Re: [MMouse]: nader in boston

2000-09-24 Thread Rachel White

>  If anyone cares, Ralph Nader will be in Boston at the Fleet Center on
>  1st. It's only $10. I'll be there.
>  this election is frightening me.
as it should...

Say Bye to Slow Internet!

[MMouse]: nader in boston

2000-09-24 Thread KneeXsocks

If anyone cares, Ralph Nader will be in Boston at the Fleet Center on October 
1st. It's only $10. I'll be there.

this election is frightening me.


Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-08-01 Thread amy and her computer

> parental advisory is the same as the "NC-17" rating, in that they both
> a stigma we should not have to deal with, one that brands items or movies
> trash just because they are adorned with one of those logos.

i don't think they carry a stigma that says these movies are trash,
although i can see why you'd see it that way.  i feel that what they're
implying is that these movies aren't necessarily appropriate for someone
under the age of 17, which is both good and bad.  it's good because a lot
of them probably aren't appropriate for younger's bad because i
think 17 is a little old for this sort of label, not to mention that just
because a movie is rated "nc-17" or "r" doesn't mean it's not worth a 14
year old watching.  that's why i'm not so sure i like the libertarian
party...they want to dismiss the fcc as a whole, but we do need some
- amy

Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-30 Thread Tetsuo1204

parental advisory is the same as the "NC-17" rating, in that they both carry 
a stigma we should not have to deal with, one that brands items or movies as 
trash just because they are adorned with one of those logos.


Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-30 Thread amy and her computer

> i don't really know much about any of the candidates, so i asked my dad.
> all he had to say was that gore CAN NOT get voted in because gore's wifey
pooh is all about censorship.
> to my dad that would mean no more south park and he can't have that.
> what else are these candidates all about?
> if anyone can point me in the right direction on what their bad points
are, i would appreciate it.  

well it's good to know that your dad is as much of a fucking idiot as
everyone else who thinks tipper is all about censorship.  tipper gore isn't
'all about censorship.'  she wanted the 'parental advisor' labels on cds,
she never said we all had to listen to raffi's sweet, gentle music.
- amy, disappointed in nirra's father ;)

Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-29 Thread nirra

i don't really know much about any of the candidates, so i asked my dad.

all he had to say was that gore CAN NOT get voted in because gore's wifey pooh is all 
about censorship.
to my dad that would mean no more south park and he can't have that.

what else are these candidates all about?

if anyone can point me in the right direction on what their bad points are, i would 
appreciate it.  




hey lucas man, i heard you like went out to 

vegas and married a mobsters wife and now you 

have a hit on you and stuff, is that true?

not entirely true

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 17:06:28   blake wrote:
>i totally agree with you.  i feel that if i vote for nader, it will only
>help split up the votes between nader and gore...and what that will do it
>leave bush with more votes.  it happened in grade school, i dont see why it
>wont happen now.
>- Original Message -
>From: Rachel White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 3:31 PM
>Subject: [MMouse]: Nader
>> OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
>> that's nothing new.
>> I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he became
>> our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up
>> us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
>> lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is pretty
>> close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
>> vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another
>> to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah
>> still 
>> I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try and
>> me straight.  My conscience needs to be at
>> ___
>> Say Bye to Slow Internet!

girl sites that don't fake it.
sign up for your free email.
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Re: [MMouse]: nader on the highway with a big green thumb!

2000-07-28 Thread Jason Miller


So true!

> there's so many of them living nowadays too, and when they hear that nader
> is on the green party ballot, as if they're gonna vote for him.  i
> either if i was voting for a party.  the green party sucks by itself.  i
> mean yeah it's big on the environment and stuff but it's into all that
> 'self-healing' new age bullshit i can't stand and old people can't either.
> i don't know where i'm going with this...basically i just support what
> jason guy says.

Good, i'm not completely delusional then. Or at least I'm not alone in my
delusions. The fact is party politics sucks. Period. We shouldn't be voting
for the figurehead (yes, all political leaders are figureheads with little
power) of some bullshit organization that has no interests other than
maintaining their own power. Unfortunately, someone decided long ago that
parties were the way to go, then everyone aligned themselves with one party
or the other. This has continued throughout the generations, slowly building
a base of old people that influence the views of their offspring.  Now we're
stuck in a society where people base their own opinions on the opinions of

Additionally, we shouldn't really be getting that excited about the Green
party. Like Amy and Her Computer said, the party sucks by itself. Let's say
that fifteen years down the road the Green party has become a major
political party and manages to get elected. Do you guys honestly think they
will be any different than any other party? America's politcial system is
too solidly established to be changed in a major way by anything short of a
revolution, which would be an idiotic path to take. We could all watch as
the "Green" which used to represent the environment becomes a symbol for yet
another money (power, same thing) hungry organization that has lost touch
with its roots.  Funny how politics parallels the music industry.

[MMouse]: Nader petition

2000-07-28 Thread Toni Rickman

I'm happy to see that 9,000 more people have signed the debate petition 
since I signed it yesterday afternoon.  Let's try to get even more.  
Everyone forward the link to everyone they know!

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-28 Thread

I just want to say that I was so close to pulling the unsubscribe trigger 
after the sticker and Led Zeppelin fiascos.  But this Nader discussion has 
restored my faith.  Let's hear it for well thought out and diverse opinions 
presented (for the most part) without name calling or "shock-value" 
exclamations.  I am still way undecided about which way I will vote but this 
discussion has given me a lot to think about.  Thanks.

Here's to being exhausted at work today because I stayed up all night 
getting the necessary old-school rap songs off Napster before the end.

"It's Tricky
To Rock Around
To Rock Around
That's Right
On Time
It's Tricky"

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [MMouse]: Nader - clarified.

2000-07-27 Thread Chris Stratton

thanks for clearing it all up wolf fucking blitzer...boy..we were all way
out of wack to you straightened the ship up...
-- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --
- Original Message -
From: Robbins, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 12:15 PM
Subject: RE: [MMouse]: Nader - clarified.

> This discussion is getting kind of scary, lets clear some things up...
> << the vote is really decided
> by the electoral college which really doesn't have to vote the same way
> masses do>>
> This is idiotically dumb and misinformed.  The general ellection elects
> which partie's group will be able to cast votes in the electoral college.
> So if Nader wins New Jersey, then he gets to pick the people who cast the
> ballot in the electoral college election.  And also, more than half of all
> states (and all the ones that count) *require* that the electoral college
> vote for the person that the was chosen in the general election.  It is
> a relic left over from a long time ago.
> < the vote, his party (the green party) gets automatic funding for the next
> election>>
> Actually, the threshold is 5%, and what happens is that the green party
> becomes recognized as a national party, and will then be able to recieve
> federal matching funds in 2004, which would be at least 12.4 million
> dollars, among other benefits.  Considering that Nader is polling at about
> 8% nationally and hasn't even begun to campaign heavily yet, that number
> seems pretty secure.  15%, which is probably where the confusion comes in,
> is the threshold he needs to be polling at by late September in order to
> included in the televised debates (This year being brought to you
> of Anheiser-Busch.  How fucking perfect, though generally I prefer Vodka
> dull the pain of existence.)
> < No media was there, it was simply an opportunity for
> this school to achieve recognition for its efforts in
> recycling, and a chance for him to prove his loyalty
> to his home state and his stance on education.>>
> No one every said that Mr. Gore isn't a very nice person with the best of
> intentions...but voting for a nice person doesn't help the fact that were
> killing thousands of iraqi children a day when he refuses to aknowledge
> those children exist. Acceptable losses is a pretty large umbrella for
> a caring individual.
> What everyone seems to be focusing on in this discussion is Nader's
> to "win" this election.  He can't (at least not without the debates).  But
> that isn't the point, and it shouldn't be the point.  If you think that
> problems that face America today can be solved with the cast of one vote,
> the election of one man (or that George Bush is some great Satan that will
> send the country into turmoil) then you really need to see a proctologist
> about having your head taken out of your ass.  Nader's campaign is about
> building a movement for tangible, long term, change.  This country has
> become so risk averse that its kind of disgusting.  Could things get worse
> under Bush?  Of course.  Is Al Gore using as much hyperbole as possible to
> scare chicken shit liberals into falling in line?  Fucking duh.  Let's
> a look at the actual risk posed by a Dubya presidency.
> Supreme Court- What Justin said is totally true; 2-4 court justices will
> appointed within the   next 4 years.  It's a legitimate concern, until you
> look at some history and find out that its all just a bunch of shit.
> apointed Souter and Ginsberg.  Souter is the most liberal judge on the
> court, and Ginsberg is probably second or third.  However, in Clinton's
> presidency, the so called "liberal" appointed Clarance Thomas, who is
> considered by some to be the most conservative man on the planet.  Do you
> really think that Gore would appoint a liberal to the supreme court?! If
> do, i'll pay for the proctologist visit, really i will.  If there's
> *anything* that Bush is, its power hungry.  He's not going to jepordize
> chance at another four years in office (thus avenging the failure of his
> father..) by doing anything to disturb the 6-3 majority on abortion
> He's not *that* dumb.  He appointed Cheney as his vice president to keep
> pro-lifer's in line, much like the populist rhetoric Gore is spouting to
> sure up his labor base.
> I was going to make a laudry list, but this email is too long already.
> Ralph Nader is about bringing stability back to a politcal system that is
> totally out of wack (1.3 billion gift to Columbia to fight a never end

Re: [MMouse]: Nader to Napster

2000-07-27 Thread Chris Stratton

yeah i haven't had much difficulty with works well, although i
must say i like scour exchange way better and cutemx is pretty
napster's dead..big woop...they started an unstoppable revolution of
internet music, then proceeded to get to big for themselves and wound up
doing stupid shit that was hypocritical to the original movement...too bad
for the RIAA that there's now 86765645454 different file sharing
programsshutting down Napster will prove to be a pointless effort..the
damage has been done...
-- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 1:27 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Nader to Napster

> I think we mostly agree, vote your conscious and vote Nader.
> Now, what to do about Napster?
> I'm frantically trying to get gnutella, imesh, scour media, or Napigator
> work...
> Anyone have luck with any of these?
> I'm am SO prepared to share even more files just to make a point that they
> won't stop us from trading songs, pictures, text, programs, and
> in general.

Re: [MMouse]: Nader to Napster

2000-07-27 Thread Esteban Gutierrez-Moguel

> >
> > I'm frantically trying to get gnutella, imesh, scour media, or Napigator
> to
> > work...
> >
> > Anyone have luck with any of these?
> >

gnutella works fine but is quite slow for searches, if you want more
information at there is a FAQ.


Re: [MMouse]: Nader to Napster

2000-07-27 Thread blake

i have imesh, its easy to use, but it sucks cause it searches slower and you
cant tell who your downloading off of.  napster was all time.

~ blake

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 11:27 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Nader to Napster

> I think we mostly agree, vote your conscious and vote Nader.
> Now, what to do about Napster?
> I'm frantically trying to get gnutella, imesh, scour media, or Napigator
> work...
> Anyone have luck with any of these?
> I'm am SO prepared to share even more files just to make a point that they
> won't stop us from trading songs, pictures, text, programs, and
> in general.

[MMouse]: nader on the highway with a big green thumb!

2000-07-27 Thread amy and her computer

> I agree. However, it's also interesting to note that the majority of
> are baby boomers or older.  A lot of older people seem to vote for a
> rather than a candidate, so there's no way in hell they'll vote for
> like Nader.

politics has a lot to do with health lately.  now that we have these fine
medicines and technological advances, we have old people living with the
ability to vote.  excuse me for sounding callous, but it's true.  old
people have the opportunity to vote now more than ever, and you're
completely on the ball when you say that a lot of people vote for the party
rather than the candidate.  most importantly, the only thing old people (in
my experience - which trust me i do have, i grew up surrounded by old
people) care about is medicare.  it's true.  they sit around voting for
medicare.  i'm not saying they ALL do this or that the majority of them do
this, but in my experience, THEY ALL SIT AROUND VOTING FOR MEDICARE. 
there's so many of them living nowadays too, and when they hear that nader
is on the green party ballot, as if they're gonna vote for him.  i wouldn't
either if i was voting for a party.  the green party sucks by itself.  i
mean yeah it's big on the environment and stuff but it's into all that
'self-healing' new age bullshit i can't stand and old people can't either. 
i don't know where i'm going with this...basically i just support what that
jason guy says.

and as for you, chris, you say that you envision nader on the highway with
a big green thumb :P  uhm..ever heard of consumer reports?  find it useful?
 read about it...maybe you'll start to envision nader on the highway with a
big consumer reports magazine ;)
- amy

[MMouse]: nader

2000-07-27 Thread

Actually, Bush appointed Clarence Thomas.


>However, in Clinton's
>presidency, the so called "liberal" appointed Clarance Thomas, who is
>considered by some to be the most conservative man on the planet

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Re: [MMouse]: Nader to Napster

2000-07-27 Thread kenneld

yeah, fight the power. I've got a program here at work called 
CuetMX (from the makers of CuteFTP) that allows people to share 
pretty much any type of file. Combined with the T1 line, I was able 
to download and watch "Scary Movie" yesterday. It was suprisingly 
funny. Anyways, I don't think Napster will be gone for very long, if 
at all.

On 27 Jul 2000, at 13:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm am SO prepared to share even more files just to make a point that they
> won't stop us from trading songs, pictures, text, programs, and information
> in general. 

[MMouse]: Nader to Napster

2000-07-27 Thread Zach_Douglas

I think we mostly agree, vote your conscious and vote Nader.

Now, what to do about Napster?

I'm frantically trying to get gnutella, imesh, scour media, or Napigator to

Anyone have luck with any of these?

I'm am SO prepared to share even more files just to make a point that they
won't stop us from trading songs, pictures, text, programs, and information
in general. 

RE: [MMouse]: Nader - clarified.

2000-07-27 Thread Robbins, Mark

This discussion is getting kind of scary, lets clear some things up...

<< the vote is really decided
by the electoral college which really doesn't have to vote the same way the
masses do>>  

This is idiotically dumb and misinformed.  The general ellection elects
which partie's group will be able to cast votes in the electoral college.
So if Nader wins New Jersey, then he gets to pick the people who cast the
ballot in the electoral college election.  And also, more than half of all
states (and all the ones that count) *require* that the electoral college
vote for the person that the was chosen in the general election.  It is just
a relic left over from a long time ago.


Actually, the threshold is 5%, and what happens is that the green party
becomes recognized as a national party, and will then be able to recieve
federal matching funds in 2004, which would be at least 12.4 million
dollars, among other benefits.  Considering that Nader is polling at about
8% nationally and hasn't even begun to campaign heavily yet, that number
seems pretty secure.  15%, which is probably where the confusion comes in,
is the threshold he needs to be polling at by late September in order to be
included in the televised debates (This year being brought to you courtosey
of Anheiser-Busch.  How fucking perfect, though generally I prefer Vodka to
dull the pain of existence.)


No one every said that Mr. Gore isn't a very nice person with the best of
intentions...but voting for a nice person doesn't help the fact that were
killing thousands of iraqi children a day when he refuses to aknowledge that
those children exist. Acceptable losses is a pretty large umbrella for such
a caring individual.  

What everyone seems to be focusing on in this discussion is Nader's ability
to "win" this election.  He can't (at least not without the debates).  But
that isn't the point, and it shouldn't be the point.  If you think that the
problems that face America today can be solved with the cast of one vote, or
the election of one man (or that George Bush is some great Satan that will
send the country into turmoil) then you really need to see a proctologist
about having your head taken out of your ass.  Nader's campaign is about
building a movement for tangible, long term, change.  This country has
become so risk averse that its kind of disgusting.  Could things get worse
under Bush?  Of course.  Is Al Gore using as much hyperbole as possible to
scare chicken shit liberals into falling in line?  Fucking duh.  Let's take
a look at the actual risk posed by a Dubya presidency. 

Supreme Court- What Justin said is totally true; 2-4 court justices will be
appointed within the   next 4 years.  It's a legitimate concern, until you
look at some history and find out that its all just a bunch of shit.  Regan
apointed Souter and Ginsberg.  Souter is the most liberal judge on the
court, and Ginsberg is probably second or third.  However, in Clinton's
presidency, the so called "liberal" appointed Clarance Thomas, who is
considered by some to be the most conservative man on the planet.  Do you
really think that Gore would appoint a liberal to the supreme court?! If you
do, i'll pay for the proctologist visit, really i will.  If there's
*anything* that Bush is, its power hungry.  He's not going to jepordize his
chance at another four years in office (thus avenging the failure of his
father..) by doing anything to disturb the 6-3 majority on abortion rights.
He's not *that* dumb.  He appointed Cheney as his vice president to keep the
pro-lifer's in line, much like the populist rhetoric Gore is spouting to
sure up his labor base.  

I was going to make a laudry list, but this email is too long already.
Ralph Nader is about bringing stability back to a politcal system that is
totally out of wack (1.3 billion gift to Columbia to fight a never ending
civil war; but a billion dollar *loan* to South Africa to fight a disease
that is wiping out a generation of children, and the actual amount needed is
twenty times as much?) It doesn't get solved by an election, it gets solved
by a movement, which is what Ralph Nader is trying to build.  Most of you
haven't even lived a quarter of a century yet, what's with all the damn

Bleib Immer Locker.


[MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-27 Thread

I am finding this political discussion very interesting because it has been 
something I have been thinking about a lot lately.  I used to be a major fan 
of Gore but have been constantly disappointed by his waffling and the 
compromising of what I thought were his values because he wants to be pres. 
so damn bad.  I flirted briefly with Nader because he has some great ideas 
as does the Green Party (they both also have some awful ideas, I mean 
disbanding the Congress?  The most stable governing body in history, 
c'mon!), however, the President of The U.S. is not an ideal it is a reality 
and it takes more than great ideas and values to be a good President.  Nader 
is very stubborn and has no idea of compromise (his way or the highway), 
these make great qualities in a consumer advocate but poor qualities in a 
president whose party does not control Congress.  His presidency would only 
end up creating alliances against him and endless gridlock.  He would sort 
of be like a Jimmy Carter with a chip on his shoulder.

Of course, in reality, Nader would never be president.  It will be Gore or 
Bush.  And I agree with the sentiment of people who feel that voting against 
someone rather than voting for someone is a poor way to involve yourself in 
the democratic process.  However, again reality, and we need to remember 
that things in this country can get worse rather than get better.  While 
Gore may mean more of the same, Bush can very well mean getting to the 
worse.  Abortion Rights, the pitiful amount of environmental protection 
legislature we do have, and countless other social issues WILL be threatened 
by a Bush Presidency. The scariest thing is that 2 maybe 3 Supreme Court 
Justice positions will be opening up in the next 4 years.   Think about 
those 2 or 3 justices being pro-life and pick up your banners and prepare to 
march on Washington because a women's right to choose will be severely 

I am probably going to vote for Gore in the Fall.  I just hope that if he 
wins he can find his way back to the truly inspiring politician he once was. 
  The one who wrote "Earth in the Balance", one who had some really great 
liberal yet realistic ideas and values and who was an effective enough 
legislator to be able to carry them out.

"Eat from the Tree of Life and throw away the Verbal Ham""

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Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Jason Miller

<< if everyone who felt that way actually did vote with their conscience,
rather than vote for the "lesser of two evils," we could see a nader
presidency. most people listen to what the mainstream media shoves down our
collective throat...>>

I agree. However, it's also interesting to note that the majority of voters
are baby boomers or older.  A lot of older people seem to vote for a party
rather than a candidate, so there's no way in hell they'll vote for someone
like Nader.
I guess it's similar to racism -  most people who are racist don't even know
why they hate, they just spew out whatever their parents taught them. There
seems to be a lot more racism among the older generations, which makes sense
when you consider how accepted it was to be racist as
little as three decades ago.

Also, there's a shitload of voters out there who are simply ignorant when it
comes to politics, and will vote for one of the big two simply because they
don't know who the other people are.

Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread jenny724

one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that if nader gets 15% of
the vote, his party (the green party) gets automatic funding for the next
election, which would help the green party out tremendously and allow
them to run elections in the future that they have a better chance of
winning. . .nader may not win, but votes for nader will certainly not be
wasted. . .and if we can get him into the debates, he actually does have
a chance of winning. . .in order to get him into the debates, he needs to
be at 15% or we need to get about 40,000 nader supporters to show up at
the debates and demand that he be allowed to debate. . .


On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 15:31:33 -0700 (PDT) Rachel  White
> OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid 
> but
> that's nothing new.
> I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he 
> became
> our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's 
> basically up to
> us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably 
> piss a
> lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is 
> pretty
> close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one 
> less
> vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want 
> another Bush
> to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah 
> blah..but
> still 
> I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try 
> and set
> me straight.  My conscience needs to be at
> ___
> Say Bye to Slow Internet!

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Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Chris Stratton

how so?  if you aren't in favor of any of the candidates should you vote for
someone just for the sake of feeling obligated to vote???  now thats sad...
-- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --
- Original Message -
From: Rachel White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Nader

> ...why vote if you really don't like any of them...i know i
> >  won't
> >
> that's so sad..
> ___
> Say Bye to Slow Internet!

Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Rachel White

...why vote if you really don't like any of them...i know i
>  won't 

that's so sad..

Say Bye to Slow Internet!

Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Chris Stratton

I can't stand any of the "contestants"personally, i think they all blow
ass and am sickened with thier crybaby politics in general...the whole thing
is all a charade me there are no "lesser of the evils"..they
all have pros and cons, but all have one thing in general - they are all
part of the machine...besides, in all actuality, the vote is really decided
by the electoral college which really doesn't have to vote the same way the
masses's just generally accepted they will..let's all face it, the
democrats had their decade of scandals and money making schemes, now it's
the republicans and Bush's turn to try and run the economy back into the
ground ala Reaganesque politics...Bush is an accident waiting to happen,
Gore is just a big pussy who just so happens to have been VP for 8
years...and Nader?? I just envision Nader as someone on the highway with a
big green thumb...the rest are were all in it because they had nothing
better to do...why vote if you really don't like any of them...i know i
won't so i guess i really don't have a right to bitch at all do I...

Chris Higdon for President...
PS: Does anybody really remember Walter Mondale? or Geraldine Ferraro?

-- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --

> >

[MMouse]: nader

2000-07-26 Thread horatio gomez alonzo

Like most dilemmas in life, you probably know
intrinsically what the "right" thing to do is.  I run
into the same problem as you (and alot of people with
real honest to god discerning brains) when it comes to
choosing a presidential canidate.  But lets face it,
if theres ever going to be a president from a party
other than the big two, people will just have to vote
their concience.  In the balance of things, your vote
probably wont make a big difference either way, so why
not just vote for the person who you really wish would
be president.  
Well thats my thought in the matter.
Not sure who im voting for yet, but it sure as hell
isnt either of those dumbasses.

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RE: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Sheets,Jason

hmmm... well, 

1) if everyone who felt that way actually did vote with their conscience,
rather than vote for the "lesser of two evils," we could see a nader
presidency. most people listen to what the mainstream media shoves down our
collective throat, which is in this situation that a vote for nader is a
vote taken away from __ and given to __ (take your pick; most  media
outlets will go either way depending on who pays their bills), ensuring that
__ will win the election. 

speaking personally, most of the voters (70%, i would say) i know would
rather vote for nader than "the sure thing," but they will vote for gore
because they hate bush (and vice-versa) and don't think nader can make it.
every NON-voter i know would vote for nader if they "thought it would make a
difference." projecting this on society as a whole (most people i know are
considered "normal," so this isn't a big leap), if these people did vote for
nader, he would win in a landslide of the popular vote. but no, people won't
vote for him because they erroneously think it would be a waste.

2) more than likely, voting for nader won't take votes away from any other
candidate. people who say this assume that if nader were not in the running,
a voter will vote for one of the big two. this isn't very true. nader isn't
taking my vote from bush or gore because i would never vote for either of
them in the first place. in fact, most people who will vote for nader have
probably never voted before and are voting simply to elect nader.

3) bush and gore are tools and their parties are virtually
indistinguishable. as far as those two are concerned, nothing will change in
this nation if either one of them gets into office. they may be all talk
now, and that's how they get people to vote for them, but if they get
elected you can better believe they will maintain the status quo, and not
rock the boat. there is no "lesser of two evils" because they are both the
same. you might as well close your eyes and point your finger in the voting
booth; the result will be the same.

4) what is the point of voting if you just vote for who you think everyone
else is voting for? that's what you're doing. you might as well not vote. 

there is no such thing as a wasted vote (unless, in my opinion, you fit in
with my above statement). your vote is your political voice and, regardless
if your candidate gets elected, your voice will be heard. remember ross
perot from a while back? he may have been a big joke then, but his party
just got a governor into office a couple of years ago. you have to start
somewhere, and you can't get started by being a tool.

anyway, i know that's off topic, but i had to respond. and i have to go now
because there is a tornado warning. bye.


**this message brought to you by:

jason d. sheets
web: (recently updated!)
album of the day: my bloody valentine - "isn't anything"
"That Sheets damn good." 

>-Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 7:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Nader
>i totally agree with you.  i feel that if i vote for nader, it 
>will only
>help split up the votes between nader and gore...and what that 
>will do it
>leave bush with more votes.  it happened in grade school, i 
>dont see why it
>wont happen now.
>- Original Message -
>From: Rachel White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 3:31 PM
>Subject: [MMouse]: Nader
>> OK, here's the question that will probably make me look 
>really stupid but
>> that's nothing new.
>> I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect 
>world, he became
>> our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's 
>basically up
>> us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll 
>probably piss a
>> lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the 
>race is pretty
>> close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, 
>that's one less
>> vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't 
>want another
>> to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah
>> still 
>> I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free 
>to try and
>> me straight.  My conscience needs to be at
>> ___
>> Say Bye to Slow Internet!

Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread blake

i totally agree with you.  i feel that if i vote for nader, it will only
help split up the votes between nader and gore...and what that will do it
leave bush with more votes.  it happened in grade school, i dont see why it
wont happen now.


- Original Message -
From: Rachel White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 3:31 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Nader

> OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
> that's nothing new.
> I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he became
> our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up
> us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
> lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is pretty
> close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
> vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another
> to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah
> still 
> I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try and
> me straight.  My conscience needs to be at
> ___
> Say Bye to Slow Internet!

RE: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Robbins, Mark

You don't vote for someone because you fear the repurcussions of not voting
for that person, that's fascism; power by fear.  

Bleibe Immer Locker.

OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
that's nothing new.
I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he became
our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up to
us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is pretty
close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another Bush
to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah blah..but

I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try and set
me straight.  My conscience needs to be at

Say Bye to Slow Internet!

Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Dusty

Im a big bucket of info today, if you wanna meet Nadar, he will be in KILLA
CAMDEN this Saturday, uhmm Camden NJ that is right across the river from
illadelph. He will be at Leavenhouse, a homeless shelter that a friend of my
mother runs. and if you happen to be in town on Sunday there will be a big
demonstration in front of the Camden Aquarium while the Republicans are there
to fight for Cuban rights. And if you have ever been the Camden Aquarium you
might wanna protest the fact that they are even allowed to call that shit hole
an aquarium

great white dusty
"someone is washing my black shirt for me"

Rachel White wrote:

> OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
> that's nothing new.
> I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he became
> our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up to
> us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
> lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is pretty
> close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
> vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another Bush
> to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah blah..but
> still 
> I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try and set
> me straight.  My conscience needs to be at
> ___
> Say Bye to Slow Internet!

[MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Rachel White

OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
that's nothing new.
I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he became
our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up to
us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is pretty
close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another Bush
to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah blah..but

I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try and set
me straight.  My conscience needs to be at

Say Bye to Slow Internet!

[MMouse]: nader and the truth

2000-04-04 Thread Clownsfrightenme

ralph nader supports the truth
check out under sightings theres a picture of the truth our friend paul and 
our friend ralph nader. go nader.
