RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request

2003-08-25 Thread S.B.S
I ran into the same problem. What I had to do was compile libapreq as a
shared library first. That solved things nicely.


S. G.

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request

2003-08-25 Thread K Old
Ok, in the libapreq module I did the configure 

./configure --with-apache-includes=/usr/includes/apache
make install

Everything compiled just fine.

Then did
perl Makefile.PL  make  make test  make install

All of the tests still failed and the t/logs/error_log still reported:

[Sun Aug 24 23:01:32 2003] [info] Created shared memory segment #5275663
[Sun Aug 24 23:01:32 2003] [info] allocated semaphore #3768340
[Sun Aug 24 23:01:33 2003] [info] Created shared memory segment #5373967
[Sun Aug 24 23:01:33 2003] [info] allocated semaphore #3833876
[Sun Aug 24 23:01:33 2003] [info] created shared memory segment #5439505

Any advice how I proceed from here?


On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 22:49, S.B.S wrote:
 I ran into the same problem. What I had to do was compile libapreq as a
 shared library first. That solved things nicely.
 S. G.

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-12 Thread DeAngelo Lampkin
It's hard to generalize because in some cases the shared object file may actually not 
be installed.  However, there should probably be something in the documentation that 
tells the user to make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable and/or the 
/etc/ file include the usual default installation paths for required 


-Original Message-
From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:perrin;]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 1:10 PM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin
Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

DeAngelo Lampkin wrote:

 And of course the other reason is that if the solution to the problem 
 was so obvious from the error message, somebody would have posted a 
 solution before I figured it out (with help from you guys).

There is documentation related to this problem in the troubleshooting 
section, and if you'd like to generalize it a little so it will be 
easier for others to find when looking at this type of message, your 
help would be welcome.  The current documentation is here:

- Perrin

RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-08 Thread DeAngelo Lampkin
It tells you EXACTLY what is wrong.

No, not really. 

One reason is that it's not immediately clear (to me) which file can't be loaded.  Is 
it or that can't be loaded?  This ambiguity is further 
blurred when you know both files are installed.  

And of course the other reason is that if the solution to the problem was so obvious 
from the error message, somebody would have posted a solution before I figured it out 
(with help from you guys).

Searching the  mailing list archives indicates that method name resolution is not 
exacly a new problem with mod_perl.  Just ask this guy =  It's the exact same 
problem with the exact same error message, only in different clothing (he's having 
trouble with the Apache::Cookie object rather than the Apache::Request object). 

In the interest of full disclosure, other possible solutions include resetting 
/etc/ or the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include more places to look for 
shared object files (only recently figured this out).  But again, unless you're 
somewhat experienced or have encountered this class of bug before, this won't 
necessarily be the obvious place to look at first.

Anyway enough of my babbling.  Now that the answer is out there, hopefully it'll help 
out the poor souls who run into this issue in the future.



-Original Message-
From: Ged Haywood [mailto:ged;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:01 PM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin
Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

Hi there,

On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, DeAngelo Lampkin wrote:

 A file called was located in /usr/local/lib
 (should have been in /usr/lib) [snip] I ended up getting this thing:
 Syntax error on line 362 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
 Can't load 
  for module Apache::Request: cannot open shared object file:\
  No such file or directory [snip]
 This isn't the most helpful error message in the world.


It tells you EXACTLY what is wrong.


RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-08 Thread DeAngelo Lampkin
Cool.  Will do.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Tompkins [mailto:timt;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 12:27 PM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

 As a quick follow-up, the PerlModule Apache::Request line is NOT
 needed in the httpd.conf file for Mason to work.  However, it was a very
 valuable debugging tool.

That wasn't really the purpose, though.  The purpose was to pre-load the
module in the parent apache process for efficiency.  My suggestion did come
about because it appeared that Apache::Request wasn't being loaded at all.
I'm not exacly sure how that happened as Mason's ApacheRequest attempts to
require() Apache::Request a couple of places.  But just the same, my
suggestion to pre-load Apache::Request, as well as any other lib you
normally use, stands.



Tim Tompkins

Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request(via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
DeAngelo Lampkin wrote:

And of course the other reason is that if the solution to the problem 
was so obvious from the error message, somebody would have posted a 
solution before I figured it out (with help from you guys).

There is documentation related to this problem in the troubleshooting 
section, and if you'd like to generalize it a little so it will be 
easier for others to find when looking at this type of message, your 
help would be welcome.  The current documentation is here:

- Perrin

RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-07 Thread Gareth Kirwan
You need to set Mason up better - probably.

I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

You could use a with Mason 1.12 ( or 1.15) and the new
Lexer / Compiller components.

There should be a require statement in your httpd.conf.
This gives you better control over data structures, variable scopes, and an
opportunity to handle persistent database connections better in the handler.

Check out the information on

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: DeAngelo Lampkin [mailto:dlampkin;]
Sent: 06 November 2002 23:25
Subject: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

Hey guys,

You may remember me from such messages as I can't get mod_perl to compile
on Irix64 systems!.  Well now I've got a whole new problem that I need your
expertise on.

I'm running Apache 1.3x and mod_perl 1.2x on a Linux system.  However,
whenever I go to a page that should be handled by Mason (a perl templating
system), I get the following error message:

[Wed Nov  6 11:56:20 2002] [error] Can't locate object method new via
package Apache::Request at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/ line 878.

My guess is that this (at some level)involves a configuration error of some
kind.  I added the following lines to my httpd.conf file per the
instructions on Mason's website:

PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

So I'm not sure what's going on here.   I looked through Apache/
and found no new method and I didn't find one inside of either
(from which the Request module inherets).  However, I'm assuming this is all
correct and some magical ultra-Perl-guru AUTOLOAD-like functionality is
going on somewhere.

Does anyone have any ideas about what may be causing this?


RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-07 Thread DeAngelo Lampkin
Hi Gareth,

I'm using the latest version of Mason, Mason 1.15.  As I posted in my previous email, 
I put the following lines into my httpd.conf file per the instructions on Mason's 

PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

The reason this wasn't posted on a Mason mailing list is that this didn't seem like a 
Mason problem per se and the Mason mailing list page specifically mentioned the Apache 
Request object (at least in part the source of my problem)as being something that is 
not directly Mason related( ). 
 So I took the advice of the list moderator and posted on the mod_perl list instead.



-Original Message-
From: Gareth Kirwan [mailto:gbjk;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:44 AM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...

You need to set Mason up better - probably.

I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

You could use a with Mason 1.12 ( or 1.15) and the new
Lexer / Compiller components.

There should be a require statement in your httpd.conf.
This gives you better control over data structures, variable scopes, and an
opportunity to handle persistent database connections better in the handler.

Check out the information on

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: DeAngelo Lampkin [mailto:dlampkin;]
Sent: 06 November 2002 23:25
Subject: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

Hey guys,

You may remember me from such messages as I can't get mod_perl to compile
on Irix64 systems!.  Well now I've got a whole new problem that I need your
expertise on.

I'm running Apache 1.3x and mod_perl 1.2x on a Linux system.  However,
whenever I go to a page that should be handled by Mason (a perl templating
system), I get the following error message:

[Wed Nov  6 11:56:20 2002] [error] Can't locate object method new via
package Apache::Request at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/ line 878.

My guess is that this (at some level)involves a configuration error of some
kind.  I added the following lines to my httpd.conf file per the
instructions on Mason's website:

PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

So I'm not sure what's going on here.   I looked through Apache/
and found no new method and I didn't find one inside of either
(from which the Request module inherets).  However, I'm assuming this is all
correct and some magical ultra-Perl-guru AUTOLOAD-like functionality is
going on somewhere.

Does anyone have any ideas about what may be causing this?


RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-07 Thread Gareth Kirwan
What version of perl ?

Post 1.12 Mason has problems with perl 5.6.0 I believe ( or maybe .1 as
well )

You're quite right about the problem not necessarily being a mason one.
However as a mason user - you're likely to get help there all the same on
things that are border line mason ( the new Request object is created IN )

Try this:

Change your httpd.conf to use a mason-handler.
Create a in either your @INC or your apache root.
I put mine in the later ( /etc/httpd/ on my system ).
Make sure the ownership / permissions of the mason-handler allow execution
( chmod +x if you must )


Directory /var/virtual/
FilesMatch \.(html|js|css)$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason

package HTML::Mason;
use HTML::Mason;
use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler();
use strict;

my $ah = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler (

chown ( 99, 99, $ah-interp-files_written );
package HTML::Mason::Commands;
use HTML::Entities;
use vars qw($global1 $global2 $global3);
$_escape = sub { my $text = join '', @_;
HTML::Mason::Escapes::basic_html_escape(\$text); return $text }

sub handler
my ($r) = @_;
return -1 if $r-content_type  $r-content_type =~ m|^image/|i;

That's akin to what we use.
Obviously change the /var/virtual to whatever you use as your root - and
HTML-Mason is just where I wanted to keep our data for cache and stuff.
The $globals are just examples.

Once you've done this - let me know if you still get the same problem.

Remember to keep copies of all files you change.
I'd advice RCS/CVS ( i use the former ) for things like httpd.conf if you
want to keep it tidy.


-Original Message-
From: DeAngelo Lampkin [mailto:dlampkin;]
Sent: 07 November 2002 17:54
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...

Hi Gareth,

I'm using the latest version of Mason, Mason 1.15.  As I posted in my
previous email, I put the following lines into my httpd.conf file per the
instructions on Mason's website:

PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

The reason this wasn't posted on a Mason mailing list is that this didn't
seem like a Mason problem per se and the Mason mailing list page
specifically mentioned the Apache Request object (at least in part the
source of my problem)as being something that is not directly Mason
related( ).  So I
took the advice of the list moderator and posted on the mod_perl list



-Original Message-
From: Gareth Kirwan [mailto:gbjk;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:44 AM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...

You need to set Mason up better - probably.

I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

You could use a with Mason 1.12 ( or 1.15) and the new
Lexer / Compiller components.

There should be a require statement in your httpd.conf.
This gives you better control over data structures, variable scopes, and an
opportunity to handle persistent database connections better in the handler.

Check out the information on

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: DeAngelo Lampkin [mailto:dlampkin;]
Sent: 06 November 2002 23:25
Subject: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

Hey guys,

You may remember me from such messages as I can't get mod_perl to compile
on Irix64 systems!.  Well now I've got a whole new problem that I need your
expertise on.

I'm running Apache 1.3x and mod_perl 1.2x on a Linux system.  However,
whenever I go to a page that should be handled by Mason (a perl templating
system), I get the following error message:

[Wed Nov  6 11:56:20 2002] [error] Can't locate object method new via
package Apache::Request at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/ line 878.

My guess

Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-07 Thread Tim Tompkins
Is Apache::Request installed for perl 5.8.0?  Sounds like it's not loaded,


Tim Tompkins
- Original Message -
From: DeAngelo Lampkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:54 AM
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

Hi Gareth,

I'm using the latest version of Mason, Mason 1.15.  As I posted in my
previous email, I put the following lines into my httpd.conf file per the
instructions on Mason's website:

PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

The reason this wasn't posted on a Mason mailing list is that this didn't
seem like a Mason problem per se and the Mason mailing list page
specifically mentioned the Apache Request object (at least in part the
source of my problem)as being something that is not directly Mason
related( ).  So I
took the advice of the list moderator and posted on the mod_perl list



-Original Message-
From: Gareth Kirwan [mailto:gbjk;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:44 AM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...

You need to set Mason up better - probably.

I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

You could use a with Mason 1.12 ( or 1.15) and the new
Lexer / Compiller components.

There should be a require statement in your httpd.conf.
This gives you better control over data structures, variable scopes, and an
opportunity to handle persistent database connections better in the handler.

Check out the information on

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: DeAngelo Lampkin [mailto:dlampkin;]
Sent: 06 November 2002 23:25
Subject: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

Hey guys,

You may remember me from such messages as I can't get mod_perl to compile
on Irix64 systems!.  Well now I've got a whole new problem that I need your
expertise on.

I'm running Apache 1.3x and mod_perl 1.2x on a Linux system.  However,
whenever I go to a page that should be handled by Mason (a perl templating
system), I get the following error message:

[Wed Nov  6 11:56:20 2002] [error] Can't locate object method new via
package Apache::Request at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/ line 878.

My guess is that this (at some level)involves a configuration error of some
kind.  I added the following lines to my httpd.conf file per the
instructions on Mason's website:

PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

So I'm not sure what's going on here.   I looked through Apache/
and found no new method and I didn't find one inside of either
(from which the Request module inherets).  However, I'm assuming this is all
correct and some magical ultra-Perl-guru AUTOLOAD-like functionality is
going on somewhere.

Does anyone have any ideas about what may be causing this?


Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-07 Thread Tim Tompkins
You should pre-load Apache::Request anyway,

PerlModule Apache::Request
PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler


Tim Tompkins
- Original Message -
From: Tim Tompkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

 Is Apache::Request installed for perl 5.8.0?  Sounds like it's not loaded,


 Tim Tompkins
 - Original Message -
 From: DeAngelo Lampkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:54 AM
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 (via Mason)...

 Hi Gareth,

 I'm using the latest version of Mason, Mason 1.15.  As I posted in my
 previous email, I put the following lines into my httpd.conf file per the
 instructions on Mason's website:

 PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
 FilesMatch \.msn$
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

 The reason this wasn't posted on a Mason mailing list is that this didn't
 seem like a Mason problem per se and the Mason mailing list page
 specifically mentioned the Apache Request object (at least in part the
 source of my problem)as being something that is not directly Mason
 related( ).  So I
 took the advice of the list moderator and posted on the mod_perl list



 -Original Message-
 From: Gareth Kirwan [mailto:gbjk;]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:44 AM
 To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 Apache::Request (via Mason)...

 You need to set Mason up better - probably.

 I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
 If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
 However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

 You could use a with Mason 1.12 ( or 1.15) and the new
 Lexer / Compiller components.

 There should be a require statement in your httpd.conf.
 This gives you better control over data structures, variable scopes, and
 opportunity to handle persistent database connections better in the

 Check out the information on

 Hope this helps.


 -Original Message-
 From: DeAngelo Lampkin [mailto:dlampkin;]
 Sent: 06 November 2002 23:25
 Subject: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
 (via Mason)...

 Hey guys,

 You may remember me from such messages as I can't get mod_perl to compile
 on Irix64 systems!.  Well now I've got a whole new problem that I need
 expertise on.

 I'm running Apache 1.3x and mod_perl 1.2x on a Linux system.  However,
 whenever I go to a page that should be handled by Mason (a perl templating
 system), I get the following error message:
 [Wed Nov  6 11:56:20 2002] [error] Can't locate object method new via
 package Apache::Request at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/ line 878.

 My guess is that this (at some level)involves a configuration error of
 kind.  I added the following lines to my httpd.conf file per the
 instructions on Mason's website:

 PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
 FilesMatch \.msn$
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

 So I'm not sure what's going on here.   I looked through Apache/
 and found no new method and I didn't find one inside of either
 (from which the Request module inherets).  However, I'm assuming this is
 correct and some magical ultra-Perl-guru AUTOLOAD-like functionality is
 going on somewhere.

 Does anyone have any ideas about what may be causing this?


RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-07 Thread Gareth Kirwan
Tim - Did you not get the 18:06 email of mine ?

It uses a handler instead.

So he wouldn't be using this method anyway - if he decided to follow my

By the way - i'm new to this list - :-)


-Original Message-
From: Tim Tompkins [mailto:timt;]
Sent: 07 November 2002 18:16
To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...

You should pre-load Apache::Request anyway,

PerlModule Apache::Request
PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler


Tim Tompkins
- Original Message -
From: Tim Tompkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

 Is Apache::Request installed for perl 5.8.0?  Sounds like it's not loaded,


 Tim Tompkins
 - Original Message -
 From: DeAngelo Lampkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:54 AM
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 (via Mason)...

 Hi Gareth,

 I'm using the latest version of Mason, Mason 1.15.  As I posted in my
 previous email, I put the following lines into my httpd.conf file per the
 instructions on Mason's website:

 PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
 FilesMatch \.msn$
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

 The reason this wasn't posted on a Mason mailing list is that this didn't
 seem like a Mason problem per se and the Mason mailing list page
 specifically mentioned the Apache Request object (at least in part the
 source of my problem)as being something that is not directly Mason
 related( ).  So I
 took the advice of the list moderator and posted on the mod_perl list



 -Original Message-
 From: Gareth Kirwan [mailto:gbjk;]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:44 AM
 To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 Apache::Request (via Mason)...

 You need to set Mason up better - probably.

 I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
 If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
 However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

 You could use a with Mason 1.12 ( or 1.15) and the new
 Lexer / Compiller components.

 There should be a require statement in your httpd.conf.
 This gives you better control over data structures, variable scopes, and
 opportunity to handle persistent database connections better in the

 Check out the information on

 Hope this helps.


 -Original Message-
 From: DeAngelo Lampkin [mailto:dlampkin;]
 Sent: 06 November 2002 23:25
 Subject: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
 (via Mason)...

 Hey guys,

 You may remember me from such messages as I can't get mod_perl to compile
 on Irix64 systems!.  Well now I've got a whole new problem that I need
 expertise on.

 I'm running Apache 1.3x and mod_perl 1.2x on a Linux system.  However,
 whenever I go to a page that should be handled by Mason (a perl templating
 system), I get the following error message:
 [Wed Nov  6 11:56:20 2002] [error] Can't locate object method new via
 package Apache::Request at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/ line 878.

 My guess is that this (at some level)involves a configuration error of
 kind.  I added the following lines to my httpd.conf file per the
 instructions on Mason's website:

 PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
 FilesMatch \.msn$
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

 So I'm not sure what's going on here.   I looked through Apache/
 and found no new method and I didn't find one inside of either
 (from which the Request module inherets).  However, I'm assuming this is
 correct and some

Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-07 Thread Tim Tompkins
Sure I did.  I was just keeping my response to the context of his present
configuration according to the sample he sent.


Tim Tompkins
- Original Message -
From: Gareth Kirwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tim Tompkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]; DeAngelo Lampkin
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

 Tim - Did you not get the 18:06 email of mine ?

 It uses a handler instead.

 So he wouldn't be using this method anyway - if he decided to follow my

 By the way - i'm new to this list - :-)


RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-07 Thread DeAngelo Lampkin
Thanks to Tim, Gareth, and Phillippe:

OK, I'll start with the solution to the problem and then drag on a bit for how I found 

The problem was the location of a shared object file for the Apache Request object.  A 
file called was located in /usr/local/lib (should have been in 
/usr/lib), which was ok for the test script that Phillippe gave me and the one-liner 
that Gareth gave me, but was apparently NOT ok for Mason in the context of mod_perl.  
I didn't figure this out until I tried Tim's suggestion of preloading the 
Apache::Request module inside of httpd.conf.  I ended up getting this thing:

Syntax error on line 362 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Can't load 
 for module Apache::Request: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 
 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 14
Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 3.

This isn't the most helpful error message in the world.  However, I knew 
and were installed, but I didn't know if they were in places that the 
server process expected them to be.  So did a search for all the shared object files 
and noticed file was sitting all by itself in /usr/local/lib, while 
about a billion other shared object files were inside of /usr/lib.  I moved to the place where all the other cool shared object files hung out, 
crossed my fingers, and booya! It worked.  Apprently something about the way I 
configured the installation for libapreq was not very Mason friendly.

Anyway, thanks again for the help.  


-Original Message-
From: Tim Tompkins [mailto:timt;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:16 AM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...

You should pre-load Apache::Request anyway,

PerlModule Apache::Request
PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler


Tim Tompkins
- Original Message -
From: Tim Tompkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

 Is Apache::Request installed for perl 5.8.0?  Sounds like it's not loaded,


 Tim Tompkins
 - Original Message -
 From: DeAngelo Lampkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:54 AM
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 (via Mason)...

 Hi Gareth,

 I'm using the latest version of Mason, Mason 1.15.  As I posted in my
 previous email, I put the following lines into my httpd.conf file per the
 instructions on Mason's website:

 PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
 FilesMatch \.msn$
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

 The reason this wasn't posted on a Mason mailing list is that this didn't
 seem like a Mason problem per se and the Mason mailing list page
 specifically mentioned the Apache Request object (at least in part the
 source of my problem)as being something that is not directly Mason
 related( ).  So I
 took the advice of the list moderator and posted on the mod_perl list



 -Original Message-
 From: Gareth Kirwan [mailto:gbjk;]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:44 AM
 To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 Apache::Request (via Mason)...

 You need to set Mason up better - probably.

 I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
 If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
 However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

 You could use a with Mason 1.12 ( or 1.15) and the new
 Lexer / Compiller components.

 There should be a require statement in your httpd.conf.
 This gives you better control over data structures, variable scopes, and
 opportunity to handle persistent database connections better in the

 Check out the information on

 Hope this helps.


 -Original Message

RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-07 Thread DeAngelo Lampkin
As a quick follow-up, the PerlModule Apache::Request line is NOT needed in the 
httpd.conf file for Mason to work.  However, it was a very valuable debugging tool.

-Original Message-
From: DeAngelo Lampkin 
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:21 AM
To: Tim Tompkins; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

Thanks to Tim, Gareth, and Phillippe:

OK, I'll start with the solution to the problem and then drag on a bit for how I found 

The problem was the location of a shared object file for the Apache Request object.  A 
file called was located in /usr/local/lib (should have been in 
/usr/lib), which was ok for the test script that Phillippe gave me and the one-liner 
that Gareth gave me, but was apparently NOT ok for Mason in the context of mod_perl.  
I didn't figure this out until I tried Tim's suggestion of preloading the 
Apache::Request module inside of httpd.conf.  I ended up getting this thing:

Syntax error on line 362 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Can't load 
 for module Apache::Request: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 
 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 14
Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 3.

This isn't the most helpful error message in the world.  However, I knew 
and were installed, but I didn't know if they were in places that the 
server process expected them to be.  So did a search for all the shared object files 
and noticed file was sitting all by itself in /usr/local/lib, while 
about a billion other shared object files were inside of /usr/lib.  I moved to the place where all the other cool shared object files hung out, 
crossed my fingers, and booya! It worked.  Apprently something about the way I 
configured the installation for libapreq was not very Mason friendly.

Anyway, thanks again for the help.  


-Original Message-
From: Tim Tompkins [mailto:timt;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:16 AM
To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package
Apache::Request (via Mason)...

You should pre-load Apache::Request anyway,

PerlModule Apache::Request
PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

FilesMatch \.msn$
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler


Tim Tompkins
- Original Message -
From: Tim Tompkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request
(via Mason)...

 Is Apache::Request installed for perl 5.8.0?  Sounds like it's not loaded,


 Tim Tompkins
 - Original Message -
 From: DeAngelo Lampkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:54 AM
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 (via Mason)...

 Hi Gareth,

 I'm using the latest version of Mason, Mason 1.15.  As I posted in my
 previous email, I put the following lines into my httpd.conf file per the
 instructions on Mason's website:

 PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
 FilesMatch \.msn$
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

 The reason this wasn't posted on a Mason mailing list is that this didn't
 seem like a Mason problem per se and the Mason mailing list page
 specifically mentioned the Apache Request object (at least in part the
 source of my problem)as being something that is not directly Mason
 related( ).  So I
 took the advice of the list moderator and posted on the mod_perl list



 -Original Message-
 From: Gareth Kirwan [mailto:gbjk;]
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:44 AM
 To: DeAngelo Lampkin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Can't locate object method new via package
 Apache::Request (via Mason)...

 You need to set Mason up better - probably.

 I'm an avid Mason user, and I've seen this a fair few times.
 If you want help, you're most likely to get it on the
 However if you want to tell me the version of mason you're using it might

 You could use a

Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-07 Thread Tim Tompkins
 As a quick follow-up, the PerlModule Apache::Request line is NOT
 needed in the httpd.conf file for Mason to work.  However, it was a very
 valuable debugging tool.

That wasn't really the purpose, though.  The purpose was to pre-load the
module in the parent apache process for efficiency.  My suggestion did come
about because it appeared that Apache::Request wasn't being loaded at all.
I'm not exacly sure how that happened as Mason's ApacheRequest attempts to
require() Apache::Request a couple of places.  But just the same, my
suggestion to pre-load Apache::Request, as well as any other lib you
normally use, stands.



Tim Tompkins

RE: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request(via Mason)...SOLVED

2002-11-07 Thread Ged Haywood
Hi there,

On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, DeAngelo Lampkin wrote:

 A file called was located in /usr/local/lib
 (should have been in /usr/lib) [snip] I ended up getting this thing:
 Syntax error on line 362 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
 Can't load 
  for module Apache::Request: cannot open shared object file:\
  No such file or directory [snip]
 This isn't the most helpful error message in the world.


It tells you EXACTLY what is wrong.


Re: Can't locate object method new via package Apache::Request (via Mason)...

2002-11-06 Thread Philippe Troin
Seems somewhat similar to a bug I've reported 10 months ago.

You might want to try to run the minimal testcase enclosed in the
forwarded mail.


I've found that mod_perl can get confused when dealing with method
calls during a redirect_internal phase:

 1. page /1 uses method calls, and works when accessed as /1

 2. an other page /R uses internal_redirect to go to /1, and mod_perl
fails with an undefined subroutine error.

This has been seen on:

  apache 1.3.9-14, perl 5.004.05-1.1, and mod_perl 1.25-3 (Debian potato)

and on:

  apache 1.3.22-2.1, perl 5.6.1-6, and mod_perl 1.26-1 (Debian woody/testing)

How to reproduce:

Use this file:

# Common
package Common;

use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler($$)
my $self = shift;
my $req = shift;
return OK;

sub doit
return COMMON;

# Common::Impl1
package Common::Impl1;


sub doit
return IMPL1\n;

# Common::Impl2;
package Common::Impl2;


sub doit
return IMPL2\n;

# Redir
package Redir;

use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler
my $req = shift;
return OK;


PerlRequire the above, and use the following apache configuration:

Location /0
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Common

Location /1
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Common::Impl1

Location /2
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Common::Impl2

Location /R
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Redir


Then, directing a web browser to /0 prints COMMON, to /1 prints IMPL1,
to /2 prints IMPL2, as expectected.

Similarly, when pointing to /R (which redirects internally to /1),
IMPL1 should appear.

However, I get a 500 Internal server error and this in the logs:

[error] Undefined subroutine Common::Impl1::handler called at line 49.

I've tried to debug the problem, and the problem lies inside 
perl_handler_ismethod() in src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c: it returns
different values when called from inside the internal_redirect than
called without internal_redirect.

Inside perl_handler_ismethod():

if(!sub) return 0;
sv = newSVpv(sub,0);
if(!(cv = sv_2cv(sv, stash, gv, FALSE))) {
GV *gvp = gv_fetchmethod(pclass, sub);
if (gvp) cv = GvCV(gvp);

sv_2cv() returns different values when called from inside an
internal_redirect than called without
internal_redirect. Unfortunately, I could not grok sv_2cv(). It's not
even documented in the perl docs.


---End Message---

Re: Can't locate object method dir_config via package Apache::RegistryFilter

2001-12-22 Thread Randy Kobes

- Original Message -

 Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 11:32:24 +0100
 From: Gerald Menzel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Can't locate object method dir_config via package

 I have a problem with Apache::RegistryFilter. I can't get it to work.
 If I try to use it I allways get this error message:

 [error] Can't locate object method dir_config via package
 Apache::RegistryFilter ´
 (perhaps you forgot to load Apache::RegistryFilter?) at
 C:/Programme/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 17.

 Excerpt of my perl.conf:

 PerlModule Apache::Filter
 PerlModule Apache::RegistryFilter
 Files ~ \.pl$
 PerlSetVar Filter on
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter
 Options +ExecCGI

You have to specify the chain of filters in httpd.conf.
Here's an example that takes the output of a script and filters it through Apache::Reverse, which
simple reverses the order of the lines prints out.
In httpd.conf:

  PerlModule Apache::Filter
  PerlModule Apache::RegistryFilter
  PerlModule Apache::Reverse
  Directory /Apache/htdocs/filter
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlSetVar Filter on
 PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::Reverse
 Options +ExecCGI

The script in the /Apache/htdocs/filter directory is
use strict;
print END;
while the perl module Apache::Reverse is
package Apache::Reverse;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
sub handler {
my $r = shift-filter_register;
my ($fh, $status) = $r-filter_input();
print reverse $fh;
warn Status is $status;
return OK;
Does this work for you?

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Can't locate object method dir_config via package Apache::RegistryFilter

2001-12-22 Thread Gerald Menzel

- Original Message -
From: Randy Kobes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method dir_config via package

 - Original Message -

  Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 11:32:24 +0100
  From: Gerald Menzel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Can't locate object method dir_config via package
  I have a problem with Apache::RegistryFilter. I can't get it to work.
  If I try to use it I allways get this error message:
  [error] Can't locate object method dir_config via package
  Apache::RegistryFilter ´
  (perhaps you forgot to load Apache::RegistryFilter?) at
  C:/Programme/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 17.
  Excerpt of my perl.conf:
  PerlModule Apache::Filter
  PerlModule Apache::RegistryFilter
  Files ~ \.pl$
  PerlSetVar Filter on
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter
  Options +ExecCGI

 You have to specify the chain of filters in httpd.conf.
 Here's an example that takes the output of a script and filters it through Apache::Reverse, which
 simple reverses the order of the lines prints out.
 In httpd.conf:

   PerlModule Apache::Filter
   PerlModule Apache::RegistryFilter
   PerlModule Apache::Reverse
   Directory /Apache/htdocs/filter
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlSetVar Filter on
  PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::Reverse
  Options +ExecCGI

 The script in the /Apache/htdocs/filter directory is
 use strict;
 print END;
 while the perl module Apache::Reverse is
 package Apache::Reverse;
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 sub handler {
 my $r = shift-filter_register;
 my ($fh, $status) = $r-filter_input();
 print reverse $fh;
 warn Status is $status;
 return OK;
 Does this work for you?

 best regards,
 randy kobes

Thanks Randy,

I have tested this save configuration but the same error still appears. I
can't figure
out why. It would be great if you can help me!

bb, Gerald Menzel.

Re: Can't locate object method dir_config via package Apache::RegistryFilter

2001-12-18 Thread Gerald Menzel

Sorry Anand, but this don't help me, because I want to use Apache::Filter
for parsing the output of cgi-scripts.

bb, Gerald Menzel.

 This should help you,

  Files *.cgi
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI
  PerlSendHeader On


 Quoting Gerald Menzel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I have a problem with Apache::RegistryFilter. I
  can't get it to work.
  If I try to use it I allways get this error
  [error] Can't locate object method dir_config
  via package
  Apache::RegistryFilter ´
  (perhaps you forgot to load
  Apache::RegistryFilter?) at
  line 17.
  Excerpt of my perl.conf:
  PerlModule Apache::Filter
  PerlModule Apache::RegistryFilter
  Files ~ \.pl$
  PerlSetVar Filter on
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter
  Options +ExecCGI
  What's wrong? I've searched the net for an
  explanation of this error but I
  don't found anything relevant. I am not an
  expert of all that Apache/Perl
  stuff, so I hope that someone here can help me.
  bb, Gerald Menzel.

 With Regards,

 Anand Ratnasabapathy,
 DSM Soft(P)Ltd,
 No:25,Nungambakkam High Road,
 Chennai - 600 034.

Re: Can't locate object method cleanup_for_exec via package Apache

2001-10-08 Thread wsheldah

You might be able to do what you want without forking, and without tying up your
apache process while the database sync takes place.

Just write a server process using something like IO::Socket or POE (see  Have the mod_perl handler send a message to the separate
server process to start the long-running job.  You might even be able to query
the server process from mod_perl to check on the status of said job, to report
the status to the web browser.I started work on this sort of solution last
spring, and it looked feasible, but I got pulled to a different project before I
could fully implement it.  I'm curious to see what others think of this


Wes Sheldahl

Mike P. Mikhailov [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/08/2001
10:46:41 AM

Please respond to Mike P. Mikhailov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Can't locate object method cleanup_for_exec via package Apache

Hi list,

   I'm understood that fork'ing from mod_perl is not very good idea,
   but we have no choice. Because it is up to user to decide to launch
   job which syncronize data in the two database sources. And this job
   may take a long time.

   I'm has no expirience before in using fork call, so I'm reading
   chapter '10.4.3 Forking and Executing Subprocesses from mod_perl'
   of mod_perl Guide careful.

   I'm understood that I must cleanup soket in child process.
   In ' Freeing the Parent Process' written [cp]: 'Apache::SubProcess
   comes to help and provides a method cleanup_for_exec() which takes
   care of closing this file descriptor.' p 365. But I'm does not see
   such sub in the Apache::Subprocess. And my code generates run time error

Can't locate object method cleanup_for_exec via package Apache

   My RH linux with kernel 2.2.14-5.0, Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25
   mod_perl Guide: Version 1.30 Sep, 2 2001. Apache::SubProcess v0.02.

   Am I miss something ?

Best regards,
 Mike  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Can't locate object method cleanup_for_exec via package Apache

2001-10-08 Thread Stas Bekman

Mike P. Mikhailov wrote:

 Hi list,
I'm understood that fork'ing from mod_perl is not very good idea,
but we have no choice. Because it is up to user to decide to launch
job which syncronize data in the two database sources. And this job
may take a long time.
I'm has no expirience before in using fork call, so I'm reading
chapter '10.4.3 Forking and Executing Subprocesses from mod_perl'
of mod_perl Guide careful.
I'm understood that I must cleanup soket in child process.
In ' Freeing the Parent Process' written [cp]: 'Apache::SubProcess
comes to help and provides a method cleanup_for_exec() which takes
care of closing this file descriptor.' p 365. But I'm does not see
such sub in the Apache::Subprocess. And my code generates run time error

 Can't locate object method cleanup_for_exec via package Apache
My RH linux with kernel 2.2.14-5.0, Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25
mod_perl Guide: Version 1.30 Sep, 2 2001. Apache::SubProcess v0.02.

Am I miss something ?

Nope, Doug hasn't released an updated Apache::Subprocess yet. Search the 
mailing list archive (see for 
'cleanup_for_exec' and you will get the patch that I've posted for the 
current version. Sorry for causing confusion.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Re: Can't locate object method module via package Apache

2001-09-26 Thread Stas Bekman

[CC'ing mod_perl list]

Jason Shaw wrote:

 Hi, I found the archive below, and am having the same problem.  Mine
 occurs whenever I try to start Apache.  I just want to know where I
 would put that fix that you posted below? Should I edit the
 file, or somewhere in my configuration script for apache?
 thanks for your time and any help that can be given,
 -jason shaw.
 On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Surat Singh Bhati wrote:
I am getting the following error in my

perl -cx
Can't locate object method module via package Apache at
/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/ line 202.
Compilation failed in require at line 11.

Line 11 of
 11   use Apache::DBI();

Line 202 of
 202  ) if ($INC{''} and Apache-module('Apache::Status'));

Can you pelase tell me the possible cause of this error.
Apache::DBI is up to date as perl CPAN.

 this is fine. You are not running in mod_perl environment. A possible
 remedy is to:
 if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}){
  # put all the staff that requires mod_perl in here
  # e.g. Apache::DBI

This is not a fix, this just makes sure that you don't attempt to run 
mod_perl modules if you haven't configured mod_perl.

This checking is placed into That's the file that you 
PerlRequire from httpd.conf.

Another simpler approach is to put the following at the top of the file:

die no mod_perl :( unless $ENV{MOD_PERL};

You problem is that you probably haven't configured Apache to run 
mod_perl or you may even not installed the mod_perl at all. The mod_perl 
guide features a section with 1001 ways to check that mod_perl is 
running. See the ttp:// chapter

Hope this clear this issue.

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

RE: Can't locate object method parse via package Apache::Cookie

2001-05-30 Thread Geoffrey Young

your syntax is wrong...

  my %cookiejar = Apache::Cookie-new($r)-parse;

and I assume that you know Apache::Cookie is part of libapreq and not part
of the mod_perl distribution...



-Original Message-
From: David Boone
Sent: 5/30/01 4:44 PM
Subject: Can't locate object method parse via package Apache::Cookie

Using Mason and mod_perl w/ Apache, all the latest versions, I'm getting
a weird error

I've reinstalled them all, but I can't figure out this error... the
debug/anon/13 file is a mason debug file. is a quick file I
whipped up to test if it occured outside of mason, which it indeed did. 
Obviously wouldn't ever work, but I think it illustrates the

I'm afraid I'm doing something very foolish, hopefully someone can set
me straight.

- Dave


[dave@powerbook dave]$ perl /home/dave/www/mason/debug/anon/13
Can't locate object method parse via package Apache::Cookie (perhaps
you forgot to load Apache::Cookie?) at /apache/conf/ line
[dave@powerbook dave]$ cat
use Apache::Cookie;

$lkj = parse Apache::Cookie;
[dave@powerbook dave]$ perl
Can't locate object method parse via package Apache::Cookie (perhaps
you forgot to load Apache::Cookie?) at line 3.
[dave@powerbook dave]$

Re: Can't locate object method No via package such

2000-09-26 Thread Doug MacEachern

On 25 Sep 2000, Alan E. Derhaag wrote:
 Good try, but /dev/null is not broken on my machine.

ok, i have seen this happen at least once in the past, glad it's not a
common problem.  looking back now at some other mod_ssl fixes for 'make
test', i'm reading that mod_ssl has some sort of problem with /dev/null.
i don't know the details, but maybe this patch will fix the problem for
you.  however, we had switched from -e0 to /dev/null in mod_perl-1.17,
something todo with suexec/setuid, which i think will still be a problem
looking at perl.c:

if (PL_euid != PL_uid || PL_egid != PL_gid)
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No -e allowed in setuid scripts");

--- src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c 2000/09/01 05:23:17 1.126
+++ src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c 2000/09/26 17:03:39
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
 #ifdef WIN32
 argv[argc++] = "nul";
-argv[argc++] = "/dev/null";
+argv[argc++] = "-e0";
 MP_TRACE_g(fprintf(stderr, "perl_parse args: "));

RE: Can't locate object method No via package such

2000-09-26 Thread Rob Bloodgood

Shoulda thought about your answer first, Doug.  :-)

I see this type of message ("error at /dev/null") when my mod_perl scripts
give warnings -w style instead of $r-warn.  For example, HTML::Embperl, or
Apache::Registry both do this.

The nature of the error message sez to me there is a mishandled error
somewhere, like possibly an eval that is turning into a method call:

eval { # read file here
   # file doesn't exist
   # error is
   No such file or directory
   # which is parsed by perl to something like:
   # such-No (file or directory)

Which further tends to suggest that a necessary environment variable for SSL
is either not defined or pointing to the wrong place??

I would suggest *never* disregarding configtest errors... one poorly
indicative error message can be the final gasp of a long string of errors
caused by a simple typo or whatever several layers deep.

Good luck!


-Original Message-
From: Alan E. Derhaag [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 7:29 PM
To: Doug MacEachern
Subject: Re: Can't locate object method "No" via package "such"

Doug MacEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 4 Sep 2000, Alan E. Derhaag wrote:

  I upgraded to openssl-0.9.5a and recompiled apache w/mod_ssl and
  mod_perl defining the SSL_BASE to the apache src and now the thing
  won't start and complains about:
   Can't locate object method "No" via package "such" at /dev/null line 1.

 looks to me like /dev/null is broken.  if you run:
 % cat /dev/null

Good try, but /dev/null is not broken on my machine.

I finally gave up and eliminated the DSO version by compiling two
versions of httpd.  Both include mod_ssl but the Engine is only turned
on with the light server.

I did find a slight problem when running `configtest' but I doubt that
that could have been the problem.


Re: Can't locate object method No via package such

2000-09-05 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan E. Derhaag) wrote:
I upgraded to openssl-0.9.5a and recompiled apache w/mod_ssl and
mod_perl defining the SSL_BASE to the apache src and now the thing
won't start and complains about:

 Can't locate object method "No" via package "such" at /dev/null line 1.

The compile had no warnings or errors except a `assignment discards
`const' from pointer target type' warning.

I've grepped the source for all (including openssl) and find nothing
that might emit this error.

Can I get a recommendation of where to look next?

This is pretty funny.  Somehow an error message "No such
something-or-other" is being interpreted as Perl code.  I don't know why
it thinks the file is /dev/null, but I'd grep for "No such" in your code
and see where that error message might be issued/misinterpreted.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache

2000-04-12 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug MacEachern) wrote:
On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Ken Williams wrote:
 Change that to binmode(STDOUT) and it should work.  Since STDOUT is tied, I
 think Perl is interpreting that as STDOUT-binmode.

that's not the problem, see my reply to Roca.

Oops, I should have looked before I leaped.  Duh.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache

2000-04-11 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Roca, Ignasi wrote:

 I'm using mod_perl-1.21 and testing GD-1.25.
 When calling any of the demos examples given by GD-1.25 I have the error
 "Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache".
 The perl scripts are as follows:
 use GD;
 print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"
 $im = new GD::Image(100,50);
 binmode STDOUT;
 # print the image to stdout
 print $im-png;
 Is somebody knowing the reason of the error ? 

Yep, STDOUT is tied to the Apache class so that it outputs via the Apache
API. There should be no need to binmode it.


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
Email for training and consultancy availability.

Re: Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache

2000-04-11 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roca, Ignasi) wrote:

I'm using mod_perl-1.21 and testing GD-1.25.

When calling any of the demos examples given by GD-1.25 I have the error

"Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache".

The perl scripts are as follows:

use GD;
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"
$im = new GD::Image(100,50);

binmode STDOUT;

Change that to binmode(STDOUT) and it should work.  Since STDOUT is tied, I
think Perl is interpreting that as STDOUT-binmode.

Re: Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache

2000-04-11 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Roca, Ignasi wrote:

 I'm using mod_perl-1.21 and testing GD-1.25.
 When calling any of the demos examples given by GD-1.25 I have the error
 "Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache".

the mod_perl cvs snapshot defines a BINMODE stub (5.6.0 added this tied
filehandle method). you don't need that to cure, remove the call to
binmode or add this code to a startup file:

sub Apache::BINMODE {}

Re: Can't locate object method BINMODE via package Apache

2000-04-11 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Ken Williams wrote:

 Change that to binmode(STDOUT) and it should work.  Since STDOUT is tied, I
 think Perl is interpreting that as STDOUT-binmode.

that's not the problem, see my reply to Roca.

Re: Can't locate object method OPEN via package Apache

2000-03-30 Thread Sam Carleton

darren chamberlain wrote:

 Try using CORE::open to be sure that the default open is being called.

tried it, I am getting the same error, any more ideas?


Re: Can't locate object method OPEN via package Apache

2000-03-30 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:

 I am trying to get the Apache::Magick module from the O'Reilly book
 "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C" to work.  The error I am
 running into is:
 Can't locate object method "OPEN" via package "Apache" (line 80)
 The looks real simply:
 open(STDOUT, "=" . fileno($fh));

try adding:

untie *STDOUT;

before the open(...)