Re: Apache2::Reload Segmentation Fault

2005-04-23 Thread Vincent Moneymaker
Vince Moneymaker wrote:
Okay, all of the tests are being passed.  I have added the contents of my file to the file and no segfaults are 
occurring including even when I change the file as the tests 
are being run on it.  I have also added some items to the conf file to try 
and reproduced how my httpd.conf file is set up and again no segfaults.  
Should I go the whole way and add the entire contents of my httpd.conf 
file to the test conf file?  Or is there some other approach I should take 
in order to reproduce the problem?
Stas Bekman wrote
Yes, the easiest approach is to start with everything that you have and you 
get a segfault. And then follow the "binary search" approach, where you try 
to cut the stuff to the minimum but trying to remove halves of 

I discovered what was causing the problem.  Even though I had used the 
following in the file

use Apache2::Const -compile => ':common';
the Apache modules were segfaulting on the straight 'OK' constant 
declarations in them.  So I fixed the problem by replacing the above line 
with the following line in the file

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK REDIRECT FORBIDDEN SERVER_ERROR);
I then went through each Apache module and removed the 'use Apache2::Const' 
declarations and  changed all of the 'OK' constants to Apache2::Const::OK .  
I did the same thing for the REDIRECT, FORBIDDEN, etc constants in the 
modules.  The only problem I am still having is with the REMOTE_HOST 
constant which caused a changed module to segfault no matter how I declare 
Otherwise, all of the Apache modules work fine.

However, the other modules I have in the Melior namespace are not getting 
reloaded.  Apparently the reason for this as noted in the following post at
is that they are being called from within the Apache2 modules.  In other 
words, because the Melior modules only get requested by modules in the 
Apache2 namespace, they don't get reloaded even though their own separate 
namespace is declared within them, as well as in the Apache2 modules and the file.

With regard to debugging this problem, the reload debugger shows that the 
Melior modules do get reloaded when they change but the change doesn't show 
up on the page that gets spit out.  Here is a sample from the error_log

#Apache2::Reload: process 24620 reloading Melior::Menus from Melior/
# Apache2::Reload::handler('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0xcce5d18)') called 
at /opt/prod/apache/Melior/ line 0
# eval {...} called at /opt/prod/apache/Melior/ line 0
# Apache2::Reload: Checking mtime of
# Apache2::Reload::handler('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0xcce5d18)') called 
at -e line 0
# eval {...} called at -e line 0

BTW, as I mentioned last time, I believe this problem first cropped up with 
modperl version 1.99.17.  If you have any suggestions on what I should 
tinker with in order to get modules called by other modules reloaded that 
would be great.

And again thanks for all of your help, Vince

can't "use mod_perl" on debian

2005-04-23 Thread Jay Strauss
I've got mod_perl installed on my debian sarge/testing box via:
aptitude install libapache2-mod-perl2
and I know my webserver is mod_perl aware
# head /var/log/apache2/error.log
[Sat Apr 23 06:56:28 2005] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Debian GNU/Linux) 
mod_perl/1.999.21 Perl/v5.8.4 configured -- resuming normal operations

but when I do:
# perl -Mmod_perl
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl 
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .).

I'm trying to install Kwiki::ModPerl, but it "use mod_perl" and blows up 
during the install

any hints?

Re: reading post data.

2005-04-23 Thread Stas Bekman
Michael Schout wrote:
I am wondering what the best way is to read POST data under MP2.
In MP1, I was using $r->content for this.  In MP2, $r->content does not
exist, so I used the version from an earlier copy of Apache::compat,
which was using $r->get_client_block() instead.
Now, get_client_block() is apparently deprecated, and I am left with the
choice of:
1) using $r->read(). apparently does it this way.
2) Use APR::Brigade.  Apache2::compat from 2.0.0 RC5 does provides
content() this way.
3) some other way that I do not know about :).
I am unclear what the advantages are for either approach.  The
APR::Brigade docs do not really clarify this for me.
Does anyone know which of these methods is better and why?
Michael, as Jonathan has replied it's now the job of, APR::Request 
and other modules to provide this service. In the lack of it, you can use 
the following code:
(see the read_post sub in it, drop the debug code to not add the overhead)
Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Apache2::Reload Segmentation Fault

2005-04-23 Thread Stas Bekman
Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
OK, so yours crash is in require, Vincent. Any chance you could 
prepare a tarball that reproduces the problem, so Philippe can 
reproduce it easily?

Please grab the template from geoff's site:
In fact better use the attachment in this message: 

it's already designed for this specific problem. Just swap my setup 
with yours.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any, Vincent.

Okay, all of the tests are being passed.  I have added the contents of 
my file to the file and no segfaults are 
occurring including even when I change the file as the tests 
are being run on it.  I have also added some items to the conf file to 
try and reproduced how my httpd.conf file is set up and again no 
segfaults.  Should I go the whole way and add the entire contents of my 
httpd.conf file to the test conf file?  Or is there some other approach 
I should take in order to reproduce the problem?
Yes, the easiest approach is to start with everything that you have and 
you get a segfault. And then follow the "binary search" approach, where 
you try to cut the stuff to the minimum but trying to remove halves of 

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: reading post data.

2005-04-23 Thread jonathan vanasco
works in RC4 + libapreq 2.04
use Apache::Request()
sub handler
	my 		$r		=	shift;
	my 		$apr 	= Apache::Request->new( $r , DISABLE_UPLOADS=>0, 
POST_MAX=>10 );
			$stringvalue 	=  $apr->param($stringname);

RC5 is slightly different from the namespace stuff, and you need to run 
one of the svn branches of libapreq -- either trunk or multi-env -- its 
under active development right now

personally, i think libapreq is the  best way to read GET/POST data 
under MP2

On Apr 23, 2005, at 3:56 PM, Michael Schout wrote:
I am wondering what the best way is to read POST data under MP2.
In MP1, I was using $r->content for this.  In MP2, $r->content does not
exist, so I used the version from an earlier copy of Apache::compat,
which was using $r->get_client_block() instead.
Now, get_client_block() is apparently deprecated, and I am left with 
choice of:

1) using $r->read(). apparently does it this way.
2) Use APR::Brigade.  Apache2::compat from 2.0.0 RC5 does provides
content() this way.
3) some other way that I do not know about :).
I am unclear what the advantages are for either approach.  The
APR::Brigade docs do not really clarify this for me.
Does anyone know which of these methods is better and why?
Michael Schout

reading post data.

2005-04-23 Thread Michael Schout
I am wondering what the best way is to read POST data under MP2.

In MP1, I was using $r->content for this.  In MP2, $r->content does not
exist, so I used the version from an earlier copy of Apache::compat,
which was using $r->get_client_block() instead.

Now, get_client_block() is apparently deprecated, and I am left with the
choice of:

1) using $r->read(). apparently does it this way.
2) Use APR::Brigade.  Apache2::compat from 2.0.0 RC5 does provides
content() this way.
3) some other way that I do not know about :).

I am unclear what the advantages are for either approach.  The
APR::Brigade docs do not really clarify this for me.

Does anyone know which of these methods is better and why?

Michael Schout

Re: Apache2::Reload Segmentation Fault

2005-04-23 Thread Vincent Moneymaker
Vincent Moneymaker wrote
Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
Here is the output from the backtrace (hope I did it correctly)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdeb3618f in Perl_gv_efullname3 () from 
(gdb) bt

#6  0xdeb9293f in Perl_pp_require () from 
#7  0xdeb226a1 in modperl_pp_require () at modperl_perl_pp.c:69
#8  0xdeb6d61e in Perl_runops_standard ()
  from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#9  0xdeb31361 in S_call_body () from 

Stas Bekman wrote:
OK, so yours crash is in require, Vincent. Any chance you could prepare a 
tarball that reproduces the problem, so Philippe can reproduce it easily?

Please grab the template from geoff's site:
In fact better use the attachment in this message:
it's already designed for this specific problem. Just swap my setup with 

Please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any, Vincent.

Okay, all of the tests are being passed.  I have added the contents of my file to the file and no segfaults are 
occurring including even when I change the file as the tests are 
being run on it.  I have also added some items to the conf file to try and 
reproduced how my httpd.conf file is set up and again no segfaults.  Should 
I go the whole way and add the entire contents of my httpd.conf file to the 
test conf file?  Or is there some other approach I should take in order to 
reproduce the problem?

Re: Apache2::Reload Segmentation Fault

2005-04-23 Thread Stas Bekman
Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
Here is the output from the backtrace (hope I did it correctly)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdeb3618f in Perl_gv_efullname3 () from 
(gdb) bt

#6  0xdeb9293f in Perl_pp_require () from 
#7  0xdeb226a1 in modperl_pp_require () at modperl_perl_pp.c:69
#8  0xdeb6d61e in Perl_runops_standard ()
  from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#9  0xdeb31361 in S_call_body () from 

Stas Bekman wrote:
OK, so yours crash is in require, Vincent. Any chance you could 
prepare a tarball that reproduces the problem, so Philippe can 
reproduce it easily?

Please grab the template from geoff's site:
In fact better use the attachment in this message:
it's already designed for this specific problem. Just swap my setup 
with yours.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any, Vincent.
I downloaded your attachment and I get the following with 'use Apache2 
();' in the Makefile.PL

Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i86pc-solaris /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) 
at Makefile.PL line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 3.

When I pull out 'use Apache2 ();', I then the server starts and I get 
the following error in the error_log

[Sat Apr 23 10:08:28 2005] [error] [client] Can't locate 
object method
"dir_config" via package "Apache2::RequestRec" at 
l/5.8.0/i86pc-solaris/Apache/ line 52.\n
[Sat Apr 23 10:08:31 2005] [error] [client] Can't locate 
object method
"dir_config" via package "Apache2::RequestRec" at 
l/5.8.0/i86pc-solaris/Apache/ line 52.\n
[Sat Apr 23 10:08:31 2005] [info] removed PID file 
5/AR-segv-mp2/t/logs/ (pid=17237)
[Sat Apr 23 10:08:31 2005] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
Yes, sorry, it was created before the move to the Apache2:: name space. 
I've attached a new version which works with RC5.

The Reload module in the Apache namespace is the old 0.08 Reload 
module.  When I place a copy of the new 0.09 version of Reload that is 
in the Apache2 namespace in the Apache namespace, the server won't 
start.  I suspect I am doing something wrong. 
No, it should be Apache2::Reload coming with RC5. as mentioned above that 
tarball needed a fixup.

Also, when you talk about 
preparing a tarball that reproduces the problem, could you give me a 
pointer on how I prepare that so I can send one to Philippe?
That's the tarball you've been trying to use. Vincent, please try again 
with the fixed attachment.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Re: Apache2::Reload Segmentation Fault

2005-04-23 Thread Vincent Moneymaker
Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
Here is the output from the backtrace (hope I did it correctly)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdeb3618f in Perl_gv_efullname3 () from 
(gdb) bt

#6  0xdeb9293f in Perl_pp_require () from 
#7  0xdeb226a1 in modperl_pp_require () at modperl_perl_pp.c:69
#8  0xdeb6d61e in Perl_runops_standard ()
  from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#9  0xdeb31361 in S_call_body () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/

Stas Bekman wrote:
OK, so yours crash is in require, Vincent. Any chance you could prepare a 
tarball that reproduces the problem, so Philippe can reproduce it easily?

Please grab the template from geoff's site:
In fact better use the attachment in this message:
it's already designed for this specific problem. Just swap my setup with 

Please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any, Vincent.
I downloaded your attachment and I get the following with 'use Apache2 ();' 
in the Makefile.PL

Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i86pc-solaris /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at 
Makefile.PL line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 3.

When I pull out 'use Apache2 ();', I then the server starts and I get the 
following error in the error_log

[Sat Apr 23 10:08:28 2005] [error] [client] Can't locate object 
"dir_config" via package "Apache2::RequestRec" at 
l/5.8.0/i86pc-solaris/Apache/ line 52.\n
[Sat Apr 23 10:08:31 2005] [error] [client] Can't locate object 
"dir_config" via package "Apache2::RequestRec" at 
l/5.8.0/i86pc-solaris/Apache/ line 52.\n
[Sat Apr 23 10:08:31 2005] [info] removed PID file 
5/AR-segv-mp2/t/logs/ (pid=17237)
[Sat Apr 23 10:08:31 2005] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down

The Reload module in the Apache namespace is the old 0.08 Reload module.  
When I place a copy of the new 0.09 version of Reload that is in the Apache2 
namespace in the Apache namespace, the server won't start.  I suspect I am 
doing something wrong.  Also, when you talk about preparing a tarball that 
reproduces the problem, could you give me a pointer on how I prepare that so 
I can send one to Philippe?

Thanks, Vince

Re: Apache2::Reload Segmentation Fault

2005-04-23 Thread Stas Bekman
Vincent Moneymaker wrote:

Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
I am running Apache 2.0.52 on a solaris 8 box with 
mod_perl-2.0.0-RC5.  I previously had problems using Apache::Reload 
with mod_perl 1.99_19 version back in December and gave up trying to 
find a fix.  I thought I would try again with the RC5 version but 
after having upgraded from mod_perl 1.99_12 to RC5 I am getting 
segmentation fault errors when the Apache2::Reload module is present 
in my httpd.conf file and a change is then made in a module and the 
web page that is created via the changed module is then called up.  I 
know that the segmentation fault is related to the Apache2::Reload 
module because the segmentation fault errors don't appear when the 
same change is made in the module (i.e. a simple print statement) but 
without Apache2::Reload being present in the httpd.conf file.

Stas Bekman wrote:
It's probably related to the similar segfaults I've been seeing and 
reported here [1]. But if you don't show the backtrace of the core 
file as explained at we will never know.

I've CC'ed Philippe on this one, hoping that he will find the time to 
fix this problem.

Here is the output from the backtrace (hope I did it correctly)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdeb3618f in Perl_gv_efullname3 () from 
(gdb) bt

#6  0xdeb9293f in Perl_pp_require () from 
#7  0xdeb226a1 in modperl_pp_require () at modperl_perl_pp.c:69
#8  0xdeb6d61e in Perl_runops_standard ()
  from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#9  0xdeb31361 in S_call_body () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/

OK, so yours crash is in require, Vincent. Any chance you could prepare a 
tarball that reproduces the problem, so Philippe can reproduce it easily?

Please grab the template from geoff's site:
In fact better use the attachment in this message:
it's already designed for this specific problem. Just swap my setup with 

Please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any, Vincent.
Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: CPAN modules

2005-04-23 Thread Stas Bekman
Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:
Philip, we have Bundle::Apache2 which is exactly for that purpose. 
Feel free to send a patch to add the missing modules.
Yes, I added IPC::Run3 and uped the CGI version :) things to in a patch.
Yup, thank you :)
Though as it can be seen from your list, most modules are either not 
needed by normal users (used only by developers, i.e. Tie::IxHash) or 
they are not required by mod_perl test suite, but they are 
dependencies of other modules, and therefore should't be on that list.
Yes, the plus of this is that CPAN won't ask me if I want to follow the 
dpendencies if I install them in this order even for 5.6.2.  I wasn't 
suggesting to put these all in the Apache2::Bundle file.
Right. But those dependencies lists always change, so it's better to tell to follow deps (which in my setup is automatic).

I've just tested, the only modules required are:
all in the bundle file already, but HTML::HeadParser, which I'll add 
Did you check that will perl 5.8.6 or perl 5.6.2 as the list is slightly 
different since less is in CORE in 5.6.x; I forget what though.
I have checked that w/o perl, all requirements are in the plan() call.
Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Apache2::Reload Segmentation Fault

2005-04-23 Thread Vincent Moneymaker

Vincent Moneymaker wrote:
I am running Apache 2.0.52 on a solaris 8 box with mod_perl-2.0.0-RC5.  I 
previously had problems using Apache::Reload with mod_perl 1.99_19 version 
back in December and gave up trying to find a fix.  I thought I would try 
again with the RC5 version but after having upgraded from mod_perl 1.99_12 
to RC5 I am getting segmentation fault errors when the Apache2::Reload 
module is present in my httpd.conf file and a change is then made in a 
module and the web page that is created via the changed module is then 
called up.  I know that the segmentation fault is related to the 
Apache2::Reload module because the segmentation fault errors don't appear 
when the same change is made in the module (i.e. a simple print statement) 
but without Apache2::Reload being present in the httpd.conf file.
Stas Bekman wrote:
It's probably related to the similar segfaults I've been seeing and 
reported here [1]. But if you don't show the backtrace of the core file as 
explained at we will never know.

I've CC'ed Philippe on this one, hoping that he will find the time to fix 
this problem.

Here is the output from the backtrace (hope I did it correctly)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdeb3618f in Perl_gv_efullname3 () from 
(gdb) bt
#0  0xdeb3618f in Perl_gv_efullname3 ()
  from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#1  0xdeb4ba96 in S_gv_ename () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#2  0xdeb57917 in Perl_ck_subr () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#3  0xdeb4faf2 in Perl_newUNOP () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#4  0xdeb4b706 in Perl_yyparse () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#5  0xdeb9169d in S_doeval () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#6  0xdeb9293f in Perl_pp_require () from 
#7  0xdeb226a1 in modperl_pp_require () at modperl_perl_pp.c:69
#8  0xdeb6d61e in Perl_runops_standard ()
  from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#9  0xdeb31361 in S_call_body () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#10 0xdeb3113c in Perl_call_sv () from /opt/prod/apache/modules/
#11 0xdeb14727 in modperl_callback (handler=0x8681fc0, p=0xcd12d10,
   r=0xcd12d48, s=0xc79c908, args=0xccf13ac) at modperl_callback.c:100
#12 0xdeb14dfc in modperl_callback_run_handlers (idx=0, type=5, r=0xcd12d48,
   c=0x0, s=0xc79c908, pconf=0x0, plog=0x0, ptemp=0x0,
   run_mode=MP_HOOK_RUN_ALL) at modperl_callback.c:261
#13 0xdeb1521e in modperl_callback_per_srv (idx=0, r=0xcd12d48,
   run_mode=MP_HOOK_RUN_ALL) at modperl_callback.c:376
#14 0xdeb2bd20 in modperl_post_read_request_handler (r=0xcd12d48)
   at modperl_hooks.c:67
#15 0x0807fd3e in ap_run_post_read_request (r=0xcd12d48) at protocol.c:1555
#16 0x0807eff3 in ap_read_request (conn=0xccf9948) at protocol.c:994
#17 0x0806c754 in ap_process_http_connection (c=0xccf9948) at 
#18 0x0807b4e6 in ap_run_process_connection (c=0xccf9948) at connection.c:42
#19 0x08071b55 in child_main (child_num_arg=0) at prefork.c:609
#20 0x08071d0a in make_child (s=0x80b9d80, slot=0) at prefork.c:649
#21 0x08071d63 in startup_children (number_to_start=8) at prefork.c:721
#22 0x08072479 in ap_mpm_run (_pconf=0x80b7fe0, plog=0x80e2088, s=0x80b9d80)
   at prefork.c:940
#23 0x0807758e in main (argc=6, argv=0x8047c54) at main.c:617