RE: [MMouse]: Three kings

1999-10-29 Thread grrr

so if we spent a bazillion dollars sending troops over to bosnia to try to
stop the inherent violence that has gone on there for thousands of years,
will it change anything?  i believe it IS human nature not to be violent,
but to be ignorant.  as long as a person believes he/she is better than
someone else and passes that on to their children, their children's
children, etc, there will always be violence.  no, it is not in our
nature, necessarily, to be violent, but our ignorance perpetuates it. 

as far as slave wages in other countries...i question the validity of the
argument.  aren't the people working for foreign companies making more
than those people working for domestic companies?  when your option is
$1.50 making soccer balls, or panhandling on the street, i think the
choice is clear.  and the children who work there, they work because they
have to.  you can't compare the economy and lifestyle of US citizens to
that of the impoverished in less-developed countries.  sure, it seems like
a rip-off to us, but in the context of their economy, it isn't so bad.

and i went to see al gore speak last night.  i admit i was forced into it
and after standing around waiting for him to show up for an hour, i put
the five minute-rule into effect. but he wasn't bad. the usual catch
phrases, repetiton, and story-telling.  a typical speech to fire up
a crowd, but he was interesting.  too bad we had to stand around for an
hour longer waiting for him.

sweetness follows.

Re: [MMouse]: Three kings

1999-10-28 Thread grrr

just out of curiosity, what's your proposal on how to stop violence?
there have always been wars and there will always be wars and as long as
some form of government is better than anarchy, there will always be
political agendas that cause death.  sorry, but it's true.

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Mark Robbins wrote:

 Its our president, our government, that caused, and continues to exascerbate
 these attrocaties.
 It isn't enough to say, "I didn't vote for him," or "I was to young to vote
 for him" because that trivializes the thousands of Iraquis who gave up their
 lives for a lie.  People don't seem to be outraged anymore..its like the
 government has done so many terrible things that when they do something else
 its lie.."well thats government".  How can someone possibly say that? I just
 dont say that "it was just government" when the CIA was
 funneling crack into ghettos to try to enslave an entire generation of black
 people, how can the entire country not be outraged by that?  How is that
 something that huge doesn't even make the back pages of the New York Times?
 How can we stand by while our government drops more munitions in six months
 than was spent in the entire Vietnam war, to muscle a dictator(that we
 established) to the same conditions he agreed to before the bombing started?
 And then, stand by while the Indonesian "militias" killing half of a
 cultures population in 25 years?  Not even the Jews were exterminated with
 such depravity for human life, and yet we do nothing, and we say nothing.
 When a movie comes that actuall adresses even a sliver of that, and is able
 to be viewed by huge numbers of people..that has to be one of the most
 substantial things I've heard about in a long time.  Even if it is just a
 movie, Its making people question the things they read..even if it came from
 the new york times, or the wasington post.  We have to show them that we
 aren't cattle anymore, that if you lie cheat and steal it will not be
 tolerated.  This movie isn't the panacea..and its not exactly creating an
 outcry of support for the Iraqui position, but even a small change in such
 an ingrined infastructre is monumental.
 Not only was George Bush my President, he was a fellow human being, and for
 me that is more than sufficent to command my disgust.
 And your mom would stick a fork right into daddy's shoulder, and dad
 would throw the garbage all across the floor, as we would lay and learn
 what each other's bodies were for.  And your mom would drink until she
 was no longer speaking, and dad would dream of all the different ways to
 die, each one a little more than he could dare to try.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Philip Smoker
 Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 10:27 AM
 Subject: [MMouse]: I got a magnet in my head
 Mark said:
 I'll hold my tounge..but when twenty thousand people
 diebecause of a
 promise that someone who bears any connection to
 reniged on...I consider that substantial.
 OK, what am I missing here?  Is this in reference to
 Three Kings, and more specifically the Gulf War?
 What passive connection do you have with George Bush
 and the United States Armed Forces?  The fact that you
 live in the same country as them?
 Please, extol the virtues of Three Kings for the
 thanks for picking it up,
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Bid and sell for free at

sweetness follows.

Re: [MMouse]: Three kings

1999-10-26 Thread Doosu2323

In a message dated 10/26/99 12:11:16 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 Its our president, our government, that caused, and continues to 
 these attrocaties.

Exascerbate?  nice word...who the hell uses that in daily speech?

 It isn't enough to say, "I didn't vote for him," or "I was to young to vote
 for him" because that trivializes the thousands of Iraquis who gave up their
 lives for a lie.  People don't seem to be outraged anymore..its like the
 government has done so many terrible things that when they do something else
 its lie.."well thats government".  How can someone possibly say that? I just
 dont say that "it was just government" when the CIA was
 funneling crack into ghettos to try to enslave an entire generation of black
 people, how can the entire country not be outraged by that?  How is that
 something that huge doesn't even make the back pages of the New York Times?
 How can we stand by while our government drops more munitions in six months

I'm not gonna repost the whole thing cause it's too damn long..but listen 
here..when you ask "how can we stand by?" here's your answer...for every 
person that gets overly involved in the nature of our government's business 
(ie: you) there are thousands of people who are too ignorant to know they 
exist (ie: mass public) and there thousands of people (ie: me) that are 
apathetic cause they are tired of hearing about it from people like you and 
realize the cold harsh truth that no matter how much you say you are gonna do 
about it, it won't be enough.  I am by no means claiming you should be a 
pathetic spineless follower in life.  There are plenty of smaller issues in 
life that you have a say in.  However, when it comes to big government, it is 
what it is.  People have been saying for years if you want something done 
about the government get off your ass and do something about, but you know 
what?  Where the hell has it gotten them?  And you tell me if government has 
improved significantly in the last half a decade.  Sure there are always 
gonna be social changes and mini-social revolutions..thats just society.  
However, what goes on behind government deals that may or may not please you 
will never change.  Live with it and don't get so wound up about three kings. 
 It's a won't change anything.  Besides , there are plenty of more 
important things to be thinking about that you can actually do something 