Re: Apache::ASP - I think bug...

1999-12-10 Thread BeerBong

> > > Not that if you are using the same sub routine name,
> > > you might want to just define it once in global.asa,
> > > and have it vary its behavior based on what script
> > > is calling it, which you can get from $0, or
> > > &File::Basename::basename($0)
> >
> > Shit, It was in your documentation, and I forget about it. May be there
is a
> > reason write down some attentions to Windows ASP programmers, I just
> > my Windows ASP technology to Apache::ASP did't get any attentions while
> Let me know if you had any hiccups in particular while
> migrating that I can help, like compatibility issues ?

There was a need of IncludesDir and Buffering was broke, but you done it.

And may be you need to try insert some attentions on compile while there are
subs with the same name in 2+ scripts
Btw, we can suppose that two users place their own scripts in one
application and named subs the same...
Although you may say, that for every independent user we need create new

> > Nope, routines has very different implementation, which is own for every
> > script. I'll need to give subs different names, for example, with
prefix - script name.
> > What a pity... Compiling to unique packages a little decreased
> > as I understand, because default for UniquePackages is off...
> >
> Try the UniquePackages config, I don't think there is a difference
> on performance, not much anyway, it seemed more natural to that
> compiled includes be able to see the same globals as the main script,
> which was the motivation for not making it the default.

With UniquePackages I can't call subs defined in DynamicIncludes, because
DynamicInclude is compiled to own package.
May be is there reason to give by compiler a unique name for subs in scripts
and leave UniquePackages off ?

sub shared_one {
print "Some global text";

sub shared_two {
Some global text


sub test{

But compiler translate it to

sub _test{


While I writing it, I think, it is more Windows ASP way than perl
Apache::ASP, although I don't know perl good as C or ASP.
May be better way is implement as package and use
UniquePackages? And my includes contains only subs.
sub shared_two {

my($request) = $main::Request;<<< But it
is not elegant as
my($env) = $request->Write("some global text");



use Package;
sub test{


The only one method I see, it is call all subs in scripts with unique

Sergey Polyakov (BeerBong)
Chief of Web Lab (

Re: Error in make test

1999-12-10 Thread G.W. Haywood


On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Sakuji Toyama wrote:

> I have compiled mod_perl-1.21 with apache_1.3.9 under Solaris2.5 machine.
> ...
> "--prefix=/usr/local/etc/httpd" 

I think this is your problem.  Something similar happened to me.

Try putting everything in   /usr/local/apache_1.3.9
with a soft link/usr/local/apache -> /usr/local/apache_1.3.9
and use --prefix=/usr/local/apache
put mod_perl in /usr/local/mod_perl-1.21
with a soft link/usr/local/mod_perl -> /usr/local/mod_perl-1.21

Delete the original apache installation and start again with a fresh
set of files from the distribution.

Please tell me if this works for you.

Kind regards,
Ged Haywood.

Newbie: Running script using Apache API

1999-12-10 Thread Michael Dearman

Howdy all,

Trying to run a script from the Eagle Book (ch.4 Example 4-14)
Using the Apache API, so it looks like:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# file perl/

use strict:

my $r-> = Apache->request;
return OK unless $r->header_only;

And so on. Like a in other words.

It doesn't work. The 'perl/' dir is the one set up for other scripts.
The perl.conf for this dir is per book directions.

 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlSendHeader On

Using current versions of Apache and mod_perl on Intel.

What the error_log shows is that apparently Registry is trying
to wrap the script in a handler subroutine, as Stas's guide describes -
But there's also the bareword warning first. "OK" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
/usr/local/apache/perl/ line 9.
Undefined subroutine &Apache::ROOT::perl::hello3_2epl::handler called at
 line 135

Just before the example in the book, there is a discussion about
checking the environment variable MOD_PERL  or GATEWAY_INTERFACE.
But not clear if this should be done somehow for this script.

Would appreciate any help on what I'm not understanding about this.
M. Dearman

Re: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

1999-12-10 Thread Jay J

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Dearman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 5:35 AM
Subject: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

> Howdy all,
> Trying to run a script from the Eagle Book (ch.4 Example 4-14)
> Using the Apache API, so it looks like:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> # file perl/
> use strict:
> my $r-> = Apache->request;
> $r->content_type('text/html');
> $r->send_http_header;
> return OK unless $r->header_only;
> .
> And so on. Like a in other words.
> It doesn't work. The 'perl/' dir is the one set up for other scripts.
> The perl.conf for this dir is per book directions.
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlHandlerApache::Registry
>  PerlSendHeader On
>  Options+ExecCGI
> Thanks,
> M. Dearman

Hey Michael,

You seem to have missed something along the way. The answer actually lies in
your own explanation of the problem.

For that location, you already have a handler -> Apache::Registry, what you
want* is your .pm as the handler for a particular location. I think if you
page back a chapter or two you'll see examples of how httpd.conf or
.htaccess files should be setup.

-Jay J

(omitting all mention [except this] of stacked handlers for this example)

Re: calling htpasswd from perl ...

1999-12-10 Thread Bill Desjardins


In your htaccess file, I would imagine that you are pointing to a password
file via the AuthUserFile directive so as long as you have permissions to
edit that file, use the perl function crypt() to generate the password and
then just append it to the password file.  Just remember to have the user
enter the password 2 times for error checking and make sure you parse the
password file to check and see if the username is already in it. I have
this script already written somewhere, If you need it, let me know and I
will send it to you privately.

Also...This question would probaby be best served by an apache or cgi
list, not this one.


Bill Desjardins
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: 305.205.8644
FREE Homepages for Racers and Race Tracks!!

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, dave_dunstan wrote:

> Here's my question - since I can't use an Auth module and a database, can I
> write up a widget that will write .htaccess and .htpasswd files ...?  I'm
> thinking I can call htpasswd from perl, but I'm not sure how I'd have perl
> "confirm" the new password at the confirmation prompt from htpasswd.
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Is this just a cracked idea altogether?
> Happy Holidays!
> Dave Dunstan
> Mission Control Consulting LLC
> 301 8th Street, Suite 215
> San Francisco CA 94103
> ph 415.701.0088
> fx 415.241.0807

Re: Compilation Problem

1999-12-10 Thread Stas Bekman
maybe ?

> Stas Bekman wrote:
> > 
> > Do you have a symlink from /usr/local/lib/ to
> > /usr/local/lib/ replace x.x with the version that you
> > have.
> > 
> Thanks.  This is exactly what was wrong.  I was able to 'make' modperl,
> make test failed:
> /usr/local/etc/apache_1.3.9.orig/src//httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf
> -X -d `pwd`/t &
> httpd listening on port 8529
> will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
> letting apache warm up...[Thu Dec  9 18:56:21 1999] [error] Can't load
> '/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/IO/' for module IO:
> /usr/local/etc/apache_1.3.9.orig/src//httpd: fatal: relocation
> error: file /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/IO/
> symbol main: referenced symbol not found at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/ line 169.
>  at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/IO/ line 241
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/IO/ line 241.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/IO/ line 51.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/IO/ line 112.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> /usr/local/tmp/mod_perl-1.21/t//docs/ line 33.
> ...
> What could be causing this?
> -- 
>   Eugene Miretskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   InVision, INC.  (516) 543-1000x219  

Stas Bekmanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven

Re: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

1999-12-10 Thread Michael Dearman

Jay J wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Michael Dearman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 5:35 AM
> Subject: Newbie: Running script using Apache API
> > Howdy all,
> >
> > Trying to run a script from the Eagle Book (ch.4 Example 4-14)
> > Using the Apache API, so it looks like:
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> > # file perl/
> >
> > use strict:
> >
> > my $r-> = Apache->request;
> > $r->content_type('text/html');
> > $r->send_http_header;
> > return OK unless $r->header_only;
> > .
> > And so on. Like a in other words.
> >
> > It doesn't work. The 'perl/' dir is the one set up for other scripts.
> > The perl.conf for this dir is per book directions.
> >
> > 
> >  SetHandler perl-script
> >  PerlHandlerApache::Registry
> >  PerlSendHeader On
> >  Options+ExecCGI
> > 
> [snip]
> > Thanks,
> > M. Dearman
> Hey Michael,
> You seem to have missed something along the way. The answer actually lies in
> your own explanation of the problem.
> For that location, you already have a handler -> Apache::Registry, what you
> want* is your .pm as the handler for a particular location. I think if you
> page back a chapter or two you'll see examples of how httpd.conf or
> .htaccess files should be setup.
> -Jay J
> (omitting all mention [except this] of stacked handlers for this example)

Hi Jay, and all,

Can appreciate that - and have seen this mentioned in the GuestBook
But on page 144 the authors state that you can use scripts in an
enabled directory (in may case /perl) that either use the CGI
environment OR scripts
that use the API environment. Heck, they state you can mix the 2 types.

And have been successful in using calls to apache like 'my $r =
I have refined my problem while writing this.
When I comment out the line ' return OK unless $r->header_only ' it

So apparently I just got to get Apache::Constants to pick up the 'OK'.
Otherwise it sees it as a bareword.

I had tried sticking in a ' use Apache::Constants qw(:common) in the
Below the ' use strict '. Did not work.
And I do have ' use Apache::Constants (); ' in the file
Shouldn't that catch the :common variety?

Also tried return 200, return HTTP_OK, in all manner of quote schemes
still not working.

M. Dearman

Re: FindBin/Apache::Registry bug

1999-12-10 Thread Stas Bekman

> Don't use FindBin. It's not compatible with mod_perl since it uses
> BEGIN block which is executed only ones and for correct work it should
> be executed every time when the request comes.

That's correct that FindBin doesn't work under mod_perl. But the reason is
different. It doesn't work because its invocation happens during the load
of the module itself and as any other module under mod_perl it's loaded
only once per process.

It has nothing to do with BEGIN block.

A possible workaround is to mess with %INC:

delete $INC{FindBin};
use FindBin;

Anyway, thank you for this spot. I've offered this solution in the guide
and didn't know it has a problem. I'll update the guide.

> On Thu, Dec 09, 1999 at 12:03:56PM -0800, Joao Fonseca wrote:
> > This message was sent from by "Joao Fonseca" 
> > Be sure to reply to that address.
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm having problems migrating a site to mod_perl,
> > using the Apache::Registry module.
> > Scenario:
> > 
> > -I have 2 CGIs (cgi1 and cgi2).
> > -CGI1 is a soft link, and uses FindBin:
> > use FindBin;
> > use lib "$FindBin::RealBin";
> > use MyLib;
> > 
> > -CGI2 is not a soft link and also uses FindBin;
> > 
> > After running several times, CGI1 sometimes fails
> > with:
> > Can't locate in @INC...
> > 
> > After debugging, I found out that FindBin thinks
> > it's running
> > CGI2 instead of CGI1, and the use lib statement
> > doesn't go
> > to the proper location.
> > 
> > Here's my theory:
> > 
> > -On a previous request, CGI2 was run, and used
> > FindBin.
> >   FindBin recorded all it's info for CGI2
> > (RealBin, Bin, Script,
> >   and RealScript).
> > 
> > -Later, a request for CGI1 came, which also tried
> > to use
> >  FindBin.
> > 
> > -Apache::Registry doesn't load the FindBin module
> > again.
> >   Instead, uses the cached version from the
> > previous request.
> >   FindBin doesn't  refresh the RealBin variable,
> > and the
> >   use lib statement now points to the CGI2
> > directory.
> > 
> > -Of course, MyLib isn't found in @INC, because
> > it's pointing
> >   to the wrong directory!
> > 
> > 
> > Any thoughts on how to overcome this problem? I
> > want to
> > keep a soft link on CGI1.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Joao Fonseca
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > - The Knowledge Archive
> -- 

RE: Trouble in proxyland

1999-12-10 Thread Eric Cholet

Dave Hayes wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Vivek Khera wrote:
> > Running Apache/1.3.7-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.19_01-dev, it seems that
> > PerlPostReadRequestHandler is virtual-host bound.
> Yep, and I really have to ask why this is implemented in this fashion?

Because mod_perl lacks a per-server merge configuration merge function.

> Turns out I beat my head against the wall for a few hours until I
> found this mail message. Is there a way to globalize this parameter
> (i.e. allow this handler to be set outside of a virtual host section)?

Yes it's fixed in the CVS tree. If a PostReadRequest handler is installed in
the main server config, it will be used by vhosts, unless they define
their own.


Re: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

1999-12-10 Thread Michael Dearman


> So apparently I just got to get Apache::Constants to pick up the 'OK'.
> Otherwise it sees it as a bareword.

OK, got that 'OK' is an Apache return code.
M. Dearman

RE: FindBin/Apache::Registry bug (fwd)

1999-12-10 Thread Stas Bekman

> A possible workaround is to mess with %INC:
> delete $INC{FindBin};
> use FindBin;

Of course, as Eric corrected me, it should be 'require()' instead of
'use()', since use is done at compile time. do() is another option.

But require() wouldn't import tags, so ether use FQ variable $FindBin::Bin
or use:

  import FindBin;

if you need to import them.

RE: Unloading a library

1999-12-10 Thread Victor Zamouline

I am also wondering how to do that. My scripts call multiple pre-loaded
modules that put heavy stuff in their proper lexical variables, which
seems to cause memory leaks, which results in consistent growth of
children's size. So I would love to "garbage-collect" whatever had been
put into lexical variables, at the end of each subroutine call.


>> Behalf Of Matt Sergeant
>> How can I completely unload a library and all memory 
>> associated with it,
>> and unload any dso's connected with that library? For 
>> example, say I use
>> XML::Parser in a  section - I don't want that hanging 
>> around - it's a
>> big library, so I'd like to completely unload it - is it possible?

>Any one have any thoughts on the above. I'd like to do
>this also. Was wondering if there were any ideas.

Re: Can't load /..../

1999-12-10 Thread Bruce Johnson

I never exactly found my problem, but it stemmed from something
to do with dynamic loading, and I ultimately rebuilt Perl.

Lessons learned:
1- Before attempting to rebuild Apache with mod_perl, be sure to
back up both the operational Apache and Perl, because mod_perl
diddles with some of the things in Perl's directories.  (I think
it was libperl.a.)

2- Don't NFS-mount Perl from the production system while doing
your build on another machine.

3- Keep careful notes on the build process, including every step
you did.  If it takes several tries with changes to get it right,
start over from scratch and make sure you didn't omit something
in your notes.  You don't want to have doubts about what options
you chose six months later.

4- Don't send a note to someone who's having trouble, teasing him
for having done something foolish, unless you're real good
friends or have something substantive to offer.  (Someone sent me
a note telling me I'd done something stupid, but he didn't have
anything helpful to say.  It's a pity that cow chips won't fit
into email.)
Bruce A. JohnsonPictureVision, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer   250-A Exchange Pl.
(703)925-4075   Herndon, VA 20170

"Bruce A. Johnson" wrote:
> I just rebuilt my Apache server (1.3.6) last week.  I enabled the
> cern_meta module, the usertrack module, and the expires module,
> and I upgraded mod_perl from 1.19 to 1.21.  I did a clean build
> from the distribution tar-balls.
> My "tricky" applications seemed to work okay, so I put it into
> production.  Now I find that one of my other apps is broken:
> > Software error:
> >
> > Can't load '/opt/perl/lib/5.00502/sun4-solaris/auto/Fcntl/' for module
> > Fcntl: /opt/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
> > /opt/perl/lib/5.00502/sun4-solaris/auto/Fcntl/ symbol main: referenced
> > symbol not found at /opt/perl/lib/5.00502/sun4-solaris/ line 168. at
> > (eval 168) line 3
> I don't know whether I've stumbled across a problem in mod_perl
> 1.21 or whether I inadvertently mucked something up.  I'm
> starting a rebuild with 1.19 to see if the problem can be
> reproduced; however, if anyone has some advice for a dumb
> so-and-so, I'll gladly accept it.
> Thanks!
> --
> Bruce A. JohnsonPictureVision, Inc.
> Sr. Software Engineer   250-A Exchange Pl.
> (703)925-4075   Herndon, VA 20170

"Can't locate loadable...." Apache::Util

1999-12-10 Thread Brian Seitz

I've been looking through the archives of this list and I've seen the
error I'm getting mentioned before in several forms.  

Syntax error on line 198 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Can't locate loadable object for module Apache::Util in @INC (@INC
contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
. /usr/local/apache/ /usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/ line 14
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 4.

Line 198 being "PerlModule Apache::EmbperlChain

Okay, now I know the standard answer for this is compile mod_perl with
tests correctly, but it doesn't change anything about the error I'm
getting.  EVERYTHING and DYNAMIC don't work either, and also cause an
error when I run "make test" which is this:

../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t &
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
Syntax error on line 3 of
Invalid command 'PerlTransHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration
/usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm upnot ok
server failed to start! at t/TEST line 95.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

I also noticed that even after doing PERL_UTIL_API=1, when I run "make
test" it says something to the effect of "not for this platform,
skipping" when it gets to Apache::Util.  Which I suppose brings us to
the question, what platform?  Red Hat Linux, kernel 2.2.5-15, i686. 
mod-perl: 1.21.  Apache: 1.3.9.  Perl: 5.00503.

I'd appreciate any help anyone could give.

Re: ASP Cookieless Sessions (WAS Re: Apache::ASP)

1999-12-10 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

> "Serge" == Serge Sozonoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Serge> Hello,
>> It will work fine, but the problem still remains that the 
>> incoming page URL has the session-id in it, so that when you go 
>> offsite, the referer header sent by the client has the client's 
>> session id in it still, and the unethical webmaster could easily 
>> then access the users sessions by looking at the referer logs.

Serge> There is a little article about cookie-less sessions at:


And this method requires client-side javascript enabled (mine is not,
thank you), *and* frames your entire site, so bookmarking is useless.

Nope, I wouldn't put it into the "useful robust" category.
You're still back to:

cookies (maybe disabled)
hidden fields (only with form submissions)
mangled URLs (all pages must be dynamic generated)
auth (like BasicAuth where you "log in")

And one *new* one that I pondered recently, that can be used as long
as you presume HTTP/1.1... 

I don't have time to write it up here, but it permits:

1) bookmarking of sessions
2) no rewriting of URLs for static pages, even if they have links
3) access to session ID even by mod_cgi scripts
4) new sessions are started by a simple external redirect
5) one simplePerlTransHandler could provide the master session-start for any URL

downside: you must have access to a UDP port 53 somewhere and DNS delegation

I'll write up more after I've done some testing.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

1999-12-10 Thread Michael Dearman

Anthony Gardner wrote:
> Michael,
> You are there, believe it or not.
> Have a look at the attached and run it.
> That pop up window is telling you that the script has finished and that it
> received no data.
> Include Apache::Constants; and change unless to if where it's testing for
> header_only.
> There are more than one type of method that the browser uses to request
> data. The two most common are GET and POST but another one is HEAD. That's
> what that line is checking for, whether the browser is just requesting HEAD
> information.
> We are using GET so it should fail that test and return the HTML stuff
> thereafter.

That dit it! Change the 'unless' to 'if'. *chuckle*
You know, I sat and looked at the 'return OK unless ...' and thought it
make sense.
M. Dearman

> >From: Michael Dearman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Anthony Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Newbie: Running script using Apache API
> >Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:49:28 -0700
> >
> >
> >
> >Anthony Gardner wrote:
> > >
> > > Does that mean you've solved it? If it does, what did yo do? I haven't
> > > really touched Registry (will do this weekend).
> >
> >No. Haven't solved it. Just that 'OK' is an internal return code. I'm
> >assuming
> >that means it should work without being addressed by Apache::Constants
> >qw(:common)
> >or whatever. Which I've tried in the script and that just makes things
> >worse.
> >Meaning that a window pops up saying something about 'no data in file'.
> >*shrug*
> >
> >M. Dearman
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
>  Name: hello3.cgi
>hello3.cgiType: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>  Encoding: base64

Re: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

1999-12-10 Thread Prakash Kailasa

Michael Dearman wrote:
> That dit it! Change the 'unless' to 'if'. *chuckle*
> You know, I sat and looked at the 'return OK unless ...' and thought it
> didn't
> make sense.
> Thanks!
> M. Dearman

I just checked the example in my copy of the book and the line
had an 'if', which is correct, not an 'unless'.

Either you have an old edition of the book where it was a typo,
or you may have misread it when you typed.


Re: Compilation Problem

1999-12-10 Thread Bruce Johnson


I just finished (I think) dealing with that same blamed error
about not being able to find symbol "main".  Here are my notes on
how I did my build on Solaris 2.6:

1- Built Perl5.005.02
a- Configure settings:
No threading
use Perl's malloc
Nm extracts C libraries
Dynamic loading = yes.
Build shared
No vfork
b- setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd` because Configure warned me
to do this.
c- make; make test; make install (only if tests succeeded)

2- Installed LWP packages because mod_perl's test is going to
need them:
MIME-Base 64
libwww-perl (LWP)

3- Installed, although I'm still not clear if this is
necessary with Apache::Registry.  (Anyone who is willing to
enlighten me, please do so, but make it a separate thread.)

4- Built Apache 1.3.6 w/ mod_perl 1.21:
Checked path to ensure new Perl is the one I'm using.
cd mod_perl-1.21
perl Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 \
make install (may not have been needed)

cd ../apache_1.3.6
./configure --enable-prefix=/where/ever \
--enable-rule=SHARED_CORE \
--with-perl=/path/to/perl/executable \
--with-layout=Apache \
--activate-module=src/module/perl/libperl.a \

(I added other stuff, but it's not germane to the discussion)
make install
cd ../mod_perl-1.21
make test  (everything passed)
make install

The reason I did an install of Apache before I went back to
mod_perl to do the make test is that in previous attempts, if I
tried to test mod_perl without installing Apache, it complained
about some library not being in either the Apache directory or
the Perl directory.  And I did the last install of mod_perl
because although all my tests passed, when I fired up httpd in
the target Apache directory, it curled up and died with the
"unknown symbol main" stuff that's biting you now.

I may be doing this wrong, but I tried following the installation
directions in mod_perl installation docs and the Apache docs and
met with failure, possibly because my libperl.a file was mucked
up from an even earlier attempt.  And so far the new server
hasn't given me any trouble yet.

I hope this helps!
Bruce A. JohnsonPictureVision, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer   250-A Exchange Pl.
(703)925-4075   Herndon, VA 20170

Configuring Apache with Problems

1999-12-10 Thread Sam Tregar

Hello all.  Two questions:

1) These two *look* equivalent:

$FilesMatch{'"^.*\.pl$"'} = 
SetHandler => 'perl-script',
PerlHandler => 'Apache::Registry',
Options => '+ExecCGI'

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI

but the second one works and the first doesn't.  When I try to use the
first one I get .pl files returned as text, as though the directive were
being ignored.  The second one works as expected - *.pl files are handled
by Apache::Registry.  Any ideas?

2) Is there any way to get the same warning/error messages from mistakes
in a  block that you do from "normal" configuration?  I'm thinking
particularily of the warnings you get from setting *SpareServers to
innapropriate values.

I'm working on a server that says "mod_perl/1.15 Red Hat Secure/2.0 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.15 mod_ssl/2.0.7 SSLeay/0.9.0b", in case that helps.



Re: Error in make test

1999-12-10 Thread Cliff Rayman

this is a good idea.
i had the same one. i thought it would be easy to test out a new release, and
if i could not get things working - change the link back to the old one.
i did have problems which i believe were related to the softlink.
i have since gone back to hardlinks for the apache server directory.

i'd be interested to see if this produces good results in a production

cliff rayman

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:

> Greetings,
> On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Sakuji Toyama wrote:
> > I have compiled mod_perl-1.21 with apache_1.3.9 under Solaris2.5 machine.
> > ...
> > "--prefix=/usr/local/etc/httpd"
> I think this is your problem.  Something similar happened to me.
> Try putting everything in   /usr/local/apache_1.3.9
> with a soft link/usr/local/apache -> /usr/local/apache_1.3.9
> and use --prefix=/usr/local/apache
> put mod_perl in /usr/local/mod_perl-1.21
> with a soft link/usr/local/mod_perl -> /usr/local/mod_perl-1.21
> Delete the original apache installation and start again with a fresh
> set of files from the distribution.
> Please tell me if this works for you.
> Kind regards,
> Ged Haywood.

Re: Newbie: Running script using Apache API

1999-12-10 Thread Michael Dearman

Prakash Kailasa wrote:
> > Hi Prakash,
> >
> > Well. It's example 4-14, on page 146
> > I have a march 1999 first edition. You mean there's already a second
> > edition!?
> > It's definitely a 'return OK unless' for mine.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > M. Dearman
> I just went back and checked again and _again_.
> I am looking at the same example 4-14 on the same page 146
> and I swear it is 'return OK if $r->header_only;'
> And, mine is a March 1999 First Edition too.
> Go figure.
> Most likely, its just a new printing of the same edition
> with the typos fixed.
> /prakash

That is wierd. Wish we could figure out how else to tell the
difference in the printings beside that date. Would help track
any other problems.
Thanks Prakash,
M. Dearman

Hanging processes

1999-12-10 Thread Tony Demark

I am having a problem with hanging httpd processes. I have done some AV 
searches as well as investigated the list archives and did not find any 
conclusive answer to this problem. If I missed it, can someone point me in the 
right direction? If any more information will help decode this problem, I can 
reproduce the problem really easily (bot hitting our stage site causes a few 
of these processes to pop up).

Thanks in advance,
- Tony

Apache 1.3.9
mod-perl 1.21
gcc version 2.8.1
perl v5.005_03
Solaris 2.7
Static Build

Output from top (osiz):
 2178 dbuser 1  330  137M   64M run 8:33 10.93% httpd
 2112 dbuser 1  330  131M   62M run 7:52 10.19% httpd

Fresh httpd process:
 3282 dbuser 1  580 8200K 2120K sleep   0:00  0.05% httpd

Output from gdb ... 2112 :
#0  0x118e40 in Perl_av_store ()
#1  0x1194a4 in Perl_av_push ()
#2  0xfbc74 in Perl_start_subparse ()
#3  0x44168 in empty_anon_sub ()
#4  0x455c0 in XS_Apache__Constants___AUTOLOAD ()
#5  0x120230 in Perl_pp_entersub ()
#6  0x159dd0 in Perl_runops_standard ()
#7  0xe1fb8 in perl_call_sv ()
#8  0x34564 in perl_call_handler ()
#9  0x33dd4 in perl_run_stacked_handlers ()
#10 0x32654 in perl_handler ()
#11 0x80fb8 in ap_invoke_handler ()
#12 0x9cdb0 in ap_some_auth_required ()
#13 0x9d2c8 in ap_internal_redirect ()
#14 0x9c530 in ap_die ()
#15 0x9cdd4 in ap_some_auth_required ()
#16 0x9ce30 in ap_process_request ()
#17 0x90c70 in ap_child_terminate ()
#18 0x90fc8 in ap_child_terminate ()
#19 0x914e0 in ap_child_terminate ()
#20 0x91c50 in ap_child_terminate ()
#21 0x92558 in main ()
(gdb) quit

pmap output:
/usr/proc/bin/pmap 2112
2112:   /opt/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf
0001   1464K read/exec /opt/local/apache/bin/httpd
0018C000 56K read/write/exec   /opt/local/apache/bin/httpd
0019A000 129752K read/write/exec [ heap ]
FEF8  8K read/write/exec [ anon ]
FEF9 24K read/exec /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/Socket/
FEFA4000  8K read/write/exec   /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/Socket/
FEFB  8K read/write/exec [ anon ]
FEFC 24K read/exec /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/IO/
FEFD4000  8K read/write/exec   /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/IO/
FEFE 16K read/exec /usr/lib/
FEFF2000  8K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF00504K read/exec /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/DB_File/
FF08C000 16K read/write/exec   /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/DB_File/
FF0A 48K read/write/shared   [ anon ]
FF0B 16K read/exec /opt/local/perl/auto/Time/HiRes/
FF0C2000  8K read/write/exec   /opt/local/perl/auto/Time/HiRes/
FF0D 16K read/exec /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/Fcntl/
FF0E2000  8K read/write/exec   /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/Fcntl/
FF0F 80K read/exec /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/B/
FF112000 16K read/write/exec   /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/B/
FF12 24K read/exec /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper
FF134000 16K read/write/exec   /opt/local/lib/perl5/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper
FF14 24K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF154000 16K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF16 16K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF172000  8K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF18648K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF23 40K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF24  8K read/write/exec [ anon ]
FF25 16K read/exec /usr/platform/sun4u/lib/
FF26  8K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF27 16K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF28512K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF30E000 40K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF318000 32K read/write/exec [ anon ]
FF33 88K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF354000  8K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF37 32K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF386000 16K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FF39  8K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF3A  8K read/write/exec [ anon ]
FF3B120K read/exec /usr/lib/
FF3DC000  8K read/write/exec   /usr/lib/
FFBE6000 40K read/write/exec [ stack ]
 total   133840K

truss output:
truss -p 2112
brk(0x08807800) = 0

Re: ASP Cookieless Sessions (WAS Re: Apache::ASP)

1999-12-10 Thread Cliff Rayman

sorry - you peaked my interest so I have to jump the gun a little.
are you basing it on unique host names which are resolved by
some type of dns delegation?

if so, only problem is with SSL pages. the host name has to
match the one in the certificate otherwise the browser will
give a warning.  in this case we would have to rely on the
first HTTP_REFERER from a non SSL page,
and then back to mangled URL's or hidden fields
(we know we are using a form or we wouldn't need SSL).

cliff rayman

"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:

> > "Serge" == Serge Sozonoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Serge> Hello,
> >> It will work fine, but the problem still remains that the
> >> incoming page URL has the session-id in it, so that when you go
> >> offsite, the referer header sent by the client has the client's
> >> session id in it still, and the unethical webmaster could easily
> >> then access the users sessions by looking at the referer logs.
> Serge> There is a little article about cookie-less sessions at:
> Serge>
> And this method requires client-side javascript enabled (mine is not,
> thank you), *and* frames your entire site, so bookmarking is useless.
> Nope, I wouldn't put it into the "useful robust" category.
> You're still back to:
> cookies (maybe disabled)
> hidden fields (only with form submissions)
> mangled URLs (all pages must be dynamic generated)
> auth (like BasicAuth where you "log in")
> And one *new* one that I pondered recently, that can be used as long
> as you presume HTTP/1.1...
> I don't have time to write it up here, but it permits:
> 1) bookmarking of sessions
> 2) no rewriting of URLs for static pages, even if they have links
> 3) access to session ID even by mod_cgi scripts
> 4) new sessions are started by a simple external redirect
> 5) one simplePerlTransHandler could provide the master session-start for any URL
> downside: you must have access to a UDP port 53 somewhere and DNS delegation
> I'll write up more after I've done some testing.
> --
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: Compilation Problem

1999-12-10 Thread Eugene Miretskiy

Thank you very much.  Enabling dynamic loading helped.

Bruce Johnson wrote:
> Eugene,
> I just finished (I think) dealing with that same blamed error
> about not being able to find symbol "main".  Here are my notes on
> how I did my build on Solaris 2.6:
> 1- Built Perl5.005.02
> a- Configure settings:
> No threading
> use Perl's malloc
> Nm extracts C libraries
> Dynamic loading = yes.
> Build shared
> No vfork
> b- setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd` because Configure warned me
> to do this.
> c- make; make test; make install (only if tests succeeded)
> 2- Installed LWP packages because mod_perl's test is going to
> need them:
> libnet
> HTML-Parser
> MIME-Base 64
> Digest-MD5
> libwww-perl (LWP)
> 3- Installed, although I'm still not clear if this is
> necessary with Apache::Registry.  (Anyone who is willing to
> enlighten me, please do so, but make it a separate thread.)
> 4- Built Apache 1.3.6 w/ mod_perl 1.21:
> Checked path to ensure new Perl is the one I'm using.
> cd mod_perl-1.21
> perl Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 \
> make
> make install (may not have been needed)
> cd ../apache_1.3.6
> ./configure --enable-prefix=/where/ever \
> --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE \
> --with-perl=/path/to/perl/executable \
> --with-layout=Apache \
> --activate-module=src/module/perl/libperl.a \
> --enable-module=so
> (I added other stuff, but it's not germane to the discussion)
> make
> make install
> cd ../mod_perl-1.21
> make test  (everything passed)
> make install
> The reason I did an install of Apache before I went back to
> mod_perl to do the make test is that in previous attempts, if I
> tried to test mod_perl without installing Apache, it complained
> about some library not being in either the Apache directory or
> the Perl directory.  And I did the last install of mod_perl
> because although all my tests passed, when I fired up httpd in
> the target Apache directory, it curled up and died with the
> "unknown symbol main" stuff that's biting you now.
> I may be doing this wrong, but I tried following the installation
> directions in mod_perl installation docs and the Apache docs and
> met with failure, possibly because my libperl.a file was mucked
> up from an even earlier attempt.  And so far the new server
> hasn't given me any trouble yet.
> I hope this helps!
> --
> Bruce A. JohnsonPictureVision, Inc.
> Sr. Software Engineer   250-A Exchange Pl.
> (703)925-4075   Herndon, VA 20170

  Eugene Miretskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  InVision, INC.  (516) 543-1000x219

Can you get the mod_perl performance gains under NT?

1999-12-10 Thread Scott Chapman

It seems that mod_perl is _wonderful_ for gaining performance 
improvements under UNIX.

Can these types of performance gains be done under Windows NT?

What technologies/produts do this on NT?

It doesn't appear that a person can put mod_perl under IIS!  

- CGI language interpreter loading with web server
- CGI is done directly to the web server API
- Code compiled to PCode and PCode subsequently executed
- Persistent database connections

- Did I miss any and do I have these right?

Scott Chapman
Technical Support Specialist
Lund Performance Solutions
Phone: 541-926-3800

Re: Can you get the mod_perl performance gains under NT?

1999-12-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Scott Chapman wrote:
> It seems that mod_perl is _wonderful_ for gaining performance 
> improvements under UNIX.
> Can these types of performance gains be done under Windows NT?
> What technologies/produts do this on NT?
> It doesn't appear that a person can put mod_perl under IIS!  
> - CGI language interpreter loading with web server
> - CGI is done directly to the web server API
> - Code compiled to PCode and PCode subsequently executed
> - Persistent database connections

Just don't expect it to be free:

Check out Velocigen and PerlEx (from Activestate - makers of Perl for
Win32). Not quite the same (you don't have access to the web server API in
either products - they're both just CGI speeders) but often good enough.
There's also Apache on NT, but it's single threaded (may change now that
Perl for Win32 has a fork() as of 5.005_63).


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

apache segfaults on mod_perl dlclose

1999-12-10 Thread Saar Picker


After building apache with --shared-module=max and building mod_perl using
apxs, I get some strange behavior. I've also built my perl with -g

On starting the web server, I get a bunch of "Bad free() ignored."
messages that seem to occur at the end of every block of perl code (ie.
scripts, loaded modules, etc.). Then the server segfaults. Using httpd -X
and gdb I've found that it cores when trying to do a dlclose() on the
mod_perl shared library.

Does anyone have an insights as to what might be happening? Backtrace

-Saar Picker


(gdb) bt
#0  0x401f4624 in ?? ()
#1  0x4009d0c0 in dlclose_doit (handle=0x80b5fb0) at dlclose.c:26
#2  0x4000a12b in _dl_catch_error (errstring=0x4009ed00, 
operate=0x4009d0a8 , args=0x80b5fb0) at dl-error.c:141
#3  0x4009d608 in _dlerror_run (operate=0x4009d0a8 , 
args=0x80b5fb0) at dlerror.c:122
#4  0x4009d08e in dlclose (handle=0x80b5fb0) at dlclose.c:32
#5  0x806f590 in ap_os_dso_unload (handle=0x80b5fb0) at os.c:130
#6  0x804f280 in unload_module (modi=0x80ad2d4) at mod_so.c:181
#7  0x805102e in run_cleanups (c=0x80ae05c) at alloc.c:1706
#8  0x804f85d in ap_clear_pool (a=0x80ad0dc) at alloc.c:531
#9  0x805f803 in standalone_main (argc=4, argv=0xb954) at
#10 0x8060093 in main (argc=4, argv=0xb954) at http_main.c:4830
#11 0x400b7cb3 in __libc_start_main (main=0x805fd5c , argc=4, 
argv=0xb954, init=0x804e890 <_init>, fini=0x8093d6c <_fini>, 
rtld_fini=0x4000a350 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xb94c)
at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:78

RE: Configuring Apache with Problems

1999-12-10 Thread O'Fallon, Paul \(MAN-Atlanta\)


$FilesMatch{'^.*\.pl$'} =

and see if that works (no double quotes).


Paul O'Fallon
Project Manager
Manheim Auctions

-Original Message-
From: Sam Tregar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 12:49 PM
Subject: Configuring Apache with  Problems

Hello all.  Two questions:

1) These two *look* equivalent:

$FilesMatch{'"^.*\.pl$"'} = 
SetHandler => 'perl-script',
PerlHandler => 'Apache::Registry',
Options => '+ExecCGI'

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI

but the second one works and the first doesn't.  When I try to use the
first one I get .pl files returned as text, as though the directive were
being ignored.  The second one works as expected - *.pl files are handled
by Apache::Registry.  Any ideas?

2) Is there any way to get the same warning/error messages from mistakes
in a  block that you do from "normal" configuration?  I'm thinking
particularily of the warnings you get from setting *SpareServers to
innapropriate values.

I'm working on a server that says "mod_perl/1.15 Red Hat Secure/2.0 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.15 mod_ssl/2.0.7 SSLeay/0.9.0b", in case that helps.



Re: Configuring Apache with Problems

1999-12-10 Thread Ken Williams

I had similar problems and discovered that bugs had been fixed in the latest
CVS version, and those fixes fixed my problems.  Might be worth a shot.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam Tregar) wrote:
>Hello all.  Two questions:
>1) These two *look* equivalent:
>$FilesMatch{'"^.*\.pl$"'} = 
>  {
>SetHandler => 'perl-script',
>PerlHandler => 'Apache::Registry',
>Options => '+ExecCGI'
>  };
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>  Options +ExecCGI
>but the second one works and the first doesn't.  When I try to use the
>first one I get .pl files returned as text, as though the directive were
>being ignored.  The second one works as expected - *.pl files are handled
>by Apache::Registry.  Any ideas?
>2) Is there any way to get the same warning/error messages from mistakes
>in a  block that you do from "normal" configuration?  I'm thinking
>particularily of the warnings you get from setting *SpareServers to
>innapropriate values.
>I'm working on a server that says "mod_perl/1.15 Red Hat Secure/2.0 (Unix)
>mod_perl/1.15 mod_ssl/2.0.7 SSLeay/0.9.0b", in case that helps.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: Configuring Apache with Problems

1999-12-10 Thread Cliff Rayman

i don't think that:
should work - it is asking to match a url with quotes around it.

i believe that:
is what you are looking for.

if not, then I don't understand the regexp library that apache uses.
if I am wrong - can someone point me to the manual section that
contains the regex rules that the library does use.

cliff rayman

Ken Williams wrote:

> I had similar problems and discovered that bugs had been fixed in the latest
> CVS version, and those fixes fixed my problems.  Might be worth a shot.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam Tregar) wrote:
> >Hello all.  Two questions:
> >
> >1) These two *look* equivalent:
> >
> >
> >$FilesMatch{'"^.*\.pl$"'} =
> >  {
> >SetHandler => 'perl-script',
> >PerlHandler => 'Apache::Registry',
> >Options => '+ExecCGI'
> >  };
> >
> >
> >
> >  SetHandler perl-script
> >  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> >  Options +ExecCGI
> >
> >
> >but the second one works and the first doesn't.  When I try to use the
> >first one I get .pl files returned as text, as though the directive were
> >being ignored.  The second one works as expected - *.pl files are handled
> >by Apache::Registry.  Any ideas?
> >
> >2) Is there any way to get the same warning/error messages from mistakes
> >in a  block that you do from "normal" configuration?  I'm thinking
> >particularily of the warnings you get from setting *SpareServers to
> >innapropriate values.
> >
> >I'm working on a server that says "mod_perl/1.15 Red Hat Secure/2.0 (Unix)
> >mod_perl/1.15 mod_ssl/2.0.7 SSLeay/0.9.0b", in case that helps.
>   ------
>   Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]The Math Forum

EmbPerl use HTML::Embperl failed

1999-12-10 Thread Rolf Ohnmacht

Hello, I successfully use Modperl together with 
Embperl for building an Intranet.
My environment:
NT4.0 / Win95 ( Office / at home ) 
Perl 5.005_61
mod_perl 1.21
EmbPerl 1.2b9
Everything works fine!
Now for the purpose of "offline-browsing" I wanted 
to generate the HTML-files not
dynamically via http but with using "embpexec.bat" 
in batch.
The "use HTML::Embperl" - line fails along with the 
Can't load 
'C:/perl5/site/5.00561/lib/MSWin32-x86/auto/HTML/Embperl/Embperl.dll' for module 
HTML::Embperl: load_file:Eine DLL-Initialisierungsroutine ist fehlgeschlagen at 
C:/perl5/5.00561/lib/MSWin32-x86/ line 178. at 
line 1BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 1.
In the PATH-Environment I included the library 
containing ApacheCore.dll as I found in a previous mail in the mailing list 
it didn't work.
I suppose it's the same reason as if I include the 
"use HTML::EmbPerl" into the ! When I do this, the server does 
start without any message, but if I leave it, 
EmbPerl loads on the first request so I didn't matter in the past about that 
that Apache on Win32 is still an experimental 
feature ...).
Why does my Modperl/EmbPerl work but my EmbPerl 
(standalone) not ???
Thanks for any help !!!

RE: Configuring Apache with Problems

1999-12-10 Thread Sam Tregar

On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, O'Fallon, Paul (MAN-Atlanta) wrote:

> $FilesMatch{'^.*\.pl$'} =
> and see if that works (no double quotes).

Nope.  Actually, I've given up in the  block stuff.  I switched to a
templatized conf setup which outputs standard Apache configuration syntax
at runtime and a lot of problems have gone away.  Configuring in a giant
 gave me random seg-faults and strange Apache::DBI errors.

Ah well, it was pretty anyway!


Re: Configuring Apache with Problems

1999-12-10 Thread Sam Tregar

On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Ken Williams wrote:

> I had similar problems and discovered that bugs had been fixed in the latest
> CVS version, and those fixes fixed my problems.  Might be worth a shot.

I figured as much - I'm saddled with an old mod_perl here, with almost no
ability to upgrade.

Another time perhaps...  Besides, using HTML::Template to configure Apache
dynamically has a certain sureal quality that appeals to me.  Probably
that's because I'm obsessed with HTML::Template, but who's counting?


Intermittent Insecure dependency error

1999-12-10 Thread Craig Bullock

mod_perl group,

I have an issue with mod_perl I'm trying to resolve for several days.  I
have a module called Apache::StartPage and is mapped with a Location
directive. Occasionally I have the following error showing up in the error
log from routines in Carp module mapped to $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__}
interrupts in httpd -X mode:

[Fri Dec 10 17:51:44 1999] [error] Insecure dependency in require while
running with -T switch at (eval 38) line 3.
eval 'require Apache::StartPage
;' called at (eval 38) line 0

[Fri Dec 10 17:51:44 1999] [error] Undefined subroutine
&Apache::StartPage::handler called.
eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0

I have two different mod_perl projects on different architectures (Linux,
HP), and I'm seeing this error type in both.  Each project uses only Apache
API (no CGI or Registry) is involved. I like using the strict module, but
it's driving me nuts.  Do I have serious problems with the following module
because modperl occasionally rejects it? Is there a mechanism I can put in
place to further trace this error;

package Apache::StartPage;
# File: Apache/

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use DBI;

sub handler {
  my $r = shift;

  my $filename = $r->dir_config('ContentPath') . "start.html";
  my $fh = Apache::gensym();
  open($fh, $filename) || return NOT_FOUND;

  my $projectoptions  = undef;
  my $id = undef;
  my $option = undef;
  my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database","username","password");
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT projectid,project FROM projects ORDER by
project ASC");
  while (($id,$option) = $sth->fetchrow) {
$projectoptions .= "$option";


  read $fh, my $data, -s $filename;

  $data =~ s//$projectoptions/;

  my $dataref = \$data;

  return OK;

