Can't call method is_initial_req without a package or object reference at .........

2003-06-17 Thread Martin Moss

I'm having some problems with Apache giving me grief, or most probably me
getting my knickers in a complete twist.
I get the following error:-

Can't call method is_initial_req without a package or object reference at

It seems to happen when my URL ends like this:-

but not when it ends like this:-

Below is the code which is where the error occurs.
sub handler {
  my $r = My::Apache::Request-instance(shift);

  print STDERR Dumper($r);
  print STDERR \n\n\nBOOOBS\n\n\n\n\n;
  die $r not defined unless $r;
  return OK unless $r-is_initial_req();#ERROR OCCURS HERE
  my $uri = $r-uri;
  my $log = $r-log;


The handler is simply a multiplexer which based upon a database
configuration adds the relevant method handler to the handlers queue.

The 'instance' routine for My::Apache::Request is inheritted from the
Apache::Request class.

the 'new' routine for My::Apache::Request is as follows:-

sub new

  my ($class, $r) = @_;

  my $length=32;

  unless ($r-is_main )
print STDERR Apache::Request is not Main, Getting Main\n;
print STDERR Dumper($r);
print STDERR Main Apache::Request is:-\n;
print STDERR Dumper($r);
return DECLINED;
  unless ($r)
print STDERR making a new Request object\n;
$r = Apache-request;


  my $self = bless {_r = $r}, $class;

  my $t=substr(Digest::MD5::md5_hex(Digest::MD5::md5_hex(time(). {}. rand().
$$)), 0, $length);
  my @params=$self-param();
  print STDERR Here's the Parameters for $class\n;
print STDERR Dumper(@params);
  my $lang_id=$self-param('lang_id');
  if ($lang_id)


  print STDERR Creating .ref($self). $t\n;
  return $self;

Re: Can't call method is_initial_req without a package or object reference at .........

2003-06-17 Thread Martin Moss
Ok, that makes sense, thank you:-)
But 'What' should I return, is $r-main the right thing to return?

unless ($r-is_main )
  print STDERR Apache::Request is not Main, Getting Main\n;
  print STDERR Dumper($r);
  print STDERR Main Apache::Request is:-\n;
  print STDERR Dumper($r);
  return DECLINED;

 you're not returning an object from your constructor on internal redirects



Re: Can't call method is_initial_req without a package or object reference at .........

2003-06-17 Thread Martin Moss
Thanks Geoffrey.

- Original Message - 
From: Geoffrey Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: Can't call method is_initial_req without a package or object
reference at .

 Martin Moss wrote:
  Ok, that makes sense, thank you:-)
  But 'What' should I return, is $r-main the right thing to return?

 I've found that it's pretty rare that you want to mess with main vs
subrequest logic
 yourself.  instead, I would just make the constructor return an object
based on whatever
 mod_perl passes it which is, in turn, whatever request record Apache deems
to be the
 proper one for the current (sub)request.

 so new() should probably just be something like

 sub new {

my ($class, $r) = @_;

$r = Apache::Request-new($r);

my $self = bless {_r = $r}, $class;


return $self;

 if it is important to insure that you only populate object attributes
once, even in the
 case of internal redirects or lookups, you could hang attributes off of
pnotes in the main

 sub init {

my $self = shift;

$t = ubstr(Digest::MD5...);

if ($r-main) {
  $self-{XX_created_time_XX} = $t;
  $self-{_r}-pnotes(XX_created_time_XX = $t)
else {
  $t = $self-{_r}-main-pnotes('XX_created_time_XX');

 or somesuch.  untested, but you get the idea :)



font width to pixel width in perl - but also offtopic in javascript

2003-06-05 Thread Martin Moss
Hi All,

I'm sure this can't be an issue that hasn't been tackled, but I couldn't
find anything in the archives so:-

I'm trying to find a way in which I can calculate the pixel width of a
string in a given font.
I'm doing this to feed a javascript file, so I am also looking at doing this
in javascript also.

currently all I can find is the php 'imagefontwidth' function. Does anybody
know of an equivalent in perl?
I remember having issues like this in TK, but not sure the solution there
would be appropriate.

I guess this is fuzzily on topic, but if anybody has any off topic
experience I'd be greatful. any approx solutions which can 'guarentee' a
'larger than the minimum space required' would also suffice, e.g. is there
an approximation which I can use based upon the maximum character width
possible for a font etc...



Re: font width to pixel width in perl - but also offtopic in javascript

2003-06-05 Thread Martin Moss

I may well have found a solution within javascript, which is then user end
calculated, so more efficient and reliable,

But thanks I'll remember GD for later use:-)

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Y. Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: font width to pixel width in perl - but also offtopic in

| On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Martin Moss wrote:
|  Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 14:46:52 +0100
|  From: Martin Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  Subject: font width to pixel width in perl - but also offtopic in
|  javascript
|  Hi All,
|  I'm sure this can't be an issue that hasn't been tackled, but I couldn't
|  find anything in the archives so:-
|  I'm trying to find a way in which I can calculate the pixel width of a
|  string in a given font.
|  I'm doing this to feed a javascript file, so I am also looking at doing
|  in javascript also.
|  currently all I can find is the php 'imagefontwidth' function. Does
|  know of an equivalent in perl?
|  I remember having issues like this in TK, but not sure the solution
|  would be appropriate.
|  I guess this is fuzzily on topic, but if anybody has any off topic
|  experience I'd be greatful. any approx solutions which can 'guarentee' a
|  'larger than the minimum space required' would also suffice, e.g. is
|  an approximation which I can use based upon the maximum character width
|  possible for a font etc...
|  Regards
|  Marty
| Just a wild guess, but perhaps you could load and get various
| font widths from there?
| ky

Re: how to secure perl modules?

2003-05-30 Thread Martin Moss
Hi All,

Just to throw a spanner in the works, a little while ago I came across the
following Article on the Net.
From what I can tell The author of the 'radiator' product claims to have
successfully shipped 'encrypted' code.
I've been pondering how to do this for ages anyay, I realise it's not
completely foolproof, but I'm trying to find a mechanism that would stop
anybody but a perl litterate hacker from getting at my code.


- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Klausner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: how to secure perl modules?


 On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 10:27:54AM -0700, iCap wrote:
  i have a collection of perl modules (running under the mod_perl
  and would like to distribute the application to several different
  (clients with open internet web servers).  but i dont want to send it
  without at least making it somewhat difficult for some hacker to just
  steal it and load it somewhere else without my consent.  what options do
  have (if any) to secure the code so that it can't be 'easily' stolen?
  'easily' being the operative word here, as i realize it wont be 100%
safe no
  matter what i do.
  the ideal would be to perhaps encrypt some of the code, maybe a few of
  base configuration modules, maybe even the file, others?

 If you want to make it hard to read the code, use an Obfuscator (eg.

 If want to really secure your code: it's not possible, see this thread on
 or search in the mailinglist archives. This questions was discussed here a
 few times.

 for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$-gprint$_.$/}

Subclassed Apache::Request Objects and their creation/destruction

2003-04-04 Thread Martin Moss

looking for some help with understanding how the Apache::Request objectsare 
created and destroyed.I have the following params set in my 
httpd.confKeepAlive OffPerlChildInitHandler 
Bficient::Apache::DBloadWhich as I understand it should mean that an 
apache::Request object iscreated for each request, and is destroyed at the 
end of a request.So if I add 'CREATION and DESTROY' warnings to my 
Apache::Request code tolog when a request is being created and destroyed I 
should see the objectsbeing created and destroyed as they are 
used.This would lead me to believe that when I stop apache, the only 
DESTROYmessages I should see are those belonging to the childInitHandler, 
e.g. Ishould see my database handles being destroyed.I'm just trying 
to get an understanding of what 'should' happen, so that Ican work out If I 
have a problem with my code.I have subclassed Apache::Request and I'm 
seeing my subclassedApache::Request objects being'DESTROYED' under an 
apache stop. AS WELL as after the Request completes,e.g.after the 
request completes I see this:-$VAR1 = bless( 
'r' = bless( do{\(my $o = 145326836)}, 'Apache::Request' 
}, 'Bficient::Apache::Request' );DESTROYING 
Bficient::Apache::RequestBut when I stop apache I see 
this:-$VAR1 = bless( 
'r' = 
}, 'Bficient::Apache::Request' );DESTROYING 
Bficient::Apache::RequestThis doesn't look 'right', but I'm not 
sure.Attached is my Bficient::Apache::Request object, If that 
helps.Any help, or pointers would be greatly appreciated,kind 
#Module to sublass Apache to provide Custom Authorisation mechanisms
#Using the Apache::Session objects for each user.

package Bficient::Apache::Request;

use Bficient::Conf;
use lib qw(Bficient::Conf::PERL_LIB_DIR);
use Apache::Cookie;
use Carp;
use Apache::Reload;
use Apache::Request;
use Bficient::Maketext;
use Data::Dumper;
use base 'Exporter';
use Bficient::DBI;
use Bficient::Apache::DBload qw($bdbh);

use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);

use strict;

@Bficient::Apache::Request::ISA = qw(Apache::Request);
my $lh;

sub new 

  my ($class, $r) = @_;

  #unless ($r)
#print STDERR making a new Request object\n;
#$r = Apache::Request-new;

  my $self = bless {r = Apache::Request-new($r)}, $class;

  my @params=$self-param();
  print STDERR Here's the Parameters for $class\n;
  print STDERR Dumper(@params);
  my $lang_id=$self-param('lang_id');
  if ($lang_id)
#print STDERR Using language_id of $lang_id\n;
#print STDERR Using Default language_id of 

  #print STDERR Creating .ref($self).\n;
  return $self;

  my $self=shift;
  print STDERR Dumper($self);
  print STDERR DESTROYING .ref($self).\n;

sub current_db_id
  my $self=shift;
  my $db_id;
die $self-lh-maketext(Empty database ID string Used in Parameters\n) unless 
my $current_plugin=$self-current_plugin;
#print STDERR Dumper($current_plugin);
my $current_plugin_id=$current_plugin-id;
#print STDERR PluginID='$current_plugin_id'\n;

  return $db_id;

#sub make_plugin_html
  #my $self=shift;
  #my $tt_href=shift;
  #my $html='';
  #my $db_id=$self-current_db_id;
  #my $tt_file = Bficient::Conf::FRAMEWORK_TOPBAR_TEMPLATE;
  #my $template = Template-new(Bficient::Conf::TT2_CONFIG);
  #my @[EMAIL PROTECTED]::Plugin-all({dbh=$bdbh})};
  ##print STDERR Dumper (@plugins);
  #my @non_admin=();
  #foreach my $plugin (@plugins)
#if ($plugin-Name eq Bficient::Conf::ADMIN_PLUGIN_NAME )
  #push @non_admin, $plugin;
  #$tt_href-[EMAIL PROTECTED];
  ##print STDERR tt_VARS=\n;
  ##print STDERR Dumper(%tt_vars);
  #my $tt_out=$self-process_template($tt_file, $tt_href);
  #return $tt_out;

sub user_object
  my $self=shift;
  my $session_id=shift;

  my $uh;
  if ($uh)
my $un=$uh-UserName;
#print STDERR HERE IS MY UH for '$un'\n;
#print STDERR Dumper($uh);
print STDERR $lh-maketext(Using Previously Cached user_object for 

checking what values have been set using pnotes/notes

2003-04-04 Thread Martin Moss


Is there a way to work out what values have been 
set using pnotes/notes, So that a cleanup Handler 
can dynamically clear the values, rather than only clear ones 


Can anyone Rcommend a good Apache mailing list

2003-03-05 Thread Martin Moss

I'm having issues with conflicts between using Port and Listen directives
for access via LAN and ssh tunnel (or proxy).
Can anyone recommend a mailing list I can post my problem to?

Kind Regards


From les Rosbeufs to les Grenuoilles, Standing up to a bully bigger than
you is bravery in motion.  (Me.)

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106

2003-02-28 Thread Martin Moss
Is Apache::Session::DB_type Faster than Apache::Session::File?

I already use a lot of DB connections and I used Apache::Session::File to
reduce this,

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T
switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line

 Quoting Martin Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Can Anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?
  I have the following error :-
  [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at
  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106.

   The problem is not with your code, it is that Apache::Session::File
 not work in Taint mode.  Apache::Session::Store::File gets the session ID
from a
 file (which means session_is is tainted), and then uses the tainted
 to delete a file (hence the unlink error).

   A quick fix for this is for you to untaint the session ID yourself
 the session has been unserialized. Put the following two lines right after
 tie the session:

 $session{_session_id} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/;
 $session{_session_id} = $1;

   This probably should be fixed in Apache::Session itself as I am sure
 people will run into it.

   By the way, you really shouldn't be using Apache::Session::File
anyway for
 performance reasons. At least use Apache::Session::DB_File which most
 doesn't suffer from this taint problem and will be much quicker.


  When I run the following subroutine:-
  sub delete_session
my $self=shift;
my $session_id=shift;
if ($session_id =~ /^(\w\w*)$/)
  $session_id = $1; # $data now untainted
  die Bad Tainted data in $session_id;# log this somewhere
die $self-{lh}-maketext(No Session_id given) unless ($session_id);
my $t=time;
my %session;
my $Directory = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR;
my $LockDirectory   = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR;
$Directory=XX_GR_XX$Directory.XX_GR_XX; #e.g.
$LockDirectory=XX_GR_XX$LockDirectory.XX_GR_XX;  #e.g.
if ($Directory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
  $Directory = $1; # $data now untainted
  die Bad Tainted data in $Directory;# log this somewhere
if ($LockDirectory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
  $LockDirectory = $1; # $data now untainted
  die Bad Tainted data in $LockDirectory;# log this
#Load an existing session
  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File',$session_id,
Directory = Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR,
LockDirectory   =
if ($@)
 die $self-{lh}-maketext(Couldn't Load Apache::Session -
  For '\[_2]\',$@,$self-UserName);
print STDERR Just about to unlink\n;
return 1;

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line106

2003-02-28 Thread Martin Moss

I can't use Apache::DBI.
I have multiple database connections.which are authenticated for different
users. Am wondering whether to bother with the persistance at all, I can
retrieve all the data I need out of the database anyway, I just wanted to
reduce the database lookups. Especially as I could be operating on 100's of

I was using Apache::Session to generate session IDs and allow me to timeout
users etc...


- Original Message -
From: Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running
with -Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/

 On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 08:47, Martin Moss wrote:
  Is Apache::Session::DB_type Faster than Apache::Session::File?

 It depends on your disk, OS, and filesystem.  It stores all the files in
 one directory, which is quite slow on some systems and not a problem on

  I already use a lot of DB connections and I used Apache::Session::File
  reduce this,

 Apache::Session::MySQL (or Oracle, etc.) do not require separate
 database connections.  If you already have a connection (which you would
 if you use Apache::DBI), you just pass it to Apache::Session.

 - Perrin

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with-Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/File.pmline106

2003-02-28 Thread Martin Moss
Thanks mate,

Will re-examine the drawing board..

- Original Message -
From: Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running
with-Tswitch at

 On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 09:10, Martin Moss wrote:
  I can't use Apache::DBI.
  I have multiple database connections.which are authenticated for

 You're pretty much screwed then on the database front.

  I just wanted to
  reduce the database lookups.

 If you just want to cache data, don't use Apache::Session for that.  Use
 IPC::MM, Cache::Mmap, Cache::FileCache, or MLDBM::Sync.

 - Perrin

[error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106

2003-02-27 Thread Martin Moss
Can Anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?

I have the following error :-
[error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -T switch at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line 106.

When I run the following subroutine:-

sub delete_session
  my $self=shift;
  my $session_id=shift;

  if ($session_id =~ /^(\w\w*)$/)
$session_id = $1; # $data now untainted
die Bad Tainted data in $session_id;# log this somewhere

  die $self-{lh}-maketext(No Session_id given) unless ($session_id);

  my $t=time;
  my %session;

  my $Directory = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR;
  my $LockDirectory   = My::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR;

  $Directory=XX_GR_XX$Directory.XX_GR_XX; #e.g.
  $LockDirectory=XX_GR_XX$LockDirectory.XX_GR_XX;  #e.g.

  if ($Directory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
$Directory = $1; # $data now untainted
die Bad Tainted data in $Directory;# log this somewhere

  if ($LockDirectory =~ /^XX_GR_XX(.*)XX_GR_XX$/)
$LockDirectory = $1; # $data now untainted
die Bad Tainted data in $LockDirectory;# log this somewhere

  #Load an existing session
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File',$session_id,
  Directory = Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_TMPDIR,
  LockDirectory   = Bficient::Conf::APACHE_SESSIONS_LOCKDIR,
  if ($@)
   die $self-{lh}-maketext(Couldn't Load Apache::Session - \[_1]\
For '\[_2]\',$@,$self-UserName);

  print STDERR Just about to unlink\n;
  return 1;

Browser doesn't stop loading a page

2003-02-26 Thread Martin Moss

Not much to go on I know, but has anybody ever had this problem?
When I load one of my webpages the browser never stops loading, e.g. the
page loads ok and I can see and interact with it, but the ie spinning globe
still keeps spinning and the status bar at the bottom of the page still
shows the page is loading something..

The process does seem to run and exit normally in my logs. I'm at a loss as
to what is causing it. This only happens on one specific page on my server.
Any ideas would be appreciated.



Re: Browser doesn't stop loading a page

2003-02-26 Thread Martin Moss
Yes I think you're right,

When I click on a link that takes me to the page in question the page simply
stays loading, but it Iclick into the URL Address bar and press enter to
reload the page the page loads fine without continuing to spin the globe.

I've tried making the changes you suggested below, but I think I'm missing
something else as the problem still occurs.
I've just managed to kill my dev machine with out of memory errors so I
think perhaps there is something else I'm doing wrong,

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: RE: Browser doesn't stop loading a page

 We had this same problem a while back.  One of our developers pecked at it
 for a couple of weeks off and on, and in our case it turned out to be
 Javascript.  We had some links to the pages that would spin infinitely
 looked like:

 a href=javscript:Foo();Link/a

 we changed them to this:

 a href= onclick=javscript:Foo(); return false;Link/a

 and the problems went away.  Just thought I'd toss that out there.  It's
 almost definitely not a mod_perl-related problem.


  -Original Message-
  From: Chris Winters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 8:22 AM
  To: Martin Moss
  Cc: Apache mod_perl
  Subject: Re: Browser doesn't stop loading a page
  Martin Moss wrote:
   Not much to go on I know, but has anybody ever had this problem?
   When I load one of my webpages the browser never stops
  loading, e.g. the
   page loads ok and I can see and interact with it, but the
  ie spinning globe
   still keeps spinning and the status bar at the bottom of
  the page still
   shows the page is loading something..
   The process does seem to run and exit normally in my logs.
  I'm at a loss as
   to what is causing it. This only happens on one specific
  page on my server.
   Any ideas would be appreciated.
  IME this means you have an external resource (e.g., image, script,
  etc.) in the page that's not being loaded because the site is
  inaccessible or it's overloaded. Generally nothing to do with
  mod_perl :-)
  Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

Re: Please wait Handler

2003-02-17 Thread Martin Moss
Thanks for all your help guys,

Will have a think about it,

- Original Message -
From: Randal L. Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Andrew Ho [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Martin Moss
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: Please wait Handler

  Perrin == Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Perrin Andrew Ho wrote:
  Make an HTML page which does a form submit to
  just displays an HTML page with an animated please wait image on it,
  its headers include the following header:
  Refresh: 1; url=

 Perrin That's what Randal does in the article that I posted (although his
 Perrin puts it in a META tag).  It's called client pull, and was
 Perrin by Netscape at the same time as server push.

 There's a later better example of that (self-cleaning, etc)

 I usually don't recycle ideas unless I can put a new slant on it.
 Check out the new slant. :)

 Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777
 Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
 See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl

Please wait Handler

2003-02-14 Thread Martin Moss


I was wondering if it is possible to Create a 
Handler that points a user at a page with an animated gif saying something like 
"Please wait", and then when my other handlers have finisheddisplay the 
page results I want from my mod perl handlers.

I guess in a nutshell I'm wondering if there is a 
way to send HTML headers to a browser which tells it to scrap the html it has 
already received and display the new HTML I am passing it.

If this isn't possible, can somebody point me in 
the direction of a 'please wait' mechanism that is possible - Is there 

Kind regards


Re: mysql password encryption

2003-01-23 Thread Martin Moss
Cheers for all your help,

I realised that I didn't need to worry about decrypting the passwords as I
can use the encrypted password with GRANT. so it solved my problem.
I guess I'll have to group my grants by table rather than permission though.


- Original Message -
From: Joe Palladino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Cees Hek [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Martin Moss
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: RE: mysql password encryption

 Are the databases under the same database engine instance?  If they are
 not a problem as the password is the system table users and you can grant
 access for that user to various databases in the system table database.
 use the encrypted password field, use the password('password') function
 supplied by the MySQL library.  It only encrypts your password string, but
 it will let you do a compare of the strings.

 Hope this helps.

 -Original Message-
 From: Cees Hek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 11:29 AM
 To: Martin Moss
 Cc: Modperl
 Subject: Re: mysql password encryption

 Quoting Martin Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I wish to let a user use the same password for them to authenticate to a
  multitude of mysql Databases AND to authenticate themselves on my
  the problem I have is that I store the password in the database as a
  Password field. However when I wish to use DBI to connect to another
  database I cannot use the Password stored in the database as it comes
  encrypted.  I really don't want to store the unencrypted password
  on the system. Is there a way to let DBI/mysql know that the password I
  giving them is ALREADY encrypted?

 A feature like that would defeat the purpose of encrypting the password in
 first place.  The point of encrypting the password is so that if someone
 their hands on the password list, they can not use the encrypted password
 access the system.  They would have to crack the passwords first before
 them to access the system.

 By allowing someone to access the system with an already encrypted
 then your passwords might as well not be encrypted at all.

 Since you are using MySQL, have you looked at using the
 option to store your password in a config file?  Using a DSN like the
 allows you to keep the username and password in a config file.  Check the
 DBD::mysql perldocs for more info, and the MySQL docs for all the
 can put in such a file.


 and in /etc/mysql/

 user = www
 password = thebigsecretpassword

 Then protect the file:

 chown www /etc/mysql/
 chmod 400 /etc/mysql/

 You still have the password in plain text, but it is readable only by root
 the user that runs the webserver.  You can use this to connect to multiple
 servers as long as the access tokens are the same on all servers.

 Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 1/10/2003

Re: mysql question

2003-01-23 Thread Martin Moss
oooh handbags!

Apologies to the group this is my last email on this topic.

You're all assuming I posted a question about mysql at random.
Please see my previous post which is to do with encryption of mysql
passwords so that the password for Apache Authentication and multiple other
mysql database can be one and the same. I realised I'd attacked it from the
wrong angle, and some people were kind enough to help out, I did not think
it therefore too big a deal to  post a specific question related to the
previous post, which if anybody puts both posts together will make sense.

I would suggest that reading one post out of context, and then assuming I'm
just randomly posting a mysql question 'out of the blue', is a little naive.


- Original Message -
From: Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Nick Tonkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Martin Moss
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: mysql question

 Calm down folks.  Anyone can make a mistake.  This is a diverse list
 with many different levels of Internet experience represented, and one
 off-topic post is not a big enough problem to merit banning people.

 General list etiquette is discussed here:

 Please take care to choose the right place to ask this sort of question
 in the future.


mysql password encryption

2003-01-22 Thread Martin Moss

I wish to let a user use the same password for them to authenticate to a
multitude of mysql Databases AND to authenticate themselves on my modperl
the problem I have is that I store the password in the database as a
Password field. However when I wish to use DBI to connect to another mysql
database I cannot use the Password stored in the database as it comes out
encrypted.  I really don't want to store the unencrypted password anywhere
on the system. Is there a way to let DBI/mysql know that the password I am
giving them is ALREADY encrypted?

Has anybody else solved a problem like this?



modperl ttssh and port forwarding

2002-12-08 Thread Martin Moss

I have a configuration issue, and I was wondering if anybody has had the
same problem?
I have an adsl gateway (  external IP) and a seperate webserver
( on my home network.
I want to allow a user on the internet access to my webserver.
I have once before configured ttssh (Tera term with ssh extension) to talk
to a machine on an internal LAN of another network that was already
configured to allow ssh forwarding, so I know there is a way to do this,
however I can't seem to get it to work, and I suspect the problem is my
Apache webserver running on port 8088 is refusing the connections.

I have my IE browser on the external machine set to use a proxy server of
localhost:999 and my ttssh is set to forward localhost:999 to and I have succesffully logged into my router. When I try
to browse a webpage in my browser I get an error in my apache webservers
access.log logfile:- - - [08/Dec/2002:19:29:28 +] GET /private/ 403 - - [08/Dec/2002:19:29:28 +] 403

this tells me that my port forwarding has been successful, but my apache is
issuing a 403 forbidden message.

So How do I configure my apache to allow this connection. I have my own
custom authentication mechanism, which covers /private/ but this isn't being
run, apache is refusing the connection before running my access control.

Can anybody provide me with any help or advice?

Kind regards


Re: modperl ttssh and port forwarding - SOLVED

2002-12-08 Thread Martin Moss

sorry for the trouble, I finally worked out the problem,

I didn't have loaded on my machine and the
ProxyRequests On

Now that I do it works fine,


- Original Message -
From: Martin Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 5:53 PM
Subject: modperl ttssh and port forwarding


 I have a configuration issue, and I was wondering if anybody has had the
 same problem?
 I have an adsl gateway (  external IP) and a seperate
 ( on my home network.
 I want to allow a user on the internet access to my webserver.
 I have once before configured ttssh (Tera term with ssh extension) to talk
 to a machine on an internal LAN of another network that was already
 configured to allow ssh forwarding, so I know there is a way to do this,
 however I can't seem to get it to work, and I suspect the problem is my
 Apache webserver running on port 8088 is refusing the connections.

 I have my IE browser on the external machine set to use a proxy server of
 localhost:999 and my ttssh is set to forward localhost:999 to and I have succesffully logged into my router. When I
 to browse a webpage in my browser I get an error in my apache webservers
 access.log logfile:- - - [08/Dec/2002:19:29:28 +] GET /private/ 403 - - [08/Dec/2002:19:29:28 +] 403

 this tells me that my port forwarding has been successful, but my apache
 issuing a 403 forbidden message.

 So How do I configure my apache to allow this connection. I have my own
 custom authentication mechanism, which covers /private/ but this isn't
 run, apache is refusing the connection before running my access control.

 Can anybody provide me with any help or advice?

 Kind regards


identifying a unique browser session

2002-10-07 Thread Martin Moss


How would I go about identifying if a user logs in from 2 different
I Have a Session object, but I want to hold data within that session object
that identifies which browser a user is using. So I can confirm that a user
who provides a session key in their cookie, is checked and that that session
key matches that browser.
The issue is, that an ip address isn't always unique:-(

Any ideas,


Daft question - preventing the username password box from appearing.

2002-10-01 Thread Martin Moss


How do I change the behaviour of get_basic_auth_passwd()

I do not wish to have the prompt box appear, I want to have a dynamically
produced login form which when submitted carries out the users previous
command (I have an authentication system which 'times out' a user)

the problem I have is that this doesn't work:-

 my $response=timedout($r); #returns a string of html to display

The problem is this still prompts the user for his username and password,
and only displays the html is the user presses cancel.
How do I ditch the login box completely?



Re: Daft question - preventing the username password box from appearing.

2002-10-01 Thread Martin Moss

thanks to everyone,
Geoff's post made me re-examine AuthCookie and I realised I wasn't supposed
to use the get_basic_auth_pw method at all.

Thanks I understand whats going on now.


- Original Message -
From: Lupe Christoph [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Daft question - preventing the username password box from

 On Tuesday, 2002-10-01 at 14:16:47 +0100, Martin Moss wrote:

  I do not wish to have the prompt box appear, I want to have a
  produced login form which when submitted carries out the users previous
  command (I have an authentication system which 'times out' a user)

 You can't in mod_perl. When you use Basic Authentication, the *browser*
 pops up the prompt box. To change this, you have to ditch Basic Auth
 and implement something else.

 You best start by looking at the various auth packages in Apache and
 those in in Perl (Apache::.*Auth). Then consider doing this in
 Javascript or in HTML.

 Lupe Christoph
 | Big Misunderstandings #6398: The Titanic was not supposed to be|
 | unsinkable. The designer had a speech impediment. He said: I have |
 | thith great unthinkable conthept ...  |

Re: problem with $r-push_handlers()

2002-09-17 Thread Martin Moss

I have traced my problem to the following 
subroutine which populates the Hash I use to keep track of mappings of URL's to 
Modules (handlers)to use.
As you will see, at the very end of my parse_file 
subroutine I have two lines commented out. IF I uncomment these lines out, I end 
up overwriting the data in my hash with the clean data I supply. When I do this 
my Apache Multiplexer (the thing which does the 
$r-push_handlers($handler_bf)) works fine and all is fine. However if I 
leave the line commented out - as is here - I get the following 

[Tue Sep 17 22:41:35 2002] [error] Undefined 
subroutine MyMod::Apache::Test1 called, GEN2 line 2.

So I'm at a loss, any further help you could give 
would be useful,


Here is a sample file:-
/test1/ = 
MyMod::Apache::Test1/test2/ = 
Here is a file parsing subroutine I use to read the 
above file and populate a hash, which I export to another 

our (%HANDLERS);

sub _is_tainted{ not eval { 
join("",@_), kill 0; 1; };}

sub parse_file{ my 
$file=shift; print STDERR "Parsing file $file\n"; open 
(FILE,"$file") or die "Cannot open file for reading $file"; while 
(my $line=FILE) { chomp 
$line; if ($line=~/^\#/) 
{ next; 
} else 
{ my 
($keyname,$varname)=split/\=/,$line; print 
STDERR "Initial $keyname = $varname\n"; 

$keyname=~s/\/$//; my @tmp=split /\//, 
$keyname; my 
$untainted_keyname; while 
{ my $tainted_var=shift 
@tmp; if ($tainted_var 
$tainted_var=$1; die 
"$tainted_var is Tainted" if 
die "$untainted_keyname is Tainted" if 
{ die "Taint Check 
failed for $tainted_var\n"; 
} } 
$untainted_keyname.='/'; if 
$varname=$1; die "$varname is 
Tainted" if (_is_tainted($varname)); 
} else 
{ die "Taint Check failed for 
$HANDLERS{$untainted_keyname}=$varname; print 
STDERR "Added $keyname = $varname\n"; } 
} #$HANDLERS{'/test1/'}='MyMod::Apache::Test1'; 
#$HANDLERS{'/test2/'} = 'MyMod::Apache::Test2'; close 

  - Original Message - 
  Martin Moss 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:13 
  Subject: problem with 
  can anybody provide any help with this 
  problem - and maybe explain why I get the following 
  I've been trying to find the cause of the issue 
  but to no avail:-(
  I have MyMod::Apache::Test pre-loaded in my httpd.conf file.
  Here is an extract of code:-
  ($handler is defined from a Hash defined within 
  this Code)
  ($handler_bf is defined from a hash exported by a 
  module used in this code. to get to the stage in the code where the following 
  lines commence, I already have read the value from the exported hash and it is 
  held in the variable $handler_bf)
  #$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  $handler);$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  print STDERR "They match\n ($handler) = ($handler_bf)\n" if ($handler 
  eq $handler_bf);
  When I run the code I get the following error:-
  MyMod::Apache::Multiplex Matched /test/ to MyMod::Apache::Test 
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) for /mod_perl_push_handlers: Not a subroutine name 
  or CODE reference! at /usr/local/lib/perl//MyMod/Apache/ line 
  101.They match(MyMod::Apache::Test) = 
  WHEREAS if I use the following code:-
  #$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  $handler);$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = 
  print STDERR "They match\n ($handler) = ($handler_bf)\n" if ($handler 
  eq $handler_bf);
  It works and I get this output :-
  MyMod::Apache::Multiplex Matched /reconciler/test/ to MyMod::Apache::Test 
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) for /They match(MyMod::Apache::Test) = 
  So I'm still at a loss. I've tried checking for tainted variables as the 
  handler hash which fails is populated by reading the contents of files, 
  whereas the other is simply defined in the script.
  I'm guessing this is something more subtle like a configuration 
  I've tried stopping a starting apache after making each change to the 
  script. so each test is run on a fresh server.
  Anyway, Answers on a Postcard please:-)

Re: problem with $r-push_handlers()

2002-09-17 Thread Martin Moss

You are a star!!!

I ammended your syntax slightly
 and did this:-

my $sub_string='sub { '.$handler_bf.'($r) };';
$r-push_handlers(PerlHandler = eval $sub_string);

Otherwise The handler routine of my handler module doesn't get passed the
Apache object as it's first argument.

It seems to work fine. Thank you.

One point to ask, Is this less efficient, as I'm passing an anonynmous
subroutine around rather than a code reference?

I can finally go to bed :-)

Kind regards


- Original Message -
From: Marcin Kasperski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: problem with $r-push_handlers()

  MyMod::Apache::Multiplex Matched /test/ to MyMod::Apache::Test
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) for /
  mod_perl_push_handlers: Not a subroutine name or CODE reference! at
  /usr/local/lib/perl//MyMod/Apache/ line 101.
  They match
  (MyMod::Apache::Test) = (MyMod::Apache::Test)

 I have observed similar problem myself. I got the same error when I
 wrote in my


 when I replaced it with

   sub { MyApp::Main::on_child_init(); });

 it works as expected.

 ( Marcin Kasperski   | You have the right to peace, fun, and
ctive  )
 ( |and enjoyable work.

 ( Nie gub zgosze bdw: