Re: AxKit configuration question

2001-09-02 Thread Ed Loehr

Robin Berjon wrote:
 On Saturday 01 September 2001 08:02, Ed Loehr wrote:
  There's also a note (in AxKit 1.4 change log, I think) that says that
  problem is fixed in 1.4.  Also, from 'perldoc AxKit':
 If you have a recent mod_perl and use mod_perl's
 Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 to compile Apache for you, this
 option will be enabled automatically for you.
  Other clues?
 It's supposed to, but sometimes apparently it doesn't (I haven't been able to
 track down why, and it may be my fault).
 Have you tried without SSL ? It sometimes conflicts with other modules.
 Another search track would be to find out which module that AxKit pulls in
 causes the crash (if any). You could also try out the 1.5 RC (which must be
 called 1.4_9x and is probably on CPAN or mirrored somewhere), it's been quite
 stable in my experience.

I tried it without SSL, and the same problem remains:  httpd exits
silently after seemingly normal startup.  I'll try 1.5RC, axkit irc, and
debugging if I can't find a way around in my laziness.  Thanks.

Ed Loehr timing?

2001-09-01 Thread Ed Loehr

I recently read that AxKit was in the process of becoming an ASF xml
project.  Does anyone have a sense of the timing for when this might
happen and when will return/arrive?

Also, does anyone know of a mirror site for

Ed Loehr

Re: AxKit configuration question

2001-08-31 Thread Ed Loehr

Ed Loehr wrote:
 I'm attempting to install AxKit 1.4 (and 10 or so other pre-requisite
 modules) on my modperl/modssl server, and I'm trying to get the
 ultra-basic AxKit manpage example to work ('perldoc AxKit').
 The first sign of trouble has arisen:  httpd silently exits immediately
 after startup once I add the specified AxKit configuration to my Apache
 config files, and I have not been able to find any logging whatsoever
 yet.  I can see it is successfully loading, and producing
 seemingly all of the normal Apache log startup messages I usually see.
 It's just that when I go to the ps table, it is not there.  Does anyone
 have a clue to offer before I recompile with debugging on?
   Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b

More data:  there is no core file created, and the mere presence of this
one line in my httpd.conf ...

PerlModule AxKit

...with no other AxKit directives anywhere, causes httpd to exit shortly
( 1 sec) after starting.  I hacked to verify it is loading, and
it is successfully completing it's BEGIN block.

Any clues?

Ed Loehr

This is kernel 2.2.12-20smp.

# perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.2.5-22smp, archname=i386-linux
uname='linux 2.2.5-22smp #1 smp wed jun 2
09:11:51 edt 1999 i686 unknown '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O2', gccversion=egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux
(egcs-1.1.2 release)
cppflags='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
ccflags ='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=undef, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic'
cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Aug 30 1999 23:09:51

# httpd -V
Server version: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix)
Server built:   Aug 31 2001 21:07:15
Server compiled with
 -D HTTPD_ROOT=/usr/local/apache_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20
 -D SUEXEC_BIN=/usr/local/apache_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20/bin/suexec
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD=logs/httpd.scoreboard
 -D DEFAULT_LOCKFILE=logs/httpd.lock
 -D DEFAULT_XFERLOG=logs/access_log
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG=logs/error_log
 -D TYPES_CONFIG_FILE=conf/mime.types
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE=conf/httpd.conf
 -D ACCESS_CONFIG_FILE=conf/access.conf
 -D RESOURCE_CONFIG_FILE=conf/srm.conf

AxKit configuration question

2001-08-31 Thread Ed Loehr

Hi All,

I'm attempting to install AxKit 1.4 (and 10 or so other pre-requisite
modules) on my modperl/modssl server, and I'm trying to get the
ultra-basic AxKit manpage example to work ('perldoc AxKit').  

The first sign of trouble has arisen:  httpd silently exits immediately
after startup once I add the specified AxKit configuration to my Apache
config files, and I have not been able to find any logging whatsoever
yet.  I can see it is successfully loading, and producing
seemingly all of the normal Apache log startup messages I usually see. 
It's just that when I go to the ps table, it is not there.  Does anyone
have a clue to offer before I recompile with debugging on?

My server's status line is 

  Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b

(it once had AxKit 1.4 in it, but I haven't been able to reproduce
Here's my httpd.conf file:

IfModule mod_perl.c
Include conf/perl.conf

Here's part of conf/perl.conf:

PerlModule AxKit

Location /ax
# Install AxKit main parts
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler AxKit

# Setup style type mappings
AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::Sablot
AxAddStyleMap application/x-xpathscript \

# Optionally set a hard coded cache directory
# make sure this is writable by nobody
AxCacheDir /opt/axkit/cachedir

# turn on debugging (1 - 10)
AxDebugLevel 10
AxStackTrace On
AxLogDeclines On

If I delete this section of perl.conf, the server starts and runs fine,
albeit without the desired AxKit effect!!

The only thing I have not investigated are a bunch of log messages re
Apache::Status as follows ...

Subroutine menu_item redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/Apache/ line 46.

and a bunch for ...

Subroutine Apache::Table::TIEHASH redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/ line 65535.

Thanks in advance for any clues/pointers.

Ed Loehr

Re: AxKit configuration question

2001-08-31 Thread Ed Loehr

Randy Kobes wrote:
 On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Ed Loehr wrote:
  More data:  there is no core file created, and the mere presence of this
  one line in my httpd.conf ...
PerlModule AxKit
  ...with no other AxKit directives anywhere, causes httpd to exit shortly
  ( 1 sec) after starting.  I hacked to verify it is loading, and
  it is successfully completing it's BEGIN block.
 The AxKit FAQ (which unfortunately I don't think is reachable yet
 at says that there could be some problems
 with Apache's default build with expat enabled and XML::Parser's
 version of expat. The recommendation is to recompile Apache
 with --disable-rule=expat. Does this work?

I don't think so, not the way I tried it, anyway...

perl Makefile.PL \
DO_HTTPD=1 SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
APACI_ARGS='--enable-module=ssl, \
--enable-module=rewrite, \
--enable-module=perl, \
(make  date  make test  date  make install  date) | tee
make certificate TYPE=custom
make install

There's also a note (in AxKit 1.4 change log, I think) that says that
problem is fixed in 1.4.  Also, from 'perldoc AxKit':

   If you have a recent mod_perl and use mod_perl's
   Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 to compile Apache for you, this
   option will be enabled automatically for you.

Other clues?

Ed Loehr

Re: [ModPerl] missing POST args mystery

2001-07-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Ed Loehr wrote:
  I'm stumped ...
  In a nutshell, my problem is that POSTed form key-value pairs are
  intermittently not showing up in the request object inside my handler

As I was puzzling over this, I saw this error message in the logs...

(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

A google search turned up a note about needing to have $CGI::NO_DEBUG =
1 before calling CGI::Cookie-parse().  Adding that line of code before
my parse call seems to have fixed the problem.  At a glance, looks like was strangely set to read from the command-line (default
$CGI::NO_DEBUG = 0), probably triggering a call of Apache's request-args
somewhere along the line.  How the default setting may have changed I
don't know, because I've been using for years without this
problem; I may have upgraded that package, picking up a change

Ed Loehr

[ModPerl] missing POST args mystery

2001-07-06 Thread Ed Loehr

I'm stumped regarding some request object behavior in modperl, and after
searching the Guide, Google, and the list archives without success, I'm
hoping someone might offer another idea I could explore, or offer some
helpful diagnostic questions.

In a nutshell, my problem is that POSTed form key-value pairs are
intermittently not showing up in the request object inside my handler

I have a modperl-generated form:

META HTTP-EQUIV=Expires CONTENT=Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT

Upon submission, the form data eventually flows to my PerlHandler... 

sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my @argsarray = ($r-method eq 'POST' ? $r-content() : $r-args());

Now, if I examine (print) the form values retrieved from the request
object upon entry into this handler (*after* I load them into $args),
'id' is not present at all.  I must be missing something trivially
obvious to some of you.

This is running Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.3

Ed Loehr

[RFI] URI escaping modules?

2000-03-28 Thread Ed Loehr

I just noticed that Apache::Util::escape_uri does not escape embedded ''
characters as I'd expected.  What is the preferred module for escaping
'', '?', etc. when embedded in strings?

Ed Loehr

Can't upgrade that kind of scalar

2000-02-12 Thread Ed Loehr

Aside from gdb, any fishing tips on how to track this fatal problem

Can't upgrade that kind of scalar at XXX line NN...

Happens intermittently, often on a call to one of these (maybe the
first access of $r?):


I've tried turning off PerlFreshRestart, have _totally_ clean output
from 'use diagnostics', reviewed The Guide, 'perldoc perldiag', FAQ,, swarthmore, removed /o, used Carp::cluck, handled global
vars with 'use vars qw(...)'...

Config:  apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, mod_ssl 2.4.9, openssl 0.9.4,
perl 5.005_03, DBI 1.13 (no Apache::DBI), DBD::Pg 0.92, Linux
2.2.12-20smp (RH 6.1)...

$r-print delay?

2000-02-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Any ideas on why would this output statement takes 15-20 seconds to
send a 120kb page to a browser on the same host?

sub send_it {
my ($r, $data) = @_;

$| = 1;  # Don't buffer anything...send it asap...
$r-print( $data );

modperl 1.21, apache/modssl 1.3.9-2.4.9...lightly loaded Linux (RH6.1)
Dual PIII 450Mhz with local netscape 4.7 client...

Re: $r-print delay?

2000-02-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Ken Williams wrote:
 Are you sure it's waiting?  You might try debug timestamps before  after the
 $r-print().  You might also be interested in the send_fd() method if the data
 are in a file.

Fairly certain it's waiting there.  I cut my debug timestamps out for
ease on your eyes in my earlier post, but here's one output (of many
like it) when I had the print sandwiched...

Thu Feb 10 14:41:59.053 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Sending
120453 bytes to client...
Thu Feb 10 14:42:14.463 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Send of
120453 bytes completed.

Re send_fd(), it's all dynamically generated data, so that's not an

Other clues?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Loehr) wrote:
 Any ideas on why would this output statement takes 15-20 seconds to
 send a 120kb page to a browser on the same host?
 $| = 1;  # Don't buffer anything...send it asap...
 $r-print( $data );
 modperl 1.21, apache/modssl 1.3.9-2.4.9...lightly loaded Linux (RH6.1)
 Dual PIII 450Mhz with local netscape 4.7 client...

Re: does ssl encrypt basic auth?

2000-02-06 Thread Ed Loehr

  Ed Loehr wrote:
  Is a basic authentication password, entered via a connection to an
  https/SSL server, encrypted or plain text across the wire?
 Encrypted - but that question really doesn't belong here.
 It has nothing to do with modperl.

Yes, some of your fellow off-topic police have already served notice
privately.  My unstated context was that mod_perl authentication was
giving me fits, and in my effort to find an alternative, I (gasp)
posted off-topic.  I'm just glad you're watching.  :(

Can't upgrade that kind of scalar (and more)

2000-02-04 Thread Ed Loehr

I've scoured, FAQs, modperl list archives at, 'perldoc mod_perl_traps', experimented ad
for 4 days now... this modperl newbie is missing something

Lasting gratitude and a check in the mail for dinner on me to any of
who can offer any tips/help which unlock this riddle for me...

Ed Loehr

Spurious errors in my error_log with increasingly nasty consequences:

Can't upgrade that kind of scalar at XXX line NN...
Not a CODE reference at XXX line NN...
Modification of a read-only value attempted at XXX line NN...
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar during global destruction.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar at XXX line NN...

Once upon a time, the server was fully functional even with these
occasional error messages (which is why I ignored them originally).
Now, they are frequent showstoppers, causing requests to fail
altogether with 500 errors and occasional segfaults...

I'm lumping these together because I suspect they are all related.
In any case, the severest of these at present seems to be the

Can't upgrade that kind of scalar at XXX line NN...

message, which causes the request to fail and seems to foul up that
child for the rest of its life.

- Turned off PerlFreshRestart
- Got rid of '$| = 1;'
- Got rid of #!/usr/bin/perl -w (!!)
- Check 'use diagnostics' output
- Got rid of string regex optimization flags ( $key =~
m/^xyz/o )
- Replaced use of 'apachectl restart' with
- use Carp ();  local $SIG{__WARN__} = \Carp::cluck;
- Changed global all instances of global 'my $var = 0' to
'use vars qw($var);  $var = 0;'
- Commented out Apache::Registry
(Most of these are just suggestions I found during my hunt...)


(detailed config dumps below)
mod_perl 1.21 (*NOT* Apache::StatINC)
mod_ssl 2.4.9
openssl 0.9.4
perl 5.005_03
DBI 1.13 (*NOT* using Apache::DBI)
DBD::Pg 0.92
Apache 1.3.9 (*VERY* lightly loaded)
Linux 2.2.12-20smp (RH 6.1), 1Gb RAM, RAID 5 (*lots* of free
Dual PII 450 cpus
Using modified TicketMaster scheme from Eagle book

I'm convinced the code referenced by the error msgs (XXX line NN) is
almost at random; typically code that's worked flawlessly before
(sometimes my code, often not).  I suspect the line numbers in the
error msg may be screwed up.  #line did not clarify things.

If I rearrange my code, I have been able to make the error "move" to
another module (eg., from to  Smell like a stack
corruption problem?  Currently, the first unsuccessful statement is:

# ($r is the usual apache request object)
return ($retval,$msg)
unless $ticket{'ip'} eq

In -X mode, once the server process hits one of these, it can no
serve any modperl-generated page without a 500 error, occasionally
segfaulting in the process.

This also happens on both production and development server in
different manifestations (with slightly different httpd.conf files).

Other change factors that may or may not be related:  new firewall
increased number of open file handles (echo 8192 
increased load, RAM upgrade, numerous modperl app src code changes,
more use of Time::HiRes to other modules, new SSL certificate, and

Finally, totally commenting out my incarnation of the TicketMaster
from the Eagle book (cookie-based passworded sessions) *seems* to
the problem, but it's a moving target so I'm not sure of that yet. 
been unable to determine what it might be within TicketMaster that is
causing the problem.

Try removing from Apache::Ticket*
Whittle down until minimal set produces error?
Autoload troubles?
Find/try MacEachern's Apache::Leak?  Hunting XS errors?
Relying on $_ in foreach loops?
SSL Certificate differences?
Dreaded Last Step: setup debugger and chase ...

# /usr/local/apache_ssl/bin/httpd -l
Compiled-in modules:

# /usr/local/apache_ssl/bin/httpd -V
Server version: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix)
Server built:   Dec  9 1999 11:40:44
Server's Module Magic Number: 19990320:6
Server compiled with
 -D USE_

Re: ApacheDBI vs DBI for TicketMaster

2000-01-02 Thread Ed Loehr

Edmund Mergl wrote:

   On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 01:48:58AM -0600, Ed Loehr wrote:
My apache children are seg faulting due to some combination of
DBI usage and the cookie-based authentication/authorization
child seg faults.  If I comment out all DBI references in the
   Hm, are you connecting to your database prior to Apache's forking
  No.  BTW, this is all on apache 1.3.9 with mod_ssl 2.4.9 and mod_perl 1.21 on
 Redhat 6.1 (2.2.12-20smp)...

 do you use rpm's or did you compile everything by yourself ?

Compiled everything myself.  Oh, and I am also using DBD::Pg 0.92...

Does that suggest anything to anyone?

Ed Loehr