RE: Summary: identifiying unique users

2003-09-17 Thread Frank Maas
Ged wrote: 
 How to avoid multiple logins?
 The short answer is: you can't.
 Sure you can.  Charge $10 per login.

I don't want to clobber the list with non-technical trivia, but
even when you charge money, you can't avoid it. If only there is
one user that is willing to pay the amount twice, your scheme 
is broken. As with technical solutions: the higher the amount
you charge, the lesser the risk of people doing it. But the
risk remains...


Sleeping sessions

2003-09-17 Thread Andrey A. Kudrin
Hello modperl,

  I need help.
  I've compiled apache 1.3.28 + mod_perl 1.28 + mod_ssl 2.8.15.
  Before that all was ok, but at the moment all httpd session freezing
  in memory and turning to sleeping, 30-40 min and server is
  I use PerlRun instead of Apache::Registry.
  Any ideas?

Sincerely yours,
Andrey A. Kudrin,

Re: Sleeping sessions

2003-09-17 Thread Ged Haywood
Hi there,

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Andrey A. Kudrin wrote:

 I've compiled apache 1.3.28 + mod_perl 1.28 + mod_ssl 2.8.15.
 Before that all was ok,

Before what?  Before mod_ssl?  Try it without.  Have you checked in
the documentation that the version of mod_ssl is suitable for your

 but at the moment all httpd session freezing in memory and turning
 to sleeping, 30-40 min and server is overloaded.

You must send more information.  Read the documentation on the
mod_perl site to find out what you need to send.


Re: Summary: identifiying unique users

2003-09-17 Thread Patrick Mulvany
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 08:39:58AM +0200, Frank Maas wrote:
 Ged wrote: 
  How to avoid multiple logins?
  The short answer is: you can't.
  Sure you can.  Charge $10 per login.
 I don't want to clobber the list with non-technical trivia, but
 even when you charge money, you can't avoid it. If only there is
 one user that is willing to pay the amount twice, your scheme 
 is broken. As with technical solutions: the higher the amount
 you charge, the lesser the risk of people doing it. But the
 risk remains...

The only nearly reliable way I have found of doing this is to 
impliment a two stage registration process. Normal online 
registration with a face to face sales meeting where the account 
is activated. This however requires significant investment in an 
offline process and backoffice.

On the down side people can always :-
A. Use another legitimate account (Beg, Borrow, Steal)
B. Have another meeting where an actor obtains the new acount details 

In respect to client side cookies this does not help as I will often in 
the case of system testing use multiple machines (Unix/Windows) with 
multiple browser versions.

Your best be is to use server side token versioning which will prevent 
multiple browsers simultaniously using the same login but does not prevent
different logins being used. 

Hope it helps


upgrading to apache 2

2003-09-17 Thread Malka Cymbalista
I am currently running apache 1.3.26 with mod_perl 1.36 and Perl 5.6.1 on my web 
server which is a Sun Solaris machine running Solaris 7.  We have just bought a new 
Sun machine for our web server and I will be installing Solaris 9.  I figure that now 
is a good time to upgrade my software.  I would like to install Apache 2, mod_perl 2, 
and Perl 5.8. Does anyone know of any specific problems, issues that I should look out 
for?  I am also running MySQL and I use the perl DBI-DBD modules for interfacing 
between apache and mysql.  If anyone has any suggestions or tips to pass along I would 
appreciate it. 

Malki Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel 76100

Re: upgrading to apache 2

2003-09-17 Thread Ged Haywood
Hello there,

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Malka Cymbalista wrote:

 I am currently running apache 1.3.26 with mod_perl 1.36 and Perl
 5.6.1 on my web server which is a Sun Solaris machine ...
 I would like to install Apache 2, mod_perl 2, and Perl 5.8.

While Apache version 2 is stable, mod_perl version 2 is not yet.  If
you are prepared to accept some of the issues which arise during the
early stages of software development then by all means try mod_perl
version 2.  If not, then stay with the latest version 1, which means
you must also use a version 1 Apache.

There have been several issues with Perl 5.8.0, and although I have
had no problems with 5.8.0 on my own development boxes, in either case
I would wait for Perl 5.8.1 before release into a user environment -
and I would test that for a couple of months first.  As far as I can
tell Perl 5.6.1 is as good a release of Perl as any.


Re: AIX perfomance

2003-09-17 Thread William McCabe
Hi Ged,

On 9/12/03 at 4:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ged Haywood) wrote:

 Roughly what hardware setups do you generally work with, and what
 differences are notable between Linux and AIX when running mod_perl
 servers?  (If that's not too long a piece of string to measure:).
 Are there situations where you'd prefer one or the other, if so why?

Sorry for the slow response; I've been out of town. Most of my mod_perl/AIX
systems are used to generate organizational performance reports, basically
data-mart type stuff, which is very DBI (DB2) and computationally-intensive, and
also often invlove running COBOL binaries which have been ported from OS/390 and
run via RPC::XML. If the need to run COBOL is absent from a project, then I
usually deploy on Lintel, since procurement is so much easier. I never rely on
OS ditributions of perl, apache, or mod_perl so my working enviroment is always
identical. As I mentioned earlier, Rafael should not be experience slowness on
AIX unless he's comparing dated RS/6000 hardware with new Intel. Scalability,
especially with big SMP iron, still favors the RS/6000 though at a colossal


Re: Sleeping sessions

2003-09-17 Thread Stas Bekman
Ged Haywood wrote:
but at the moment all httpd session freezing in memory and turning
to sleeping, 30-40 min and server is overloaded.

You must send more information.  Read the documentation on the
mod_perl site to find out what you need to send.
Ouch, that's a lot to read ;) It's better to point people to a simple:

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

RTF/MSword Generation from PERL

2003-09-17 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
Hi All,

I have an online FAQ.  Running under IIS 5.0/Win2k/PerlEx with
ActiveState Perl 5.6.1  ... sorry can't run 5.8.0 yet
The answers to the FAQ questions contain jpegs, bmps, and gifs

I'd like to repeatably generate RTF/MSWord 97 files from XHTML1.0 
webpages 1 per FAQ (webpage) and 1 large ~300MB for the whole site.

I know I can use RTF::Writer and some other HTML::* modules
[Thanks Sean M. Burke :) ]
. but I'm a little iffy on the embedding of images in it ?  It can 
be done
since win2k app, 'write', supports it but via PERL ? Also, does anyone 
have a link
handy to the full spec ?

I can't seem to get any good search results on for
MSWord is there a different phrase I should be looking for ?
Would SP/jade be a better solution ?

Thanks in advance.


Philip M. Gollucci

URL   :
Phone : 301.474.9598

DBA / Software Engineer / System Administrator 
URL   : 
Phone : 301.530.6375

$Id: .signature,v 1.4 2003/05/02 23:46:37 philip Exp $

Re: RTF/MSword Generation from PERL

2003-09-17 Thread Stas Bekman
Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
Hi All,

I have an online FAQ.  Running under IIS 5.0/Win2k/PerlEx with ActiveState
Perl 5.6.1  ... sorry can't run 5.8.0 yet
The answers to the FAQ questions contain jpegs, bmps, and gifs
Philip, frankly I fail to see anything in your request that has to do with
modperl. There are many other appropriate places where you can ask this 
question. See:

Let's keep the Signal to Noise ratio high on this list. Thank you.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---