Re: load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

2000-12-17 Thread Joshua Chamas

Philip Mak wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been having the following problem with my machine (400MHz, 192 MB
 RAM, 8.4 GB SCSI disk):
 1:27am  up 3 days,  7:33,  8 users,  load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20
 Every once in a while, the load average gets up to a very high level (at
 this point, programs start getting "Out of memory!" errors, etc.).
 I don't really know what to do to fix this, other than typing
 /sbin/reboot. Looking at "top" doesn't show any very big processes, so I
 suspect it might be being caused by a large number of small processes.

Use Apache::Resource, PerlModule everything you can
especially Apache::ASP, and use Apache::ASP-Loader()
to precompile your scripts.  If you are getting
out of memory errors, make sure your MaxRequests are
low (200 often), MaxClients low (100 often), and use a 
mod_proxy server in front to help offload requests.

If you are really curious as to what your httpd is doing,
fire it up under -X (standalone mode) and strace it in 
a development environment with adequate representation
from the access_log.


P.S.  If you need a blitz tune of your environment, I could
make some time for consulting work, I deal well with Linux,
Solaris, MySQL  Oracle.

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

2000-12-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

Joshua Chamas wrote:
 Use Apache::Resource, PerlModule everything you can
 especially Apache::ASP, and use Apache::ASP-Loader()
 to precompile your scripts.  If you are getting
 out of memory errors, make sure your MaxRequests are
 low (200 often), MaxClients low (100 often), and use a
 mod_proxy server in front to help offload requests.

I find Apache::SizeLimit is more effective than setting MaxRequests,
because it won't kill off your well-behaved processes and thus spares
you from extra process spawning, re-opening databases, etc.

Make sure you don't set Apache::Resource to kill anything that's close
to "normal".  It does a harsh kill which can leave your users with a
"document contains no data" and possibly mess up open dbm files, etc. 
It works well for catching runaways though.

- Perrin

Re: load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

2000-12-17 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

How much of a performance penalty does using Apache::SizeLimit have? Is there some 
quantitative way of setting how often to check process size with the 
"Apache::SizeLimit::CHECK_EVERY_N_REQUESTS = 10;" that results in the best performance?

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 I find Apache::SizeLimit is more effective than setting MaxRequests,
 because it won't kill off your well-behaved processes and thus spares
 you from extra process spawning, re-opening databases, etc.
 Make sure you don't set Apache::Resource to kill anything that's close
 to "normal".  It does a harsh kill which can leave your users with a
 "document contains no data" and possibly mess up open dbm files, etc.
 It works well for catching runaways though.
 - Perrin

Re: load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

2000-12-17 Thread Jeremy Howard

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  How much of a performance penalty does using Apache::SizeLimit have?

 Not enough that you'll notice it.

It really depends on 2 things:
 - What OS you're on
 - How complex your scripts are.

Here's the code that does the size check, which varies depending on your OS:

# return process size (in KB)
sub linux_size_check {
my $size = 0;
if (open(FH, "/proc/self/status")) {
  while (FH) { last if (($size) = (/^VmRSS:\s+(\d+)/)) }
} else {
  error_log("Fatal Error: couldn't access /proc/self/status");

sub solaris_2_6_size_check {
my $size = -s "/proc/self/as" or
  error_log("Fatal Error: /proc/self/as doesn't exist or is empty");
$size = int($size/1024); # to get it into kb

sub bsd_size_check {
return( (BSD::Resource::getrusage())[2] );

As you can see, your mod_perl handler would have to be _extremely_ simple
for this code to take a non-trivial proportion of its run-time.