[mou-net] Sightings around Duluth

2010-01-17 Thread Marilyn and Warren Regelmann
Thanks to the coaching of Mike Hendrickson, yesterday we were successful in 
seeing a flock of 15 Bohemian Waxwings across the street from 4143 West 
Tischer Road (hiway 69)(near Howard Gnesen RD, Hiway 34)in north Duluth. . 
Life bird for both of us. We were there at noon on Saturday the 16th. The 
sun was out, it was great.

We then headed for Sax-Zim and, on the way, out in the open on Highway 7, 
between Birch and Payne, just north of Hiway 133, 100 yds south of mailbox 
# 7857, great views of a cooperative Northern Hawk Owl perched up in the 
east side of the road. This was at 12:40 pm also on Saturday, the 16th.

We were disappointed in not seeing Pine grosbeaks at the Blue Spruce 
Feeders but we had great views in beautiful light of a boreal chickadee and 
gray jays at the Admiral Road feeders.

Our most curious find was a mature bald eagle perched in the middle of a 
field in the snow- just sitting thre looking around, no water nearby on 
hiway 29 in Meadowlands.

Marilyn and Warren Regelmann

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[mou-net] Western Blue Earth County on Sat

2010-01-17 Thread Chad Heins
I had a chance to get out in search of Snowy and Short-ea
Hey birders,

I had a chance to get out in search of Snowy and Short-eared Owls on Saturday 
(no luck on either), but I did find a couple of good birds.

On 169th St. east of CR32 there is much grassland and there were several 
pheasants in the area.  I also found two flocks of Gray Partridge in this area 
as well.  Some benevolent conservationist has put out some hardware cloth 
feeders along the roadside with shell corn and the birds are appreciating the 
help.  An immature Red-headed Woodpecker was seen visiting one of the feeders 
and this is my first winter record for this species in the county.

Further west on 166th St. (south and west from 169th) there was another group 
of pheasants and two Song Sparrows--another new winter record for me.  

Also in this vicinity I had a couple of flocks of Snow Buntings, a couple of 
flocks of Horned Larks, and a single Lapland Longspur.  Much habitat but not 
many birds.  I did have a Northern Shrike just southwest of Lake Crystal on Hwy 
60 on the northwest side of the road as well.

One other note--ice is patchy and drifting has occurred in some areas.  Use 
caution driving in this area.

Happy birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN

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[mou-net] Long-tailed Duck in Stearns County

2010-01-17 Thread Chu, Philip
Today from about 11:00 to 12:15 there was a female Long-tailed Duck along the 
Mississippi River just north of St. Cloud.  Initially it was about 350 yards NW 
of the 9th Ave. bridge, but eventually it moved farther NW to the Sauk River 
mouth.  As far as I could tell, it was always in Stearns County, right along 
the ice edge on the river's Stearns County side.

Views can be obtained from Heims Mill Canoe Access, situated on the north side 
of the Sauk River mouth, and from directly under the 9th Avenue bridge on the 
Sauk Rapids side of the Mississippi.

Phil Chu
Department of Biology
St. John's University
Collegeville, MN 56321

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[mou-net] Canal Park Gulls in Duluth

2010-01-17 Thread Bob Dunlap
Late this morning Chad Gustafson and I observed the following gulls at  
Canal Park in Duluth:

-1 adult and 1 third-cycle Great Black-backed Gull
-1 adult and 1 first-cycle Glaucous Gull
-1 first-cycle Iceland Gull
-1 first-cycle gull that was either a dark Iceland or a light  
Thayer's; this bird's tertials appeared finely patterned like an  
Iceland but its bill seemed a bit larger and longer, suggesting a  

-hundreds of Herring Gulls

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Gull correction

2010-01-17 Thread Bob Dunlap
In my previous post I should have said second-cycle Great Black-backed  
Gull, not third-cycle.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Sax Zim

2010-01-17 Thread Bruce
A drive through Sax Zim this morning included the following sightings:

- Boreal chickadee, gray jay, and black-backed woodpecker all
still at Admiral Road feeding station this morning.
- Redpolls along Arkola Road between railroad tracks and
McDavitt Road.
- Two blackbilled magpies on Arkoloa Road just west of the
intersection with McDavitt.
- Pine grosbeaks in several areas including the Arkola feeder,
Blue Spruce feeders, and around feeders in Kelsey.
- Northern shrike on Zim road just east of where it crosses
the St. Louis River. 

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[mou-net] Townsend Solitaire-Lyon County

2010-01-17 Thread Dennis and Barbara Martin
Refound a solitaire that was originally found on the Marshall CBC.  The bird 
was in the conifers at the Jacobson Marsh WMA, 7 miles south of Marshall on Cty 
Rd 7.

Note that this is a very long walk on snowshoes to get to these conifers.  It 
took me over an hour to get there and it was only about a half mile, if that.  
The snow is very deep and my snowshoes kept falling through the crust.  
Occasionally I would find my self standing over 3 feed down from the top and 
snowshoes do not come up easy when they are covered in snow.  Do not follow my 
tracks through the cattails as that was the worst part.  The best way would be 
to walk around the lake and the cattails.  The snow in the conifers was 5-6 
feet deep so I did not enter the trees.  

The solitaire helped by sitting in a tall deciduous tree and singing.  A person 
maybe could get lucky and only have to walk to the lake and use a scope to scan 
the other side but I didn't try and carry a scope in there.

Barb did not try to go in as with her short legs she would never have made it.


Dennis and Barbara Martin
Shorewood, MN

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[mou-net] Report from South St Paul

2010-01-17 Thread John Zakelj
It was a glorious late afternoon along the Mississippi River in South St Paul 
today.  The water was calm, the temperature was comfortable and the low 
clear sunlight made even the mallards look exotic.  I looked for the 
duck that was here 3 weeks ago, but did not find it.  I saw and heard a 
number of brightly marked male goldeneyes throwing back their heads and 
doing their courting call, what the book describes as a “harsh nasal double 
note” but I’d say they sounded more romantic (especially when the trains 
didn’t drown them out) .  Further down the river, two bald eagles swooped 
down repeatedly, trying to catch a lone mallard, but whenever those talons 
came close, the mallard dove under with a splash.

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[mou-net] Lake County / Duluth Birding

2010-01-17 Thread Michael Hendrickson
Guided a group of birders from Nebraska today and day 2 with Ted from Virginia.


Spruce Grouse:  Female on the Whyte Rd about mile east of Stoney River Rd and a 
male about a mile and half east of the Stoney River Rd. We saw another female 
Spruce Grouse on the Stoney River Rd about a 1/4 mile north of the Whyte Rd.

** I saw 3 lifer mammals on the Stoney River Rd!!  We were waiting in my Yukon 
on the Stoney River Road for the Nebraska birders to meet us after they were 
done viewing the male Spruce Grouse on the Whyte Rd.  When all of a sudden I 
noticed some shapes walking about a 1/4 mile from us.  I put my binoculars on 
the shapes and originally told my passengers they were Timber Wolves but as the 
shapes got closer to us I noticed they were not Timber Wolves but LYNXES!!!  
One of the Lynxes sat on the road and faced us and the other ( smaller ) Lynx 
was moving along the side of the road. We wonder if they spotted the female 
Spruce Grouse on the road since the grouse was holding very still.  Then the 
grouse errupted and flew into the woods and the two Lynxes walked into the 
woods on the east side of the road.  Then the third jumped into the road and 
followed the other two Lynxes.  We knew one was smaller than the other one but 
the third that jumped out in the road
 after the other two left, we could not determine if it was smaller or not 
since we had no size comparision. Then as we sat in my Yukon giving high fives 
a Snow Shoe Hare ran across the road as if the cats scared it as they were 
walking into the woods.  I always wanted to view these mammals and my wish came 
true today!  Even though they were pretty far from us for photos it was a 
really cool sighting for all of us!

Two Harbors:

Bohemian Waxwings along the road that leads to the Light House and South 
Avenue.  There at least 10 Bohemian Waxwings among a good size flock of Cedar 
Waxwings. Jim Lind told me these waxwings were in this area last week. Thanks 


Canal Park Gulls:  5 species

1. Great Black-backed Gulls  ( 3 = 2nd cycles 1= first cycle and 1=adult )
2. Glaucous Gull ( 3 first cycles and 1 2nd cycle )
3. Thayer's Gull ( 1 adult )
4. Iceland Gull ( 1 first cycle )

* We had a unid large owl fly across the Stoney River Rd north of the Whyte Rd.

* Whyte Rd  Stoney River Rd continues to be a great spot for Spruce Grouse. I 
got excellent photos of a female Spruce Grouse to go along with my male Spruce 
Grouse I took yesterday.   With the warm weather we saw very little as far as 
finches in northern Lake County.  

Good Birding


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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[mou-net] Duluth gulls

2010-01-17 Thread Karl Bardon
Watching gulls in Duluth today, both at Canal Park and the Superior Entry, I 
observed a total of 7 Great Black-backed Gulls (1 adult, 3 second-cycles and 3 
first-cycles) and 5 Iceland Gulls (1 adult, 2 second-cycles and 2 
first-cycles), both high counts for the state. Also present were 3 adult and 1 
second-cycle Thayer's Gull, a reduction in number from earlier in the season.
Amazing numbers of gulls continue to overwinter in the Duluth-Superior harbor 
where I have been tracking the total number of individuals.
Photos of these birds can be seen at www.pbase.com/karlbardon
Also at Canal Park was a male Lesser Scaup, which joined the male Greater Scaup 
wintering there on 15 January.

Karl Bardon

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[mou-net] Sax/Zim Sunday

2010-01-17 Thread David Alexander
Birded up in the bog for a few hours this PM.

No great grey owls seen on McDavitt today. I had a second hand report of a 
great grey seen early this AM on Stone Lake Road. No sightings later in the day.

Nice looks at new and old hawk owls.

Probably new hawk owl just south of Stone Lake Road on Highway 7.

Hawk owl just north of Powerline cut on Highway 7 seen in deciduous trees on 
east side of road, probably the North bird reported recently. Didn't see the 
bird south of the powerline cut. This bird was visible from about 12-2 pm.

Hawk owl seen on Hwy 28 just west of Cranberry on south side of road. (probably 
the bird seen in this area recently). This bird was seen several times during 
the day, but often perched far off the road on the south side of 28.

Hawk owl seen on McDavitt in the area where Great Grey owls seen. This bird is 
probably the bird seen recently north of the train tracks on McDavitt. This 
bird was seen far off the road on the East side, but flew to the road edge 
around 2pm.

The hawk owls seen on Hwy 7 near 133 and on NIchols lake road  were not seen 

As with past sightings, the birds are not staying visible for long periods of 
time. The owl on Highway 7 south of Stone Lake Road was only seen after 3pm. I 
made at least four passes through that area before that time and the bird 
wasn't evident until late in the day.

Snow buntings were seen in several locations on Highway 7. The Admiral road 
feeders were quite active today.

Good birding.

David Alexander
Duluth, MN

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[mou-net] Great Gray Owl, 4 Hawk Owls

2010-01-17 Thread Cory Gregory

Some highlights from the last couple days in northern Minnesota include:

1 on Stoney River Rd, 5.8 miles north of Whyte Rd.  4:15 pm on 17 Jan.
 We watched it hunting for at least 20 minutes.  Great looks!

1 on McDavitt Rd, 2.5 miles north of Sax Rd.  4:50 pm on 16 Jan.
1 on Whyte Rd, 2.9 miles northeast of Stoney River Rd.  3:00 pm on 17 Jan.
2 on Stoney River Rd, 1.1 and 4.0 miles north of Whyte Rd.  3:45 and
4:47 pm on 17 Jan.

4 at the Admiral Road feeder on 16 Jan.
1 along Whyte Rd. on 17 Jan.

2 on McDavitt Rd, ~3 miles north of Sax Rd.

As far as finches go, we've had numerous WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS, PINE

Also, we had a couple NORTHERN SHRIKES on Rt. 7, south of Sax Road.

Good Birding,
Cory Gregory  Ashley Casey
Ames, IA

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[mou-net] next Birds Beer next Sunday 01/31 at 4:00 pm at Joe's Garage Mpls

2010-01-17 Thread gordon andersson
. this time with K's of AMCR's for company.  new location.  

this is an informal and friendly group of bird folks  friends.  listers and
not.  beer or not.  birds or not (conversation might get off the feathered
warm-blooded fellow earthlings, but that is also O.K).   You might match
some names from mou-net with faces.   specific info below:



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