[MMouse]: what pavement are up to

2000-08-08 Thread Milliehoo

Acording to domino records (UK) steve malkmus will be releasing a new record 
with some other people as "The Jicks" anyone know who he is colaborating 
764-HERO + LAL in SF tomorrow!!

Re:[MMouse]: What happens when yr away/Wanted et.

2000-07-06 Thread jsl04

Okay, was gone for a few days , when I come back, my box is full
of everyone listing the same 47 bands over  over!

Didn't see any mention of Les Savy Fav (who have a new EP out--somewhere!)
or !!!. Anyone have Fav's Rome yet? And, speaking of 'yets,' didn't
!!! have a full-length release? And, if so, where the hell is it

Guess that's it...

Oh, in case someone is in need of YET another review of MA, go to:
(Though, really, you'd just be wasting yr time if you've read
even one review already.)

Not too holy nor too holey

What's this international noise conspiracy about?

[MMouse]: what a weird world!

2000-06-15 Thread kenneld

from Spin.com:

Woman Dies After Seeing Fake 
SpearsBritney, that is. Tuesday night, an Endwell, NY, radio station 
faked an interview with Britney Spears in an attempt to hype up fans. Well, 
WMRV-FM got excitement all right, when a woman in the 100-person crowd outside 
of the station offices fell to the ground, and later passed away after reaching 
the hospital. According the Associated Press, the 37-year-old woman 
collapsed from cardiac arrest after a female pretending to be Britney exited the 
station building and proceeded to enter a limousine parked outside. The unnamed 
woman died Wednesday afternoon. The WMRV-FM station manager reportedly said that 
the station was trying to figure out what happened and "just trying to focus on 
the woman." 

[MMouse]: what to buy/ bloomington

2000-05-28 Thread Melissa Shockley


rainer maria- past worn searching
mock orange- nines and sixes
polvo- exploded drawing
shellac- at action park
cat power- the covers record

i live in bloomington indiana.  the name of the bookstore is sercret 
sailors.  it is nice to see if anyone comes to visit.  we also have an 
unbelievable cd store called TD's CD's and LP's.  There is only the one guy 
who runs the store and he's pretty old and knows everything about music so 
we endearingly refer to him as the guru.  if anyone gets a chance to visit, 
you should go there.


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Re: [MMouse]: what to buy

2000-05-28 Thread KneeXsocks

any bright eyes album you can find.
self- breakfast with girls
The Faint - Blank-wave arcade or Media
Jeff Buckley - The Mystery White Boy video

everything else has been said already...

[MMouse]: What to buy...

2000-05-27 Thread Christian A. Cundari

Whoever was looking for some albums to buy, I agree with Russ, if you don't
own any Mountain Goats, get some... now. "Sweden" or "Nothing for Juice" are
definitely choice. Or try Elevator Drops' "Pop Bus" for an experience in
creative musical yumminess (what happened to this band?)

Speaking of the Mountain Goats, does anyone have info about the tribute
album? Who is going to be on it? When is it due? etc.

Lastly, I believe there is a list member living in London who was concerned
about acquiring the new mouse album in Europe? Yes, no? Email me privately
as I will be flying into Heathrow for a layover on June 14th. I will gladly
purchase mouse for you if you can arrange to meet me somehow (oh crap, I
just checked and the layover is in Manchester, 4 friggin' hours!?!?).
Anyway, maybe I can just mail it from Warsaw. Any other European list
members can email me about similar arrangements.



Re: [MMouse]: What to buy...

2000-05-27 Thread JessesSecret

My two cents on what to buy
Mineral-power of failing
The Smiths-Strangeways here we come
and jejune-the afternoons malady


Re: [MMouse]: What to buy...

2000-05-27 Thread Blake

CD's to deffinately buy:

Godspeed you black emporer!
Apples in stereo
Blackheart procession
Combustible Edison.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: What to buy...

 My two cents on what to buy
 Mineral-power of failing
 The Smiths-Strangeways here we come
 and jejune-the afternoons malady

Re: [MMouse]: what did you guys SAY to this kid?

2000-02-10 Thread Ryan McDaniel

I tired a sweeter approach.  To me, this is an issue for tapers.  If people sell a 
band's shit, they're goning to start saying NO to tapers.  I've had tons of people 
selling shit on eBAY that I recorded myself.  Somebody made $60 off a Built to Spill 
show that I recorded at the Crystal Ballroom.  What can you do??  I emailed Waner 
Bros., Doug and Karena (their address is on builttospill.net), and eBAY.  eBAY told me 
that they wouldn't do anything about it after a "so called" investigation.  They will 
only remove stuff by the request of the parties holding copyrights!!

ALL YOU CAN DO IS EDUCATE THESE PEOPLE.  When I send nasty emails, I only get back 
nasty remarks back.  Talk to them intelligently and you'll get a better response.  
Just tell him that you don't want people selling shit from you're favorite band or 
your favorite band will stop letting people record their shows.  This is the true 
crime.  And they should understand.

Offering bidders free stuff will help IF you educate them too.  I've talked to a few 
people about effective ways of keeping people from selling recordings.  It seems that 
the only way will be to cut the demand.

My 2 cents

 Russ Sweetser [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/09/00 08:25PM 
doods this kid is super pissed at me hahahaha
i found him on IRC and totally bitched him out. told him about ethic and
about how im trying to STOP shit like this by giving out the boots. he
claims he didnt get the files from my site, but i put them on some other
sites, so they are the files that i made. h. but i guess some of you
emailed him and said some nasty shit? good job. keep it up. i think i am
starting to crack his conscience. plus i think ebay will pull the

forwarded is his latest reply. sorry if you dont care about this. i hate
to clutter the list up with dumb shit. 


[MMouse]: what did you guys SAY to this kid?

2000-02-09 Thread Russ Sweetser

doods this kid is super pissed at me hahahaha
i found him on IRC and totally bitched him out. told him about ethic and
about how im trying to STOP shit like this by giving out the boots. he
claims he didnt get the files from my site, but i put them on some other
sites, so they are the files that i made. h. but i guess some of you
emailed him and said some nasty shit? good job. keep it up. i think i am
starting to crack his conscience. plus i think ebay will pull the

forwarded is his latest reply. sorry if you dont care about this. i hate
to clutter the list up with dumb shit. 


i didn't get them WITH KNOWLEDGE from you
i got them off someones FTP in october of 1999.

i started the bidding at 2 dollars. the cost of the cd-r
each bidder is and was being emailed and told the situation.  they are under 
no obligation from me to buy it.i've had three people email me and ask for 
non-ebay cd-r copies of those cds, people have minds of their own. not 
everyone has a cd-r and not everyone chooses to take advantage of mp3s. go 
find something else to bitch about. this is ridiculous.
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[MMouse]: what a christian might tell ya

1999-12-01 Thread Philip Smoker

 The problem is, most Christians don't follow Jesus,
 they follow his
 disciples - the New Testament is hearsay from 60 or
 more years after
 Jesus' death.  Plenty of time for the message to 
 be scrambled and confused like cable channels.

Growing up in a fundamental Christian home
(Protestant, Church of God to be exact), I was exposed
to quite a bit of theology in my youth.  For the
record, the particular sect of Protestant Christianity
that my parents subscribe to believes that the bible
was written with divine inspiration by god, such that
everything in it is there because god wanted it to be
there.  Although parts of the new testament consist of
historical accounts of the life of Jesus and the early
apostles (Paul, for example), the new testament is
mostly made up of letters that were sent by early
Christians to other churches in an effort to help them
get started and stay the course.  But you are correct
in saying that some of it is scrambled because, as
with the old testament, a lot of it is lost in the
translation.  The old testament was written in Hebrew
originally, and the new testament in Greek.  And in
trying to convert the bible to the first standardized
English translation (i.e. the original King James
Version), some words used by the Hebrews simply have
no parallel correlation in English, and words had to
be substituted or redefined.  This is where some
scholars argue that the bible is inadequate or
inaccurate in some ways.  So make of that what you

feeling scholarly,
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RE: [MMouse]: what a christian might tell ya

1999-12-01 Thread Mark Robbins

Ok..few things to point out..

Although parts of the new testament consist of
historical accounts of the life of Jesus and the early
apostles (Paul, for example), the new testament is
mostly made up of letters that were sent by early
Christians to other churches in an effort to help them
get started and stay the course.

Ill assume that your referring to the gospel..as the historical account in
the New Testament.  I don't think anyone..except maybe a fundamentalist,
would consider this a historical work.  Noting both the marked
inconsitincies between Matthew Mark Luke and John, most of what has been
accepted by Christians comes from John, with parts of Matthew Mark and Luke
mixed in.  Second..even Paul, the epileptic ephianier of Jesus Christ..was
at most only an adolescent at the time of Christ..and most likely not even
born.  Read Howard Zinn's a people's history of the United States, and
you'll see how time, even when events are recorded maticulously, can warp

But you are correct in saying that some of it is scrambled because, as
with the old testament, a lot of it is lost in the
translation.  The old testament was written in Hebrew
originally, and the new testament in Greek.  And in
trying to convert the bible to the first standardized
English translation (i.e. the original King James
Version), some words used by the Hebrews simply have
no parallel correlation in English, and words had to
be substituted or redefined.  This is where some
scholars argue that the bible is inadequate or
inaccurate in some ways.  So make of that what you

Though translation might account for some discrepacny in the bible, its
probably not that large.  What is significant however is that whole books of
the acient Hewbrew bible were simply dropped from the King James version.
Also significant is the editing done to the bible by the scribes who
transcribed the bible, its not like these people were under some scholarly
pursuit to make a verbatim english standard.  The bible was a tool in the
subjugation of the public, and was commanded as such.  Take some time to
read the bible(start to finish) and you'll definately get a flavor of the
difference voices involved.  It's not just different books that show sharp
contrast in tone, rythm meter and message, but switches occur in the middle
of books with almost no rationale attached(the death of a scribe, perhaps).
All right..thats enough..I'm too fascinated by the bible to talk about it


Re: [MMouse]: what a christian might tell ya

1999-12-01 Thread amy wolf

woah heh the person who said that the new testament is just hearsay from
after jesus' death anyway, i totally agree.  when i read the bible at
sabbath school i was PETRIFIED of everything and anything in it, but why
should i be?  these were accounts that weren't even really written by
Jesus, just other people who were probably talking somewhat up their asses.
 i have nothing to be scared about about the apocolypse because all that
stuff caught my eye in the New Testament and i've learned not to be scared
of the New Testament since it wasn't even written until after his death
- amy

Re: [MMouse]: what i read...

1999-11-23 Thread Mind Field

I read Tim Sandlin's "Skipped Parts" and never turned back.  He's now my
favorite author.   Nothing to do w/ music, (besides Kim Gordon endorsing
it on the back cover) but it's a riot.  

till niagra falls,

[MMouse]: what is this?

1999-10-25 Thread baby spine

who is daniel p donnelly and what does he have to do with the modest mouse 

Your email message RE: "[MMouse]: stuff" addressed to Daniel P Donnelly has 
successfully delivered.Daniel P Donnelly is currently out of the
office and will SOON return on 10/27/99

Message: I will return to the office Wednesday, October 27. If you need
assistance in the interim, please contact my manager, Susan Baisley 

This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended 
an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial 
or as an official confirmation of any transaction, unless specifically 
otherwise. All market prices, data and other information are not warranted 
to completeness or accuracy and is subject to change without notice. Any
comments or statements made herein do not necessarily reflect those of
J.P. Morgan  Co. Incorporated, its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: what the fuck?

1999-10-23 Thread kat love

christ. what *is* happening to this list? i didn't subscribe because i want
to hear about Modest Mouse and Only Modest Mouse. i subscribed to find out
about other music too. i've found out about quite a few good bands from
this list. there's No Way you can Only talk about modest mouse. plus, when
you're talking about one band, naturally it will lead to talking about
other bands, other subjects (movies, etc) and That's OK! if you people want
to go start yr own elitist mm list, go for it, we'll stay here and expand
our horizons. i unsubscribed from the pavement list long ago because it got
like this, where all anyone did was insult one another. who has joined this
list recently and brought this bad shit in? go away.

be nice.

Free email with personality! Over 200 domains!

[MMouse]: what is indie...the industry definition.

1999-07-17 Thread John Boyer

Just to give everyone a clear idea here...I personally stand on the side of
it's the music that matters...not the distribution.  The Flaming Lips are
probably the most innovative band in the world this side of Sonic Youth and
neither band is "indie", though we probably all agree they are genius.
Either way, there are lots of great bands on major labels and I own lots of
them(eels/Dreamworks, Morphine/Dreamworks, Built to Spill/WB, Beck/DGC,
Wilco/Reprise, and Radiohead/Capitol).  The way I see it, if I like it, i'll
listen to it.  Anyway, on to the industry definition.

I work in radio, and so despite my belief that genre titles should only be
used as loose guidelines, i am forced to pigeonhole every cd that makes it
into my office.  Any label that is distributed by one of the major labels is
not indie.  The 4 major distros as far as I can tell right now are Polygram,
Universal, Capitol and Warner Bros.  See, I screwed up already...Polygram is
now owned by Universal...Sony is the other.  There you go, 4 major distros
that have connections and family lines drawn all over the place...it's so
confusing.  This is why not all Matador releases were indie...ie. Liz
Phair - Whitechocolatespaceegg - NOT INDIE.  This CD was distro'd by
Captiol, NOT Matador.  Anyway...I'd have to do a little bit of digging, but
I believe despite it's connections to Sub-Pop, Up has remained indie, by not
using Sub-Pop's distro.  If they have will someone please inform me.  As far
as I know, Up has no connection to Sire.  The label Minty Fresh is indie,
despite the fact that it is owned by Geffen because they don't use
Universal's distro.  Also be on the lookout for a 5th major distro called
SKG(Spielberg Katzenberg Geffen) that owns Dreamworks records.  Several
other purchases and labels are on the way in the next 5 years from SKG,
along with some big signings.

Okay, if you waded through that, congrats.  If you didn't, that's fine.
Please realize that the 1st paragraph is my opinion, and the second
paragraph is the industry's stand.  Okay...ciao.


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