Re: a better way to recognize module changes

2009-09-11 Thread John Siracusa
On 9/11/09 6:57 PM, Jonathan Swartz wrote:
 PerlSetVar ReloadAll On
 PerlSetVar ReloadHttpds My::Moose
 So that modules in ReloadHttpds terminates existing user httpd
 processes and causes the server to fork off new httpd children.
 But again, if Apache::Reload runs as part of the child process itself,
 how can it implement ReloadHttpds effectively? It would have to kill
 itself off, which would mean your first request would generate an
 error - not a good user experience.

The last thing I did in this area looked something like this:

  PerlCleanupHandler My::WebApp::Restarter
  PerlSetVar WatcherInterval 60
  PerlSetVar WatcherCompileCheck 1

where all the handler did was fork off a watcher process if one didn't
already exist.  The watcher would then stat() all the files in %INC
periodically.  If one had changed, it'd attempt to compile it (if
WatcherCompileCheck was true) catching/absorbing any errors to prevent ugly
output, and then restart the apache server by sending it a signal if the
file compiled okay.

Doing a full restart avoids all the odd module re-load issues (and there are
many).  The polling interval may seem too long, but this would all happen as
you were working on the code and before you reached back to a browser window
to reload a page.  By the time you did, the hope was that the server would
already be back up again.

One obvious improvement would be to use kqueue/inotify/FSEvents to avoid
polling entirely, making it much more likely that the server would be back
in time for your next request.


Re: mod_perl survey results

2008-11-11 Thread John Siracusa
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:27 PM, David E. Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 11, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 I'm fine with people using other open source tools to get where they
 want to go but the justifications they make about mod_perl being
 heavier or slower rarely have any actual research behind them.

 Yeah, I wasn't making the case for mongrel or lighthttpd myself. I still
 prefer mod_perl. But that argument is out there.

 Hmm, this is making me want to run benchmarks!  Maybe a solid set of
 benchmarks would be a fun OSCON presentation next year.

 Great idea.

What benchmarks won't show is the weird issues Young New Server X will
have on Esoteric Platform Y and all the other real-world pitfalls that
the long-time players in the web server field have dealt with and
worked around over the years (...where Esoteric may actually be any
platform other than the three versions of Linux distro ABC that the
developers tested it on.)

(Yeah, forking, threads, sockets, shared memory, logging, etc. is old
world tech and seems like a solved problem, but there are many devils
in those details, IME.)


Re: mod_perl survey results

2008-11-11 Thread John Siracusa
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:49 PM, David E. Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To a certain degree, Apache/mod_perl is a victim of the success of HTTP. It's
 fairly easy to implement a new HTTP server, so there are a lot of them, and
 many are easy to use and extremely fast. If all you're interested in is
 serving a Rails or Catalyst app, Apache/mod_perl starts to seem like much too
 big a beast.

 I've said this before, but I think this is not a very rational claim. Network
 servers are actually pretty hard to get right and HTTP is no longer very

Exactly.  Anyone trying to make their own HTTP server will simply end
up re-treading the same path that apache has already traveled--with
all the pitfalls that entails.  HTTP serving, process management, etc.
is not the core function of most apps.  The OSS way is to build on
the work of others.

Apache is and has been solving the HTTP/server problem for many
years.  Choosing not to stand on the shoulders of that giant should be
done only with a very good reason.  And sometimes there are good
reasons.  But what I tend to see just as often are fads and other herd
behavior (e.g., the long (ongoing) trail of HTTP server/interfaces
used with Rails).


Run code just before the original apache process forks

2008-02-07 Thread John Siracusa
Is there some hook or other way to run some Perl code just before the very
first fork() of the original apache process?  The manual way is to put the
code at the very end of the last Perl file evaluated during server start-up,
but I'm looking for some way that I can do that on behalf of the user from
within a module that is loaded at some point during startup.  (This is
mod_perl 1.x.)  Any ideas?


Re: Perl 5.10

2007-12-21 Thread John Siracusa
On 12/21/07 2:32 AM, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
 I fear I do not understand enough of mod_perl to volunteer to make a

Me neither, but have you at least contacted the mod_perl maintainers about
this?  Perhaps you could file a bug on even?


Re: Rose::DB and Apache::DBI

2007-10-23 Thread John Siracusa
On 10/23/07, Arshavir Grigorian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just started using Rose::DB and have been experiencing certain
 database connectivity issues.

 DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  prepared statement dbdpg_1 already 

A quick google turned up this page which offers a possible work-around:

Still, I think you should investigate until you find the actual
problem.  I've used RDBO wit DBD::Pg and Apache::DBI in the past and
haven't encountered this problem.

 Also, in my main handler, I do

 $r-pnotes(dbh = MSS::DB-new-dbh );

I've had some bad experiences with passing database handles around in
pnotes.  You might want to try temporarily replacing that with with a
global variable or something similarly tame just to see if it fixes
the problem.

Finally, I'll offer the init_db() implementation that I'm currently
using with Apache::DBI.  I don't think it will help your problem, but
then I don't really know what's causing it.

I suggest adding some debugging code until you completely understand
the lifecycle of database handles in your particular application.
Solutions to problems like these usually presents themselves clearly
once you see when and where database handles are created, cached,
reset, and destroyed.



# An init_db() method for use with Apache::DBI

package My::DB;
use base 'Rose::DB';

package My::DB::Object;
use base 'Rose::DB::Object';
  # Under mod_perl, cache the My::DB object, while letting Apache::DBI cache
  # the DBI $dbh it contains.  Preventing new My::DB objects from being
  # created then also prevents DBI-connect() from being called; though it
  # does not always cause a literal connect under Apache::DBI, it *does*
  # cause Apache::DBI to reset the $dbh to its initial state (arguably an
  # unwanted feature under mod_perl) and this will hose any extant
  # transactions on that handle if the initial state is AutoCommit = 1.
our $DB;
*init_db = sub
  # Can't cache in the parent apache process
return My::DB-new;
  $DB-dbh(undef); # will auto-reconnect as needed
  return $DB;
  return $DB = My::DB-new;
  else # act normally when not under mod_perl
*init_db = sub { My::DB-new };

Re: Rose::DB and Apache::DBI

2007-10-23 Thread John Siracusa
On 10/23/07 5:17 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On 10/23/07, John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've had some bad experiences with passing database handles around in
 It should be safe to do that.  One thing to remember is that pnotes
 takes an alias to what you pass in, not a copy.  If you feed it $foo
 and then change the value of $foo, the value in pnotes changes too.

My problems were more along the lines of not realizing that an internal
subrequest was happening, which (if memory serves) would end up clearing
pnotes (or maybe my code was clearing/resetting pnotes when re-traversed for
the subrequest).  This was years ago, so maybe pnotes is better behaved
these days, but I've still tended to avoid that feature of MP1.


Re: Rose::DB and Apache::DBI

2007-10-23 Thread John Siracusa
On 10/23/07 6:42 PM, Arshavir Grigorian wrote:
 Does Rose::DB bypass Apache::DBI if connect_on_init() hasn't been called?

Rose::DB just calls DBI in a straightforward manner.  It doesn't do anything
fancy.  (Also, it's surprisingly hard to bypass Apache::DBI; it's not
something that will happen by accident :)


Any way for a PerlHandler to know what Location block it's in?

2005-06-08 Thread John Siracusa
Confusing subject, simple question:

Location /foo/bar
  PerlSetVar  MyRoot /foo/bar
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler MyModule

MyModule calls $r-dir_config('MyRoot') to get the /foo/bar path.

I want to ditch the  PerlSetVar MyRoot line because it will always have
the same value as the Location directiv above it.  Is there a way MyModule
can get /foo/bar using some other means?

(This is mod_perl 1, BTW)


Re: Any way for a PerlHandler to know what Location block it's in?

2005-06-08 Thread John Siracusa
On 6/8/05, Geoffrey Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $r-location() ?

Duh, I'm an idiot.  Thanks :)


Re: Any way for a PerlHandler to know what Location block it's in?

2005-06-08 Thread John Siracusa
On 6/8/05, Dorian Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $r-location will also return whatever's in a LocationMatch, Directory
 and DirectoryMatch directive, should the scope of the request lay
 in one of those. if you're simply clipping the location off the
 front of the request uri you could potentially run into trouble.
 you can always piggyback the Location directive specifically, using
 the configuration api and use what you get back from that.

Thanks.  I realize that, but I only need it to work specifically for plain
old Location blocks.  I have sanity checks to make sure it really is a
prefix of the requested URI since I am indeed clipping it off the URI.

None of these paths have any representation in the file system, so path_info
is no help.  I thought about wandering the apache config using perl's
interface to that info but it seemed like too much trouble.  Is there a
better way to get the rest of the URI?


Re: [WISH] A Perlish way to detect mod_perl major version (= not $ENV{MOD_PERL})

2005-03-17 Thread John Siracusa
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 17:39:21, Dominique Quatravaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For the record I use the following dubious hack as an interim measure:
 sub modperl_major_version {
 ~use DynaLoader ();
 ~return 1 if DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol_anywhere(XS_Apache_define);
 ~return 2 if
 ~return undef;

I have a function with almost exactly the same name, but I'm stripping the
version out of the environment variable.  I'd also like to see a cleaner
way to do this.  The DynaLoader method is not particularly reassuring... :)


Re: [WISH] A Perlish way to detect mod_perl major version (= not $ENV{MOD_PERL})

2005-03-17 Thread John Siracusa
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:57:24, Geoffrey Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 just added to svn is $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION}, which is currently just 2.


 what exactly is the issue you guys are trying to work around?

I'm writing code that's intended to work under both MP1 and MP2.  To split
off into the right module or section of code, I ask things like, Am I
running in a mod_perl environment? and Am I in mod_perl 1 or 2?

I'm not sure I understand the problems with using an environment variable
for this, but I'd be happy to see something better.  I'm basically just
looking for officially blessed, canonical ways to ask those questions.

Looking at $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} is mostly fine with me, but it does bother me
that I have to strip out the version using a regex and then compare it to
1.99.  (What if the format of that string changes someday?)
$ENV{'MOD_PERL_API_VERSION'} will help there, I think.


Re: [summary] The Conflict of mp1 vs mp2 vs mp22 vs ... vs mpNN

2004-12-31 Thread John Siracusa
I'm going to chime in, as someone working on a suite of modules that are
intended to eventually work with apache 1.x and 2.x.  First, I agree with

On 12/31/04 2:27 PM, Adam Kennedy wrote:
 For the moment, I'm asking just that the release of mod_perl 2.0 be put
 on hold until this problem, and it is most definitely a show-stopper of
 a problem, is resolved in it's entirety. And to the satisfaction of both
 the mod_perl developers and the perl community.

Next, I'm going to put in my vote for a new namespace, be it Apache2:: or
something else.

As has been pointed out, the APIs of mod_perl 1 and 2 really aren't
compatible--nor should they be.  Apache 2 (the http server) took the 2.x
change as an opportunity to Do It Better, and so should (and has, for the
most part) mod_perl 2.

Even as someone writing several modules that will need to work with both
versions of mod_perl, I'd still rather have a clean split.  I can abstract
things easier (based on $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} most likely, but many mechanisms
are possible) if there's a clean namespace split.  Let me unify my API.
I'll hide the Apache:: and Apache2:: (or whatever) differences behind the

As for third party Apache:: modules, let them eat port.  I'd rather see them
make Apache2:: ports that take full advantages of the brave new world of
MP2.  And I'm sure many (most?) authors would like a chance to revisit their
APIs anyway.

Porting while maintaining API compatibility and staying in the same
namespace seems like work to me.  Porting to Apache2:: and being able to
clean up the sins of the past and do cool new stuff in the process seems
like fun.  Call me crazy, but I think this is a common view among
programmers (in the case of 3rd party Apache:: modules, whether they're the
original authors or not).

Finally, I don't see a proliferation of Apache2_2::, Apache3::, etc.
namespaces as a real threat.  The policy is simple: CPAN namespace == an
API.  If apache/httpd 2.[2-9] or 3.x requires or would benefit from a new
mod_perl *API*, guess what, then you get to pick a new CPAN namespace.  If
not, you can continue to use Apache2:: (or whatever) regardless of how
apache/httpd server changes behind the scenes.

This line of thinking eventually leads to another simplifying decision: the
mod_perl API versioning and branding should be divorced from Apache
Foundation branding and versioning where possible.  If Apache 3.x doesn't
warrant mod_perl API changes, then there's no reason the Apache2:: namespace
can't serve it.  Ah yes, but the Apache name is in both places, so that
argues for maybe ModPerl::, ModPerl2:: or MP2:: or whatever instead of

My summary:

1. Hold off on the offical release of mod_perl 2 until this is settled.

2. I think the simplest solution is also the cleanest and the most
forward-thinking, even if it is more work: a new CPAN namespace for mod_perl
2, and a divorce of mod_perl branding and versioning from the Apache
Foundation's branding and versioning.


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Best way to distinguish between mod_perl 1 and 2

2004-09-20 Thread John Siracusa
I'm looking for the best, most reliable way to determine if I'm running
under mod_perl 1 or 2, or not under mod_perl at all.  I suppose I can look
at $ENV{'MOD_PERL'}, but that reminds me a bit too much of a user-agent
style opaque string that I may not be able to trust or predict.  Also, what
if I see mod_perl/1.99 in that string?  It just seems odd.

So, any other suggestions?  This needs to be code I can run even outside any
mod_perl environment.  I'll wrap it in an eval if I have to, but the low
overhead of looking at $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} is kind of attractive...


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Re: [PATCH] Apache::DBI support for subclassed DBI connections

2004-08-16 Thread John Siracusa
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 22:48:30 -0400, John Siracusa wrote:
 On 8/13/04 5:43 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  This patch should make Apache::DBI work with subclassed DBI
  connections.  The only downside is that it makes ALL of your cached
  connections subclassed if you give it one that is subclassed.  Given how
  most people use DBI subclasses (for universal functionality on all DBI
  connections), this is probably not an issue.
 Cool, I'll try it out on Monday.  If it works, you should submit it to the
 Apache::DBI maintainer (if you haven't already)

The patch didn't work.  ref $Connected{$Idx} is always 'DBI::db'


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Apache::DBI and DBIx::*

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
What does a DBIx::* module have to do in order to correctly call
Apache::DBI's no-op version of disconnect() when running under mod_perl with

Below is an example that illustrates a bug I found when using a particular
DBIx:: module.

package MyTest;

use strict;
use Apache::DBI;
use DBIx::ContextualFetch;

sub handler
  my($r) = shift;

  my $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:...', 'myuser', 'mypass',
 { RootClass = 'DBIx::ContextualFetch' });


  $dbh-do('...any valid sql...') ?
print 'OK' : print 'Failed';

  $dbh-disconnect; # This calls the wrong disconnect()!

  return 200;


Run it under httpd -X to further isolate the problem and you'll see that the
first request works, but all subsequent requests fail.  This happens because
the disconnect() call actually calls the real disconnect method instead of
the Apache::DBI implementation, which is a no-op.  On the next request,
Apache::DBI happily provides what is now a disconnected $dbh.  Any attempt
to use that $dbh fails, obviously.

If you enable Apache::DBI's debugging output ($Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 1),
you'll see that the correct connect() method is called.  That is, only one
connection is made and then re-used.

So, getting back to my original question, who is at fault here?  Is this an
Apache::DBI bug, a DBIx::ContextualFetch bug, or something else?

One easy fix is to add a disconnect() method to DBIx::ContextualFetch that
detects when Apache::DBI is in use.  Example:

sub DBIx::ContextualFetch::disconnect
  if($ENV{'MOD_PERL'}  $Apache::DBI::VERSION)
# Do nothing when Apache::DBI is in use
return 1;

But isn't Apache::DBI supposed to be transparent and do all this stuff for
me?  Or are all bets off when using a DBIx module?  If so, what is a DBIx
author supposed to do to be a good Apache::DBI citizen?


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Re: Apache::DBI and DBIx::*

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 15:32:03 -0400, Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 15:25, John Siracusa wrote:
  What does a DBIx::* module have to do in order to correctly call
  Apache::DBI's no-op version of disconnect() when running under mod_perl with
 It needs to not set RootClass.  Apache::DBI essentially subclasses DBI,
 which is what RootClass does as well.

Er, yeah, essentially :)  All the crazy re-blessing that goes on is quite
a mess, IMO.

So what you're saying is that DBIx::* and Apache::DBI will simply never get
along because they both want to do the same thing, but use different (and
apparently incompatible) methods to do so?

  Run it under httpd -X to further isolate the problem and you'll see that the
  first request works, but all subsequent requests fail.  This happens because
  the disconnect() call actually calls the real disconnect method instead of
  the Apache::DBI implementation, which is a no-op.
 Why call disconnect at all?  Are you trying to run this as normal CGI

The first answer is that I'm calling disconnect because it's The Right Thing
To Do.  Maybe some people think just letting things go out of scope is more
(mod_)perl-ish, but I always wonder if those people don't call close(FILE)
either ;)  Anyway, I'm not one of those people.

The second answer is that it's common (and usually desirable) for certain
DBI-using modules to be used both in both web and offline contexts.  (The
example was heavily simplified, obviously.)


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Re: Apache::DBI and DBIx::*

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 16:45:59 -0400, Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 16:37, Stas Bekman wrote:
  IMHO, that should be folded into DBI::Pool
 I'm not really interested in tackling pooling, since I don't plan to run
 threads.  All that I really want my module to do is extend the
 DBI-connect_cached() method by adding the cleanup handler stuff from

Even without threads, wouldn't you rather have each apache child pulling
connections from a shared, server-wide pool rather than holding onto at
least one connection a piece whether they need it or not?

With the Apache::DBI system on a typical db-backed web site, the max number
of simultaneous (mod_perl) requests is pretty much limited by the max number
of simultaneous open database connections (since, long term, every apache
child will be hanging onto at least one db connection).

A server-wide pool removes that limitation, allowing each request to retain,
use, and then release any number of connections (possibly zero) within the
course of a single request.

Maybe that'd lead to too much contention, I don't know, but I assumed
something like that was a long-term mod_perl2/apache2/perl6 goal.  Or maybe
it's just a personal fantasy... :)


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Re: Apache::DBI and DBIx::*

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 17:02:27 -0400, Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Now that Perl has lexically scoped filehandles, there isn't any reason
   to explicitly call close() in most cases. ;)
  Tsk, for shame.  Just wait until you forget to call close() after writing to
  a file... ;)
 That's the point actually -- perl closes it for me when it goes out of

Ah, but perl doesn't check the return value! :)

Something tells me you haven't been bitten by this bug yet, but let me save
you the grief.  When, say, your disk fills up and you let that file handle
go out of scope, close() will silently fail when trying to flush the buffers
to disk.

The moral of the story: always call close() explicitly *and check the return
value* when writing to a file.


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Checking the return value of close() (was: Apache::DBI and DBIx::*)

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
On 8/13/04 5:23 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 17:15, John Siracusa wrote:
 Something tells me you haven't been bitten by this bug yet, but let me save
 you the grief.  When, say, your disk fills up and you let that file handle
 go out of scope, close() will silently fail when trying to flush the buffers
 to disk.
 If you're concerned about that, you should actually check the return
 value of print() as well.

Believe me, everyone should be concerned about that :)  Also, the return
value from print() is not always useful.  In the situation I described, for
example, print will happily return 1 so long as what it's printing fits in
the output buffer, regardless of whether or not the data is actually going
to make it to the disk.  Checking the return value from close() gives a more
reliable answer, and you only have to do it once at the end.


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Re: Apache::DBI and DBIx::*

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
On 8/13/04 5:22 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 17:05, John Siracusa wrote:
 Even without threads, wouldn't you rather have each apache child pulling
 connections from a shared, server-wide pool rather than holding onto at
 least one connection a piece whether they need it or not?
 Sure.  Can you figure out a way to do it?

Probably not in Perl 5 and apache 1.x, but I hope Perl 6, apache 2, and
mod_(perl6|parrot) will be flexible enough...

 You actually have a site where you can run more apache children than
 database connections?  I have never seen such a beast.

Maybe your database is just too beefy? :)  I've worked on sites that would
routinely bump into a database connection limit of ~200 during traffic
spikes.  (And yes, of course static content was served elsewhere :)

 Maybe that'd lead to too much contention, I don't know, but I assumed
 something like that was a long-term mod_perl2/apache2/perl6 goal.  Or maybe
 it's just a personal fantasy... :)
 Perl6 would presumably mean mod_perl 3.

...or mod_parrot or something, especially if this Parrot DBI-like-core thing
takes off (I forget the name they're using)

 Anyway, the pooling thing is mostly driven by how much Java people hype it.
 The usefulness of pooling is pretty limited for a site that actually uses
 database connections on every request.

I've worked on sites that use a session (MySQL) database connection on
every request, but don't use a main (Postgres) database connection nearly
that often.  If that main database is shared by several sites/apps, it can
become the bottleneck.  Maybe read-only replication would help, but it still
seems wasteful.


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Re: Checking the return value of close() (was: Apache::DBI and DBIx::*)

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
On 8/13/04 10:34 PM, John Siracusa wrote:
 In the situation I described, for example, print will happily return 1 so long
 as what it's printing fits in the output buffer, regardless of whether or not
 the data is actually going to make it to the disk.

Er, that should read regardless of whether or not the disk is full, since
making it to disk is outside the scope of Perl's core functions (and may
be outside the scope of the OS if the hardware lies :)


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Re: [PATCH] Apache::DBI support for subclassed DBI connections

2004-08-13 Thread John Siracusa
On 8/13/04 5:43 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 This patch should make Apache::DBI work with subclassed DBI
 connections.  The only downside is that it makes ALL of your cached
 connections subclassed if you give it one that is subclassed.  Given how
 most people use DBI subclasses (for universal functionality on all DBI
 connections), this is probably not an issue.

Cool, I'll try it out on Monday.  If it works, you should submit it to the
Apache::DBI maintainer (if you haven't already)


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mod_perl 2 and DBI connection pooling

2004-05-25 Thread John Siracusa
What is the status of DBI connection pooling (a la Apache::DBI) in mod_perl
2?  The 2.0 guide says, a replacement for Apache::DBI based on the tipool
will allow to reuse database connections between multiple threads of the
same process.

will allow?  Does that mean it's not done yet?  How are people using DBI
and mod_perl 2 in production environments?


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Re: ANNOUNCE: MasonX::WebApp 0.01

2004-05-12 Thread John Siracusa
From the docs:

 You must call clean_request_args() on the ApacheHandler object at the end of
 the request, unless you are making a new ApacheHandler object for every
 request. Otherwise bad things will happen.
 This is lame, so if someone thinks of a better way to do this, I'd be happy to
 hear about it.

In my massively more complicated (in both the good and bad senses of the
word), but spiritually similar Mason-using WebApp framework, I do something
like this:


LocationMatch ^/foo/bar
  PerlSetVar WebAppClass WebApp::Foo::Bar
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::WebApp


# Apache/

our(%Apps, $Interp); # caches

sub handler($$)
  my($self, $r) = @_;

  $self = $self-new($r)  unless(ref $self);
  $self-sanity_check() or return $self-status;
  my $app = $self-app;
  $self-parse_query($r, $app)  or return $self-status;

  return $self-handle_request($r, $app);


# app is a get, set, init attribute (c.f. Class::MethodMaker)
sub init_app 
  my($self) = shift;

  my $r = $self-apache_request;

  my $class = $r-dir_config('WebAppClass')
or die No WebAppClass defined for this location: ,  $r-uri;

return $class-new();
return $Apps{$class} ||= $class-new();

sub init_mason_interp { $Interp ||= ... } # more get, set, init

sub handle_request
  my($self, $r, $app) = @_;




  my $status = $app-status;


  return $status;


# WebApp/Foo/

package WebApp::Foo::Bar;

use strict;

use WebApp;
our @ISA = qw(WebApp);

sub root_uri { '/foo/bar' } # duplicated, but oh well


Basically, I try to separate the thing that dispatches incoming requests
(Apache::WebApp) and the things that are dispatched to (the actual apps,
e.g. WebApp::Foo::Bar)

Every Location* directive has the same PerlHandler (Apache::WebApp) but
different WebAppClass  settings.

Of course, I'm free to subclass any of these classes to make some sort of
specialized behavior, but so far, the basic dumb caching dispatcher
(Apache::WebApp) has done everything I need.

But getting back to the point of this post, Apache::WebApp is where I do all
the per-request setup and cleanup, not in the apps themselves.  That way,
writing a WebApp doesn't involve worrying about any of the boring setup and
cleanup stuff that every app needs to do in order to work correctly (e.g.
Not have any stale data left over)

Session cleanup/save-back can be done either in the Apache::WebApp
dispatcher or at the end of the app objects' run() method.  In practice, I
do it in the dispatcher and also in some apps, using a save_if_modified()
method which is inexpensive enough that I don't care about duplicated calls.

You'll also notice that I do a $app-refresh before and a $app-clear
after processing a request in the dispatcher.  This is because some apps may
choose to empty themselves when not in use, even if they app object is
still cached in %apps.  So clear() would really clean out all data
structures, while refresh would rebuild them before the next run.


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Re: ANNOUNCE: MasonX::WebApp 0.01

2004-05-12 Thread John Siracusa
On 5/12/04 12:30 PM, Dave Rolsky wrote:
 On Wed, 12 May 2004, John Siracusa wrote:
 You must call clean_request_args() on the ApacheHandler object at the end of
 the request, unless you are making a new ApacheHandler object for every
 request. Otherwise bad things will happen.
 This is lame, so if someone thinks of a better way to do this, I'd be happy
 hear about it.
 In my massively more complicated (in both the good and bad senses of the
 word), but spiritually similar Mason-using WebApp framework, I do something
 like this:
 [ much stuff snipped ]
 I think one of the reasons you can do your stuff that way is that you are
 using the Mason Interp object to dispatch to Mason, rather than the
 ApacheHandler object.  Mason's ApacheHandler has no mechanism for being
 handed a set of arguments, it insists on getting them itself (from an
 Apache::Request or CGI object), which is a little annoying.
 I hope to make ApacheHandler a little less self-contained in the next
 major release (1.4), but for now I'm stuck with nasty hacks.

...which begs the question, why not use an interp in MasonX::WebApp instead
of trying to wedge in behind Mason's ApacheHandler?  After all, I think
that's the advice you originally gave me way back when... :)


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Re: err_headers_out vs headers_out

2003-10-18 Thread John Siracusa
On 10/18/03 11:18 AM, Ged Haywood wrote:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg36041.html

Whoop, I think this is the post I was looking for earlier :)
