Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-22 Thread Chris Josephes
So, if I want to write a review of Net::SMTP, I'd do the following.

1. Use Module::Build, or ExtUtils::MakeMaker to create
Review::Net::SMTP::CHRISJ, or whatever.

2. Make sure I have my README.txt, CHANGES, and MANIFEST file.

3. Write my review in POD format, and throw in some META.yml indexing code
as well.

4. Make sure the module/review is executable so it passes CPAN testing.

5. Upload the review to CPAN.

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Sam Vilain wrote:

 I nominate the


 Namespace for author-submitted module indexes and in-depth reviews, in
 POD format.  I think this has a number of advantages.  Let's use the
 infrastructure we already have, no?

 The .pm versions of these modules could potentially contain lists (in
 YAML format of course) for use by the indexing systems, which would,
 after double checking, be used as a master data source for the
 auto-generated indexes and modules lists.

 This probably needs to be prototyped a little, and a model review module
 (say that 5 times quickly) posted before reviews start coming in in earnest.


Christopher Josephes

Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-22 Thread Ken Williams
On Jul 20, 2004, at 11:57 AM, Chris Josephes wrote:
So, if I want to write a review of Net::SMTP, I'd do the following.
1. Use Module::Build, or ExtUtils::MakeMaker to create
Review::Net::SMTP::CHRISJ, or whatever.
2. Make sure I have my README.txt, CHANGES, and MANIFEST file.
3. Write my review in POD format, and throw in some META.yml indexing 
as well.

4. Make sure the module/review is executable so it passes CPAN testing.
5. Upload the review to CPAN.
I was sort of hoping this idea would just die on its own, but now it 
looks like people are actually getting ready to do it.  In my opinion 
this is a bad idea.  I don't want a bunch of reviews all over CPAN 
disguising themselves as modules.  I also don't want CPAN sites to have 
to figure out what's a review and what's not, so they can filter out 
the reviews.

What's wrong with making one of these newfangled things called web 
sites to host reviews?  Oh, I know - that already exists.  So how 
about working with those people to fix whatever you think is broken 
about them before polluting CPAN with all this non-code?


Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-22 Thread John Siracusa
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:50:37 -0500, Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was sort of hoping this idea would just die on its own, but now it
 looks like people are actually getting ready to do it.  In my opinion
 this is a bad idea.  I don't want a bunch of reviews all over CPAN
 disguising themselves as modules.  I also don't want CPAN sites to have
 to figure out what's a review and what's not, so they can filter out
 the reviews.

I too was hoping this would die on its own as an Obviously Bad Idea. 
Having a bunch of POD-only modules is about as appropriate as a review
medium as using email signatures.  Please, don't do this.  Make the
CPAN ratings web site better, or start your own web site, and use a
storage medium other than the CPAN module repository.


Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-22 Thread Chris Josephes
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Ken Williams wrote:

 I was sort of hoping this idea would just die on its own, but now it
 looks like people are actually getting ready to do it.  In my opinion
 this is a bad idea.  I don't want a bunch of reviews all over CPAN
 disguising themselves as modules.  I also don't want CPAN sites to have
 to figure out what's a review and what's not, so they can filter out
 the reviews.

Agreed.  I kind of hoped that by pointing out the steps that would be
involved in posting a review, people would kind of get the clue that the
proposal needs a little work.

 What's wrong with making one of these newfangled things called web
 sites to host reviews?  Oh, I know - that already exists.  So how
 about working with those people to fix whatever you think is broken
 about them before polluting CPAN with all this non-code?

It would be really easy to set up a blog or whatever to handle this, but
inevitably someone always asks the question What About CPAN?

I'm probably not on enough Perl mailing lists to make an expert opinion,
but the impression I get is that CPAN is a system without a clearly
defined future.

Questions always come up on who maintains it, where is the code, how do we
add this feature, why is the module list out of date, etc, etc.

CPAN works great for distributing perl code and modules, but as a software
package, CPAN is a mystery to a lot of us.


Christopher Josephes

The CPAN Guide [was Re: Future of the Module List]

2004-07-21 Thread Sam Vilain
Mark Stosberg wrote:
Maybe the convention could be:

Good idea, but I think that is duplicated information.  CPAN already 
considers the uploaded user ID to be a part of the unique name of the 
module.  Two authors can upload a module with the same name; and that is 
fine; they will both be displayed uniquely when found on

Of course, when installing via, the indexer will only 
automatically choose the versions of the modules written by the current 
maintainer (or some rule like that).  For reviews, this is not really a 
major consideration - except maybe for people compiling CPAN discset 
compilations.  OTOH, a link to 
will go to whichever has the highest version number (see for an example).  Perfect.

Rather than trying to double the size of CPAN by making a review for 
each module, a review could cover a wide variety of different modules 
that cover a related problem space.  The reviews could be supplemented 
with examples and demonstrations exhibiting strengths and weaknesses of 
the modules that they review - for instance, benchmarking, memory tests, 
etc.  As new modules are written, the reviews could be extended 
(perhaps, but not necessarily by the same author as the original 
review).  You will get a similar situation to many of the modules in 
CPAN today, which have more than a handful of maintainers who have 

There's nothing to say that individual module reviews shouldn't be 
written, and the convention of naming the review module the same as the 
single module it covers with a prefix is a good one.  This would almost 
certainly be linked to by the module which covers the generic problem space.

So, to make this distinction clear, maybe the
namespace should cover problem space reviews, and serve as something 
of another index to CPAN - and

can be for more in-depth reviews of individual CPAN modules, to avoid 
potentional conflicts from using Review::* for both of these.  
Besides, I think Guide:: is more accurate here.

If no-one has any sound objections or beats me to the task, I will 
endeavour to complete Guide.pod, and Guide/Example.pod during my 
recreational Perl development time (not as abundant at present as it 
once was ;-)), and construct a skeleton of Guide:: distributions based 
on the old modules list.

But first, back to reinventing some more wheels ;-).
Sam Vilain, sam /\T vilain |T net, PGP key ID: 0x05B52F13
(include my PGP key ID in personal replies to avoid spam filtering)

Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-20 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 06:15:49PM +1200, Sam Vilain wrote:
 I nominate the
 Namespace for author-submitted module indexes and in-depth reviews, in 
 POD format.  I think this has a number of advantages.  Let's use the 
 infrastructure we already have, no?

Interesting, but what comes after Review:: if it's Review::Text::Balanced
then how do we get multiple reviews Text::Balanced or are you talking about
something else entirely?


Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-20 Thread Mark Stosberg
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:10:02AM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 06:15:49PM +1200, Sam Vilain wrote:
  I nominate the
  Namespace for author-submitted module indexes and in-depth reviews, in 
  POD format.  I think this has a number of advantages.  Let's use the 
  infrastructure we already have, no?
 Interesting, but what comes after Review:: if it's Review::Text::Balanced
 then how do we get multiple reviews Text::Balanced

Maybe the convention could be:


I'll let someone else suggest what should happen if the same person
decides to review the same module multiple times. (Perhaps there would be
an early negative review, and then a later positive review after the
module improved with feedback.)


Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-20 Thread Mark Stosberg
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 03:57:10PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:

 The more I think about it, the more I think that it's not a great idea using
 the real CPAN to do things other than distribute code. Reuse the
 infrastructure by all means but the idea of mixing bundles, code, reviews
 and whatever else comes up in the same hierarchy with just naming
 conventions to tell them apart does not appeal to me. If we weren't
 dependent on collapsing all the relevant information down into a ::
 delimited list it would be much nicer (fantasy land, I know),

I realize it's not a clean solution, but there are some things I like
about it:

- I can check for new modules and new
  module reviews. The means one less place to check for new and
  interesting Perl things that have been published. (OTOH, perhaps
  using an RSS News reader / aggregator would solve this just as well. )

- I like the idea of searching for a term and finding modules and
  reviews coming back. OTOH, we already have CPAN ratings for this. 

[ Thinks more. ]. 

OK, I'm changing my mind. I think it makes more sense to have a way
to integrate longer reviews with

Perhaps a simple solution would be provide a field to link to longer
review, which could be anywhere in any format. 


 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Mark StosbergPrincipal Developer  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Summersault, LLC 
   765-939-9301 ext 202 database driven websites
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: Cpan Ratings (Was: Future of the Module List)

2004-07-17 Thread James Keenan
Pardon my ignorance, but ...
What is the 'default phone-home behavior' in the Makefile.PL's about 
which Randal was complaining?

Is it the author's 'Perlish' coding style, in which he places 
statement-ending semicolons at the start of the line?  Or something 


Re: Cpan Ratings (Was: Future of the Module List)

2004-07-17 Thread Smylers
James Keenan writes:

 Pardon my ignorance, but ...
 What is the 'default phone-home behavior' in the Makefile.PL's about
 which Randal was complaining?

The author wished to keep track of how widely his modules were used --
at least partially as motivation for bothering to write them.

Originally he had something in Makefile.PL which downloaded a file from
his own website then executed the contents of that file.  (Among other
things, it warned the would-be-installer if a newer version of the
distro was available.)  People pointed out how insecure this is, and the
damage that could be done by somebody hijacking his server and
substituting a malicious Perl script at that URL.

Others simply didn't like the idea at all of being counted and monitored
without their consent; this phone-home behaviour happened by default,
without warning.  Somebody merely running Makefile.PL (or the CPAN shell
or whatever) wouldn't expect it.

The author responded to the security problem by changing his installers
to download a dynamically generated data file, not a Perl script, which
still allowed him to do counting and have the installer warn about old
versions, but didn't have the security risk.

But this still happened without warning, and would be unexpected to most
users.  Several people, Randal included, found this intrusive and

I see that a few weeks ago the author removed all phone-home behaviour,
so even this is no longer an issue.


Cpan Ratings (Was: Future of the Module List)

2004-07-15 Thread Smylers
Randy W. Sims writes:

 Not long ago I was exploring the cpanratings site and discovered the
 unhelpful rampage by one particular reviewer

Why do you think Randal's comments are unhelpful?  Personally whenever
I'm (considering) downloading a module I haven't used before I read any
reviews it has.  It would never've occurred to me that an author
would've have put default phone-home behaviour into a distribution's
installer, but on reading Randal's review of a module I'd then be aware
of it in advance.

That's certainly useful information to have.  Admittedly when you look
at the page giving all Randal's reviews there is a fair amount of
repetition going on, but the information he gives is pertinent to every
one of those modules, so it's the only way of ensuring the message
reaches potential users of all of the modules.

Actually I'm much more concerned by the opposite problem, that people
give 5 stars to modules they use lots and don't bother reviewing other
modules, or ones they tried a bit but gave up on -- partly, I suspect,
cos if you never quite got into a module properly then you feel it'd be
unfair to review it.  Look at one of the modules that Randal reviews,

That's a flurry of 5-star reviews in a very short space of time.  I
suspect that isn't a co-incidence -- perhaps there's a CGI::Builder
mailing list somewhere that had a recent post encouraging users to
review the module?  There isn't anything wrong with that[*0], but it
could distort the value of reviews over all.

Cpan Ratings is still young.  Let's give it some more time to pan out; I
think it's one of the better ideas out there.

There's also some degree of a chicken-and-egg situation going on, but
once the site has more reviews in it there'll be more reason for people
to consult it and for places to link to it more prominently.

  [*0]  Well, there are ways in which such a mail could be phrased that
  would be wrong; but simply soliciting genuine reviews from genuine
  users can hardly be faulted.


Future of the Module List

2004-07-14 Thread Tim Bunce
On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 12:40:03PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
  * Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-07-14 19:26]:
   Some of them _are_ registered, but that document you're
   referring to hasn't been regenerated since 2002/08/27!  I wish
   the CPAN folks would just remove it if it won't be generated
  Does anyone else here think that the list should probably just be
  done away with entirely?

The _file_ should go, yes. The concept of registering modules is different.

 Given the fact that most authors seem to not register their stuff, the
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] list is slow as heck, and that the web pages never get
 regenerated, yes.

Those are all fixable. Volunteers?

The real issues are bigger and deeper. I've appended a couple of emails.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:37:12AM +1300, Sam Vilain wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 01:32, Tim Bunce wrote;
I'd like to see a summary of what those needs of the community
are.  (Maybe I missed it as I've not been following as closely as
I'd have liked. In which case a link to an archived summary would
be great.)
It's very important to be clear about what the problems actually
 I don't really want to argue this side of things, I think that the
 problems pretty much speak for themselves.  But I hate unspoken
 consensus, so let me suggest a few from my perspective; this applies
 to the combined Perl 5 modules list / using

I'll play devils advocate here and point out some alternative remedies
for the problems. By doing so I'm _not_ trying to detract for your
suggestion, which I like, I'm just trying to show how existing mechanisms
could be improved incrementally.

   a) searching for modules for a particular task takes a long time and
  unless you get your key words right, you might not find it at
  all.  Refer the recent Mail::SendEasy thread.

Calls for a richer set of categories and cross-links of some kind.
(Editorial content alone is basically just more words to a search engine.)

   b) it is very difficult to find good reviews weighing the pros and
  cons of similar modules; they exist, but are scattered.
  CPAN ratings was a nice idea, but has too many First Post!
  style reviews to be useful in its current form IMHO.

Argues for moderation of reviews and a minimum review length.
A was this review helpful mechanism would also help to bring
better reviews to the top.  Also the should not
just show the overall rating, it should show the underlying three
individual ratings (docs, interface, ease of use).

   c) it is nearly impossible to tell which modules are the wisest
  choices from a community size point of view; using modules that
  are more likely to fall out of maintenance is easy to do.

Argues for more stats. I think useful *relative* download stats
could be extracted from a sample of CPAN sites. Also
could provide relative page-*view* stats for modules.

   d) some great modules are not registered (I am referring of course
  to such masterpieces as Pixie, Heritable::Types, Maptastic :),
  Spiffy, Autodia, Want ... and those are just the ones missing
  in my bag of tricks)

Argues for fixing the registration process.

Originally the Module List had two goals:
 1: to help people find perl modules for a particular task.
 2: to provide a second-tier of modules above the 'anarchy' of 
people uploading half-baked ideas with half-baked names.
 Honourable goals, which it solved adequately for a period of time, and
 full credit where it is due.
 But now let's look at where we are.  We've got masses of modules,
 truckloads of categories and thousands of contributors.  This task
 cannot be left in the hands of a handful of hackers, no matter how
 much awe they inspire, they probably still have lives and day jobs ;)

The registration process can, and should, be automatic for any modules
for which no one objects. You'd apply and RT would automatically
register if no one commented on the application.

 I will maintain that the current format, or even simply adding some
 more fields to the database is *not* enough information to give
 uninformed people looking for a module the information to make an
 informed decision.

 It is my gut feeling that only editorial content, managed by people
 who are experts in the field, will truly perform this task - and that
 to gain maximum support, that it should be included in the content
 mirrored along with the rest of

I agree that comparative editorial reviews would be very valuable
for Goal 1 above. I wouldn't address Goal 2 effecively at all.

 I think we're mature enough as a community to be able to produce this
 content without it disolving into flamewars or being too one-sided.
 In particular, I really think that as little red tape should be
 applied to this system as possible.  Let's just set up a few 

Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-14 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/14/2004 5:51 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 12:40:03PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-07-14 19:26]:
Some of them _are_ registered, but that document you're
referring to hasn't been regenerated since 2002/08/27!  I wish
the CPAN folks would just remove it if it won't be generated
Does anyone else here think that the list should probably just be
done away with entirely?

The _file_ should go, yes. The concept of registering modules is different.

Given the fact that most authors seem to not register their stuff, the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list is slow as heck, and that the web pages never get
regenerated, yes.

Those are all fixable. Volunteers?
The real issues are bigger and deeper. I've appended a couple of emails.
On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:37:12AM +1300, Sam Vilain wrote:
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 01:32, Tim Bunce wrote;
  I'd like to see a summary of what those needs of the community
  are.  (Maybe I missed it as I've not been following as closely as
  I'd have liked. In which case a link to an archived summary would
  be great.)
  It's very important to be clear about what the problems actually
I don't really want to argue this side of things, I think that the
problems pretty much speak for themselves.  But I hate unspoken
consensus, so let me suggest a few from my perspective; this applies
to the combined Perl 5 modules list / using

I'll play devils advocate here and point out some alternative remedies
for the problems. By doing so I'm _not_ trying to detract for your
suggestion, which I like, I'm just trying to show how existing mechanisms
could be improved incrementally.

 a) searching for modules for a particular task takes a long time and
unless you get your key words right, you might not find it at
all.  Refer the recent Mail::SendEasy thread.

Calls for a richer set of categories and cross-links of some kind.
(Editorial content alone is basically just more words to a search engine.)
Are we talking about the same thing: perl.module-authors:2601 ?
 b) it is very difficult to find good reviews weighing the pros and
cons of similar modules; they exist, but are scattered.
CPAN ratings was a nice idea, but has too many First Post!
style reviews to be useful in its current form IMHO.

Argues for moderation of reviews and a minimum review length.
A was this review helpful mechanism would also help to bring
better reviews to the top.  Also the should not
just show the overall rating, it should show the underlying three
individual ratings (docs, interface, ease of use).
This is definately a trouble area. Not long ago I was exploring the 
cpanratings site and discovered the unhelpful rampage by one 
particular reviewer Maybe breaking 
the reviews into catagories would be helpful? Rate: installation, 
interface, robustness, overall, etc.

 c) it is nearly impossible to tell which modules are the wisest
choices from a community size point of view; using modules that
are more likely to fall out of maintenance is easy to do.

Argues for more stats. I think useful *relative* download stats
could be extracted from a sample of CPAN sites. Also
could provide relative page-*view* stats for modules.
Narrow the interface for CPAN such that all viewing takes place on a 
single server where it can be monitored, and all download requests are 
distributed to mirror sites (ala

As for the best of the best, I still believe there is a lot of merrit in 
the list built from dependencies idea.

 d) some great modules are not registered (I am referring of course
to such masterpieces as Pixie, Heritable::Types, Maptastic :),
Spiffy, Autodia, Want ... and those are just the ones missing
in my bag of tricks)

Argues for fixing the registration process.

This is why I am mailing you to ask: what's going on?  Why is such
an outdated module list being published in an authoritative location,
and where can I get an up-to-date list?

Module List *document* was maintained by hand.  When managment of
the Module List *data* was automated there was a desire to automate
maintainance of the document but the document had a slightly richer
structure than the data. That small hurdle meant automation never
happened and the document was left unmaintained.
Around the same time became functional so the
document had less relevance and busy people had other things to do.
I'll happily conceed that the *document* isn't important these days.
But I feel strongly that the *principle* (of moderated naming and
categorization) is.
The main pieces currently missing are:
1. Automated handling of module registration. [Where has that got to?]
2. Better integration of registration data into
   So registration details are includes in search results, for example.
3. A 'fast path' process to 

Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-14 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Randy W. Sims wrote:

 As for the best of the best, I still believe there is a lot of merrit in
 the list built from dependencies idea.

Only in some areas.  For example, the top templating modules are probably,
TT, HTML::Template,  Mason.  How many modules depend on any of those?
Darn few, because they are kind of at the end of the module food chain.

OTOH, many modules in the DateTime suite depend on  This
doesn't make it best of breed (though I think it is for other reasons ;)


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