Re: my first attempt at a perl script (syntax error)

2000-07-22 Thread Sam Carleton

Sam Carleton wrote:
> Alex Farber wrote:
> >
> > A good place to ask is news:comp.lang.perl.misc (after you've
> > read )
> Maybe I have read things like "Programming Perl" from O'Reilly and
> "Writting Apache Modules in Perl and C", am tired of reading page after
> page and want to do some real coding.  Maybe I thought that folks in the
> mod_perl mailing list would be understanding of someone who has spent
> many years in another language and needs a little help overcoming some
> syntax issues.
> One thing is for sure, I did not expect to get a responce such as your,
> one that says: "Go  yourself, if you don't know the language we sure
> as  aren't going to help your ___!!!"
> Live and learn, I guess...

There where a number of people that did reply privately, I cheched my
mod_perl folder first.  I would like to thank eveyone that did reply
kinding to my question.  My question's where answered.  Thank you, I
knew that most participants of the mailing list where willing to help
even when the subject was a bit off topic.  Again, thank you all for the


Re: my first attempt at a perl script (syntax error)

2000-07-22 Thread Sam Carleton

Alex Farber wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> Sam Carleton wrote:
> > I have a few syntax error which I
> > don't know how to resolve.  One issue is how to declare a local
> > variable, and the other is a problem with my open statement.
> maybe you should read some introductionary Perl
> books, like or
> A good place to ask is news:comp.lang.perl.misc (after you've
> read )

Maybe I have read things like "Programming Perl" from O'Reilly and
"Writting Apache Modules in Perl and C", am tired of reading page after
page and want to do some real coding.  Maybe I thought that folks in the
mod_perl mailing list would be understanding of someone who has spent
many years in another language and needs a little help overcoming some
syntax issues.

One thing is for sure, I did not expect to get a responce such as your,
one that says: "Go  yourself, if you don't know the language we sure
as  aren't going to help your ___!!!"  

Live and learn, I guess...


my first attempt at a perl script (syntax error)

2000-07-22 Thread Sam Carleton

I have begun writting my first mod_perl module.  I figured that I would
get the logic working perl first, considering I am new at the language
in general.  Well, low and behold, I have a few syntax error which I
don't know how to resolve.  One issue is how to declare a local
variable, and the other is a problem with my open statement.  Can
someone take a look and help me out?  Here is the code:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;

sub process {
local $str = @_;
return $str;

my $filename="testinput.txt";
my $fh;

unless( open $fh, $filename) {
print STDERR "Cannot open file [$filename]\n";

while($) {
print process($_);


This is the error I am getting:

Global symbol "$str" requires explicit package name at ./ line 6.
Bareword found where operator expected at ./ line 18, near "$

Re: howto config apache to allow perl to filter php pages

2000-07-22 Thread Sam Carleton

Rob Tanner wrote:
> --On 07/16/00 16:11:07 -0400 Sam Carleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would like perl to process a php page before or after the php
> > interpreter get's it hands on the file.  I am trying to add a navbar to
> > the PHP code.  How would I go about doing that?
> >
> > Sam
> The simple answer is wait for Apache 2.x, but since that's just barely
> alpha now, that's a looong [sic] while away.
> The issue in Apache 1.x is that you can use only one handler in any
> particular phase to process you're request.  Thus, php or mod_perl (or cgi,
> depending on how you meant to invoke perl).
> But the real question is why?  I have never done a navbar on a page (most
> of my web work is server app development, not pages), si I may be making
> some wrong assumptions here.  If you are creating the page with a cgi or a
> mod-perl app, I would think you would be able to do the whole thing without
> ever using PHP.
> But, if what you are really doing is displaying a page with server-side
> components, PHP is a much better chice by far than cgi or mod-perl.  What
> are you trying to do that php won't do for you?

I was reading the O'Reilly book "Writting Apache Modules in Perl and C"
and discovered the navbar example.  I really like how Stein/MacEachern
designed the navbar code.  Once the code was written, it read in a
configuration file so that it would know the url/name of all items on
the navbar.  This config file was passed to the navar code via variable
in the apache directive.  I put the navbar code into the essi example
(enhansted server side include) so that one would only need to the
correct comment  in the html file.

I think this is a great idea.  If I could get the navbar/essi code to
parse the php page either before or after php processed the page, the
navbar would always be there.

The bottom line:  I would like to have some navigation code that is
totally seperate from everything so that I don't have to worry about
broken links and stuff like that.  I also want the ability to change the
look/feel of the navigation without affecting everything. 


howto config apache to allow perl to filter php pages

2000-07-16 Thread Sam Carleton

I would like perl to process a php page before or after the php
interpreter get's it hands on the file.  I am trying to add a navbar to
the PHP code.  How would I go about doing that?


Re: problems with code in "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C"

2000-07-16 Thread Sam Carleton

m m wrote:
> folks allow me, Im the other newbie who was grappling
> with Apache::NavBar the other day :-)
> Ged will be proud, I persevered as he advised ;-)
> Sam new to perl, welcome.
> This maynot be the canonically right answer but for a
> simple task like youre asking, you can just "warn"
> stuff to your error logs.
> so for example, (if I understood your initial request
> correctly) , this piece of code will show you the line
> you are reading from your configuration file and then
> the url,location match if any.
>  while (<$fh>) {
> chomp;
> s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;   #fold leading and trailing
> whitespace
> next if /^#/ || /^$/; # skip comments and empty lines
> next unless my($url, $label) = /^(\S+)\s+(.+)/;
> warn "here is the line $_\n";
> if ( my($url,$label) = /^(\S+)\s+(.+)/ ) {
> warn "here are the matches $url, $label\n";
> } else {
> next;
> }
> push @c, $url; # keep the url in an ordered array
> $c{$url} = $label; # keep its label in a hash
> }

Well, I took your if statement and put cut/paste it into my code, things
still did not work.  So I cut the NavBar object out of that file and put
it into a normal perl file.  It works and here it is:

sub new {
my ($class,$conf_file) = @_;
my (@c,%c);
my $url;
my $label;
print "filename = [$conf_file]\n";
open fh, $conf_file or return;
while () {
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;   #fold leading and trailing whitespace
next if /^#/ || /^$/; # skip comments and empty lines

#   next unless my($url, $label) = /^(\S+)\s+(.+)/;

print "here is the line $_\n";
if ( ($url,$label) = /^(\S+)\s+(.+)/ ) {
print "here are the matches [$url], [$label]\n";
} else {

print "url = [$url], label = [$label]\n";

push @c, $url; # keep the url in an ordered array
$c{$url} = $label; # keep its label in a hash
return bless {'urls' => \@c,
  'labels' => \%c,
  'modified' => (stat $conf_file)[9]}, $class;

Well,  When I put a debug line right after the chomp of the mod_perl
code, using Apache::File to open the conf_file, it displays the whole
conf_file, not just one line.  Any thoughs on how I read through the
conf_file one line at a time?


problems with code in "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C"

2000-07-15 Thread Sam Carleton

I am new to perl and am trying to figure out how to get the navbar code
to work in the book "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C".  I have
trace it all the way down to the object that reads in the navbar config

sub new {
my ($class,$conf_file, $r) = @_;
my (@c,%c);
my $fh = Apache::File->new($conf_file) || return;
while (<$fh>) {
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;   #fold leading and trailing whitespace
next if /^#/ || /^$/; # skip comments and empty lines
next unless my($url, $label) = /^(\S+)\s+(.+)/;
push @c, $url; # keep the url in an ordered array
$c{$url} = $label; # keep its label in a hash
$r->log_error("url = [$url], label = [$label]");
return bless {'urls' => \@c,
  'labels' => \%c,
  'modified' => (stat $conf_file)[9]}, $class;

What I would like to do is do a $r->log_error() right after "my($url,
$label) = /^(\S+)\s+(.+)/;", but that is at the end of a "next unless" 
The bottom line is I would like to modify this code as to allow me to
see each line of the file I am reading in and to see what is being put
into the $url and $lable.  Can someone help me out?


redirecting a domain

2000-07-14 Thread Sam Carleton

I have an apache question and I have NO idea where to post it.  Is there
a newsgroup or mailing list simply for apache?

I have multipal domain names: &  I would like to
configure apache such that when someone goes to, they are
"redirect" to  They are both the exact same web site, I
simply want the domain name to show up as  Any thoughs
on how to do that?


getting mod_perl configured on FreeBSD

2000-07-14 Thread Sam Carleton

I have successfully gotten Apache/mod_perl to compile under Linux many a
times.  This is my first attempt at compiling it on FreeBSD and I am
having problems.  The problem is that when to do the "make test", apache
never starts up.  I had once run into this on Linux and that was because
the  .makepl_args.mod_perl was pointing to a non-existing layout file
and I did not catch the error from the "perl Makefile.PL".  But I have
looked and look at the output of the "perl Makefile.PL" and see nothing
wrong.  I am going to post the output of "perl Makefile.PL", along with
my .makepl_args.mod_perl and my layout file in hopes that one of you can
find my error.  Thanks

output from "perl Makefile.PL"
Will run tests as User: 'nobody' Group: 'wheel'
Configuring for Apache, Version 1.3.12
 + using installation path layout: maineville
 + activated perl module (modules/perl/libperl.a)
Creating Makefile
Creating Configuration.apaci in src
 + enabling mod_so for DSO support
  + id: mod_perl/1.24
  + id: Perl/5.00503 (freebsd) [perl]
Creating Makefile in src
 + configured for FreeBSD 4.0 platform
 + setting C pre-processor to cc -E
 + checking for system header files
 + adding selected modules
o rewrite_module uses ConfigStart/End
  enabling DBM support for mod_rewrite
o dbm_auth_module uses ConfigStart/End
o perl_module uses ConfigStart/End
  + mod_perl build type: DSO
  + setting up mod_perl build environment
  + adjusting Apache build environment

** Error: Cannot build mod_include with Perl support (USE_PERL_SSI) **
** when mod_perl is compiled as DSO because of cross-module calls.  **
** Ignoring PERL_SSI flag now.  **

 + checking sizeof various data types
 + doing sanity check on compiler and options
Creating Makefile in src/support
Creating Makefile in src/os/unix
Creating Makefile in src/ap
Creating Makefile in src/main
Creating Makefile in src/modules/standard
Creating Makefile in src/modules/proxy
Creating Makefile in src/modules/perl
Reading Makefile.PL args from ../.makepl_args.mod_perl
Will configure via APACI
cp apaci/Makefile.libdir
cp apaci/Makefile.tmpl /usr/src/apache/src/modules/perl/Makefile.tmpl
cp apaci/README /usr/src/apache/src/modules/perl/README
cp apaci/configure /usr/src/apache/src/modules/perl/configure
cp apaci/libperl.module /usr/src/apache/src/modules/perl/libperl.module
cp apaci/
cp apaci/
cp apaci/find_source.PL /usr/src/apache/src/modules/perl/find_source.PL
cp apaci/apxs_cflags.PL /usr/src/apache/src/modules/perl/apxs_cflags.PL
cp apaci/mod_perl.exp /usr/src/apache/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.exp
(cd /usr/src/apache && CC="cc" ./configure
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a --disable-rule=EXPAT
--server-uid=wwwrun --server-gid=daemon --enable-module=most
--enable-shared=max --prefix=/data01/maineville)
Checking VERSION..ok
Checking for LWP::UserAgent..ok
Checking for HTML::HeadParserok
'-ADD_MODULE' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.
Writing Makefile for Apache
Writing Makefile for Apache::Connection
Writing Makefile for Apache::Constants
Writing Makefile for Apache::File
Writing Makefile for Apache::Leak
Writing Makefile for Apache::Log
Writing Makefile for Apache::ModuleConfig
Writing Makefile for Apache::PerlRunXS
Writing Makefile for Apache::Server
Writing Makefile for Apache::Symbol
Writing Makefile for Apache::Table
Writing Makefile for Apache::URI
Writing Makefile for Apache::Util
Writing Makefile for mod_perl

# File: .makepl_args.mod_erl
# enable all phase callbacks, API modules and misc features

# tell runtime diagnostics to

Getting DB2U support

2000-07-04 Thread Sam Carleton

Folks, I have installed mod_perl and I would like to access a DB2
server.  What perl modules do I need to install?  Are there any
tutorials out there to give me the basics of access DB2 from perl?


Re: Most nonesense I've ever read about mod_perl

2000-05-06 Thread Sam Carleton

"Jason C. Leach" wrote:
> hi,
> There be truth to the reply.  You can write all the C or ASM you like, but
> your algorithm is where it will count.  Anyone who knows how to do BIG-O
> will know this.
> A good perl programmer will code a bad C programmer under the table with
> speed and eficiency.

Your posting was the first one I saw.  Your statement is 100% correct. 
On the other hand, if you put an outstanding Perl programmer up against
an equally outstanding C programmer, the C programmer's code will run
loops around the Perl programmer.  The only question is:  How much more
time will it take the C program to write the code?  Does the time
justify the speed?

I am a C/C++ programmer and love it for the power and the speed, but... 
I am working on putting together a web site.  I have desided to learn
Perl because I have desided that the time to do it right in C/C++ just
isn't worth it.  

Every language has it use, the truly knowledgeable understand when to
use each language:)


Re: where to find info on the Apache request object

2000-04-30 Thread Sam Carleton

Jeff Beard wrote:
> Or read chapter 9 in the Eagle book.
> --Jeff
> At 10:43 AM 4/30/00, Tobias Hoellrich wrote:
> >At 01:34 PM 4/30/00 -0400, Sam Carleton wrote:
> > >I am learning perl/mod_perl right now and have some questions.  I would
> > >like to see all the functions that I can call on the Apache request
> > >object.  Can anyone point me to some documentation?  I didn't see a
> > >listing in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl and C".
> > >
> > >Sam
> >
> >try 'perldoc Apache'

Tobias and Jeff,

Thanks for the pointer, but now I am looking for info on the
Apache::Request object, I did not see it in Chapter 9 of the Eagle
book.  I tried a number of different ways of trying to get to it from 
perldoc, but failed.  How do I go about bring up the doc on this in


Apache::Request->new($r) does NOT work, why?

2000-04-30 Thread Sam Carleton

Tobias Hoellrich wrote:
> Almost :-) Apache cannot be used for multipart/form-data, gotta use
> Apache::Request instead. Change the start of the handler to :
> sub handler {
>   my $r = shift;
>   my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r)


The new is blowing up on me.  This is the error message:

null: Can't locate object method "new" via package "Apache::Request"

Re: perl code to handle a multipart/form-data POST

2000-04-30 Thread Sam Carleton

Tobias Hoellrich wrote:
> Almost :-) Apache cannot be used for multipart/form-data, gotta use
> Apache::Request instead. Change the start of the handler to :
> sub handler {
>   my $r = shift;
>   my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r)
> and then get the params with @params=$apr->param;


I am looking into it right now, but you might be able to save me a lot
of time.  I want to display the name/values from the HTML form.  How
would I go about enumerating through the @params to do this?


where to find info on the Apache request object

2000-04-30 Thread Sam Carleton

I am learning perl/mod_perl right now and have some questions.  I would
like to see all the functions that I can call on the Apache request
object.  Can anyone point me to some documentation?  I didn't see a
listing in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl and C".


Re: perl code to handle a multipart/form-data POST

2000-04-30 Thread Sam Carleton

"Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
> > #! /usr/bin/perl
> >
> > was optained from
> > require "";
> If we can erradicate polio and small pox, surely there must be a way to
> rid the world of  Apparently it can still strike the young,
> elderly, and infirm.  What a senseless waste.
> -jwb
> PS.  If Mr. Carleton is not in too much of a hurry, I would advise him to
> look into the modern software available on CPAN, such as, which
> comes with mod_perl, and Apache::Request, which is available at

Ok,  So isn't the greatest in the world, but it did help me
get a big farther in my project:)  Now I need something that works.  I
have "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C", but have not read too
deep into it and time is very short.  Again, all I am trying to do is
print out ALL the name/values that was on the form.  The code I have so
far does not display any of the name/values, Below is my code, could
someone please show me what I am doing wrong and how do I fix it?

package Apache::POSTDisplay;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler {
  my $r = shift;




  my @args = ($r->args, $r->content);
  while(my($name,$value) = splice @args,0,2) {



return OK;


Re: perl code to handle a multipart/form-data POST

2000-04-29 Thread Sam Carleton

Sam Carleton wrote:
> I am in a very tight spot right now.  I need to have some C++ code
> posting data to a web browser vi 'multipart/form-data' by Monday.  I
> would REALLY like to have either a normal perl CGI script or mod_perl
> script that will simply display all the information POSTed to it from my
> code.  Is anyone up to the task, or able to give me some pointers on how
> I can do this myself?

I LOVE answering my own questions:

#! /usr/bin/perl was optained from
require ""; 


print PrintHeader();
print HtmlTop("POST/GET Display");
print PrintVariables();
print HtmlBot();

exit 0;

perl code to handle a multipart/form-data POST

2000-04-29 Thread Sam Carleton

I am in a very tight spot right now.  I need to have some C++ code
posting data to a web browser vi 'multipart/form-data' by Monday.  I
would REALLY like to have either a normal perl CGI script or mod_perl
script that will simply display all the information POSTed to it from my
code.  Is anyone up to the task, or able to give me some pointers on how
I can do this myself?

Sam Carleton

PLEASE HELP!!!!! I cannot get mod_perl/apache compiled

2000-04-12 Thread Sam Carleton

I simply cannot get mod_perl/apache to compile.  My understanding is
that I configure .makepl_args.mod_perl to compile both mod_perl.  Then I
do the following:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Assuming there where no problems, all should be installed and ready to
go.  But all is not well.  First some version info.  I just downloaded
mod_perl-1.22 and apache_1.3.12 and am working with fresh trees.  I run
the perl Makefile.PL and that seems to work well, I don't see any
errors.  When I try to run make, I get this error:

# make
(cd /usr/src/apache_1.3.12 && make)
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/apache_1.3.12'
make[1]: *** No targets.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/apache_1.3.12'
make: *** [apaci_httpd] Error 2

My understanding is that the `perl Makefile.PL` WILL also run configure
for apache.  Just to make sure I was not mistaken, I have tried to first
go into the apache tree and run configure with the same options that are
in my .makepl_args.mod_perl.  Then run `perl Makefile.PL`, run `make`
(which works this time), and then run `make test`.  It is `make test`
that bombs out with this error:

letting apache warm up...\c
Syntax error on line 30 of /usr/src/mod_perl-1.22/t/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration
/usr/local/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line
make: *** [run_tests] Error 111

Now, there is no 't/logs/error_log' file to examine.  But I did notice
an error in reading in the the httpd.conf file.  I looked into line 30
of '/usr/src/mod_perl-1.22/t/conf/httpd.conf' and this is what I found:


=head1 NAME

mod_perl test configuration file


umm, we use this to test mod_perl

=over to apache

I am under the impression that the httpd.conf file is the conf file that
httpd is reading in for the test.  My understanding is that equals is
not a valid beginning of an apache conf file.  

I have NO CLUE as to what is going on here.  I would truly appreciate it
if you know anything about this please let me know what is going on.  At
the bottom you will find my '.makepl_args.mod_perl' and the command line
options I am using for apache.


# File: .makepl_args.mod_erl
# enable all phase callbacks, API modules and misc features

# tell runtime diagnostics to active if MOD_PERL_TRACE environment 
# variable is set at runtime

# tell where the Apache source tree is

# tell Makefile.PL where the Apache is to be isntalled

# disable from compiling Apache

# tell Makefile.PL to use the first source found, which will be the
# path specified above by APACHE_SRC

# tell Makefile.PL to configure Apache using the apaci interface

# tell makefile.PL to configure ssl support, too

# add mod_info, mod_status, mod_usertrack, and mod_unique_id

# additional arguments to give Apache's configure script
# aruments can be delimited by comma and/or specified with multipal
# APACI_ARGS lines

--apache config script--
#! /bin/sh

$ROOT_DIR/apache_1.3.12/configure \
--with-layout=/root/apache.config.layout:Sam-Layout \
--with-perl=src/modules/perl \
--enable-module=most \
--server-uid=wwwrun \
--server-gid==dosemu \
--apache config script--

make test is bomming out

2000-04-12 Thread Sam Carleton

Doug MacEachern wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
> > This is the error message I got when I compiled mod_perl:
> >
> > Perl lib version (5.00503) doesn't match executable version (5.006)
> > /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i586-linux/ line 7.
> you either installed a new Perl after running mod_perl's Makefile.PL
> have a broken Perl installation.  try building mod_perl from a fresh
> source tree.

OK, I messed things up with CPAN, I believe that it installed 5.006
where my
distribution came with 5.003.  I decided to resolve the issue by
5.6.  I am able to run perl Makefile.PL without error and compile
errors.  When I run make test, I get this error:

---make test error---
Syntax error on line 30 of /usr/src/mod_perl-1.21_03/t/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration
/usr/local/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line

make: *** [run_tests] Error 111
---make test error---

I looked in t/logs for a error_log, but t/logs is empty.  I think I
have issue with the way I am configuring apache and mod_perl.  This is

# File: .makepl_args.mod_erl
# enable all phase callbacks, API modules and misc features

# tell runtime diagnostics to active if MOD_PERL_TRACE environment
# variable is set at runtime

# tell where the Apache source tree is

# tell Makefile.PL where the Apache is to be isntalled

# disable from compiling Apache

# tell Makefile.PL to use the first source found, which will be the
# path specified above by APACHE_SRC

# tell Makefile.PL to configure Apache using the apaci interface

# tell makefile.PL to configure ssl support, too
# SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl

# add mod_info, mod_status, mod_usertrack, and mod_unique_id

# additional arguments to give Apache's configure script
# aruments can be delimited by comma and/or specified with multipal
# APACI_ARGS lines

And the options I am using to make apache:

---apache options---
configure \
--with-layout=/root/apache.config.layout:Sam-Layout \
--with-perl=src/modules/perl \
--enable-module=most \
--server-uid=wwwrun \
--server-gid==dosemu \
---apache options---

Any thoughts on what I have wrong?


P.S.  Thanks a millon for having the .makepl_args.mod_perl idea!!!  It
is an
outstanding one!

Re: Error compiling mod_perl

2000-04-12 Thread Sam Carleton

Geoffrey Young wrote:

> > ---make test error---
> > Syntax error on line 30 of
> > /usr/src/mod_perl-1.21_03/t/conf/httpd.conf:
> > Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
> > included in the server configuration
> > done
> > /usr/local/bin/perl t/TEST 0
> > still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
> > server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at
> > t/TEST line 95.
> >
> > make: *** [run_tests] Error 111
> > ---make test error---
> I think I remember that some people were able to get around this error by
> allowing the server more time to warm up.
> try editing TEST to allow for more time (around line 82)

I tried it but no avail.  I think the problem has something to do with the
fact that there is an invalid command in the httpd.conf file that apache is
reading when it starts.


Re: Error compiling mod_perl

2000-04-12 Thread Sam Carleton

Doug MacEachern wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
> > This is the error message I got when I compiled mod_perl:
> >
> > Perl lib version (5.00503) doesn't match executable version (5.006) at
> > /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i586-linux/ line 7.
> you either installed a new Perl after running mod_perl's Makefile.PL or
> have a broken Perl installation.  try building mod_perl from a fresh
> source tree.

OK, I messed things up with CPAN, I believe that it installed 5.006 where my
distribution came with 5.003.  I decided to resolve the issue by installing
5.6.  I am able to run perl Makefile.PL without error and compile without
errors.  When I run make test, I get this error:

---make test error---
Syntax error on line 30 of /usr/src/mod_perl-1.21_03/t/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration
/usr/local/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.

make: *** [run_tests] Error 111
---make test error---

I looked in t/logs for a error_log, but t/logs is empty.  I think I might
have issue with the way I am configuring apache and mod_perl.  This is my

# File: .makepl_args.mod_erl
# enable all phase callbacks, API modules and misc features

# tell runtime diagnostics to active if MOD_PERL_TRACE environment
# variable is set at runtime

# tell where the Apache source tree is

# tell Makefile.PL where the Apache is to be isntalled

# disable from compiling Apache

# tell Makefile.PL to use the first source found, which will be the
# path specified above by APACHE_SRC

# tell Makefile.PL to configure Apache using the apaci interface

# tell makefile.PL to configure ssl support, too
# SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl

# add mod_info, mod_status, mod_usertrack, and mod_unique_id

# additional arguments to give Apache's configure script
# aruments can be delimited by comma and/or specified with multipal
# APACI_ARGS lines

And the options I am using to make apache:

---apache options---
configure \
--with-layout=/root/apache.config.layout:Sam-Layout \
--with-perl=src/modules/perl \
--enable-module=most \
--server-uid=wwwrun \
--server-gid==dosemu \
---apache options---

Any thoughts on what I have wrong?


P.S.  Thanks a millon for having the .makepl_args.mod_perl idea!!!  It is an
outstanding one!

Error compiling mod_perl

2000-04-11 Thread Sam Carleton

This is the error message I got when I compiled mod_perl:

Perl lib version (5.00503) doesn't match executable version (5.006) at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i586-linux/ line 7.
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/ line 13.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/ line 13.
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
make: *** [Version_check] Error 255

How do I fix this?


Re: best way to call traceroute

2000-04-07 Thread Sam Carleton

Steven Champeon wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
> > I want to call traceroute to the remote_host from within a mod_perl
> > script, being a C/C++ programmer I don't the best way to do that.  Is
> > there a traceroute object I could use?  If so, how?  Otherwise how do I
> > run traceroute from within a perl script?
> I'm getting ready to port an old and somewhat clunky traceroute CGI script
> to mod_perl, mostly to avoid the horrid 'nph-' construction. If you'd like
> I can make the source available.

That would be great!  Any idea when it will be ready?


best way to call traceroute

2000-04-07 Thread Sam Carleton

I want to call traceroute to the remote_host from within a mod_perl
script, being a C/C++ programmer I don't the best way to do that.  Is
there a traceroute object I could use?  If so, how?  Otherwise how do I
run traceroute from within a perl script?


Server-Side Include isn't workin' :(

2000-03-31 Thread Sam Carleton

I have followed the example in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl and C".
The module Apache::ESSI is working fine for a virtual site (development
site), but it does not work for the main (non-virutal) site.  Here a bit

of my httpd.conf:

## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file


ResourceConfig conf/perl.conf



DocumentRoot "/data01/www/miltonstreet"

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


DocumentRoot /data01/www/dev-collect-lure

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Magick


Apache::ESSI works fine on the web site, but does not work
on the miltonstreet web site.  Here is the perl.conf:

# perl.conf

PerlRequire  /data01/www/scripts/
PerlFreshRestart On

  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Hello

  SetHandler perl-script
  Perlhandler Apache::ESSI
  PerlSetVar ESSIDefs conf/essi.defs

AddType text/html .ehtml

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Magick


Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?


P.S.  the miltonstreet site is:

getting server side includes to work server wide

2000-03-31 Thread Sam Carleton

I have followed the example in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl and C".
The module Apache::ESSI is working fine for a virtual site (development
site), but it does not work for the main (non-virutal) site.  Here a bit

of my httpd.conf:

## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file


ResourceConfig conf/perl.conf



DocumentRoot "/data01/www/miltonstreet"

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


DocumentRoot /data01/www/dev-collect-lure

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Magick


Apache::ESSI works fine on the web site, but does not work
on the miltonstreet web site.  Here is the perl.conf:

# perl.conf

PerlRequire  /data01/www/scripts/
PerlFreshRestart On

  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Hello

  SetHandler perl-script
  Perlhandler Apache::ESSI
  PerlSetVar ESSIDefs conf/essi.defs

AddType text/html .ehtml

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Magick


Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?


P.S.  the miltonstreet site is:

getting server side includes to work server wide

2000-03-31 Thread Sam Carleton

I have followed the example in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl and C".
The module Apache::ESSI is working fine for a virtual site (development
site), but it does not work for the main (non-virutal) site.  Here a bit
of my httpd.conf:

## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file


ResourceConfig conf/perl.conf



DocumentRoot "/data01/www/miltonstreet"

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


DocumentRoot /data01/www/dev-collect-lure

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Magick


Apache::ESSI works fine on the web site, but does not work
on the miltonstreet web site.  Here is the perl.conf:

# perl.conf

PerlRequire  /data01/www/scripts/
PerlFreshRestart On

  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Hello

  SetHandler perl-script
  Perlhandler Apache::ESSI
  PerlSetVar ESSIDefs conf/essi.defs

AddType text/html .ehtml

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Magick


Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?


P.S.  the miltonstreet site is:

Re: adding Server-Side Includes to default files

2000-03-30 Thread Sam Carleton

Sam Carleton wrote:

> I would like to have server-side includes to be parsed on DirectoryIndex
> files.  I have followed the example in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl
> and C" and have my Apache::ESSI and this is what is in my perl.conf:
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Appache::ESSI
> PerlSetVar ESSIDefs conf/essi.defs
> AddType text/html .ehtml
> What type of directive to I need to put into perl.conf so that the code
> gets called on a directory index file?

After some more playing around with it, the problem is not exactly what I
said in the above.  I have the above directive in the perl.conf that is
include into http.conf via ResourceConfig before the def of any web sites.
Now, at the bottom of the http.conf I have a virtual site defined on a
different IP address.  It is on this virtual site that the server side
includes work correctly.  On the main web site the server side includes do
NOT work.  Any thoughts?  I would like to leave all aspects of perl conf in
the the perl.conf.


adding Server-Side Includes to default files

2000-03-30 Thread Sam Carleton

I would like to have server-side includes to be parsed on DirectoryIndex
files.  I have followed the example in "Writing Apache Modules in Perl
and C" and have my Apache::ESSI and this is what is in my perl.conf:

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Appache::ESSI
PerlSetVar ESSIDefs conf/essi.defs

AddType text/html .ehtml

What type of directive to I need to put into perl.conf so that the code
gets called on a directory index file?


Re: [admin] NO HTML posts please!

2000-03-30 Thread Sam Carleton

Stas Bekman wrote:

> Folks, please refrain from posting in HTML.
> Some of us use email clients that post and read email in the old good text
> mode. When I don't have enough time on my hands I delete such emails since
> I cannot read them right away. Probably others too.
> Please don't tell me to get more _sophisticated_ email client, my pine
> does everything for me. HTML should NOT be used for posting emails.

And then there are those of us that do have sophisticated email clients that
simply don't care for HTML posting.  I agree 100%, keep it simple, keep it


Re: Can't locate object method "OPEN" via package "Apache"

2000-03-30 Thread Sam Carleton

darren chamberlain wrote:

> Try using CORE::open to be sure that the default open is being called.

tried it, I am getting the same error, any more ideas?


Can't locate object method "OPEN" via package "Apache"

2000-03-30 Thread Sam Carleton

I am trying to get the Apache::Magick module from the O'Reilly book
"Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C" to work.  The error I am
running into is:

Can't locate object method "OPEN" via package "Apache" (line 80)

The looks real simply:

open(STDOUT, ">&=" . fileno($fh));

Any thoughts on what is going wrong?


P.S.  The whole Apache::Magick is attached, in case you want to look at

package Apache::Magick;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Image::Magick ();
use Apache::File ();
use File::Basename qw(fileparse);
use DirHandle ();

my %LegalArguments = map { $_ => 1 } 
qw (adjoin background bordercolor colormap colorspace
colors compress density dispose delay dither
display font format iterations interlace
loop magick mattecolor monochrome page pointsize
preview_type quality scene subimage subrange
size tile texture treedepth undercolor);

my %LegalFilters = map { $_ => 1 } 
qw(AddNoise Blur Border Charcoal Chop
   Contrast Crop Colorize Comment CycleColormap
   Despeckle Draw Edge Emboss Enhance Equalize Flip Flop
   Frame Gamma Implode Label Layer Magnify Map Minify
   Modulate Negate Normalize OilPaint Opaque Quantize
   Raise ReduceNoise Rotate Sample Scale Segment Shade
   Sharpen Shear Solarize Spread Swirl Texture Transparent
   Threshold Trim Wave Zoom);

sub handler {
my $r = shift;

# get the name of the requested file
my $file = $r->filename;

# If the file exists and there are no transformation arguments
# just decline the transaction.  It will be handled as usual.
return DECLINED unless $r->args || $r->path_info || !-r $r->finfo;

my $source;
my ($base, $directory, $extension) = fileparse($file, '\.\w+');
if (-r $r->finfo) { # file exists, so it becomes the source
$source = $file;
else {  # file doesn't exist, so we search for it
return DECLINED unless -r $directory;
$source = find_image($r, $directory, $base);

unless ($source) {
$r->log_error("Couldn't find a replacement for $file");
return NOT_FOUND;

return OK if $r->header_only;

# Read the image
my $q = Image::Magick->new;
my $err = $q->Read($source);

# Conversion arguments are kept in the query string, and the
# image filter operations are kept in the path info
my(%arguments) = $r->args;

# Run the filters
foreach (split '/', $r->path_info) {
my $filter = ucfirst $_;  
next unless $LegalFilters{$filter};
$err ||= $q->$filter(%arguments);

# Remove invalid arguments before the conversion
foreach (keys %arguments) { 
delete $arguments{$_} unless $LegalArguments{$_};

# Create a temporary file name to use for conversion
my($tmpnam, $fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile;

# Write out the modified image
open(STDOUT, ">&=" . fileno($fh));
$extension =~ s/^\.//;
$err ||= $q->Write('filename' => "\U$extension\L:-", %arguments);
if ($err) {
unlink $tmpnam;
close $fh;

# At this point the conversion is all done!
# reopen for reading
$fh = Apache::File->new($tmpnam);
unless ($fh) {
$r->log_error("Couldn't open $tmpnam: $!");

# send the file

# clean up and go
unlink $tmpnam;  
return OK;

sub find_image {
my ($r, $directory, $base) = @_;
my $dh = DirHandle->new($directory) or return;

my $source;
for my $entry ($dh->read) {
my $candidate = fileparse($entry, '\.\w+');
if ($base eq $candidate) {
# determine whether this is an image file
$source = join '', $directory, $entry;
my $subr = $r->lookup_file($source);
last if $subr->content_type =~ m:^image/:;
$source = "";
return $source;


getting Image::Magick

2000-03-29 Thread Sam Carleton

I am trying to get Image::Magick compiled and installed.  I am using
CPAN and am getting this error:
AutoSplitting blib/lib/Image/ (blib/lib/auto/Image/Magick)
/usr/local/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp
-typemap /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/typemap Magick.xs >
Magick.xsc && mv Magick.xsc Magick.c
cc -c -I.. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/openwin/include
-I/usr/openwin/include/X11 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include
-DXS_VERSION=\"4.28\" -fpic
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux/CORE  Magick.c
In file included from /usr/local/include/magick/magick.h:45,
 from Magick.xs:78:
/usr/include/assert.h:79: warning: `assert' redefined
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux/CORE/perl.h:2054: warning: this is
the location of the previous definition
Magick.xs:79: magick/defines.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [Magick.o] Error 1
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Oops, make had returned bad status
Running make install
  Oops, make had returned bad status
Has anyone seen this error before?  Any thoughts on how to fix it?

Sam Carleton