Re: mod_perl caching form data?

2003-05-30 Thread davidr+modperl
Thus spake Perrin Harkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): uses sticky widgets by default.  These are supposed to be cleared
 between requests though, by a cleanup handler that uses.  Are you
 using mod_perl 2, by any chance?  I think I see a bug in's

Nope.  mod_perl 1.27

But...  you and Cees are beautiful people.  I'd read almost completely
through the documentation, but I didn't remember that it was
significant that each http child only compiles the code once, so these
cgi parameters might stay in memory as new clients hit the children.

A simple $cgi-delete('ipaddress') to delete the value when I create
the field has done the trick.  Thanks very much to the both of you.

BUG [in docs] semicolon-separated param pairs fail w/ MSIE in metaredirect tags

2003-04-03 Thread m-list-subscribe-modperl-digest
Stas wrote:
 Matthew, can you please repost it to the mod_perl list?
 There are many more people who can followup on this.
I won't be subscribed long enough to read any replies to this mesg, but 
am posting here at Stas' suggestion. Hopefully someone here will be able 
to update the docs if appropriate.

Yesterday I was reading
and noticed:
 either you should avoid using such keys
 or you should separate parameter pairs
 with ; instead of 
This is fine advice. It's standards compliant and *should* work 
perfectly. In practice, it does work with one exception. MSIE (or at 
least certain recent versions of it) can fail to redirect properly if 
you use ; separators in a URL which is used in a meta redirect tag.

Suppose the URL to which you're redirecting is supposed to contain a 
parameter volt with value 1 and another parameter amp with a value 
of 2.

The URL could be either of these two if you're using;amp=2
Since the URL is appearing in HTML, then you have to HTML entity encode 
the URL, which means that the URL in your meta redirect tag needs to be 
either of these two;amp=2;amp=2

Either of those *should* work in functional browsers.

However, (at least certain versions of) MSIE will incorrectly read those 
two urls (if found in meta redirects) as;amp=2

Note that the second URL lost everything after the semicolon. In 
versions of MSIE which are afflicted in this manner, you can only have 
semicolons in your URL if they are the terminal characters of HTML 
entity encoding sequences.

This means that in your meta redirects you *must* use the encoded  
character (amp; or a numeric encoding) to separate your parameter 
name/value pairs *unless* you can be certain that none of your users 
will be using one of the broken browsers.

See also
I thought this note might be appropriate to add to
(who is now unsubscribing. Thanks for your time :)

Modperl! Your private *UNDERAGE* lolitas and boys!

2002-08-04 Thread modperl

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Modperl! Your private *UNDERAGE* lolitas and boys!

2002-08-04 Thread modperl

Dear Modperl!

It's your personal invitation to our new sites:



Endorsed and appreciated by over 5.000 loyal members worldwide, TwilghtZone is a real 
treasure for those who love to watch beautiful young girls in their natural appearance 
- free of clothing and prejudices.


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- exclusive photos (sweet innocent boys)
- asian photos (more underage photos)
- european photos
- DPTNH photos (NEW !!!)
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Re: [WOT] Google Programming Contest.

2002-02-07 Thread kkeller-modperl

Bill Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sorry for the Way Off Topic, and sorry if I missed this on the
 list already:

It seems like a lame way to hire a contractor.  :)  And an even
lamer way to get hired as a contractor.

(ps to randal--dammit, next time i'll *read* the outbound headers!)

-- keith
public key:
alt.os.linux.slackware FAQ:

µ´¹ï«K©yªº¾¥¤ô§X Epson ³Ì§C190[¼s§i«H]

2001-12-02 Thread modperl-return-20988-archive=jab . org

Re: BOF?

2001-07-16 Thread modperl

I'm pretty easy to tag out of a croud,  I'm pretty sure I'm starting the
week with pink hair again (I'm gonna end it with blue or green).

I'm getting there sunday around 5ish.


On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, Robin Berjon wrote:
 On Monday 16 July 2001 07:10, James G Smith wrote:
  Judging by where the hotel is, I think probably the hotel bar is going to
  be best. I arrive on Sunday.
  As do I.  Just let me know where and when.
 I arrive on Sunday evening too, is there a good way to recognize a bunch of
 modperlians ? I've only ever seen two people on this list so if they aren't
 there I won't recognize anyone :)


2001-04-12 Thread modperl

Were testing some modperl code and some of the modules are dependant apon
a request object to get data from.

The two options that would seem availble are either or to
dupe the module and put fake data into it for modules that require it.

Option one seems to be the better option then having to keep multiple
fakes in sync with the oiginal as it changes.

I looked into Apache::FakeRequest and it appears that It just returns the
sub name as the data for the sub which doesn't provide true input.  I've
been messing with a test this afternoon, but i figured i should at least
check and make sure that there wasn't one already out there that matched
well with what i wanted and two that fake request wouldn't do what i

What I'm writing is one that reads a file instead of getting the data from
apache and then parses that and makes all the data availble from it
mimicing an apache request object.

For testing the whole codebase,  We are prepping something more like
the mod perl make test where it starts a server etc, but for just testing
a function, we want to be able to have it in a test script and see the
output from it.

thanks for any info/pointers.


Re: Lustful thought re: Apache 2.0... (was Re: Apache::Compressand Apache::Filter)

2001-04-06 Thread modperl

Hmm, We actually already have most of this implemented. Not persay
outgoing data though bucket brigade style though.

We just have an output module that handles all of this.  Print that object
rather then $r and it works really well.  Its actually more then just
s/before/after/g though,  we have that written as well, but being able to
go through and as the last thing before output is sent to the client
determine that we want a red background rather then white, or that certian
javascript should be put into the onload tag.

Rather fun.  The real idea for it actually came after listening to Ryan's
talk last year at OSS con and deciding we didn't want to wait that long
for it.


On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Sean Chittenden wrote:
   PS For those of you who weren't here, the mod_perl
 2.0/Apache/2.0 talks by Doug/Ryan (respectively) were really awesome!!!
 The demo from Doug was pretty damn swift...  imagine being able to do
 s/before/after/g on a piece of outgoing data...  sessions have never
 been more cool/easy.

Re: Can anyone help please

2001-02-20 Thread modperl

The easiest, fastest, and most transparent that I can think of is to just
create a jump script/module/etc that you link to.
something like
then you write your setup so that any link gets added on to the end of
that making a link to into 

then you can parse outgoing files and anytime you find a
you just replace http:// with http://servername/jump/

log it however you need to

On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Smith, Stephen (ELS) wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I have to  make the tracking of users who follow links to  external sites
 possible, preferably indicating in specific logfiles when a new browser is
 opened for linking to  external sites. 
 We have tried proxy solutions, modifying Apache core modules and are
 considering scanning and parsing our Html on the fly.
 I understand that uri.c could be modified or changes could be made to the
 .htaccess file.
 The problem is it has to be fast and transparant, does anyone have any

Re: Error reporting mod_perl 1.25 + apache 1.3.17

2001-02-06 Thread modperl

Actually My current builds are very similar. 1.3.17+1.25w/5.6.0 on
slackware linux 7.1, dually intel boxes.
Works fine and while watching error logs i haven't seen any
segfaults. returns our pages just fine.


On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Paul Lindner wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 06:41:00PM +, G.W. Haywood wrote:
  Hi there,
  On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Matisse Enzer wrote:
   I compiled perl 5.6 and Apache 1.3.17 using gcc egcs-2.91.66
   on a RH Linux 6.1 system.
  I'm sure there must be people on this List who have successfully built
  mod_perl systems using exactly the packages you have mentioned.
  Anyone care to confirm that?
 I've seen some strange segementation fault problems with mod_perl
 1.25.  I have not had the time to document these.
 Environment is similar to others: mod_perl 1.25, apache 1.3.17, perl
 5.00503, solaris 2.6...

Re: With high request rate, server stops responding with load zero

2001-01-17 Thread modperl

Ok,  just to check it,  find out which file descriptor that your processes
is hanging on and then do an ls -l /proc/$PID/fd

Check a few of them and see if they are all hanging on the same
file.  Obviously replace the proper information for the variables listed

Idealy something should be shown here to figure out what is the
problem.  If its reading from a file, check to make sure that the file is
still availble.  Network file systems can just wait on this forever.


Re: perl calendar application

2001-01-06 Thread modperl

I'll say just a little now since i'm moving semi slowly on this project.  

I'm working on writing a suite that at some point will have a calender
program in it.  The whole thing is perl based and the entire web enterface
is going to be done in mod perl. Whole setup will be databased
backed and released under the GPL.

As for a timeline,  I've been working more on the backend then any type of
display environment yet.  I'm starting to get into the front end now, so
by the end of the month, hopefully I will have something that can be shown
and that works reasonably well.

If you want more information about it, send me an e-mail offlist. As for
the statement that its not good to re-write something that exisits many
times for another language that works well,  Once I have the release, It
should make a good deal more sense.


On Fri, 5 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've looked around the web for perl-based calendar applications for
 several hours.  There are a significant number out there -- I've
 personally checked out a dozen, but they are generally pretty pathetic.  
 Even most of the ones you can pay for are ugly and have very limited
 functionality.  WebTrend and Calcium are decent, but cost $400 for our
 situation and any modifications I make would be unsharable.  (This
 presumes that their source code is even legible and in any shape to hack
 on.)  Am I totally missing something?
 More generally, does anybody have a page of mod_perl business
 applications?  Even more generally, are there any mod_perl applications

Single proc -multi proc

2001-01-06 Thread modperl

I've got 4 new machines coming in around the 22nd.  I'll have physical
access to them for two weeks before we colo them.  Probably the easiest
way to determine mod_perl's scalability by going to multiproc on linux
would be for me to test them.  They are dual proc machines, but I can pull
a proc out of them for testing pretty easily durring the two weeks that we
have them here.
recomended scripts?
As for ab being coarse,  I'm not sure I'd agree totaly with that.  It
allows a fairly good amount of control.  There is also once called
sslclient that is actually worse except it does ssl.

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Blue Lang wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Roger Espel Llima wrote:
  JR Mayberry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Linux does serious injustice to mod_perl. Anyone who uses Linux knows
   how horrible it is on SMP, I think some tests showed it uses as litle as
   25% of the second processor..
  A simple benchmark with 'ab' shows the number of requests per second
  almost double when the concurrency is increased from 1 to 2.  With a
  concurrency of 4, the number of requests per second increases to
  about 3.2 times the original, which is not bad at all considering
  that these are dynamic requests with DB queries.
 Eh, ab isn't really made as anything other than the most coarsely-grained
 of benchmarks. Concurrency testing is useless because it will measure the
 ratio of requests/second/processor, not the scalability of requests from
 single to multiple processors.

PUT handling (somewhat off-topic)

2000-09-06 Thread mjd-perl-modperl

I apologize in advance, because this isn't directly related to
mod_perl.  But I really wasn't sure where to ask.  Posting to
comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix didn't produce any result.  There
doesn't seem to be a mailing list for discussion of Apache generally.

I am trying to get apache to invoke a CGI program in response to PUT
requests.  This is a FAQ.  The FAQ instructions are very clear and
straightforward and don't work for me.

I have the following in the VirtualHost section in my httpd.conf:

   Script PUT /cgi-bin/Put

/cgi-bin is ScriptAliased correctly.  /cgi-bin/Put has permissions set
propserly and runs correctly from the shell and also when I send
Apache a GET request for it.

When I send Apache a PUT request using 'telnet', the request is
received.  However, my PUT script does not run.  Instead, Apache
fabricates a 200 response that looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 08:57:12 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.19
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

the body of the response is empty.

I know that /cgi-bin/Put isn't being run because it would have
produced a 206 response, not a 200 response,  because it would have produced
a nonempty body, and because it would have written a log to
/tmp/Put.err, which it didn't do.

The access log entry looks like this: - - [05/Sep/2000:04:57:12 -0400] "PUT /~mjd/p/index.html 
HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "-" "-"

There is no entry in the error log.

I get the same behavior when I put the 'Script' directive into a
Directory section and send a PUT request for a file in the

I don't want Apache to respond to the PUT request itself.  I want it
to run /cgi-bin/Put and have /cgi-bin/Put generate the response.  The
on-line manual and the FAQ all say that the

   Script PUT /cgi-bin/Put

directive that I have should do that, but it isn't doing it.  Does
anyone have any suggestions about what might be wrong, or about a more
appropriate forum in which to ask?

Problem with Apache::SIG

2000-04-12 Thread modperl-return-2783-archive=jab . org

Hi All,

Recently I installed Apache-1.3.12 with mod_perl-1.22. Standard
installation. Everything seemed to work great.

I'm using the directive
PerlFixupHandler Apache::SIG

because you have some 'alive' scripts that need to be killed if
the user closes his browser.

Well, everything seems to work fine, but in Apache error_log
we get the message:

[Mon Apr 10 22:27:01 2000] [error]  at
/Apache/ line 31.

Line 31 is Apache::exit($s);

What is wrong ?

Thanks in advance,
Renato - Brasil

confirm subscribe to

2000-02-20 Thread modperl-help

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