Re: possible?

2000-07-05 Thread Ben Li

Vincent Bruijnes wrote:
Dear mod_perl users.
Is it possible to have an apache with --enable-shared=max and mod_perl
statically linked?
If yes please tell me how to do, i need mod_perl statically cause otherwise
my Apache::ASP won't work.
Sincerely Vincent Bruijnes
Yes, I do it in SunOS 5.6, and it should works elsewhere.
$ cd mod_perl-1.24
$ perl Makefile.PL \
 APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.X/src \
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../apache_1.3.X/src
$ ./configure --prefix=/data/apache --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a
--enable-module=all --enable-shared=max --disable-module=auth_db --disable-shared=perl
$ make
$ make install

Re: Apache children hanging

2000-06-02 Thread Ben Li

John Armstrong wrote:

 I have had this problem to varying degrees in all of my high traffic
 mod perl installations. The thing that saves me is Apache::Resource.
 In my httpd.conf I put :

 PerlModule Apache::Resource
 PerlChildInitHandler Apache::Resource

 That kills off any bad children. Before I installed this things were
 regularly spinning out of control. You could sit and watch them go
 nuts. After installing it you could watch them _attempt_ to go nuts
 and then watch apache clean house. Its a lifesaver.

 Why does it happen? A variety of reasons but I have just accepted it
 as the cost of doing business with mod_perl and gone on with things.
 Not the most proactive response but so be it :(

 John Armstrong

Yes , I'm always get into this trouble ,  a gnu/linux redhat 6.1 with last kernel
and patch .
About 280k hits per day , down every two days .
Even sometimes a watchdog can reboot it , but sometims not .
Seemly modperl is too complex in idea .
It's more like a hack than fastcgi .

Re: Apache children hanging

2000-06-02 Thread Ben Li

Steve Reppucci wrote:

 This is *exactly* the symptoms we see, and we're just about always up to
 date with Apache/Perl/modperl releases.

 We've spent a fair amount of time trying to isolate the cause of these,
 but haven't been able to point the finger at any one cause.  Some of the
 things we've determined:

 - The same behavior is displayed under Solaris (5.6 and 5.7) and Linux
 - We've seen this through through a bunch of releases of
   Apache/Perl/modperl over the past 6 months.
 - When a child process goes astray, it is in a tight loop, quickly growing
   to consume 95 to 100% of the cpu cycles.
 - Under Linux, running strace on the runaway results in nothing --
   no system calls are shown whatsoever, so it's apparently spinning in
   a tight CPU loop (though see the next bullet -- it's possible I've
   just never caught it at an early enough stage.)
 - Under Solaris, I've managed to catch a few of these at an early stage
   and observed (via truss) an endless series of 'sbrk' calls, eventually
   this gets bound up tight with no system calls displayed, like the
   Linux case.
 - This seems to happen more often under heavy load, but we've also seen it
   fairly regularly during low traffic periods.
 - We did have some luck in doing a thorough read of our handlers that use
   DBI, making sure that all database connections are explicitly closed
   at the end of a request (we *don't* use Apache::DBI).  This cut down on
   the number of runaways, but we still see them.

 We've kept our runaways under control by running a watchdog script that
 looks for modperl processes with the correct load numbers (cpu%  10% and
 run time  something), but we've all along thought that this would be a
 temporary solution until we determined what we're doing wrong.

Yup , I've do it before , but sometimes runaways are still there and quick take
down the system before you kill them.

 Now that I've seen this report from a couple of others on the list, I'm
 wondering if it's not something we're doing, but rather something within
 Apache or modperl.

 If there's anything anyone on the list can recommend that I do to try to
 collect more clues on the cause, I'll be happy to try it.

 Or maybe if there are others who've seen the same behavior, pipe in so
 that we can get a feeling for how many sites are experiencing this?

 Steve Reppucci

Just wonders the imdb's apache-modperl version :

Server: Apache/1.3.11-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.21_01-dev .
Maybe this version is most stable to them, they must have a load balance for
failover also.