[win32] install mod_perl via ppm

2002-12-21 Thread Randy Kobes
With different combinations of Perl and mod_perl versions, it can
get confusing when installing mod_perl on Win32 via ppm in
figuring out the right one to use. To help alleviate some of
this, I've made up a script - mpinstall, accessible (soon)
through the install docs in the Win32 OS specific sections of
http://perl.apache.org/. This will take you through a dialogue,
based on your configuration info, to determine and then install
the appropriate mod_perl ppm package. It will also get and copy
mod_perl.so to your relevant Apache modules directory - this is
currently supposed to be done via a post-install script within
ppm, but this functionality appears broken with ppm3.

If you try this, please let me know of any problems.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Shroud+ Perl obfuscator....

2002-12-21 Thread Ged Haywood
Hi all,

On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, kyle dawkins wrote:

> Are you for real?
> [snip]
> You may not know this, but...[snip]

Er, I think you'd better have a look at the Camel Book before you dig
yourself any deeper into that particular hole. :)

And I really don't think this discussion should go any further on the
mod_perl List than it already has.


Re: Shroud+ Perl obfuscator....

2002-12-21 Thread Les Mikesell
From: "Randal L. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Andrzej> I extended Robert Jones' Perl Obfuscator, Shroud into what I
> Andrzej> am calling Shroud+. I needed it to protect some rather
> Andrzej> extensive scripts I have developed for Inventory and Image
> Andrzej> Gallery management on client web sites.
> I just want to go on the record to say that I consider your action
> personally offensive and ethically questionable.

Yep, if we could just make all those damn consultants, book authors,
and training professionals give away all their work for free whether
they choose to or not  But then we wouldn't need the Artistic license.

   Les Mikesell

2 proxying and mod_perl questions

2002-12-21 Thread George Valpak
Hi -

I have 2 questions, one might be off topic for the list, so please be gentle about it 
- seems to have been a rough week for OT posters here.

Anyway my situation is this:

I want to do a reverse proxy of an external site using Apache:

ProxyRequests on
ProxyPass / http://www.externalsite.com
ProxyPassReverse / http://www.externalsite.com
ServerName prague

This works fine AFICT except if there is a page on the remote site that has a form or 
other link that uses POST.

The maybe off-topic question is: Is this documented anywhere? I haven't been able to 
find a good explanation why this is. Is there a workaround? 

I should note that I am using mod_proxy rather than mod_rewrite because it is my 
(possibly incorrect) understanding that requests proxied via mod_rewrite will not end 
up in my local logs. I haven't actually tested that yet, but  in this case I strongly 
prefer to have a record of the request in the logs. If mod_rewrite would leave me a 
record in the logs and solve the POST issue, then that is probably an acceptable 

Anyway, pointers to help or explanations on this question are welcomed.

More on topic for this list is this question:

I would like the local server to examine the HTML for the remote server and possibly 
modify it before sending it to the client. I would like to write a mod_perl handler 
for this, but I am not sure which phase I should do it at. 

[time passes ...] Oh wait, I see there is a section in the Eagle book (p 374) that 
shows how to do that - are there any gotchas or more modern examples I should know 

Thanks in advance!


Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t

2002-12-21 Thread Mark Hawkes
When I 'make test' I'm getting failures relating to modules/src.t
Can anyone help?


OS: Slackware Linux 2.2.16
Perl:   5.6.0
mod_perl:   1.27
Apache: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3

Apache root:/var/lib/apache
mod_perl build dir: /var/lib/apache/mod_perl-1.27


$ perl Makefile.PL \
Configure mod_perl with ../src ? [y] y
Shall I build httpd in ../src for you? [y] y

$ make

Everything is good until I run the tests :-/

$ make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
ok 2
not ok 3
module_magic_number = 0
not ok 4
httpd_version =
not ok 5
-I../src -I../src/modules/perl
ok 6
FAILED tests 3-5
Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay
Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
modules/src.t 63  50.00%  3-5
6 tests skipped.
httpd terminated
Failed 1/34 test scripts, 97.06% okay. 3/398 subtests failed, 99.25% okay.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 29

RE: Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t

2002-12-21 Thread Beau E. Cox
Hi -

I had testing problems a few weeks ago...
be sure you test as a 'normal' user, not 'root'.
If you did the make under root, be sure to change
user:group ownership of the entire mod_perl tree
before logging in and testing.

I'm _not_ an expert, but that's what happened to
me :)

Aloha => Beau.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Hawkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 12:00 PM
Subject: Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t

When I 'make test' I'm getting failures relating to modules/src.t
Can anyone help?


OS: Slackware Linux 2.2.16
Perl:   5.6.0
mod_perl:   1.27
Apache: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3

Apache root:/var/lib/apache
mod_perl build dir: /var/lib/apache/mod_perl-1.27


$ perl Makefile.PL \
Configure mod_perl with ../src ? [y] y
Shall I build httpd in ../src for you? [y] y

$ make

Everything is good until I run the tests :-/

$ make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
ok 2
not ok 3
module_magic_number = 0
not ok 4
httpd_version =
not ok 5
-I../src -I../src/modules/perl
ok 6
FAILED tests 3-5
 Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay
Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed

modules/src.t 63  50.00%  3-5
6 tests skipped.
httpd terminated
Failed 1/34 test scripts, 97.06% okay. 3/398 subtests failed, 99.25% okay.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 29

Re: Shroud+ Perl obfuscator....

2002-12-21 Thread Michael Robinton
> And if they do have something to protect, they should put their
> thinking caps on and realize that this sort of "security" is called
> obfuscation for a reason: it does not accomplish anything except to
> make the results hard to read.  If you're giving away or selling the
> perl source, obfuscating it doesn't have any significant effect.

I beg to differ. Crypt::License turns the perl source into a non-text
file that appears to be pure "binary" when you try to open it. There is
less info readable than you would find in the average "C" object. That is
what is distributed to the target machines for execution. Only the decrypt
engine can decode the file in the presence of the necessary key ...
and then, it goes directly into the perl intrepreter. Sure, a clever
person could recover it at that point, but the point of most of these
exercises is to make it not convenient or cost effective to do so. It works
quiet nicely with mod_perl as well as autoloadable modules


web link broken when access cgi-bin

2002-12-21 Thread eric lin
Dear mod_perl reader or user:

  Is the other webiste's link to access mysite's file or photo(jpg), 
not by hypertext but by cgi perl call(that function will show jpg pic)

  but it turn out cannot access(I also try /usr/bin/perl 
/usr/lib/cgi-bin/showphot.pl  , it turn out is a dump kind's output, 
then I > mytest.jpg
then at netscape 7 URL, I type /home/enduser/mytest.jpg
it showed:

The image "file:///home/enduser/mytest.jpg" cannot be displayed, because 
it contains errors

) related to mod_perl did not configure or load well?(the locataion of 
picture suppose to be showed redcrss in IE6, or square white in mozilla)

I am using apache 1.3.26 and perl 5.8
please help

Sincere Eric
linux pc for sale

Re: 2 proxying and mod_perl questions

2002-12-21 Thread Larry Leszczynski
Hi George -

> I want to do a reverse proxy of an external site using Apache:
> ProxyRequests on

You will want to set "ProxyRequests off" for a reverse proxy, otherwise
someone could use you as a forward proxy to get to someplace else.

> ProxyPass / http://www.externalsite.com
> ProxyPassReverse / http://www.externalsite.com

Not sure if it matters, but might need a trailing slash on those, i.e.:
  ProxyPass/ http://www.externalsite.com/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://www.externalsite.com/

> ServerName prague
> This works fine AFICT except if there is a page on the remote site
> that has a form or other link that uses POST.

Have you looked at the URL specified in the form ACTION to see if it is an
absolute URL?  For example, suppose I point my browser at
http://www.george.com/showform.html.  Your proxy then sends me the content
of http://www.externalsite.com/showform.html.  If the form on that page
POSTs to "http://www.externalsite.com/cgi-bin/form.cgi"; (instead of
"/cgi-bin/form.cgi"), then when I submit I will go directly to
www.externalsite.com and bypass your proxy.  The same would be true of any
URL in the site that is specified absolute rather then relative.

> The maybe off-topic question is: Is this documented anywhere? I
> haven't been able to find a good explanation why this is. Is there a
> workaround?

You would need to rewrite any URLs in the page before you send it to the
browser, to either turn them into relative URLs, or to point them to
www.george.com instead of www.externalsite.com.  I'm pretty sure you can't
do that with mod_proxy or mod_rewrite alone (although I have seen people
do some crazy stuff with mod_rerwite).

> I should note that I am using mod_proxy rather than mod_rewrite
> because it is my (possibly incorrect) understanding that requests
> proxied via mod_rewrite will not end up in my local logs.

I have not found that to be the case.

Larry Leszczynski

RE: Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t

2002-12-21 Thread Mark Hawkes
Thanks Beau, but that didn't solve anything :-( 'make test' needs to run as 
root or it can't write to the Apache directory.

At 12:10 2002-12-21 -1000, you wrote:
Hi -

I had testing problems a few weeks ago...
be sure you test as a 'normal' user, not 'root'.
If you did the make under root, be sure to change
user:group ownership of the entire mod_perl tree
before logging in and testing.

I'm _not_ an expert, but that's what happened to
me :)

Aloha => Beau.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Hawkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 12:00 PM
Subject: Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t

When I 'make test' I'm getting failures relating to modules/src.t
Can anyone help?


OS: Slackware Linux 2.2.16
Perl:   5.6.0
mod_perl:   1.27
Apache: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3

Apache root:/var/lib/apache
mod_perl build dir: /var/lib/apache/mod_perl-1.27


$ perl Makefile.PL \
Configure mod_perl with ../src ? [y] y
Shall I build httpd in ../src for you? [y] y

$ make

Everything is good until I run the tests :-/

$ make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
ok 2
not ok 3
module_magic_number = 0
not ok 4
httpd_version =
not ok 5
-I../src -I../src/modules/perl
ok 6
FAILED tests 3-5
 Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay
Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed

modules/src.t 63  50.00%  3-5
6 tests skipped.
httpd terminated
Failed 1/34 test scripts, 97.06% okay. 3/398 subtests failed, 99.25% okay.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 29

RE: Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t

2002-12-21 Thread Beau E. Cox
Hi Mark -

Gee, Stas told me I _had_ to be a normal user for 'make test' -
and it worked...???

Wait ... I'm talking mod_perl 2 - are you installing 1? Yea,
I see that in your orig. msg. Sorry - I haven't played with
mod_perl 1.

But - is there a testing error_log? Can you run the failed tests
alone in -v mode? For mod_perl 2 you can say: t/TEST -v testname.

Sorry I'm not much help...

Aloha => Beau.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Hawkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: RE: Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t

Thanks Beau, but that didn't solve anything :-( 'make test' needs to run as
root or it can't write to the Apache directory.

At 12:10 2002-12-21 -1000, you wrote:
>Hi -
>I had testing problems a few weeks ago...
>be sure you test as a 'normal' user, not 'root'.
>If you did the make under root, be sure to change
>user:group ownership of the entire mod_perl tree
>before logging in and testing.
>I'm _not_ an expert, but that's what happened to
>me :)
>Aloha => Beau.
>-Original Message-
>From: Mark Hawkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 12:00 PM
>Subject: Install Problem: make test: modules/src.t
>When I 'make test' I'm getting failures relating to modules/src.t
>Can anyone help?
>OS: Slackware Linux 2.2.16
>Perl:   5.6.0
>mod_perl:   1.27
>Apache: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3
>Apache root:/var/lib/apache
>mod_perl build dir: /var/lib/apache/mod_perl-1.27
>$ perl Makefile.PL \
>  >   EVERYTHING=1 APACHE_PREFIX=/var/lib/apache USE_APACI=1
>Configure mod_perl with ../src ? [y] y
>Shall I build httpd in ../src for you? [y] y
>$ make
>Everything is good until I run the tests :-/
>$ make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
>ok 2
>not ok 3
>module_magic_number = 0
>not ok 4
>httpd_version =
>not ok 5
>-I../src -I../src/modules/perl
>ok 6
>FAILED tests 3-5
>  Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay
>Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
>modules/src.t 63  50.00%  3-5
>6 tests skipped.
>httpd terminated
>Failed 1/34 test scripts, 97.06% okay. 3/398 subtests failed, 99.25% okay.
>make: *** [run_tests] Error 29