Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-27 Thread will trillich

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 01:06:06AM -0400, Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO wrote:
> I've given Filter and SSI a shot according to the perldocs.
> It didn't work.  I stated to hhack on some of the problems, which first involved
> in the make install depositing them in the wrong diretory, and then they SSI 
> needed use Apache::Filter statements added.

have you tried HTML::Mason yet? it's got serious power, but you
can have some quickie modular sites up in a jiffy.

<& SELF:title &>

<& SELF:heading &>
<& SELF:navbar &>
<% $body %>

<& SELF:footer &>

<%method title>Welcome
<%method heading>Welcome to our site
<%method navbar><% &my_navbar() %>
<%method footer>It is now <% scalar localtime %> at our offices

sub my_navbar {

% my $body = $m->comp_next(); # set dependent variables first

Search:<& searchform,query=>$query &>
% if ($query) {
Found:<% &list($query) %>
% }

<%method searchform>
<%method title>Search <% $recs %>
<%method heading><& SELF:title &>

sub list {

my $recs = ... ? 'Products' : 'Services';

$query => undef

I figure: if a man's gonna gamble, may as well do it
without plowing.   -- Bama Dillert, "Some Came Running"

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-26 Thread Perrin Harkins

> I've given Filter and SSI a shot according to the perldocs.
> It didn't work.  I stated to hhack on some of the problems, which first
> in the make install depositing them in the wrong diretory, and then they
> needed use Apache::Filter statements added.
> Finally, Filter cam back with an error that something or other $r wasn't a
> hash reference, which would not be a quick fix.
> So I've sort of hacked up my own little SSI for the time being and
> deposited it in the modules.

Sorry it didn't work for you.  I've never used Filter, but I used
Apache::SSI with great success.  You weren't trying to use Filter with
mod_include (i.e. not Apache::SSI) were you?

Anyway, there's another CPAN module you can use called CGI::SSI_Parser which
might fit your needs.

> I'm definetely bathing in a Brooklyn Larger Bath when this is done.

I prefer the IPA, taken orally.

- Perrin

Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-25 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO


I've given Filter and SSI a shot according to the perldocs.

It didn't work.  I stated to hhack on some of the problems, which first involved
in the make install depositing them in the wrong diretory, and then they SSI 
needed use Apache::Filter statements added.

Finally, Filter cam back with an error that something or other $r wasn't a
hash reference, which would not be a quick fix.

So I've sort of hacked up my own little SSI for the time being and
deposited it in the modules.

I'm missing something in my understanding at this pointbut this project
has me climbing a wall, and I'm pushing a head for the time being.

I had a similar problem at one time with embperl and we had to 
also hack that together.

I'm definetely bathing in a Brooklyn Larger Bath when this is done.


> > IS there a way of pre-processing and post processing a handler?
> Only by using something like Apache::Filter.  Apache itself does not support
> chaining handlers.
> - Perrin

Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-24 Thread Perrin Harkins

> IS there a way of pre-processing and post processing a handler?

Only by using something like Apache::Filter.  Apache itself does not support
chaining handlers.

- Perrin

Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-24 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

IS there a way of pre-processing and post processing a handler?

> Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO wrote:
> > 
> > I have modules controlling all the files and their access and content  in the
> > directy.  I have no idea
> > really why SSI is shut down.  I never used it before.
> It looks like you're trying to post-process the output of a PerlHandler
> with SSI.  The only way to do that is by using Apache::SSI and
> Apache::Filter, as described here:
> - Perrin

Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-23 Thread Perrin Harkins

Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO wrote:
> I have modules controlling all the files and their access and content  in the
> directy.  I have no idea
> really why SSI is shut down.  I never used it before.

It looks like you're trying to post-process the output of a PerlHandler
with SSI.  The only way to do that is by using Apache::SSI and
Apache::Filter, as described here:

- Perrin

Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-23 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

Will it work by default  or do I need to chain it somehow?


> > I've seemed to have lost my ability to use SSI whenI use the content
> > handlers with Mod_perl.
> >
> >
> > Is there anyway I can fix this?
> Can you be more specific about what you're trying to do?  You can still use
> mod_include with mod_perl installed, and you can use Apache::SSI either
> alone or as a filter with Apache::Filter.  Does that help?
> - Perrin
> (P.S. I'm in Brooklyn too!)

Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-23 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

I have modules controlling all the files and their access and content  in the 
directy.  I have no idea 
really why SSI is shut down.  I never used it before.

I beleive it worked when the modules are commented out.  Could I 
do something to prevent the SSI from being luanched after the
return OK from the modules?

the conf file looks like this:

erverRoot "/usr/local/apache-merck"
#LockFile /usr/local/apache-merck/logs/httpd.lock
PidFile /usr/local/apache-merck/logs/
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###Ruben's Additional##

#We need to check everyone for a cookie and redirect if need be
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PerlHandler Apache::LOGIN

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::LOGIN

SetHandler perl-script
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#PerlSetVar Gate open
PerlHandler Apache::CHOOSE2
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes
AllowOverride All
#Order deny,allow
Allow from all

#PerlAccessHandler Apache::GATEKEEPER
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PerlHandler Apache::CHOOSE2
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes
AllowOverride All
#Order deny,allow
Allow from all


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LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent

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Re: SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-23 Thread Perrin Harkins

> I've seemed to have lost my ability to use SSI whenI use the content
> handlers with Mod_perl.
> Is there anyway I can fix this?

Can you be more specific about what you're trying to do?  You can still use
mod_include with mod_perl installed, and you can use Apache::SSI either
alone or as a filter with Apache::Filter.  Does that help?

- Perrin

(P.S. I'm in Brooklyn too!)

SSI Lost with Mod Perl?

2001-06-23 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

I've seemed to have lost my ability to use SSI whenI use the content
handlers with Mod_perl.

Is there anyway I can fix this?
