Re: getting URL of refused page, after OnDeny

2001-07-08 Thread wald

 Can you set up a custom error document handler and redirect to that, 
 rather than using your OnDeny?  Return something like 409
 (Conflict), and Apache will do an internal redirect, from which
 you can get the requesting URI in the same way that you can in
 other redirects.

 Actually, how is the require handled? What does your auth handler
 return if the user is not subscribed?  Can/does your handler do an
 internal redirect?

I do (in my C handler):
ap_table_set (r-headers_out, Location, sec-auth_LNonDeny);
return REDIRECT;

your suggestion sounds good, off to hit my books to see how to do that -
sounds like a good solution (never done an internal redirect - I think -))
  thanks for the pointer,  
  Bob Waldstein   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

getting URL of refused page, after OnDeny

2001-07-06 Thread wald

  my setup:  I have files in a directory, that a user can only get if
subscribed. My apache is hacked with both C and mod_perl
enhancements to authentication/authorization. My .htaccess
looks as follows:
AuthName library services
AuthType Basic
limit GET
require subscribe idc
OnDeny http://myserver/refusals/idc.html

  the problem: when a unsubscribed user tries to go to:
 and gets bounced to the refusal/subscription page (idc.html) I would
 like to know the refused page (/protected-dir/document.pdf) so I can
 send them back there when they subscribe.

  I don't see any way to carry this infomation? Am thinking about hacking
more so I can have an OnDeny line like
OnDeny http://myserver/refusals/idc.html?refused=$URI

but feel like I am probably missing something!  THanks for any pointers,
Bob Waldstein  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2 servers based on .htaccess authentication

2000-11-29 Thread wald

  We are finally planning to "do the right thing" and have a light weight and
heavy weight server. Our problem is that our (immediate) users set up
the protections for each directory with .htaccess files - and they use
PerlAuthzHandler and PerlAuthenHandlers - so to decide if a file can be
delivered requires modperl.

   So the solution I have come up with is to proxyPass any request 
requiring authentication to the modperl server.  Any existing solution
is welcome!  The approach I am trying though is:
   - write an authentication module (in C) to add to the light weight
 server.  All it does is bunce the request to the heavy server. This
 is figuring if apache invokes this module authentication is being

  Problem: something is still seeing and complaining about the
PerlAuthenHandler stuff.  I have pulled (I believe) all the other
authentation and authorization modules - why and which apache aspect 
might be doing this???

  A concern: in my module I do a REDIRECT to the heavy weight.  Doesn't this
go back to the browser?  How do I do a proxyPass in C like the rewrite setup
does so well??

  THanks,  Bob Waldstein  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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redirecting from within a XSSI #perl routine?

1999-11-21 Thread wald

I have an XSSI !--#perl ... -- routine that does stuff based on user
info in a cookie. My problem: if the cookie isn't set I want to bounce the
user to a script like

Setting the Location header doesn't seem to stick? Am I too late - have
the headers been already formatted (and sent?). Anyway to do this? THat is,
to have an XSSI set the Location header?

  thanks much,
Bob Waldstein ([EMAIL PROTECTED])