me...

[MMouse]: cover art on epic site

2000-05-30 Thread KrazyLitts

check it out, go there and click on music, it isn't that gross green stuff.

it looks like it has purple at the top, then 2 blue hands shaking over a very 
MM western wasteland background.

small pic tho.


Re: [MMouse]: Off Topic..........90210???!!!

2000-05-28 Thread KrazyLitts

it says off topic right in the subject.  this is a list where people with at 
least one commonality (MM) can come to talk about anything they want.  if you 
want to bitch about them off-list or tell them to put off-topic in the 
subject line, that's cool.  but it clearly states in the subject line that 
its got nothing to do w/ modest mouse.

I have a proposal, when you're gonna write an off-topic post.  put [OT] at 
the beginning of the subject line so john can know what to delete, ok?

john:  shut up so the rest of us can enjoy ourselves in all of our 
free-associative glory.

rolling my eyes at the petty bitching...

Re: [MMouse]: Rescue me!

2000-05-27 Thread KrazyLitts

In a message dated 2000-05-26 10:48:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 What not to buy (no matter what anyone tells you)
  Deathcab For Cutie - We Have The Facts...

Whoa there... Why not? i got that album when it came out and i love it, 
especially company calls.  That song rules.

scratching my head...

Re: [MMouse]: off topic posts

2000-05-26 Thread KrazyLitts

I'd just like to send a big FUCK YOU out to all of the hard-assed republican 
morons that couldn't open their minds far enough to let the air out.


[MMouse]: Ticketbastard

2000-05-22 Thread KrazyLitts

Well, i finally got tix to the 2nd seattle show.  Yesterday i got on my bike, 
and rode the 2 miles down to the local Rite-Aid after begging for cash for an 
hour from my parents, and guess what THEY AREN'T A TB OUTLET!  so today, 
after skipping english for an orthodontist appointment (tomato-faced bastard) 
i went to the one down on 132nd, and waited, and waited, and waited, then 
asked the clerk for help, she sent an all-call, and i waited, waited, waited, 
tried again, another all-call, waiting, waiting, bought Dr.Pepper, waited 
some more, another all-call, and finally i got somebody to help me, i cough 
the cash for the 2 $10 tix, and then the 20% "convienience charge" and 
finally the sales tax, 2 tickets to a $10 show ended up costing me almost 
$30.  then i hitch home with a friend and get home.  finally, 2 hours after 
leaving for a 15 minute Dr.s appointment i write this letter.

Death to TicketBastard!

Re: [MMouse]: Ticketbastard

2000-05-22 Thread KrazyLitts, buddy. that way you can keep getting edjumacated in 
  AND get your tickets.

Only one problem with the internet...Me no have Credit Card.  makes life 
difficult in so many ways...

  i always go to the box office anyway, i hate paying the ticketmaster fees.

I do too, normally, but i was afraid they'd sell out soon so i got them at 
the first chance i had.

still seething...

  Subject: [MMouse]: Ticketbastard
  Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 18:42:34 EDT
  Well, i finally got tix to the 2nd seattle show.  Yesterday i got on my 
  and rode the 2 miles down to the local Rite-Aid after begging for cash 
  hour from my parents, and guess what THEY AREN'T A TB OUTLET!  so today,
  after skipping english for an orthodontist appointment (tomato-faced 
  i went to the one down on 132nd, and waited, and waited, and waited, then
  asked the clerk for help, she sent an all-call, and i waited, waited, 
  tried again, another all-call, waiting, waiting, bought Dr.Pepper, waited
  some more, another all-call, and finally i got somebody to help me, i 
  the cash for the 2 $10 tix, and then the 20% "convienience charge" and
  finally the sales tax, 2 tickets to a $10 show ended up costing me almost
  $30.  then i hitch home with a friend and get home.  finally, 2 hours 
  leaving for a 15 minute Dr.s appointment i write this letter.
  Death to TicketBastard!

Re: [MMouse]: some of the biggest tardmullets happen to be on this list ;)

2000-05-19 Thread KrazyLitts

i don;t think i'd call it Oppression, but teens between the ages of 13 and 18 
really have no say it what happens to them, we can't vote, we can't go to 
cool shows :(, we can't say anything beneficial to us w/o somebody calling it 
a scam.  it would seem to me that the proper term would be REpression, but 
its hard to say.

ARE.  we KNOW this, and telling us that drinking a little wine while 
pregnant, or exaggerating something for dramatic effect just paints you as 
the ass.

BTW, I'm 14, thats right a full year YOUNGER than 15.

i had a bad day and you guys got the bitching.  sorry...

 Oppression against 15 year olds...ha!  Sayings like that are what make you 
  seem extremely naive.  Oppression was black slavery and the Japanese 
  internment camps, Oppression was the Civil Rights movement and the Farm 
  Workers Union; Oppression is happening today in some sweat shop and local 
  liquor store to some immigrant; but alas, it is not occurring in your 
  ps. you can say nothing more please
  In a message dated 5/19/00 12:44:57 PM !!!First Boot!!!, amyo@arends-sons.
   hahahahah just shut up.  that was pretty dense of you.  i mean..what 

Re: [MMouse]: Re: People who smell bad

2000-05-18 Thread KrazyLitts

 And on the topic of the god v. Beer, I think I'll stick to discussing the
  entity that makes me pee the least.

hmm, this raises an interesting question.  If god iswell, god, then 
those of you that are much more religious than I would probably tend to think 
that s/he (notice the LACK of a capital letter) is in fact responsible for 
all episodes of urination, making beer the topic which would make you pee the 


Re: [MMouse]: re: cities.

2000-05-17 Thread KrazyLitts

  However, the best record store ever is DEFINATELY Singles Going Steady.

Singles Going Steady?  That place freaks me out, i went in there once, and it 
looked like it was a porn shop that happened to sell records.  the guy behind 
the counter was really freaky too, lotsa leather, LOTS of Leather.


[MMouse]: South of Heaven / GYBE

2000-05-16 Thread KrazyLitts

i just searched napster for califone (i unshared all my metallica mp3s as 
soon as i heard about the suit, so i dodged a bullet *phew*) and i got like 
30 results and guess what?  they were all the MM + califone version of south 
of heaven.  i thought that was funny.  but then i disconnected and tried a 
different server and got the same result.  i thought that was even funnier.

on a different note, i also dled "dead flag blues," and "Kicking horse on 
brokenhill" by Godspeed You Black Emperor,  awesome, next time i can hitch a 
ride i am getting down to our local purveyors of fine vinyl and CDs to pick 
up a CD or 2.

Ok, i'm done...

"we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine,
and the machine is bleeding to death."
-GYBE "dead flag blues"

Re: [MMouse]: re: cities.

2000-05-16 Thread KrazyLitts

 As far as Portland is concerned, if you think that this city is full
  of arrogant people then you really haven't been to other cities. In my
  humble opinion this is one of the most friendly, laid back, cities to
  exist. It just might be the most. The east coast for sure has nothing
  but cities that ignore you unless you know where to go, and any of most
  of the others people are just to busy to notice or care about you.
  I do like New Orleans though (atleast, only for a couple of weeks at the

Nope, not #1, Fremont in Seattle.  That is the most laid back and cool 
neighborhood on the planet.  Portland might come in #2 but Fremont takes the 
cake.  They have a giant mock-up of a rocketship labeled, "The Center of the 
Universe" and every other person is wearing tie-dye.  Oh, and there is the 
most kick-ass record store ever there, its called sonic boom records.


Re: [MMouse]: re: Jones Soda

2000-05-11 Thread KrazyLitts

I've never heard of their vanilla cola, but the strawberry lime is 
great!...I really have nothing else to add...


In a message dated 2000-05-11 10:25:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 usually, i say that chocolate coke wins, hands-down, when it comes to 
   but, i urge all on this list to hunt down jones soda at a deli or whatnot 
  near you, and try their vanilla cola.   m.
  it's the best brown carbonated liquid your tastebuds will ever dance in.


2000-05-07 Thread KrazyLitts

Uh-oh people, brace yourself for an onslaught of "WAZZUP???" screaming 
pre-teen lamers...

battening down the hatches...

In a message dated 2000-05-07 5:44:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 its just the bullshit corporate hype that came along with it. 
  Tom Popelka wrote:
   pardon my asking, but what the hell is "wrong on s many levels" 
   t-shirt giveaway?
   From: Russ Sweetser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [MMouse]:
   Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 17:45:09 -0400
   jesus christ this is wrong on soo many levels.
   Toni Rickman wrote:

 This is awful...
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
   Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [MMouse]: MM in Seattle June 16/17th

2000-05-06 Thread KrazyLitts

Well, here is my experiment, I will buy tickets to the 17th show, and I will 
go up there with a bunch of friends (all minors) and if they don't let us in 
it'll be time for WTO: the sequel.  For those of you who want a good show, 
come on down and watch us raise hell till they let us in :).

Bored and Irritable...

In a message dated 2000-05-05 10:44:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 In a message dated 5/5/00 1:28:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   This is NOT true. I have tickets for the Saturday June 17th show at the
  Showbox and it is ALL AGES.  The June 16th show on the other hand is a 21+
  ticketmaster says that both of the shows are 21 +

Re: [MMouse]: MM in Seattle June 16/17th

2000-05-04 Thread KrazyLitts

Can Anybody tell me if one or the other of these are all ages?

It sucks to be a minor in Seattle...

In a message dated 5/3/2000 11:23:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm not sure if anyone knows this was ever announced but tickets for both

Modest Mouse shows in Seattle are on sale now. They are $10.00 a piece

+ticketmaster percent.

Adam Kind


[MMouse]: London.

2000-05-04 Thread KrazyLitts

i will be in london for a weekend on my way to the boonies of france this 
summer, and i was just wondering if there are any cool record stores to hit 
while i'm waiting for my parents to come down from the jet lag.  i know this 
is a pretty american list, but SOMEBODY has to have been to or live(d) in 
london!  thanx a lot people.

stalling sleep...

Re: [MMouse]: shirts? who needs shirts? let's make like mike reno!

2000-04-28 Thread KrazyLitts

but THEY don't have Variety!  we will have so much variety with all of our 
eclectic shirts that no 2 will look the same.  some will have ringers, some 
jerseys, some thrift store finds, others regular, and they will be in all the 
colors of the rainbow.  And another thing, their's are made in sweatshops in 
Honduras, and OUR's will be made in a dorm room in the US, both will be made 
for almost nothing, but in ours, the worker(s) are happy :).  It'll be indie, 
don't worry about.

Hyper 'Cause Its Friday,

In a message dated 2000-04-28 2:53:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 so i was thinking about this whole shirt business, and it sounds neat, but 
  you know, it's been done.  i mean, britney spears's got shirts, the 
  backstreet boys have shirts,  metallica's got shirts, too so that's you 
  not very indie rock.  and of course, from personal experience, i know that 
  least the girls against boys list made shirts.
  so i'm thinking, we don't want to debase ourselves to a level of 
  commonplacers, right? i  mean, we all want to show how indie-rock we are, 
  let people know just how in place our self-content sense of irony is, 
  we?  so here's the plan, in a word:
  in two words:
  sweatbands, wristbands.
  and then we all grow curly mullets.
  and never worry about the sweat or hair, or sweaty hair in our eyes, or 
  slippin' our grip.
  and like mike reno, we'll be "lovin' every minute of it - ALRIGHT!"
  turn that dial all the way, shoot me like a rocket into space,
  otherwise, i second the "you can really get it on" on the back.  though 
  not forget - we could have neon yellow cotton headbands that say "get it 

Re: [MMouse]: offtopic/fbi Lighten Up

2000-04-27 Thread KrazyLitts

Aw, C'mon, its all in good fun.  this list could use a little lightening up 
sometimes.  just calm down, don't give away the joke, and let 'em have their 


P.S. I fell for it.  Hard.

In a message dated 2000-04-27 2:16:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 dont go to this, its one of those fucked up things were they show a picture 
  of an ape and they say thats your file
  whoever sent this should be ashamed
  since the federal government has passed a new law making the files of the
  federal bureau of investigation and the central intelligence agency
  available to the public, you can now search the internet to determine if
  either, or both, agencies has a file on you. a lot of people that think 
  they won't have files on themselves actually do. some even have pictures.

Re: [MMouse]: shirt idea

2000-04-20 Thread KrazyLitts

Kick-Ass!  I hate to impose on anybody, but does anyone have a site where we 
could do a contest like russ's hotboys/hotgirls?  I would submit something 
but my drawing skills are so bad people have had trouble identifing my stick 


In a message dated 2000-04-20 9:57:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 I ran this by Dave and he thought it was a good idea. Everyone was talking 
  about shirts and stuff so I thought that I could make shirts for the list. 
  took a serigraphy class last semester and I still have a ton of ink left 
  well as all the tools and stuff. All i would have to buy is the stuff that 
  makes the ink stick to shirts and the shirts, and more ink if a ton o 
  are into this. The idea is for us to have a design contest and pick the 
  or maybe two we like best. Then who ever wants one can email me (put your 
  two cents in about colors and stuff) and when I think I have a good idea 
  how many we are talking about I'll make up a bunch. Then I'll figure how 
  much they cost. I want them to be very cheap. No profit. I just thought 
  would be cool. Then we would bump into each other out there and be like 
  your on that mailing list! and everyone else would be like where the hell 
  did you get that shirt yo? If anyone try's to sell these on ebay we will  
  kill you. I thought it would be cool to just kill off the rest of these 
  supplies that way. So i thought just making the colors random would be 
  but some guys may object to a pink shirt. Anyway what do you think?

Re: [MMouse]: re: pj

2000-04-20 Thread KrazyLitts

 I don't think teenyboppers like pearl jam. i doubt 12 yearold girls will go 
  to their show just to hear last kiss. pearl jam are decent. their first 

Yes they would.  definitely.  no question.  you must realize we are dealing 
with a group of people with almost unending cash resources and very poor 
judgement. :)

  albums suck, and i havent heard their last one, but based on the songs by 
  them that i do like, they've shown me, at least, that they can be 

I bought Yield when it came out (i was on a mainstream jag) and it is 
alright, although my parents like it better than i do. :)

Grasshopper.  You must never underestimate the power of the teeny-bopper.

[MMouse]: Metallica has opened the floodgates...

2000-04-19 Thread KrazyLitts

well all of you loyal napster users, we could be in for quite a ride this 

Following in Metallica's foosteps, rap superstar Dr. Dre has given Napster 
until Friday to remove all of his songs from its servers and database. "We 
wrote a letter yesterday on behalf of Dr. Dre to Napster basically putting 
them on notice that the listing of his songs and masters on Napster and the 
facilitation of the transfer of those files constitutes an infringement of 
his copyrights," Howard King, an attorney for Dre, told Reuters. "Dr. Dre has 
not committed to suing them, but that would be the logical conclusion if they 
don't take it off their site." Attorney King is also handling Metallica's 
lawsuit against Napster, which was filed late last week. King also tells 
Reuters that "no less than 10" artists and one major publishing company have 
contacted him about pursuing legal action against the software company. 

Any thoughts?


btw, if you sign up and use "Catalyst" as your referal name, i'll love you 
forever :).

Re: [MMouse]: Death Cab shows w/ Saltine, Pedro.., Am Analog Set,and Paul Newman

2000-04-13 Thread KrazyLitts

I ask again, is anybody on this list going to the croc for the early show in 
seattle on friday?


In a message dated 4/13/2000 1:18:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This came from Barsuk:

April 14 / Crocodile Cafe (Seattle, WA) [all-ages: 6pm] 

with Saltine

April 14 / Crocodile Cafe (Seattle, WA) [21+: 9pm]

with Saltine and Acetylene

April 18 / Blue Room (Chico, CA) 

with the Gunga Din

April 19 / Bottom of the Hill (San Francisco, CA)

April 20 / Che Cafe (San Diego, CA) 

with Ted Leo, Planes Mistaken for Stars and the Holy Childhood

April 21 / Spaceland (Los Angeles, CA) 

with Pleaseasaur

April 22 / Modified (Phoenix, AZ) 

with Pedro the Lion and Ida

April 25 / the Wayside (El Paso, TX) 

April 27 / Emo's (Austin, TX) 

with Paul Newman and the American Analog Set

April 29 / Ashland Street (Houston, TX) 

May 1 / Spanish Moon (Baton Rouge, LA) 

May 7 / 4040 (Philadelphia, PA) 

May 11 / Brownie's (New York, NY) 

May 17 / Grog Shop (Cleveland, OH) 

May 19 / Schuba's (Chicago, IL) 

May 22 / Foxfire (Minneapolis, MN) 

May 23 / Sokol Underground (Omaha, NE) 

May 26 / Kilby Court (Salt Lake City, UT) 

June 4 / Showoff Gallery (Bellingham, WA) 

Re: RE: [MMouse]: website

2000-04-13 Thread KrazyLitts

I am not sure if i read his first post right, but i thought that he said he 
was going to take the idea, and embellish it beyond recognition.  If i am 
wrong, then mark is 100% correct, but in any case, the link is

its just school...

In a message dated 4/13/2000 4:56:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm sure that story is copyrighted.  That would be very illegal. 

Not to mention lazy.


I have a school project about writing a mysterious and

dramatic story.  I am going to use the Ugly Cassanova

story thing to make a really cool story.  Please tell

me if you have any cool ideas for things I can add to

the story. 

But, I real need the website that had that story,

because it's due soon.  Does Anybody Know the Website

For That Page?



Re: [MMouse]: Re: pinball blues, baby.

2000-04-11 Thread KrazyLitts

you want old-school pinball??? there is this place about 5 miles from where i 
live, sells the absolute best ice cream anywhere, and they have a 10ยข pinball 
machine, not a typo, a DIME!  this thing is ancient, it even has the real 
rollover score display. it makes a lot of noise and has no computers, it 
rules, i once spent an entire day wth a couple of friends trying to make it 
rollover, but we couldn't do it (none of my friends are pinball gods like 
some of the residents of this list).

resisting sudden urge to play pinball...

[MMouse]: oops, typo.

2000-04-10 Thread KrazyLitts

In a message dated 2000-04-10 4:52:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

  1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
   jessica. miami fl. just turned 15 last week...i think that makes me the 

almost, but not quite, i just realized that the one i sent in had 15 on it, 
but it was late, and i was tired, and 5 IS very close to 4 on my keyboard.  i 
am in fact 14, will be 15 in september, and i feel like a baby in this world 
of twenty-somethings.

don't hold it against me...

Re: [MMouse]: personal profile

2000-04-09 Thread KrazyLitts

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

Mike/Seattle, WA/15

2.What is your favorite mouse song?

probably Dramamine, but i like "dark center of the universe" too
3.What are five records you couldn't live without

only 5? well here goes...
Death Cab For Cutie-We Have The Facts...
764-HERO-Salt Sinks, Sugar Floats
MM-Long Drive...
Portable-Secret Life

4. Putting records on the internet for free download: 
bad or good?

good, it is better to buy the album, but mp3s are also free publicity for 
indie bands that no one would hear of otherwise.

5.  Ebay, bad or good?

good, but some people take it way to far.

6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
voting for himself or what?

who gives a shit?

7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?

i DLed it, i burned it, but i am not gonna buy it, not enough to bring it 
into my price range.

8.  First live show?

Modest Mouse, at bumbershoot a couple years back.

9.  Worst live show?

i saw some other band at bumbershoot that year, they sucked horribly, so bad 
in fact, that i forgot their name.

10.  Favorite sound?

a nice power chord, as played by the late great kurt cobain.

11.  least favorite sound?

that crappie yanni type music, i believe they call it "New Age," if it hasn't 
got an edge, where's the point?

12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
on the internet bad/good?

i can honestly say i don't care.

13.  What book should every person in america read?

toughiei thought "Black Like Me" was pretty good.

14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

what ever puts cheerios on the table my friend.

15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to

i don't do it, i don't care if you do it.

16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

great, i have learned about so many cool new bands through this list.

17.  Favorite beer?

not old enough :(

18.  Favorite color?

red and black, you can't beat that combo

19.  What are you going to name your first born child?

kids are a pain in the ass, i don't plan on reproducing.

20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells tons about a person)?

shawshank redemption
Full Metal Jacket
Pulp Fiction
High Fidelity
i can't think of anymore.

more than y'all probably cared to know, i am sure.


[MMouse]: [OT] 6th anniversary of the passing of a god

2000-04-05 Thread KrazyLitts

6 years ago today, about 5 miles from my house, kurt cobain got wasted, wrote 
a note and blew his head off with a shotgun.  There is a memorial at the 
seattle center today, but i can't go, if you do then tell me how it was.  
Just thought i'd let everybody know, and don't forget to email 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with your favorite nirvana song, they'll count down 
the top ten tonight at 10pm and those of you not from seattle can listen at 
the website

On a side note, i tried to get my school to lower the flag to half-mast, but 
they wouldn't do it :(

done rambling,

[MMouse]: waffles on the radio?

2000-02-29 Thread KrazyLitts

i heard a reference to waffle house hasbrowns in a song by the bloodhound 
gang (i think) i don't remember the title, but it was on the radio so i'm 
sure someone out there does...

~Mike the newbie