[mou-net] Carver County

2011-05-07 Thread John Cyrus
There was a nice variety this morning at Rapids Lake MVNWR

Select count

Visitors center area

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Gray Catbird 4
Brown Thrasher 2
Nashville Warbler 4
Yellow Warbler 2
Yellow-rumped Warbler 4
Lark Sparrow 3
Lincoln's Sparrow 1
White-crowned Sparrow 1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 4
Baltimore Oriole 4

Other areas

Great-crested Flycatcher 1
Yellow-throated Vireo 1
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Warbling Vireo 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
Brown Thrasher 2
Golden-winged Warbler 1
Tennessee Warbler 1
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 1
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 13
Palm Warbler 3
Black and White Warbler 1
American Redstart 1
Ovenbird 3
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 6

At Assumption Lake there were still a few Lesser Scaup and some Coot on the 
lake and 3 Yellow-rumped, 2 Nashville, and 1 Yellow Warbler nearby.

Yesterday with a limited amount of time(didn't cover several areas)  at Carver 

Least Flycatcher 1
Brown Creeper 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 10
Gray Catbird 2
Brown Thrasher 2
Nashville Warbler 4
Yellow Warbler 5
Magnolia Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler ~30
Palm Warbler 4
Black and White Warbler 5
American Redstart 2
Ovenbird 1


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[mou-net] Clark's Grebe, Nicollet County

2011-05-07 Thread Bob Dunlap
Kim Eckert's MBW group is currently looking at a Clark's Grebe on Oak Leaf  
Lake just west of St. Peter on the south side of Hwy. 99. The bird is  
associating with a few Western Grebes. There is also a late Greater  
White-fronted Goose on the south end of the lake.

Bob Dunlap
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

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[mou-net] Sherburne NWR Bird tour

2011-05-07 Thread Betsy Beneke
Doug Stucki and Barb Kull  led 41 participants on our refuge
Hi All,

Doug Stucki and Barb Kull  led 41 participants on our refuge bird walk/tour 
morning, and they found 54 species.  Yellow-rumps remain plentiful, but few 
other migrant warblers have arrived.  The common moorhens reported back on 
Little Bluestem Pool on the wildlife drive were not seen.

Highlights included:

Pileated woodpecker (yes, this is a highlight for a lot of people)
Brown creeper
Ruby  golden-crowned Kinglets
Hermit Thrush
Brown Thrasher
Warblers:  yellow, chestnut-sided, yellow-rumped, black  white, palm and 
American redstart
Eastern towhee
Chipping, field, vesper, song, Lincoln's, swamp and white-throated sparrows
Rose-breasted grosbeak
American goldfinch

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge

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[mou-net] LOST: Birding equipment at 180th St. marsh

2011-05-07 Thread Scott Loss
This message is to the gentleman I ran into this afternoon at the 180th street 
marsh in Dakota County (around 3 PM) - you were trying to photograph the 
swimming Sora. I think you dropped a piece of birding equipment out of your car 
since I found it at the first intersection west of the marsh.

Before I got there, a tractor passed this spot, and part of it sustained some 
damage. The most valuable part appears undamaged.

If you back-channel me, I'd be happy to set up a dropoff.

And for others on the list - birding at the marsh was slow.  4 Greater 
Yellowlegs and a Killdeer were the only shorebirds, but there were still plenty 
of Soras and Marsh Wrens.

Scott Loss
St. Paul

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[mou-net] new arrivals

2011-05-07 Thread john c. nelson
Nothing like spring migration for constant surprises. Upon arriving  
home from work FOY Indigo Bunting on a Nyjer sack. While getting a  
photo of the bunting the first Red-breasted Nuthatch in some time  
appeared on a suet log just outside the window.

John Nelson
Good Thunder MN

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[mou-net] BIRDS!

2011-05-07 Thread Nicholas Tangen
So today started out with a Spring Bird Count for the Landing Minnesota
River Heritage Park (not just for history buffs anymore). It was their Civil
War day as well so we were birding amongst Union soldiers. Let me tell you
this park is a great spot. We ended the count around 1:30 with 54 species!
Some highlights include;

Brown Thrasher
American Redstart
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers - these guys were everywhere in the Oak Savanna
restoration area
Great-crested Flycatcher
Yellow Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler!!

Since we felt we were on a roll the wife and I decided to keep on keeping on
and headed to the Bass Ponds/Old Cedar Bridge. We didn't get the number of
warblers that have been reported previously, but still had a good haul

Common Yellowthroat
Forster's Tern
Yellow Warbler
Spotted Sandpiper
Northern Waterthrush
Nashville Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Ruddy Duck
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Greater Yellowlegs
Black and White Warbler
Long-billed Dowitcher
Lesser Yellowlegs

Stopped briefly at T.S. Roberts as well.

Magnolia Warbler

We ended the day with a total of 85 species! This was a great day!

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

In wildness is the preservation of the world. - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Migrants at Minnesota Valley NWR

2011-05-07 Thread Matt Dufort

Hi all,

I spent a couple hours this morning at the Minnesota Valley NWR 
visitor's center area (off State Hwy 5 near the MSP airport).  It was 
hopping with birds, and I found a really nice diversity of migrants, 
especially sparrows and warblers.  This was all in the area around the 
parking lot and on the trails that go down the hill from the visitor's 
center.  Highlights:

 - 15 species of warblers, including Blackburnian, Parula, 
Black-throated Green, Blackpoll, Chestnut-sided, Redstart, Tennessee, 
Ovenbird, Orange-crowned, Nashville (many), Black-and-white, Yellow, and 
Palm (many).

 - Swainson's and Gray-cheeked Thrush
 - tons of sparrows feeding in recently-burned areas near the parking 
lot, with a couple Lincoln's, a couple Clay-colored, and a large flock 
of Zonotrichias that included about 5 White-crowned and 1 Harris's 
Sparrow. There was some hefty restoration work going on when I left, so 
there might now be a lot less cover at the edges of this habitat than 
there was this morning.

Very few vireos so far this year.  I've seen one Blue-headed, and that's 
it.  Migration seems to be coming very late, but it is really picking up.

Good birding,

Matt Dufort

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[mou-net] Sora,yes Virginia, no Falcon Heights

2011-05-07 Thread Manley Olson
About 8:30 this morning I and another birder found 2 Soras by the pond 
in the SW corner of Community Park.

He also saw one on the next pond to the North.
About 8:15 this evening the two were still there. As far as I know the 
Virginia Rail has not been seen since Thursday evening. All the rails I 
have seen were viewed from the walking path.

Also tonight my  FOY Baltimore Oriole.
Manley Olson
Falcon Heights

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[mou-net] Alexandra Area birds

2011-05-07 Thread Rick
While visiting our children in Alexandra they say FOY Baltimore Oriole 
male only and Yellow Warblers several.

Good birding,


Rick Holbrook
Fargo, ND
N 46°53'07
W 096°48'18

Remember the USS Liberty

Reply to: fholbrook(at)cableone.net

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[mou-net] Red-throated Loon - Isanti County

2011-05-07 Thread Herb Dingmann
At about 7:15 this evening I found a winter-plumaged Red-throated Loon at 
the north end of South Stanchfield Lake. This lake is in northwestern Isanti 
County off of CR15.

Initially the bird was swimming away from me along the left (east) side of 
the lake, so I tried to get a better look from CR15 along that side of the 
lake.  After several unsuccessful passes up and down the side of the lake, I 
returned to the boat launch and found the loon had done an about-face and 
was now closer to the boat launch, allowing me to now get some very good 
looks.  The bird was resting with its head tucked into its back when I left 
at 8:40, so I expect it may still be there in the morning.

Also present on the lake was an Eared Grebe.

Herb Dingmann
St. Cloud

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