Re: [MMouse]: mm tour tshirt

2000-05-29 Thread colin

Hi all-

The new shirts will be available at tomorrow.  Afternoon,
I'd guess.  There are two "new" shirts.

Shirt A:A new shirt with a new design.  blue with light blue printing.

Shirt B:The "new old" shirt.  this is the shirt we did for Long Drive.
it's referred to as the "starburst" by our tshirt printer.  some of
you may have this, some may not.

we also continue to have the buffalo shirt, despite claims to the otherwise
by ebay salesmen..

we also have available the new modest mouse tour poster (which is on now, ready for order.)  soon, we'll have stickers...

re: no credit card

   we're working out a way to order via check/money order through the
site, but until then you can just use the site to add up your order, and
write out the product names (everything on the site is in stock), and
send a check to

Up, Box 21328, Seattle WA 98111

include your email address for an shipment confirmation...

If you have any questions, write [EMAIL PROTECTED], and they'll help
you out.

best regards,


>   Two answers for you:  1. no credit card  2. I
>believe that there are different tshirts sold at the
>show than the buffalo one, which is the only one
>available on (circular pattern/ long
>drive pattern and some sort of geometric pattern as i
>an told).   If someone is willing to help me out...
>email me.

Re: [MMouse]: Modest Mouse "Night On The Sun" 12"

2000-05-06 Thread colin

>   Up Records will be
>releasing a Night On The Sun 12" on June 20th. I'm not sure if they are
>taking pre-orders at since their webpage is
>"temporarily down" or via phone. will re-open on Monday.  Pre-order date for Night on the Sun
will be announced soon.  On monday we will begin pre-orders for the Built
to Spill "Live" double-vinyl (which has two extra tracks.)

Night on the Sun is a four song EP (the first in a series) featuring 
'night on the sun'
'you're the good things,' 'i came as a rat,' (long version) and 
'willful suspension of

it's a limited edition, vinyl-only release.  pre-order price is $5. 
i'll drop a note to
this list when pre-ordering begins.


RE: [MMouse]: re: dumb drummer stereotype lives

2000-04-14 Thread colin

>They're just idiots.  Most likely Napster will die..they don't have the
>legal expertise to compete with a powerhouse like one of the five
>majors..there's no possible way.

Napster the company, maybe.  Napster the technology, no.  see: Gnutella.
It's here, the labels just need to accept it.  No amount of money can
stop open-source.  Not now, not ever.

Look, if anything, we should feel sorry for Metallica. They're the
unwitting pawns in a game being played by the RIAA.  Most likely,
someone asked them to make a public statement, and told them it
would be great for them (both financially, and for publicity).  The
RIAA wants symbols/idols to represent their fight (looks a lot better
to have them in your press release, than lawyers.)

This is really nothing new, they've just shifted the target:

However, the group also provided some quotes for the artists to
"borrow" if they didn't want to provide their own. "If [the artist]
is not comfortable providing a personal quote, please feel free to
have him lend his name to one of the quotes we have provided," the
letter says. Some of the quotes are as follows:

  Don't trash us by pirating sound recordings on the Net. Get 
real. Get legit.

  Like all Americans, I have the right to control both the reproduction and
distribution of my work. It's called copyright and it's my prerogative.
I support the RIAA for supporting me by stopping Internet piracy.

  Internet piracy is theft, which as far as I can remember is illegal.

  My work is my music. My music is my work. If you steal my music 
on the Internet
you are taking something that doesn't belong to you. 
Remember, I sing for my

  Call it whatever you want but piracy is one thing: wrong. The 
RIAA is representing
the rights of the recording industry and recording artists in 
protecting our
intellectual property. Don't steal any songs.

Further reading:


Re: [MMouse]: bad vibes

2000-04-05 Thread colin

>colin..your a little bitch.
>every response you post is something negative

>who the hell are you to warn
>somebody as if you are the SS

my warning was just what i said; a warning of the inherit danger in 
doing such a thing.
i happen to have an idea of the seriousness of such an action.  if 
you have a problem
with my wish to avoid such a situation, that's too bad.  i believe 
you have misinterpreted
the nature of my comment.

>just because you have up records behind your
>name doesn't mean you are shit..don't look down on people on this list just
>because you think you are somebody...

hmmm... i don't remember calling anyone a "bitch" or "shit", so now who is
"looking down" on who?  you really seem way off base.  you're kind of language
and tone is not appropriate for this forum; i believe you could 
conduct yourself
with a bit more civility, in my opinion.

you're welcome to email me privately if you have a personal issue you'd like to
discuss with me.

>chris..sticking up for the little people cause he's tired of colin's pompous

chris, defender of the just, protector of the state,  savior of the 
playing the archetypal "list god" who'se unsolicited help is always there.  all
mailing lists have them... the unrequested hero, there to defend the weak.
personally, i was under the presumption that this was a discussion 
list.  perhaps
i was mistaken.  i will certainly temper my voice in the future and 
make sure that
my contribution is one of only  a series of agreements on how "the mouse rulez
supreme" and not one of any substantive consequence.

best regards,


[speaking for himself, not Up]

Re: [MMouse]: new album mp3s

2000-04-04 Thread colin

>hi... i'm a new subscriber, but i've been viewing your list via 
> for a while, so i already feel at home here.
>anyway, the only reason i subscribed is because i thought some of 
>you would like to know that kndd here in seattle recently
>played all of "the moon and antarctica" and i taped and mp3ed the whole thing.
>however, i don't have any place to host it. so if anyone out there 
>has a server on which i could copy 45mb or so, i'm open to
>suggestions. i'd rather not use one of those lame "virtual drive" 
>websites, i was hoping to use someone's personal server. but

This would be a very bad idea.  Consider this an informal
warning from someone who knows.

Re: [MMouse]: bad vibes

2000-04-04 Thread colin

>im getting nervous about the state of modest mouse... i guess epic 
>has really fucked with the remastering of the moon and antartica.

According to who?  Sounds like you're trolling to me.

>  And this rumour of jeremiah leaving...i sense a disturbance in the 
>force. *sigh*

That's why it's called rumor; i.e., unsubstantiated falsehood.

Re: [MMouse]: UP

2000-04-03 Thread colin

>However, many of the bands on the label haven't been
>paid properly for records sold.

not true.

>   The
>financing/ownership of the label comes from a
>investor guy who keeps a low profile and uses Chris as
>the labels "indie" identity.

not true.

>  I may be completely
>misinformed, but the impression I got from bands at
>the time was that UP was created and funded by this
>silent partner guy as an investment during the era
>that independent labels were selling off
>ownership to Majors for multimillion dollar figures
>(Warner's 49% share of Sub-Pop for $20 million,
>Matador's alliances with Atlantic then Capitol)

not true.

>The intention was allegedly to build a roster, then
>either sell the label or else sell off individual
>bands contracts to Majors when they became
>interested (Warners with Built to Spill, Epic/Sony
>with Modest Mouse)

not true.

>UP has a reputation for giving you enough to make a
>record, printing nice album artwork, then never paying
>any royalties.

not true.

>Another warning sign of where UP's priorities are came
>when they actually tried to sue the band R.E.M. for
>putting out the album titled "Up".  They tried to
>shake R.E.M. down for money claiming that people
>would be confused by the album title and think that it
>was an UP release.

not true.

>In life in general, I think bringing legal action (and
>lawyers in general) into situations where you don't
>need to, in a desperate effort to grab some cash is
>pretty gross.  This seems to be business as usual
>for the guy silently running UP.

what guy "silently running UP"?

>Some interesting claims in there... any comments???

not true.


[MMouse]: update. new MP3 tracks available.

2000-02-10 Thread colin

New downloads available.  All MP3, all FREE (absolutely 
no cost involved, only
a voluntary registration; and a submission to our license agreement, 
which you must agree
to in order to download.)   These are for personal use only, and 
those who abuse this, will be
prosecuted/persecuted.  But I know that none of you would do that. 
Most of this is not rare,
though there are a couple of tracks.  We will be adding more 
rare/obscure songs in the future.
But this should serve as an excellent introduction to some of the 
bands on the Up roster.  It's
our hope that you agree.

the downloads can be accessed at:

here is a complete list of the new tracks (including 3 that were 
available for the last
couple months):


764-HERO : loaded painted red
764-HERO : calendar pages
Built to Spill : cleo
Built to Spill : twin falls
Duster : irato
Duster : heading for the door
Duster : echo bravo
Duster : inside out
Duster : orbitron
Duster : the queen of hearts
Duster : capsule losing contact
Jana McCall : today
Jana McCall : mother of earth
Modest Mouse : baby blue sedan
Modest Mouse : grey ice water
Modest Mouse : edit the sad parts
Modest Mouse : heart cooks brain
Modest Mouse : trailer trash
Modest Mouse : polar opposites
Modest Mouse : breakthough
Modest Mouse : talking shit about a pretty sunset
Octant : this and what
Octant : auto-1
Quasi : in the first place
Quasi : two-faced
Quasi : i never want to see you again
Quasi : sea shanty
Quasi : the star you left behind
Quasi : birds
Quasi : nati bati yi
The Dark Fantastic : the girl with the cross in her car
Violent Green : the glass song
764-HEROModestMouse : whenever you see fit

We welcome your feedback, and suggestions on future additions to the downloads.


