Re: Apache 2.0, mod_perl filter question

2003-08-22 Thread Gedanken

To the best of my knowledge, the 'proxy' that is used in LWP still cannot 
support CONNECT style SSL proxies, meaning its very hit or miss if it 
works - roughly 50/50 for the few hundred proxies ive checked recently.

try replacing *all* your $UA-proxy lines with

$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = http://localhost:80;;

this will work assuming you have Crypt::SSLeay installed (libwwwperl works 
with either IO SOCKET SSL or crypt ssleay... but crypt ssleay is the one 
that gives you low level proxy stuff.)

check out the docs on crypt::ssleay for more info on using proxies with 
LWP, it was an eye opener.  

as a side note, you may want to undef $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} before creating 
your agent.  I dont use UserAgent much but i use WWW::Mechanize a ton 
(sunbclass) and it has code to automagically set $ua-proxy if it detects 
the ENV is set.  which immediately breaks the ENV proxy since they are not 
compatible... boo Mechanize =).  I think that code is in Mechanize and not 
UserAgent however so you should be safe - but im not positive.

The only downsides to this approach:

 - UserAgent will report itself as not being proxied even though it is, 
since its done at a lower level than its aware.  for my code, i couldnt 
care less.
 - you have to https everything, since I havent found a way to use the 
env-set style https proxy for ssl, but something different for http.  you 
cant mix and match the LWP style and the Crypt::SSL style proxies - the 
lwp one will clobber whatever goodness is in crypt::ssleay's with stuff 
that doesnt work.

I have no clue why you are getting 403 errors in a browser...


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Re: Values of an array..

2003-07-21 Thread Gedanken
shouldnt 'my $user' be outside the foreach loop?  

I had a similar coding problem this weekend - completely unrelated to 
mod_perl.  I was using 
www::mechanize (greatest module ever) to parse xml and generate files.  If 
i had 18 user sections, it 
was writing the last member to disk 18 times.  I changed the scope of my 
vars slightly and all worked just fine.


Re: Apache config problem .. please help

2003-07-03 Thread Gedanken
I know this is not of much help, but I have had situations where a badly 
terminating process would prevent subsequent processes from using that 
port.  on windows, i never found a solution other than to reboot.  on 
solaris 7, i never found a solution other than to wait 8 minutes.  I did 
some reading and found socket inet options to change how such programs 
bound thge port so as to allow others to use it in more friendly a fashion 
but such a change wasnt possible with the process in question.  


Re: Books - was How practical is that Practical mod_perl?

2003-06-12 Thread Gedanken
speaking of mod perl books, i have gotten lost somewhere.  theres the 
eagle book, theres stas' book (practical mod_perl i learned today), and 
theres 'geoffs book'.  what is the name of geoffs book please?  i wanna 
have all 3 after reading the reviews yet geoffs last name is escaping me.


Re: E-commerce payment systems for apache/mod_perl

2002-07-03 Thread Gedanken

On 2 Jul 2002, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

 Any obvious choices for a relatively small-scale e-commerce payment
 processing system for a server running apache / mod_perl?  

There are a few 'clearing house'  type services to which one can subscribe 
that do the actual cybercash-type transaction for you.  it can be 
expensive and prohibitively complicated to set up the services yourself.  
For small sites, I have fired off perl scripts that use openssl to 
connect to a serice we hired, passing the info they need, and waiting for 
a response that i parse and display to the user, as i write it to our 
db2 db as well with dbd-dbi..  Damned if i can remember the name of the 
service we used. i wrote it for the 1998 superbowl.

I can only imagine that the number of such services has proliferated since 
then, but i havent checked lately.  ive been out of e-commerce since 2000.  
Ive had a devil of a time running the cybercash (and similar) services for 
myself as every option seemed to be expensive, buggy, or lacking on 
customer support when the end customer inevitably asked questions i 
couldnt answer.  maybe they have improved in the last 2 years, butfiring 
it off to someone else (the classic SEP or 'somebody elses problem' theorem),
 waiting for a nice pleasant order 
number to be returned over ssl, and printing it to the screen branded as 
if my site did it all by itself is worth a small charge per transaction 
that youre going to end up paying anyway even if you do it all yourself.

Do you have a particular company doing your order fulfillment?  If so, 
they may have such an arrangement or service already in place.  a lot i 
ran into did.  


Re: Problems Confirugint Mod Perl/Mod SSL on Apache 1.3.22

2001-11-20 Thread Gedanken

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Ian @ International Sports Agnecy wrote:

if you telnet to port 80 and issue a head request manually, what does the
server report exactly?  it should list the modules you have properly


 I'm having a bit of a problem getting everything to work right.
 Everything Compiles, then it looks like it's running, but the moment
 your client (or telnet) connects, it shuts itself down.

 I've tried 'make clean  make  make install' to see if that remedies
 the problem, but that doesn't help.  I've also reset my httpd.conf file
 to the defaults, and that doesn't help either.

 When I do just a 'plain-jane' ./apachectl start (as opposed to an
 ./apachectl startssl), I get the webpages, however, the mod_perl
 interface seems not to work.  (HTML::Mason won't work).

 Any suggestions?


 From RFC 1925: (3)  With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.
 However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure
 where they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under
 them as they fly overhead.


Easy way to access PerlSetEnv from outside apache cycle?

2000-12-01 Thread Gedanken

Hi all.

I will try to be as clear as i can with a potentially vague problem.

I am just starting to maintain and implement some mod_perl code written by
a long gone coder.  The mod perl code itself seems to be working just
fine.  But a command line script was written to also utilize a database
module core to the mod_perl code.  Inside this db module is one subroutine
called 'handler' (of course).  So in his command line script we see
something like:

use DBModule;


and the syntax of all that seems to be correct.  The problem arises in the
fact that handler() fills in some fairly essential blanks in the DB
connect with variables set in a mod_perl conf file using PerlSetEnv's.  So
when run from the command line, those variables are undefined.  I dont see
an easy way to tell this script how to access that environmentspace, nor
an easy way to stick the script into the modperl env as it takes a command
line parameter which will require human intervention.

Is there any easy way to let this command line script patch into the
variablespace created by the PerlSetEnv's?  Did the original designer see
something over my head or was he/she on mod_crack?


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