Apache::Sandwich, etc

2001-11-11 Thread Jie Gao

Hi All,

I am wondering if it is possible to add a footer to dynamic pages,
server-wide, like the subject module does to static pages.

One apparent way to me is to add another content handler, but
I am not sure how that'll work.

Any suggestion is appreciated.


dont understand mem-mapping

2001-11-11 Thread Peter Pilsl

I just cant get the following in my brain.  I have a modules that is
started with apache using the PerlModule-directive in httpd.conf.

This module defines a global pointer on startup that should be the
same in all sub-instances of httpd and really in the current
apache-session all instances print out : $g_ptr : HASH(0x8458a30)

This hashpointer is later filled with different values (dbhandles,
filehandles ...) that should kept open over more calls.

Now each session has the same pointer, but the content of the
anonymous hash its pointing too is different in each instance !!

thread 1:
$g_ptr : HASH(0x8458a30)
$g_ptr->{counter} : SCALAR(0x85aa62c)

thread 2:
$g_ptr : HASH(0x8458a30)
$g_ptr->{counter} : SCALAR(0x85f5e2c)

A even more strange example is an anonmous array that has the same
adress, but different content too.

The only explanation is that there is some mem-mapping for each
httpd-instance, but I dont know much about this.

My problem now is, that each httpd-instance opens a lot of db-handles
and connections and I end up with system-errors 'to many files opened'
or such things. 

Is there any way to share handles between all instances (I guess not,
and I'm sure this mem-mapping has a deeper meaning too: if more than
one instance access the same adress at the same time there would be
lot of troubles and I'm even more sure that this has something to do
with the copy-on-write feature of fork(), but I'm just not good in
this things, so I'd like to have some comment to be sure that this is
a principal problem and not a problem of my module)


mag. peter pilsl

phone: +43 676 3574035
fax  : +43 676 3546512

pgp-key available

[OT] Cookie woes

2001-11-11 Thread Issac Goldstand

Hi everyone.  This actually isn't mod_perl per 
se, but I'm hoping that other web developers might know something about 
this.  I'm having cookie problems with, interestingly enough, both Netscape 
and MSIE.  I'm setting a cookie in a page.  Included in the page is an 
inline document (can be anything - CSS, pic, JS, DTD, XSLT - anything loaded 
inline).  The browser requests to the inline pages do NOT include the 
cookie I've just set.  Anyone know why this is, or even better: how to make 
these inline requests include the cookie?
By the way, may as well mention what I'm seeing 
with both browsers.  Netscape's simply not showing anything.  MSIE 
actually does worse - if a cookie's just been expired, it'll send it (the old 
obsolete cookie) on the inline requests for some dumb reason, but won't send the 
new one until second time around...
Any help would be... well... helpful 
Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool 
ofyourself in front of a very large audience.  
Moving the mouse won't get you into 
trouble...  Clicking it might.  --Anonymous
PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:7E18 C018 D623 
A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B

Re: RFC: Security/Performance Best Practices (long)

2001-11-11 Thread Stas Bekman

Philip Mak wrote:

> Recently, I've been using Apache::ASP to program a new version of an
> existing website that gets over 5 million page views per month. This
> website will have to fit on a RaQ4i (450MHz) server, so I'm pretty
> conscious about performance. Security is also important due to the
> popularity of the site.
> I've read various documentation and combined them together into the
> following strategy for security and performance on a mod_perl driven
> website. I haven't seen these combined strategies formally written up
> anywhere, so I thought I would try to do that and ask you guys for
> suggestions. This is a bit unorganized right now, but all the general
> concepts should be there. The goal is to produce a document that
> explains all the principles, and shows all the configuration
> directives required to accomplish this.

I'm afraid there is no such a thing as a single detailed performance 
scenario fitting all users of mod_perl, I'd even say even a big chunk of 
users. Each user has a different hw, different requirements, different 
amount of $$, in-house knowledge and what not. So IMHO it'd be a mistake 
to even try to write an ultimate performance document. Hmm, may be such 
a thing could exist in winXX world, I don't know.

You're heartly welcome to help to improve the existing documentation, 
which already sports I think about 200 printed pages of various 
scenarious, tips and tricks which comprise a "Lego"-like set for 
everybody to learn from and build their own bridge, their own monster 
and their own crane, using common components.

Please don't create another documentation fork, unless you really have 
to, since it's so much easier for people to read all the docs from one 
place, rather than jumping between many scattered docs and of course 
avoid efforts duplication.

Quite a few people have complained to me that while the mod_perl guide 
includes a lot of performance improvement techniques, it doesn't help 
newbies to make the right choice in first place. So they have to try a 
few of them first, before making the right choice. So if that's what you 
think is missing you are welcome to try to fill the gap, but personally 
I doubt it's possible for the reasons I've mentioned above and many 
other reasons.

I just want to repeat that any attempt to improve the existing 
documentation and add new docs is very welcome and the 2.0 documentation 
project is going be the next cool thing if enough people will get 
involved and give help. You can check the modperl-docs cvs repository to 
see what's there so far.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/  mod_perl Guide   http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://ticketmaster.com http://apacheweek.com
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

Re: RFC: Security/Performance Best Practices (long)

2001-11-11 Thread Alessio Bragadini

Philip Mak:

> This website runs off a MySQL database. Although all the webpages
> are generated dynamically, they don't change often (unless the
> webmaster explicitly updates them).

Do you generate reliable Last-Modified and Expires headers? This could
help bandwidth usage for you and your users.

Alessio F. Bragadini[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFC: Security/Performance Best Practices (long)

2001-11-11 Thread Philip Mak

Recently, I've been using Apache::ASP to program a new version of an
existing website that gets over 5 million page views per month. This
website will have to fit on a RaQ4i (450MHz) server, so I'm pretty
conscious about performance. Security is also important due to the
popularity of the site.

I've read various documentation and combined them together into the
following strategy for security and performance on a mod_perl driven
website. I haven't seen these combined strategies formally written up
anywhere, so I thought I would try to do that and ask you guys for
suggestions. This is a bit unorganized right now, but all the general
concepts should be there. The goal is to produce a document that
explains all the principles, and shows all the configuration
directives required to accomplish this.

This website runs off a MySQL database. Although all the webpages are
generated dynamically, they don't change often (unless the webmaster
explicitly updates them).

I setup a lightweight frontend httpd (port 80) that proxies to a
heavyweight mod_perl backend httpd (port 8001). mod_gzip is installed
on the frontend to deliver compressed HTML pages for faster download
time. mod_proxy_add_forward is also installed so that the backend logs
the true IP address of the request in its logs.

In my account, I have these directories:

httpd: apachectl, httpd.conf, logs for the mod_perl httpd
perl: DocumentRoot for backend httpd
web: DocumentRoot for frontend httpd
global: contains *.pm, startup.pl, global.asa (for Apache::ASP)

The proxying is configured in the frontend httpd.conf as follows:

1: RewriteEngine On
2: RewriteRule ^/(.+)\.asp$$1.asp [L,P]
3: RewriteRule ^/(.+)\.pl$$1.pl [L,P]
4: RewriteCond /home/aw/perl%{REQUEST_URI}index.asp -f
5: RewriteRule ^(.*)/$$1/ [L,P]

Line 2 passes any URL with a .asp extension to the backend.
Line 3 passes any URL with a .pl extension to the backend.
Line 4,5 passes any request for a directory to the backend, if there
is an index.asp file in that directory.

Notice that to the outside world, the hostname/port of the website is
exactly the same whether it's being served by the frontend or
backend. I prefer this approach since it lets my  tags refer
to images in the same directory, for example. It also doesn't require
an extra DNS lookup on the client end (which it would if the mod_perl
server and non-mod_perl server were on different hostnames).

I don't have a ProxyPassReverse directive since I haven't thought
about it; I wouldn't need it anyway since I don't do any redirecting
(at least not right now), but I'll probably end up adding it just in

The following users were created on the system:

aw: I login as this user. Group = aw, httpd
aw_guest: mod_perl httpd runs as this user. Group = aw
httpd: lightweight httpd runs as this user. Group = httpd

aw owns all of the files except httpd/logs.

The "web" directory is world readable. It only contains images that
everyone can get from the web server anyway.

The "httpd" and "global" directories are group readable, so only aw
and aw_guest can read it. "perl" is world readable, but the files
inside are only group readable (this allows the httpd user to tell
what files exist, but nothing more). This protects my source code
(and the database passwords they contain!) from being browsed by

So that I won't accidentally create world readable files, I have this
line in ~/.profile for "aw":

umask 027

This creates files as rw-r- by default. Files I upload by FTP
still default to mode rw-r--r--, but I only upload image files that
way (I use vi through ssh to edit the code) so that's perfect.

There is a level of isolation here; in case I write an insecure script
that gets hacked, the hacker will only gain access to the aw_guest
account. The aw_guest account can read all my site's files, but it
can't write to any of them. Also, the MySQL username/password used by
the website has read-only access to the database.

Apache::ASP is set so that every page has headers indicating that it
can be cached for up to one hour:

  $Response->AddHeader('Last-Modified', time2str(time));
  $Response->{CacheControl} = 'public';
  $Response->{Expires} = 3600;

I could have set the expiry time higher, but I decided to put it at
3600 so that in case I change content on the website and forget to
manually clear the cache, it won't be out of date by more than 1
hour. In terms of performance issues, 1 hour should be long enough
such that the backend httpd server doesn't have to do too much work.

In my frontend httpd server, I have a basic cache configuration:

ProxyRequests on
CacheRoot /home/httpd/cache
CacheSize 1 # cache size of 10 MB
CacheGcInterval 1 # clean up the cache every hour
CacheMaxExpire 24 # nothing lives in the cache for > 24 hours
CacheDefaultExpire 1 # default expiry time is 1 hour

I can force the frontend httpd server to reload a specific page from
the backe

Re: OT: Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP)

2001-11-11 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi again,

On Sat, 10 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> since my active server page knowledge is pretty much zero here is my
> issue. Have several clients that use IIS w/lots of ASP[yuk] instead
> of Apache && all things PERL.

Richard and Josh have answered your other points, but I'd just like to
take issue with this one, hoping that I won't offend.

Comments like [yuk] will carry more weight if they are based on sound
informed reasoning and not on prejudice.  There is nothing wrong with
being ignorant about a subject - as long as you are prepared to do
something about it.  But if you are not, you are in danger of becoming
a religious zealot and we have ample evidence at the moment of where
that leads us.  Instead of disparaging the alternatives, learn about
them.  Know their strengths and their weaknesses.  It seems to me
that, so equipped, you might be in a position to give a more valuable
service to your Clients.

There is a lot to be said for Open Source, but even more to be said
for an Open Mind.   
