Re: mod_perl caching/delay

2003-12-10 Thread Malka Cymbalista
If I remember correctly we had a similar problem and the way we solved
it was to make sure that at the beginning of the script all variables
were initialized to 0 or blank.

Malki Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel 76100

>>> andrew dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/12/2003 02:38:51 >>>

I've just moved a shopping cart I've been working on into mod_perl,
fortunately it all seems to have worked straight away without any code

There is one problem though related to the what seems like caching of
pages. I'm building each page of categories based on the category id
passed in, and when I access one page (e.g. cat_id=10), followed
by another of a different category (e.g. cat_id=15) I always get the
original page again (cat_id=10).

Evened forced refreshing of the page by holding shift in the browser,
and setting the expired header to yesterday don't fix it.

However, if I then leave the site alone for a minute or two, and
the page I will get the new page that I wanted (cat_id=15). 

It seems to me like mod_perl is somehow caching the results of the
script for a short time, and if its called quickly again it will just
send out the same results without accepting new parameters. Is there a
way to disable this or prevent it from behaving like this ?

I'm running apache-1.3.27ensim-0ensim10 and mod_perl-1.26-5. I can't
upgrade because my server is running ensim.

Thanks for any pointers.



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running 2 versions of apache and mod perl on the same machine

2004-01-07 Thread Malka Cymbalista
We are moving to a new web server and we have installed apache 2.0.48
with mod_perl 1.99_12.  We are running perl 5.8.1 on a Sun Solaris
One of the applications that we run on our web server is an eprints
server which is system for archiving documents.  When one compiles
eprints, one essentially compiles it together with apache and mod perl. 
As a matter of fact on our present server, we have 2 apache processes
running - the standard one on port 80, and the apache process with
eprints  on port 81.  The problem is that we are having problems
compiling eprints on our new server using apache 2 and mod perl 2 and I
was wondering if we could compile eprints with apache 1.3 and mod perl
1.  In other words, is it possible to run 2 apache processes on the same
machine, one with apache 2 and mod perl 2, and one with apache 1.3 and
mod perl 1. 
Any help will be appreciated.

Malki Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel 76100

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Re: running 2 versions of apache and mod perl on the same machine

2004-01-13 Thread Malka Cymbalista
I am trying to run 2 versions of Apache and mod_perl  - Apache 1.3 with
modperl 1 and Apache 2 with modperl 2 - on the same machine on 2
different ports.  I first installed apache 2 with mod perl 2.  Then I
went to compile and install Apache 1.3 and mod perl 1.  Doing this
apparently overwrote some of the modules in my perl library.  The
modules that were overwritten are in the directories
After I did the Apache 1-modperl 1 installation, things that previously
worked in apache 2-modperl , stopped working.  Does this mean that I
need 2 different perl libraries? How does one do that?  BTW, we are
running perl 5.8.1.
Thanks for any information.


Malki Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel 76100

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Re: running 2 versions of apache and mod perl on the same machine

2004-01-19 Thread Malka Cymbalista
Thank you very much.  We have successfully installed Apache 2 and
modperl 2 as well as apache 1.3 and modperl1 on the same machine using
the same perl library.  thanks to all who gave their help.

Malki Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel 76100

>>> Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 13/01/2004 10:03:46 >>>
Malka Cymbalista wrote:
> I am trying to run 2 versions of Apache and mod_perl  - Apache 1.3
> modperl 1 and Apache 2 with modperl 2 - on the same machine on 2
> different ports.  I first installed apache 2 with mod perl 2.  Then
> went to compile and install Apache 1.3 and mod perl 1.  Doing this
> apparently overwrote some of the modules in my perl library.  The
> modules that were overwritten are in the directories
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/sun4-solaris/auto/Apache
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/sun4-solaris/mod*
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/sun4-solaris/Apache/
> After I did the Apache 1-modperl 1 installation, things that
> worked in apache 2-modperl , stopped working.  Does this mean that I
> need 2 different perl libraries? How does one do that?  BTW, we are
> running perl 5.8.1.
> Thanks for any information.

There is no problem to have both mp generations under the same perl
lib, you 
need to build mod_perl 2.0 with MP_INST_APACHE2=1.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> 

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Re: mod_perl (1.99_16) fails to begin tests because of assertion "rv == APR_SUCCESS" failed in vhost

2004-08-31 Thread Malka Cymbalista
We are running:
  Solaris 9 on Sun Sparc
  apache 2.0.48 (without ssl)
  mod_perl 1.99_12
  gcc 3.3
  perl 5.8.1

Malki Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel 76100

>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 31/08/2004 16:35:39 >>>
Apropos previous emails on this subject, has ANYONE gotten mod_perl to
run with:
Solaris 9 on Sun Sparc
Apache httpd 2.0.50 (with ssl and other features enabled)
gcc  2.95.3

If you have been able to run with the exact configuration above or even
a reasonably close  (different gcc perhaps)
approximation, I would appreceiate hearing from you. Suggestions to
move to Linux are certainly appreciated but
only as a last resort (too awful much to compile).

Marty Renquist
> dPerl_2dRegistry_t_cgi_2db

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Apache, mod_perl and PHP

2005-11-07 Thread Malka Cymbalista
We are having a strange problem with our PHP sites and I was wondering
of someone has any pointers to offer.
We are running apache 2.0.55 with mod_perl 2.0.1 and php 4.3.3 and
mod_ssl 2.0.55 on  a Sun Solaris machine.  Every now and then, when
click on a URL that is a php script, instead of the file executing, a
File Download panel opens and it asks if you want to  save it to your
computer.  It is as if it does not recognize that it is a php file.
Sometimes it actually displays the code of the file. The really
thing is that it appears to happen randomly.  That is, some times the
same link  works perfectly well and the links open properky.  But
sometimes, it asks if you want to save the file. If you click on
and then click on the link again, it usually opens properly.
Someone told me that there are problems for mod perl and php and
mod_ssl to live together.  Most of our site is in perl so I am not
to give up the mod_perl abilities but there are a few people who
on PHP and I'd like that to be able to work properly as well. Does
anyone have any information on this and is there anything I can do so
that everything works?

Thanks for any help.

Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

regular expressions

2006-06-04 Thread Malka Cymbalista
Can anyone recommend a good book on regular expressions.  I don't need a
beginners book - I know how to work with regular expressions but I want
to be able to understand and use everything and anything that can be
done with regular expressions -I guess I would say that I need an
advanced book.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

Connecting to more than one oracle database

2006-11-29 Thread Malka Cymbalista
I am running Apache 2.0.55 with mod_perl 2.0.1 and Perl 5.8.1 on a Sun
Solaris machine. I am using DBI/DBD to connect to an Oracle database.  I
am running DBI 1.39 and DBD-Oracle 1.16. 
In order to connect to an oracle database on a different machine I have
a tnsnames.ora file with the appropriate definition. I also have a file with the following information:
$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/usr/local/ora9i/9.2.0';
$ENV{ORACLE_SID} = 'asdb';
$ENV{TWO_TASK} = 'asdb';
$ENV{TNS_ADMIN} = '/usr/local/ora9i/9.2.0/network/admin/DEV_wiccdb';
In httpd.conf I have the line
PerlRequire "/www/httpd/conf/"
I am currently connecting to an oracle database on a different machine
and everything is working fine.  I would now like to connect to another
oracle database on another machine.  My problem is how to define my
environment variables.  ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN do not seem to be a
problem since I assume they can be the same.  However, how do I define
ORACLE_SID and TWO_TASK so that they allow connecting to 2 different
databases on 2 different machines?
Thanks for any help.
Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

Re: Connecting to more than one Oracle database

2006-12-11 Thread Malka Cymbalista
Hello to all of you, Last week I sent an email asking how to connect to
more than one remote Oracle database.  My problem was that in my file, I am setting the following environment variables:
connect to 2 different databases, then ORACLE_SID and TWO_TASK are not
the same and I did not know what to do.
SEveral people answered me and said that I should not define 
ORACLE_SID and TWO_TASK  in but that I should define both
databases in tnsnames.ora and simply connect giving the name of the
So now, I am doing the following:
My tnsnames.ora looks like:
asdb =
= 1521))
asdb2 =
= 1521))
  (SID = ORCL92)
I connect in the following manner:
I have a script that works from the command line but does not work when
I run it from the web. When I run from the web it gives very
inconsistent results.  Sometimes it succeeds in connecting to the first
database I specify and sometimes it can't connect to either. I tried
specifying the environment variables ORACLE_SID and TWO_TASK from within
the script but that didn't seem to help consistently.  That is,
sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't and we couldn't figure out
exactly when it would or would not work. 
Does anyone know how I can connect via the web to 2 different oracle
databases sitting on 2 different machines from within the same script.
Thanks for any help.
Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

Re: Connecting to more than one Oracle database

2006-12-12 Thread Malka Cymbalista
Thanks for all those who replied.  I solved the problem - there was a
problem with the syntax of the connect command.  thanks again.
Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

>>> On 12/11/2006 at 9:01 PM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:wrote on 
> Malka Cymbalista wrote:
>> I have a script that works from the command line but does not work
>> I run it from the web.
> Good, you've narrowed it down then.  These are the most common
> of problems that happen only when run from a web server:
> - Differences in %ENV
> - Running as a different user, with different permissions
> - Different current working directory
> Check those, and you'll find the problem.
> - Perrin


2006-12-13 Thread Malka Cymbalista
I am running Apache 2.0.55 with mod_perl 2.0.1 and Perl 5.8.1 on a Sun
Solaris machine. We would like to do http authentication via our ldap
server so we need to install mod_auth_ldap.
The instrictions I found for installing mod_auth_ldap
say that before compiling and installing mod_auth_ldap, we need to
complile and install LDAP libraries.  The instructions for installing
ldap libraries seem to force me to also install an ldap server.  I do
not want to install an ldap server since we already have a working ldap
server.  I want to use our existing ldap server to do httpd
authentication on our web server. Is there a way to install only the
ldap libraries?
Thanks for any help.
Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

saving userid

2007-01-08 Thread Malka Cymbalista
I am running Apache 2.0.55 with mod_perl 2.0.1 and Perl 5.8.1 on a Sun
Solaris machine. I am writing a perl script that requires the user to
log in with a userid and password in order to access the pages the
script creates. We plan on using standard http authentication. Once the
user logs in, is there a way to save the userid and check it to make
sure that the user who is now working is the same user who logged in? 
The problem is that users will be entering data and a user can only
change the data he has entered.
Thanks for any help.
Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

http authentication via a secure LDAP server

2007-01-16 Thread Malka Cymbalista
I am running Apache 2.0.55 with mod_perl 2.0.1 and Perl 5.8.1 on a Sun Solaris 
machine. We would like to do http authentication via our ldap server which is 
installed with SSL.  Are there perl modules that have to be installed or must I 
recompile apache and mod_perl with specific options?   Can anyone point me in 
the right direction.
Thanks for any information.
Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

graphics in perl

2008-06-22 Thread Malka Cymbalista
We are running perl 5.8.5 on a Linux machine that is running apache 2.2.6 with 
mod_perl 2.0.3.  Our data is in a MySQL database (MySQL 5.0.45)

We have been asked to write a web application that requires plotting 
capabilities.  We do most of our web programming in perl so I am looking for a 
perl module that has the following features:
1. ability to create histograms 
2. ability to create x,y plots
3. ability to zoom in on a portion of the graph
4. ability to calculate the distance between 2  points on the graph
5. ability to hover on a point and bring up some text 

Does anyone have any suggestions for which perl modules we should look into?

Thanks for any information.


Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science