Re: Module submission Arary::Heap2

2003-10-06 Thread Jon Orwant
That was John Macdonald's chapter; his new email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Monday, October 6, 2003, at 06:14  AM, Andreas J Koenig wrote:

On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 23:03:57 +0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ( Marc) (A.) 
(Lehmann )> said:

On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 12:56:58PM +0800, Autrijus Tang 
??? ?|, 2003-09-18 15:47, Perl Authors Upload Server ?
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
  modid:   Arary::Heap2
"Arary" will not do.  Please fix this typo and re-submit. :-)

And here is the rationale for choosing Array::Heap2:
Well, there is no good rationale, but while registering, I found
that Array::Heap has been registered in what seems 1998 already,
however, a module hasn't been uploaded in the last 5 years. (I
didn'T see this at first because my searches were for existing
modules only :)
I've contacted the author, but haven't received a reply yet (but
it's not been a long time).
Interesting.  CC'ed to John Macdonald, to see whether he is willing 
abdicate that namespace to you.

So far, no reaction (but that could just mean he's on vacation or so).
Anyways, since it seems that he didn't even register that namespace
himself, I'll CC: the person responsible for the registration, Andreas
König :) Maybe he remembers what happened back then in more detail. 

I can't come up with the reference (despite having found it quickly 
first time, but now all my google searches fail to find the mail where
andreas says he'll register that modulelist entry).

Ah well :)
Google doesn't index printed books. Mastering Algorithms with Perl
promises on page 101:
the routines to apply binary heap ordering to a user-provided
array will be put in a separate module called Array::Heap.
I put the two co-authors on the CC. Maybe they know more about the
fate of said module.

Re: PAUSE request

2003-07-31 Thread Jon Orwant
On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 11:21  AM, Johan Vromans wrote:

Jon Orwant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'd like to change the ownership of Text::GenderFromName from me
(JONO) to Eamon Daly (Cc:ed).  If I "View Permissions", PAUSE lists
the module; if I "Edit Module Metadata", it doesn't.  So I see no way
to make this change.
Text::GenderFromName is not a registered module, so it has no
registered owner. Eamon can upload a new version and it will
automatically become 'his'. Then you can remove the older files.
Thanks -- perhaps PAUSE should make this distinction clear?


PAUSE request

2003-07-31 Thread Jon Orwant
I'd like to change the ownership of Text::GenderFromName from me (JONO) 
to Eamon Daly (Cc:ed).  If I "View Permissions", PAUSE lists the 
module; if I "Edit Module Metadata", it doesn't.  So I see no way to 
make this change.


Re: Need a Perl module for PC telnet

2001-09-04 Thread Jon Orwant

On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 10:23:39AM -0700, Umesh Gaitonde wrote:
> Hello,
> I need a Perl module that accomplishes the following:
> >From my office PC, I need to telnet to the other PC
> and execute the .exe files/programs residing in the
> other PC. 
> Please send me this module or let me know where can I
> find it.

Net::Telnet, which you can get from your favorite CPAN mirror.

Jon Orwant, Ph.D. orwant @
CTO, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
90 Sherman St, Cambridge MA 02140  (617) 354-5800 x599


2001-08-21 Thread Jon Orwant

On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 10:36:22PM -0700, Kurt D. Starsinic wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 10:12:20PM -0700, Ron Squiers wrote:
> > Hi Tim or Andreas,
> > 
> > I poked but there was
> > nothing there. I've instead used and tested the AVL tree code from
> > "Mastering Algorithms with Perl" by Jon Orwant, Jarkko Hietaniemi & John
> > Macdonald. There were bugs in the book, which I've fixed, tested and added a
> > list routine. Would it be legal to post this module or do I need O'Reilly's
> > permission first?

You don't need O'Reilly's permission; go ahead and post -- just please
credit the book.  If you think you've found a bug, it'd be great if
you could tell us what it is so we can fix it.

Jon Orwant, Ph.D. orwant @
CTO, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
90 Sherman St, Cambridge MA 02140  (617) 354-5800 x599

Re: RFC for module name Color::Object.

2001-05-23 Thread Jon Orwant

On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 06:26:28AM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> >>>>> On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:27:36 +0100, "Alfred Reibenschuh" 
>   > hi!
>   > i'd like some comments on how to name this module
>   > it presents a OO interface to the user for creation
>   > and modification of colors (RGB,CMYK,HSV,HSL)
>   > the functions return values have been optimized for=20
>   > use in PDFs but can be used for other purposes too.
> I think this is what Jon Orwant had in mind when he registered Image::Colorimetry:
> cpan> m Image::Colorimetry
> Module id = Image::Colorimetry
> DESCRIPTION  transform colors between colorspaces
> DSLI_STATUS  cdpO (pre-alpha,developer,perl,object-oriented)
> Jon, you can download with
> cpan> install AREIBENS/Color-Object-0.1_02.tar.gz
> I see no problem in keeping the name Color::Object, but it has two
> rather small caveats:
> - the implementation as part of the name is generally not considered
>   good style (imagine, you add a non-OO interface later)
> - the top level namespace Color:: doesn't exist (yet?): this might
>   change in the future anyway when people come up with heavy
>   color-related module collections, but if this doesn't happen,
>   Image:: is to be preferred.
> I'd welcome if Jon could comment and make a recommandation.

I haven't released my module to CPAN because there's a teeny bug in
the Munsell conversion routine that can't be fixed without some
research.  I may yet upload it, but for the time being take me out of



2000-11-10 Thread Jon Orwant

On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 12:02:00PM +, Tim Bunce wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 08:43:43AM +0100, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> > > On Wed, 8 Nov 2000 21:36:32 -0500, "Kurt D. Starsinic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > 
> >   > On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 06:17:22PM -0800, Gisle Aas wrote:
> > >> I have been experimenting with an interface to the UDDI registry and
> > >> uploaded it as UDDI-0.03.  UDDI is described on
> > >> Do you want me to use any other module name?
> > >> 
> > >> Current usage is something like this:
> > >> 
> > >> use UDDI;
> > >> 
> > >> my $list = UDDI::find_business(name => "a") || die $UDDI::err{message};
> > >> for my $b ($list->businessInfos->businessInfo) {
> > >> print $b->name, "\n";
> > >> }
> > 
> >   > I like to stay away from top-level namespaces.  I've just taken a
> >   > brief look at the website, but I think that Net::UDDI would be more
> >   > suitable.
> > 
> > Or Business::UDDI as quite a few people have objected to using Net::
> > as a bit basket.
> UDDI::* as I suspect other UDDI modules will arise sooner or later.

I suspect so as well.  Deciding whether something merits a top level
name is tough, and ultimately I end up making a gut decision based on
how much buzz I hear about the technology.  UDDI qualifies, based
on this somewhat dubious metric.


Re: RFC: How to name date objects module?

2000-06-26 Thread Jon Orwant

For the record, I strongly agree with everything Chris says here.


Chris Nandor writes:
 > At 23.17 +0200 2000.06.26, Steffen Beyer wrote:
 > >Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
 > >
 > >1> I think that the suggested name for the new OO interface,
 > >1> Date::Object, is a Very Bad Choice.  I severely dislike embedding
 > >
 > >Exactly *why* do you think so?
 > >
 > >1> either the interface style or the implementation style to the name of
 > >1> a module.
 > >
 > >*Why* do you think this is such a bad idea?
 > Because most people don't care what style is used for the interface, 
 > they care about getting some task accomplished.  And those who DO 
 > care about the style and not the functionality, well, they should be 
 > shot.
 > Note that "Date::Object" tells me not a jot about what the module 
 > actually does for me.  So the name is DOUBLY bad.  It not only tells 
 > me about the interface, which I don't care one whit about, but it 
 > doesn't tell me what the module does, which is what I do care about.
 > I also think names like Text::CSV_XS are Really Bad.  Pick a new name 
 > if you have to, don't tell me how it is implemented.  I can read the 
 > docs if I happen to care (which I probably won't).
 > >2> And unfortunately I don't see how I could switch on and off the overloading
 > >2> easily on demand. Moreover, this would involve some ugly hacking and surely
 > >2> also some time overhead.
 > Well, I don't know the implementation details, but I've never had 
 > significant problem with making stuff alternately functional or OO. 
 > Worst case scenario is to write it in OO and then have wrapper 
 > functions that you can export.
 > >2> That way people can opt for more comfort and more speed penalty or less
 > >2> comfort and fastest possible speed.
 > That assumes facts not in evidence, that the OO interface equates to 
 > more comfort.
 > >4> Therefore I still need a good name for the OO frontend module.
 > I think that possibly one does not exist.  Now, Date::Calc::Simple or 
 > Date::Calc::Easy might be better ... but it might also be misleading, 
 > if the only difference is that it is OOP.
 > Maybe there is not a need for this new module?  Just a thought.  Good luck,
 > -- 
 > Chris Nandor   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 > Andover.Net| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | kudos, of a sort

2000-05-26 Thread Jon Orwant

 > From: Erik Trimble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > To: "F. Joseph Pompei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Subject: The 11 Evolutionary Stages of a Programmer
 > Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 13:24:32 -0400 (EDT)
 > Of course, they've  forgotten several important stages:
 > New SysAdmin:
 > Experienced SysAdmin:
 > Guru SysAdmin:
 > System Architect:
 > "Hello.  I need to place a service call. yes, I'll hold.
 > (10 minutes pass)
 > Hello, yes, I need someone to come out and install a 'Hello
 > World' program on our system.  Yes, this is a critical systems
 > function. I'll expect the 4 hour response time. See you at 3pm."
 > B.O.F.H.:
 > "Who wanted that Hellow World program?
 > Their username  was what?"
 > -trims

Re: FTP help

2000-05-18 Thread Jon Orwant

Dewey, Simon writes:
 > Hello,
 > I have been looking for a Perl module which would allow me to use the
 > Net::FTP functions. I came accross your modules list
 > ( which pojnted
 > me in the direction of Graham Barrs home page. Unfortunatly, when I tried to
 > navigate through this site, the links did not work (particularly the
 > Net::FTP) one. This was very dissapointing as I am looking forward to
 > writing FTP scripts. Could you please point me in the right direction?
 > Thanks ever so much,
 > Simon Dewey.; search for FTP.


CTO, O'Reilly & Associates

Re: Naming suggestions?

2000-05-15 Thread Jon Orwant

Kurt D. Starsinic writes:
 > On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 03:38:48PM -0400, Chris Fuhrman wrote:
 > > Recently I uploaded a module called LinePrinter
 > > (LinePrinter-0.10.tar.gz) under the name CFUHRMAN.  Unfortunately, I was
 > > not aware of the naming conventions at the time and realized that having
 > > one's module in a top-level area is probably not a Good Idea.
 > > 
 > > The purpose of this module is to provide a method for perl programmers to
 > > talk to remote print servers without having to create a pipe to lp or
 > > lpr.  I'm willing to rename the module (at least to give it more exposure
 > > *G*) and I believe that having it under the Net:: hierarchy would be the
 > > most logical choice (e.g. Net::LinePrinter or Net::RemotePrinter).  
 > > 
 > > Other suggestions and comments would be appreciated!
 > Net:: makes sense.  Unless your module only works on printers that
 > make a `zzt zzt' noise, though, I wouldn't recommend `LinePrinter'.  The
 > `Remote' part is also implicit in `Net'.
 > How about Net::LPR or Net::Printer?

Net::Printer.  Windows folk won't know what LPR means.


CTO, O'Reilly & Associates

Re: WAP module namespace

2000-05-01 Thread Jon Orwant

Joshua N Pritikin writes:
 > On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 09:19:51AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > > I´m developing a number of WAP related Perl modules, and would like to
 > > contribute them to CPAN.
 > > I am however a bit unsure about what namespace/name hierachy to choose.
 > > I would like the WAP:: toplevel name, with my individual modules
 > > released at second level as they get contributed.
 > Sounds good.  What does 'WAP' stand for?
 > > Is there another to level name that I should use?
 > Not necessarily.
 > -- 
 > "May the best description of competition prevail."
 >   via, but not speaking for Deutsche Bank

WAP is the right top-level name.


Re: Handwaving

2000-03-29 Thread Jon Orwant

Andreas writes:
> I'm getting a few tuits, folks, so PAUSE will move onwards these days.
> Stay tuned. Till the weekend you'll see us go a few steps ahead. Hope
> this will make PAUSE a bit less of a nightmare for all sides.

I think it should work without human intervention, and I think that
somehow we need to change things so that when people send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] they don't get stuck waiting for a reply for months
and eventually switch to Python out of frustration.  Whether
that involves jiggling bits or expectations is a good question.  


Re: LINGUA::EN::Hypenate

2000-03-20 Thread Jon Orwant  Note that it's "hyphenate".


Re: Seeking module name guidance: MPEG::Napster

2000-02-22 Thread Jon Orwant

Chris writes:
> I am not sure if MP3:: is a great base name.  What about AIFF::, MOV::,
> WAV::, etc.?
> Maybe Audio::MP3::Info ... ?  I am not keen on changing the name, but I
> wouldn't mind if it were a good name.  :)  I dunno.  Orwant, are any of us
> treading down the path to hell here?  :D

I think MP3:: is the best name.  It doesn't score well on the Ontology
axis, but its stratospheric scores on the Brevity and Mindshare axes
more than compensate.  
