Re: Converting section variables into plain text directives

2001-08-25 Thread Cees Hek

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Eric Hammond wrote:

> Is there any way to take the Apache::ReadConfig name space
> (variables set in  sections) and generate plain text
> Apache directives?

I don't know if there is a simple answer to this one, but the way I would
handle it is to scrap the Perl sections, and generate the entire config
file using a standalone perl script.  Then just change your apache start
script to first generate the config file, and then start Apache.  This way
you get the best of both worlds!  Your config file is dynamically
generated, and you can create a light apache without mod_perl.

Since you already have a half perl, half text config file, It would
probably be quite easy to use one of the many Template modules out there
to simplify this process...

I guess a module that does this automatically would be interesting, but it
would really only be useful to recover from some bad planning :)  (and I
guess we've all been there at one point or another)


> For example, assuming some_function() returns "myhost", I would
> like to convert the variables generated by:
> $ServerName = some_function();
> $Port   = 80;
> into:
> ServerName myhost
> Port 80
> I have a hypothetical situation where a friend of a friend spent
> a lot of time setting up a nice  configuration for an
> extended family of web servers with various requirements.  He
> then realized that one of the requirements was that some of the
> web servers run without mod_perl (to serve static files and proxy
> requests to separate mod_perl servers).
> My hypothetical friend of a friend is very embarrassed.
> After studying the instructions given in the Eagle book on how
> to convert plain directives into  variables, it seems that
> it should be possible to traverse the name space in Apache::ReadConfig
> and unwind the directives into something that standard mod_perl-less
> Apache could process.
> In fact, I have embarked on a project to build just such a tool.
> Before I go too far, though, I thought it would be helpful to seek
> wisdom here.  Perhaps somebody else has already done this?
> Perhaps mod_perl already has the code embedded in it that could
> be used?  Perhaps some wish to tell me it is near impossible in
> the general case and I should abandon my foolish quest?
> Of course, I realize that the output generated will not be able
> to duplicate any side-effects or dynamic nature of code in the 
> sections.  One of the requirements for using this utility will be
> that you only need the end results stored in Apache::ReadConfig.
> I would be interested in suggestions for package naming if I do
> succeed to an extent that others might be interested in using it.
> Should I create a new method in the Apache::PerlSections name space
> or would this be stepping on Doug's toes?
> Please do let me know if anybody else has a use for such a tool.
> This will help me figure out how much time I should spend trying to
> handle the general cases instead of just writing it to meet my...
> er, my friend's... specific needs.
> Thanks
> --
> Eric Hammond

Cees Hek
SiteSuite Corporation

Re: Connection Reset on Mandrake Linux 8.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / ModPerl 1.26

2001-08-25 Thread Joshua Chamas

Tom Allen wrote:
> ...
>AllowOverride None
>Options ExecCGI Indexes
>SetHandler perl-script
>PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>PerlSendHeader Off
> It appears to work ( I get a webpage that says Hello!), in a Mozilla
> browser, but httperf shows a connection reset instead of a success
> message, the same goes for lynx (Alert!: Unexpected network read error;
> connection aborted.).  The ScriptAlias version works fine.  The two
> scripts can be seen online at
> Regular CGI version :
> ModPerl version:

When I test it, I get a 404 Not Found, which could explain
it.  But even when it is found, you might try setting
PerlSendHeader On, as it may not send a header otherwise.
Or you could try explicitly calling Apache->send_http_header
in your mod_perl version.


]# lwp-request -eS
GET --> 404 Not Found
Connection: close
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 23:58:43 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26 PHP/4.0.6
Content-Type: text/html
Client-Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 00:00:09 GMT
Title: NonServiam!
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.6

An Error Occurred

An Error Occurred
404 Not Found

RE: URI munging and Referer headers

2001-08-25 Thread Geoffrey Young

>I did some experimental work like this back when I first
>implemented the cookiless session stuff for Apache::ASP,
>and I found the same thing, that the meta refresh was really
>the only way to go with redirecting offsite.  This would 
>probably be the same for a javascript redirect too ( untested ).

cool - thanks

>When it comes to session ids in URIs I also wonder about
>cases like search engines indexing pages with them, and 
>then someone coming along later and using an old session id,
>this really makes it important to garbage collect old 
>sessions so that this session id reuse doesn't hurt.  Most
>major search engines have a very large index refresh window
>such that even old sessions that expire in a day should be
>enough protection.

I suppose that's true for unauthenticated state management, which I actually
hadn't been thinking about - good point. 


Re: perlmagick and leaking memory

2001-08-25 Thread Joshua Chamas

Jon Molin wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've done a scripts that builds an calender and colours the days with
> different colours depending on the status of the day. I've got 6 colours
> and one to just fill out so the month starts with the correct day, ie
> i've got 6 * 31 + 1 = 187 images and each is about 70 bytes so a
> calender is 6 times 7 of these little sqaures, about 3k.
> Now this little script handling this tiny amount of data runs amok and
> grows and grows untill i restart apache brutaly, I guess I've done
> something very wrong but I can't figure out what, nor can I find any
> info about this. Here's what the program looks like:

Generally, I am not surprised when finding memory leaks in XYZ
module.  The code in the email looked fine, so I would suspect
Image::Magick having the leak.  To prove this better, you might
take the code out of the mod_perl request, and run it through a 
test of 1000 iterations in a command line script, and report the 
problem to the author of Image::Magick.

So, without waiting for a Image::Magick fix, you can make
memory leaks less painful by setting MaxRequestPerChild lower, say
to 100 or by using a solution like Apache::SizeLimit to kill a child 
process when it uses too much RAM ( unshared RAM on Linux too )


Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: URI munging and Referer headers

2001-08-25 Thread Joshua Chamas

Geoffrey Young wrote:
> hi mungers...
>   it there a more reliable way to not have your session id's show up in
> Referer headers than using a refresh tag?  I've played around with various
> redirect methods, but both MSIE5 and Netscape4.7 hold on to the Referer from
> the original page and  ignore the 302 page.  seems like meta refresh is the
> only way to be sure.
>   looking for expert opinions :)

I did some experimental work like this back when I first
implemented the cookiless session stuff for Apache::ASP,
and I found the same thing, that the meta refresh was really
the only way to go with redirecting offsite.  This would 
probably be the same for a javascript redirect too ( untested ).

When it comes to session ids in URIs I also wonder about
cases like search engines indexing pages with them, and 
then someone coming along later and using an old session id,
this really makes it important to garbage collect old 
sessions so that this session id reuse doesn't hurt.  Most
major search engines have a very large index refresh window
such that even old sessions that expire in a day should be
enough protection.


Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Converting section variables into plain text directives

2001-08-25 Thread Eric Hammond

Is there any way to take the Apache::ReadConfig name space
(variables set in  sections) and generate plain text
Apache directives?

For example, assuming some_function() returns "myhost", I would
like to convert the variables generated by:

$ServerName = some_function();
$Port   = 80;


ServerName myhost
Port 80

I have a hypothetical situation where a friend of a friend spent
a lot of time setting up a nice  configuration for an
extended family of web servers with various requirements.  He
then realized that one of the requirements was that some of the
web servers run without mod_perl (to serve static files and proxy
requests to separate mod_perl servers).

My hypothetical friend of a friend is very embarrassed.

After studying the instructions given in the Eagle book on how
to convert plain directives into  variables, it seems that
it should be possible to traverse the name space in Apache::ReadConfig
and unwind the directives into something that standard mod_perl-less
Apache could process.
In fact, I have embarked on a project to build just such a tool.

Before I go too far, though, I thought it would be helpful to seek
wisdom here.  Perhaps somebody else has already done this?
Perhaps mod_perl already has the code embedded in it that could
be used?  Perhaps some wish to tell me it is near impossible in
the general case and I should abandon my foolish quest?

Of course, I realize that the output generated will not be able
to duplicate any side-effects or dynamic nature of code in the 
sections.  One of the requirements for using this utility will be
that you only need the end results stored in Apache::ReadConfig.

I would be interested in suggestions for package naming if I do
succeed to an extent that others might be interested in using it.
Should I create a new method in the Apache::PerlSections name space
or would this be stepping on Doug's toes?

Please do let me know if anybody else has a use for such a tool.
This will help me figure out how much time I should spend trying to
handle the general cases instead of just writing it to meet my...
er, my friend's... specific needs.

Eric Hammond

Re: Connection Reset on Mandrake Linux 8.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / ModPerl1.26

2001-08-25 Thread Stas Bekman

> I guess the only thing I don't understand is why
> with PerlSendHeader Off, isnt the webserver supposed to send headers?
> Does it not because it doesn't know what kind of content a .pl file is?
> In that case, shouldn't it send DefaultType (text/plain) ?
(scroll down a bit)

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Re: Connection Reset on Mandrake Linux 8.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / ModPerl1.26

2001-08-25 Thread Stas Bekman

On Sat, 25 Aug 2001, Philip Mak wrote:

> I tried telneting to your web server to see what's going on. Look at this:
> $ telnet 80
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> GET /modperl/ HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Hello!Connection closed by foreign host.
> The HTTP server did not return a proper HTTP header, which is why lynx
> doesn't like it.
> Looking at your mod_perl configuration...
> >PerlSendHeader Off
> Try doing it with PerlSendHeader On. You also might need to add this line
> at the beginning of your script:
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
> (or text/html)

I just wanted to add that you always have to send 'Content-type' header.
It's just that PerlSendHeader On reads your STDOUT, recognizes the header
at a cost (see the guide) and then sends it along with other headers. With
PerlSendHeader Off, you should use either or mod_perl native
methods to set the headers. It's all in the guide :)

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Re: Connection Reset on Mandrake Linux 8.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / ModPerl 1.26

2001-08-25 Thread Tom Allen

Philip Mak wrote:

> I tried telneting to your web server to see what's going on. Look at this:
> $ telnet 80
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> GET /modperl/ HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Hello!Connection closed by foreign host.
> The HTTP server did not return a proper HTTP header, which is why lynx
> doesn't like it.
> Looking at your mod_perl configuration...
>>PerlSendHeader Off
> Try doing it with PerlSendHeader On. You also might need to add this line
> at the beginning of your script:
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
> (or text/html)
Thanks a million.  I'm having one of those saturdays :-)  It works like 
a champ, of course.  I guess the only thing I don't understand is why 
with PerlSendHeader Off, isnt the webserver supposed to send headers?  
Does it not because it doesn't know what kind of content a .pl file is?  
In that case, shouldn't it send DefaultType (text/plain) ?

Thanks again, I'm going to run autobench again and see if we get better 
results :)

Re: Connection Reset on Mandrake Linux 8.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / ModPerl1.26

2001-08-25 Thread Philip Mak

I tried telneting to your web server to see what's going on. Look at this:

$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /modperl/ HTTP/1.1

Hello!Connection closed by foreign host.

The HTTP server did not return a proper HTTP header, which is why lynx
doesn't like it.

Looking at your mod_perl configuration...

>PerlSendHeader Off

Try doing it with PerlSendHeader On. You also might need to add this line
at the beginning of your script:

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

(or text/html)

Connection Reset on Mandrake Linux 8.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / ModPerl 1.26

2001-08-25 Thread Tom Allen

I installed ModPerl today, am excited, it seems to *mostly* work, 
however, every request is ending in a connection reset error.  This is 
difficult to search for, since this is apparently a common problem in NT 
under some situations.  I am running :
Mandrake Linux 8.0 (kernel 2.4.3-20mdk)
Apache 1.3.20
ModPerl 1.26

This is the script I am running :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

if ($ENV{"MOD_PERL"}) {
   print "Hello!";
   } else {
   print "I'm in slow motion :)";

I have two copies of the script, one running under ScriptAlias, the 
other running Alias under mod_perl.  Here is the location block for the 
modperl version:

   AllowOverride None
   Options ExecCGI Indexes
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   PerlSendHeader Off

It appears to work ( I get a webpage that says Hello!), in a Mozilla 
browser, but httperf shows a connection reset instead of a success 
message, the same goes for lynx (Alert!: Unexpected network read error; 
connection aborted.).  The ScriptAlias version works fine.  The two 
scripts can be seen online at

Regular CGI version :
ModPerl version:

Any thoughts / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Modules `use`d by PerlModule vanishing after startup? (resend)

2001-08-25 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Clouse) wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 03:46:07PM -0700, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
>> 'PerlModule' in httpd.conf and 'use' in perform the same
>> purpose. if you are going to 'use' in, comment out the
>> PerlModule directive in httpd.conf.
>Except PerlModule is the only way to register Apache configuration
>directives, which we define several, so we have to do it that way.  But
>the program doesn't work without the use in, even though
>PerlModule should load everything.  Bizarre

Hmm, as far as I know there are only 2 differences between 'PerlModule Foo'
and 'use Foo;'.  Config directive processing is one, and the other is
that if the perl interpreter hasn't already started, PerlModule will
delay loading the module until after it's started.  So you might try
putting an empty  section in your httpd.conf prior to the
PerlModule directive.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: [ADMIN] can we have a reply-to header?

2001-08-25 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Thomas Eibner wrote:

> Am I the only one that always have to go *doh* after I replied to a
> message here?

Well, the harm is much less than when you go *doh* after realizing
that you sent something to thousands of people.

In any case, the answer is "No." as long as I have access to the
list configuration for the mod_perl lists[1]. :-)

 - ask

[1] likewise for all the lists; munging the Reply-To header
is just a bad idea and I wish it'd go away.

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();
more than a billion impressions per week,

Re: Do virtual hosts need their own servers?

2001-08-25 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Dave Baker wrote:

> p.s. The processes could also be large because of suboptimal
> coding,

Scalability problems are almost never due to bad code and almost
always due to bad design.

> or (if they grow over time) memory leaks

... with possibly that as the exception. :-)

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();
more than a billion impressions per week,

Re: Do virtual hosts need their own servers?

2001-08-25 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Jonathan Edwards wrote:

> Related to this topic, I have a question about multiple
> instances of Apache. We run two mod_perl enabled sites on two
> separate IPs. These sites rely on mod_perl heavily. Each site
> has a unique perl script that handles just about everything.
> Currently, we only have one instance of Apache running, and I've
> noticed that the httpd child processes are quite large (up to
> 32megs!). We've upgraded the RAM on our server twice and now
> we're at 512, but it seems to be using all of that without a
> problem. Are these httpd processes so large because they include
> copies of both perl scripts? Would it be more efficient to set
> up two instances of Apache, one for each site/IP, and that way
> each child httpd would only contain one of the two perl scripts?

That might help some, but it all depends[tm].

What you really want is to setup a (reverse) proxy process in front
of the mod_perl process. Try looking through my slides at

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();
more than a billion impressions per week,