Re: [Mono-dev] [U-SPAM] Re: String.GetHashCode()

2007-12-02 Thread Kamil Skalski
2007/12/2, Avery Pennarun [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 02/12/2007, Andreas Nahr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Don't forget that 4 bytes per Hashcode isn't enough. You also need a boolean
  to store if the hash is already computed (as e.g. 0 is a valid hash, too).
  And then you would need one additional check for this boolean per call.

 Technically it would be safe (and no worse than current behaviour) to
 recalculate the hash every time in the rare case that it's exactly

  And don't forget that strings within the corelib ARE mutable to some extent.

 That sounds somewhat more important.

 Wouldn't it be better, in the cases where precomputing the hash would
 have a large benefit, just to create a new class like
 PrecomputedHashString that stores a string along with its hash?  Then
 the application itself could optimize for the cases where this matters
 by using the different class as the key to its hash tables.

If only they didn't make string sealed ;)

 Have fun,

 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] String.GetHashCode()

2007-11-30 Thread Kamil Skalski
Extra memory cost, which would hit all allocated strings, also those
short ones. For some applications, which use millions of small strings
this would be unacceptable hit.

2007/11/30, Alan McGovern [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 A thought struck me while i was dozing on the plane on the way home from the

 Since strings are immutable, shouldn't it be possible to compute the
 hashcode once and store it rather than recomputing it over and over again?
 Is there some really obvious reason that i can't think of that would make
 this a bad idea?


 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Linq sample?

2007-09-25 Thread Kamil Skalski
 foreach( Revision r in query )
 // Console.WriteLine({0} - objid:{1}, num, r.ObjId);

I'm pretty sure (accounting your previous post about superb
performance) that this loop is actually optimized out by compiler. You
should *use* the r instance somehow, for example do a sum of all
r.ObjId values in both of the loops and then check the numbers.

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Linq sample?

2007-09-25 Thread Kamil Skalski
2007/9/25, pablosantosluac [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Well, I've just tried some simple tests yet, but I'd say performance is
 awsome... I mean, searching in an array of 120 Million objects, using about
 1GB RAM looking for a simple query checking a couple of properties needed
 only 185ms to finish!!!

 Doing it iteratively (looping through the array) took 284ms against 3 in a
 12Million array (linq is faster!).

After getting such results I would guess there is some problem with
the benchmark. You could post it here, so we can look at it. Such
results are hardly possible, since linq is mostly just a layer about
the standard search code, so it should never actually run faster
(unless we speak about some complex Linq to SQL stuff involving code
generation etc.).

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Linq sample?

2007-09-24 Thread Kamil Skalski
2007/9/24, pablosantosluac [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Thanks Robert,

 One more question: now it compiles but I can't run it.

 I'm using Mono JIT compiler version 1.2.5 (/trunk/ r84774)

 And I get:
 Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in
 app:Main (): IL_: ldc.i4.8

Looks like a bug in compiler or runtime. You should produce a small
sample triggering this error and post to bugzilla.

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] New Mono.Data.Sqlite problems with UTF8 conversion on Windows

2007-06-04 Thread Kamil Skalski


I was trying to use the new implementation of Sqlite provider
available now on mono, but I had  several problems with it...
First of all it failed to perform BindParameters properly when I tried
to use named parameters. After some debugging it appeared that the
names of parameters are improperly read from data returned by sqlite
native function. The problem was the usage of
Marshal.PtrToStrAuto   in SQLiteConvert.cs
function, which didn't properly decode strings on Windows system.
I patched the implementation with the way it is done in old
Mono.Data.SqliteClient - the implementation isn't very elegant, since
it adds usage of unsafe pointer, but it worked well in the old
implementation. If anybody knows a better way to convert unmanaged
utf8 strings into managed string, without adding dependency on other
libraries, then we could do this better.

The second problem I encounter with new implementation is that it
seems to deadlock when there are two threads using the same
data-base... I use separate connections for each thread, but it looks
like when I perform data-modify operations from both, it locks totally
(concurrent reads seems to be ok). If anyone has some suggestions,
please let me know. For now I will stick with old implementation.

Kamil Skalski

Description: Binary data
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] (IL) Fault handlers not working

2007-01-06 Thread Kamil Skalski
Yeah, it compiler with .NET 2.0:

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Assembler.  Version 2.0.50727.42
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Assembling ''  to EXE -- 'm.exe'
Source file is ANSI

Assembled global method Main
Creating PE file

Emitting classes:

Emitting fields and methods:
Global  Methods: 1;

Emitting events and properties:
Writing PE file
Operation completed successfully

2007/1/6, Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   My mistake, the bug is our ilasm.   That code should not compile (it
   does not with MS ilasm).
  I apologise for dragging this so much but the sample compiles with MS ilasm
  too (at least for me).
  In fact, to be more specific, I initially compiled it with MS ilasm and
  tried Mono's ilasm too after your email; I got it compiled with both.
  Anyway, I filed a bug report, thank you for your response.

 Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Assembler.  Version 1.1.4322.2032
 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
 Assembling '' , no listing file, to EXE -- 'f.EXE'
 Source file is ANSI : error : syntax error at token '{' in:{


 Maybe a different version of ILASM?

 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Constructor implementation obligation via interface?

2006-05-24 Thread Kamil Skalski

There is a slight problem. In C# empty constructors are added
automatically, so you can't define a class without empty constructor.
What you can do is to define a class with private empty constructor,
which will prevent user from instanciating it directly. I guess there
is not way to forbid this.

2006/5/24, Ympostor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I have a question about C# 2.0:

If I want the compiler to show an error if a class A does not implement
the function void B(), I can make an interface that contains this method
and make class A inherit from that interface.

But, how can I do it if I want the compiler to show an error if class A
doesn't have an empty constructor. Can this be controlled statically?

Thanks in advance.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Re: Constructor implementation obligation via interface?

2006-05-24 Thread Kamil Skalski

Of course strictly speaking you cannot create class WITHOUT ANY
constructor. If you don't specify any, the default empty ctor is
generated by compiler.
You can create a class without an empty ctor though, by defining the
one with some parameters.

I guess the only way to statically enforce having the empty ctor in a
class is by hack provided by Jb.

2006/5/24, Ympostor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Kamil Skalski escribió:
 There is a slight problem. In C# empty constructors are added
 automatically, so you can't define a class without empty constructor.
 What you can do is to define a class with private empty constructor,
 which will prevent user from instanciating it directly. I guess there
 is not way to forbid this.

Thanks for your comment.

But sorry because I think I haven't understood you completely.

You say I can't define a class without empty constructor? That's not
true. When you create an empty Console application in Visual Studio,
there is a class Program that contains an static method but does not
have any constructor.

If you were trying to say that all classes, at the compiler level,
contain an empty constructor, then ok; but what I want to do is to force
a class to have a public empty constructor, and, if it doesn't have it,
have the compiler to warn me because of the semantic requisite.

Is there a way to achieve this?



Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Handling SQLITE_BUSY throush option in SqliteConnection

2006-03-08 Thread Kamil Skalski

Recently I had some locking/threading problems with my multithread
application utilizing Sqlite and Mono provider.

First problem was that I utilized the same SqliteConnection in two
threads and it crashed in some situations. According to google and
sqlite docs I must use separate sqlite structure / SqliteConnection in
each thread. I used a little hack and just created getter for
connections, which checked CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId and returned
different object to each thread.
This probably solved all places where I was reading database in concurrent way.

But here comes the other problem. Assume one thread is doing some
inserts/updates and another one is also trying to read/write
something. According to

If the virtual machine is unable to open the database file because it
is locked by another thread or process, sqlite_step will return
SQLITE_BUSY. The calling function should do some other activity, or
sleep, for a short amount of time to give the lock a chance to clear,
then invoke sqlite_step again. This can be repeated as many times as

And indeed I got SqliteBusyException from Mono provider... But I
thought that instead of fixing all places in my code to catch this
exception and try to perform query once again, I could probably find
some better solution. And indeed, there are methods in sqlite:

void sqlite_busy_handler(sqlite*, int (*)(void*,const char*,int), void*);
void sqlite_busy_timeout(sqlite*, int ms);

which allow to configure behaviour in case of locks. So instead of
fixing my code or even making SqliteDataReader handle SQLITE_BUSY
state by sleeping and retrying, we could just configure underlaying DB
to do this for us.

As at the moment I do not need special handling of busy state, but
just waiting till lock is cleared. I thought that we could introduce
another parameter in SqliteConnection, which would pass timeout value
to sqlite_busy_timeout. I would just give it some large value and hope
that I will never see SQLITE_BUSY state again :)

So, I will prepare the implementation of say, 'busy_timeout'
parameter. Any suggestions? Some other name prefered?

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] [PATCH] SqliteDataReader should handle getting field type for null values

2006-03-07 Thread Kamil Skalski

I encountered NullReferenceException from SqliteDataReader, when I
have a query like

select a, b, NULL, c, FROM xxx

and I try to use reader.GetFieldType (2) for fetching info about
columns (actually DataAdapter from MS.NET calls this method for every
column in result)

I attach a patch (test included) for fixing this. It works great in my
app and it would be nice to have it official :)

May I commit?

Kamil Skalski
Index: Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteDataReader.cs
--- Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteDataReader.cs	(wersja 57661)
+++ Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteDataReader.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -368,7 +368,12 @@
 			int row = current_row;
 			if (row == -1  rows.Count == 0) return typeof(string);
 			if (row == -1) row = 0;
-			return ((object[]) rows[row])[i].GetType();
+			object element = ((object[]) rows[row])[i];
+			if (element != null)
+return element.GetType();
+			else
+return typeof (string);
 			// Note that the return value isn't guaranteed to
 			// be the same as the rows are read if different
 			// types of information are stored in the column.
Index: Mono.Data.SqliteClient/ChangeLog
--- Mono.Data.SqliteClient/ChangeLog	(wersja 57661)
+++ Mono.Data.SqliteClient/ChangeLog	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2006-03-07  Kamil Skalski  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+	* SqliteDataReader.cs: Handle null values in result as having
+	string type
 2006-02-10  Joshua Tauberer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 	* SqliteDataReader: Made 64bit clean.  Patch from
Index: Test/SqliteDataReaderTest.cs
--- Test/SqliteDataReaderTest.cs	(wersja 57661)
+++ Test/SqliteDataReaderTest.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -75,5 +75,26 @@
+		[Test]
+		public void TypeOfNullInResultTest ()
+		{
+			_conn.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
+			SqliteDataReader reader = null;
+			using (_conn) {
+_conn.Open ();
+SqliteCommand cmd = _conn.CreateCommand ();
+cmd.CommandText = select null from test;
+reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ();
+try {
+	Assert.IsTrue (reader.Read());
+	Assert.IsNotNull (reader.GetFieldType (0));
+} finally {
+	if (reader != null  !reader.IsClosed)
+		reader.Close ();
+	_conn.Close ();
+			}
+		}
Index: Test/ChangeLog
--- Test/ChangeLog	(wersja 57661)
+++ Test/ChangeLog	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2006-03-07  Kamil Skalski  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+	* SqliteDataReaderTest.cs: Add test for getting field type of null
+	value
 2006-01-29  Joshua Tauberer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 	* Added tests from Thomas Zoechling [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] SqliteDataReader should handle getting field type for null values

2006-03-07 Thread Kamil Skalski

 Please do!


 I'm wondering, tho, if wherever the adapter would return null, it should
 return a DBNull instead?  Do other data adapters ever return 'null' values?

Your question have a ready answer here


So DataReader should throw an exception on null values being fetched.
The proper way of dealing with it is IsDBNull method, which is used by
MS.NET DataAdapter when it analyse result. GetValue () should probably
just return DBNull.Value, though I didn't test this.

 - Joshua Tauberer

 Unfortunately, we're having this discussion. It's too bad,
 because guess who listens to the discussion: the enemy.

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Mono runtime regression

2006-02-22 Thread Kamil Skalski

I noticed another regression, which seems to be caused by

It gives
NUnit version 2.2.0
Copyright (C) 2002-2003 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A.
Vorontsov, Charlie Poole.
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Philip Craig.
All Rights Reserved.

OS Version: Unix Version: 2.0.50727.42

** ERROR **: file loader.c: line 1582 (mono_method_signature_full):
assertion failed: (mono_metadata_token_table (m-token) ==
make[1]: *** [nunit] Error 134

During execution of Nemerle test suite.

Just if it escape your attention :)  (especially as it seems to fail
quite late in our build/test process). To reproduce:

1. download
2. configure, so that NUnit is activated (it should detect
nunit-console2 in your environment)
3. make  (to bootstrap compiler)
4. cd lib/tests
5. define NUNIT_LIB=-pkg:/home/user/local/lib/pkgconfig/mono-nunit.pc
in Makefile
6. make

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Re: Regressions in generics runtime support

2006-02-20 Thread Kamil Skalski

2006/2/20, Paolo Molaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  The 'call' puts a valuetype on the stack, which mono's il-verifier for
  'ldfld' doesn't like.  The ECMA 335 April 2005 draft says that it should
  be allowed -- maybe this is a change from the older ECMA standard?

 This is already fixed in svn.

Thanks! I verified with revision 57081 and everything works fine :)

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Regressions in generics runtime support

2006-02-19 Thread Kamil Skalski

I noticed a few refactorings of generics support in mono recently.
Unfortunately there appeared some regressions.

First one comes from patch

It causes following assertion when bootstraping Nemerle compiler:

COMPILE [stage1] Nemerle.Compiler.dll

** ERROR **: file icall.c: line 1891
(ves_icall_MonoType_GetGenericArguments): assertion failed: ((t-type
!= MONO_TYPE_VAR  t-type != MONO_TYPE_MVAR) ||

(this problems seems present also in current svn version)

Later it got even worse, since with current svn, mono states there is
some invalid IL in Nemerle.Compiler. Though from what I can see this
might be related to Paolo's changes in IL verification.

Here is the tarball to reproduce the problems:

Hm, probably I should open a bug for this, as IL and generics problems
are probably not related. What is your opinion?

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Parse methods

2006-02-01 Thread Kamil Skalski
Maybe it is related to locale? In some languages, like mine, '.' is used as tousand mark and ',' as decimal separator.Maybe in your locale it is also parsed this way somehow? Try 1,1
1 Feb 2006 15:13:29 -, Mayur Devendra Punekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

hi Zoltan,

here is my test case

public class Test{
public static void Main(string[] argv){
  double d;

string s = 5.4 ; 

d = Double.Parse(s);



output: 54 

- I m suing Mono 1.1.10 with Debian machine

___Mono-devel-list mailing
-- Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [Fwd: Planning for Mono 1.2: API freeze.]

2006-01-02 Thread Kamil Skalski
There is still a pending patch for

I'm not sure if this could be called a mono specific public API, but
in some way a script name is such an API ;-)

2006/1/2, Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Novell, Inc.

 -- Wiadomość oryginalna --
 From: Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Mono Hackers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 12:54:19 -0500
 Subject: Planning for Mono 1.2: API freeze.
 Hello folks,

 I know that this is a very short notice, I should have mentioned
 this in mid-December, but I completely blanked out.

 We are going to API freeze Mono this week.  If you have any API
 changes that you want to make, please contact me directly.

 What this means is that the public API of the Mono-specific
 libraries will cease to change, although we can continue to bug fix it
 and document it.

 The .NET libraries already had their APIs set in stone, so those
 will continue to be developed (implementing NotImplementedExceptions,
 fixing bugs and implementing NET_2_0 protected code).

 Changes to the .NET public API to fix differences against the
 published .NET interface is ok (specially in the 2.x universe, as Mono
 1.2 will not guarantee .NET 2.0 support in full anyways, so things are
 much more lax there).

 So in short: you can change implementation bits, but not public

 If an API change is /absolutely required/ this needs to be discussed
 before the patch makes it into SVN.


 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [Fwd: Planning for Mono 1.2: API freeze.]

2006-01-02 Thread Kamil Skalski

 We wont be able to upgrade NUnit on time.

 Upgrading NUnit in our tree will likely require build system changes and
 there is no time to include those.

Well, actually the patch in mentioned bug is exactly the needed build
system change. Everything to do here is to apply it. Upgrading NUnit
itself in mono tree is not needed, we just need to tweak the place
where config files are installed.

 You can still use the NUnit as provided by the NUnit maintainers, they
 should distribute it in Unix-installable form and distribute a
 pkg-config .pc file, which would allow folks to use the new NUnit.

Yap, that is right. I can also use the patch included in bug (one of
the reasons I created it was to allow use of nunit-console2 to all the
people using mono).

If it is really too late for this patch to get into the tree, then I'm
fine with this. You just asked for pending changes, and here is one.

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] runtime specification in nunit-console.exe.config

2005-10-24 Thread Kamil Skalski
Actually, as Sebastien mentioned in that thread, we cannot just
install the 2.0 nunit assemblies, because they conflict with 1.1
profile ones.
But indeed, removing .config file from nunit-console is a good idea,
because it is rather meaningless on mono (the corlib should be choosen
according to the profile for which nunit-console was compiled and
there are no 1.0 compatibility issue).
It is a safe operation and IMO can be commited immediately.

And about resolving assemblies conflict problem... I have an idea that:
- lib/mono/1.0  and lib/mono/2.0 directories would both contain
nunit.core.dll, etc. symlinks to the GAC, but there would be two kind
of directories in the gac/:
- nunit.core, nunit.framework,...  and nunit2.core, nunit2.framework, ...
- if it is possible, those *2.* directories would just be the
disambiguation hack and they would contain standard  nunit.core.dll,
nunit.framework.dll, ...
- there would be additional mono-nunit2.pc, which would point to 2.0 assemblies

This is my idea, but I'm not sure what Makefile stuff needs to be done
for such configuration and the most important thing, if gacutil allows
to create the mentioned hack directories.

2005/10/24, Atsushi Eno [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Oh, thanks Kamil, I overlooked the post... that patch looks cooler :-)
 I support it.

 Atsushi Eno

 Kamil Skalski wrote:
  Yap, removing this would be nice and it would bring nunit-console on
  2.0 profile one step closer to being usable outside the mono build
  tree (see
  This is a deviation from original sources though.
  Still, the most difficult problem with nunit for 2.0 is that we need
  to store somehow the 2.0 version of nunit assemblies and the current
  versioning/numbering scheme does not give a clean way for this. Nunit
  assemblies are currently installed into the GAC under version
  number (and are compiler for 1.1 profile).

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] runtime specification in nunit-console.exe.config

2005-10-23 Thread Kamil Skalski
Yap, removing this would be nice and it would bring nunit-console on
2.0 profile one step closer to being usable outside the mono build
tree (see

This is a deviation from original sources though.

Still, the most difficult problem with nunit for 2.0 is that we need
to store somehow the 2.0 version of nunit assemblies and the current
versioning/numbering scheme does not give a clean way for this. Nunit
assemblies are currently installed into the GAC under version
number (and are compiler for 1.1 profile).

2005/10/23, Atsushi Eno [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Do we have to specify supportedRuntime and requiredRuntime in
 nunit-console.exe.config?  If we omit those sections, we can run
 make PROFILE=net_2_0 run-test-ondotnet to verify our NUnit test
 sanity (i.e. check if they don't fail under .NET 2.0) on Windows.

 If there is no need, then the attached patch would make it possible.

 Atsushi Eno

 Index: nunit-console.exe.config
 --- nunit-console.exe.config(revision 52109)
 +++ nunit-console.exe.config(working copy)
 @@ -23,11 +23,13 @@

   supportedRuntime version=v1.1.4322 /
   supportedRuntime version=v2.0.50215 /
   supportedRuntime version=v1.0.3705 /

   requiredRuntime version=v1.0.3705 /


 @@ -89,4 +91,4 @@


 \ No newline at end of file

 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: SPAM-LOW: Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] make nunit work out of the box on 2.0 profile

2005-09-11 Thread Kamil Skalski
Well, ideally there should be no nunit shipped with mono. Or at least
it would be nice to have mono/nunit20 kept in sync with

As for my changes they are mostly mono build system specific except
for the config file.
Is there any reason why nunit use this kind of hardcoding the version
of used mscorlib? Isn't it  possible to use some command line option
to switch the choosen mscorlib?

2005/9/9, Charlie Poole [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Ideally, I'd like to see the mono version of nunit that we build kept in
 synch with the one that you guys are building. So please let us know of
 changes that you think should be reflected back to NUnit.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
  Of Sebastien Pouliot
  Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 11:18 PM
  To: Kamil Skalski
  Cc: mono-devel-list
  Subject: SPAM-LOW: Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] make nunit work out
  of the box on 2.0 profile
  On Thu, 2005-08-09 at 23:22 +0200, Kamil Skalski wrote:
   Currently nunit distributed with mono is rather unusable with 2.0
  there are, at least, 14236 tests saying otherwise
 but I agree it may not be perfect for 2.0 ;-)
  assemblies. I attach a patch, which makes it fully usable:
  - nunit-console.exe.config is removed, because it enforces choosing
  1.1 corlib assemblies in preference over 2.0 ones
 make sense as our main target is still 1.1 assemblies
   (and the contents of
  this config are mostly related to making nunit work on 1.0 .NET, which
  is not an issue with mono)
  - nunit-console2 is added, I'm copying the design of monop2 and wsdl2
  - the nunit dlls from 2.0 are now installed
 you mean installed in the GAC ?
 if so what happens when 2.0 compiled assemblies overwrites the
 assemblies compiled with 1.1 (same name, version# and public key) ?
 does the 1.1 (default) profile still works ?
  Optionally we could leave the
!--Specify the location to be used by .NET for the cache
  add key=shadowfiles.path value=%temp%\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache
  section in nunit-console.exe.config and remove any other contents.
  Should I commit?
 I think the real question is is it working ?, i.e. have you tested
 this on the mcs tree and ensure every test target are still working ?
 Sebastien Pouliot
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Trying to compile mono-1.1.9 on solaris 10 x86

2005-09-11 Thread Kamil Skalski
  all-profiles ) || ok=false; \
  wrapper ||
 :; $ok
  [3]: Entering directory
  Entering directory
  *** The
  compiler 'mcs'
  doesn't appear to be
  command garbled: s,
  /bin/sh: 0
 not found
  /bin/sh: test:
  unknown operator stack
  [5]: *** [do-profile-check] Error 1
  make[5]: Leaving
 [4]: *** [profile-do--
  all] Error 2
  make[4]: Leaving
 [3]: ***
  all] Error 2
  make[3]: Leaving
 Message: Error
  semaphore: Invalid argument
 [2]: *** [all-local] Error 1
  [2]: Leaving directory
  [1]: *** [all-
  recursive] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory
  make: *** [all] Error 2
  Any idea?
  Prueba el Nuevo Correo Terra; Seguro, R�pido, Fiable.
  mailing list
  Prueba el Nuevo Correo
  Terra; Seguro, R�pido, Fiable.
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 Prueba el Nuevo Correo Terra; Seguro, R�pido, Fiable.
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Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Fwd: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] make nunit work out of the box on 2.0 profile

2005-09-10 Thread Kamil Skalski
I was a little bit too fast with saying that everything works without
installing nunit assemblies into 2.0 install dir. The symlinks from
/install_path/lib/mono/2.0/nunit.core.dll - /GAC are missing (it
worked for me, because I had some old ones from previous
So it seems only my original patch actuall works, but as Sebastien
pointed out it is not perfect - overwriting dll from one profile with
other dlls during install is not a good idea, even though the result
is satisfactionary...

I don't know what might be the solution for this... My last patch
allows using nunit-console2 out of the box (that is without MONO_PATH
hack), but requires referencing /path/lib/mono/1.0/nunit.core.dll
explicitly when compiling testcases.

2005/9/9, Kamil Skalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2005/9/9, Sebastien Pouliot [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Thu, 2005-08-09 at 23:22 +0200, Kamil Skalski wrote:
   Currently nunit distributed with mono is rather unusable with 2.0
  there are, at least, 14236 tests saying otherwise
 I said rather unusable, not completely unusable ;-)
 Moreover, it IS completely unusable after make install (see notes below)
  but I agree it may not be perfect for 2.0 ;-)
 In fact, it runs only because of two special hacks in mono build system
 1) the MONO_PATH=to_corlib_from_1.1_or_2.0_profile is specified to
 override settings specified in nunit-console.exe.config
 2) when compiling the testcases, the nunit dlls with 2.0 version are
 referenced from explicitly specified build directory. Unfortunately
 they are not installed, thus it is not possible to compile 2.0
 testcase with what resides in system after make install
   - the nunit dlls from 2.0 are now installed
  you mean installed in the GAC ?
 Well, I didn't notice that... yes, they are installed into the gac.
 After some futher testing it seems that this part of patch is not
 necessary. NUnit can handle running 2.0 tests without its 2.0 dlls in
 the path.
  if so what happens when 2.0 compiled assemblies overwrites the
  assemblies compiled with 1.1 (same name, version# and public key) ?
  does the 1.1 (default) profile still works ?
 Yes, it seems that 2.0 assemblies, which overwritten their 1.1
 couterparts did not cause 1.1 profile to stop working. Anyways, I
 guess the shorter patch (attached) is better.
   Optionally we could leave the
 !--Specify the location to be used by .NET for the cache --
   add key=shadowfiles.path value=%temp%\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache /
   section in nunit-console.exe.config and remove any other contents.
   Should I commit?
  I think the real question is is it working ?, i.e. have you tested
  this on the mcs tree and ensure every test target are still working ?
 Yes, it is working (I wouldn't post a question about commit if I
 didn't test it),
 however make check shows some failures, but I think the errors are not
 related - nunit framework works just fine.
 Like this:
 OS Version: Unix Version: 2.0.50215.16
 Tests run: 5909, Failures: 1, Not run: 35, Time: 107,604149 seconds
 1) MonoTests.System.TimeZoneTest.TestCtors : A03
 String lengths are both 19.
 Strings differ at index 12.
 expected:03/31/2002 01:00:00
  but was:03/31/2002 02:00:00
 in [0x00054] (at
 MonoTests.System.TimeZoneTest:CET (System.TimeZone t1)
 in [0x00028] (at
 MonoTests.System.TimeZoneTest:TestCtors ()
 in 0x0 unknown method
 in (wrapper managed-to-native)
 System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[])
 in [0x00044] (at
 System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags
 invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[]
 parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
 Kamil Skalski

Kamil Skalski
Index: mono/scripts/
--- mono/scripts/	(wersja 49806)
+++ mono/scripts/	(kopia robocza)
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 scripts_2_0 = \
 	monop2 			\
-	wsdl2
+	wsdl2			\
+	nunit-console2
 scripts_rpmhelpers = mono-find-provides mono-find-requires
Index: mcs/nunit20/nunit-console/nunit-console.exe.config
--- mcs/nunit20/nunit-console/nunit-console.exe.config	(wersja 49806)
+++ mcs/nunit20/nunit-console/nunit-console.exe.config	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-?xml version=1.0 encoding=Windows-1252?
- Application settings

[Mono-dev] [PATCH] make nunit work out of the box on 2.0 profile

2005-09-08 Thread Kamil Skalski

Currently nunit distributed with mono is rather unusable with 2.0
assemblies. I attach a patch, which makes it fully usable:

- nunit-console.exe.config is removed, because it enforces choosing
1.1 corlib assemblies in preference over 2.0 ones (and the contents of
this config are mostly related to making nunit work on 1.0 .NET, which
is not an issue with mono)

- nunit-console2 is added, I'm copying the design of monop2 and wsdl2

- the nunit dlls from 2.0 are now installed 

Optionally we could leave the
  !--Specify the location to be used by .NET for the cache --
add key=shadowfiles.path value=%temp%\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache /

section in nunit-console.exe.config and remove any other contents.

Should I commit?

Kamil Skalski
Index: mono/scripts/
--- mono/scripts/	(wersja 49725)
+++ mono/scripts/	(kopia robocza)
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 scripts_2_0 = \
 	monop2 			\
-	wsdl2
+	wsdl2			\
+	nunit-console2
 scripts_rpmhelpers = mono-find-provides mono-find-requires
Index: mcs/nunit20/core/Makefile
--- mcs/nunit20/core/Makefile	(wersja 49739)
+++ mcs/nunit20/core/Makefile	(kopia robocza)
@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@
 LOCAL_MCS_FLAGS= -debug -r:nunit.framework.dll -r:System.dll /d:StronglyNamedAssembly
 NO_TEST = yo
-ifeq (net_2_0, $(PROFILE))
 EXTRA_DISTFILES = nunit.core.dll.csproj
 include ../../build/library.make
Index: mcs/nunit20/framework/Makefile
--- mcs/nunit20/framework/Makefile	(wersja 49739)
+++ mcs/nunit20/framework/Makefile	(kopia robocza)
@@ -9,11 +9,7 @@
 LIB_MCS_FLAGS = -debug /r:System.Xml.dll /r:System.dll /d:StronglyNamedAssembly
 NO_TEST = yo
-ifeq (net_2_0, $(PROFILE))
Index: mcs/nunit20/nunit-console/nunit-console.exe.config
--- mcs/nunit20/nunit-console/nunit-console.exe.config	(wersja 49739)
+++ mcs/nunit20/nunit-console/nunit-console.exe.config	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-?xml version=1.0 encoding=Windows-1252?
- Application settings for NUnit-console.exe. Do NOT put settings
-	 for use by your tests here.
-	--
-  appSettings
-	!--	Specify the location to be used by .NET for the cache --
-add key=shadowfiles.path value=%temp%\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache /
-  /appSettings
- These statements specify the runtime versions supported
- in the order that they will be used if more than one
- is present. You can change the order of these if you like
- or remove any that do not apply.
-	 Since .NET 1.0 does not recognize the supportedRuntime elements,
-	 a requiredRuntime element is used in case it is the only version
-	 of the framework that is installed.
-  startup
-	  supportedRuntime version=v1.1.4322 /
-	  supportedRuntime version=v2.0.50215 /
-	  supportedRuntime version=v1.0.3705 /
-	  requiredRuntime version=v1.0.3705 /
-  /startup
-   !--
-The following runtime section allows running nunit under 
-.NET 1.0 by redirecting assemblies. The appliesTo attribute
-causes the section to be ignored except under .NET 1.0version 1
-on a machine with only the .NET version 1.0 runtime installed.
-If application and its tests were built for .NET 1.1 you will
-also need to redirect system assemblies in the test config file.
-   --
- runtime
-assemblyBinding xmlns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1
-			appliesTo=v1.0.3705
-  dependentAssembly 
-assemblyIdentity name=System 
-  publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 
-  culture=/
-bindingRedirect  oldVersion=1.0.5000.0 
-  newVersion=1.0.3300.0/
-  /dependentAssembly
-  dependentAssembly 
-assemblyIdentity name=System.Data 
-  publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 
-  culture=/
-bindingRedirect  oldVersion=1.0.5000.0 
-  newVersion=1.0.3300.0/
-  /dependentAssembly
-  dependentAssembly 
-assemblyIdentity name=System.Drawing 
-  publicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 
-  culture=/
-bindingRedirect  oldVersion=1.0.5000.0 
-  newVersion=1.0.3300.0/
-  /dependentAssembly
-  dependentAssembly 
-assemblyIdentity name=System.Windows.Forms 
-  publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 
-  culture=/
-bindingRedirect  oldVersion=1.0.5000.0 
-  newVersion=1.0.3300.0/
-  /dependentAssembly

Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH][GMCS] add MakeGenericMethod to MethodInfo

2005-09-02 Thread Kamil Skalski
I attach the more complete and correct patch - MakeGenericMethod is
added to MethodBase instead of MethodInfo, I made necessary changes to
gmcs and mbas, also the change to GenericParameterAttributes is

One question I would like to ask is if I should also change the
runtime icalls from BindTypeParameters to MakeGenericType /
MakeGenericMethod, or should this be left for another patch. If this
patch is ok in its state, I will commit.

2005/8/30, Michal Moskal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 The MS Aug CTP release removes BindGenericParameters/Arguments methods
 from System.Type and MethodInfo. Instead MakeGenericType and
 MakeGenericMethod should be used. Mono has the first one implemneted.
 The attached patch implemnets the second one.
 2005-08-30  Michal Moskal  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * MethodInfo.cs: Add MakeGenericMethod to match Aug CTP API.
Michal Moskal,
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH][GMCS] add MakeGenericMethod to MethodInfo

2005-09-02 Thread Kamil Skalski
And the file goes here...

2005/9/2, Kamil Skalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I attach the more complete and correct patch - MakeGenericMethod is
 added to MethodBase instead of MethodInfo, I made necessary changes to
 gmcs and mbas, also the change to GenericParameterAttributes is
 One question I would like to ask is if I should also change the
 runtime icalls from BindTypeParameters to MakeGenericType /
 MakeGenericMethod, or should this be left for another patch. If this
 patch is ok in its state, I will commit.
 2005/8/30, Michal Moskal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  The MS Aug CTP release removes BindGenericParameters/Arguments methods
  from System.Type and MethodInfo. Instead MakeGenericType and
  MakeGenericMethod should be used. Mono has the first one implemneted.
  The attached patch implemnets the second one.
  2005-08-30  Michal Moskal  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * MethodInfo.cs: Add MakeGenericMethod to match Aug CTP API.
 Michal Moskal,
  Mono-devel-list mailing list
 Kamil Skalski

Kamil Skalski
Index: bmcs/generic.cs
--- bmcs/generic.cs	(wersja 49356)
+++ bmcs/generic.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 		public bool HasValueTypeConstraint {
-			get { return (Attributes  GenericParameterAttributes.ValueTypeConstraint) != 0; }
+			get { return (Attributes  GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) != 0; }
 		public virtual bool HasClassConstraint {
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 	if (sc == SpecialConstraint.ReferenceType)
 		attrs |= GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint;
-		attrs |= GenericParameterAttributes.ValueTypeConstraint;
+		attrs |= GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint;
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@
 			if (tc != null)
 return tc.IsGeneric ? tc.CountTypeParameters : 0;
-return t.HasGenericArguments ? t.GetGenericArguments ().Length : 0;
+return t.IsGenericType ? t.GetGenericArguments ().Length : 0;
 		public static Type[] GetTypeArguments (Type t)
@@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@
 if (infered_types [i] == null)
 	return false;
-			method = method.BindGenericParameters (infered_types);
+			method = method.MakeGenericMethod (infered_types);
 			return true;
@@ -2241,7 +2241,7 @@
 			if (!InferTypeArguments (param_types, arg_types, infered_types))
 return false;
-			method = method.BindGenericParameters (infered_types);
+			method = method.MakeGenericMethod (infered_types);
 			return true;
@@ -2269,7 +2269,7 @@
 			if (!InferTypeArguments (param_types, arg_types, infered_types))
 return false;
-			method = method.BindGenericParameters (infered_types);
+			method = method.MakeGenericMethod (infered_types);
 			return true;
Index: bmcs/ecore.cs
--- bmcs/ecore.cs	(wersja 49356)
+++ bmcs/ecore.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -2992,7 +2992,7 @@
 if (gen_params.Length != atypes.Length)
-list.Add (mi.BindGenericParameters (atypes));
+list.Add (mi.MakeGenericMethod (atypes));
 			if (list.Count  0) {
Index: gmcs/generic.cs
--- gmcs/generic.cs	(wersja 49356)
+++ gmcs/generic.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 		public bool HasValueTypeConstraint {
-			get { return (Attributes  GenericParameterAttributes.ValueTypeConstraint) != 0; }
+			get { return (Attributes  GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) != 0; }
 		public virtual bool HasClassConstraint {
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 	if (sc == SpecialConstraint.ReferenceType)
 		attrs |= GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint;
-		attrs |= GenericParameterAttributes.ValueTypeConstraint;
+		attrs |= GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint;
@@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@
 			if (tc != null)
 return tc.IsGeneric ? tc.CountTypeParameters : 0;
-return t.HasGenericArguments ? t.GetGenericArguments ().Length : 0;
+return t.IsGenericType ? t.GetGenericArguments ().Length : 0;
 		public static Type[] GetTypeArguments (Type t)
@@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@
 if (infered_types [i] == null)
 	return false;
-			method = method.BindGenericParameters (infered_types);
+			method = method.MakeGenericMethod (infered_types);
 			return true;
@@ -2199,7 +2199,7 @@
 			if (!InferTypeArguments (param_types, arg_types, infered_types))
 return false;
-			method = method.BindGenericParameters (infered_types);
+			method = method.MakeGenericMethod (infered_types

[Mono-dev] Re: [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Profile 2.0 assembly versions

2005-08-10 Thread Kamil Skalski
Any update on those patches? The incompatible version numbers prevents
using MS.NET bootstraped compiler on mono, so it would be nice to make
mono more up to date.

Kornel, I could help in creating the patch. 

05-07-29, Kornél Pál [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):
  Disk space is cheap. I can get disk space for under $0.50 per Gigabyte.
  If you want to measure performance gains, they have to be in terms of
  time (reducing the number of pages read from disk: ie, show that you
  save at least 1 page from being read from the disk) or memory (show that
  you save at least one page of memory from being allocated due to mallocs
  that you save or from being kept paged in by the OS).
 I belive that altough we could add some random rubbish to compiled files
 like VB6 compiler does it's better not to include any unnecessary data in
 files. The point of view hardware is cheap is not good I think. Users could
 buy faster CPU and more RAM as well altough it is more expensive than HDD.
 Saying we don't care about HDD is the same as Microsoft does and their
 operating system is expanding without limits.:)
 From Kornel:
  BTW what about the patch?
  I'd still like to kill all the #if NET_1_1 crap in the files and use
  MonoConsts.FxVersion or something. It will save us pain in the future.
 In this case I would like to do some more AssemblyInfo.cs centralization
 (movig common attributes to a common file and using a common set of
 attributes in all the assemblies with MS.NET attributes in mind of course)
 and cleanup because AssemblyInfo.cs files are a bit anarchistic currently.
 And adding AssemblyFileVersion attributes to all of the assemblies with the
 version you currently emit to the common MonoVersion.cs. And emit a contant
 instead of AssemblyVersion attribute that can be used in a common file.
 Is it OK? (I mean on OK that in addition that it meats your/our plans on
 Mono it will be approved if the patch is correct, without saying that we
 want to wait until next millenium or 101 other patches should be committed
 before that one. Because I don't like to waste time on patches that will not
 be approved in a resonable time.)
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] ByteFX mysql

2005-08-08 Thread Kamil Skalski
You must modify the build process of your project. What are you using?
Makefiles, MonoDevelop, Visual Studio?

Anyway, you must add ByteFX to referenced assemblies, either by
modifying compilation scripts to include
mcs sources.cs  -r ByteFX.Data.dll

or add referenced assembly in your IDE

2005/8/8, Stefano Incontri [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi All,
 I'm a newby with C# and Mono... maybe this is a stupid question : I'm
 willing to use ByteFX mysql connector, but I don't know how to import or
 reference it in my project, the 'using' keyword doesn't find it.
 The message is 'Main.cs(4) error CS0246: The namespace `ByteFx.Data' can
 not be found (missing assembly reference?)'.
 Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] API change in System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair

2005-08-07 Thread Kamil Skalski

In MS.NET 2.0 July CTP they have changed the
System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair structure, so now it does not
contain the fields Key and Value, but properties.

I attach the patch, which fixes it, but there are two questions /
issues about it.

1) Do we want the CTP API in mono now, or should I keep the patch
locally and commit it after the next public release of runtime? (I
don't have Beta2 at hand, but it seems that there were only Key and
Value fields there - could someone check this?)

2) Key and Value are used for writing in Dictionary. I workarounded it
by making the storage fields in KeyValuePair internal, and assign
directly to them. Is it better to just create new instances of
KeyValuePair in Dictionary (the perf. impact should not be great,
since it is a structure)

Kamil Skalski

Description: Binary data
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Move System.GenericParameterAttributes to System.Reflection in .NET 2.0

2005-06-16 Thread Kamil Skalski
Dnia roda, 15 czerwca 2005 16:25, napisae:
 On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 00:49 +0200, Kamil Skalski wrote:
  Attached is the patch moving GenericParameterAttributes to


Martin, you forgot to change the actual namespace... Attached a simple patch.

Kamil Skalski
Index: class/corlib/System.Reflection/GenericParameterAttributes.cs
--- class/corlib/System.Reflection/GenericParameterAttributes.cs(wersja 
+++ class/corlib/System.Reflection/GenericParameterAttributes.cs(kopia 
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #if NET_2_0 || BOOTSTRAP_NET_2_0
-namespace System
+namespace System.Reflection
public enum GenericParameterAttributes
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] Broken mono svn builld

2005-06-15 Thread Kamil Skalski

This patch
caused mono svn to give:
checking whether Solaris gcc optimization fix is necessary... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating include/Makefile
config.status: creating include/private/Makefile
config.status: creating doc/Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing default commands
./configure[37251]: syntax error: `(' unexpected

error when trying to build on PLD Linux
(I'm trying the standard sequence - make clean; ./ --prefix=blabla)

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] TypeBuilder.GetMethod and other updates for .NET 2.0 beta2 API

2005-06-09 Thread Kamil Skalski
Dnia roda, 8 czerwca 2005 22:40, Martin Baulig napisa:

 I'll commit it tomorrow morning.

 Don't worry, we're waiting with the release to get a few more of my
 fixes in, so this'll definitely go in :-)

Sorry you had problems merging this patch. It was created against 45614.
Seems like Zoltan was faster in adding some of the similar API:
in 45626

I'm attaching the new patch, against 45700. Hope the will be no more problems 
(there are still some more 2.0 API additions there, so more conflicts are 

Kamil Skalski
Index: class/corlib/System/Type.cs
--- class/corlib/System/Type.cs	(wersja 45700)
+++ class/corlib/System/Type.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -760,6 +760,22 @@
 			return GetMethodImpl (name, bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers);
+		internal virtual MethodInfo GetMethod (MethodInfo fromNoninstanciated)
+			throw new System.InvalidOperationException (can only be called in generic type);
+		internal virtual ConstructorInfo GetConstructor (ConstructorInfo fromNoninstanciated)
+			throw new System.InvalidOperationException (can only be called in generic type);
+		internal virtual FieldInfo GetField (FieldInfo fromNoninstanciated)
+			throw new System.InvalidOperationException (can only be called in generic type);
 		public MethodInfo[] GetMethods ()
 			return GetMethods (DefaultBindingFlags);
@@ -1110,6 +1126,11 @@
 			return res;
+public Type MakeGenericType (Type[] types)
+			return BindGenericParameters (types);
 		public abstract bool IsGenericParameter {
Index: class/corlib/System/ChangeLog
--- class/corlib/System/ChangeLog	(wersja 45700)
+++ class/corlib/System/ChangeLog	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2005-06-09  Kamil Skalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+	* Type.cs: Add MakeGenericType method form .NET 2.0 beta 2 API
+	* Type.cs MonoType.cs: Add internal virtual Get{Method,Constructor,Field} 
+	for obtaining instanciated *Info objects from non-instanciated counterparts
 2005-06-09  Zoltan Varga  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 	* ModuleHandle RuntimeMethodHandle.cs RuntimeTypeHandle.cs RuntimeFieldHandle.cs RuntimeArgumentHandle.cs: Add missing 2.0 attributes.
Index: class/corlib/System/MonoType.cs
--- class/corlib/System/MonoType.cs	(wersja 45700)
+++ class/corlib/System/MonoType.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -224,6 +224,31 @@
+		extern MethodInfo GetCorrespondingInflatedMethod (IntPtr generic);
+		[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
+		extern ConstructorInfo GetCorrespondingInflatedConstructor (IntPtr generic);
+		[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
+		extern FieldInfo GetCorrespondingInflatedField (IntPtr generic);
+		internal override MethodInfo GetMethod (MethodInfo fromNoninstanciated)
+return GetCorrespondingInflatedMethod (fromNoninstanciated.MethodHandle.Value);
+		internal override ConstructorInfo GetConstructor (ConstructorInfo fromNoninstanciated)
+		{
+return GetCorrespondingInflatedConstructor (fromNoninstanciated.MethodHandle.Value);
+		}
+		internal override FieldInfo GetField (FieldInfo fromNoninstanciated)
+		{
+return GetCorrespondingInflatedField (fromNoninstanciated.FieldHandle.Value);
+		}
+		[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
 		public extern override Type GetNestedType (string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr);
Index: class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/FieldBuilder.cs
--- class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/FieldBuilder.cs	(wersja 45700)
+++ class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/FieldBuilder.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 		public override RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle {
 			get {
-throw CreateNotSupportedException ();
+return handle;
Index: class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/ChangeLog
--- class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/ChangeLog	(wersja 45700)
+++ class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/ChangeLog	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2005-06-09  Kamil Skalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+	* ConstructorBuilder.cs FieldBuilders.cs MethodBuilder.cs: Return
+	RuntimeHandles when requested
+	* TypeBuilder.cs: Add static Get{Method,Constructor,Field} methods
+	from .NET 2.0 beta 2 API for obtaining instanciated

Re: [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] TypeBuilder.GetMethod and other updates for .NET 2.0 beta2 API

2005-06-08 Thread Kamil Skalski
Dnia roda, 8 czerwca 2005 17:31, Martin Baulig napisa:
 On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 15:50 +0200, Kamil Skalski wrote:
  I'm attaching our patch which updates mono with changes and additions in
  .NET 2.0 beta 2.
  There are some cosmetics changes of API, but most of the patch is related
  to TypeBuilder static methods, which are used for obtaining instanciated
  version of given MethodInfo (of Constructor / Field Info).


 thanks a lot for implementing this, it was next on my TODO list :-)

 The patch looks good, can you please commit ?

Ah, great. It is nice that the new API will be included in upcoming release.
I don't have svn access, so somebody should commit this, please :-)

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Patch for generating debug info in System.Reflection.Emit

2005-05-17 Thread Kamil Skalski
Dnia wtorek, 17 maja 2005 17:25, Lluis Sanchez napisa:

 This patch adds some basic support for generating debug info in SRE. It
 implements ModuleBuilder.DefineDocument and
 ILGenerator.MarkSequencePoint, and should be enough for most of
 compilers. With this patch, Boo and IKVM can generate correct debug

This is really great news. Thanks a lot! Maybe now I will also try mono 
debugger for Nemerle development.

 The symbol writer is still implemented in
 Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter. I added a wrapper class that
 implements ISymbolWritter and which is created by ModuleBuidler using
 reflection. This class just forwards the calls to MonoSymbolWriter (the
 one used by mcs).

 There is also a patch for reflection.c, which is a workaround for bug
 #74914. With this patch, MethodBuilder objects will return the correct
 token value after the module is saved. This fixes the problem because
 the debug info is generated after saving the module.

 I'll commit if there are no objections.

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] On the way to make S.R.E generics API more usable

2005-04-07 Thread Kamil Skalski

On my work towards implementing generics emission in Nemerle I get into 
following problems:

- MS is adding new methods to TypeBuilder for obtaining members of 
instanciated generic types:

public static MethodInfo GetMethod (Type instanciated, MethodInfo meth)
public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructor (Type instanciated, 
ConstructorInfo cons)
public static FieldInfo GetField (Type instanciated, FieldInfo fld)

they are already available in Feb CTP, though not documented anywhere.

  And not suprisingly, I need them... I hacked something in mono sources, so 
it is partially enough for my experiments now, but it would be nice to have 
it implemented correctly.
  I'm not sure what would be the *correct* way of implementing it. I tried 
iterating on instanciated.GetMethods (), but comparing if member signatures 
match isn't that easy (for example GetParameters () method sometimes throws 
exception when used for TypeBuilder)
  Any suggestions?

- There is a new MakeGenericType method in TypeBuilder, which simply replaces 
BindGenericTypes, which gets obsoleted (attached patch to add this method to 

- I need the HasGenericArguments method from TypeBuilder, which currently in 
mono is throw NotImplementedException - attached patch to make it simply 
check for presence of generic_params.

Kamil Skalski
Index: class/corlib/System/Type.cs
--- class/corlib/System/Type.cs	(wersja 42625)
+++ class/corlib/System/Type.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1040,6 +1040,11 @@
 			return res;
+public Type MakeGenericType (Type[] types)
+  return BindGenericParameters (types);
 		public abstract bool IsGenericParameter {
Index: class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/TypeBuilder.cs
--- class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/TypeBuilder.cs	(wersja 42625)
+++ class/corlib/System.Reflection.Emit/TypeBuilder.cs	(kopia robocza)
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@
 		public override bool HasGenericArguments {
 			get {
-throw new NotImplementedException ();
+return generic_params != null;

Re: AW: [Mono-devel-list] Compiler thoughts, 2

2005-03-20 Thread Kamil Skalski
Dnia czwartek, 17 marca 2005 19:31, Miguel de Icaza napisa:
  to find the Volatile bits
 on a field, 

This has been filed in MS product feedback some time ago:

It is a minor, by annoying lack of functionality, so it would be good to vote 
on it.

 methods before you create the types.  The information is readily
 available, but the API just refuses to give it you, so we had to create
 a parallel universe to track the information ourselves.

This is a problem for all languages using SRE. I guess productfeedback is 
*some* way to get it fixed by MS side. 

SRE has one big advantage, you can easily set target of compiler to compile 
into memory and you created types immediately, thus it quite strightforward 
to compile features like eval, where you create code in you program and want 
it to execute.

Kamil Skalski
Mono-devel-list mailing list