Re: [OT]: In my Farthers House there are many mansions

2002-11-03 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Tony Bowden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 12:13:19PM -, Jeff wrote:

It sounds like you're saying that you should only use a subset of Perl
as some programmers may not understand the other parts of it?

That is what I'm saying.  I'm aware that this is a controversial
opinion in the Perl world.  However, I think it's reasonable to
know your audience and write for them.

Have to agree 100% with Perrin - in my experience, refactoring for
performance is often used as an excuse for 'rewrite in my style',

I'm not sure anyone has actually posited using map for performance, but
in most cases that would indeed be a pretty stupid reason to use it.

See the Schwartzian Transform for an excellent example of
where you would use map for performance. Main advantage is
getting perl to manage the list space. If I find myself
writing for(blah){ push @foo, something } it can usually be
done more simply via @foo = map { something } ( blah ). If
you end up making large lists, especially in loops, then map
can be a speedup. It is also faster if you have to flatten
out strucures frequently (vs iterating over keys %foo and
assigning things one at a time).

map can also be convienent in allowing for lexicals that
are assigned when they are built, similarly grep:

	if( my @process_this = grep {-s  $cutoff} @filz )
		deal with @process_this here, know it won't
		outlive the braces.

Defining the lexicals in a scope where the don't outlive
their purose can be a big help in maintainability.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 800 762 1582

Re: CGI parameters appear to be doubled on 8 bit chars...

2002-10-13 Thread Steven Lembark

 $VAR1 = {
'LastScreen' = [
'Subject' = [
  'Blah blah blah',
  'Blah blah blah'
'Message' = [
  '#8216;blah blah#8217; blah blah #8216;blah blah#8217; blah.',
  '91blah blah92 blah blah 91blah blah92blah.'

If you know the fields that are supposed to have select
lists on them (e.g., select_list{qw(field field field)} = 1)
then you can walk down the list and compare ref $contents with
$select_list{$name}. If both are true then it's a list, else
it's 8 bit junk in two fields; both false gives you a normal

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: serving large files with access controls

2002-10-13 Thread Steven Lembark

 Is there a way to do this so that access to the file
 would be _impossible_ unless the user is authenticated
 by the mod-perl server? I am looking for a solution
 that can guarantee that there is no way to circumvent
 the authentication process. I can think of solutions
 where the probability that users can access the file
 without authenticating can be made very small, but I
 am looking for an absolute guarantee.

Impossible, no. If the proxy server can handle FTP
then one way is to have the source directory mods
at 0711. That requires knowing the file name to
get it; no listings w/o read access. After that you
can have the web server, say, symlink a file with
some temp name and redirect the user to the ftp

Net result is that the proxy handles an ftp request
for a name that is temporary to the download and hard
to guess.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Archive::Tar

2002-09-11 Thread Steven Lembark


 How can I get this to tar the entire backup
 directory? And if I wanted to
 say pic out all file based on extensions later on
 like .pl *.pl how to do
 that as well with this?

gnu cpio will write tar:

find $dir | cpio -ov -Htar | gzip --best  /blah/$dir.tar.gz;


find $dir -name '*.pl' | cpio -ov -Htar | gzip ...

the -Hcrc puts a 32-bit crc on the files for better error
checking, etc:

find $dir -name '*.pl' | cpio -ov -Hcrc | gzip ...

Nice thing about cpio vs. tar for this is that if tar fails
to write it can exit zero after successfully telling you that
it failed; cpio croaks and exits non-zero immediatly if it
detects an error on writing or extract.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Modperl! Your private *UNDERAGE* lolitas and boys!

2002-08-04 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Michael Poole [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Oden Eriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thursdayen den 1 January 1970 00.59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  P.S. This is not spam!

 He he..., yeah right...

 How do one keep this kind of shit out of here?

 I'd like to know, too.

The answer, of course, is Perl. The spamassassin module
to be precise, see for

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Best compile options for perl 5.8 for mod_perl 1.x and 2.x

2002-05-30 Thread Steven Lembark

 ./Configure -des -Dprefix=/home/stas/perl/ithread \
 -Dusethreads -Duseshrplib

Also worth using large file support if you habitually
munge  2GB files.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Can mod_perl help me use ENV variables in httpd.conf?

2002-04-30 Thread Steven Lembark

Yup. See the perl directive. Good description of how it works in
the Eagle Book.

-- Fran Fabrizio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to make a portable mod_perl.conf.  I have things like:

 Alias /cgi-bin/chimpkit/   /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/chimpkit/
 Location /cgi-bin/chimpkit/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI
  PerlSendHeader On

 which really needs to become something like:

 Alias /cgi-bin/chimpkit/   $SERVER_ROOT/cgi-bin/chimpkit/

 I don't think I can do this directly with Apache but I found a random
 newsgroup thread that suggested something like the following might work:

 push @PerlConfig, EOF
Alias /cgi-bin/chimpkit/   $ENV{'SERVER_ROOT'}/cgi-bin/chimpkit/
Location /cgi-bin/chimpkit/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI
  PerlSendHeader On

 Is this a good way to solve this problem, is there an easier way, and
 does this even work?  :-)


Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Kind-of PerlSections, and location question

2002-04-15 Thread Steven Lembark

 Have a databae table that stores the information for each
 setting, then load it dynamically as a request comes in...
 mailer dream code:

 $ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /^\/(.*?)\//;
 $base_path = $1;
 if (!exists($Location{$base_path})) {
   ... do database calls to load necessairy information
   ... and set as if this was a perl section in an
   ... httpd.conf file.

 ... then execute as if that location section was always there

 If there's a better solution then this, I'm also eager to
 hear it :)

Depending on the rate of server additions you might be
better off loading these at startup time or on a user
signal (e.g., $SIG{USR1} = \reload_stuff_from_db).

Timestamping the database entry for the site might also
help, since you wouldn't have to re-load the entire thing
every time the site was hit.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: mod_perl training companies?

2002-03-24 Thread Steven Lembark

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: kylix: rad!

2002-01-13 Thread Steven Lembark

-- brian moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 many of us on this list have well-developed preferences for
 editing and debugging our code, configuring and testing our
 applications that are based on executing shell commands in a
 terminal. don't you think there are lots of well developed
 advocacy reasons for offering an alternative paradigm?

Good example would be W32 developers who want to migrate
and simply don't know their way around *NIX yet. Even if
they've taken the time to learn how the HTTP/HTML/etc end
of things function, working on NT doesn't give them very
good reflexes for dealing with *NIX. This does seem like
a good way to show people that gaining add'l control with
 mod_perl doesn't have to be painful.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Anyone know of specific problems with the malloc in Sun's libc?

2001-12-31 Thread Steven Lembark

W/ current apache and mod_perl, perl-5.6.1, Solaris-2.8.
Been having problems with DBI dropping connections. One
suggestion was to override the default of no and use
the malloc that comes with perl-5.6.1.

Anyone know of problems or any obvious symptoms?


Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Success story.

2001-12-15 Thread Steven Lembark

The URL is on an internal LAN for a company whose name
I cannot use. The site gets up to a few hundred hits
per second supporting a telephone call center database.
My company was asked to develop a web
front end onto a TB data warehouse. The existing system
(carefully crafted in C) was so slow people couldn't
get their work done (e.g., 45-minute query times). We
re-did the back end and slapped an interface on it using

The first time the users saw it they asked for a Stop
button like the existing system had so they could abort
long-running queries. Then we went over where to put it
with me running queries. They gave up on the idea because
the data was returned too fast for them to hit a button.

Through 4+ weeks of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) they
asked for a few dozen changes in the reports. Few of them
took loger than 20 minutes to implement. In several cases
they got annoyed that the company email took longer to
deliver the fix notice than make the change.

Using Perl we were also able to handle the database
manglement software for tablespace and table creation,
web site auth. and reporting code and most of the ETL
process management code in one language. That also
saved us quite a bit of work.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: load balancing on apache

2001-12-14 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Hemant Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi All

 I am planning to host an application and its size is going to be big one
 , so expect the concurrent number of connection s to be around 2200.To
 combat the same , want to perform load sharing on 3-4 servers.So the ide
 is to put one machine on external IP and this machine , after receiving
 the requests would forward them to any of the other three machines having
 the application deployed and running on the same environment.Pls suggest
 how can i achieve this on apache.

Randal Schwartz had a good article on this about a year
ago. You can use the re-write phase to balance the load
w/in Apache if you want to. Alternatives include round-
robin DNS and separate load balancing software.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re:[Rewrite article] Randal Schwartz article on load balancing inEpache

2001-12-14 Thread Steven Lembark


 I would like to see the article of Randal Schwartz ,..
 Will some one help me out with this

Check out his website at Look for
something like poor man's load balancer. Trick was
to use the URI [post read?] to re-write the URI and
post it to another system based on the estimated
load  any other balancing criteria. You might be
able to find it via google also.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Oddity with redirects

2001-12-09 Thread Steven Lembark

Getting Apache::AuthCookie working. The AuthCookie portion is proving
simpler than Apache...

Problem is that accessing the /loginform location works perfectly: I
get the form, get the cookie back and get sent to the proper place.

Accessing the protected site blows up because the Apache object
referent is undef (see below for examples). No doubt I've screwed
up some part of the httpd.conf but cannot figure out what at this

Wandering through the Apache doc's hasn't helped, nor can I find
anything particularly descriptive in the Eagle book -- p. 123+ 
don't indicate that the $r is any different for a request and 
p. 554+ are in C. None of them seem to indicate that a redirected
request produces an invalid request object in the perl API.

Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong or specific working
examples would be appreciated.


Aside: this is rather obviusly hack code at this point. I know 
that, the only purpose is to get a working referent when accessing
the /foo site.

sub login_form($$)
my( $class, $request ) = @_;

print STDERR \n$$: login_form: $class, , Dumper $request;

print STDERR \n$$: login_form: $class\nrequest:\n, $request-as_string;

print STDERR Environment:\n, Dumper \%ENV;

# this eventually needs to be updated for the user's
# real dest uri.

( my $form = $loginform ) =~ s{DEST}{/foo};

print STDOUT $form;

# Authorization cookie handler.

PerlModule Cdr::AuthCookie;

PerlSetVar CDRPath  /foo

PerlSetVar CDRLoginScript   /cdrloginform
PerlSetVar CDRLoginHandler  /cdrlogin

#PerlSetVar CDRExpires  +8h

PerlSetVar  AuthCookieDebug 3

# this shows the login form.

Location /cdrloginform

SetHandler perl-script  
PerlHandler Cdr::AuthCookie-login_form

# handle posted data from the login form.

location /cdrlogin

AuthType Cdr::AuthCookie
AuthName CDR 
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Cdr::AuthCookie-login


Location /foo

SetHandler  perl-script


PerlAuthenHandler   Cdr::AuthCookie-authenticate

PerlHandler Cdr::Hello  # just print the famous message

require valid-user


Result of accessing /cdrloginform:

32309: login_form: Cdr::AuthCookie, 
bless( do{\(my $o = 144324132)}, 'Apache' )

32309: login_form: Cdr::AuthCookie

GET /cdrloginform HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
TE: deflate, gzip, chunked, identity, trailers
User-Agent: Opera/5.0 (Linux i686; U)  [en]

HTTP/1.1 (null)

Environment [cruft removed]:

  REMOTE_PORT = '3767',
  HTTP_USER_AGENT = 'Opera/5.0 (Linux i686; U)  [en]',
  HTTP_ACCEPT = 'text/html, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, 
image/x-xbitmap, */*',
  HTTP_HOST = '',
  HTTP_TE = 'deflate, gzip, chunked, identity, trailers',
  SCRIPT_NAME = '/cdrloginform',
  SERVER_NAME = 'AlltelViewer',
  HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0',
  MOD_PERL = 'mod_perl/1.26',
  APACHE_PORT = '8081',
  HTTP_CONNECTION = 'Keep-Alive, TE',
  SERVER_SIGNATURE = 'ADDRESSApache/1.3.20 Server at AlltelViewer Port 
  SERVER_SOFTWARE = 'Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26',
  HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL = 'no-cache'

Result of accessing /foo:

32309: login_form: Cdr::AuthCookie, 

[Thu Dec  6 11:11:20 2001] [error] Can't call method as_string on an 
undefined value at Cdr/ line 360, DATA line 1.

Problem with Apache::AuthCookie

2001-12-09 Thread Steven Lembark

Getting multiple header entries from AuthCookie returned to the
client. This happens even if I stub out the authen_cred and
authen_ses_key to return foo. Other thing I notice after
adding logging to the authentication and authorization sub's
is that the $r-connection-user set by authentication isn't
available in $r-connection-user in authorization. As a 
result of the undef $r-connection-user in authorization
it's sending back a FORBIDDEN which [I think?] causes the

The examples I've seen of login_form code use a simple print to
get things on the screen (e.g., Apache::AuthTicket).
I've tried this and various combinations of sending the headers
and form with no luck.

Ideally Apache::AuthCookie should only require the login_form,
authen_cred and authen_ses_key sub's to function with the 
addition of login_screen to use a location rather rather than
#!-ed code for the login form.

Does anyone know of a simple, working example of deriving a 
class from Apache::AuthTicket or some specific documentation
for a complete class? The code that comes with it is only
useful for testing

Below are the relavant error_log items (showing the user 
available in authenticate and undef in authorize).


# Authorization cookie handler.

PerlModule Cdr::AuthCookie;

PerlSetVar CDRPath  /foo

PerlSetVar CDRLoginScript   /cdrloginform
PerlSetVar CDRLoginHandler  /cdrlogin

#PerlSetVar CDRExpires  +8h

PerlSetVar  AuthCookieDebug 9

# this shows the login form.

Location /cdrloginform

SetHandler perl-script  
PerlHandler Cdr::AuthCookie-login_form

# handle posted data from the login form.

location /cdrlogin

SetHandler  perl-script


PerlHandler Cdr::AuthCookie-login


Location /foo

SetHandler  perl-script


PerlAuthenHandler   Cdr::AuthCookie-authenticate

PerlHandler Cdr::Hello

require valid-user


Location /foo/bar

SetHandler  perl-script


PerlAuthenHandler   Cdr::AuthCookie-authenticate

PerlHandler Cdr::Hello

require valid-user



package Cdr::AuthCookie;

use strict;

use base qw( Apache::AuthCookie );

local $\ = \n;
local $, = \n;

# CPAN modules

use Carp;

use Apache::Constants qw(:common M_GET M_POST FORBIDDEN REDIRECT);
use Apache::Log;

use Digest::MD5 qw( md5_hex );

# used for sharing and generating the shared secret
# used in the authrization process.

use IPC::SysV;
use IPC::Shareable;

use Digest::MD5 qw( md5_hex );

use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Purity   = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Terse= 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent   = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Quotekeys= 0;

# homegrown modules

use Cdr::Reportz;
use Cdr::Shared qw( logrequest sendreply );

# package variables

# initialize the untied variable to false, use $key to check the status.

our $secret = '';
our $key = '';

# amount of time before a cookie times out.
# currently set to 8 hours (28 800 sec).
# 10 sec for testing only, probably useful in production.

my $timeout = 30; #28800;

# login screen returns this to the caller.

my $loginform = 'END';


base href=$ENV{BASEURL} 

form method=get action=/cdrlogin 

!-- Login form for an Cdr::AuthCookie --

input type=hidden name=destination value=DEST 


th align=center colspan=2 Please Enter Your Username and Password to 
log in:

th align=right Username:
td align=left  input type=text name=credential_0 size=12 

th align=right Password:
td align=left  input type=password name=credential_1 size=12 


Problem with Apache::AuthCookie-3.00

2001-12-06 Thread Steven Lembark

Getting multiple HTTP replies returned to the client. They
get a form and followig it an 'access denied' message from

The examples I've seen of login_form code use a simple print to
get things on the screen (e.g., Apache::AuthTicket).
I've tried this and various combinations of sending the headers
and form with no luck.

Ideally Apache::AuthCookie should only require the login_form,
authen_cred and authen_ses_key sub's to function with the
addition of login_screen to use a location rather rather than
#!-ed code for the login form.

Does anyone know of a simple, working example of deriving a
class from Apache::AuthTicket or some specific documentation
for a complete class? The code that comes with it is only
useful for testing; the other modules include quit a bit of
non-AuthCookie sub's that may have a bearing on how the
form is handled. The login_form is taken from Apache::AuthTicket
(basically just a header and static body).

My sub-class also overloads authentication to call login_form($r)
rather than without arguments.

sub authen_cred( $$\@ ) { foo }

sub authen_ses_key( $$$ ) { foo }

sub login_form
my( $class, $request ) = @_;

$request-no_cache( 1 );
$request-send_http_header( 'text/html' );
$request-print( $form );


Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Are global variables truly global?

2001-11-04 Thread Steven Lembark


 I have some state data that I need to persist between requests. At the
 moment these are COM objects, but they'll be ported to Perl Classes. It
 is quite important that only one of these instances exist per web
 server. These instances are too large to write and read to file on every
 request. So I have defined the variable as a package level variable.

 I have been instantiating the variable in my handler() routine if it has
 not already been instantiated. ie.

Global variables are exactly that: global. If you use
something like:

our $foo ||= somefunc;


our $foo = Someclass-constructor( @blah );

then you'll get a value that goes into the symbol table and
is unique w/in the executing process. Thing you'll need to
read up on are global variables, packages/namespaces and
how use strict effects things (all of which are in the Camel
or Llama books).

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Exporting C++ class to Perl?

2001-10-30 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Vlad Safronov [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 How can I export C++ class and its interface to Perl?
 Is it just like exporting simple C function to Perl (in perlxs doc.
 Is there good (not big) CPAN examples for this problem?

perl -MCPAN -e shell;
get Inline

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-27 Thread Steven Lembark

 Exactly- the statically typed languages I am familiar with have a casting
 mechanism to utterly subvert compile-time type checks. While static typing
 allows better compile-time optimization, it's value as a debugging
 mechanism is near the bottom of the list of advantages for engineering
 a large project.  If interface guarantees are important between Perl
 objects, I'd have a look at Class::Contract.

One nice thing about which is that the contract portion can be
essentially turned off in production. Gives you the best of both
worlds: strong checking during development w/ good speed in productin.

  Compile time checking can definitely be a friend of yours especially
  when dealing with large systems. But it's also a friend that's
  judgemental (strongly typed) so he's a pain to drag along to a

 To me, strongly vs weakly typed is less descriptive than statically vs
 dynamically typed.

 To me, it is utterly nondescriptive in a PHB buzzwordy way, whereas
 static vs. dynamic typing is meaningful (and what I think most people
 really mean by the former).

Comparing Perl to other OO languages runs into the fact that
only Perl uses a fairly high-level object as its basic storage
unit (scalar). The first thing most people write/buy for the
strongly typed languages is a library of contaner classes: things
that subvert the strong checking of low-level types. The second
thing that usually happens is that the low-level types get their
base operations overloaded via container objects.

Net result is minimal -- at best -- type checking.

The problem isn't really that scalars are weakly typed, since
all you can deal with are scalars. If programmers bothered to
write checks in their code (e.g., $foo =~ /^\d$/ or croak NAN)
then Perl will do as well or better than most languages. Coders
are too used to having the low-level type checking around as
a crutch, so they don't. Implementing code that uses Class::Contract
forces you to declare [perhaps even analyze?] not only data types
but expectations, and ends up causing people to do a much better
job of checking then most other languages even allow.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: PerlSetVar string value - no \n translation?

2001-10-27 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Louis LeBlanc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hey all.  I don't know how many people are lurking here, since the
 list seems to be very light traffic (the lightest of 8 I sub to), but
 I have a question regarding PerlSetVar and strings.

 Here is what I'm trying to do:
 In httpd.conf:
 Location /MyHandler
   . . .
 PerlSetVar MailMsg Access Report \
 This is a mail message spanning several \
 lines that I would like to mail to a \
 particular address when the handler is \
 invoked.  \
 Unfortunately, it all winds up on one line and \
 any \n included do not get translated.

 And in my module, I am successfully sending this message to the email
 address, but it arrives looking like this:

 Access Report This is a mail message spanning several
 lines that I would like to mail to a particular address when the
 handler is invoked.  Unfortunately, it all winds up on
 one line and any \n included do not get translated.

 And the darn thing is all on one line.  '\n' is not translated, etc.
 It looks like the string is proveded as if enclosed in single quotes.
 Which is bad.

Quick hack for the moment:

PerlSetVar Blah A long line withbrHTMLbrBreaks In It;

that or set the thing and use:


somewhere in the code.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Bit of an oddity configuring perl (fwd) (fwd)

2001-10-25 Thread Steven Lembark

Should be fairly simple: Configure a few locations w/in the perl
section of httpd.conf. The code seems to run, exept that naming the
first section /cdr/Data gives me the output from Cdr::Welcome, rather
than the Cdr::Data module. Changing the name from cdr/Data to
cdr/Foo in the config file fixes the problem; changing it to cdr/Bar
breaks things again. Aside from server-status and server-info these are
the only locations in the config file; the only dir's in the file are
serverroot and htdocs -- which don't seem to cause any problem.

The really annoying thing is that all I get back is a lack of error
messages and the contents of the /cdr location when accessing the
/cdr/Data (/cdr/Menu and /cdr work fine). Aside from gremlins or an
easter egg for URI's named Foo, anyone know of a decent reference
for this?


$Location{'/cdr/Data'} =
SetHandler  = 'perl-script',

[ 'Cookie',  'Eastern',  'TZ=US/Eastern'  ],
[ 'Cookie',  'Central',  'TZ=US/Central'  ],
[ 'Cookie',  'Mountain', 'TZ=US/Mountain' ],
[ 'Cookie',  'Pacific',  'TZ=US/Pacific'  ],

[ 'Referer', 'Central',  'TZ=US/Central'  ],
[ 'Referer', 'Eastern',  'TZ=US/Eastern'  ],
[ 'Referer', 'Mountain', 'TZ=US/Mountain' ],
[ 'Referer', 'Pacific',  'TZ=US/Pacific'  ],

PerlHandler = 'Cdr::Data',

# welcome screen, authentication is handled
# here also via Apache::AuthNetLDAP which
# is configured here.

$Location{'/cdr'} =
SetHandler  = 'perl-script',
PerlSetEnv  = BASEURL http://$host:$Port/cdr;,
PerlHandler = 'Cdr::Welcome',

$Location{'/cdr/Top'} =
SetHandler  = 'perl-script',
PerlHandler = 'Cdr::Top',

$Location{'/cdr/Menu'} =
SetHandler  = 'perl-script',
PerlHandler = 'Cdr::Menu',

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Off-topic - Apache Config - Load crises

2001-10-12 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Rafiq Ismail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There are some really graphic intensive pages here, however I'm not sure
 if Keep alive is good when there's lots of contention for pages.  Should
i) disable keep alive?

   ii) reduce the keep alive time out ?

iii) up my number for max spare servers?  Since i've not maxed out
 on load or memory, perhaps more idle servers will reduce the contention
 for apache children?  My intutition is that since the server is obviously
 in trouble, resource wise, perhaps increasing the number of daemons will
 relieve the load.  Not sure.  It's a big box.  Any ideas?

iv) Something else?

Unless you  are running out of proc's -- hitting MaxServers --
then the number of keepalives shouldn't matter that much.  The
[lack of] bandwidth seems to be causing you pain. If you can
spread the load over multiple machines further up the network
(i.e., with fewer routers between them and the cloud) it might
help.  Randal wrote an article last year about using rewrite
rules as a poor-man's load balancer.  That might help.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Knowing if a apache server is compiled with mod_perl

2001-09-18 Thread Steven Lembark


 Hi everyone,
I'd like to know if there is a simple way to find if an apache server
 is compiled with mod_perl and with which version. My aim is to write a
 script which compile mod_perl if it is not installed.For the moment
 I've found only two ways, launch the actual server and telnet it to parse
 the server signature. But it has the disadvantages of having the Apache
 server running and the server signature on.The other way  would be to
 get the return of httpd -v, but I won't have the version and I think this
 won't work if the module is compiled in dso.  So is it possible from
 the Apache binary to check mod_perl ?

If the server is compiled w/ mod_info check that for mod_perl.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Cloning the request object

2001-09-08 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Alin Simionoiu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi there,

 Those anybody know if is possible to clone the apache request object?.
 I'm trying to write a Apache module that do some basic validation against
 the request parameters.
 But as soon as a touching the request is gone.
 any other posibilities?

I've never had problems with:

sub handler
my $request = shift;

foo $request or croak foo doesn't like you!;

sub foo
my $request = shift;

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: BOF?

2001-07-14 Thread Steven Lembark

- brian moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/14/01 10:43:42 -0700:

 On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, Ken Williams wrote:
 I just noticed that there's no mod_perl BOF listed at .
 Is one scheduled?  If not, let's get one together.
 speaking of which. there should be an opening night piss-up,
 eh? somebody that knows the area should propose a place.

I have family in San Diego.  Should be getting names of places today.


Re: API Design Question

2001-06-30 Thread Steven Lembark

 memory used by the various .pm files that will be loaded numerous 
 times. I can see that grouping functions based on functionality would 
 reduce the number of .pm files in memory. However, if I go that route, 

use only loads the .pm once.  Multiple uses don't eat up any more resource
than having it done once.

The minimal-module approach can be managed nicely via Autosplit, which 
puts eash sub in its own module with a stub AUTOLOAD that snags things 
into core only when they are called (the ultimate in lazyness, no?).  This is
particularly nice for rarely called modules .  One example is speicial exceptions
in database app's.  You can put the exception handler into a sub, have autosplit
stuff it into a module and only load it into memory if the error does show up.

This helps with code release issues because the related code lives in a single
moule for editing and testing purposes but only sucks up core when needed.


Re: API Design Question

2001-06-30 Thread Steven Lembark

 Note that if they do get called this will end up using more memory than if
 you had just loaded them during startup, since they won't be shared between
 child processes.

Original assumption is that they are called infrequently.  You'll also find 
that the amount of memory sucked up by a single subroutine isn't much,
less than pre-loading possibly 10' s of sub's that never get called.


Re: which perl?

2001-06-23 Thread Steven Lembark

 I am running Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 on a redhat 7 system.
 Since the perl binary that came with the redhat distribution was version
 5.6.0, I  assumed that is the version that got built into mod perl
 (statically linked).   But I just discovered using perl's $] variable,
 that it's actually using 5.006!

 So far as I can tell, I don't even have a copy of perl 5.006 on my
 system... Is mod_perl actulaly distributed with a version of perl
 interpreter intact? If so, How do I upgrade it?

For the amount of time it takes, I'd suggest just building a local
copy of mod_perl.  If you use a .makepl_args.mod_perl file it can
be done with a single perl Makefile.PL; make test install.

Unable to build apache + mod_perl on AIX

2001-06-19 Thread Steven Lembark

 apache_1.3.20  mod_perl-1.25
AIX kbs80 3 4 000C30CD4C00 unknown

Problem:  regardless of what arg's I've tried or all-in-one, one-step I 
keep getting
xlC as the compier and CFLAGS which include -qlonglong -q32 -maxmem'.   xlC
then fails to compile apache.

Running ./configure --blah in the apache directory w/ CC=/path/to/gcc and
CFLAGS='-O2 -I/blah -L/blah' gives me a working copy of apache -- sans 

Running find . -type f | xargs grep -il qlonglong and '... grep -il xlC' 
in the mod_perl
and apache directories gets me NADA.   This includes the documentation, 
Makefiles, inputs, you-name-it.

Question:  What is a way to run some combination of perl Makefile.PL with 
without ./configure for apache that will cause the result to use $CC and 
in my envoronment -- or which piece of code can I hack that is finding xlC 
in hte
first place (sorry, I don't have time to perl -d at this 


Re: handler for error log

2001-06-12 Thread Steven Lembark

 Is it possible to put a handler on the error log so that certain
 elements could be filtered? Ideally, I'd like to keep track of how
 many times a certain error appears and with a handler that would be a
 cake walk. So the handler would 'live' between the main httpd process
 and the file, doing it's magic there.

 I've done some searching and found nothing [other than people
 complaining about their CGI scripts].

 Any pointers or suggestions are welcome.

There are several log watchers avaialble, including ones written
in perl.  One simple trick is to essentially tail -f the thing into a
regex.  Quick way is to seek to the end, store -M $logfile and set
$\ = undef.  After that:

open my $logfile,  $logpath or croak $logpath: $!;

undef $\; # or leave it alone if reading into an array.

for( my $lastmod = -M $logfile ;;)
sleep 10 while( $lastmod == -M $logfile );

my $newstuff  = $logfile;

# regex $newsuff to your heart's delight.
# that or read it as @newstuff and process it
# line by line

Steven Lembark 
2930 W. Palmer
chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Make Test problems...

2001-06-11 Thread Steven Lembark


file called makpl_args.mod_perl in the mod_perl directory.  The best
arrangement for the directories seems to be something like:


Even easier, put .makepl_args.mod_perl into your home directory and
you won't have to re-create it every time you go to re-build Apache.

Re: Memory leak

2001-06-03 Thread Steven Lembark

  script offers database search facilities on the web. If a search is
  performed which results in many (namely 400) rows being returned, then
  the httpd child that serves the request grows by 2 MB. Have a child
  serve that request ten times, and its size will grow from an initial 8
  MB to 28 MB. Another ten times and it will go to around 50 MB.

Depending on how the return is processed this looks more like
an unused reference left behind.  You might want to try, e.g., 
calling the handler from a harness and see where the memory is
going in the debugger.  

It also depends on how the rows are being retrieved.  If you
are in a while( nextrow ) loop vs. a for( fetchall_arrayref )
type the memory use gets pretty large.

Depending on the size of your queries this could also just be
perl's buffering the input. Remember that perl doesn't free
the space it uses but keeps it internally for later use. If you
are running large enough queries over time the memory use will
track the high-water mark of the rows returned (which obviuosly
pertaint to fetchall-type returns).  If the queries get large
enough you can suck up lotsaMB.

 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

Trying to find correct format for PerlSetVar's -- or get Apache::AuthNetLDAP working.

2001-05-30 Thread Steven Lembark

Eagle gives number of examples, none of which is a PerlSetVar.
guessing it would be a hash of var's to set with values.
Not having much luck -- Apache::AuthNetLDAP fails with:

[Wed May 30 23:33:21 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed May 30 23:33:21 2001] [info] Server built: May  4 2001 18:38:57
[Wed May 30 23:33:31 2001] [error] Can't call method bind on an
undefined value at
/usr/local/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 57.

which is running:

47 my $ldap = new Net::LDAP($ldapserver, port = $ldapport);
49 my $mesg;
50 #initial bind as user in Apache config
51 if ($bindpwd ne )
52 {
53 $mesg = $ldap-bind($binddn, password=$bindpwd);
54 }
55 else
56 {
57 $mesg = $ldap-bind();
58 }
60 #each error message has an LDAP error code
61 if (my $error = $mesg-code())
62 {
63  $r-note_basic_auth_failure;
64  $r-log_reason(user $username: LDAP Connection Failed:
65  return AUTH_REQUIRED;
66 }

problem seems to be that i'm not getting the PerlSetVar's 
across to it via perly config:

   164  $Location{'/blah'} = 
   163  {
   164  SetHandler  = 'perl-script',
   166  PerlAuthenHandler   = 'Apache::AuthNetLDAP',
   168  PerlSetVar  =
   169  {
   170  BindDN  = 'employeenumber=123456 ou=people',
   171  BindPWD = 'password',
   172  BaseDN  = 'ou=people',
   173  LDAPServer  = '',
   174  LDAPPort= '389',
   175  UIDAttr = 'sn',
   176  },
   178  AuthName= '/tdrdw',
   179  AuthType= 'Basic',
   181  require = 'valid-user',
   183  PerlSetEnv  = BASEURL http://$host:$Port/tdrdw;,
   184  PerlHandler = 'Tdrdw::Welcome',
   185  },

is there any better doc for this than the eagle book?

 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

looking for help finishing a module

2001-04-25 Thread Steven Lembark

something like Apache::Digest::FixMSHak.

MS decided that their version of digest security was better than
the RFC.  i should be doable to add a re-write module that hacks
the MS hak back to stock values so that mod_digest works again.

people i've spoken to so far don't know if there is anything
other than simply truncating the uri to its path (leaving off
the arguments) that's done by MS.  if anyone knows how their
process works, or is willing to help check it, please warn me.
it'll be a big help in this thing done sooner.


 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

bug in exploder blows up Digest security

2001-03-29 Thread Steven Lembark

anyone know of a way around this?  i have a site that depends heavily on
anchors for delivering reports.  exploder chops off the uri at the
which is not what mod_auth_digest (nor RFC 2617) expect.  

anyone know of a way to force exploder to use the full uri for the
authorization header?  rewrite doesn't seem likely to help since the
was generated with the wrong value of the uri to begin with.


Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
application/, application/,
application/msword, application/pdf,
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-us
Authorization: Digest username="paul", realm="TDRDW", qop="auth",
algorithm="MD5", uri="/tdrdw/Data",
928", nc=0007, cnonce="456ac2f6e01485024bbb49b3652923dc",
Connection: Keep-Alive
Host: alpha:8082
Referer: http://alpha:8082/tdrdw/Menu
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)

HTTP/1.1 (null)

[Thu Mar 29 15:54:58 2001] [error] [client] Digest: uri
mismatch - /tdrdw/Data does not match request-uri

 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

looking for docs

2001-03-27 Thread Steven Lembark

anyone know where doc's for handling digest authentiction w/ 
m_p 1.25 live?  having little luck finding any working examples
and i'm running out of time...


 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

Re: Dynamic loading of development libraries

2001-03-03 Thread Steven Lembark

 I'm currently a developer for an on-line publication using Apache /
 mod_perl / Mason.  We currently have about six developers working on the
 project and I have been running into problems with concurrent work on the
 Perl libraries that power our site.
 We use CVS to manage revisions, but the only way for a developer to see if
 their code is working is to run it on our webserver.  However, mod_perl's
 very purpose is to keep one copy of your modules loaded from the
 start.  StatINC addresses this problem to a certain extent, but it fails
 when you have multiple versions of a Perl module that you want to load
 depending on which user is requesting.
 I sort of got around this by modifying my Mason handler to examine the
 requested URI ( ex. /dev/user_name/blah.html ) and loading the appropriate
 module for that user.  Basically, this involved modifying the @INC
 paths in the handler, requiring the modules, and then calling
 the StatINC handler sub to reload any modified modules.  This sort
 of screams hack and it never worked that well.  Processes would
 load the proper module for one user, and then use that same module
 to serve another user who was looking for his own modules.  Chaos
 I have a few ideas as to what I should try next.  Perhaps limiting
 RequestsPerChild to 1, such that libraries don't get reused?  I don't know
 what the ramifications of this are.
 Short of running a webserver for each user (a bad solution in my
 opinion) does anyone have ideas?

you can update your httpd.conf to vary the port number based on
who is starting the thing.  this gives you something like:

%portlist = qw( jow 8081 bloe 8082 john 8083 doe 8084 );

$Port = $portlist{$ENV{LOGNAME}} or die "no port for $ENV{$LOGNAME}";

to check out a new version just bounce your copy of the
server and keep going.  normal cycle looks something like

cvs -q update -d;

try it, edit thing, keep going.  if you reach a point where
something works use cvs commit.

 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

alarm w/in mod_perl?

2001-02-12 Thread Steven Lembark

does apache swallow SIGALRM during its normal operation?
can't find any reference to alarm or ALRM in eagle; doesn't
mean i havn't missed something...


sub blah
recalculate time-based items that change hourly;
alarm $next_time_to_run - time;

sig{ALRM} = \blah;

gets me nowhere, so far as i can tell.  messages printed to
STDERR get output then the sub is first run; reducing the time
to 10 seconds doesn't generate 6 records / minute.

i can imaging apache using ALRM for its own purposes, leaving
me stuck with $cutoff = blah if( time  $cutoff ) every time
i pass through the routine (blech).

 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

development question

2000-12-25 Thread Steven Lembark

apache 1.3.14.

 havemultiple developers hacking html, mod_perl w/ own sandboxes.
need them to start up their own servers on various ports (e.g.,
8081, 8082...).  we are using CVS and need to share access to a
valid httpd.conf file.  

hmmm...  we all use the same httpd.conf and we all step on one 
another w/ ports and dir's.  not good.

no way i know of use specify htdocs as a relative path or use
$HOME or $SANDBOX to set it.

virtual hosts don't work well since everyone collides on the 
main server's PORT setting and none of has have SU access to 
suck up port 80 (which still wouldn't help if we collide on 80).

trying to avoid people using -d for now -- still doesn't help
since DocumentRoot wants an absolute path.

include doesn't work since we are sharing the same CVS tree and
would end up with the same includes -- unless there is something

Include "$ENV{LOGNAME}-conf"

to allow per-user portions of the config.

never learned how to configure apache w/ the perl format,
which might solve the entire thing via $ENV{HOME}.  might not...


anyone have an example httpd.conf (stock or perly) that would
allow multiple people on the same machine to check out the same
httpd.conf, start up httpd w/ -f ./httpd.conf and not collide
on the ports, dir's?   

the only thing i can come up with so far is rather messy,
using, with

IfDefine blah
Include blah-config

we can edit the common httpd.conf file for each of ourselves.

seems like performing the replacement in-place (e.g., via 
$LOGNAME) would be a cleaner way.


 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

anyone had luck compiling apache-1.3.14 w/ mod_perl-1.24_01on aix 4.3.3?

2000-12-12 Thread Steven Lembark

the Makefile.PL doesn't even work...  can't find any references
to specific problems, figured i'd check before getting into the
gory details...

 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582

infamous mod_perl mod_ssl together not making...

2000-01-10 Thread Steven Lembark

found snippet (below) on archive, obviously i'm missing something...
after following the notes in ./mod_perl-1.3.1/INSTALL.simple.ssl,
./mod_ssl-2.4.10-1.3.9 and previous suggestions from the mailing list:

make[1]: Entering directory `/var/CPAN/build/apache_1.3.9'
=== src
make[2]: Entering directory `/var/CPAN/build/apache_1.3.9'
make[3]: Entering directory `/var/CPAN/build/apache_1.3.9/src'
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `all'.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/var/CPAN/build/apache_1.3.9/src'
make[2]: *** [build-std] Error 2

if i leave out mod_perl the whole thing makes, including mod_perl
seems to break it every time.  basic steps:

extract, make, make test  make install of
openssl-0.9.4, mm-1.0.12, rsaref2.  all of
those worked.

blew off ./apache-1.3.9, re-extracted it.
extracted mod_ssl-2.4.10-1.3.9.
went through the "flexible APACI-only way"

just for grins, ran make in apache.  this much
worked.  went through the key generation, 
got snakeoil, etc.

cd ../mod_perl-1.2.1;
made the ~/.makepl_args.mod_perl
export SSL_BASE=/opt/ssl;
export APACHE_PREFIX=/opt/apache/1.3.9;
ls $SSL_BASE/lib shows me libcrypto.a  libssl.a
[could be first scewup, SSL_BASE == install dir w/ 
lib  include or ./lib itself?]
perl Makefile.PL;
make -wk 21 | tee Make.log;

which then finally gives me:

make[3]: Entering directory `/var/CPAN/build/apache_1.3.9/src'
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `all'.


as a variation i blew off apache-1.3.9, ran all the steps as above
without the make after configuring mod_ssl, went directly to the
perl Makefile.PL.  same result.

blowing off apache-1.3.9 one more time and running the usual apaci
config  make w/ mod_perl only works fine.

something i'm screwing up w/ the two of them...

system is heavily hacked RH-6.0 w/ current perl:

Linux 2.2.14 #19 SMP Sat Jan 8 00:59:20 CST 2000 i686 unknown

Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.2.13, archname=i686-linux
uname='linux 2.2.13 #9 smp sat nov 13 22:03:19 cst 1999
i686 unknown '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O2', gccversion=egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2
cppflags='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL'
ccflags ='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=undef, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lnsl -lndbm -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic'
cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Nov 16 1999 19:32:59

from email archive:

Installing mod_ssl was a breeze for me.  I followed mod_ssl's instructions
for "b) The flexible APACI-only way":
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.x


mod_perl-x.xx % SSL_BASE=... perl Makefile.PL ...  make test  make install

For your configure options, just create a $HOME/.makepl_args.mod_perl that
looks like so:

When Makefile.PL is run, it'll read in those options and pass then to
Apache's configure script.

 Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer St.
 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   800-762-1582