RE: [DIGEST] mod_perl digest 12/10/2000

2000-12-19 Thread Geoffrey Young

yack...  sorry guys, hope I didn't offend anyone.  I really have to stop
doing these monday morning...

 mailing list highlights
   o Although everyone ought to know by now that Apache 1.3.14 requires

should have been...

o There were several threads discussing benchmarking this week:
   Apache::Session [10]
   Template Toolkit [11]
   Hello World 2000 [12]

again, my humble apologies...


Re: Unset PerlAuthenHandler (I wish)

2000-12-19 Thread darren chamberlain

Jeff Sheffield ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on 12/18/2000:
 here is a portion of my conf file.
 Location /websites/
 AuthName "foo"
 AuthType Basic


Are you sure you want a Location here? This looks like it should be a 
Directory section...


The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that
cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong
goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.
-- Douglas Adams, 'Mostly Harmless'

Re: Unset PerlAuthenHandler (I wish)

2000-12-19 Thread Eric Cholet

  Essentially I want to do this.
  Unset PerlAuthenHandler
 LocationMatch /websites/
   PerlInitHandler "sub {$_[0]-set_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler=undef);}"

I think this should be: ... set_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler = [\OK]);


RE: Unset PerlAuthenHandler (I wish)

2000-12-19 Thread Chris Strom

Removes all PerlAuthenHandlers:
  LocationMatch /websites/
PerlInitHandler "sub 

Creates a single PerlAuthenHandler whose sole function is to return OK.
 I think this should be: ... set_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler = [\OK]);

Both work, but why set up a handler that does nothing?

Problem in loading Apache::DBI

2000-12-19 Thread R. K . Mallah

I get following error when i do
perl -e 'use Apache::Status;use Apache::DBI'
Can't locate object method "module" via package "Apache" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/
line 202.
Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.

the problem is when preparing menu_item for Apache::Status method module
not found under Apache,
do i have to install some other Apache module?
anyway i commented out the if part and made it work like
 'DBI' => 'DBI connections',
 sub {
$q) = @_;
= qw(TABLE>TR>TD>Datasource/TD>TD>Username/TD>/TR>);
 for (keys
%Connected) {

push @s, 'TR>TD>', join('/TD>TD>', (split($;, $_))[0,1]),
 push @s,
# ) if ($INC{''} and Apache->module('Apache::Status'));

is it correct ?
why shouldn't it load without any modifications ?

Rajesh Kumar Mallah,
Learning Universe Pvt. Ltd,
Piccadily House, 4th Floor,
275-276, Capt. Gaur Marg,
Okhla, Sriniwas puri,
New Delhi 110 065.
M : +919811255597
T : 91-11 6931601-04
W :

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL question regarding lenght of _session_id

2000-12-19 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Andreas Marienborg wrote:

 I just can't seem to find any info on how to specify that Apache::Session
 should create session_id's that are shorter than 32 hex chars? could
 someone point me in the right direction??

You can use the argument 'IDLength' when using
Apache::Session::Generate::MD5 (the default), or you can replace that
class with your own class to generate the IDs you desire.

See the obscure Apache::Session::Generate::MD5 perldoc.


Re: fork inherits socket connection

2000-12-19 Thread Tom Brown

 Yes, yes, yes it was a bad suggestion. Sorry about that.
 I still didn't complete this section, looking for a clean solution to find
 a way to close only the fd that keeps the socket busy.
 So far you can use the closing fds in loop -- at least it works.

yuck... you'd either have to find some way to extract that information 
directly from apache, or loop through all the file descriptors calling
getsockname() and then close any descriptor connected to port 80/443/?
(depends how your daemon is setup, if you've got multiple Listen
statements you will have to close multiple sockets ... but normally it
would just be one or two (port and/or

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Don't go around saying the world owes you a living;  | the world owes you nothing; it was here first.
web hosting since '95  | - Mark Twain

Re: fork inherits socket connection

2000-12-19 Thread Stas Bekman

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Tom Brown wrote:

  Yes, yes, yes it was a bad suggestion. Sorry about that.
  I still didn't complete this section, looking for a clean solution to find
  a way to close only the fd that keeps the socket busy.
  So far you can use the closing fds in loop -- at least it works.
 yuck... you'd either have to find some way to extract that information 
 directly from apache, or loop through all the file descriptors calling
 getsockname() and then close any descriptor connected to port 80/443/?
 (depends how your daemon is setup, if you've got multiple Listen
 statements you will have to close multiple sockets ... but normally it
 would just be one or two (port and/or

The Apache API ap_note_cleanups_for_socket(p, s); does that, I'm trying to
work this out with Apache::SubProcess. It works if you call system/exec,
but I'm still looking to make it working with code running within fork
without calling any variant of execve. I'll keep your posted, so far you
have at least one working solution, even not the nicest one.

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide 

HTTP authentication based sessioning with logout ability

2000-12-19 Thread apache

Hi there.

I've been trying to write a system to perform authentication using the 
www-authenticate (http authenatication) method. However, I need a client visiting the 
page and having been authenticated to be able to logout and have their browser forget 
the information (or at least be able to force the browser to re-authenticate within 
the same browser session).

As most browsers cache login details (sensibly - you don't want to enter your login 
details for each page you visit) the best system I can think of is to use dynamic 
realms. This would mean that when someone first visits the site, they will be given a 
random/sequential realm. When they then click on a logout button, the old realm is 
discarded, and if the browser tries to authenticate with the same realm it is refused 
(or alternatively the server just starts sending a different realm and the browser 
re-authenticates on the new realm). Significantly, the system needs to be accessible 
by several people simultaneously. The purpose is actually to allow someone accessing 
the site to log in, be served dynamic content on the basis of username (which I'm 
already doing), but have the option to log out and then back in as a different user.

I've been looking at different ways to do this, but haven't had any sucess as of yet. 
My first attempt was to use the module mod_auth_external to deal with authentication 
using a perl script (which would allow me to arbitrarily refuse login details even if 
they are correct, on the basis of other details such as realm). This is my preferable 
method (mainly because I understand it), but it seems that there's no way to integrate 
the realm into the auth_external system. This means that although I could refuse a 
username and password, I can't change the realm dynamically, and so I can't force the 
browser to re-authenticate (and without the realm information being passed to the 
script, I don't know if a visitor has re-authenticated with the same username or if 
their browser has simply sent the cached copy of the details).

After searching around for methods of dynamically assigning an authname, I stumbled 
across mod_perl. I've never in my life even looked at mod_perl (and I don't really 
understand object-oriented perl, I'm sorry to say - I came from a BASIC background - 
in more ways than one apparently). I also found an example script for assigning 
dynamic realms, but haven't been able to get it to work.

I have only been trying for a day, and I know it's bad of me to resort to a mailing 
list after such a short space of time, but I've trawled the Web for as much 
information as I can find but with no success.

The example mod_perl script I found was as follows:



Here's a simple handler that will set the AuthType and AuthName
dynamically and handle the authentication for you. This handler will
prompt you for a password when you try to acess /manual with the
AuthName, "The Manual" and prompt with the AuthName "The Icons" when you
try to access /icons. These urls are part of Apaches basic installation
(that's if you did not remove the manual from your htdocs directory).
The authentication phase will let you in just as long you supply a
username and password. You can of course code such that it you can
authenicate against a .htpassword file, using Apache::Htpasswd.

Anyhow, this should show you that you can indeed change the AuthName
on-the-fly and also handle 
authentication without having to include AuthName,AuthType,AuthUserFile
explicitly in your httpd.conf.

Note: the authentication subroutine acted flaky, sometimes it worked and
other times it didn't. But the realms did change for the each uri. 

i hope this helps youhave fun ;)

Setting it up:

In your httpd.conf ( in a global area):

PerlHeaderParserHandler Apache::SetRealm;


package Apache::SetRealm;

use Apache;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
sub handler {
my $r   = shift;

## Make Apache aware the we want to also handle the Authentication
phase using a custom
## handler, in this case the subroutine authenticate()
  $r-push_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler = \authenticate);
my $uri = $r-uri;

   ## only handle uri that are defined as protected, in this case the
only protected
   ## uri's are /icons and /manuals
return OK unless is_protected($r);
my $realm = get_realm($r);

## Construct the Header Field containing the type of authenticate
(Basic) and our
   ## realmname return by get_realm()
my $authheader = 'Basic realm="'.$realm.'"';

$r-header_out("WWW-Authenticate" ,$authheader);

## Return 401 to browser and prompt for login

sub get_realm {
 ## Get the AuthName for a specific uri. You can probably read these
off of a file that

Re: HTTP authentication based sessioning with logout ability

2000-12-19 Thread G.W. Haywood

Hi there,

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Reams and reams of stuff snipped, without apology]

 Basically I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction
 for what to try next.

[more reams snipped]

 I know it's bad of me to resort to a mailing list after such a short
 space of time,


 but I've trawled the Web for as much information as I can find but
with no success.

[final snip]

Try trawling some more on and maybe CPAN... 


RE: HTTP authentication based sessioning with logout ability

2000-12-19 Thread Geoffrey Young

 -Original Message-
 From: G.W. Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 1:38 PM
 Subject: Re: HTTP authentication based sessioning with logout ability
 Hi there,
 On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Reams and reams of stuff snipped, without apology]

I'd append to Ged's comments with:

The Eagle book is your friend - the answer to 

 return OK if $r-sub_request;
 [Tue Dec 19 17:32:04 2000] [error] Can't locate object 
 method "sub_request" via package "Apache" at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/raxware/ line 85.

can be found within (hint, there's no sub_request() method, and had you read
Doug's follow-up to the post you sent you would have seen that :)

in fact, you don't have to even buy the book - convienently is online and contains the
answers you crave (but supporting Doug's hard work and smarts is, well,
smart - just go buy it)

in general, though, you'd be better off using shrink-wrapped stuff from CPAN
(such as the many Apache::Auth* modules that are out there.) especially if
you don't have the time to learn all the nuances of what is going on...

good luck and welcome to the community...


Re: HTTP authentication based sessioning with logout ability

2000-12-19 Thread Rob Tanner

I would think that non-persistent cookies would be the ticket.  Certainly dynamic 
realms would accomplish what you want, but really all your doing is using the realm 
like a cookie.

Cookies have a number of advantages.  For one thing, they're reasonably straight 
forward to manage.  Secondly, you can encrypt a timestamp on a cookie.  And that's 
important because WEB users are notoriously bad at remembering to logout.  The value 
of the timestamp is that it can become an idle timeout mechanism, so even if a user 
goes away and then comes back later, he or she has been logged out just based on 

-- Rob

--On Tuesday, December 19, 2000 06:28:16 PM + [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there.

 I've been trying to write a system to perform authentication using the
 www-authenticate (http authenatication) method. However, I need a client visiting
 the page and having been authenticated to be able to logout and have their
 browser forget the information (or at least be able to force the browser to
 re-authenticate within the same browser session).

 As most browsers cache login details (sensibly - you don't want to enter your
 login details for each page you visit) the best system I can think of is to use
 dynamic realms. This would mean that when someone first visits the site, they
 will be given a random/sequential realm. When they then click on a logout button,
 the old realm is discarded, and if the browser tries to authenticate with the
 same realm it is refused (or alternatively the server just starts sending a
 different realm and the browser re-authenticates on the new realm).
 Significantly, the system needs to be accessible by several people
 simultaneously. The purpose is actually to allow someone accessing the site to
 log in, be served dynamic content on the basis of username (which I'm already
 doing), but have the option to log out and then back in as a different user.

 I've been looking at different ways to do this, but haven't had any sucess as of
 yet. My first attempt was to use the module mod_auth_external to deal with
 authentication using a perl script (which would allow me to arbitrarily refuse
 login details even if they are correct, on the basis of other details such as
 realm). This is my preferable method (mainly because I understand it), but it
 seems that there's no way to integrate the realm into the auth_external system.
 This means that although I could refuse a username and password, I can't change
 the realm dynamically, and so I can't force the browser to re-authenticate (and
 without the realm information being passed to the script, I don't know if a
 visitor has re-authenticated with the same username or if their browser has
 simply sent the cached copy of the details).

 After searching around for methods of dynamically assigning an authname, I
 stumbled across mod_perl. I've never in my life even looked at mod_perl (and I
 don't really understand object-oriented perl, I'm sorry to say - I came from a
 BASIC background - in more ways than one apparently). I also found an example
 script for assigning dynamic realms, but haven't been able to get it to work.

 I have only been trying for a day, and I know it's bad of me to resort to a
 mailing list after such a short space of time, but I've trawled the Web for as
 much information as I can find but with no success.

 The example mod_perl script I found was as follows:



 Here's a simple handler that will set the AuthType and AuthName
 dynamically and handle the authentication for you. This handler will
 prompt you for a password when you try to acess /manual with the
 AuthName, "The Manual" and prompt with the AuthName "The Icons" when you
 try to access /icons. These urls are part of Apaches basic installation
 (that's if you did not remove the manual from your htdocs directory).
 The authentication phase will let you in just as long you supply a
 username and password. You can of course code such that it you can
 authenicate against a .htpassword file, using Apache::Htpasswd.

 Anyhow, this should show you that you can indeed change the AuthName
 on-the-fly and also handle
 authentication without having to include AuthName,AuthType,AuthUserFile
 explicitly in your httpd.conf.

 Note: the authentication subroutine acted flaky, sometimes it worked and
 other times it didn't. But the realms did change for the each uri.

 i hope this helps youhave fun ;)

 Setting it up:

 In your httpd.conf ( in a global area):

 PerlHeaderParserHandler Apache::SetRealm;


 package Apache::SetRealm;

 use Apache;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 sub handler {
 my $r   = shift;

 ## Make Apache aware the we want to also handle the Authentication
 phase using a custom
 ## handler, in this case the subroutine authenticate()

Take23 expected downtime

2000-12-19 Thread Matt Sergeant

Take23 will be down today for a supposed 30 minutes due to a firmware
update at my ISP. Expect it to take longer than that though :-)

I don't have an exact time when they'll be doing it either, so please be
patient if you can't connect today. Thanks.


/||** Director and CTO **
   //||** Ltd   **  ** XML Application Serving **
  // ||** **  ** XSLT, XPathScript, XSP  **
 // \\| // ** Personal Web Site: **
//  \\

Re: HTTP authentication based sessioning with logout ability

2000-12-19 Thread Darren Duncan

I have also been doing problem solving related to session handling and I
will briefly share my ideas for a solution.  What I am about to say is
just the logic or protocol behind my solution without getting into
implementation details.  I don't know if it'll help you, but here goes:

Essentially I had a server-side data store that tracked 4 pieces of
information on a client session for authentication purposes:
1. session code or login name (primary key)
2. the "realm"/cookie that the client got on the last log in
3. the date and time of their last log in or request
4. the IP address (or something) of the client machine when last logged in

The above information is checked each time the client makes a request.  If
any is not acceptible then they are prompted for their user id and
password again.  "acceptible" means that the realm and IP are the same as
before, and that less than a certain amount of time passed since they were
prompted for a password.  If users log out then the "realm" is reset to
nil so that they would have to be prompted on a log-in later.

HTTP authentication can be used to gather the login name and password, or
an html form could be used (greater compatability).  It doesn't
really matter.

The back-end data store also remembered the cumulative effect of whatever
users did during the session, so it doesn't all need to be passed back and
forth by the browser.  So if the web browser crashes or they move to
another computer or their session times out, all they have to do is
answer the new prompt for a username/password and they can continue right
where they left off.  This also means that their short-term workflow is
remembered, so they have the same screen they left with.  The actual
commitment of their changes is only done at certain times, such as when
they request to save changes.  Meanwhile, the actual back-end data isn't
left in a volatile state.

I think that my solution has advantages of convenience, security, data
integrity, compatability and so forth.  Also, web browsers have very
little that they need to remember.  The catch is that users need to have
login ids and passwords, and that their activity is tracked by the server
(at least short term).  But my solution was designed for users who were
registered and approved to edit the database, not anonymous individuals.
Although, this methodology could still be adapted for anonymous uses...

FYI: My requirements were to facilitate a web-accessible resource that
could be edited by multiple registered people at once, and as such, each person
would have their own login name and password.  Fairly standard so far,
right?  But in addition to that, it needed to let them do their work at a
public station or office where the same user could be sitting at several
different computers in one day, and several people could use the same
computer.  Additionally, an editing task could be either simple or quite
involved, meaning that the user may have to abandon their session and
continue where they left off later.  I needed precautions against the
browser crashing or it being left open after the user leaves for others to
see.  Finally, the edited information would be hierarchical, often
requiring multiple screens, as well as going up a path and then returning,
with what they did up the path being remembered.  The same user may even
want to edit several unrelated pieces of information at once, doing first
one, then stopping and doing something else, and then returning to what
they were doing before.

Now, I don't know if any of this has helped you or not, but it certainly
has helped me.

Good days,

// Darren Duncan

Re: fork inherits socket connection

2000-12-19 Thread Stas Bekman

Below is a solution to this problem:

* fork the long running process from mod_perl
* and be able to restart the server 
   o without killing this process 
   o without this process keeping the socket busy 
 and thus preventing the server restart

Thanks to Doug for the hint. You need to patch Apache::SubProcess (CPAN):

--- SubProcess.xs.orig  Sat Sep 25 19:17:12 1999
+++ SubProcess.xs   Tue Dec 19 21:03:22 2000
@@ -103,6 +103,14 @@
XPUSHs(io_hook(ioep, io_hook_read));
+Apache r
 ap_call_exec(r, pgm=r-filename)
 Apache r

which makes the new method available: cleanup_after_fork() 

This is the clean test case that shows that the conditions are fulfilled

  use strict;
  use POSIX 'setsid';
  use Apache::SubProcess;

  my $r = shift;

  defined (my $kid = fork) or die "Cannot fork: $!\n";
  if ($kid) {
print "Parent $$ has finished, kid's PID: $kid\n";
  } else {
  chdir '/'or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
  open STDIN, '/dev/null'  or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
  open STDOUT, '/dev/null'
  or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
  open STDERR, '/tmp/log' or die "Can't write to /tmp/log: $!";
  setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";

  local $|=1;
  warn "started\n";
  # do something time-consuming
  sleep 1, warn "$_\n" for 1..20;
  warn "completed\n";
  # we want the process to be terminated, Apache::exit() won't
  # terminate the process

both processes are completely idependent now. Watch the /tmp/log as the
forked process works, while you can restart the server.

When I'll complete the rewrite of this section I'll post it all, with the
solutions for exec/system as well (using Apache::SubProcess of course).

And just a note, you always need setsid, so the server won't kill the
spawned process when the server restarts. 

More cases/explanations to come soonish.

Thanks to those who have raised this problem.

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide 

Re: HTTP authentication based sessioning with logout ability

2000-12-19 Thread George Sanderson

At 06:28 PM 12/19/00 +, you wrote:
Hi there.

I've been trying to write a system to perform authentication using the
www-authenticate (http authenatication) method. However, I need a client
visiting the page and having been authenticated to be able to logout and
have their browser forget the information (or at least be able to force the
browser to re-authenticate within the same browser session).
There are two phases of Apache user authorization, namely, authentication
and authorization.  I think that you need to set a flag when the user
logs-out to force authorization to reject requests and force a new login
(which would then clear the flag on success).   The flag could also be tied
to a timer such that if no request was received after a defined time span,
the flag could be set for that user.  This approach would not require a
cookie.  I have never done this, but it should work.


2000-12-19 Thread Shane Reid

I've run into a problem with the examples (eg).  I downloaded, ran the and the make and make install all of those work then copied the
eg directory under the www directory for the webserver edited the httpd.conf
file to change AllowOverride from None to All then restarted and tried to go
to the examples directory -- Internal Server Error.  The logs show the
particular error, thinking it was a problem with MD5 I tried to install it,
it was up to date so did a clean then installed it over and it still gave
same error.  If you have any ideas please throw them at me.

[Tue Dec 19 17:55:44 2000] [error] Can't locate Digest/Perl/ in @INC
(@INC contains: /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 . /usr/local/etc/apache/
/usr/local/etc/apache/lib/perl) at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd/Digest/ line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 13.

[Tue Dec 19 17:55:44 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine
Apache::ASP::handler called.

-Shane Reid

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-12-19 Thread Stas Bekman

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Shane Reid wrote:

 I've run into a problem with the examples (eg).  I downloaded, ran the and the make and make install all of those work then copied the
 eg directory under the www directory for the webserver edited the httpd.conf
 file to change AllowOverride from None to All then restarted and tried to go
 to the examples directory -- Internal Server Error.  The logs show the
 particular error, thinking it was a problem with MD5 I tried to install it,
 it was up to date so did a clean then installed it over and it still gave
 same error.  If you have any ideas please throw them at me.
 [Tue Dec 19 17:55:44 2000] [error] Can't locate Digest/Perl/ in @INC

cauze it looks for Digest/Perl/ -- grep the code for:

looks like a typo to me

 (@INC contains: /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 . /usr/local/etc/apache/
 /usr/local/etc/apache/lib/perl) at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd/Digest/ line 20.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 13.
 [Tue Dec 19 17:55:44 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine
 Apache::ASP::handler called.
 -Shane Reid

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-12-19 Thread Joshua Chamas

Stas Bekman wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Shane Reid wrote:
  to the examples directory -- Internal Server Error.  The logs show the
  particular error, thinking it was a problem with MD5 I tried to install it,
  it was up to date so did a clean then installed it over and it still gave
  same error.  If you have any ideas please throw them at me.
  [Tue Dec 19 17:55:44 2000] [error] Can't locate Digest/Perl/ in @INC
 cauze it looks for Digest/Perl/ -- grep the code for:

I've never heard of it either, try doing a forced install
of Digest::MD5 or a force install of MD5, which should
result in the same thing.  The Digest::MD5 package provides
the deprecated interface for MD5 now.


Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::Filter 1.016

2000-12-19 Thread Ken Williams


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Apache-Filter-1.016.tar.gz
  size: 22598 bytes
   md5: bff9089882d3f9834fafa1822a4f37f6

Changes since 1.014:

   Noted dependency on mod_perl 1.24_01.

   Fixed a bug in Apache::RegistryFilter that caused a crash when
   handler() was called as a function instead of a method.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

recommendation for image server with modperl

2000-12-19 Thread Justin

I've been catching up on the modperl list archives, and would 
just like to recommend "mathopd" as an image web server.

After having difficulties with the sheer number of front end
apache processes necessary to handle 10 backend modperls,
(difficulties: high load average and load spikes, kernel time
 wasted scheduling lots of httpds, higher than expected latency
 on simple requests), I switched all images to another IP
address on the same box (extending their IMG SRC somewhat
obviously), but now served by mathopd.

Mathopd is a simple select based, http 1.1 (keep alive)
compliant tiny webserver that is very configurable. I was
doubtful that it would hold up (it comes with zero documentation ..
the docs say "read the source"). But it has not crashed *once*,
and its very nice to see just one 22mb process with 500+ minutes
of cpu time (for several weeks of work), and have images
come in fast and reliably.

It uses select and as many file handles for a proc as you have.
If load increases beyond (say) your limit of 1024 fds, it re-uses
currently unused but kept-alive fds, meaning a graceful
degradation. It is also exceedingly fast, much faster than
apache serving images (that doesnt matter, but it does mean
its frugal with your CPU).

Of course I still have 120+ apache httpds (now just being front
end for *page* requests), and my wish is that mathopd would add
proxy and regexp rewrite capability, then I could do away with
apache completely on the front end !! or I guess apache2 with
mod_rewrite and mod_proxy would solve that, at the risk of
thread related teething problems.

Just a recommendation from left field.

Re: recommendation for image server with modperl

2000-12-19 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Tell me more...

How about memory leaks  mod_perl issues?

Justin wrote:
 I've been catching up on the modperl list archives, and would
 just like to recommend "mathopd" as an image web server.
 After having difficulties with the sheer number of front end
 apache processes necessary to handle 10 backend modperls,
 (difficulties: high load average and load spikes, kernel time
  wasted scheduling lots of httpds, higher than expected latency
  on simple requests), I switched all images to another IP
 address on the same box (extending their IMG SRC somewhat
 obviously), but now served by mathopd.
 Mathopd is a simple select based, http 1.1 (keep alive)
 compliant tiny webserver that is very configurable. I was
 doubtful that it would hold up (it comes with zero documentation ..
 the docs say "read the source"). But it has not crashed *once*,
 and its very nice to see just one 22mb process with 500+ minutes
 of cpu time (for several weeks of work), and have images
 come in fast and reliably.
 It uses select and as many file handles for a proc as you have.
 If load increases beyond (say) your limit of 1024 fds, it re-uses
 currently unused but kept-alive fds, meaning a graceful
 degradation. It is also exceedingly fast, much faster than
 apache serving images (that doesnt matter, but it does mean
 its frugal with your CPU).
 Of course I still have 120+ apache httpds (now just being front
 end for *page* requests), and my wish is that mathopd would add
 proxy and regexp rewrite capability, then I could do away with
 apache completely on the front end !! or I guess apache2 with
 mod_rewrite and mod_proxy would solve that, at the risk of
 thread related teething problems.
 Just a recommendation from left field.


Re: recommendation for image server with modperl

2000-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Justin wrote:
 I've been catching up on the modperl list archives, and would 
 just like to recommend "mathopd" as an image web server.

I think you'll find thttpd ( faster
and somewhat better documented.  However, I'd like to point out that we've
had no problems using Apache as an image server.  We need the ability to
serve HTTPS images, which mathopd and thttpd can't do, but more than that
we've found the performance to be more than good enough with a stripped
down Apache server.

 After having difficulties with the sheer number of front end apache
 processes necessary to handle 10 backend modperls, (difficulties: high
 load average and load spikes, kernel time wasted scheduling lots of
 httpds, higher than expected latency on simple requests)

Load averages are tricky beasts.  The load can get high on our machines
when many processes are running, but it doesn't seem to mean much: almost
no CPU is being used, the network is not saturated, the disk is quiet,
response is zippy, etc.  This leads me to think that these load numbers
are not significant.

Select-based servers are very cool though, and a good option for people
who don't need SSL and want to squeeze great performance out of budget

- Perrin

RE: Apache::Compress patch

2000-12-19 Thread Ken Williams

Hi Geoff,

Does the following patch work just as well for you?  I'm trying to keep
using $r-send_fd if at all possible when we're not compressing.

--- 2000/11/05 05:36:46 1.3
+++ 2000/12/20 04:34:35
@@ -34,14 +34,24 @@
   return SERVER_ERROR unless $fh;
+  my $buff;
+  unless (defined read($fh, $buff, 300)) {
+$r-log_error("Can't read from filehandle '$fh': $!");
+  }
+  return DECLINED unless length $buff;
+  $can_gzip = 0 if eof($fh);
   if ($can_gzip) {
 local $/;
-print Compress::Zlib::memGzip($fh);
+print Compress::Zlib::memGzip($buff . $fh);
   } else {
+print $buff;
+$r-send_fd($fh) unless eof($fh);
   return OK;

I'll trust the mod_gzip docs that 300 is a reasonable limit.

Thanks for the patch.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geoffrey Young) wrote:
 From: Geoffrey Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 8:34 AM
 To: 'Ken Williams'
 Subject: Apache::Compress patch
 hi ken...
 something has been bugging me in Apache::Compress for a while now - it
 _always_ tries to compress output.

whoops on that patch...  it didn't print filtered output that was less than
300 characters *doh*.  This should do the trick (against


--- Thu Dec 14 08:22:15 2000
+++ Mon Dec 18 15:29:26 2000
@@ -35,10 +35,23 @@
   return SERVER_ERROR unless $fh;
   if ($can_gzip) {
 local $/;
-print Compress::Zlib::memGzip($fh);
+local $^W;  # length() gives an uninitialized warning. hmmm...
+my $file = $fh;
+my $length = length($file);
+return DECLINED unless $length;
+if ($length  300) {
+  $r-send_http_header;
+  $r-print($file);
+else {
+  $r-content_encoding('gzip');
+  $r-send_http_header;
+  print Compress::Zlib::memGzip($file);
   } else {

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

test -- please ignore

2000-12-19 Thread Rob Tanner

If you must read on, my ISP messed up an MX record and my mail's been bouncing for 
probably the last 8 or 9 hours.  It's okay now, but that a lot of bounced messages 
ans I want to make sure the list software or its human manager haven't unsubscribed 

   _ _ _ _   __ _ _ _ _
  /\_\_\_\_\/\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
 /\/_/_/_/_/   /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
/\/_/__\/_/ __/\/_//\/_/  PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_//\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_//\/_/ (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/ \/_/  appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  McMinnville, Oregon

Re: Apache::ASP NFS Clustering

2000-12-19 Thread Joshua Chamas

Tuc wrote:
 This will only work if the NFS attributes on the client
 mount are set to no caching.
 It seems to work great in 2 known web clusters.
 Wondering if you can expand on this a little.  We are
 trying to do DBM on NFS and think it might be causing a problem.
 Setting no caching has been suggested...

Setting no caching on your NFS is a good step, but ...

I personally wouldn't do this, as DB_File needs write locking
to maintain data integrity or they could become corrupt.  
I believe they were using it at RedHat, without problems, but
if it were me, I wouldn't.  I would stick with the default 
SDBM_File, which is really hard to corrupt, but you have the 
1024 key/value byte limit, so its not good for storing large

If you really want DB_File, I would use a samba mount which
I tested recently, and does support file locking very well.
You may get away with using DB_File over NFS for session state
if your site doesn't have frames, because you wouldn't expect
concurrent access to $Session under those conditions.

If you don't need Session_OnStart / Session_OnEnd events,
then you can easily create a database backed Apache::Session
solution, by setting $Session in global.asa Script_OnStart

-- Josh

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::test patch

2000-12-19 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, Ken Williams wrote:

 Meta-question: should I be sending patches to modperl-cvs, or modperl?

here or to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This patch does three things.  

applied, thanks!

Re: [PATCH] stop win32 crash when bringing down service

2000-12-19 Thread Doug MacEachern

applied, nice find!

cgi scripts

2000-12-19 Thread Mike Egglestone

Hi all..
I'm very new to apache and perl...
but I'm stuck with a web page that has 
.acgi and .cgi files
I'm running potato and did an apt-get install 
It wiped out my apache and perl 
seperately(early installs)
That seemed good...
everything seems good except for those 
These are the changes I made to the default 
srm.conf and access.conf files...

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ 

...and later down the file

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

This is the change in the access.conf:

Directory /var/www/Scripts/
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

I think thats it.the web page stuff is in 
and along with some other junkgifs and such... 

the Scripts folder in there has some other folders 
with other .cgi and .acgi files
kicking around...
I've checked the permissions.. I think they're 
If I try http://localhost/cgi-bin/blahblah.cgi... 
I get an Internal server error.
or if I try a couple folders past 
/cgi-bin/. .cgi same 

I'm thinking that the script isn't being executed 
by perl ... 
I figure I'm missing something in my conf 
gotta hunt through those docs 
Any help on this matter is greatly 


Document contains no data

2000-12-19 Thread Darren Duncan

I have been having a problem with my scripts during the where I 
periodically get a Netscape 4 error saying "Document contains no 
data" when they run under mod_perl, but not with the same script 
under CGI.  And this only happens sometimes; other times the pages 
return fine.  However, the problem happens very often, even while not 
all the time.  At some points it happens many times sequentially.

The problems started soon after I switched to mod_perl on my server 
using this in the .htaccess file (files named .cgi run as CGI):

Files *.pl
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

I did a search in the Guide for this error and otherwise looked in 
the troubleshooting sections, but could find nothing.

So I am hoping that you all can forgive me for asking help on this problem.

Everything else is working fine as near as I can tell.

I do not use any global variables explicitely, so I don't see how 
there could be persistant variable issues.  I also print my entire 
output with headers in a single print statement.

I am printing the "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" ahead of the other headers 
when running under mod_perl as I am supposed to.  And when pages do 
display they show evidence of this (no extra header text appears).

I believe that my mod_perl set-up has about 10 child processes in it, 
and site traffic is on the order of about 300-1000 hits per day.

Stop/Starting the server did not make a difference.  Non perl files 
still are served fine so far and so are .cgi files.


// Darren Duncan

cvs commit: modperl/lib/Apache

2000-12-19 Thread dougm

dougm   00/12/19 22:34:20

  various Apache::test enhancements and fixes
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.550 +3 -0  modperl/Changes
  Index: Changes
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl/Changes,v
  retrieving revision 1.549
  retrieving revision 1.550
  diff -u -r1.549 -r1.550
  --- Changes   2000/11/25 15:39:21 1.549
  +++ Changes   2000/12/20 06:34:19 1.550
  @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
   =item 1.24_02-dev
  +various Apache::test enhancements and fixes
  +[Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Documenting the new PerlAddVar httpd.conf directive
   [Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  1.21  +24 -8 modperl/lib/Apache/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl/lib/Apache/,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
  ---   2000/10/13 17:21:18 1.20
  +++   2000/12/20 06:34:20 1.21
  @@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
   package Apache::test;
   use strict;
   use Exporter ();
   use Config;
   use FileHandle ();
   *import = \Exporter::import;
  -@EXPORT = qw(test fetch simple_fetch have_module skip_test 
  +@EXPORT = qw(test fetch simple_fetch have_module skip_test
 $USE_THREAD $USE_SFIO $PERL_DIR WIN32 grab run_test); 
  +@EXPORT_OK = qw(have_httpd);
   BEGIN { 
   if(not $ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
  @@ -86,14 +87,15 @@
   sub _ask {
   # Just a function for asking the user questions
  -my ($prompt, $default, $mustfind) = @_;
  +my ($prompt, $default, $mustfind, $canskip) = @_;
  +my $skip = defined $canskip ? " ('$canskip' to skip)" : '';
   my $response;
   do {
  - print "$prompt [$default]: ";
  + print "$prompt [$default]$skip: ";
chomp($response = STDIN);
$response ||= $default;
  -} until (!$mustfind || (-e $response || !print("$response not found\n")));
  +} until (!$mustfind || ($response eq $canskip) || (-e $response || 
!print("$response not found\n")));
   return $response;
  @@ -108,10 +110,16 @@
   my $httpd = $ENV{'APACHE'} || which('apache') || which('httpd') || 
  -$httpd = _ask("\n", $httpd, 1);
  +$httpd = _ask("\n", $httpd, 1, '!');
  +if ($httpd eq '!') {
  + print "Skipping.\n";
  + return;
   system "$Config{lns} $httpd t/httpd";
  -if (lc _ask("Search existing config file for dynamic module dependencies?", 
'n') eq 'y') {
  +# Default: search for dynamic dependencies if mod_so is present, don't bother 
  +my $default = (`t/httpd -l` =~ /mod_so\.c/ ? 'y' : 'n');
  +if (lc _ask("Search existing config file for dynamic module dependencies?", 
$default) eq 'y') {
my %compiled;
for (`t/httpd -V`) {
if (/([\w]+)="(.*)"/) {
  @@ -148,6 +156,8 @@
   my @modules   =   grep /^\s*(Add|Load)Module/, @lines;
   my ($server_root) = (map /^\s*ServerRoot\s*(\S+)/, @lines);
  +$server_root =~ s/^"//;
  +$server_root =~ s/"$//;
   # Rewrite all modules to load from an absolute path.
   foreach (@modules) {
  @@ -310,6 +320,10 @@
  +sub have_httpd {
  +return -e 't/httpd';
   sub run {
   require Test::Harness;
   my $self = shift;
  @@ -514,7 +528,9 @@
*MY::test = sub { Apache::test-MM_test(%params) };
# In t/*.t script (or
  - (Some methods of Doug's that I haven't reviewed or documented yet)
  + use Apache::test qw(skip_test have_httpd);
  + skip_test unless have_httpd;
  + (Some more methods of Doug's that I haven't reviewed or documented yet)

cvs commit: modperl/src/modules/perl mod_perl.c

2000-12-19 Thread dougm

dougm   00/12/19 22:39:48

   src/modules/perl mod_perl.c
  stop win32 crash when bringing down service
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.551 +3 -0  modperl/Changes
  Index: Changes
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl/Changes,v
  retrieving revision 1.550
  retrieving revision 1.551
  diff -u -r1.550 -r1.551
  --- Changes   2000/12/20 06:34:19 1.550
  +++ Changes   2000/12/20 06:39:47 1.551
  @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
   =item 1.24_02-dev
  +stop win32 crash when bringing down service
  +[John K. Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   various Apache::test enhancements and fixes
   [Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  1.134 +15 -1 modperl/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c
  Index: mod_perl.c
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.133
  retrieving revision 1.134
  diff -u -r1.133 -r1.134
  --- mod_perl.c2000/10/06 20:18:28 1.133
  +++ mod_perl.c2000/12/20 06:39:48 1.134
  @@ -507,7 +507,21 @@
   static void mp_dso_unload(void *data) 
  -array_header *librefs = xs_dl_librefs((pool *)data);
  +array_header *librefs;
  +#ifdef WIN32
  +// This is here to stop a crash when bringing down
  +// a service.  Apparently the dso is unloaded too early.
  +// This if statement tests to see if we are running as a 
  +// service. apache does the same
  +// see apache's isProcessService() in service.c 
  +if (AllocConsole()) {
  +librefs = xs_dl_librefs((pool *)data);
   perl_shutdown(NULL, NULL);